- . : - . --THE TIMES STEAM BOOK AND JOB OFFICE We keen on hand a fall ttook of ! LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATE- ; MENTS, BILL HEADS, ENVEL OPES, : TAGS, VISITING CARDS WED DING INVITATIONS, ETC, EtC GOOD PRINTING ALWAYS PAYS THE GONG ORB TlftiES. John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. NOT. SLOO a T3Lrtin Adr&acG Volume XXI. Horse Health! For putting in prime condition any horse or mule the best of all remedies is Ashcraft's Condition Powders. These Powders are won derfully effective because . they cre ate' appetite, the digestion is made perfect, worms and parasites de stroyed, and the system cleansed of all gross humors. TKe Pow ders fatten but never bloat. Ashcraft's Condition Powders are wrapped in doses. In fact, in their preparation the same care is used that a druggist would exer cise in the filling of a physician's prescription. High grade and real merit is the first consideration. Ashcraft's Powders consist of small doses, prepared from the purest and highly concentrated in gredients, that have been jound beneficial to horses and mules. Ashcraft's Condition Powders always high grade are not to be classed with the many bulky, good-for-e very thing powders now on the market. ; -. Ask for Ashcraft's, the "kind put up in doses, and good for horses and mules only. - "Having tried many kinds ol Condition Pow ders, 1 consider Ashcraft's the best on the market, I take pleasure In recommending mem 10 my inenas ana customers. a. UAffll' BELL, Hickory, N. C. Price 25c. package Sold by v PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Concord, N. C., Wednesday, September 28. 1903. HEED OF LA BOB l!l THE SOUT Charlotte Obeerrer. In discussing the need of more labor in the South, especially in the raising of cotton, the New York Sun says: "At the Very time when these com plaints of , the scarcity of agricultural labor come from the1 Southern State, and after the fallacy reasoning that the negro is necessary in the produc tion of cotton has been demonstrated, trere is coming in the greatest immi gration in the history of this country. t is an immigration, too, which is composed largely of the very sort of labor of which the South is so much in need; yet practically none of it is go ing to the cotton States, and only a trifling part of the last century has gone to those States." The following table, Compiled from the census of 1900, showing the fore ign born population of five Southern States is quoted, viz: ; Total Population. Foreign. Alabama............. .....1.828.607 1488 Georgia.............. iJtZll&O. 12,403 Mississippi . UKljm 7.081 North Carolina ..............1,893,810 4,482 South Carolina...... ....140316 M38 .Commenting on the figures, - the Sun continues: - "In these five Southern States, with a total population of 8,830,424, there are, all told, only 44,996 of the foreign born. Why, even in Vermont, with a total population' of only 343,041, there are 44,747. In those hve South States the negro population aggregates 4,122,540, or nearly a hundred to one of the foreign-born. The Southern cries out for more labor for the develop ment of its incomparable natural re- Rnnraea. itn a.OTiraiItnra.1 rtmdno.tinn and DR. H. C. HERRING. DENTIST, J its rapidly increasing manufacturing in dustries, yet labor from abroad is pour- is now on the gronnd floor of the Lltaker , Building. COITCORP. IT. O. : Dr. W. C. Houston Surgeon Jg Dentist, CONCORD, H. C. ' Is prepared to do all kinds of dental work in rne most approved manner. Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Residence 'Phone 11 . Office Phone 43. '. : : L. T. HARTSELL, . Attorney-at-Law, COXTCOBD, NOBTH OABOUKA. Prompt attention given! to all - business. Office in Morris building, opposite the court nouse. , . ... , , - i Drs. Lilly: & walker, offer their professional services to the citi zens ol concord ana sarrouncing country. Calls promptly attended day or night. ' W MOITTOOMIBI." I, lOSaOBOWEXl- ; ' MOITGOMERI & CROWELL, attorneys and Connselors-at-Law, CONCORD, H. O. . As nartners. -will practice law In Cabarrus. Stanly and adjoining counties, in the Supe rior and Supreme Courts o f the State and In thn Federal Courts Office in court house. Parties desiring to lend money can leave It with ns or Dlara it In Concord National Bank for us, and we will lend it on good real es tate security free of charge to tne depositor. We make thorough examination of title to lands offered as security for loans. Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners ol same. BCCK.fTBIC PROPOSALS OP OCf UBS. - .- ; PAfl- That there is no accounting for. the eccentricities of lovers is sufficiently proved by the odd methods in which many of the world's great men have wooed and won their wives. When Schumann, the famous com poser, fell head over heels in love with Clara Wieck, bis master's daugh ter, his path of courtship was by no means One of roses, for Herr Wieck food smsii TEARS. II rufetr Birtiru Ym Claim Eoixokb, Va., Sept 18.-iA romance came to light here today when Samuel HyUon, accompanied by his father. W. WHy Hon, aged 72 years, bis wife and three small children, left for Ar kansas. , ; z' ' i - ' r Some 27 years ago the elder HyUon it is said, met and wood Miss Sallie Mil ler, a country girl then 18 years old. had no wish to see his only daughter I Three weeks after their marriage, which the wife of a penniless musician, and took place in Salem, this county liyl- he forbade the young lovers to bold I ton left home unexpectedly. , lie went ! any communication with each other. I to the far West and his wife mourned Bat love laughs at parental frowns, and, him as dead. - In the meantime si son' as Schumann could not even write to was bora; to her. Mr. Uylton could his lady love, he poured out his soul to never assign any reason for the myete- nACEDOJlA. A complete explanation of the out rages in Macedonia is not easy to frame, because there are so many reasons for the conditions in European Turkey. - In the first place it should be noted who mat asteisTEJ iii ftrs. Kswa a4 Obamtr. In view of the lack: ol infimatioo as to who way reritrr or vote rurab below a succinct statement (rmi by NUMBER 12. Are alfrsys le hapfy" sKToril.! W. A. Duoa, Eq ld ftUed Keck, rrpwtaraTaaJ im with refemtce to the mtibitioo ektjs asm the that the district is inhUterby bottilc i Uon to be held there next Tuesday, C?ln "V.1 and Jealous races.- Turks,' Albanians, and published ia a recent iau of the! hry th&m la Seek ommoowa2tb; , ;er mut have resided ia the Servians, BulgarU, Greeks, and a few J Scotland' others live sade by side, each with peca-1 "A vot Bar customs, and each dissatisfied with I State two years, in the country sis the rule of the eultanv Then they have I months, and must have fceid his tQ not the same religion. Ths Mohara- tax for the previous year on or before medan loots down on the Christian and J the first day of May of the year ia000 bcaatifal X trnjy. Mi, tS the Jew; the Greek Christian emcnot whkh he offers to vote. Section 13. 1 .!LtTT' mrtx4 tolerate the FrotesUnt, and the Catbohc I Chapter 89, Acts of 1901. regards the Armenian as a heretic J , "When a person t challenged, the The task of governing a population I registrar and Judges of election shall bt thet V r w ta rtJ Uf. fert w bar It is to too. mm asaa oT the wirr ksow.asd twiiev that they V her in a series of "Letters to Clara," printed in a musical journal of which father. . ' - all wtthio a eomparaUvely narrow area, he was editor. I Her sonSamuel erew to manhood u difficult at heat. But th Turkish When the time was ripe fot settling J and became the most promising young J government is bad. The administra- . . a a . . I - . - L ;. . I nis aesuny ne made music the vehicle, I man in thev-neigbt)orhood. e was l tion of justice is so uncertain that the of his passion, and actually proposed to finally mamed and j three children I foreign powers hate insisted that their Clara on the pano under the nose of blessed his home. The father in the citizens accused of crimeshall be tried in shall exhibit to the r;istrar bis iil tax u .awr, wnuoui a single wora oeing i meanume was aocumuiaung a snug i consular courts. But the Turkish sub-1 receipt for the previous year. If be uttered, and received her joyful aseent fortune on ixx Arkansas ranch, and I Wt moit submi. to the ludicial imtjer. cannot nroduce it. b can vote tinon - " " a. - -... - nous disappearance of the husband and of hostile races, with differing religions; f hear and determine the cause of chal leoge under the ruls and regulations prescribed In elections for members of n...l' i-,.vt. Q. n AcU 1091. "When a Person is chalice ed. he through the same medium. Juuson s method of wooing was no less eccentric. One day he strolled in to one of his workrooms and stood be hind the chair of a pretty operator who was absorbed in her work. When the girl glanced round and, looking shyly up at him," said, "I knew it was you, Mr liaison, l always Know when you are near," he answered, to her amaze ment: - . ,. "I've been thinking a" great deal about you lately, and if you are willing to marry me I would like to marry yon.".. . . - . - .