THE TIMES STEAM BOOK AHD JOB OFFICE e keen on hand a full stook of LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATE MENTS, BILL HEADS, ENVEL OPES, TAGS, VISI11N3 CARDS WED . DING INVITATIONS, ETC,' ETC. CuOD 1'RIXTIXG ALWAYS PAY THE eONCRD TIMES. Jbluz B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. 1.00 rear, la Ac! rjusce. Volume XXI. Concord, ,N. C, Wednesday. Septeavber 2t 1903. Number 9. laocrj.OTTTicB V: rtTAtutMCOtfiitra. I ytra hxt ftntthlr u, n, let ft ASHCRAFT'S Condi- . tion Powders are fed to horses and mules, marked- improvement will- be seen after the first few rloses. There is no doubt about it. The Powders, acting directly off thJ digestive organs, first thoroughly cleanses the stomach and bowels, correcting all disorders, and then good healthy appetite comes nat urally and surely t It is the most powerful tonic and appetizer on the market to-day, and when once used horsemen will have, no other. Ashc'raft's Powders produce that silky sheen of coat and hair so admired by hprse fanciers. The powders fatten but never bloat, i : Always high grade and put up in doses never in bulk. By the use of three or (our doses a week your horse or mule will not be subject to colic or any dis ease of the stomach and bowels. I had an old horse-that was in very bad (N.i;.!ititn generally. He-was (bin and had a bliHxl disease that was -causing the hair to come off. I gave the horse three doses of Ash traft's Condition Powders a day for seven days and fed'him liberally. The appetite improved from the first few doses and the animal gained fif'.v-two pounds in flesh during the week I pave it three doses a day. The general health of the animal was greatly improved by the use of the powders and he was made almost a new .horse. I most heartily recommend Ashcraft's ' Condition Powders, as I know they are a splen did tonic and appetizer. C. C. S1KES, Livery man, Monroe, N. C" Ask for Ashcraft's Condition Powders. Package 25c. Sold by HEffliniSCKIVCES OF BILL A HP. Stories Br Ell Perklae Which Throw Lis at Upoa Tb Cenlalliy r T Soathera Haaaortsf. The Atlanta Constitution recently published the following reminiscences of Bill Arp by Melville D. Landon (Eli Perkins): " . ; ' The whole life of Bill Arp baa been humorous and no man will stop work I has beep crushed, be crashed. I can be insulted, but not crushed. Good day, sir I'll see United States weep tears of blood before I'll surrender, Ilaven'ta card, bat my name is Arp Bill Arp.' ' j "He went off, bat in about a week he returned and began: general that the Southern Confederacy I call to see what ! conno. asNSB abb uccatmh. A 91mm flast Dave Other Thlacs Wf Mm Baak Laaralac f fiaS TBtara. 'Letters from a BelX-Xad Marchaat to His Son." dt Oaonra Bones Lortinor. Dear Rerrepont-Yoor ma rot U" dacatiott quicker and more cheerfully than he to I terms would be granted me in case I hear a good joke. When I asked him one day if he really ever kijled many Yankees, he said: "Well, I don't want to boast about myself; but I killed as many of them as they did of me." ' ' Speaking of pensions one day, Mr. Arp said every Yankee soldier ought to have a pension. " ; concluded to lay down my sword.' " 'Unconditional surrender I re plied briefly.- Tben, doggone it,' air IH never lay it down while life is left. The cause is lost, but principle remains. - You can inform General Sheridan that Bill Arp refuses to surrender.' ' "Arp returned two vfks later, He back safe this morning and she want me to be sure to tell you not to over- study, and I want to tell you to be sure not to understudy. What wo're really sending you to Harvard for is to get a little of the education that's so good and plenty there. When it's recreations, that he's going to find bis stomach-ache, and it's there that h wants to go slow and to pkk and choose.'..,,;: i-- : It's not the first half, but the bichl merchant mean, when lby ask if college education pays. It's the Wil lie aad : Bertie boys; the choco- late eclair and tutti-frutti bov. th tub iahs vrm utb is.- "But they were not all injured in the I Beemed to have had a hard time of it, army, were they?"- Tasked. . Jaa hu uniform was in rags and his -"Yes,, they all did so much hard pockets empty. 