CONCORD TIM .THE A i r PUBD1NIIED TtICE A. EEK. $1.00 a Fear, Xii Advance. John B. ShSrrill, Editor and Owner. Concord, N. C, January 12. 1904. Number 37. Volume XXI. if $500 UNO OAMMOT BE OUHEB. So uniformly successful lias Dr. Pieree'a Favorite Prescription proven in all forms of Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb, and Leucorrhea, that, after over third of a century's experience in curing the worst cases of these distressing- and debilitating ailments, Dr. Pierce now feels fully warranted in offering to pay $300 in cash for any case of these diseases which he cannot cure. It Stan us Alonc. The Favorite Pre scription " stands slone, as the one and only remedy for these distressingly coti aoon forms of weakness, possessed of such positively specific curative properties as to warrant its makers in proposing, and binding themselves to forfeit, asvwe, the undersigned proprietors of that wonderful remedy hereby do, to pay the Aim of $500 in legal money of the United States in any case of the above diseases in which after a fair and reasonable trial of our treatment, we fail to cure. No other medicine for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments is backed by suoh a remarkable guarantee ; no other medicine for woman's ills is pos sessed of the unparalleled curative prop erties that would warrant its manufacturers in making such an offer ; no other remedy ha such a record of cures on which to base such s remarkable offer. Therefore, insist on having Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and turn your back on any unscrupulous dealer who would insult your intelligence by attempting to foist upon yon some inferior substitute, un&er the pies thst "it is just as good." Insist on having the article which has a record of a third of a century of cures snd which is backed by those willing to forfeit $$00 if they cannot cure you. - In cases attended by a leucorrbeal drain a solution Of Dr. Pierce's Lotion Tablets should be used conjointly with the use of the " Favorite Prescription." They are sold by all druggists, or sent post-paid to any address, on receipt of as cents in stamps. Send 31 cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. Address World' Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y. Weak and sick women sue invited ts consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, frte. All correspondence is held as strictly private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness. PROFESSIONAL CURDS. DR. H. C. HERRING. Dentist, Is now on the ground floor of the Lltaker isuuaing. comookd. jr. a. Dr. W. c. Houston Surgeon jJV Dentlst' CONCORD, B. O. Is prepared to do sll kinds of dental work In me most approyeu nmuner. Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Residence 'Phoue 11 Office 'Phone 43. L. T. HARTSELL, Attorney-at-Law, CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA. DAmnt .tfcintlnn o-fvAn tn all nnslneHfl Office in Morris building, opposite the court douse. - Drs. Lilly & Walker, offer their professional services to the cttl- sens ot concom ana surrounuinn couuiry, Calls promptly attended day or nignt. w . ifoirreoaTXBi. t. LHOBOWIU - ' MONTGOMERY & CROWELL, attorneys and Counselors-at-Law, OONOORD, K. 0. A narlnnra will nrsnttce law In CsbaiTUS, Btanlv and adjoining counties, in the Supe rior and tiupreme Courts o I the State snd In the Federal Courts Office In court house. Parties desiring to lend money can leave It with us or place It In Concord National Dank for us, and we will lend It on good real es tate security free of charge to the depositor. We make thorough examination of title to " lands offered as security for loans. Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners 01 same. Henry B. Adams. Frank Armfield. Thos. J. Jerome Tola D. Maness. , Adixs, Jsrcne, ArmEsld & Uasess Attorneys mi Counsellors at Law, CONCORD, n. c. - 1 1 1 .v.. ij ... . H TT a rVtnrfa general law practice. Persons Interested In the settlement of estates, administrators, executors, and guardians Ire espeolMlly ln- . . 1 . ....... i '. ... H .... u.1 .ml nnln- Yiwu w van Ull Iruciu. v ........... . - staking attention will be given, at a resson sonahle price, to ll legal business Ollice in Pythian Hull. ling, over Dry-Heath-Mlller A " Co.'s opposite D. P. Day vault Bros, ap-ly Fire Accident. Liability, INSURANCE, LONG EXPERlEN&f. Large number of Very BestCompanies represented at our Agency on West Depot Street. Phone No. 184. G. G. RICHMOND & CO. L HARD SOFT . SMITH STEAM FOR SALE BY II 3! HSU ta Couch Srrup. TasuaOuod. V turn. send dt annrrwts. HA VAOKS OF APPKPIDICITIS). - o . Discussion or Fbyslelaas Tneory That It's Gerns Disease. Greensboro Dispatch. Th&death of Dr. Caldwell from an operation for appendicitis, baa caused much discussion here as to the fre quency of fatalities of this