--THE TIMES -4- STERM BOOK AND JOB OFFICE We keen on hand a fall rtooi cf ' eTTER HEADS; NOTE HEADS, STATE MENTS, BILL HEADS, ENYEL- OPES, TAGS, VISITING CARDS WED- NG INVITATIONS, ETC; ETC.; G( )0 D PRI NTI NGALWAYS PAYS THF CONCORD times. -7o2lzi JS. Sherrill, Editor and Owner, BE TTTC3? AyP 3TX!,AT& 1TOT. Volume XXI. 100 a year, Jldnu:c. CONCORD, N. C. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1903. Number 16. CTAUMtt I ?, t y anything-1 n, ihc ffd eW It. HORSE HEN! For aiding the digestion, creating appetite and for giving life, vigor anl strength to horses and mules," the best remedy of all is ; " DEV. S An JONES WHITES OP JOYS Or COCHTHT LIFE. Hoiiuimi S Condition Ponders! have used, with indifferent restilts, con' dition powders recom mended equally good for horses, cattle, poul try . swine, etc.. will find in Ashcraft's a remedy beneficial to norses and mules only. It' is not a cure-all," but invalua ble for the purposes '.. recommended.1 - Ahcraffs Condition . fire? nreoared from the formula of a - - - r a practical veterinarian of over 30 years experience, and when once used, horsemen will have no other. This la tn rrMfr that we have been Belling; Ashcraft's Remedies for ft number of rears, and that they have given universal satisfac tion. The purest drugs are Incorporated in aeay Atlanta Journal. ; ; l After three weeks of rest and recu peration, sod still I have not rested or recuperated, I - wonder how long it takes to rest and recuperate? But I am learning to enjoy it more, ss I get in the habit of doing nothing bat feed o m Powders that time to do all I would like to do before I qnit my job. Yours truly, v 8am P. Jos is. - P. 8. Tom Dixon's new book, "The One Woman," is chasing down the J always with us. Doubtless it is because road after "Leonard Spots." read and it ia noor that it alwars is with as. TBB LA BOB PBSBLEX A!tTDB SITU. WOBK S BflTBSBm. RB6BO. 1 . I --. " ' r I PfHisii TrmAm r-Tu savs The labor problem, like the poor, is " ft""' Caartotw otawnr. AJeitver m, mmta am WRnw resident, f'from those terrible people csrTv Lire mobst at CWTairmtUrM. It has rim atUrm to those who have studied to see the steady streaB of good roaa aiier --jjeoparu opovs, rcau auu i n u poor ina it always la wiiu i " -1 - - criticised by tens of thousands. In this Our labor In the South is poor becacue I who, icting under a pretence ol friend- I Cnessmake a cractice of repeadnx on- Tv.- inm . i;; I t v r. .. . lahrtm-. I tdeaaant remarks that hare been mad. the calves and colts and pigs and watch ome pHUe nd -ome think it is just Und U h been claimed thatno other u -1 bj y 7 , . the dairyman milk and churn, etc. 1 1 wf uh But whether they commend can compare with hisa for the condi-1 or Toman U talked about haraW write of mr condition and new habits or condemn, they aU agree that he is Uons that exist in the Bouthem Stales. I ''; write of. my conoiuon ana new namis, ...- Lt . T . ,;MlmoUTes are sometimes misconstrued. not for want of other things to write of, EUUUS tUK4-uuu " nM W"U1UUU" "T" . . . M" wvn .mnUtfl. u;..Kn0 Tit. h immnrtJ rinrlv. I u AmAl..Hn ft;mt MAms (a 1 and that Dopersoa wno amounuioany but because there are-so many over- -- " TI thW .11 r A Mthinr worth worked acquaintances , of friends of ne gives xorin mucn certain wcaiiues; a sou 01 grea w.jr " " . -J . . I fn. nan fwtm Hi. tnnim ' ntn ..4 Ktu .mn a wwl anfl. WU- cwya ui wunun " - mine, who are hke myself,- worked . .T. ".u TnlTZZ: thai this Is a nart of th. .iem.of lit down, and worn out nervously, aij i . 1 . ... t;.. itmWiMnnf th meetM- . . . ... . i i v I tne stace: an auon in eieciricai i markpta within easr. reacn ana crop ia--. ." aance is no go we, u. -m . f'. . n;llon ftn the , . -1 ' fuL weak sneers at strenrth, and -cor J Aa ii.a a wnnvw lira i uiwufwuwuM i hucav cm d san r- - - T . -iB . 0iirtor tat.Bi'iTfl'Aiiii Af minm nope 10 escape ucq peuy for thoae who are worn out doing " f . wv-v . -r - damnAtioii. Each Wii apt to know , '..A j.jl- nnd(r a w&iron aa a Dlain atizen. I tViMa rA TaAriiliflr tn the net?ro. igamnauon. x-acn man m ap w anvw tnor- tkiy t 1 o Toiir.taT ! wnrrm tinwn. l " i i w iuk. aLaat as - a vmv w . . . . ..