THE CONCORD- TIMES, y John B. Sherrill, Editor and Ovrter. m PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK. 1 $1-00 a Year, in Advance. Volume XXI. - Concord, N. C4February16, 1904. m number 47. i as - o o mm ur muiicy uuwo. ten by men who know, tell Mrinnlnn r-kM-itrat you i u alt about Potash They are needed by every man who owns a field and a plow, and who desires to get the most out of them. They are ret. Send postal card. tJEBMAN KALI WOHKS Mew Tors S t'HiH Street, Atlaata, .-! Se. Brm St. Cabarrus Sayings Bank. Concord and Albemarle, H. C. CAPITAL, $50,000.00. Surplus and undivided pronts, - 922,000.00. ( Resources Over $300,000. General Banking Business Transacted. Ac counts of Individual, firms and corporations solicited. We cordially Invite Every Man, Woman and Child who wishes to "lay by something for a rain j day," to open a Savings Account with us. per cent. Interest paid on savings deposits and time certificate!. OFFICERS. D.F.CANNON, H. I. WOODHOU8B. President. Cashier MARTIN UOOKH, 0. W.8W1NK, Vice-Preside, t- . Teller. M. J. Corl J. C. Wadsworth. W. W. Flows U. L. McConnaugbey R. L. McConnaughf y, Manager. Livery, Sale and feed Stables Will keep on hand at all times Horses and. m uies tor Bale ror casn or credit, our livery will have good road horses and as nice line ot Carriages and Landeaus as can be found in this part of the country. Jan. its. WANTED Properties on whicfi there is lead, tin zinc, nickel, graphite, monazite, baux ite, aluminum, baryta, tale, asbestos, mica, mines and quarries of pink, rich brown, gray ' darts, dark variegated, white and black marble ; phosphate rock, marl, limestone, cement, dolouite, gray and red sandstone, whetstone and grind stone quarries, kaolin, terra cotta, fire and brick clays, deposits of yellow ochre, sulphur, tracts of hight grade magnetic iron ore free from sulphur, phosphorus or titanic acid, and fully tested for iron and steel working. Good prices can be abtained. Sixty farms and improved lots in towns. See JOHN F. BEATTY, Real Estate Agent, CONCORD. N. C. IsTOTIOE I We have opened A Fine Confectionery. Homemade and all kinds of Candies. Lowncy's Chocolates and Hon Bons. Also a nice line of Cali fornia and Florida Fruits. Olympia Candy Works Phore 870. 18 9. Union Pt, Concord. N. C. Jan. a. S.; J. ERYIN tt CO, -DEALERS-IS- Keep all kinds ofth best grades of coal. Phone 220 Hie knph I ':: Emti. Virginia's Fast Trunk Line to All Points in the West Vestibnl4Electric Lighted, Steam Heated Trains with Pallman Sleep ers and Dining Cars. The Southern Railway Ho. SB. leevlng Charlotte a m daily, leaving Concord KM a m. leating Grecnooni 12 10 noon, arrltes at Charlottesville h-M p m. and connects with theU. AO. train mv.ii uarlotievilleS:.".n, arllvln Cincinnati fctti a. m next dav. arrive Lontsvllle II a m. Chicago p m and St. Ixxiis p m, connecting with Western line diverging. Pallman K tee per CharlottesTille to Cin cinnati and Wl. Louis. Parlor Car Cincinnati to Chicago; connections at these cities with I alas of Western lines diverging. Ask Your Stationgent for Tickets via. C & O. Route. H. W. Ftrtxam 0. P. A, Washington. D. C. W. O. Wobtb, D. r. A. Klcbmor.d, Ta. . I. Vstlb. Ssasral Manager. III CO A HORSE HEN! For aiding the digestion, creating appetite and for giving life, vigor and strength to horses and mules, tie best remedy of all is Ashcraft's Condition Ponders ! n Stockmen who have used, with indifferent results, con dition powders recom mended equally good for horses, cattle, poul try,' swine, etc., will find in Ashcraft's a remedy beneficial to horses and mules only. It is not a cure-all, but invalua ble for the purposes recommended. Ashcraft's Condition PowderS are prepared from the formulae of a' practical veterinarian of over 30 years' experience, and when once used, horsemen will have no other. "This Is to certify that we have been selling Ashcraft's Remedies for a number of years, and that they have given universal satisfac tion. The purest drugs are Incorporated in their manufacture, and each remedy is espe cially prepared for the disease for which it is intended to cure. Many of our customers hav ing used Ashcraft's Remedies foryears will have no other. ENGLISH DRUO CO., Monroe, N. C" Ashcraft's Powders fatten but never bloat, the hair becoming sleek and glossy. Always high grade. Price 25 cents. Sold by 1sj. Ti. MARSH PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. H. C. HERRING. DENTIST, s now on the ground floor of the Lltaker Building. COTCORD. If. O. Dr. w. C. Houston Surgeon figmj Dentist, CONCORD, M. O. Is prepared to do all kinds ot dental work in Hie most approved tnanner. Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Iteuideuce 'Phoue 11 Office 'Phone 42. U T. HARTSELL, Attorney-at-Law, CONCORD, NORTH OAIOUKA. Prompt attention given to all business. Office in Morris building, opposite the court house. DRS, LILLY & WALKER, offer their professional services to the citi zens of Concord and surrounding country. Calls promptly attended day or night. W t. MONTOOMBBI.. 1. UtlOBOWtU' MONTGOMERY 4 CROWELL, Attorneys and Connselors-at-L&w, . OONOORD, N. O. As partners, will practice law in Cabarrus, "tanlv and adjoining counties. In the Supe rior and Supreme Courts o I the State and In the Federal Courts Oltlce In court house. Parties desiring to lend money can leave It with us or place it In Concord National Bank for us, and we will lend It on good real es tate security free of charge to the depositor. We make thorough examination of title to lands ottered as security for loans. Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners of same. Henry B. Adams. Frank Armfield. Tola D. Maness. Thos. J. Jerome. Adams, Jerome, Armfield & Kuess, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, CONCORD, N. C. Practice In all the State and IT. 8. Courts. Ptompt attention given to collections and general law practice. Persons interested In the settlement of estates, administrators, executors, and guardians are especially In vited to cU on them. Continued and pain staking attention will be given, at a reaeon sonahle price, ioll legal business Office In Pythian Hulldlng, over Dry-Heath-Mlller ft Co.'a opposite D. P. Davvault Bros, ap-ly (are Mrtrj mthcr caa feat, free mat fcook th disorders mt children totatek trnsjhip. woraii, t. It will nTt snaky a asvrflTcau Mil. TREY'S VERMIFUGE A r ) M,eUI1r rlpt4 I tn delimit atonkc. of ehUdhm. Il ku r4 ebiMrca Ikr M jear. stout ay aiall, K rau. E. ft I. rin, lALTIMOIt, Ml. 'Bih'oiis? . Dizzy? Headache? Pain back of your eyes? It's your liver! Use Ayer'sPills. Want your moustache or testi a beautiful brown or rich black T Use BtfckinghanVsDye S0cts.f drugfittsorR. P. Hall &C, Ntea,N.H Bp-!! price )t oornmuD leatlng wtth the pnhll.WoT thhl paper, rre March ami rrportoa pataoUkbliitj. SWIFT4CO.,?L75 Ops. U.S. Patent (Mot, WasMagtsw. D. 0. CHfcEHINCt SICKS IS! BALTIMORE Magical Prosjress 1st moving Ibe De bris Beady to Do Business at the Old Stand. Baltimore, Feb. 11. To-day mark ed the most cheerful advarfce Baltimore has yet made iocmerging from the dark cloud castupon it by the great conflagation of last Sunday aud Mon day. An incident that inspired the hole community fith tremendous confidence was the resumption of busi ness bf the Itanks, deposits being re ceived ancUcnecks honored in-the usual way. It would be difficult to estimate the volume of transactions in this re spegjt, but according to the leading bankers it was grattfyingly large in view of existing conditions. The knowledge that Baltimore's ter minal facilities are intact and that the grain elevators were not involved in the firey tornado also served to promote a popular conviction that the situation is not so dark a it has heretofore appear ed. Indeed the optimistic feeling is manifestly growing that the calamity, though harrowing in every detail, will give the city an opportunity to re adjust itself on new and modern plans and that a new city of imposing grandeur is to rise from the ruins of the old. The progress which has been made today in the work of clearing the debris from the streets in the burned district seerr-s almost magical. Baltimore street, which at sunrise was a confused mass of rubbish, is practically clean, and like wise South street, one of the great banking thoroughfares. Hanover Btreet, near wbere the fire started, was made passable for wagons, and Pratt street, a long avenue of trade, is clear of en cumbai ces all the way through. The city engineers' department, the build ing inspector and the street cleaning department, all worked in conjunction. No attempt was made to do more than to clear the streets from curb to curb, the debris being piled high on the side walks and back of the building line. Many dangerous walls which over hang the streets were pulled down. The most ambitious attempts at razing walls were on Liberty and Lombard streets. At each of these place there are hoisting engines with wire cables, which are fastened to a section of the toppling alls and 'then wound drpon the sp ols. The Hurst building in which the fire started was pulled down All through the financial district prep arations are being made to open safes and vaults. The chamber of commerce has been exceedingly active to-day in sending broadcast to every center of trade in this country and Europe the assurance that Baltimore is even