1 The Concord Times. CONCORD. N. C. TAT NEW. (.ElEUtL , Gji))(rtMnio Kluttz bu been invited j Herbert Spencer, tbe fariicHis author, 1 to deliver the addrt-M ..efore tbe Nrtb ; died Tuesday at ha home in tfngbtoa Carolina rVxnety which metU in Balu- HN B. SHERRILL, fcOITOR AND PROPRItT"' 'I'lii- N'.it'h Cl'.f i-ti.tn Clit'! ill cHi 1 - TT i - -tlllleMt Tnnit C'l'lU-c, -.i v -: "nt ln-forc 'om to pri- u t 11 ( m id ;i letter mof, I-remlr, 1. He will probably , acrept. I Colonel S. A Sharpe, aged 7.'i years, died at hi home in Statesville Wednea- ilny morning from a stroke of paralysis. Th- i) r shed wts a valuable titiien, Hruokljjty Ikx. 9 Forced literally to staud 'ijjiion bi head night and morning tio get relief from complicationf caused byijbe puncturing of hi ote- tine by tbe ribi, John G'Bneo, time 1 t . m a 'i.i ;i, ;i I ;i;iih -c f i on i Ml. I . 1 1 mo -tinleiit of 'l'l init ' ( '..Ik -"f, ih nloi in'' the t.ut th.it the Mudent lio(l ;it Tiinity li;ie t suf fer sh;imc foi tin- ili-'i .u cf ul .l'.in of a wry 1 1 ) . i M miimiUi of theii fellow- who weir 1 1 -1 1 1 -i 1 l - for the Hiv .ii-i.ne. He iled.nes Unit the 'le.it hmlv of student out tli.it iii'rht Ii.k t he affair until aftei i 'liljillshrd. ( )f ( Olls,- T l.i I sou)., people ho dent 1 ,od , hnt the u hole Met! iih I wrved several terms ae mayor of i tie town and postmaster. A wife and man of the Republican committee dur- four elnldivn nurvive. The S. aboiird Air I-ine Railroad, throiiirn Vice President Barr, has de- clin.d to take any part in tbe building ing next year' campaign, and Presi dent Roosevelt haa been made aware of this determination." Rev Dr ITpnrv ftr Tnimhiill pditnr - j i "i j j - - -1 paaengar station in Char- of the Sunday School Times and widely - . t Ln , . . I .1 1 ' J T 1 . I. en of III I I- MOW ' e, I ' ' I. n hail I'ei n ai - I! in,,: and et ,t 'llU tin- -t n Mniiv College .md ,li-t , hill i h I espon- oh!e Di. Ki in tlii- OHir-i -ail: --St. fool. I i an Aftei leadiii We eoidlalU and is - M i 1 1 m'i t iser. We do ii, ,t k eonneetii 'ii 1 )i . ;ih e lannac. he u-ed it at all i'io. oi t h (. 'a i "1 1 mi .f a i i , 1 e 1 1 1 add I t ss nil .is an m-pil ed e an in i spi i t. d ne . his i epoi ted spcei h ;iee th.it he e.ri he omi i v. Al.e. Ad ( l - w ha! I the t u in iist Kil'j o u-e l w-hethel or u hut we feel sure tliat had Ma). Si tew-, the editor f the Adeiti-er, win. i- ;i most ,ul- .iiul fair-nnnded eiitlein.in. exaetlv what l)r. Ki!;jo did w i Mil, 1 ne el have 111 1 1 n t he p:ir;rri ;iph. I tu ed 1 lea 1 1 sas . I Do1hIii Iii ( Hue ir Uatlnn nrlli vm in n rd. Kaleitfh I'Ddt. nften opinsuns rendered by tUe ru prenie court yesterday about the only one of special interent was that of Wads worth vf. the town of Concord, which decides an imfortant -uetlion as to the necessity for a town to follow th rules prescribed by the legislature in special acta in the makingof contracts. . ' In the case in question the legishi ture of 1 SOU passed an act or charter for the town of Concord., makine it the duty of the town to provide lights And on the same day and during the same session act was passed prescribing that if twenty citientd tile a petition to that effect the board of commissioners shall call an election, at which a vote toxIiJjnJiWiVlJL he. hwk.J oViall nl !.-., una.,, uen. cAceen o yers or tne com missioners shall purchase and electric light plant. After these acts were passed the comiirssionerg entered in to a contiact w.tli the Concord Light Company to furnish lights for a term of eighteen years and the question was not submitted to a vote of the people. The plaintiff, Wadaworth, then en tered the suit to restrain the corn mis sinners aud light company from exe cuting the contract, and the suit came up to the supreme court. Justice Connor writes the opinion U ...... - 1 ' me iouri noiuing that in view of the passage of the special act the contract not submitted to the people, i void: that the terms authoriz-d for contracts for lights or water, and the mode pre scribed in either charter or other legis lation, are restricted to that mode in the making of contacts: that it is in the province and power of the legislature, under article S, section 1, to prescribe" terms on which and the manner in which towns may make' contracts. Further, the court holds that lights are not a necessary expense under article 7, section 7, c.f the constitution. lrl Strangely Jll!,, A Seville, Dec. '..