- I U 1. then quiet and calves and colts and 8. P. J. j The negro has been a curse to the I the estimate that the. world and his cLTott. New. ! .h -H r,r. I-.... . . - - I a J l . At AMi4 i tS ta fMAndl . .. . . ' i.i.l r- ICfV. ihia ia aatd with the kind-1 menus oavo tu xuut, wu Dies are splendid companions anu iae i Booker Wablnsioi' jnutakea Fia i - - - . i. , - j. .j v(. r.;. nnanirv me ma ucdi lueuit. j.uw w- uuuiuum ntwt. i . tonjpicking season, is in full blast now and when all hands get in about sun down with baskets full of cotton snd see the weighing process and the smiles nn th darkies' faces who had the heaviest baskets and the jeers of the others.1 it's real amusine.v 'Possums The know if the following statement made by a Mr. Wood before a committee of the Alabama Legislature is true : "The Kev. Sam Jones has been told by Washington and has printed the statement that not one of his . (Wash- .1 - . m a. I a .:u i tA. 'RAMna0 lOQiT in lznorance oi any snuwm u WU1VU Xk nwut tvruti;. i . . . laborer was a slave, no Ifree man was W Involve prlnapie or cnaracier. ..:C laKA," .nd Kanao thp nixrm Ana 1U mailers wucrc avcuuu u the Uborer to-day -no white man is necessary, either to correct a wrongful willing to labor if he can help it or injurious swiemem, r ,uu.uvC t ! d,. that the neirro is a remedy for wrong by deed, or even to is J :. ian-i H-v, o I , . . . . .v .v ! . ........ . ; ii.t. - i tmor .r...arr1nl DiTui szainBi a uiwicr IXUUU, mcu it, are ripe now and soon I hope to be awe Ungton's) Indents has been ne " J. "rrf the duty of a friend and the privilege rnruArtcraftTO togP 'possum nunung. penwenusry. a Digger u i u,.u ' JZL " VA ..t hU of any right minded person to go to have no other. engeish DEUG co., Monroe, I i am thankful for a home in the has never been told. The only two those twenty negroes can he trust hu "8 .nT.u.r,im fif r t ; ' . i i -i ai. m. . m.mIvw fY t it aw i uio aajsaA awuvv. Ash??f,S Powders f?en tat -r. never bloat, tne nair , Decomme i . " . . . " " . - "... m , .n ... . ,tv.v4uuuon. - sleek and glossy. Always high from tbftferowds, to tne quiet oi nur tney were cnargea wun rape, n- u- "7 "But there are numerous busybodies grade. -Price 25 centsSold by at its best. ' . ngton hime has prctea hjlTe TVT T. TVT A TViSTT The rural free delivery gives us ine his students in tne court oi my ciiy. ru-.-- f - l nMtaemmiaerr They -" J-1- VX-OOX1 u... ;.rru JL. .i.. ,.rt. w.11 v,a- few davs. More than that, unless his I o object except to cause miaery. Aney uauy papero uuuk "-u 1CwD - - - - , , . , teU vou thines that wiU make you we spend a few moments reaoing oi that some ot wasnington s pupus nave cJO f-v . - j- . - , . . Ynil - I . is ii - W a sv nnnn I -w-AAAt lA aav svaw vh v vw-. railroad wrecks, cyclones, floods, mur- been convicted of every crime known, ao .uu w . ders, etc., and feel serene and undis- and that there is not a . student '!taW, 5rtt- ti0n is placed upon your moUoes; that mayed because it seems so tar on to Washington's school uving in my -. ""rTT uMmi,.m.m vain, or t - I . .. : v.. i j. i . I iiv.1. : v,Qo i siith and it. will he manv a aav Deiore i ' of the Ll taker us. A teu you aisiance teuu county tuk u uuw cug , " - ' .. vour clothes were awry or unbecoming; PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. H. C. HERRING. DENTIST Is now on tlie gronnd flobr oowoobd. tt. Dr. W. C. Houston -Surgeon Vrjgj Dentist, CONCOBD. H. 0. i Is prepared to do an kinds ot dental work In rue most approveu niuiiiw Residence 'Phone U. 1 Omce 'Phdne 43. people leaving their homes to seUfo io railroad towns. There art several r- for this. One of them was, and U, that the educational advantages of the towns ar so far sanerter to those of the ordinary country neighborhood thai parents were driven to Iowa by sheer necessity. Another inducement has been the protection the town affords and the constant danger to which the family was exposed la . the country. eepecially in the absence of the male members; and stiH another reason is found ia the mUeseoest of our people and the desire to get to the centres. The young men leave and the others after awhile follow, and the old home Is inhsbited by tenants and the old farm gradually goes down. We hope there will be a reaction along this line. We fancy there are signs of it - already. Not long since it was oar pleasure to visit a fine oki country, community. Heretofore there was a disposition on the part ot the young men to get Awsy and they did leave until only a few re mained.. Fanning was at a low ebb. Prices were way down snd it was