-. ' accordance vjrith tle laws of the States, seven years, nt is stated, eave him a legal divorce from his Virginia - wife. He was : married a second time, bis sride being Miss Maude Gleason, and nine children were born to them. He never made anv incruiry relative to his former wife and she never doubted that he was dead, but she never married again. ' , . ; .- Some years ago the elder Hylton, after accumulating a considerable for tune, was converted at a religious meet ing and fe.lt that he was called to the ministry.' He became a most success- ful Baptist' preacher in Arkansas. fecuona of, the native courts. Come-1 taking and signing the following oath: quently justice as the American under-1 "I do solemnly swear that on or before stands it, is unknown to the average I the first day of May of this year, I paid subject of the sultan, j j my poll tax for the previous year, ait Along with the corrupt and procras required, by Article 6, Section 4, of the tinating courts the people have to en- J Constitution of Xarth Carolina, Suction dure the extortion of the tax-gathers, 1 13. Chapter 80. Acts 1901. who levy what taxes they choose with out interference irom any superior sol long as the required sum is sent to Con stantinople. Out of the uncertainties of the financial 'administration have "AO person who has become of age since the first day of June of the pre vious year, or who was fifty years of age or over on the first day of June of the previous year is required to produce baaasy aa4 v4cnUd hannasam. S5DO xiawvAxici i ,WHO CAVvOT B8 CX-XOX i , B-ck4 Vt vr a tir- a wtwt ml nawUtlt mm4 vmttarm ear, a rrrord each aa m ot.v rca4f foe tb ir-r ad waa-faat pruf to wm xrt naia-d, ( fwoprteton Dr. rtrrr- yavortt rvcnpt to 9ttl faif wnr Hi elinnf jr Jjno ia trfl mrot thm t'auad Si-te. for mt Of JcorTl, rnwV Writkr-. rVUi. i, or Falli-f of Wowb htch i.m c- X ear. All Uvv ak ia a fair ted rtaaMft aMa trial ol tktr mm of car , , - I tka-bt rittMlNd4r4( Cm aa4 tell yam of tfea grmm tm unnul la -. -. Mia. at. a loMrf tata. m l: Whaa I bcaaa kj f a mI vmk aa- had ml r may tumttm fimi CwU mm - an imv. mmd -m k t ouwMt mat walk oaa-ttiwrtw mail. I mmm a iwi liiiiaiit la k? ImmH . h. tarn U Sr huWc wm mA. Waa taSrriajr wm.k akMM( -r mm iMal to la; had laii-.ikia at mm niai aa4 sraard iinmili aaa ha avittfa at Stntat iliiiiw, Aft te.tec mi bM ml FavprMi fnwlwlwi.1 I feu ltk a mrm ho a. jCur-kmtlwitl U mli Ua-i ol ii an aad mm at tt-wf If! tou are lookiac for a perfcrt laxA tiv try Dr. Mecca's Haaaant IVUcta. developed the complications arising I any poll tax receipt or take said oath. Henry B. Adams. Thos.'J. Jerome. t tilataa Tawa 's.a.wfiglfl1 S UaafS' aUi) NBiyUBj ' iliUMBi- W Ss-MiS. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Frank Armfield. Tola D. Maness. ing into our ports at the rate of a mil lion' a year. The Southern has peculiar attraction for agricultural labor from Europe, and so great is the unBupplied demand pr each labor in Georgia that a serious argument is maue by one ol its citizens for the importation of Chi nese coolies; yet in Georgia and North Carolina, together, with a combined poulation of 4,110.141, there are only 16,895 of the European foreign-born, a number less than the average immigra tion to this country in a single week at this time," ' I The labor problem in the South in deed bids fair to become a serious one, andrye.it SeemB InaXtfieT-eTfednQriaDOr era does not tend to attract European immigrants as might be expected. The figures above-quoted show a sur prisingly small number of -foreign-born people in the South, andj they fully bear out the assertion- that this-is the section of the purest Americanism with North Carolina's figures leading in that respect. It has been arguad, and with perhaps good ground, that the presence of the neero keeps immigrants but of the South. If so, this is not altogether an unmixed evil, for perhaps the great er 'number of those now swarming to our shores are less desirable as citizens than are the colored people, as great a burden as the race problem appears, at times. ..." - .. V . .