'Look a-here, Cap- lying about ub poor rebels that they tain,' he said as he came in, 'I don't b trained their consciences.!' - : j want to prolong this bloody strife, but j Bill Arp told of an occurence in New I m forced to do so by honor. If ac corded reasonable terms I might sur render. What do you sav?' " The same as before.' .Xi. MARSH PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. H. C. HERRING. DENTIST, Is now on the gronnd floor of the: Lltsker Building. 4 CONCOSD, JX. O. Dr. W. C. Houston Surgeon Dentist, : - CONCORD, M. C. ' . 'C ! ' i l.s prepared to do all kinds of dental work in the most approved manner. Office over Johnson's Drugstore. Kesidenee 'Phone 11 Office 'Phone 42. L. T. HARTSELL, U; . ittorney-at-Law, CONCORD, NORTH OASOUNA. Prompt attention given to all business. ' (Mtice in Morris building, opposite the court house. ''!-. Drs. Lilly & Walker, offer their professional services to the citl- zens or uoncord ana surrounoine country, tails promptly attended day oriiiffbt. York when he went there to lecture in Chickering Hall. He said he was standing on the steps of the Astor House one afternoon with a friend, when a man with a decidedly millitary I us bearing hobbled up. He greeted mylmit I'll spill the rest of my blood! friend as het Dassed. 8end on your armies, Captain, I am "That's a fine soldierly looking ready for 'em.' chap," I said. "Yes; he's a veteran ColonelJones, of the Grand Army of the Republic." . "Did he lose his leg on the battle field?" . , "Yes; at Gettysburg." 1 "Ah! Repelling Pickett's charge, suppose. . . - "No; a ntonument fell on it." They tell this story, in Borne, Ga., about the Major. They say that in the summer of 1863 he was in a Richmond hospital. The hospital was crowded with sick and dying soldiers, and the Richmond ladies visited it daily, carry ing wi' h them delicacies of every kind, and did all they could to cheer and comfort the suffering. On one f oc- Just a week from that day Arp came in again, said he a like to surren der, drew his rations with the reqt and want off in great good humor to his Carteraville farm." Cartt7aa4 CaJMraa, Jiava tmr ceuvd ta im prin ciple of washing lb Umlly U Id tha front yard. U ndereau mati nf peot is as great a blander as orytwu maUnf them.' W bar always had a coo tempt for tha man who wookl treat another fellow's sister bcUer than bh la-de-dah and the baa baa billy-goat I own. Wa hav seen husbands who boys; ther higb-cock-a-to-rum and the I were CSbestcrfiebU in their deportment cock-a-doodle-doo boys; tha Bah Jove! I about other men's wire, and savages passed around you dont want to be Prted-in-the-middle, garttwhjj left akma with their own wim. bshf aL bat reach riht ont and taka a 1 "aoking, Champagne-Charlie, up-all-1 Sow and then wa haw notioad tat hen big helping every time, for I want yon "nana-ui-aa-uy noys tnat mate woo nave diacouraged their own coil to get your share. You'll find thatl doub tnacash value of the college j dreu by sneering at them. Wa hart education's about the only thing lying I ODlPQl na ovenooitea tne roaat-oeez a great deal more respect tor those other around loose in this world, and that 4d btood-TTJ boys, the , shiftrtleeves fatheia who tira everybody oot by errr- it's about the only thing a fellow can bigh-watr-pants boys, who take lastingly bragging on their own chil ' a - a a - a - - - i - . hare as much as he's willing to haul 1 111611 eaucauon ana mj ae some j area, you cannot Help a man by Everything else is screwed I euow ooaineas num wim iu , i Demeaning turn, it ts said that ou down tight and the screwdriver lost' I Vowooueg- eaucauon payx ioes ur. waven, wnen a new siuoeni came I didn't have ydur advanUges when P7 w " ln PrJt tnmmings at into the school, convinced him of two I was a bov. and von can't have mine. I 0611 pouna at me copper ana uungs urst, mat ne, (ur. uraven) waa Some men learn the value of money by 004 nice caning, little "country the biggest man in the world, and sec- " t . a . a . a . . k . . .a . ... not having any and starting out to pry wasages ' a twenty cents a pouna at ona, mat ne, (the student) waa tne a few dollars loose from the odd mil- &Uir endT Does it pay to take a next biggest. This was not the wisest lions that are lying around; and some "feer that's been running loose on the course to pursue, but it was wiser cactus ana pein-1 tnan- to nave made the newian fei as a. I m ' left to them and starting out to spend UfcU uun" Ju" 00111:11 OI "" mea " aoS po as lAiarus. it as if it were fifty thousand year. wu fa BOle Ien, na Ieea him l As with individuals, so with the State. Some men learn the Value of truth bv P50"1 re J081 BOUa nuQK V' It has has come to be the fashion in having to do business with liars; and some bv coin? to tsundav-scnool. trains a toy to uunK anything that teaches a boy to get the answer before the other' fellow gets Eyes Did Not Close For a WccHa Heart Trouble Baf fled Doctors. 