now in condition to transact all shipping, grain and for eien trade, and that all other lines of business will be restored to their nor mal channels within the next two or three months. Many merchants and manufacturers whose places of businesswere swallowed up in the conflagration have signed contracts for rebuilding and there are on all sides the greatest signs of activ ity in this respect. All are simply watting fob the city to clear the streets of debris and give permission to the owners of the ground to take posses sion. The matter of accepting aid from other cities, has not yet been fin ally decided upon, according to Mayor MoLane. The fire did not reach the residential section of the city and there is no actual deslitutioti at this time. The indications are that the citizens of Baltimore will be fully able to take care of all cases of want that might present inemBeivea. xne mayor ieeis grateiui for the many proffers of aid from the citizens of this country and from for eign lands. The leading savings banks in the city combined in a public announce ment to-night that none- of them have suffered any loss of securities by the fire, and that they are in aa good condition financially as ever and that they will be open for business February 15th. A composite estimate of the total loss from the fire by 25 expert representa tives of leading insurance companies outside Baltimore places the figures at $86,000,000. Some of them think that the total loss will be reduced to 170, 000,000f as qjuch salvage is being dug out of thy ruins which was thought to have been destroyed. The loss to the insurance companies is estimated bg the sarfja experts at 75 per cent, of the total loss. rata End ta It All. A grievous wail of times comes as a re sult of unbearable pain from over taxed organs JJizzinesstackacne, liver com plaint and constiffcshon. Bnt thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put an end to it all. They are gentle bat thor ough. Try them. Only 25 cents.- Guar anteed by all drnggiate. Lawyers have so little cheek that they ask alimony to be paid in advance t tkeir clients. CNITED STAVE HANDS OFF, m W.aBiNcm Feb. A 11. President Roosevelt to-day issued a proclamation declaring the geutralily of this govern ment in the Russo-Jipanese war. The document, after setting forth the exist ence of a state of war and that the laws of theJJnited States, without interfer ing with the free expression of opinion and sympathy, "or with the open man ufacture cr sale of arms or munitions of war, nevertheless imposes .upon all persons who within their terri tory and jurisdiction the duty of an im partial neutrality during the existence of the contest, proclaims the provisions of the United States neutrality law, which law forbids the acceptance of a commission to serve either belligerent, or enlisting o"r firing or retaining an other person in the service of either; fitting out and arming, or commission ing vessels of war, increasing the force or armament of any armed vessel of either of the belligerents arriving in United SUtes ports, And setting on foot any military expedition against either belligerent. . The proclamation further declares the use of United States waters to prepare for hostile operations a violation of neutrality; that after February 15 there shall be a lapse only of 24 hours be tween the arrival and departure of war ships of the two belligerents from United States ports, and that no warships shall remain in any port over 24' hours, ex cept for necessary repair. Such ships shall not be permitted to take in any supplies except provisions anil so much coal as may be sufficient to carry the vessel to the nearest home port. The proclamation further declares the principles as to the rights of neutrals at sea contained in the treaty between the United States and Russia of 18G4 as permanent and immutable, as fol lows: "That free ships make free goods that is to say, that the effects of goods belonging to-subjects or citizens of power or State at war are free from cap ture and confiscation when found on board of neutral vessel, with the ex ception of articles of contraband o war: that the property of neutrals on board an enemy's vessels is not subject to confiscation, unless tbe same be con traband of war." The proclamation declares that no person within the United States shall take part in the war, and warns all citizens "that while tbe free and full expression of sympathies, in public and private, is not restricted by tbe laws of the United States military forces in aid of either belligerent cannot lawfully be organized within their jurisdiction; and that while all persons may lawfully and without restriction, by