-. Aside from this condition, boweVer1 it is a fact that the South ia in need of a good class of immigrants and the conditions favorable to the immigration Amonth latter the pretty employed Two months ago he was seized, it is was promoted to a "partnership" which she has never since regretteedj Spohr won his wife with equally dramatic suddenness. After playing a duet at a court , concert with Dorette Scheidler, a beautiful and gifted harp ist, and while the tumult of applause was still ringing in their ears, he said to his companion: "Shall we play to gether thus through life?" For answer "the lady burst into tears and sank in to' his arm's." One day When Dr. Dawson, an elo quent preacher of a century ago, called of his oratory, for whom he had con ceived a not altogether platonic affec tion, he found her reading the Bible. Stealing up behind her he looked over her shoulder to Bee what she was read ing, when, without showing any re cognition of his pesence, . the lady's forefinger ested on the worda of Na than to David:"Thou aft the man. Even a less marked hint would have been sufficient for Dr. Dawson, andj we cannot wonder that Miss Corbett Boon changed her name. . r: ' declared, with a desire to find if his former wife still lived. He accord ingly wrote the postmaster of Bent Mountain, Va. for information regard ing Mrs. Hylton. He was greatly sur prised to receive a letter . stating that she was still alive and the mother of a son, 27 years bid, who . was, a leading young citizen of the community and the father Of three little girls. lhis was too much lor the old man . i ' . . ..... ana he came to Virginia to visit this son. : Father and son met here a few days ago and they went together to visit the Wife and mnthpirwhere the huaband was received only "aa rrt.;..,,Tr-j3 inducements were' offered to the son to from an iunpaid dissatisfied army, to say nothing of unpaid officials in all other departments. i. j Then,, to cap the pyramid of folly, the sultan attempts to look after all the details of administration, a task beyond the physical power of any man.' Im- "Any person who shall illegally 'vote in any election, shall be guilty of an infamous crime, ind imprisoned not less than six cor more than twelve montns, or nned not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred I j dollars, at the discretion of the court. portant matters are delayed, and the I Section 48, Chapter 89, 'Acts 1901. impatient people take things into their I "Any . person who shall corruptly own hands. . take the oath prescribed for voters shall Un this fertile held of. discontent the J be guilty of perjury, and be fined not political agitator sows his seed of insur-1 less than five hundred nor more than rection. It was the Macedonian revo-l one thousand dollars, and be imprison- j Ht. Pleasant Collegiate Institute, Mt. Pleasant, N. C. A Hljrh Grade School for Boys and Young Men. . Department. i1 t.ir heaitU. lution committee which held Miss Stone, the missionary, for a ransom, that it might get money to carry on its work. The patriots on occasion pose as ed at hard labor in theDenitenuary not less than two nor more than five years. Section 49, ChspterMftcU 1901. "I have heard it suggested that some PrrrxirmforT and TVI -t !kautirul for altuattini. K4m1 IDr-a large brick bulldlnaa, IkkmI libra-tea na larue elegantly furntatird anrtrty balia MettHxla the niont approved. iHwIpllna ntkld. but Ilrui. Thorou.U work. Prk-e reaaonable. Session Opens Sept. 16, 1903. Correapondract solicited. . i M. A. McrxTLMirOIC, O. r.McALLlTKIt. I Priuclpala. brigands,-and brigands, when it serves I persons are registered who did not list their purpose, call themselves patriots. I their poll- taxes for the year 1&)2, and Tn' thn VtnnA nt rAttr?ncr m -Hem. I KiavA nnt n-irl t1-- A tria ami Bcieoie t-t A.t i-n I ;v-- mrv fmm tViA oDcraiion of I - . - a -unw au n C.Cua a va-e 1 winter ' for improving the financial, J the laws above quoted, and that they locate in the west, and this caused judicial and civil administration of the I can vote because they have never lusted