1 Dr.MUe'Hert Core and Ncrrine Cured Me - TWra t aatklM aot nt mart to WaXa thaa kira aa4 re. It tkaat at w4 vaa U yea rue ta ttm aoaratag ssef i rra Um wbm ra vt to bed. Uan I aa tttcuoa ! th aim atamty aMat. If yaat aearl m wt, or uf r m aa imaeriwa tvaaracy Uut daactiua, yar waka4 Mrt aUl aooa a aSet tr karr act tea at ta fcrtw aa MiMM, chrvfttc trvaUa. D. Hiim' Ne via is a txmr toaic, wtuca atartttkaawnHra, a that mmf ten. aa4 it aaicalf ! tores taa ahaa4 aarvn ta aaakk aaa trrafta. Dr. KjJm' Ilrart Crt ts a V Uaad aa4 Koart toaic a fete rrrulatn lU sc i ai taa aeart. nrtcaa ta hood aaa Isa- Svs tat CvculaUca. . i '.' ' "Setas tlma ara IvWaa aunerhn' mailt wila hirt trouble. At Urn my Wcart waai4 " 'Then you are determined to grind ieftrn jt ty having fifty thousand or so n1 UTin 0n to powder, eh Sooner than sub- left to them and startine out to spend I6 wood m ht' JUI Some men learn the cussed nesa of whiskey by having a drunken father; and some by having a good mother. nouse Steax and Oieo Oil. - (certain nuirtra to consider abnaa tit YOU bet tit pays. Anything that I Nnrth Harnlina an inn n rlnAnrl boy to think quick payr, Und courage and even of wisdom It . - is not the truth. George W. Cable Convict Dlea After Beatlnc. Charlotte Observer. 27th. Mr. Henry Little, superintendent of a convict camp on the Concord road, is accused of having whipped a con vict to death. According to his story, the negro was whipped between 10 and 11 o'clock Tuesday morning, and bis death occurred at noon on the same day. The negro was named Oliver Clark. Mr. Little's camp is on the Concord road, but a squad of the con victs nad been moved to the road near casion a pretty miss of 16 was distribut- J Davidson, to finish up some work ipg flowers and speaking gentle words of encouragement to those around, her. when she overheard a soldier: exclaim "Oh, my Lordl" It was Bill Arp. Stepping to his bedside to rebuke him there, and it was there that the alleged fatal beating of the convict occurred. " " I .L . i. it .. Some men get an education from other tnrougu wiing me pencu, pays. llMa a -a. aaa. 'a men and newspspers and public libra-1 aoesn t mue lows; it ae- and some get it from professors W tnem- A 1001 wlU lurn oul xooi, wnetner ne goes to college or not, though he'll probably turn out a dif ferent sort of, a foot And a good strong boy. will turn outa bright strong man whether' he's worn smooth in the grab-what-you-want-and-eat-stand-ing-with-one-eye - skinned- for-the- dog- school of the streets and stores, or v, i;wn polished up and slicked down in the give-your-order-'to-the-waiter-an d-g e t- a-sixteen-course-dinner school of the professors. But while the lack of a College education can't keepNo.ldown, having it boosts No 2 up. It's simply the difference between and rumble, irarly Mas beats and at otbm It weatA cat kdty and vrr tact. 1art to tow aovn Uerp aacb Bifbt ta tea saaatas waa aU 1 ca8d art Um W ia tart SprmbrT I aevr cluavd my tyxK IfotDr.atUca'Ncrviaa aad Heart Caia at a drag Mora ta Lawrcaca bwrg. after. prod lay Jjoaea ta atdw cine aad dociara ta LeatavUe, SbelbrvtUa, rraaktort, aaa Laarrearcaarf ( aad ia thrire itr kava derived aiort beacbt from the bm of vaur ramcdtcl tbaa 1 cat froai all the d acton aad their saedkiaem. I Lkink tverybadjr aaeat ta kaaw of ta atar yelaua aaaer caataiaed ta year rtmadjaa."" W. H. Muckul Fax Crack. Kr. All drarrWia sell and raaraate Irtt Wot. tie Dr. Miles' Remedtca, cad foe free book aa Ncrvaue aad Heart Dtaeaaca. Addiass Dr. UUcs kiedKa Ca, Elkkart, lad. ries; and parchments it doesn t make any special difference how you get a half- nelson on the right tning, just so you get it and freeze on to it, The pack age doeen't count after the eye's been attracted by it, and in the end it finds its way to the ash heap. It's