THE TIMES STEAM BOOK AND JOB OFFICE Te Tieeo on tarda foil Etook cf LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATE MENTS, BILL HEADS, ENVEL OPES, TAGS, VISI1ING CARDS1 WED - DING INVITATIONS, ETC, ;()OD PRINTING ALWAYS PAYS RD TIMS John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. Volume XXI. Concord, N. C; Wednesday! JuiJy 8. 1903. Sl.OO a Tear, la Adrasce. Number i. TKE.COSCCEO VEHIY tlUES aaw tL,. "I . the V"j V ..,- , Fortune Telling :r - a- r (if WILKE8BOBO NKOBO PBBAK. floes not take into consideration the one essential to .woman's happiness worn anly health. ' There is many a woman whose future seems absolutely unclouded who marked by her own condition for j H. e. C-B. In Charlotte Observer. iuiuh ni;ijiniijifn ana distress. -1 lie woman who Htm the Day f the Wttk That Day of the Year Come Ob, ad He Will Answer Correctly Immrdlaltlj-OU PrasK Dltratm the Fall of Satan, the Archangel" Tell How It All Happens. neglects her health is neglecting the very foundation of all good fortune. For without health love loses its lustre and gold is but dross. 4 Womanly health ' may be retained or regained by th,e use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrig tion. It establishes regularity, dries the drains which weaken women, heals inflamma tion and ulcera tion and cures fe male weakness.! It . makes weak wom en strong, sick women "well. ; " t Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letterw. All correspondence held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, .. Buffalo, N. Y. ; "I have taken alx bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favor- . ite Prescription," writes Miss M. Fyfe, of Orilla, Simcoe Co., Ontario, and two fxittles of the ' Pleasant Pellets' as you advised for congestion of uterus, ovariesy and weakness, and can safely say that your medicine has been the means ot restoring me to good health again, which I had not had for over three years, until taking your medicine. I thank you very much for your kind and prompt attention to my letter asking advice. " "Favorite Prescription" has the testi mony of thousands of women to its com plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not accept an unknown and unproved substi tute in its place. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the comolexion and tweeten the "breath. There axe eccentric or peculiar char acters in every community- North Car olina has more than jher share, but they are always interesting. What would Concord do without Uncle Der rick, the negro who called the Recorder of Charlotte the Redeemer; : Monroe, without Barrett; Rockiogham. without you come Rich Lilly, the man wbc acted like a delegate at the Maxton convention; Maxton, without Wt McNeill,- the duck-mouthed negro, Wilkesboro, without Old Frank, the calculator! It ia my purpose, in this story, to tell of OldiFrank. He deserves consider able space, for he has finej ability of a particular sort and certain attractive ways, lie works problems, in his head that smart mathematicians do with pencil and paper. If you ask him what day of the week the 1st, 2hd, 3rd, or any other day of the month of this Him that you dorit need PROFESSION '& CARDS. DR. H. C, HERRING. Dentist" Is now on the ground floor of the Lltaker Building. J CONCORD, N. C. Dr. W. C. Houston Surgeon t5t Dentist, v iCONCOBD, K. C. s -ls prepared to do all kinds of dental work In the most approved manner. , k Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Residence 'Phone 11 Office 'Phone 42. t - year, last year or next year, fell, or for the incubater will do the hatching. will fall on he can tell you in a jiffy. Ask him if he thinks the incubater is I put him to the test by this use of a the mammy of the chicken or the hen diary and found him quick and relia- that laid the egg." j ble. His mind dwells on figures. He j "Dat's ernuff; we's done carried dis knows the exact number of buckets of too fur. I sho' ain't ewine to sav water he carried while living on a cer- nothin' 'bout dat 'cubater, or what tain farm. " r 1 I evervou call it. Dat's de work uv de i i I used to be proud of whit my good devil. I don't know wbut diaworl's teacher termed my "mathematical turn comin to. It wuzn't dat sich thing of imind," but'sihee