him, with his little family, to go to I district, and the sultan accepted it So their poll .taxes. This is' puerile folly Arkansas with the old ;man. Today I far as the plan was. applied it failed to I and stupidity, and every man who was they bade the mother good-by and left pacify the discontented, and a serious required to list his poll tax, on the first for the West. I insurrection began in - August. What I day of June, 1902, and .who baa not! the outcome will be is useless prophesy. I done so and who has not paid his poll We know only that trouble will con-1 tax by the first day of May of the tinue until the district is governed by a present year cannot legally vote, and strong man who doe Justly and loves I should be do so, he ia liable under the CONCORD, N. c. Practice In all the State and TT. 8. Courts. Prompt attention given to collections and the settlement of estates, administrators, j of good farmers to the piedmont region vited to call on them. ' Continued and pain-1 seemsvto be increasing dauy. . JliVery siaKiDK attention wixi oe given, as a reason-1 , , ... , sonable price, to all legal business. Office tnl new factory built makes rooni for lui.i7 larger diversity, of farming within a ra- dius of six to ten miles 01 tne plant. Dr. Abernethy, the famous physician, was as abrupt in his courtship as in his treatment of his patients. When, after a single meeting," he decided that Miss Anna Threlf all would make a desirable life partner, he promptly wrote to her so in a direct, business-like way. He told her frankly that he was "much too busy a man to have time to spare . f of IpyeiruLkjng," but if she was willing to marry him she might let him know in a week. Miss Threlf all did let him know, and the answer was favorable. WANTED ! 7 to 12 Horse Power Engine and boiler wanted. ; K. L. CRA.VEN, The new factory populations are alway consumers of that kind ol farm , pro ducts which have heretofore had scant value in the South. : The good roads have contributed i immensely to the Piano to exchange for horse or mule. ; Fire Accident, Gainsborough's wooing was made al most absurdly easy for him. Ha -had completed a portrait of Miss Burr, a "" - charming young lady of sixteen sum' mere, when his fair sitter was so de- development of that kind of farming lighted with her presentment that she Concord, N.'C. which meets the wanfs of an increas- more than hinted that while she took P8 His go od there were timea.when meat could be orcinal. Gainsborough did not decline brought from Chicago to Charlotte of J sacn a tempting offer. The Dlacoverer of TelesrapbT to At tend the Greenaboro ReauioD, Gseejjsboeo, N. C, September 18. Mr. J. - L. Clemmons, it has always been claimed by his friends, was the discoverer of telegraphy, and commu nicated his discovery to Morse, who perfected the principle and claimed' it as his pwn. Mr. Clemmons was reared in Lexington, Davidson county, and it was generally supposed that he was dead long ago. Mr. W. A- WtooP of this city, received a long and inter esting letter from Mr. Clemmons, say qg that he was in excellent health and was comming to the reunion of non resident North Carolinians, to be held here October 12-13. in the letter he states that he is ninety-one years old and has not been in-bed from sickness in seventy years, That he left North Carolina fifty -three years ago before there was a railroad in all this section or an acre of to bacco planted for sale; that he has lived in Louisville, Ky., many years, and amassed a comfortable fortune, wife and children . are all dead, and be uvea with an only surviving sister , ; : The old gentleman cab, rest assured For constancy it would be difficult to of a royal welcome fronj the sons and good reafons to lie awake at nigh.t and 7C.se:, . and Bsfi-asd- INSU RANGE. mi LOKG EXPERIENCE. Large number of : about as low a cost of transportation as it could be brought over the old-fash ioned mud roads in mid-winter from find a rival for Jeremy Benthanu In grandsons of old comrades in David- the farm located eight .miles out, of I early manhood Jeremy Uentnam pro-1 son, and may be prepare-to see, won- town. The chan ge in this condition J posed for the hand of a young lady, J derf ul changes in the 1 Old N orth State alone is sufficent to turn unprofitable who promptly refused him. Forty inj the half a