all a farmer could do to eke out a living. Now everything is looking up. Young men in that neighborhood are making big money. They are bringing their farms p to a fine state of . cultivation, and thev take tmde In their business. The schools ar better than formerly and the neighbors live so near eacn other Ample protection is Afforded. We re joiced to see this better state of . things snd we trust it may extend all over the State; for, after all, our real prosperity as a people depends on the prosperity of the farmer; lie feeds us all, and if he makes ; money and improves his farm All the people Are the ArttTAt, Btat VAftBA r i- : - Yrtrday's lf tuU t4 tbe aouU talol Kraeat llsywwd ; May's Wts of the acottitWl cl J aims it. TUIsaasu Ootrary to rxrrtauoo at the tiaW of ti alsyieg of Skiasxv bf Itsywoni. th drtcac caJbhaWd, bood doutut, that an affrsy had frrlrd th 1m4- leg And that lisywcwd was struck y kiaaer. It was rorwd jat sicoorh. sirJy tlit hsvief tirock tb Wow, Skinner brgso a backward tnovemeet aod was shot and iilWd wbik la re treat. The jury, has said that the kUl Ing under these drcomttsoces m m erima. To this, paUk Ofsaioa will net assent. It was not Biurder ia the first degree the Bute rktii4 iLst point, but u was a crime a lower arrec ; i was aa offence against the criminal Us, and all the verdicts of all the juries nnnnt rererae that atnhbom fat. Hat the defendant had famuy and rsoaaFJ I . fl.. mamam A .in i.t ..t . . w . t I counsel, and, best of all, the Judg av peared for him. One of the jurors has told a Raleigh paper that the jury did not deliberate on the case more than two or three minutes after receiving the chargethat the remaining teelve or fifteen minutes it,' was out the jurors were occupied ia packinc up their clothes. As in the case above the ti peeled happened in tbeTillmaa case. Hers the defendant shot down and .killed an unarmed man' and who was mskiugno demonstrstton toward bim -shot him down without word of warning. Oon- sales had lashed his slayer without mercy. It is no wonder that he writhed under the daily exposures of his per sons, and official delinquencies. If, Shattered Norrea and We ah Heart -, --1- mmm tmm ,r Too Ncnrous to Sleep ; or lVn - Dr.MlU'!Ira,rt Cure) and Ntrftne Cured Me, ffia, kay ars AtkatWf4 fa. u - - - a-. t ra ft4 a ( Wrt a at a kMk h- 4 (fUrt IV ItAatfa metmm. M4VWs thm aai fmm mp MM M U U. Crlw4 tww tHtr a4 (TMUf mfW fomt trwtml mtmkkt "1 Wsa mm r0f V-wJ V J. Mir' NerrtM a4 Utmtt Cw Uwl 1 Wf wwatM imim m ti km nwltt tut Vrmrm mmi'.f mmMtrri aaj mf Mte4 a fmt 4mX. 1 14 w at Wtt ana . . t tu k . j j . t.. ., ... mmm wimwwm w m . . , n :atvp stv Wtt sa4 fevevsM MkWtiu sa4 lay Mart a4 tnr-tat. 1 eat4 araKrt af i 4 .mt Mwl ir,ih4 SinBt swat .u, rmltata B4 rM t&at 1 Ittt MMfr. Now t aai hmt4 fa ay fcaart, MV Br ara ia4 aa a . w4, mU a4 t aa t a kafTf w mnm mm irnnf w ir at ka, a ia inaf 1 tM fr ScteC m .J ka fawd wtuis t was UL-T. - t C4r, Tttaa AU irufx mU aad imih ftnl W. U . Mum' Ktak-Saa. St Dc MUM Use! Ca, lUaaaiv las. k4 -r bouk Inavaata. AitalSSa Gabarros SaYings Bank. Concord isA ilbesiirle, I. C in the rassion excited by these attacks, CAPITAL. 50 000 00 gainers. ment in that case, we nave oeen reau- uving."-.. , " " ' - v-l,-. r-. .ill imtji 'on ing With interest of the war among the We are at a loss to see how anything business l' an ta.t vour nf Atlanta, and we are all 1 ranld he determined from any decision torcea into u. nsuuuunuBumm ..a v-v- .v. ' . ... . w,-ni-a- k., hii-nd i capacity is umiiea: umh wmeuuuy uu-1 r , i tor ine nomination iut uoTwiwr, ioo onChief BaU;. side.and we know he that might be given in the abovecon- Ungor a posiUon o f manag Q that80meone beUeve. you country district, is admirable. And tele L opon hlm c, and month. wulcomeout on top in --troyersy xx ax rr.- VMM. 1 are miking mistake in., matter thAt phones.Are bringing the centres kwonvon hU lacuons m iuo puuto w., .uu MUueu v "-j ;- r . . ' , I oa vnow is unimportant. The world 19 comrumues. xnis ming I wouldn't it be a good thing to hang Und'found their way to jail, to the and no nation nor tnbe has produced 7 t,jL .v.rt , ,-h must always be true: the country is the . .. a ii- I ;r,ol1fi Jr. (hMA rfsjwes. Hut "V -" . . . . . . one or the otner lacuons anu turn ymciipemienuaiy, anu even w mo su-". T , a. k. ab-,ut 0ther kinds of P1 W raise ooys. At is uard to make Tf Via dm nnhsmrieredl tViow am in nmcession with the reore- what has the South derived from its p"50 w H ARTSELL. ZL7.L hld i Tone of the f Sncekon. Yale, Harv'ard Ubor classesT What Invention has a criticism -f J AttOriey-at-LuW, beet chiefs in AmericaJ and there are and all the great institutions of the Southern mechanic given hei -or what . .j, M.Talk. C6KC0HD-K0RTH .0AR01-1NA. a bk lot of people in AnU who think WOrld.