I" have; grown old woul'be. - De Lawd. made de hen to and seen something of life the pride of hatch de chickens an' j dat 'cubater's youth has turned to fear. $ome of the nothin' mo' den de trick! uv de devil. most hopeless lunatics in the asylums Ef you reads yo' Bible you knows 'bout of the State can manipulate figures de time dat de devil said dat he could with ease, speed andaccuracy. There make er man. Dat wuz when he is a patient at Moreantorjrwho can dranned hia candv fur Ide T - i ' r ' i . give the brightest of accountants long dit give him er lick dat ! knocked him odds and then beat him. lell him the clar' outen de holt lan'. ! an' he ain't L. TV HARTSELL, , Attorney-at-Law, CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA. Prompt attention given to all business. Office in Morris buildlug, opposite the court nouse. : Drs. Lilly & Walker, offer their professional services to the citi zens of Concord and surrounding country. Utiis promptly attended day or night. DR. J. D. WEBSTER, DENTIST, Formerly of Wilmington, uow of Concord; N. C. offers his professional services .to the citizens or t;oncora ana surrounding country, Crown, bridge and Plate work a speciality. Teeth extracted without pain. Prices rea sonable. All worK guaranteed, wive him a call. Office over Correll's jewelry store. W I. MONTGOMEBT. ; 1. IiEEOBOWELl . MOBTGOMERY & CROWELL, Attorneys and Coimselors-at-Lai, .. . - - CONOOBD, N. O. ' As partners, will practice law in Cabarrus, 8tanlv and adjoining counties, in the Supe rior and wupreme courts o l tne state ana in the Federal Courts . Office In court house. Parties desiring to lend money can leave It with us or place it in Concord National Bank for us, and we will lend it on good real es tate security free of charge to the depositor. We make thorough examination of title to lands offered as security for loans. Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners ol same. Frank Armfield. Tola D. Maness. "Why, old man, if the. hen had not set on those eggs they would not have batched. The hen that laid them didn't care what" became of them. She had done her part." j "But what ef dat hen hadn't laid dem eggs? What den? Ef you don't have some eggs yoa can't have no chickens, an' dat's lartin. Come ergin! ' j "But, Frank, iuu't you going to give the hen that sat on those eggs for three weeks no credit ? What part does she take ? I can't understand how to believe such rot. Of course the hen that hatched the chickens and carried them around till they could shift for themselves is the lawful mother. You are off your base." ' j , "Boss man, I ain't gut nothin to do wid dat ole settin' hen fur ef she hadn't been dere some other ole' hen woul'er hatched dem eggs. Dat's des de way de Lawd 'lowed fur it to be. What He do I'm pot gwine to bother, nuther." ! "Frank," said Mr. Hackett, "tell any ben now, year- the month, the week r ib, day .the hour ot the minute of jyoiir birtl and he will giva you your iage before you can turn around- He answered I gut back yit. Don't tell me no mo 'bout dat awful merchine uv Satin! I'fl done gut skeered to eat any chicken fur ; fear dat I git one uv dem dat's LYKCIIISC AT TUB SOBTB. 1 TBI MIiTCKI or COJ Mi. Atlanta CoosUtuUoa. r Elsewhere on this page we publish some extracts from the editorial on the Delaware Berro-borning printed is northern newspapers. " We eaS at tention to the fact that not a won! of j sympathy for. the negro is expressed and that all the condemnation is di rected against the spirit of impatience with the law's delays that led up to the lynching. And we further call at tention to the fact that this showing by the northern press in no wise differs from the views constantly expressed by the press, the officials of states and the better public sentiment of t'ae south under like circumstances. r I j The Constitution, after vainly agu- inir svi Vt ifa maW ham AAntAmtwMMA 1 . .... . I usually the case, the poor wife was the their territories is much akin to that A Swr Sfcl-t mmi (' i lb U CtwrioCt CbronWi. ttul. I The recorder this morning dealt with the occult subject of conibrinf, and. whether be enjoyed it or ooj, thrre ni no lack of entertainment for the sixe- Utors, It is not every dv that the mysteries of the conjuring Art are held