century of his absence. farming into profitable farming. Be- years later he renewed his offer, with sides this one changed condition, the the same result; and, t still, loyally price of cotton is more than double cbensning ms love in oia age, ne 7V.at'it .u fi- nr Rix vears a?o. and I proposed again at the age Ol SU in 8 W , -- - - f O . I - the increased, and increasing factory touching letter, in whloh he wrote population has very much enlarged ''Since the day whn you presented me the markets for other -farm products with the fiowerj in the Jane, not a single tk.n ontfnn Thn inenme of a farmer I day has passed in which you have not wunu wa.wv--a : -.--- m . . to-day must be from tree to four-fold engrossed my thoughts, mercy. ' -O, Donlt For Teaebere. St. Loula Bepablic. " v y&f. As-the school year opens, Doctor Thompkins, a pedagogue of large ex perience, presents a list of don'ts for teachers. .- Doh't lie awake night because one Child is bad. That is not a sign your teaching is a failure. Don't stop a child from whispering by strenuous means. Appeal to the pupil in a quiet way. . ' Don t throw a ruler at the child s head to divert him from some mischiev ous act. The commotion disturbes the unity of the, whole more .than the child's misdeed. Don't use the dunce cap. It makes the pupil feel fooligh. You should en deavor to make him feel manly. j Don't attempt to correct a child's ac tions by means from without when means from within are much more effective. Doctor Thompkina s rules are not intended as absolute. law above referred to." Strike Agalnat Worainr the Bead Bayboro Sentinel. The road hands on a certain section of the public roads in the lower end of the county, have nullified and refused to work on the public roads and hate defied the officers of the law, so far is the enforcement of the road law is con i cerned. This is a bad state of affairs :Pil A .High Class Steel RANGE or STOVE can ae vurcnaaea lie re at a Moderate Price. We are showing a line that contains a number of different styles. UThese have been selected by us because of their handsome acsiim. nne construction ana to exist in any county. We do not like known efficiency. All the kno w the present system of keeping up the ledge gained in years of stove a . .mrw-r a j 1 . - . ' a puDiic roaas. vveuo not ininc it ; a i makincr is emooaieu in tnese. just and equitible way; but it is the We have made Special Prices foi law, and the lawful way so long as it is thi season. If the old stove: is a law, and the man who is subject to do PP otkjpg all right this IS a road dutv when he refuses to do that Coa ume lo uv a new one- duty is a violaterbf theUw just as much 'phone 1G3 CIlSLS. H. SttlllL as. the man who steals a horse, or com-1 -y mits murder, and the law - officers should see that the law is rigidly and strictly enforced. -4 think-over the refractoriness or unre- sponsiyenees of a single pupiL r Again, there are occasions when nothing but "strenuous means" will suffice. Even J what it was hve or six years ago . lnis I Z Amima Viaani nrrr rho TtT-Hi tinn erV DeSI-Om pa nieS that the farmer is taking proper note ' - A - - . ' 1 ' ' I ... . . .... :. or tne increasing mareus lur jjcnau- represented at our Agency on West Depot Street. . 'Phone No. 184. - ' C. G. RICHMOND & CO. HICHCSTER'S ENGLISH YROYAL PILLS Ortsi-al ! Only . SAFE. Alw.Tinli.bfci. LdU. m.k (mirrlrt (or CHItMl ttt S jt.oaxi. ia KKU ui old BwnDle baza. mM -ilk Umt ribbon. Tke other. Bern D-m--M 8b-Ut.U.M mmm ImMmt . But of Jxir Orauin. 4fc i u. "K ttteT for Ij.dir." uuw.bj nt tra MU. ICtOt TMinm-i. Btridbj D1)nnlM. Chlehe-ter t'liemleal V, S444 a-a "tre " - - ram LUkts HfKtkt All fl.St tAiLS. Beat Cuvtih byrup. Tmates Good. in time. tld or aniKKim. able farm products and. is taking the trouble to supplyjbese markets. It is well known ' that great numbers of people who formerly farmed are now engaged in manufacturing pursuits. This leaves room on the farms for the immigration ot those people who are interested in farming, whether they come from Europe or from our own Northern States. r.; All the new'conditions taken together good roads, the high price of cotton, the increased and increasing markets for "all ' lands of perishable farm pro- ; Bismark s iron resolution was never better demonstrated than in his love- making. At his first meeting wuh the