kind in Winston for the pant twelve months. That city, Gensboro and High Point seem to form a triangj, in which the disease has been peculiarly and dis tressingly troublesome during that period, with the storm center of noaiig- oity at Winston-Salem. The death rate is sometimes terrible. At yl local hospital here, there has never been a death from appendicitis, three patients having beefl discharged as cured last week. Nexrly all the Deaths in the three towns mentioned for the pist year have been from appendicitis. A physi cian - u ere says mat as a ruie wnen patients are sent off they are past help. Discussing the cause of so much ap pendicitis, another physician present advanced the opinion that it was a germ disease, and said he would not fear tp, bazar his professional reputa tion oa the prophecy that in less than five years the profession would recog nize the germ theory. He declared that it was contagious, instancing one town where every case, out of a great many, had been confined to a particu lar community. A layman present gave roller mill flower as the cause, while another said it was the result of too high living, especially in eating quantities of meats and highly seasoned food. Whatever the cause, it seeing that it is fast becoming a scourge of no mean proportions. It has often occur red to tnis correspondent, that the physician in these three communities at least, even taking in Charlotte, would institute a specific line of investigation into the cause of its grevalence, and peculiar malignity in the communities named. The government, which sends experts to investigate the cause for dis ease of the vegetable and animal world, might be induced to send experts and aid in the investigation. It certainly is a serious matter, when it is consid ered that within twelve months nearly a hundred otherwise healthy, robust middle aged people have been called from earth in a radius of less than thirty'miles, from the same trouble, and as many more perhaps have been at death's door. The ravages of even a small pox epidemic is nothing in com parison. If there is any local cause, such as water, atmosphere, contagion, a particular kind of food, or bread of merchandise, used in these particular places, it would be a great blessing to the people for it to be found out, be sides the value of such disepvery from a scientific standpoint. , - Tbe Boy anal Ibe Bis Bee. Atlanta Constitution. A little boy once caught a little bee. What will you do with me?" asked the bee. I will put you in a box and keep you in my house," said the boy. That will be cruel,." replied the little bee "Oh! no, that will be fun," said the boy. "How would you Hke to be caught and be kept in a cage?" asked the bee. "Jolly well," answered the boy. "Well, then, I'll tell you what I will do," said the bee. "If you will let me go, I will get my big brother to come here and get you and put you in a cage and see how you would like it." The boy agreed and away flew the t)66s Very soon the little boy saw a mam moth bee coming toward him and his heart began to sink. It did not seem to be such a good thing to be imprison ed after all, and he decided to try and get away. Turning on his heels he ran as fast as his little legs would carry him, with the big bee right behind him Faster and faster the bee flew. When the boy found that he could run no farther, he eave a loud scream and well, what do you think? He wolte up, for this whole story was a dream. "I might have known that," said he to himself. "For that little bee would have stung me when I first caught it But I shall never ill-treat any dumb creature." No Pliy Shews, "For years fate was after me continu ously," writes F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala. "I had a terrible case of Piles causing 24 tumors. When all failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve cared me. Equally good for barns and all aches and pains. Only 25c at all drag stores. A small boy teased his father for a watch till he was forbidden to mention the matter again. At family prayer next morning, when asked for his Scripture verse, the youngster repeated, "What 1 say unto you, I say unto all watah." LKVV A LOCAL TAX. T Have His; hi Scaools TowasBls. 