up to public gaxe in a police court, and not often is as much amusement af forded as was furnish this moraine by the defendant land the prosecuting witness in the case that dame before the recorder for adjudication. The case in question was kgainst Bill Johnson, an old colored man, who was charged with assaulting his wife. The assault occurrea last meat, ana, as is aw tmk atA stirpsr ttn uattkba. rr questions for five minutes for me, on been hatched in it." day5 and I was two weeks ik verifying "Uncle Franks' some one urged, "I his results, but found everi figure t( hav0 never heard the story of the devil be right. That is his one faculty. Old Frank seems to have! the same talent. He, plays with figures like the juggler does his cane The old darkey is the butt of the town. He is teased day and night by everybody who feels disposed to have a little fun. If business is dull old Frank is called upon to do 1 stunts for the amusement of the vil'age. On Sun days he washes his feet, rolls his pants nearly to his knees, dons a! long coat and a stove-pipe hat and saunters up street. That is when he is in his now and-thens. I i I saw old Frank last Sundiy. He is a comical looking rooster, j lie wears his hair long and woolly and doth not cramp his feet with shoes. Truly, he is a man of the soil, close to the earth. I asked Frank it he had ever be- and he an- one. uv de Henry B. Adams Thos, J. Jerome Aims, Jerome, Armfield I' Mm, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, CONCORD, N. C. Practice in all the State and TT. 8. Courts. Piompt attention given- to collections and general law practice. Persons interested in the .settlement of estates,, administrators, executors, and, guardians are especially in vited to call on them. Continued and paln stakiag attention wUl be given, at a reason snable price, to all legal business- Office in Pythian Building, over Dry-Heath-Miiler & Co.'a opposite D. P. Dayvault & Bros, ap-ly Old Iron Steel Plows, Castlron, Stoves, Pots and Burnt Iron of all grades, Brass, Copper, Zinc, Lead, and All Sorts ot Metal bought for cash by i K.L.CRAVEN. TO An Experience YEARS OF longed to a debating, societyj swered, "les, sir, 1 wub swiftes' gallutes in de Big Oak debatin' club des arter s'render. Dat's de time dat the niggers wuz larnin' jto speak so dat dey kin zqrt, in de church an argify in de legislatur. An'jef it hadn't been for dem Ku Kluxes X spec every nieeer in dis county woul i be daia or in jail ter-day. Dey gut jit fool noggins dat de white fo'ks . wuz des gwine ter git out and let dem run de government. Dem dere cearpet bag fejlers wuz 'sponsible fur dat. But" all de same we 'bated an' made hfferlutin speeches. We sho' did. "What'did you debate about?" ask ed Sir. Hackett. ' Well, bossman, we argified bout' whether , money or weemen had de moeist influence. De weemen gut it De niggers on de tudderj side didn't stan' no show er 'tall for dp house wuz full uv weemens an' dey hollered fur dey er 'haters. Dey laughed at de tud- der side. I wuz fur de - weemens". Dat's how come me ter jhave Sukky uow. she laked de way dat I 'fended de sex. .1 "Den we spoke 'bout which wuz de powerf ules', water or fire de bovs dat had de water gwine ter go in on de run gaily fo'h an' 'clare dat watter ain't ' in it wid fire1. He shout at de top uv VD A DC his dunkey voice: You kin talk erbout IDill 0 yo' flood an' yo' freshit b'lievedat water is de wait till de ole devil come I an' brimstone an' see I and: his fall. , Can't you Ml it?" :You mus' sho'ly not been reading yo' Bible la'k you orter, ! ef you don't know dat story. Dat's why we all h after suffer now fur de foolishness uv dat scamp. j Way back yonder 'bout de time uv de flood, when dere wuzn't no hell, de devil wuz one uv de angels in heaven. He stood right erlong wid Col. Gabel an deres , but he tuck an gul smart, la'k so many fo'krdo now, an' thought dat he know as much aa de Lawd. One mornin' when he git mighty frisky he step up to de golden cheer, whar de Pbwful Ruler uv. de worl' wuz settin', an' Bay : 'I kin make er man des la'k you.' Well, sir, dat almos' tuck His breaf , but He lean back an' 'clare : Alright, young man, go ;erhead an try it!' He know right den dat he can't do no such thing, but He told him to ko on. De