lady who was to share his, life for so many years he proposed to.her and was accepted, and on the following day, presenting himself at the house of her parents, who knew him only as a a, - - r young man of undesirable reputation, he demanded the young lady's hand and refused to leave - the -house until his suit was granted. A BillTllle Author's Jaaraa). Atlanta Constitution. I , Rose at 4:30 this morning: dug a ditch, and got an appetite for break-. fast. r -- After breakfast I summoned roy secretary, who had been currying the mules and broke into my mail, which contained a summons to serve on the jury. . - , .'V. - I then rang a cow bell for pen, ink and paper, and wrote an order on the grocery store for ten meat. There "were several callers among i them the bailiff, who Berved notice on me to work the public roads, in default of back taxes.' Stomach Troable. "I hare been troubled with my stom ach for the past four years," says D. There may be 1 Beach, of Clover Nook Farm, Greenfield, Mass. i A lew days aso X was induced to bay a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tablets. I have taken part of them and feel a great deal better." If yon have any troable with your stomach , try a box of these Tablets. Tou are cer-! a ruler thrown mignt produce tne nsp- tain to be pleased with the result. Price piest result in a conceivable instance, j 25 cents. For sale by M. L. Marsh. And the dunce cap, which is the height of barbarity,- might be justi fiable in the rare case of an irrepressibly froward youngster. Means from with in, means that operate through the heart, are preferable; but not uncom monly the skin is a good conductor of valuable impressions, imparted "from without." ' . Almost any plan philosopher is com I J .Wproarptybtal TT. g. mm! Voretoa 1 Puot.-d TrrlaMrkiorr-tar.mil' J f auoraarafaa. SpaUI prlos hrooramaB. M I Icatiair with Iba pabllnro( tai Mnc f I J FraMarekaa4 reoorfcoa pate-taUlwj. I J SWI FT & CO.twtIg5 V J OjV.t.nOmluUmmtmm.lke. C TQ Til ii;cc:cc:iYTi::ts ,.;:-.J , CTAUMtO H If TsX. th If4c krow It. Slay To Morphine From Doctor Orders. Habit Worse Than tho Dltteaio. Dr. Miles' NcrvJno Cured : MSJ. a aVf - t Sm, mt -S n wp waaa mma.mmmmi a.vit. t,,1 h aa. k awa Ut that M'ai mmmmm, 1 aS4 tt9mmrtmm 1 1,-4 mm "Wiw-N,, r It,'1 L4 l Z mZ tk H C aaa. 4 mmmmmim a. M aarrw ae. f-a mh kaw m .it iWV!f waa a twm-i s.b ,4 fcaljit I t-W4 tsm tM im t- a 1 n aa4 1 ttanl t -Uf u n w Mf U4 mm orittwi ta aiim mm Um bMtl. t (M toatMvllT I aa. ..A i , aoaa a tmt4. ftefiertag," All drmeeiut w!l .! ...i i.. tW If. Ht' Km,1.r Sr4 la l K- On Nf-w aa4 Hrafl t AdOnaa Ta Wauattw al tt .u,,;u,i.J k I it mr - b n. M lew tt.. iu .1 k- Man is I'mtur. Iwl A.m. 2 Cabarrus Sayings Bank. Ccncord tai llbeaifle, I. C -OAPITi-I., S50,000.00. - ftarrlaa aaS a4lM ' .; .-Haa, - l l,(HU.fHI. Resources Oyer $300,000. nDral OaJaklns Ruatn-c Traaaatl. A otHinta of laUlvhtual, flrma an4 rurtiratluM ulltMtad. W cordially tnrita Every. Man. Woman and Child wba wtaiMw U"tay fej aotttHlung fur rJy oar.' to tto a Tin Arcoant t(h a. i pmt cant. Intaravt JM am . Uc 4-i-lu and da. carUftrat orncr.iui, O. r. CANsrtm. H. i wooitHiu an. I'raatilvnt. aMr MAKT1N la u Kit, C. W. SWI a a.' Vk-a-fraolilatit. T.intf. Mar. ia-t. S m u. TMC Dlrcctora WhI la Kpow A boat eapa mt Caaivleta. Asheville, N. C, Sept. 17,-There isi to be an investigation by the board of directors of the state prison at Raleigh to ascertain the cause of recent escapes by convicts from that institution. That this investigation will be thorough, is certain, and it is not at all improbable that some interesting developments may be brought to light,- It is openly hinted mat tne convicts were uaeu in Glorious Mountains of Western North Carolina THB SOUTHERN RAILWAY invite the attention of all Health or fleaaur. mtmmen. petent to devise serviceable don'ts. pounds of side-1 The business of teaching is one requir ing afmirA all thinon nmnle common sense. Common tense impUes discrim- -v-f , .