-Xtws has been received here of the sudden and mys terious disappearance, last night, of the 17 year-old daughter of John Ray hvmgV.n Tigeon river, some h UliIea f "in here. It is said that Mm Ray left home last night while the rest of the family were at supper, Hnd up to this afternoon search for the young woman had failed to reveal her where abouts. It was supposed, when her disappearance was first discovered that she had eloped, but Subsequently a note was found, which is said to have been written by the girl, in which she stated her intention of drowning hensHf Pigeon river was being dragged today m an effort to find the body of the Kirl. It is said that some are of the "pinion thaUhe note was a fake. PreMdeut Lalu Klrni. Charlotte Observer. I The petition signed by the citizens' -committee asking that the striking treet car conductors and motormen be allowed -to return to work, and the petition of the me themselves, stating bat they desired to return to work have been presented to Mr. K D I atta' present of the 4C's, and both requests were declined by Mr. I.tta, for the reason the men had voluntarily left the employment of the company during the absence of its president and that nPw - men had been employed and could n H be dismissed without offer ing from an injustice. a uuion giving as a rewnon ihtt the company's preof nt station in Charlotte is adequate to all dcina nds. In the district court of Cherokee county on the .h, Allen Brown a net;ro, convicted of attempted criminal assault, -was sentenced to one thousand years in the penitentiary. I'uder the law tin j try could not impose n di-ath sentei.e . At t tie time of his arrr6t. Brown narrowly scajK-d beiny lynched. Tm Moore, colo-ed, committed a murderoiH m-ault on Police Officer Malcolm of Charlotte, Wediielay after noon. I i k- a--ault was committed witb a pitchfork sn-1 a jminful wound whs indicted. The negro had violabd a city ordinance by driving a wagon across the nidewalk and made the as sault when arrest' d ty (hlicer Malcolm. Mr. .h-hn 1 - -'i s h 1 1 . a forin-r r: si, lent of 'i I mi ngton . who ha" been spending some tiiUv- in Sahtbury a:.d Spencer in t!.v i.-.tc:- ?t f i.i? iKa'.tli. wa- found d ad in hi.-h .1 ,d.-y Thing et the iion.c- wi Mr. li. C. N.ulur, of Spencer, with whom he was stopping for the night. The deceased had been addict ed to the use of morphine for some weeks and was deeply under the influ ence of ah opiate when he went to the home of Mr. Nailor for lodging. 71 ami fRvt u rer' Tlcet In Charlotte. Charlotte, N. C, Dec. . The cot ton manufacturers responding to the call of Capt. I. M. Odell, met in the court house here at 11 o'clock today with Capt. Odell presiding. A com mittee was appointed and at 1 o'clock made its report which in substance is as follows: With a view cf securing national curtailment, w hich we believe absolute- committee of lo from this meeting be appointed to meet manufacturers from some plan to bring about a uniform curtailment of the output. tended by manuifacturers from several His health had been failing for some months. Dr. Charles W. Daboey. ormdent of ! -i-.rL. ; rw,n . r.Kr mvni- the University of Tennessee, has been tj from Iuiot N c f WM oprat- tendered the presidency of the I niver- apon dafi w, at IOOR uAUd sity of CincinnaU. Coik-ge iripital. Ulo-xl jot?oning de- A Vahington dispatch says that veloped laii night, and the man died. Senator Hanna will not serve as chair- i In appeatfince, O Brien was jierfictly known as an author, died Tuesday at his home in Philadelphia aged 7.1 years Dr. Trumbull was stricken with .ipop lexy Monday and remaiued uncon scious until the hour of his death. The wages of 15,000 notion mill operative were