devil wuz , sich a smart Ellic dat he think lie kin do almos' anything. He skip off to de crick an get er lot uv mud an go! to work on his man. He labor mighty hard an' fix his feller mighty well. He make him er good face an 'er fine body, but when it come to puttin' . breaf, dat life sho nuff, in him den he stop. He can t come dat. JJe game wuz up rieht dere. Church wuz out. De devil wuz at de end uv his row. While all dis wuz goin' on de good Lawd wuz makin' Hisself er man His man look des la'k de one dat de devil make, an' when He finish it He carry it an' put it down beside de one uv de devil. He look at ole Satin wid er kind uv 'proachful Dey looks des alike. 1 difference, do you?" "De devil answer : " 'Bout dat time he sho' wuz skeered fur he knowed dat de Lawd wuz gwine to hurt him. I De Great Marster say ergin in our section, was naturally curious to see how, when their turn came, they would deal with the lynching evil. But . we are not satisfied with the showing. It is : far short of the hys terics and heroics played off on us when lynchings have happened in Georgia and the south. We want, and have the right , to demand, that the northern press and the people of Dela ware give us that long-waited object lesson of "how to cure the lynching habit!" They know how to do it, because they have been telling us for twenty years how unnecessary,' barbarous and peculiarly southern is the practice of lynching, raping and murdering negro brutes. Now that the crime with its horrors has come home to them and their people among whom there is no "lower class"' and no "negro-hating white trash" have acted In Illinois and in Delaware quite as some south ern people have done, we call upon them to produce their remedy for the crime-itself . and their sure preventive of the rage of the mob that ends in lynching! : , j At the time of the lynching, of Sam Hase at Newman, in this state, it was published that the railway, company sent out a special excursion train to carry curious people to see fhe burn ng of a human being by a. mob! The horror over that alleged incident of years ago has hardly abated in the north and Sam Hoee reappears in their editorials to this day. Yet The New York Herald reports that in Wilming ton the trolley lines ran "special cars" to carry people to the bonfire in which White was being roasted, that the road way was lined with the carriages of respectable citizens" eager to be in at the death,- and that "One pretty young so bad I done forgit all about my dram, an1 when I goes black an' axes Roxanna what in de name er Gawd was all dat trash bVi havh. fDem'n mv no' dead :i i 1.1 . c I ' J ' ) . ' 1 gin wa oivugu, up ur wm.c hugban(j8 tmDgg j. Den I says, 'What for you want to be carryin em 'roun' White was giving his last gasp : and looked on until she became sickened and turned away!" What more ? Why, across the full page oi lne Herald s account runs a black-letter line that reads : ' "Public Sentiment in Delaware Seems to Ap prove Lynching!" The Constitution has always de nounced lynching, has stood for legal procedure, and supported the govern ors in Bending state troops anywhere in the state to prevent the lawless yen- geance of mobs. A sheriff at Birming ham killed a score of people a few years ago to prevent a lynching," and eye an say don t see no No!' Here's de difference, breaf in him an your n man!' Ana when he say It looked lak side wuz kill a bitr ole mud ut UP an' went on f rum down in de valley section I n ; wen, Hir, rigui, ueu onlies' fight dat dey heaven come off. De My man s got hain't. Rise dat de man uv his way, de Joicin.' ' de bigges' an ever had in Lawd tuck ole yelled. Satin to de back do' u v de kitchin an ! sho' did take de rag off de "We 'bated 'bout de bush. , IN WRITING Fire Insurance, settling losst s and representing lirst Glass (companies. Southern, Northern and For eiVn. we ask vour Datronapre. Our facilities for Employer's q?est" , n Liability, Accident and Health But jank you don't believe that 1 U3UI CtllCC. atC G. G. RICHMOND & CO. ' ' 'Phone 184. ;t but ef you michties' des i 0 I i,1T J' -ll 1 wid 'is fire xuu e e Iau,3n U&K point into de' hole in de air an' Bay an' you must go down, down an' down. You raskel i raf ton? ornnffi All rl nitrcpra des I ' i ! v :. j "ue uevii made out 1s t ne gwine to De big nigger had done gone I . . ., , - , . . . liflclr to if Tiihle for his Anmment. He 1 0 e , o I 1 i j tj: e.