-IUleigh Times. I improvement in labor methods rlT Sraia, - t,xo.o. he had slain his assailant, a great deal of ths best public sentiment of the country would nave naa a measure oi ....... -k.-w. -,. ntK.a AtmA Hfifiources uvp.r s.iiiinuiu. w l VaAeat S mj 1VI aaaaaaa - w . --" --- - - w w w -w -aw w w y w ar w w w -w w -w iu.il mvf uuvu(u must u uut i for uja nomination for Uovernor, tne U. - T. adversary when the latter had no reason to expect an attack. A pretense of a case of self-defense wu made out, but so careful a paper as The'Yorkville En quirer expresses no doubt that much of this testimony wss perjured and it does il-,--iM nvn an hairiness. I more of Chief Ball' than they do of all Office in Morris building, opposite the court tV, ,. l. :J - hean. It's the house. I The Raleigh Times would under-1 discovered? I 1 Bumnut isnamtti. ' pie who are habitually tActless Are too MJ Jafl H who 0ned not need the expression of this pinion LftA. t:. k meliAA T TvrejaT (a Ka I " - a - . T I fwAtn antr rvenaar Ka It TtMef IA Minaff. - . I . B J?a. A.f S m I UlLBU AlABUAAOtA A w iiwiiw mm a- ww.-'"' I . -u a. aTA-a V. a 2 tka U. 1 UVU1 amaa tywwva w mw w v-w -.. J a heap. It's the stand the case better if it knewnow Manual laoor nas n u-- n with these peo- "5" 7J .""1"... rative. to lead the careful reuier of the . m. a that's tha irt ri in tai i i Y ma hnnn mano rtT i rifr 1 111 iiinMJU- i Lilt ciiiulu hucactca vuv asa-awA - VralZ7a3V-H I T1KL I m 1 LilS. h B IllAv A UW 1 AliULAA A1BO ayV.V-4-k uawmv I I a VI Av 1 . . , . i . ... i . . ..... w i me wno are conunuaur waunt w uu i a. O-naral Baaktas BtMinwa Tranar4. Ae counts of Individual, flnm and fororalkitis aoUcttad. WaeordlaUr lott , Every Man, Woman ind Child i who wtahea to "lay by a-tnethint fff s ralsy day. to open a Hvtn Aeotmnt lth 4 pr cant, tatarwt paid tm aa iugm 4-poatt arid-ttfnaerttacata . - i orriccua. : i D. F.'CAKSfOit. II. 1 WOODHOfSl. TeU-V. , v. va Kaon mal a nf the immacu- the South wherever the laborer Jis the P iwoodcaae in Kaleigb, made a fierce r-""' v-.v.-.... ir-v ttt ii powers tu.w ruvuu" " . .. . . . . -v- nle who sra continuaUy coming to you i v ...u c --i-a. testimony to the same concinaion A a MB - ABA mtmm -a-a " 1 ! V Irv -, s-va r n A Tt-TX7 IB WI1RL 1 Tha vnvo -iirr flT I. fl I H WMJI LllO IAJA T I 1 1 II r Alfl ALrlAAsUACU WAAataV ' ' XT - I .... . . .l K "5 I . . a a . . A ' special pnYUBg 1 '"J 1 -. - 1 " , . ... - Mez-Iarincr that thev feel It IS tneiT OUty ar a l-.-.j... AAU AJAti.i VA. a uiuvi i ... 5 what tv,o rnr nf thia was the story I our Aericulturai uoueges are noi t pv i .... ... ., - icuujr uiivg offer their professional services, to the les dirty politics and dirty gangs, preaching the industrial gospel as a ronized as those in the North and West f f " " ' Mr. Pou went beyond proper bounds in iens of Concord sad surrounClng country, makes amy pu u " u J6 e pxcuiug . , 7 T , . I ; a.. v- -i-i,-, to tell you what they have heard. NO I -aaa-aLa caiisromptiy attended day or night. Catch me law breakers, but give otn- remedy for all ills, mental,, moai anu are. it is no oniy vut nl thft a;. !- to hear an- 7 T, i 7 ' V. . w i MoKTOoBy, rdtkOBowAxi Urlaw breakers notice that , you wiU be 8piritual. He has outraged, fto con- and we are poorly equippea. T - - w -' MOmOMFRY & CHOWELL on iand a certain hour to catch them. Udnences of the misaenaty element OI young men ao tne wora cvk i - aUflluUflhttl OL UWacuj, nhnn.hM hv inBiatim? on rfn on th farms when they eo home I opimon be cruel or too criucai, or i i -jjj-ij a man for hie life and never ex- tOnieyS Hid COIUlSelOrS-at-LaW, , : dollara a " of -d:Dtin- a 'Mth to hire out dr on their own farms, concern, a matter wherein no remeay to. .ent is not new. w i nnur i iir w iiuiu aavw i auxu ww ar - - r a a. a ava not v rnar is sra month and find him, and the negro himself, the Unitarian, which calls for I Uere the young man's ambition is - tx. nllaralu n-i ;knm nf rolTcHnn. TtlK;rlior TTo flnn't Axnect to plow or a. a KKnet Crl VH LUIS ICU O I L ,1M KIIiailCDil LUWUAWUaU V va.a.w . . r MARTIN Him Kit. C. W.pW Vki-lra(iiiu Mar. isa. a.