reason of the aforesaid state of war, manufacture and sell within the United States arms, munitions of war and other articles or dinarily known as 'contraband of war,' yet they cannot carry such articles upon the high seas for tbe use or ser vice of either belligerent. Nor can they transport soldiers and officers of either, or attempt to break any blockadewhicb may be lawfully established and main tained during the war, without incur ring the risk of hostile capture, and the penalties denounced by the law of nations in that behalf." ahorl Terms for Wilson lllob. Wilson, Feb. 11. As the result of a compromise agreed upon last night, the terms bf which were announced in court to-day, the alleged members of the mob which killed Insuranae Agent Jones here a year ago, in an effort to run him out of town, go to the State's prison for terms ranging from six to ten moffths. Tbe case was tried some months ago, but the jury failed to agree upon a verdict, add tbe matter had again come up for .adjustment, when counsel in the case agreed upon a com promise, the defendants to plead guilty of manslaughter. The killing of Jonee was a sensational affair. After bt-ing warned to leave town because of his a) leged association with a tailored woman, a number of men went to Jones' room late at night and made an .effort to drive him away, Jones opened fire on the intruders, severely wounding one of them, and himself received injuries from which he died some hours later. m .Tbe Death Penalty. A little thing sometimes results in death. Thus a mere scratch, ingigmn cant cuts or puny boils have paid the death penalty. It is wise to have Buck- Ion's Arnica Salve ever handy. It's the best salve on earth and will prevent fa tality, when burns, sores, ulcers and piles threaten. Only 25 cents, at all druggists. The Senate has confirmed the nomi nation of R. S. Templeton as postmas ter at Mooresville. Mr. Termpleton ifcas been postmaster at Mooresville for several year vui a resupuiuuueut was necessary when the postoffice reached tht presidential grade rntly. . m PHILIPPINES. Editor Times: The North Carolin ians, temporary residents of Manila, gave a banquet at the Bay View Hotel, Manila, P. I., Wednesday evening, December 23, 1903, preparatory to or ganizing a North Carolina society in the Philippine Islands. During the evening imagined himself back in the Old North State? and again with "Tar Heels" good and true. A most elaborate collation was served from a handsomely appointed table daintly decorated. The banquet hall of Manila's finest hostelry was tastefully decorated with palms and ether tropical foliage, and over the entrance "hung" a wreath of roses with the words "North Carolina" suspended below. In the grounds was stationed an orchestra whiclr rendered sweet music during the entire evening. Capt. L. B. Alexander was toast master, and in a few well chosen words narrated some of the acts of bravery displayed by North Carolina's soldiers in time of war, and honors obtained by her civilians in time of peace. He declared that a "Tar Heel" could be relied upon always for the upbuilding of patriotism and citizenship. He then suggested a toast from A. J. Cassidy, E. C. Qudger, James Er Har veil and P. E. Strowd, who in turn, re sponded in a few appropriate words, after which Major Thad W. Jones pro posed the health of Gov. Aycock, wives, sweet-hearts, relatives and friends at home which toast was drunk with much enthusiasm; then the orchestra struck up with the Old North State Forever which was .greeted with three cheers and a tiger. A committee with James E. Harvell as chairman wis appointed to arrange for another meeting on February 22, when a permanent organization will be made. Among those present were. Major ThadJeus W. Jones, Lieut. Emmet C. Gudger, Capt. L. B. Alexander, A. J. Cassidy, P. E. Stroud, James E, Har vell, J. B. Barham, W. II. O. Smith, II. J. Welsh, S. F. Drake, E. W. Wil son, D. S. Smith, Alfred Smith, Albert A. Mathews, It. E. Walters, Villiam N. Ray, Alex. H. Jones and J. W Cheesborough. Very Respt., Jamej Harvei.l, Tern. Sec. mailers' Report. Washington, Feb. 9. The report issued by the Census Bureau to-day of the quantity of cotton ginned from the growth of 1903 up to and including January 16, 1904, shows that 30,171 gin. nerns were operated and that these ginned 9,859,277 commercial bales Couuting round bales as half bales the number is 9,485,537, which compares with 8,904,503 and 10,588,250 bales to Decmber 13, 1902, and to March 14, 1903, repsectively. 