1st Each The following information concern ing the advance of the work of educa tion inj North Carolina was yesterday given put by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction : A number of citizens nt at Horn- Tny Institute, Buncombe county, Jan uary 1st, to disquia the question of levying a local lax in the entire town ship to aid in the establishment of a township high school. Superintend ent Reagan was present and explained his views, which were tho approved by the County Teachers' meeting held in Asheviiie some weeics ago. xne plan is for the township to levy a tax sufficient, ith the general county ap- propnation to maintain a higa school in the township for eight months, and permit every school district in the township to send, pupils to this high school as soon as they shall have com pleted their common school branches. Those who were present heartily fevored the plan, and it is their purpose to establish this township high school before the next year .begins. Another meeting for perfecting this arrange ment is called for the 9th of January. Supt. Reagan writes that it is the purpose to have at least one high school in each township, and in order to do this, the teachers have organized themselves into a campaign committee for the purpose of interesting the pa trons of the different districts in the various townships. Supt. Reagan says : "I think we will have no trouble in carrvine these townships for local tax." Supt. C. W. Massey, of Durham, writes that the citizens of Mangum township will in the near future vote special tax to establish a high school in this townshiD. The Dublic schools all run about seyen and one-half months. It is the Durnose to establish a public high school in each township. Five of these have already been es tablished. . Supt. . P. Ellington, of Rocking ham, is working upon the same plan. He writes: "I am hopeful of getting one entire township to vote a special tax as soon as the spring opens." Fentress township in Guilford county, recently voted the tax in the entire township. It is significant that the advance movement of township high schools is in counties that employ superintend ents for their entire time, who work at the business all the year around. Mounter and Taylor Atlanta Constitution. Mounter and Taylor were two dogs who lived together on Mr. Bentley's farm. Mounter had made up his mind tnat Taylor should not go across a fence ahead of him, and when he did so there was certain to be a fight. One day Taylor not only jumped tbe fence ahead of Mounter, but whipped him in tbe fight that followed. Moun ter made up bis mind to get even, and the next day he showed Taylor where Aunt Nancy, the cook, had left a iar of preserves uncovered in the smokehouse. Taylor was very fond of sweet things, and Mounter thought he would eat the preserves and be punished for it, but Taylor did much worse than that ; he kept pushing his head into the jar to get the very last slice of preserves and the small neck of it slipped over bis ears. When he tried to pull back, he could not get his head out. Mounter sat laughing at him aa only a hound dog can laugh. Poor Taylor Blapped and slammed around with the jar fat on his head. Aunt Nancy, mistaking him for some dreadful wild beast, screamed till Mr. Bentley brought his gun. Taylor came very near being shot, but just in time his master saw that it was a dog with a brown preserve crock on his head instead of a wolf that had got into the smokehouse. When Mr. Bentley broke the crock, he hit Tay lor's head pretty bard, but that was nart of tbe punishment. Aa the two dogs walked off together, poor Taor said, "I'll never eat preserves again as longaslTive." - And Mounter said, "You'd better promise yourself not to jump over any more fences Ajhead of toe." ras4 a career SHceatlen. I use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for indigestion and find that they suit my case better than any dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried and I have nsed many different remedies. I am nearly fif ry-tne jfeara of age and have sofgyed a great deal from indiges tion. I can eat almost anything I want to now. Geo. Wmory, Rock Mills, Ala. For sale by a. L. Marsh. Lotes of people will forgive ther ene mies, but won't stop lying about them. HO.TIB-mADB RURAL MAIL BOXKS Wallace's Farmer. A Perry, Iowa, correspondent writes: "Is there any law to compel a rural mail carrier to put mail in a home made box, wnen he refuses do so un less the patron buys a patented box? Our house is only forty feet from the road." A couple bf yearayigo this same ques tion came up and the postal authori ses gave us their ruling as follows: First. There must be a certain num ber of patrons on the proposed route or else it will not be established. Second. Every patron on this route must have box of sonte kind in which his mail can beput and in which he can place mail for transmissiop. Third. If the ' patron wishes to be sure that his mail will not be tampered with, he must have a box which the key that the agent carsies will unlock but which can be unlocked by no other other key except the one in possession of the patron. If he wishes to run the risk of theft, any kind of box, so far as we can ascertain, will do, but if this mail should be stolen he must not complain'Of the government. He as sumes all the risk and "Uncle Sam" has nothing further to do with the matter. 