-HMn. Monotrcr Wantod. TraatwotUiy ladr oraonil-MaD anntanas buatnaaa la this cmn y and 'l)tnlt t-rrt- tory hr a well and faortl)f i"n of aolia nnanciai mbiui vsjuu raiai and there are two men, tcquineo ' UJM4.irwaiN4ii mnrtipr in the two Carolina within the or eb-ca dirwt from it-i.juri-r. mUTUer in WIO two ' I ..aa. m-- .tt-amn: tHnltloa twrtnaa ilar o. COKOOKP, N As partners, will practice law In Cabarrus, Stanly and adjoining counties, in the Supe rior ana supreme tjouris o i iuo om uu u .i.a t'aAi nkni-ta OflinA In rmirt house. - IILIC X t.V.i t VVWL. w . . Paitles desiring to lend money can leave It ith ... n- it In nnnmnl Kaf.lfinal Bank for us, and we will lend It on good real es tate security tree or cnarge wiuo uoiwmui. We make thorough examination of title to l.ndB nffaWul .2 BMMirlt.t for lOftnS. ' Mortgages foreclosed; without expense to owners of same. . i It now and you can find me when you i8 0f some importance to find out milk cows ot drive a team- he expects has leisure." No, gentlemen, I think whether the Washington scheme has the negro to do that and he .won't go : factions want to fight, it's all right, if made good to the extent claimed for it. to college to fit himself for a laborers - ..... 1 TIT. a Yaaa Ua Kt.fr 5f It .1 -,,-n .0f nt nf thp. corporate innita i . wora. wBueuiure kuc j.-, we, e, 7 f . . . . I A Hortnern Town Jnm wu . a. v,a rrtio ie won ici nt? iar lllci iui mi Henry B. Adams. Thos. J. Jerome. I Frank Armfield. Tola D.,Maness. ilaas, Jerome, Armfield S : Hisess Mtorneys and Counsellors ;at law, CONCORD, N. C. to fight, and fight it out, but to fight ji ;n inmn and never shin a llgUK . . nose or black an eye, it's poor business. Tf the police board will leave Ball un trammelled and free, then Atlanta wiu concerns a matter wherein no remedy is to be found. The conceit thAt is in . ripfAd a man or any false estimate of himself Q&1. .ther than prosecute them pre wUl be removed in time if it can be er -eDatation Gf beine successful removed at all-by rough, honest blows .Q he in iolato o th e u w u.4 a .:.Vl m tVo ahnnlnAr. I . . tiiak wuio " rather than being successful in secur. But the kind hearted tale-tellers who . . . n . - , , - . always 'mean well1 nasttwodavi. and set free who will be Addraaa :MAJAUKlt. lo M-ia ttuudU, - . . . ... tllBWi I- haantdto tbeir sraves dv u two wuii faces. . wtirsl rrMHt( Cbsrae- t-r and sood rwrUtWn In rar lr stata. (tia In Mi la ntiinlv rMiutrd) Ui mrMwat and a4- irt;.nl , m-jit men everlaalinelv I wltos old vataUllali-d -;Wir Acuons oi most men tmiHuuijij rf atdin.. Hatarv Ui weekly with xtta-a ad.iitkmai. all parai'i knock the stuffing out of their gjxd WU UUUB. in- When a man I follows the races he B-tellers who ine their conviction : and many emi- finds himself far in the rear sooner or are the chiefest . , , ... . '1 1..- ..ii avmor. ST Deilcr IUr LUC I - i ucui an.o, ua.o jui. a UU iciun t i South if he would: The negro is here enT " v VV' tTT.p P' " their afWr but to stay. Lecturers and theorists may ought to be muzzled by law. It is true -efle-tion on or insinuation against ' . I tt.. frt.A. --a frnnshl fnr thfiir worth I ... . . . .... 1 u ' , . . . attorneys who prosecute is uncalled for and are branded as disturbers of soaai . . amphnAv hk. to and ..k b.'..i. a.,1 . i.AA.l m.-mm Hurl I.. VUUWW ' . " - ' and oanias furnlauxd Iwc nm-mtmrnrf. Hf rrmw. Knctnaa a-ir dlr-aal tylop. Colonial. SB D-arborn St . vui A Northern Town Urtvea Out Ita.Ne eroe. Charlotte Chronicle. TVio nf Waterloo. Towa. with 20.- 000 population and situated in the dis- say the races must be separated, but the . . . . . r1 . . 1 1 I . LJamaaaaa I naTH win iim iiih imniiri i .uc uuuui " trammeuea anu rcc, kAici. nci wmcu ouw. - . , hut such- punisnmeni is not ... . . , . , .. . . . . . r . .aV a.-i a a fA .