reduced about ten per cent Monday in New Bedford, Baltic, Conn., Taftville, Conn., Fisherville, Mass., and Tawtucket, R. I. The total number of mill hands who have had their pay reduced to the present time is about 80,000. The Washington Post, independent, h'is modified somewhat the opinion which it expressed some months ago that the prospects of the Democratic party for next year were not encourag ing. It notes the growing confidence of Democrats and the increasing apjin -hem-ion of Republicans. Klk Surprised. Charlotte, N. C. Dec. 7. Charlotte Elks were treated to a genuine surprise yesterday afternoon at their lodge of sorrow. Several hundred Klks and many oftheir friends gathered at the academy of music, according to annual custom, to pay tribute to the departed. A sensation was sprung when Dr. Martin D. Hardin, pastor of Second Presbyterian church, the sjeaker of the occasion, instead of eulogizing the dead Elks, launched a rlow of critici-m at the living. In the course of his address Dr. Hardin spoke plainly of what he con sidered some of the dangers threaten ing the Elks, suggesting that the order was not doing what it should to exert a good influence on the outside world. Dr. Hardin prefaced his remarks by stating that he was not very familiar with the order of Elk9 and that he con- healthy, ille was deep-chested and weighed poundi. Some months ago, O'Brjifn was transferred to Brooklyn from the rketothce at High Point. He was injured in a runaway accident three yea,rj ago and several ribs were fractured!.? Three penetrated tbe in testines, -puncturing them and they began to rouble b.m, abscesses having formed, p' Brien suffered agony. The abscesses lled rapidly with pus and to discharge this and alleviate his suffering s O'Brien was forced to stand upon his head, every night and morning.' Dr.; II ill nay Co to Jail IU.N-viiiE, Va., Dec. 8. Dr. Hall, an EpUcopa! i-ector, who, preached a ser mon recently; in which he declared that the Danvjfle prohibition law is being violated daily, was before the grand jury in Corporation Court today and baa refused to divulged the source o( bis information. The fact was reported later to $he court, and a subj ona was issued , returnable for him at 10 o'clock tomorrow mornmg. He will be required to testify or declared in contemptof court. Dr. Hall stated to night th he would nt testify, and it is expeclejl that he will go to jail for contemptrof court. ly necessary, we recommend that a a j i- jj j . . V. V . i I i LIU. I'll I. '0 11' dition that he select his subject and say whnt he pleased. While the sneaker all sections of the country, at a time LhTuA k- L r,i. . and jilace later agreed on, to formulate at , i A , . . ,. great fraternal order and emphasized high principles', he contended, speak ing on information, that the Elks were V. 1 T r . ' states and included the most prominent n " lD WPre tr"e' manufacturers of Xnrrh rw.n- Dr. Hardin, the order must be con- MSiBlk Mow off alarrlt Cannot He Cured. with l.x-al applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease and in order to cure it yoa ranst take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iuternally, aud acts directly on the blood ma mucons surface. Hall's Catarrh -I 1 oure is nor a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prtscnption. It is composed of the best tonics kuowu. combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly ou the mucous surfaces. The perfect comhinn. tion of the two ingredients is what re duces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for festimo,.;..,i wuiuin ncr, F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O Sold by druggists, price 7.