the quality of the goods inside which tell, when they once get and up to the cook. . You can cure a ham in dry salt and you can cure it in -sweet pickle; and when you're through you've got pretty good eating either way, provided you I Trip man hn rpnnrtpd tVi whinninc Started in With a SOUnd nam. If VOU to The Observer said that Mr. Little didn't, it dosen't (make any special JuP "J5" first threshed the man soundly with a difference how you Cured it the ham W J. MONTOOMSBT. I J. WSBOBOWEll' MOHTGOMERY'A CROWELL, f Attorneys and Connselors-at-Lai, . CONOOKD, N. 0. ! ! H As partners, will practice law ln Cabarrus, Stanly and adjoining counties. In the Supe rior and Supreme Courts o f the state ana in the Federal Courts Office ln court house. Parties desiring to lend money can leave it with ua or place it n Concord National Bank for us, and we wiU lend It on good real es tate security tree ot charge to the depositor. We make thorough examination of title to lands offered as security for loans. Mortgages foreclosed without, expense to owners of same. kick- loyalty of the citizens of that mth-thft-beels-and-nutt-with-tbe head I They had their little family quarrels, she rebarked: "Didn't I hear you call wag0n whip, and afterward beat him dryer's going to, strike sour spot around nigster ngnung, and tnis grm-and- but to outsiders they were all brothers, upon the nameof theLord? Iamone over the head with the butt of the the bone. "Andit doesn't make any -p uu-va-ju- ana siooa snouiaer to snouider tor of his dauzhters. Is there an v thine 1 1 wk; w a th. V,.. t differfince how much suirar and fancv wina-uu-you-see-a-cnance-io-ia n u- o n- Charlotte's best interests. That is the can ask Him for you!" .... . - Helm, white and. Peter Stinaon and pickle you soak into a fellow, he's . no J ?:80f)iexu" "yle OI lQe a"edi way for people everywhere to do, T 1 V.. l,J.t,l ' .nan nf II 1 1 . a. UnnJ nnlou I,.', .nnnilailll nruit atthl luucul" liuujuug uuv uci uiigui., oni. vviii punson, coiorea, wno saw : me uuim, uc o duuuUUu on,, . core. The first thing that any education ought to give a man is character, - and would be a much larger man, not only in the estimation of Southern people but of the North as well, if he had not spoken evil of his own section. To be sure, it is never ' right to condone wrong doing nor to uphold unright eousness anywhere or under any cir cumstances, but we are not talking about that all. . We are talking 'about parading tne faults and failings of our own State, and by this means placing her at a disadvantage among her sisters and before the world. This is the thing we oppose with all our heart. No long ago, 1 sitting in the office of one of Charlotte's foremost business men, we were speaking of the wonder ful' erowth of 'the citv. when ha re- marked that the secret of it all was the SeSS On IJDfiliS SfiDt. IB. 100,1: - vf vaaa- mt w sa- v V Wf uiy. uorresDonaenca oiioitMi. II. A. ne t, LJAjrUH. O. F. MoALLISTKlC Prtnolpala Ht. Pleasant Collegiate Institute, Mt. PlSasant, N. C. nis:h Grade School (or Boys and Young Men. i-rcnaratarv ana c vi lMri tm ranwiH Beanttrul for situation. Notd tor rtwanta. inrea lara Mtck bullllnra. Good librart and larre eleKantly rurnlnlMx1 aoctaty baits Meiaoua tna tuoirc aonrovMl. Inar-lnllna mild. bnt arm. Thorough work, frlraa raaaooabla. Henry B. Adams. Thos. T. Jerome. Frank 'Armfield. Tola D. Maness. Alms, Jerome, Armfield & LUmess, - Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, CONCORD, N. C ; Practice in all the State and U. S.'Conrts. Prompt attention glyen to collections and Keneral law practice. Persons .Interested ln the settlement ot estates, administrators, executors, and guardians are especially in vited to call on them. Continued and pain staking attention will be given, at a reason sonabJe price, to all legal business. Oiiice In I'vtliian Bulldln, over Dry-Heath-Miller & Co.'s opposite D. P. Dayvault & Bros, ap-ly WANTED! 