-riP--.Honavet to come. Ind the P606' DUl PttUBUU,u' - . ought to prosecute criminals m the in be ponced ngm, -out a-, representea nas - 1 " fWh i. t the edu- commensurate with the harm tney do. of lu8tic-. and we have , often horse or man can no. u negro, xne coioreu 7 ...a They make hatred rise hot in an enu-1 rt . , . M . . o l. , - , K .u . a am, r,rvti-o to lpovn the cauon 01 tne neero. : w e nave ouxxcicu . , , 1 " " P?.?o5.en. o coUection. and and im I oQ mwh-'il white." for half a century from ignorant free "le heart ana overcast oeau they would not prosecute would do if a general law practice, rersons inieresroa ia uoou u 'uo . iuw, m Tf v-..w 1 : . . . ... Iwitn Utter ElOOUllIlcoo - - : ,.!.. (li. m .a the settlement of estates, administrators, "rT f f , lhe Bafe- i -;f;r, inBtififts this severe neero labor. We will suffer inhkeysauK,. - J. member of their own family or1 some executors, and guardians are especially m- paitial enforcement of law is tne saie A leadlDg dtizen jusUhes tnis severe negru u . .. these mouthing busy-bodies who go b . . to -d ... vitedtocanonthem. continued and pain- L . .u-wAmP snd the only Becure L,MOXr in thi words : manner for another half century If free i .. - 'A AmiM ; .1 one near and dear to them would lail a staking attention wiu be given, at a reason- g man i - ... I i-k-- -nntinnoa tA hft iirnorant. m " a. 6 - victim to a murderer T It IS very prob- ar.nuhiom.iAA -ii ii hncinou OfHraa In I ... . a tw.i.ltT Rvprv I ..ttt. t TSTa An nnt in-IneirrO labor COnUnUeS IO D6 lltnoraxik. I . ... - I " auh.uvw a. to.,o lv,r landtbnBXr.neg nore InteUieent ting reasonless pain,- able that were the matter brought home tend to persecute tne negroes, ouk wcj , . tn thfim thev would ain a- different are given to understand they are not tnai ne may uu wv-rnes. - - -7 " r " . , wJtPdhere and that is all there is to standard of labor, and remove the stain Kaleigh, Oct. 14.-Af ter being out tune. The trouble is that these lawyers , ' ... I l . t -.u;n-. v.ot ia aal . . .1 ik . fva I have defended so manv criminals they it We believe the city wiu prosper 01 wuwuiiji uum mmU6 noi mure mm uuuura ru-;i - . - more and its people wiU be better off old as Adam and respectable . every- juryin trial of Ernest Hywood get to thmkmg nobody ought to be withofit them! Up to recent months where but in the South. ; for the murder of Ludlow Skinner re- punched for Anything. If they were . v . 1 - 1 u-o Tt 11 naoloon tn HS.V we AT6 doinz I . mmA.t X? nnt tmiltv. - There brought to a realization of crime from wvAimiA nointr ihw . iiavc, a. - id iuuw w v uiiudu an wavuww v w n- - 1 Inc fa ilAAtL0.-"!! r-rotection of life and property. Every Co.'s opoosite D. P. Dayrauit & Bros, ap-ly l mnnis neerla a brave and ethcient Bheriff, and every city a cheif of ponce Fire Ac&ctartj Liability, : id h-d-h, INSURANCE. I that can't be bulldozed, bought or in fluenced by cliques or gangs. I can hear the rumblings of a more fuiet or conservative conaiuon i things in the commercial and nnanciai n lQeWu1u,w--.:-vr oar coiareu peopic, 6 - ... ,v : . w- , I... U thii atandnoint of tha ininrad nart thee world. Money is getting timid already, been desirable a class of citizens as enough ior ine negro uv. . was no aemonskrauon, bu. amuc -- n: -::'J7.; Ld the roseaU hue is gone from the Qple of this race can well be, but if not doing enough for our own good. deliht were on the faces of Hoywood, would look at matter, differently. ., . iv- -.aVa-tin nf th 4nvfmnr tanuier ui ueuncia mu i... nnnnMi ana inree oiwucrs. nuui r viTHiaa i. LONG EXPERIENCE. Large number of Very Best Compani es represented at our Agency on West Depot Street. 'Phone No. 184. face of thines. Crops are short ol an tneir increase in the make-up ol tne uovernor wuwier m uw8.. rus counsel anu vurw wa kinds. Cotton Bhorter than it's been popniation of this city is allowed to i uousiy, iue muie , naye Deen coiihuuju wilu Hew Ior. m-. forvears and here is one fellow that continae in the proportion seen at Ues Mhic, naec, noc, me iew no -uU wooa .noojc nanus wun nia cuu-., benator Aiancn usea to do snavea ' ' . . . ' . . .... i ...1 J l f 1. A l K..S.V " ' ' l I VA -. !0-V..-W.0A WDnf at I I . t I l 1 a AU A .AAA a has no nine or nine and a quarter Moines and Marahautown, Hwouiucei-iwwui gec, it, ,- anu wuou u -"v"s- . oy wiureu uiuc. mo ' a , I ..... . . . ' . f I I . a .1 a. aaa .A tnanU V. i nn aViAlltl ' .a .Ua 1..a. (a. mrA ..Anlr li.nB f rxf.l 1 aaa Va . Aa TZaaIaa. cents cotton to offer. 