-1 m i 1 kick, wm xiis poweniu luut au nuui hen ah' de I nm nym i8 hard dat he busted er hole chickens : Which is de mammy uv de 1 chicken, de hen dat laid de egg or de one dat hatched it ? Dat de heh dat wuz er hot laid de egg CUBES WHB Aa ELSE FAILS. Best Cqagh Byrup. Tastes Good. TJ m time, mid fiy aruBKistg. was right, do you?'' some One put in. "Yes, sir, 'cose I do. Ef de hen what laid de egg ain't de mammy uv de Chicken, who is ? Dat's what " I want er know?" -. , We had . a debate right then and there.. Old frankhotly contested for his side of the query and several by standers took the other side. through de yearth when he struck it I an' wen' 'clar' on through to hel whar he s been doin' j meanness ever si nee "Dats -what-he gut fur foolin' wid big fo ks. borne people am t never satisfied. Dey des fuss' an quarrel all de time. Den dere's others la de. devil who's schemm' to Lawd. I des looks fur! de Lawd to fix dat 'cubater man es a'k ne Q SaUn." . J ; - Driven by a sudden impulse old frank ended this discussion by trotting off down the street. i chief sufferer. According to Bill's wife. Roxanna, Bill came home last night and upbraided her for carrying roots in her pocket for i the purjke of con juring him. "Now what fur would I want to conjure my husband," said Roxanna, "arter wje'd been inarried ail dese years. . 'Fo' Gawd, I don't know nuthin' 'bout conjurin' no man, no how. . De only thing I conjures is de washtub. VVhen I tells Bill dat I ain't been a-conjurin of him, he picks up de poker and beats me all around de heuse till I 'se so ore I caa't hardly stan' up." I I The tffendiog husband averred that he had no recollection whatever of as- 1 1 saulting Roxanna, but he might have done it, since she had conjured him. He explained that the conjuring had been going on fori several months and that it had resulted in bodily weakness. He explained the trouble with his wife something after this manner : Ever since de 10th of May I'se btfn going down hill, and I'm weaker denJ I've been S'nce dej Lawd male me. 'spicioned dat somebody wuz er con jurin' me, for ev'ry night I in strange noises under Sometimes it pea red lack I wuz er whispenn to me, butj never make out what it wuz. soon Monday morhin', 'fore awake, to slip out dram. De lickeri The protrt! aea acrpral Uae alrrtkdy made its appewraao akiog U AtanUc CotsA, and to ltaae Grey, aroood tsate uf the BriUh Htmmtt Trescw, whkb arrired br Uwrt mk (kw Batatiafo de Cuba, is due Jibe rmltt of its diacv ery llus aeMoo. At least thai k bat hipping men bete aaarrt. : When iortrr went abroad tbe Trmco aooo after she tied up 4 I'virt Richmond yesterday, he was taken is in tow by Cap'-ain W. II. BaatlrU and led into the pilot bouse, here, the captain said, be would bear the details of the discovery of the "moat hideous and loathsome monster man ever seen." And he did. ' j Mate Grey was summoned from the lower deck, and, taking several notes from his pocket, spun this yarn: "We were on a voyage from Phila-dt-lphia to Santiago, and when about ninety miles south of Cape If altera, a great disturbance was seen in the water to the southeast and coming di rectly toward us. After watching for a few moments I put it down to be a school of porpoises, but on getting a closer view I discovered, instead of por poises, a great number of sharks tear ing through the water at a great rate io a northwestly direction, beaded toward the coast. I "About and hour afterward, t continued, CWrw'w, & C;, July a lytK-biaf ta Ssr y Ui bU"!