- "1 h, A - J fc a. A w. . a t . a. a ,9 k a S . ination and something of tact. Also, the doctrine of do is more than the sex mons of don't. outside, or that guards connived at their escape.' When asked to-day whether THE TOURIST SEASON t- opened iumm 1. KM and on that oate Low Bate Summer Excursion Tickets went on sale from principal point. In tb South and Souibea-t. to to noted rworto V At 6 O'clock sharp,' my assistant sec-1 ; Hla tlfe Save hj CHa-aberlatir r re tar v informed me that the mule, was ready hitched for 'plowing purpose8t and I warned him not to disturb me seam after which he went - out . and Colle, there will be ah investigation, and it rsiat la .tfe Tn t Via Inst, nnnltrcia nrdwlv lmown. but wa rt, Vnr,w t-t it ia ,rfiT atrint law. Iplowed the mule himself. I P. S. This literary business ain't aV a aaUarw V-taw -m wm . v . -vm nwajuiHj p m- I T - - suits. Irregular living means derange- what it's cracked up to be! ducts-certainly "makes this a good me of the organs; retingin Consti- country for a good farmer, - and there is 'ample-room to receive all who may come for their advantage and for the Chtelera aad OlaurrStoc lB. I: Byer, well known cooper of I will be speedy and thorough.1 this town, says he believes Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved his life last summer. He had been sick for a month with what the doctors call bilious dysentery, and could get there WOuld be an investigation Of tblS I located on aod reached by K.a,rn ItaUwar. mcic uiu v - s , w"jTic.eUoiialepto aod inciudlns ipt- matter. J. P. Kerr, who is a member of 1 ber aa UUi. limited to October -1, lsui. and the board of directors,' replied, Yes, I return. ; Saddeat niaadTealare. Careleesness is lesponsible forlmany an accident and we never know when to expect one. It is well to know for our advantage of this section. pation. Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. I King's New life Pills quickly re-adjusts j I this. It's gentle, yet thorougn. Only i 26o. at P. P. Fetzer's Drug Store. " For a bilious attack take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver .Tablets and a quick cure is certain. For sale by M. L Marsh. ' - nothing to do him any good until he own benefit and for others that Bnclt tried this- remedy. It gave him im- len's Arnica Salve is the best remedy on mediate relief," says B. T. little, mer- earth for Burns, Scalds, Braises, Cuts, I chant, Hancock, Md. For sale by M. L Felons, Boils and Piles. Only 25c. Marsh. " " - i Guaranteed by Y. B. Fetzer, uruggist. "The Land of the Sky" - ' . i ASTD . 5 "Sapphire Country," Aaberttle. X. C- and Hot P pries'. X. C offer every attraction to tbe Bummer Traveler or Invalid-- Tie East Tennessee aid Ylrgjnlft Resorts S eiafi Double Daily Trains Carrying Pullman Sleepers. Gafs Cars a la carte) and Chair Cars (teats free). Electric lighted Throvghcvt TIIN Blraiagtsa, Mcapfcls as. Kaisai at; Texas. Oklahoma aad ladlaa Tcrrttorlo Tar West aad fiortkwe&t - tub only Ttutouon wjEKFiNa cau Unn BETWEEN THB aoVTrtBAST ANO Kansas crrr i Deacriptl-s literature, tickets ar- ranged and through reservations mads upon application to W.T. SAUNOINS. Oca i Aev. Pass. Diet, r.C.CANR, Taa. . Arr , fUttl, Oa. W. T. SAUNDERS Gen'l Af ent Pasaanier OsMetmsal ATLANTA. GA. food's Seeds FOR FALL SOWING. Farm era arvl fl'wrs who de sire the latest and fulkt informa tion about r Yeptabls and Farm Sesds should write for Wood's Near Fall Catakru. It U-llaallal.mil the fall planting of Lettoc. Cab bage and other Vejetabls crops which are proving o wofiUble f southern grower. Akw about, . Crlrasort trover, 1 Vetches, i Grasses and Cavers, Seed Oats, Wheat, -; Rye, Barley, etc. Wood's Kew Fall Catalivn maili-J fre on request. Writ fwr it. T. W. WOOD & SOUS, Seedsmen. Richmond, Va. W AKT B D-FAITH rCl. fj"' trarel and euperrU torr of "Wy and make ,liectki ' r. Mnnt hou-e. BtraUfW aaiar- a nrnim Haiarr PJ1 w"1 mvmnm envelope. Hopert-te-d-at, HmrUvrm Chicago. 111. - Manager Wanted. Tnutwoitny ladr or bualneaa la ibto coor Vary tor a wU and farorJy of aolid Oaandal .taa.ila WW .1. mmimrt and e.p--". tM aacb Moo'l.r. cbck 11rrt from Ueadqaartera- Vx adraorad; poalOon peruarBt. Adrtrea- MAS AC -it, IHiwdJa. Cbicaao. 111. ' - -j ' . also offer marry indocementa for Uaaltb and Fleaaure. Aak any Southern Railway Airft for Ram merHmnee Folder, deaoripMT of tbe many Uellrtitrul ll-orta reacuea i - by bouUiern ttallway. eacb WaaUS-aeral rera mt ' barae- mthtowanty Wlrll to reprqawi. aad mA Tertlae oW atabbl ,rJl7 .SLJlJi aa anli Z.".,M' " r .. Hnria ' weoaecaay jrvm r ... arnaca turaHtmajmhaammy.V Cokaital. W UearboTB St, CbJcago. att.s-it . l

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