0 As to the kind of box, "Uncle Sam" insists only one thing; that his key must unlock It. There are fourteen different makes of boxes which he has examined and approved and it does not make any difference to him which of the fourteen kinds are used on any route. It is evident, however, that it will be better for all the patrons on one route to use one kind. The 12 paid for a box, and this seems to be the price at which they are selling general ly, is simply security, and it is certain ly a reasonable price to pay for a box which our Uncle aforesaid can unlock and nobody else but the patron himself t Makes Brother JHrKelwav Tired Charlotte yews. It does make one a little tired to hear a'Southern newspaper comparing the secession of Panama with the secession of the Confederate States, and justify ing the latter by the former. In the first place the Confederacy seceded as a matter of principle. The Pahamans, or the immortal eight, including one Indian, and any numberof fleas, were strictly after the cash. The Confeder acy had an array and navy, a seat of government, an orderly and constitu tional government with elected legisla tive, judicial and executive officers, and it was able to carry on the greatest war of modem times without the help of any other nation. Panama could not have moved a peg, and would not have dared to except for the protection Ufforded by a little band of United States Marines and the use of the United States navy to keep Colombia from landing troops on her soil. Furthermore, as a constitutional point, the right of the Southern States, prior to th8 wnr, to seceda from the Union has been granted by the students of the Conslitution on the other side. The Colombian constitution distinctly forbids secession. It is really an in sult to the South to be putting that flea-bitten junta on the same plane with the Confederate States of America, or that opera bouffe insur rection with the war between the States. ' Money In Small Industries. Progressive Farmer. . The Danbury Reporter is very much in earnesfln its advocacy of small in dustries for the Stokes tobacco farmers. Since the article which we quoted in our last number appeared, another issue of the Reporter has come to hand, and we find the editorial page well sprinkled with such pertinent paragraphs as the following: . "When 20 dozen eggs wilf buy a barn of tobacco, isn't it time to stop and do a little thinking? "In several sections of this State farmery are making a good thing of shipping holly, mistletoe and other evergreens to the cities for decotating purpose during -the holidays. Stokes farmers might get something out of this. "Eggs are selling at 27 cents in Winston, 40 cents in Denver, JO cents in New Yds. Chickens, 30 and 40 cents per pound. And yet the old hen is an unprofitable creature, accord ing the wisdom of our tobacco farm ers." Wertinf Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, listlesoness into energy, brain-fag Into mental power. They're wonderful in building up tbe health. Only 25c per box. Sold by all druggists. A girl can get mad at you if you kiss her ojf you don't. THE DAT OP ITS VINDICATION WILL COitlK. Raleigh Times. ' Trinity College deserves better treat ment than it receives from some sources these days. Instead of being a temple where the minds and hearts of the youths of the State are to be devel oped and trained, it ts characterized by some as a sort of headquarters for the dissemination of politics, the inculcation of bad social teaching, and a place where a portion of ill-gotten gains are donated, in order to appease the wrath of an outraged public. The man who makes allegations like these, against an institution which hag tHe history that Trinity has, nd which now claims to be attempting to carry out the high purposes for which it was brought into being, is taking a risk that most men would prefer to avoid. The college is passing through the rocky period of its history one that is unusual, but one one that t very real If the colors it flies from the mast-head are real and true, if the men who are in charge of the college are Ood feariog and God serving men, who are earnestly trying to do the best they can, if the trustees are honestly aiding these men to prop erly administer the affairs of the col lege there is absolutely nothing to fear. The eternal principles and greatest as pirations of the Methpdist church are underneath it, and its growth and in fluence will be co-ordinate 'with the blessings of God upon this great de nomination. And when the old col lege shall come into the possession of its own, and be clothed with the right eous vindication, which is sure to come, it will then be pitiable to behold the humiliation and utter confusion of any who have stood in tbe way of its on ward progress. But UUle Hope of Peace. Paris, Jan. 7. Official and diplo matic circles claim be without informa. tion regarding the