- 4 1 ed with albN4itt to uHMhtl Mr, : l"biUij aod daj ?ae4 y t1-. ' : baec4 aod hm ba&f 44r4 Ui&t. . ll"aMl tlr taltW. bad be arm44 ar4 4t4 'm it tows guard htmmm and rirj ut.. d aftiU&d it, TW mem r- tj. trrd by a mots ;d to two ptwxl (4 "uhkm n ft," a4 tl.e three were taken itt lie or tb town, risk lUrtwfll, V, a loo and John Ft44r. WU1 lt ar rested -with KvaM, mrrr rlr4. it t iog boWB that tbry bad -bMtbittg l i with the crime. Kan truiig uj and afterwards shot. taHEN ASHCRAFT S Cf-ndi. tion Powders are fcl to hore and mules, marked imptovement will be seen after the frt lew doses. There is no doubt aUut it. The I'owders, actio g direv 1 1 y on the digestive organs, first thoroughly cleanses the stomach and lwcls. correcting all disorder., and then good healthy appetite come rui- 4. Your Hi air f.ai4 . j ft t . Hxai Maac Hmvtt. rr, Perhaps )or mother hid ihih hatrt Nt that ft no reason hy you must go through life with ha)N nntii hair. If you want long, thick hair, tx4 It with Aycr$ Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. u At 4 ; -- mm ku ttpm rttM Mtl.i ..! "t ihe iMiHwa been bear- my pillow. somebody I couldn't 1 gits up Itox anna's and git me a lee tie wuz kicked up in de cupboard an' I retches roun' in Rox- anna's pocket for to git jle key. I ketches bold of something all tied up m a rag an' takes it outdohs to see When I jinwraps de er roots ab' er con What inj de debbil is dis?' I'se skeered what it mout be. rag and sees a lot jure jack, I fays, and Tom Walker Why don't you put em I does my 'ceased wife's t-want ter make no lack dis for ? away lack thiugs?' I didn lamentation over de conjure but, btin' as she; things, wouldn't I thought I'd jes up and say sumpin' jmyself, The court was informed that Rox anna had purchased her conjuring out fit from a regular dealer, a profes sional "conjure jdoctor. It was ex plained that a "'conjure jack was made of a lizzard's . tongue, a toad's liver, a bat's ear and a piece of metal. It appears that the "jackp" are sold from 11 to $5 each, according to the a Georgia sheriff who bloodily saved I Ufa . of the dp83g tQ pur. mi prisoner lruiu a iuuu lias iubi oeca i , ' given a place ot trust at tne ieuerai prison in this city. But. what, we want now is a demon stration of aft that has been alleged in the past, towit : That the north is better cultured, more law-abiding and morally incapable of the lynching crime that has been so assiduously erected into "a peculiarly southern in stitution" by the press of the north It is up to the critics now to explain differences and exemplify "that better As to Character A Low Standard or ITlorala. Elder D. P. Gold, in Wilson Times If a man who gets drunk and does vile things while drunk has a good character, except! when he is drunk, what sort of a character does a man urally and surely, it i the rnot be I powerful tonic and appetiser on I saw a black object on the hhe to-day, and when otue horizon in the direction from which the sharks had come, and, thinking it was a derelict, Bteered toward it. The appearance of the object puzzled me a good deal, until finally, as I approached nearer to it, the supposed derelict raised i,Uelf out of the water, disclosing the most hideous monster man I ever saw." "Yes," interrupted Captain RarUett, and it was the most loathsome." ."At'once the deck was deserted," continued Mate Grey, "and the crew and myself barricated the doors, liook- ing through the port hole in the wheel house I got a fair view of the monster. "Half dragon and half serpent, it was the most hideous and loathsome reptile, with its gaping jaws and blood shot eyes. J-rom each side of its horrible mouth two large tusks pro truded, similar to those of a walrus, and its lips were dripping with a dis colored saliva which emitted a mout nt. fensive smell. I judge it was about J.00 feet long, with its huge neck and hor rid head reared at least fifteen feet out of the water, v "After gazing at us a moment, in stead of making an attack, as we expected, it turned tan, and with a swish and a swirl of the water sank in the depths - "borne time afterwards the crew gradually came out from 'tween decks and on being assured thst there was no danger went back to work. "It was a horrible and terrifying sight," both captain and mate ex claimed, when the latter had finished his yarn. used horsemen will have no other Ashcraft's Powders nrvduce that silky sheen of coat and h.ur so admired by horse fanciers. The Powders fatten but never bloat. Always high grade and put up in doses never in bulk. By the use of three or four dose a week your horse or mule win not be subject to colic or any dis ease of the stomach and bowels. "I had aa old bone that In rT t4 C. B. BLAIR & SON, City Painters. U HI fAU .A (Alllil Ml '.. !' ui ,or. Isuuxr (tainted in tlsr .i t st! jv ploying us. V a! lS 1 1.irl Oil i'inWiin- n , miikin-m lik rnansn r. r lt.t ,i t!nu- and dilfrrrtu s U t tivn. of the !.tttst Up -dale ilrsrn of 'WALL PAPER. W tw Ida lsi f ntalwU' "T .! rry blood dtarajtt that vu culnt th hir ut eum off. 1 th hnt thr ! f Aii erafl't Condi turn Powdrm a dy tf m-oru d . and fed him liiralljr. Th aiitiptito lntji.l from th flrat fw dn and thr animal ttiti l fifty-two pound in f!ii durtnir !! k I rare It th w d.nmi a tlr. T.