1 got ten ana a i tainly be a detriment to tne city. i jjui. me luuio odw w uib juij WCUod wueaeiei u u. mw firat lot aold. and I Tf it wATfl a Southern city that were the laws oi pian growm anu ui yuj- mln eacn juror, reiunung uau iauh w " j ' i - - - .. ..... . . Biology oi tne ammaia on vucaiui, ! i xiext ne ne wens w juugo -wura uon py saying. ,a oeueve you are ... . . aa- L.il ..1 Ik a A .nimtlaanll va H1U J.'J .1 rVlinkl T M ItVA a.L a (L. A aa n aU i. iYiirnttin I C.rV WOUld rise UD irOmrKOriLieril kill iK;i,l;r llisuw aj.i.o . -1U1U mo aaiuo. e- I lilCJlluci vjj. kuo auiwui vuuivu ui t. . . i ai;- :n ti.a rnnntrv. no I ti-td Th New Yort . MenuiK rw ana me mure u kmub, i ciosea xur ui uwbuw, uu l oireeii , Xw B IWJ IV SAT V A , -a. M I A-A, V W . Ja 1 , ft . V 1 ' m I K.,-iar no irrumblers. no rowdies, woufd rave over the Southern man's ciples of building the more his labor is Q-ging self-defence for Haywood snd n0, gah; not st All, sah," was the DISCOURAGED The expression ocean so many times in lstters from sick women to Dr. Pierce; I wsscompletslv discouraged." And there Is always good reason f or the dlaooorage- a. v aaa- t ffttn TV-tnr after doctor tried in vain. Medicines doing no lasting: rooa. is no wonder that tha woman feels diaconragsd. Tnooaanas oi these weak and aick women have found health sad courage regained aa tha result of ths nas of Doctor Ptevce's Psvorite prescription. It cstabUabes regu larity', dries nn halthT drain a. heals in Maui ma--tion and alccrea- tkm, and cores female weakness. It mskes weak woman strong and aick women wall. Is tfca year r 1 m Ukra . wrltca Mra. Bdna Crowder. "of Alplar. LattdcrdaVr Ce..TcBa. Uj timba ached. a lliT WantlMnaa or tuaaf Imalnaaa foe .if ili1 nnao-tal Una. A atraiKbt. Uiiii rwa -..lraiarT I.OU paid h check wli Mooday willt all nM dlraci from litMtd'iuart-ra Moy W AWT If. TV A Iruatwnrtln l.. In uu-ti ntintt i mafia an old eatabllah-d botiaa of lid tandtnff. of S1S.4 aorancea lor mwpmxamm. r.i i- - envelope. Managar. W laaton 1 IJ'Ml . I A Hie:h RANGE Class Steel or STOVE arlBatioB, Sam aad - - .a-.. - t triad aiaav fcisda of Scaltr la aad back and low part n bowaia. wna u- HARD SOFT SMITH STEAM COAL nnr-drunk everybody so neighborly inhumanity to man. We restrict the worth to him who builds the house. .. a persecution of him and the witnesses Uy maed with much dignity. QUUOUjr U.UaJ , J I . . .. ., . i.l t. . J a Va -.--it ail ... ... T 1 a TaaL1a- ...1 . . . i -r . i . . : i. and accommodating and tina. xne negro's Buffragean tne ooum, wucu i Bjaiu,u Wr wo ucic-wc. - :v,v- nnt here borrow salt and Lndan rare white supremacy, but we well as the white children. commented, on the evidence and mpftlli..' j,.miui nf ilonvin? him a ' ' I rharpfid the iurv. It was chargred very I Rnt not dis veah. sah - . -..a-..-.-v nn SOda ana wucti . uvc - . . I , a?-.-,. P.nnd, In Thirty Days 1 - . ..IV . . . ... . . .... 1 aT 'a aA.AA-iL-AiA. U. ti. KllUBUMU IU. Ud Ormiog implex -Hdence inour aiediciaaVtd foar of tha bj iJ -,-til l km an an nope of roBorcry. """ iTfiary"TaD..T wroti to Dr. A. V. rVt;o Ah T thnncht von were when I WSS I r.-v if. T ui reecnd frooi fch" a letter. ' o I -.I a a .a hi. .-i-ltiaa here last" I bottles, six I 'Onld-a lata, aad I took Mrra I , VJ-JiTk-. -rtrtloo S Of I MatUaal Dtaeovavy.' Tm T I nc A-l-alntaf'ltlljMTlMM'tH 1 Tbaoka tm w .nrl all dsv back ia kind and does not wish to be disagreeable by draw- xor , shot and kiliea Btinner in ironi ui iub weU, sab itwuidisway: A jmeaasi "TTT a to-itadto -'KaSU-r.W.-l lSLl. S? PO.ceher.onbn fApre- ..01 " ..:...J .. .. . ,.al -si.na th tion. He toed several remeaies ouk guk v.,:n- -as wsiyed and atl u.-. tMa th attl rntmol I ti ia held ss strictly deUverance. 'lowns ana uuco iw tune mai non-wu wiv-o benefit from them. We purchased J , , , t " , T B; , -.V. ITy s(-liraL Ad- . u.i o -K... D:.u.. a- h nPirro ahould no 0611 . . T.' I.. I the March term the trial was postponed 1 pn all rl rhnrdh Tjeoole calls me 'Brud-1 pnate Dd .'c?llly fT T fatten on gossip, anu r-- boUiuiu5i-- 0 . some oi unamDeriam s oiomacn anu i 3 - - - 1 , I . . t I - . . a . a J 1a I . Ia. 1L. 1 -, m. .M akaAAl l 1 r ABQAB at T I JI - TV 1 9 Tla. uAMatil nak wmi Can Be Purchased Here at a Modera te Mce. We are showing a' line that contains a number 01 '""" styles. These have ix-cn sc cv-.. by us because 01 mcir idcsigri, fine ..construction and known ettiaency. n wi. . a ..f k4 AlfeT ledge gained m year. u. - iking .emDuoH-a have maae special this season. If the ow jw" I not working all nht this.is a good time to buy a new Phone 1G3. Chas. H. Slull. FOR SALE BY L Ok r. a. a.i a. i . a i -...