1 he report lor the entire country is as follows: y.lMMenu square bales; 747,480 round bales; 72,907 Sea Island crop bales; 9,859,277 total commercial bales ginned from the crop of 1902 to December 13, 1902, was9,311,835andto March 14, 1903, was 11,078,882. The report includes each state sepa rate. North Carolina is as follows North Carolina, 2,733 ginneries, 541, 125 square bales, 21 round bales, 541,- 146 commercial bales. Chamberlain's Mtomarh and Liver Tablets I nequalled for Consti pation. Mr. A. R. Kane, a prominent druggist of Baxter Springs, Kansas, says: "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are, in my judgment, the moat superior preparation of anything iu use today for constipation. They are sure in action, and with no tendency to nauseate or grip. For sale by M. L Marsh. Ratifications of tbe new treaty between the United -HUtes and China within a few days after it was signed were recently exchanged by telegraph, so that Mukden and Antung in Man' churia might be opened to American trade before Russia's hold oa the terri tory was made firmer. Now, whatever may be the outcome of the dispute be tween Jaan and Russia over that part of China, the United States merchant may sell his goods there, as Russia has announced its intention to respect all treaty rights. Another Case of Rheumatism Cored by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The efficacy of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the r, lief of rheumatism is being demonstrated daily. Parker Triplett, I GrigNby..Va., aays that Chamberlain's Pain Balm gave him per manent relief from rheumatism in the back when everything else failed, and he would not be without it. For sale by M L. Marsh. A charter was issued recently to the Rowan Distilling Company of Salisbury wit 1& 5,000 capital. Tbe incorpora tors are W. L. White of Winston, W. A. Bailer of Advance, and J. H. Broad pa it) f Greenitaro. BANQVEV1N THE THE WAR. Charlotte Observer, 12thg. 4 The war news this morning is in the main confined to details of the declara tions of neutrality and tq, additional information regarding the 'operations of the first twenty four hours of hos tilities. A dispatch from Tokio, how ever, asserts that it is reported there that the remainder of the Russian fleet, consisting of four battleships and three cruisers, was put out of action Wednesday by Japanese vessels which caught them outside the harbor of Port Arthur, and another dispatch says "the bombardment of Port Arthur contin ues. Whether or not these stories are accurate, it seems to be an accepted fact that the Russian fleet at Port Arthur has ceased to be regarded as a serious menace to Japan's operations in that vicinity. The assertion of tbe Japanese ambassador to London that tbe plans of his government were long ago matured appears to be borne out by the aggressive and speedy action of the attacking forces, for it is Btated that tbey attempted to land troops id the vicinity of Port Arthur, under cover of their naval guns, but were un successful. So far everything seems to be playing into the hands of the Japanese, and if their forces succeed in putting the Russian naval equip ment in the far East entirely out of commission, it would seem that tbe war were indeed a great deal more than half won. But Russia has many troops in that vicinity and the conflicts on land will doubtless be bloody. It is, however, inconceivable that without an adequate naval force at hand Russia could maintain an army bo far from home for any length of time. Her only dependence would be on the railroad, and that is hardly worth considering, as much as has been claimed for it as a military aid. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable, Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful It cures made by Dr. Kilmer'i Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver I LI.JJ I.. Pt5iiyf (e It Is the great medl- 1A cal triumph of the nine- y I Wf teenth century; dis- i ( . i I after vear nf 1 1 1! inUnlllh r.corl, V,.. Rg'kB Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent aianey ana Diaa- der specialist, -and is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Brlght'a Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid' ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways. In hospital work, In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has been made by wmcn an readers of mis paper who have not already tried It, rpay have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble, When writing mention reading this generous .offer In this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer St Co., Bing hamton, N. Y." The regular fifty cent and Horn, of Swamp-Root, dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Cill of the of tb G;bs l'i::fi:t.:;: Co. A resolution having been passed at the an nual meerlnx