-,c. Hull's Family Pills are the best. lemned To say that the Elks as well as their friends were surprised expresses it mildly. They had been abused publicly in Charlotte by an evangelist, but Dr. Hardin's criticism was some thing new and startling. Feejl pale girls on Scott's Emulsion. Wejdo not need to give all the Reasons why Scott's Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and color of good health to those who suffer from sjck blood. Th fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil, rich innutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a sucrestion as i ' OO to vh it does what it does. S cot's Emulsion presents ;i ivcr V11 ill US DCS!, tullestf in strength, least in ! taste. it V'ng women in their " teeny" are permanently cured of thej peculiar disease of the blood I which shows itself in paleness, weakness and nervous Clubbing Ratra, We call attention to the clubbintr rntes below. The nrire in nh ; eludes a year's subscription to The Times or Standard and the periodical named to be paid invariably in adyance. The Outlook ' ao New York World tThrioe-a-week) ' 1 Atlanta Journal (SvrrU. Weekly). . 150 Atlanta Weekly Constitution St. Louis Republic (Semi-Weekly'.!.'. 1 T5 anu rarm , , KranK Leslie's PoDul.tr in.,M.'i,. . . CosniopoUtan ... i.... i .. 1 80 McClure's Marine ... , " Munsey's Magazine Woman's Home Companion , m Harper's Weeklv . Harper's Bazar..' 71 1 SCariHnK Kvldenoe Fresh testimony in trrat onanriK- i. constantly coming i, declaring ' Dr King s New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds to be uneaualeH A recent expression from T. J. McFarland, 111... x a., serves as example He writes: -I had Bronchitis for bJHUC years and doctored all the time without uemg nenentea. Then I begun taking pr- King 8 New Discovery, and a few bottle wholly cured me." Equally ef fective in curing all Lnnr tw. troubles. Consumption, Pneumonia and Onp. Guaranteed hv n a Trial bottles free, reprojar size 50c and $1.00. !' i The best combination we know of ! 1KSS' f'3' regular treatment is the semi-weeklv Tiri-,i mil i--,'l-vvitli ff- 17 l j - hjc ..-v.. luii xniuibiun. It ig a true blood food and semi weekly Charlotte Observer, four papers a week for only $1.75 a year io Tired It may be from overwork, bat the chances are Its from an in active LIVER. With a well conducted LIVER one can do mountains of labor without fatigue. It adds a hundred percent to ones earning capacity. It can be kept in healthful action by, and only by is naturally adapted to the cure f tHf blood sickness from Ijicfi ?o many young women suffer. We will be glad to tend sample to any sufferer. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists, 409 Peart Su Xw York. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE, Creen8bro: Aocep ,he Offer of Mr. Carnegie. Greensboro, Dec. 8.-The citv alder- men to night voted unanimously to ac cept tbe Carnegie offer to hnilH an . 000 library, provided the city would guarantee 3,uw per year for its main tenance. The matter has been hang 'ig for two years, and the action to night was the result of a petition ask ing that it be accepted, signed by a majority of the qualified voters. Wm Ror . 1 h Wis AUT.Z 11 U -."z r.'' .V THE ! CHRISTMAS M S3 and you should rctvllxo tKc import,, of buying cevrly becauso cvcrybod not fcxiy in tKc Itvst nrvlnvito. IIci . somo SDecial Irvduca- . mcnts tHat should r Help you to mak.o an early selection. Ue choice things are al ways cvmoti the first to go. - . . Clothing and FarniSDiDgs priced. New lot ul Men' fine tier, at S(-'. 7 vent-to Men's Odd Coats Un-derpriced. Gents' Small Prices for Big Fine Shoes Under-Values. day Weaiin t lv "- d .1 .11 ,IM ,1111' Milv Milt- UAH) (unul brittle t v - t i 1 !riili e. w 1 1 1 1 1 ;e . tiii in h i- ' OC Men's Shoes and S3. 50. sew if itt j.tnil nukle tiWt .t- !.,!!, el.K'ks ')( N t , 1 t K ami tird more, 'il.inket 1.50 r black KMH) Hz lot of Men'- Odv! all size- at 1 -, 2.1 . k) t hal are 1 ! 1 1 a ! Men'- liea v. "dark, lined work coal-, worth 1 .7-. priced Men's f'ancv mixed Thibit suit-, worth 1 2. o. triced .... 1 Extra value in Men - O Trou-ers. .'.). J y Hovs' knee l'ant- and K'i;e Pant -uitsat ireat bargain-. Men's Shirts, $1.00. Thc-e are -till or -oft lo-on s. new pattern-, made f rom l st materials. 75c Shirts, 50c. 1 lie only teat her -t id h bran! . Ne W 1 n'et -ol W att li . guaranteed 1 ear Ladie-' extra fine Kn ver -uitabie foi a it t . price Beaut it ul l and j. k -v'olloped li;.nd k't- Men's Shoes at and S2.50. 