7 to 12 Horse. Power Engine and boiler wanted. .. K. L. CRA.VEN, ' ; Concord, N C. r Tl-il I! J race, nui repueu: tr 'I don't know but you could do something for me if I wasn't married." "Well," said she, "what is it?" Baising his eyes to hers, and extend ing his hand, he said: 1 "As you are a daughter bf the Lord, if I wasn't married I'd get you to ask Him if He wouldn't make me his son in-law." ' : Major Andrews, a Yankee captain, wa telling some jolly Rebs in Georgia about his experience at Bull Bun. "The only time that I ever really felt ashamed in my life was in that Bull Run battle," said the Major. "My horse fell under me, and I was obliged to ride an army mule during the rest of he engagement. He finally carried me clear into the rebel lines." ' "Yes, I remember the incident well, said-Bill Arp, who waa standing by "I found that mule with a U. S. brand, on him the next day after the battle." "You did, really r 'said the major, hardly expecting to be corroborated so promptly. "Where did you find him?" asked the major. Bill eavs that there was a door wide open aa he, replied: "Stone dead behind a rail fence," "Shot?".- "No; mortification." who saw whipping. George Steele, of Hunters-1 ville, corroborated their statements. That the negro was whipped, that he died shortly afterward, and that his body was buried at Torrance chapel are admitted facts. Botn Btyiea vnn-cgnta, -tsu the fellow with a little science is the better manr. providing he's - kept his muBcle hard. If he hasn't he's in a said about North Carolina without look ing for the bad. She cannot-equal Mas sachusetts in the matter of general 1 1 i m v m ; : : j i " the second thing is education. That l.r.V? iW m- "UT vus " " education, but her people are better Piano to exchange for good horse or mule. With An Experience YEARS OF 1 YEARS 'ire IN WRITING ; 1 Insurance, settling losses and representing first Glass Companies, Southern, Northern and For 1 eign, we ask your patronage.. , Our facilities for Employer's Liability, Accident and Health Insurance are' excellent. G, C. RICHMOND & CO. ' "Phone i?4. - How naay. How many bowls (5 make a bowlder? How many shoals to make a shoulder? How many lambs to make a llama? How many drams to make a drama? How many bats to make a battle? How many rats to make a rattle? How many folks to make a focus? How many croaks to make a crocus? How many quarts to make a quarter? How many ports to make a porter? How many fans to make a phantom? How many banns to make a bantam? How many aches to make an acre? How many fakes to make a fakir? r How many wraps to make a rapture? How many caps to make a capture? How many sums to make a summer? How many plums to make a plumber? How many nicks to make a nickel? How many picks to make a pickle? How many capes to make a caper? How manr tanes to make a! taner? -How many tons to make a tunnel? And how much fun to make a fiyinel? ' Bright Anawera In School. A reader of the "Odd Tales", sends the following: Some years ago before our vastly im- do it, and took a week or two to come j proved methods in our public school down to it,. but he finally laid down nisi had been used, examination for promo- wnrd. Aa Bill deliehts to tell rood tion from grade to grade were given to stories on the Yankees, I cannot resist j to the pupils, telling the stories of his final surrender, examinations the question j "Name as Major Munson gave it to me. Of three classes of people" was given to the Maior nuts in the Southern the third grade. "Here are some of the rliidekt a little stronger than Bill used answers: is -where I'm a little skittish about this college business. I'm not startin in to preach to you, because I know a young fellow with the right sort of stuff in him preaches to himself harder than any one else can, and that he's mighty often switched off the 'right path by having it pointed out to him in the wrong way. ' I remember when I was a boy (and I wasn't a very bad boy, as boys go) old Doc Hoover got a notion in his head that I ought to join the cnurch, and and he scared me out of it for five years by asking me right out loud in Sunday school if I didn't want to be saved, and then laying for me after the service and praying with me. Of I going to aggravate the other that he'll eat him up. Of course, some men are like pigs the more you educate them, the more amusing little cusses they become, and the funnier capers they cut when they show off their tricks. Naturally, the dace to send a boy of that breed is to the circus, not to a college. Your affectionate father, John Graham. people than those of Massachusetts, and North Carolina is by far the better State to live in. This is one reason: her people are : native- and to the manner born. They accept and be- Bible and bring up their fear the Lord. Not all lieved the children of to them do, but . we are speaking uruauijr iu puo inu own, ua uiuiaw i a a. I r better than that of Massachuset,ts nMIMUlIl A High Class Steel or STOVE Horace Stung to Deatn y Bee. Two horses were stung to death by bees near Monte Ne, ; Ark., last week. The horses, in wandering af ten grass, overturned a number .of bee hives. The angrv bees swarmed over the animals stinging them into such 'pain course I wanted to be saved, but 1 that the horses were wild and attract- didn't want to be saved quite so pub-j the attention of the farm hands, hcly. I who. on going to them. . found them When a boy's had a good mother j lying on the ground writhing in agony. a i t i 1 I . . ne s got a gooo conscience, .ana wnen Tn -90 minutes after the hives were Can Be Purchased Here at a Moderate Price. 1 We are showing a line that contains a number of different styles. These have been selected by us because of their handsome design, fine construction and A friend of mine. .Major Munson, in had charge of the JDalton district, Georgia, when the humorist surren dered. It was a hard thing for him to Dr.Wooiley's PAINLESS pium AND Whiskey Core ISEJT FREE to al users 01 morpmne lODlam. lauaaDam elixir of opium, eo caina or whiskey, i lares book ot par. tieulars on home ot tsanatorlQm - treat meat. Address, u M WOOLLKl CO. l04N.PryorStreei Atlanta, Georgli I HfS WHUIt- All UM- till.S. Best GouKh fcyrop. Tastes Good. Pe tn time, fold b dniirififW. aw a it, but the reader must remember that when tne incident occurred Bill ! was still unreconstructed. .: . : . - "Most of the Confeds' came m quietly," Baid the Major, "and seemed glad to have the thing settled, but once 1 which provides ' you with in a while I struck a man whohated to and clothing' one boy come under. " One day a big handsome man, with tangled hair and with Vir ginia red mud on his boots, came in to tAlk about . surrendering. It was Bill Arp. "v- " . '' ' -'t . .- " "Dog on it sair,' he began in the Georgia dialect, 1 have come in air, to see what terms can be secured in case I 8urender.' he's got a good conscience, he don't need to have right and wrong labeled for him. Now that your ma's left and the apron strings are cut, you're nat urally running up against ' a new sen sation every minute, but if you'll simply use a litue conscience as a tiyer, and probe into a thing which sweet and Bound on the skin, to vou can't fetch nn a sour smell from urnnnd the bone, vou'll be all right; I'm anxious that you should be a good scholar, but I'm more anxious that you should be a good, clean manl And if you graduate with a sound conscience. I shan't care so much if there are a few holes in your - Latin. j There are two parts of a college edu cation the part that you get in the school-rooms from the professors, and the part that -you get outside of if from the boys. That's the really important part. For the first can only make you a man. Education's a good deal like eating -a fellow can't, j always ' tell which In the same Bchooliust lately the I particular thine did him good, but he children were asked ! the meaning of j can usually tell which one did him the world "spy." No one knew of harm. After a square meal of- roast course this wasa Bclass), so the teacher beef and vegetables, and mince pie said. "Now, suppose I were to send and watermelons, you cant say just you to Miss G.'s door and tell you to which ingredient is going into- muscle, find out what she and she girls were 1 but yoadon't have to be very bright I mnr without her knowincr; von were I to figure out which one started the de- overturned the horses were dead. What Ia life T In the last analysis nobody knows, bnt we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain re sults.1 Irregular living means derange ment of the organs, resulting in Ooiisti- L I I see if King's New eadadhe is and if her industrial development con tinues she will in ten year's time leave New England limping along behind her in the great cotton manufacturing business which has enriched that bleak and sterile section. North Carolina has no Boston, which is another great point in her favor, ihe population of known efficiency . All the know the country, and plain country folks ledge gained in years of stove me uuus uu uwn bhu. , i maiunz is cmDouiea - in x.nese Bat there is still another thin abont VYhave inade Special Prices foi North Carolina that we are thankful ttt? season. It tne old stpre is forandthatiathatsheisnotbosa-ridden. not working all right this IS a It is claimed that she is but we do not not think the charge is true. Of course there are 'men here and there who sell their votes and who "bend the pregnant hinges of the knee that thrift may follow fawning,'.' but this is not typiciaL North Carolinians are not for sale, thank God. They blun- good time to buy a new one. 