- irnril l.r.Mh ef tb animal a cmtly Imimiyed by Ui u of Ui powdrra and nc i mat wrami a w oora. I Binat nrariiiy nmimniriw nrin Uondltlon rowdora.BJi I Know tnt-yar a ajiicti dld ton! and apprUacr. . C. H1K(( Urjp man, Monn. N. t'." Ask for Ashcraft's Condition Powders. Package 25c. Sold by Ltidinl Cirriii! rilattn "lt l.n. it f. t n4tc hiUmi (Mittaurw'ln tt. t'tf. nyc. Xj. m-arbh A High Class Steel RANGE or STOVE Can Bo Purchased Horo at a Modern te Price. WJ rn a T-nlir u'linlj i ,T a.a iuu j ti ii i nuttii) 1 . .1 .' . I sue wants one mat win Keen time as well as look pretty. Our Indies' Watches are fittetl rate. When a man wants a waU-h he wants one ot our nioJ'rn who never gets to his duty as possess attends should? is it not a shame for a to get drunk even if he lie drunk, but every man man down asleep all the time he is drunk? What a low standard of morals do people have who excuse a man for crime because he commits it !when drunk. What From the exhibitions of vile conduct in our Oatnond Harrlncer Wu There. Charlotte Obt&rver. Mr. Osmond L. Bar ringer returned Tuesday night from a Northern trip. ITa vena in Philftlplnriiii. wriAn lh nnava reached that city of the burning of the with. Elgin or Waltham luove negro at Wilmington and he put out on ments tiat are guaBnteel aeeu me lira i train ior iub scene, lie uiu not see the actual lynching, but he saw the place where it occurred and also saw the frenzy of the people. Mr. Bar ringer says that the hedge row which concealed the negro at the time hejthin models that do not bulge . 1 at la a a al 1 I and carried off as relics.. In the store the P00 J'et nficmg none windows of Wilmington many relics or Jof the Strength and tiine-kwting . 1 ." a a ! tne crime are P'yea 8DOWin qualities of their in,le riihhr apntimAni Mr Kwnnmr aaval ' I that one resident of Wilmington, whojcessors, is worth $3,000,000, said he would goon the bond of apy and all men arrested on the charge of participation in the lynching n We nrc showing a line that contains ft nuitiiK 1 hlicrent style. Thw li.ivr leen mIx trd me nd now. ledge ggincil in vni of mlove. making; js etirlMlur in theite e have made Sikv ml I nee lot this season. If the old .stove t nt working nil right thia i n tfood time to buy a new one. Kyiry'' ,'J ' style. The-1 ia vc lren fielcet. TV ' -"1 by us lecnuie i 'their huttdaor T V -Ci dessign, fine ronM i tit tion ni w --"tLT 'jA-J known ciricieney. "AH the kno1 'Phone 103. Mas. H. Shall. Divorce Statistics Call for Leclalatto News and ODserver. I i Judge Neal has done the State a great nht na8 a. man to &l dr?nk aprvi hv collecting divorce statistics. lne exmoiuons o showing the number of divorces granted recentlyiall chargeable, they rlnrin tb r,naf. ind ihonnmWnf Bay, to drunkenness Burelv our people suits for divorce now pending will surr prise many to know that in 85 of the 96 counties 515 divorces have ! been granted and that 607 are now pending. Mecklenburg leads the , list with 33 granted and 22 pending; Walte comes next with 25 granted and 23 pending could condemn I that'' vicious habit A man should be punished or the evil he does while drunk has no right to ! be drunk . . 1 ! oharacter? it is; the estimation is entitled to be held in by love right and abhor evil. because be YY hat is one those who A man to and Guilford is there with 24 granted r JUUKC U1 - and 19 nendincr. fn several counties- hone8t ana tober navlD all honor to them-no divorce has been one intelligence. Vile men are not granted and no applications are pend- iaiS of character, for they love vile HM.- l- -- i ; t-.J. men. and hate kood mem One that tug. x ue pi-upie iu tuinso ujuuuco i -r i seem to be livin bv the old Bible and doe8 wel1 8houldi te esteemed accord " rf I . . - , T J It ; ii i i . 