contents of the Rus sian reply to Japan, but the tone is dis tiactly pessimistic, and there are but slight hopes of a peaceful exit from the position, in which Russia add Japan find themselves. The diplomats are making inquiries as to the attitude of the powers in case of war, that to be adopted by the United States being regarded as particularly important. To the Associated Press the Japanese minister said today: "The attitude of the United States would mean much. She has negotiated a treaty with China for the opening of three ports in Manchuria to the com merce of the world. These ports have been occupied by Russia and thus her treaty rights have been violated. "Japan is not guided by selfish mo tives, but is acting in the interest of all nations. I hope the United States will clearly understand our position and will favor us with her support." What a Boy Did. Southern Farm Manaztne. Earl Burchfield, a fourteen-year-old boy of Attalla county, Mississippi, hs made this year, unaided, four bales of cotton and one hundred bushels of corn, besides a bank of potatoes and other vegetables found about a well regulated farm, worth on the market about $500. That boy is to be com mended. Although but fourteen years of age, he seems to have been pretty well educated, and if he sticks to the school he is now attending he is likely in a few years to become one pf the best educated men that the South could have. But he had better be on bis guard ; before he knows it be will haye a lot of social reformers of vagrant minds on bis trial with a child-labor law. In an adjoining State they tried to pass a law laying the foundation for the prevention of anyone becoming of value tc the community as a producer before the age of sixteen. But they failed, though they have been having a grand hurrah ever since over a skeleton-like compromise. It will be A sad day for the farmars of the South and for their sons when the agitator attempts legislation to limit labor on the farm. A little boy, whose sprained wrist had been relieved by bathing in whis key, surprised his mother by asking "if papa had a sprained throat?" Mr. Wm. S. Crane, of California, Md., suffered for years from rheumatism and lumbago. He was finally advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which he did and it effected a complete core. For sale by M. L. Marsh. A little fellow who wore striped stock ings was asked why he made barber piles of his legs. His pert reply was, "Well, ain't I a little shaver?" When bilious try a dose of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and realize for once how quickly a first-class up-to-date medicine will correct the dis order. For sale by M. L. Marsh. USING TUB TITIK A, amy and Children. After supper these winter nights it is long time until bed time. Much depends oa how our boys and girls employ the hours from five to nine oi ten o'clock. If you live in a town or village, young man, it is a great temp tation to go up town and trifle the hours away with nien who ought to be at home with their families but who trefer to waste the time in senseless gabble about the stove in tlfe grocery or the drug store. Do not go near them, boys, w beseech you. Use these four hours every night in im proving yourselves. If you have had a poor chance in school here is where you may make up lost time. Lay off a plan of reading for the winter. Get sarme biography, history, a little poe try, and three or four books from the masters of fiction, such as Dickens or Scott or (Jooper. You can get them. Ask your preacher to help you out. He will takn pleasure in doing what he can. 1 lien set yourseii to your tasic. Somebody who Knows it all will tell you you had tietter be reading your Bible. Pay no attention to him ; he has never hurt himself reading his. Lay out your course of reading and then stick to it. By neit May you will find your mind wonderfully strength ened and enriched. If all our young friends would only ultilize the golden moments of these winter nights what a blessing would come into their lives. Wtiarever you do, dear friends, do not throw this precious time away gossip ing about the streets. Oeneral Gordon Critically III. Miami, Fla., Jan. 7. Gen. John B, Gordon, . commander-in-chief of the United Confederate Veterans, has been ill at his home at Jiiscayne, seven miles north of this city. The attack is similar to the one that he suffered from some time ago on a railroad train in Mississippi. It is inflammation of the stomach, caused by an acute attack of indigestion, to which he is subject. A consultation of General Gordon's physicians to-night, reported from his home by telephone, leaves no hope for his recovery. Most of us make our incomes eo so far that we never see them again. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Hakes You Miserable. everybody who reads the news sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Ur. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver 1 and bladder remedy. It Is the great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of f-gakg Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent maney ana D lad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright' Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Just the remedy you need. - It has been tested In so many ways, In hospital work, In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement hes been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and fTd send your address to1 Dr. Kilmer &Co..Bing-rJf&n?Sii hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Bom of swamp-Root dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Cabarrus Savings Bank. Concord and Albemarle, H. C. CAPITAL, $50,000.00. Surplus and undivided profits, - 22,O0O.O0. Resources Over $300,000. General Banking Business Transacted. Ac counts of individual, firms snd corporations solicited. We coriilallv Invite Every Man, Woman and Child who wis s to 'ay py something fora ralnj day," to open a Savings Account with us. 4 per cent. interest paid on savings deposits and time certificates. OFFICERS. D. F. CANNON, H. I. WCXJtlHOCSE. President. Cashier MARTIN HOGEK, C.W.SWTNK, VlcS President. . . Teller, fit l have just received the finest lot of Organs ever shipped to Concord and am going to sell them on eas' terms. Persons desiring to purchase an Organ should see me at once. F.H.TRAMMELL, CONCORD, N. C. Almost papers ts WM 'HI n JHEN ASHCRAFT'S Condi " tion Ponders are fed to horses and mules, marked improvement will be seen after the first few doses. There is no doubt about it. The Powders, acting directly on the digestive tirgans, first thoroughly cleanses the stomach and bowels, correcting all disorders, and then good healthy appetite comes jiat urallv and surely? the most powerful tonic and appetiier on the market to-day, and when once us'ed horsemen will have no other. Ashcraft's Powders produce that silky sheen of coat and hair so admired by horse fanciers. The Powders fatten but never bloat. Always high grade and put up in doses never in bulk. By the use of three or four doses a week vour horse or mule will not be subject to colic or any dis ease of the stomach and Dowels. "i hH an nM horse that was In very bad condition generally. He was thin snd had a blood disease that was causing the hair to come off. 1 gave the horse three doses of Ash oraffs Condition Powders a day for seven days and fed him liberally. The appetite improved from tne nrse lew ooses auu me iiimn fifty-two pounds In flesh during tbe week I save It three doses a day. The general health of the animal was greatly Improved by the use of the powders and he was made almost a new v. i n. ..u, Kaartllv rwvim meml Ashcraft S Condition Powders, as I know they are a splen did tonie and appetizer. v. v. oim, umr man, Monroe, n. v;. Ask for Ashcraft s Condition Powders. Package 25c. Sold by :mi. Xj. iivlajesh: you taking advantage of the great slaughter in prices on STOVES ? If not it is your own fault. I am compelled to reduce my stock by the first of the year, as my building is to be over hauled, and a glass front to be erected. It will pay you to take advantage of the many Bargains that are offered daily at my place. I have two new Organs and one new I vers &. Pond Piano that I will sell at a sacrifice between now and January ist. Easy Terms Small Payments 40 No. 7 Cook Stoves, full trimmed at $8 each until Janu ary i, 1904. 'Phone 163. Cbas. H, Shall, Low-Price Man. NEW RESTAURANT. We have opened up a restau rant in the new Corl building on West Deoot street, next to Sims' beef market, and will have on our tables the very best the market affords. Both Board and Lodg- ing Furnished Meals 25 Cents. LITAKER & LEFLER. Concord, N. C, Oct. 29, 1902. THE . Concord National Bank. With the latest approved form of books snd every facility for handling aoconnts, of fers a Unit-class service to the public. Capital, $50,000 Profit, .... 22,000 Individual responsibility of Shareholders, - - 50,00? Keep Your Account with Us. Interest psld as asreed. Liberal accommo dation to sll our customers. J. M. ODEI.L, President. D. B. COLT HAN E. Cashier. S. J. ERYIN & CO , -DEALERS IX- GOAL.' Keep all kinds of the best grades of. coal P'hone 220 Executor's Notice H&vlnir auslined as the Executor of the es tate of M. L. Bust deceased, all persons ow ing said estate are hereby notified thst they must make prompt payment, or suit will be tmuiKht. And all persons having ehims against said estate must present them duly autbent'cittod, on or before the 24th day of Decenibt-r luut, or tnts notice wui oe pieaaeu in bar of tbf lr recovery This December 1 i3- E T. 808T, Kzecutor. By Montgomery k Crow sll. Attorn?. tf 1