-a a-. . A. ..saa.aKai-.aa. --. in a a . as nann v anrnBBnoB a a i ter so pure or Me so true oui i cease, we are ouumes u I Liver Tablets and he commenced tasing i w" " f " I ... . . ?ii i v.a:- ... ... i. j u,.f ,a tnta ?tl . . . .... ji i l. j I iii litlmu Amn. the first of June. eossippers of the aay wiu inwivo iuv. tne wnne man b uuiucu i tnem. insiae oi uuny uaja m K . r'.u.:. .i,...Pt.ra anth . .i.. . - " i I --r wvnra in Ah Ha is now I Havwood wss released on $10,000 bail. M.mAA ann Hill frjvr uicu vu-ibvia.. ... iui Lilts Bauic. . : iKauicuAwu I - LL. LUW " , - 1 " -.1 their hellish slander and vile tongues. T 1 J . t V. o-p trot fancied UP With a X I LaV a A.asv-a " o skunk than a scandalmonger any day. If everything we heard of folks was ih-n how vile is man ana now uu., -" anmin k But the "w ANTED FAITHFUL PEHSON TO i . . . . i i .a a. ulpaiwonlfl j . i ( i. .. i i . i m a mi TSiO.:W Tl & house.- straight salary $20 00 a week and ex a.i.A, n.i1 wkiv and exDense B,n-y advanced. Pre-ioua expense unnec- sarj-. Local territory. uusinesH ouVYc""Ir'; -nyeioiie. Superintendent, 324 Dearborn Bt, &lJfcfafo41J: ' . " " , r f ... u I bunco nnuiL all ' "-v H-t CuoKb fcyrup. Taatea Good. lJe in lime. fia dt otok.wis. r-oT71 Imt i-.iw rvoMn Wft hftw-A & mod trade! fa mju. seven lawyers atDeared for , - I AbLAA J A WW y w ay w o a - am. Ran a Ten ThronBli bu Tablets. Holley Bros., Mer- the def ense and five for the State. An - ., AJ t n Mn-n, nf chants, Long Branch, Mo. For Bale -by acting wlicitor wse'employed, as the wmieopeiiAug M. K Marsh. , i I anUritr rlnr.Hned to act because of his X Xlit5t3 ilAJLAO Aj f - ar nail through the fleshy part'of his hand. What Killed tne Cow. The defend- . a " " " a' . WW i- i ioiBrir.Tiflniri txi nivwmu. r..mmA ir TT.:a crranr) f I saving L.Tthnnht at once of all the pain and . u-in , n.iri TVwlin 'd. I ant did not testify. awiui nvimw. - -i o - I a wtt uuvufiIu6 ' I -, ' clause in all the gossip of the day, " soreness uusyomaca a Tl.ostr.l Man. - the fact that the gossipexs dont 2?" few iiights. ago and died in less than an M ot WimBtett Uve the slander they utter, much .less bu is Bata .T hour.l Tobacco users, however, declare to do hour of need. i riyuin-inir It a I WWU9. v I . . .... , ... J! Jlt I - - wcyis - . , . ... . inHl1 that she died simpiy Decause snetuuxi k i pr;. Hf v- anrh an nnnsnal ease OI were soon healed.:' r For sale by M. L. know how to spit. the slander they hear. habit just as drunkenness is a habit. The only difference, drunkenness is me most'decent, if it is , not practiced oy the most decent folks. - Tf this world had nothing worse than work to give s fellow I would like to remain on earth and work a thousand Marsh. - During courtship he talks and she lis tens; after marriage the order is re versed. ' y When the butcher play, poker he years. dUlAI SI I " V mmr I 1 fhink it would take about! doesn't always play for stakes. stomach and liver trouble, physicians Vnr nleaaant nhvsio take Chamber-J" n 1e..n?. Iain's Stomach and liver Tablets. Easy - ,1 to take. Pleasant in effect. For sale by "-wTT; M. K Mash. . ... , Qnl 2. at Fetzs drugstore, Some clothe, are like Action. they 1 The smallest thoughts are sometime. epeak louder than words.- ezpiessed in the largest words. der Dickson.' De second yesh ma bizness fell off, en I : give five dollars; en all de church people dey call me 'mister Dickson.' Do dis rauer huht you,' sahf "Not At All; it i. very easy." "Thank you, sah; well, de third yeah I feel so pohly dat I don't give nuth in' 't all fur preachin'-n all de church people dey pass me by en say dati old ngigah ; Dickson. ; Atter - dat I , quit AA ft. ' '., . ' - gill. 7 . . Hakes a Clean Sweep. There's nothing tike doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the Salves you ever heard of, Bncklen's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures Barns, Sores, Bruises, Outs, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Unrotions and Piles. It's only 25c, and guaranteed to give satisfaction by j P. B. Fetxer druggist. dress Dr. K. V. fierce, jwmaip. . , f. . .. . v. i ir, 1001. Colonist Will sell daily, September 15tn to aovcju one-way tickets to points in CALIFOnillA AI1Q THE IiOBTIIWEST. . a33Jlv - Birmingham to points In Caliicrrua . Wajth. A44.60 Birmingham to Sortland, Ore., Tacoma and S-atUa, waan. r.E. Clark. .rZ:. mnui.nww; ATtAMTA. CA. 1