'Phone 163. ChaS. ILSllulI. this. It's gentle, yet thorough. 25c. at P. P. Fetzer's Drug Store. New War of Men, women and babies. Tramps, thieves and niggers. White man, black man and Chinee Father, Son and Holy Ghost. In answer to "Name one j animal both food answered, BIy mother. or Liver trouble. Dr. e Pills quickly readjusts der often, but they are true and vir . . sr.' - I yjnlJ I tnona. - Perhank onr Leslatnre could be induced to pass an act for Flagler's benefit, and in the doing of it trample nnder its feet the laws of God and man but we do not believe it. we nave no Flagler among us and we pray that we never shall. " Our people are not Wax I wealthy but they are independent, and the condition of the farming class is growing better every year. It gnevea us always to hear of a young man leaving the old State. The field here is white to the harvest. J Avenues to usefulness are opening on every side. . Piedmont North Carolina offers the . finest field in the world to a boy who has pluck and energy.' The thing for us to do, Democrat Im Hick Place. Elihu Root, Republican, of York, will retire as Secretary, of about January 1. ,v , William H. Taft, i Republican, Ohio will become bead of the Department. I . ; j Luke JEL Wright, Democrat, of Ten nessee, will succeed judge lau as uru Governor of the Philippines. ' Tli University of North Carolina. Academic Department, Lawv Medicine, Pharmacy. One hundred and eight acbolarnhlpa. ' Free tuition to tCBera aaa to eons ot nunistera Loans for tne needy. : 60S Stidests. . ; 66 Instructors. Mew Dormltortee. Water i Works. tCentral Beatlna Kvatem. Library, 40n, volomea. ; Fall term, academic and professional de partment, begins Sept. 1, HK0. Address, F. P. : VENABLE, Pbesident CHAPEL HILL, N. C. , abarras Savings Bani. txszA ul ICcutlt, I. c . 4. OalPlTeMa, W0.000.00. tarHMtaltso.M Resources Over S300,00d. ". Wa rVkr tta Evtry Min Wonun anU Child ay." s ee Mata imui a trWeHkliNrtiittMsmaj e4 UJMCwrufce TJnAita4aft . a w a - . - mrnj(i.w. cvniuT THK aiaattt Double Daily Trains Carrylag PtUnta Slepera. Cafe Car a ia carte; aaa iair Car (seat free), Electric Lighted Throvghovt airette tlr-ilutia Mcsipklt asl Kassai Cltj va kw lajta i Tum. Otlaktsaa as lsdUs Tcrrttartct rr West til Werttwat ma only rtiaotxM acnaipeo cat lmi MTwsen TTfls aovrttaaar am KANtAtcmr Deacriptlra lit era tare, tickets ar rtaged and through reaervatioas wadt opoa appUcatloa to w.T. aawNeiaa. Ocart Ae. sa, Ot, OB). r,.I.CUW.;TM.tM.., Afiaeta. Oa, W. Tv SAUNDERS Qan'l Agaat Faaaaaia Oeaatmaal ATLANTA. OA. WAIfTBD.-a.Twal IndtuitriMus dmmm eacn state to travel fur luxwe i(tilbnt etevea rears aaa with a Ian. capital, to r4 O POO nerctiaate and mmu for swnnwful and profltatl. Ua. PerntaeMtt MiimBML Wsekljr oasb aalarr of I U stxl mil trriin penaaa aad hotl bill .dr.nonl la rmti aola ea. Ksperlmm oot wmni, Mm. Moa retereoee aad eaclm. sir elope. TIIKAlli,Sl, Marsv-Ht. B4 Dearborn Cbhmro. ntsost ON WOO X lMt Ht tS.T. UrilVERSSTY COLLEGE of medicine Htofcwt-OTrrniTFrr-rMARMACY CP7CPII 0M8ert.,ttenUif PMt, LUlLlllAf SU Disiaus, ABSOLUTELY CURED. HERMIT SALVE, as aaa so CCNVa A ao. old Vf an Dratvteta. , Taks aeetaer. OUFaaaUy KeawdyMrssra. J jro'jnit Mou Glorious Mountains of Western North Carolina SOUTHERN RAILWAY In rites the attention ot all Hvattti or ileaaore aekrs. THE TOURIST SEASON - ; opeoa June 1, 19QJ. aad oa Uiat dale Low Rate Summer Excursion Tickets ent on aale from prlarpal point to tfc Souta and HoaUteast. to t?i. bommI rww Mtbtmat- lA, aad located oa and roaehad by fc!ttro Kail wa f. Tickets oa aate ap to and tncluuin ber SDl 1MB, lloUted to tictotjer i. return. "The Land of the Sky" 'Sapphire Country," AiberlOe, V. C- aad Hot pnoa. J. C