1 lnjr to uis ooidk, one wno uoea evu preocrvtiig tuc uxjiy tuki ui iumiiiuuu.. i r These facts gathered by Judge Neal 8Qoaia raieu uiDg should speak trumpet-tongued forlegis- I deeds. lation in North Carolina that will atop the easy divorces that are a reproach to our civiliation. to his evil No Pity Shown 'For years fate was after me contin- L. Marsh Will Bay It Back. Yon assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. M. L. Marsh will refund your money if yon are not satisfied after uing it. It is everywhere admitted to be the most successful remedy In use for bowel complaints and the only one that never fails. It is pleasant,- safe and reliable. TUB Concord National With the latent approTw1 form! onsly," writes F, Ala. "I had a A. Gulledge, Verbena, terrible case of Piles causing 24 tumors. When all failed Cholera Infantnm. This has lnntr rtAnn rrArn.i-r1nrl Sa one of i.n. i w th mrr. rlanmn, and fatel diaeaaea to Equally good for Burns and all aches "c . . I ,. rilW O. of Dot.or'a TW,rr which infanta are subject, ;Xt can be 1- rV1 )vAtrhVDr- XT? VlCtVl TTVTiTIV TTiflfprl . " JVa AIJ that is necessary is to giveChamber' Iain's Couc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, as directed with each bottle, and .a cure' is certain. For sale by M. L. Marsh. I Bucklen's Arnica Salve j cured me. It is better to be a live man in a dead town than a dead man in a live town. A shady character keep a man cool. doesn't always He Knew. Sunday school leacher now many 1 . . 1 . , IT ' T 1 cummanuDients are mere, wniie; Willie Ten. Sunday School Teacher And sup pose you were to break one of them f Willies-Then there'd only be nine. Working; Risks a Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weak ness into strength, listleasneas into en ergy,1, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by P. B. Fetzer. , The Fensylvania Railroad has order ed anybody arrested that throws rice around its depots when a bride and groom come to take the train. No man or i woman in the state willJ hesitate to speak well of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets after once trying them. ; They always produce a pleasant movement of the bowels, im prove the appetite and strengthen the digestion. For sale by M. L. Marsh. and eyery faculty for handling n-tfount, ; ofrass a FIRST t CLASS SERVICE ! - TO THE TVBUO. WAKTKD Mmi iri,luOu,i iratMi la ra h tat Ki trarel for r--i- U.lUlMt flevpo v r a ixl IH) a ,fi(-Faiui, Ut ll tiifr( iianta ati1 a. nt ,t"t 01 tifintal'l. Iinr IVrtMartftt't rnatliM'ri,'. We-kl)c mall aalarr .r tl" l all tHhtt rxtMMi srl tmiol l.i;. tu "! 'h a. Eijx-rli-tj. '.!a. tUm (vfTsr-Mwe u1 . (' ' atntni n fkf! 111! JAllii.U Ma"3V --MH. .t4 iff;HirK rt , tMfmw- Cabarras Savings Bank. Cdicord and Albemarle, I. Cr CAPITA, $50,000.00. Nurploa saal undl fl4 pruBIa, - Ji,"00.0O. W, C. CORRELL Resources Over $300,000. j i ... Leading Jewe er. 0Mrl Uanalus ftuin Trna.lI Ar. C4.unt of tridlMu!, firn anl .rt-'n mtUf I Itxl . W mrllsi I y In iU Every Man, Woman and Child Bank..'.' Of tXKtll Wi itv-a tolF hy a-foifthinir f "f ralwjr ily.' t 0nn a tviir Amuvut llli o jrr tit. itirt M tm Uim lijait UlWt? eitltrstwi Or H J liX. li,K, CASJ.OJJ; H I ilHOI'l-K. 1'roMrtit f aJ!Mr. MA in IN UotiEli. V. W CWI1K, Vl. a.-1'r-! I' ll'. , TlJf. Mar l-t - ;tui. "w'AXTKl Fill thru I i f tral tur. mull rntafiieli-tj tiouiw- in a fw nmnli, r1 -In iron rtli rmr iiriti ih! dtAu lal tmrriutry, Salary f hE a . r .-.n-. l.aiKljlT. l ,t a in I r, mm - - I - .lran-'l fmit'm trtuartl mimiitrmm 'wimtiiil a'l rurfrric fi'1"" Capital, . - - -jO,000 Profit, 22,000 1 Individual responsibility of Shareholders, . - - &0,0Of j Keep Your Account with Us Interaat paid a. arreed. Ub'eral accoraroo- ! aattoo to au our ctuttomers. J. M. ODELL. PrTwirJ-nt, D. B. COLT HAS E. CaatiiW. WANTED ! H ifmh9- H M W Ma 7 to 12. Horse Power Engine and boiler wanted. K. L. CRAVEN, Concord, N. C. nurrs VERMIFUGE A ftmt if 991-1 mSmp'$ ' w4 cminttim fcsr S f-w. f SMlt. JS avarW' I. it. fin, Minimi, mi YO Piano to exchange for good horse or mule. - Ml.ll I.. WEST FUME at PAINLESS m 0 PAINLESS r,, PIUMPI AMO M WOOLL i at, !aidaDBt siir of vjium, to ca ts or sliMkr,l a BOOK Ot M ueatar on loan at traat t. X44im. n WfXiLLKT CO. 1UMU, (ofgSS I 4 I . i i f 1 I i ! -1

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