of the stockholders of the Gib son Manufacturing Co , had and held on the Kin day or rebuary,, authorizing the directors of said comnsny to have a general meeting of the stockholders called for the purpose of authorising and empowering the issue or f iter cent, cumulative preierreu capital stock to the amount of bMmi. and the board ot said directors at a meeting held on said Dth day of February, 1MH1, having adopted a resolution directing said meeting of said stockholders to be called, now under and pursuant to said resolutions ana the by laws or tne iioson inanuiueiuriiiK vo., t fenerai meeting of said stockholders Is here oy called to be held at tbe ortlce of said Com nsoiv. In Concord. N. C. t VM o'clock p. m. on Thursday, the 25th day of February. lMcK. for the purpose of determining wheiher cr not sski smount ot preterreu capital stocs shall be Issued. If you cannot be present please send your oroxr. J. . t a .i t rt, rres. E. C. BAKNHAKDT, Treaa Notice. Having qualified as tbe administrator of r. M. (toon man ueceasea, i nereoy notiry ai nersons having claims agnlnst said Good man's estate to present them to me duty proven on or before tbe 1st day of March, Itofi. or this notice t ill be pleaded in bar of their recovery J. A i.u iuA."i, , AtiwtnrsToror . uuyinian. Concord, N. C, lab . 1M4 w For Cheap Rates TO Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, California, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, Montana", Washington, and other points West, Northwest and Southwest WEITR OR CAU ON J. G. HOLLENBECK, District Psssenger f et.t LonisYille & Naslmlle F. Ve. 1 Crow Building, opposite rnlon Depot,1 Atlanta, Ga. Have "eyes bigger than their stomachs, according to an old saying. They over cat themselves, and are tempted by all aorta of injurious and indigestible edi tiles. As a consequence the foundation of serious stomach trouble is often laid in childhood. For children with "weak" digestion or whose stomachs are diseased, Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery may be confidently recommended. ' It cures . diseases of the stomach and other organs 1 of digestion and nutrition, so that the nourishment contained in food is per fectly assimilated and the puny child ia built up by food into a condition of robust health. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol nor narcotic. Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There ii nothing "just as good " for diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Mrs. Ella Gardner, of Waterrlew. Middlesex Co., Vs., writes : My little daughter Is .njoyinj nlendid health. I am who could cure ray child. Whenever she feels badlv I give her Dr. Pierce's Oolden Medical s-iaa I louna a doctor Discovery and she is soon all right She took twelve bottles of ths 'Oolden Medical Discov ery,' eight bottles of ' Pellets,' and one bottle of of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and she is well. We thank God for your medians." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, ia sent fret on receipt of ai one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. 1FS-.3E you taking advantage of the great slaughter in prices on STOVES 7 If not it is your own fault. I am compelled to reduce my stock by the first of the year, as my building is to be over hauled, and a glass front to be erected. It will pay you to take advantage of the many Bargains that are offered daily at my place. I have two new Organs and one new Ivers & Pond Piano that I will sell at a sacrifice between now and January 1st. Easy Terms Small Payments 40 No. 7 Cook Stoves, full trimmed at $8 each until Janu ary i, 1904. Phone 163. Cbas. H. Shall, Low-Price Man. THE Concord National Bant. With the latest spproved form of books and everv facility for handling accounts, of fers a first-class service to the public. Capital, - $50,000 Profit, .... 22,000 Individual responsibility of Shareholders, - 60,00? Keep Your Account with Us. Interest paid as agreed. Liberal accommo dation to aU our customers. J. M. ODBLL, President, D. U. COLTHAMB. Cashier. Fire Accident, Liability, INSURANCE. LONG EXPERIENCE." Large number of Very BestCompanies represented at our Agency on West Depot Street. 'Phone No. 184. . G. G. RICHMOND & CO. "WANTED. A few acres of good farming land near Concord. Also have ForSale one building lot 50x140 feet, corner of Ninth and Myers streets, in the city of Charlotte. ill exchange, same for faf m- injj lands if desired. Apply to K. L. CRAVEN, Dealer In Soft. Smith and Hard Coal. cuius Htsi Li itstTtiis. Bam Cooa srup. Tuie. 4ou4. Ga I m tiros. Moti tt rinmtsts. 'if.iinifirr BwS s

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