offer ererr attractloB to Ue Summer Traveler or Invalid. . - Tlit EastTesnessee ul Yli&laU Resorts also offer aiany tadaceoteota for Heaitft aaa noes Ask any floatnera Baflway A-t tuf vm BMT Homes 'olrt.r. descrlptlTe of Ue naaay Lwllrbtfal Kreorta rtsaebed . try boutoem fcallwar. ; Stoaaaclt Iroable. "I hare been troubled with my stom ach for the past four years," says D. L. Beach, of Clover Nook Farm, Greenfield, Mass. "A few days ago I wa induced nnratHinin S iBrnnnmjinimnminnitiiniiuuiuiniiiuffi 2 . S TRINITY COLLEGE. ni hjh aa mw iiHi aan a i ua iiiii mm . .. .. ti -r 1 A 1 w v.t.. ana utit xaoiew. a uto wnn iwi ui E ts UlJon dollars Invested la endowment aad aqatpmeata. themanAffirfa mat deal better." If liUi" ue w von have anr trouble with your stomach croater never yet. neipea a nnman - : t - . v . i try a box of these Tablets. You are cer- soui. inrn yonr iace towara tne morn- tain to be pleased with the result. Price mg for "it is day-break everywhere.' 35 cents. For sale by M. I. Marsh. - His XI fe Bare r Ckaaakerlala'a . Gelle, CMolera a4 llarrheea ' Hemady. "B. L. Byer, a well known cooper of I this town, says hebelieres Chamberlain's 1 Colic, "Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I sared his life last summer. He had been aick for a month with what the doctors call bilious dysentery, and could set nothing: to do him any good until he I triad this remedy. It eare him un to or the Bute. the croakers. "Haven't yon. surrendered yet?'J inquired. i " No, sir ! Not by a dog on sight! I said I'd die in the last ditch, and I've kept my word. . ; ' , '. ; : i 'Whose company did you belong to?' : U-: ' V :?vv 'Belone! Belone! Thnnderation! I there.: What would I Quick as, a flash came 'A rubberneck." call you?" the answer, Sudden misadventure. Qaelesauees is responsible for many an accident and we never know when to expect one. It is well to know for our nwn benefit and for others that Buck- didn't. belong to anyone s companyl le Arnica Salve ia the best remedy on Why, air, I fought on my own hook.' J earth for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, " 'Where was it V v . (Felons, Boils and Piles. Only 25c. ' ' 'No matter, sir; no matter. I can't j Guaranteed by P. B. Fetzer, Druggist. mand for pain-killer in yonr insides, or to guess,' next morning, which one made yon believe in a personal devil the night before. And so, while a fellow can't figure ont to announce whether it's Latin or algebra or history or what among the solids that is building him up in this place or that, he can go right along feeding them in - and betting that they're not the things that turn bis tongue fuzzy. .It's down among the sweets, amone his amusements and V - II a-W T million dollars Invested la aadowaaeBW aaa ampujenw. ' facilities. Twelve tbouaaad volumes added to Ubrary durtoa t.VT, 1La .i- 2 scientific laboaatorlea. bymnasJura under seteattnc direction. WO o"r S and ffradoate eoorses of study. Coortei ef tay wsaiaf v o T 5 lneertna- Many acbolajrablpa awaroea. Loan raoa v mta wurwy 7 VV,., S rlnity frradoates In rreat demand fur responsible posit km Km P1" T'7??i S crate. Tbe aim bt Sartotian education wttbona aay eectanaa spin w bons of ministers aad Toon a mea stadrloc ftr lit mlaJetry are aot cnarf ea a taltioa- aead for catalogue. . W. KIWBOX. RrcW : Jul. a aw: Iwrbam. - IS 1 For a bilious attack take Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain, far sate try al, ix Marsh. Thomas L. Johnson was nominated for governor by the Ohio Democratic convention on the 26th. H-C. s. 5 ' IBSSM A successful revolution is sometimes bnt a turn for the worse. mediate relief, says B. x. utue, mer- Take life easy during the hot weather I chant, Hancock, Md. For sale by M. L. I give the undertaker a rest. I Marsh. a . i Littleton Female College One of the most prosperous schools in the South, with a high standard of scholarship, located at a very popular Summer Reortt and with a large patronage from fiive States, axtending from New. Jersey to Florida -th Institution that is doing a great work. We will take a limited number of pupils including M Full Uttnry Tuition for 52.0 -- Arm rn rnndWiAnt marie tnnwn on anolication to Bev. T. M. Rhodes, A. M Pres., Littleton, N. C. t i , V ' f f H i I i f I

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