1.00 y io s e-. 1.00 It o.l at tin- h i a made .ii, Womon's Si. 50 :1 at 75c. I ..olio- I h' all kctv'lnel-, onl linen hand Tattle ranted worth do en kill Vi" -feel. K' . ami fork-, war with coco h a m 1 ie- pr u ed in r Men's shirt: inclie patterns, patent neck band , usjuarjirice 7c. at on. new 50c r. t 1,1 $ i .( h , -ineded blade, fanev cap and -pecial. priced doen k n 1 ii d t o k de . 1 1 1 lee r 1 et - . bal-t in , ext i i per S5c ; pair- o ,' -I me-. w 1 1 1 1 1 No-. 2 and p . i u - of Ian -1 n - - i hi I ! , . i. ' t 1 I . .! I I lea i i, i i at . l - hoi Boys' Shirts, 25c. Hitr lot of bovs clre-s shirt-. sorted color-, w hite ik band, wo.th 40c onl Men'- S K" -ajnple pot ket kni es. olil liih- S3.50 Wom-m'c ? for 3.00. w hite neck m ,X Men'- I . f ..M 1 1 tte handkeri !iii t'-. .ilm special -ilk 1 1 initial 5c Won. 11, w.t - i lilt III;'. OUT price m MILLINERY. We are elo-in out ertlnn nunt. and you ean bu l.,ulu-' and v I er-. riuine-. Shape- and KiShon- l'l iil'.med 1 Iat at J-:. t , COMPA is S3 COO..- NEW RESTAURANT. rnhriQtmfl q We have onen, ,1 , Ul 11 'Oil MClO We have opened up a restnu- 1 i rant m the new Corl InuUlin'on West Depot street, next to Sims' beef market, and will have on j our tables the very best the' market a fiords. Both Board and Lode:-! ing Furnished Meals 25 Cents. - LITAKER & LEFLER. i Concord, X. C, Oct. 29, 1002. Comin (Of 5 I j THE BELL & HAREI FURNITURE C0MP'"i' have the presents lor that ec i-nm Dining R Elegance Sale Vacant; lots in Concord and Mt Pleasadt, with 7,000 acres ofim- .pro vetj. farms in Cabarrus, Ire dell. Mecklenburrr, Rowan and Stanly counties. I will sell or rent Vur properties for you. ( have lust received the finest lot of Organs ever shipped to Concord and am tfoin to sell them on easy terms. Persons desiring to purchase an Oirm should see me at once. F.H.TRAWllVlELL, c. We make Flavoring Extracts, and they are VERY FINE. Our friends who use th em c!i t- so, and we know they are abso-1 r..At rr . I ruLcry pure, ii you are not using our make, be sure to try them on your next purchase. They are cheap- they are PURE, and -of exquisite flavor. Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Bitter Almond, Pistachio, Celery, Pine Apple, Banana. Fetzer's Drug Store. JN0. F. BEATTY '. Rial Estate Agent, si Concord, N. C. S. I ERYIN & CO., Notice. -DEALERS IN Keep i all kinds of the best graces! of coal. P'hone 220. New Series Building and; Loan Books now open for subscrip tions to stock 31st Series Con cord Perpetual Building and Loan Association. First pav ment due Saturday, December 1903. Call on Secret rrv and Treasurer at Cabarrus Savings Bank ami subscribe ROBT. S. YOUNG, Pres H. I. yyOODHOUSE, Sec. ConcoraMarJcets. VWa... Stained . . . . . . Middling .... . Strict Middling Good Middling PRODUCE MARKET, Bulk Me.r0 D Jn' C- '?ti. . . Beeewax . . ". . .' .' " ' ' l" "J nh;' 15 to 20 Corn , new ... Eggs ' Lard Flour, Nortfi Carolina " Meal Peas . . OaU ' Tallow . . Salt Irish PoUtoes . Hams ... Apples . . . 131 St'.r..; "Phono 12. RcS. 'pi r is not dil.Vii,' here w hCii ,..-ii hearties t : : . .'nt. Chir .fl ! combined, 1. ' nnnuiit, ur I:; Hge fr.r Cli:i ware. Tlii .11 double jrniji', have a pm-rum 1 dining rcniii should see (ni I room. Come an xinc (jo. Two I 11 12 12 12 ft Vk it M 7 Cm iVlulcs 1") to W 7") 2o 11 to 14 2 25 to 3 H) I'O to 1.00 60 4 to 5 C5 1.00 to 1.20 15 to 17 1 00 to 1.20 All licrcnnt. :11. . 1 . . - ... niunm-d to i-. u AHKinne vV Co v that January 1st, 1903 is the last dav nf or. au-1 shai, raort t lcKil, proft day of grace. l'ie the above f,rm. I also offer for sal,. Fifteen Ho rses and mmm mwm m My tntire Stock of Bougies and Mm ness.mrifuTverexnect'm ('uit ,!" ' Ume I, buy ot Ftllk 73. We k oc WantGd. Job Lot Tobi Also we are read v n, till contr-, , PUr"1 WriU for t"r'"- fAhflmis I an A I nmk j replj . K. H . 1'atihi i , Sii-Room House klent. 1 iv 'nr.fV11 8Pnn? street. 1nnl8h'(1 HV water omceorto Six rooms. Nle Applv at Tlmei L. If. LK.NTZ. 5s? L'ltii vir Best uub !S) in 1 n.xe i v v V.'