THE RD- TIMES, H John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. ICE 1.00 a Tear, in Advance. Volume XXI. QDNCORD, N. C, FEB8UAR& itfp 1904r. Number 48. Small Potatoes result from a lack of Potash in the soil. Potash pro duces size and 4uality. Ws nave val sable books which fully the ftr- Ty O tllisinf value ZfcZmJ of Potash. Wi will atnd tnsm frs. t. any . ZJJO urmcr who writes fof them. pan and Kur- QERMAftutcome It is nS, Cabafrus Saviiigs Bank, Concord tod ipanuii, 1. C. CAPITAL, $50,000.00. Marplae ana analrlaix areata, $8S,OOOtOO. Resources Over $300,000. Oeneral Banking Business Transacted. Ac counta of Individual, Arms and corporations solicited. We oordlallT Invito Every Man, Woman and Child who wishes to "lay by something Ar rainy any," to open a savings Account with na. 4 per cent, Inter eat paid oni vlngs deposits and time oert locates . omenta. D. r. CANS OK, H. I. WO' iDHnURfj, President Cashier MARTIN BUG Ell, OW.fwiNK. Vice-President Teller. M. J. Corl i. C. Wadswortb. W. W. Flowe R. L. McConnaughey lllf III K. L leCtEnanghdf, Manager. Livery, Sale and feed Stable- Will k-ep on hand at all times Hones and Mules for sale tor cash or creait. Our livery will have good road horses and as nice line ot Carriages and Landeaus a can be found In this part of the country. Jan. tt. WANTED Properties on which there ia l"&d tin ino, nickel, graphite, monazite, banx ite, aluminum, baryta, talc, asbestos, mica, mines and quarries of pink, rich brown, gray dark, dark variegated, white and black marble ; phosphate rock, marl, limestone, cement, dolouite, gray and red saiidetone, whetstone and grind stone quarries, kaolin, terra ootta, fire and brick clays, deposits of yellow ochre, sulphur, tracts of high grade magnetic iron ore free from snlphur, phosphorus or tifaulo acta, ana rally tented for iron and steel working. Good prices can he obtained. Sixty farms and improved lots in towns. See JOHN F. BEATTY, Ibal Estate Agent, CONCORD, ft. C. . NOTICE I - We have opened A Fine Confectionery. Homemade and all kinds of Candies. Lowney's Che col ites and Bon Bons. Also a nice line of Cali fornia and Florida , Fruits. Oljmpia Candy Works Phorefn 18 8 Colon Ft., Concord. H. r Jan.. S. J. ERYIN & CO., -DEALERS IN- IB a.l: Keep all kinds grades of coal. of the best P'hone 220 Virginia's Fast Trunk Line to All Points in the West. Vestihnled, Electric Lighted, Steam Heated Trains with Pullman Sleep ers and Dining Cars. -. The Southern Railway Ho. St, leering Charlotte a m dally, leaving Concord stus a m. leaving Green noni IS.Wnona, amtesat t'haruuesviiieS40 P m, and connects with taw U. J. train leaving hartutieevuie fcM. arUving Cincinnati H a m next dav. arrive Louisville 11 a m. Chicago fc p s and 8c. louts tU p m, eonnecUng with Western 11 diverging. Pullman 8 lee per CbarlotteeTllle to Cin cinnati and St. Loala. Parlor Car Cincinnati to Chlcurn: eonnectlona at these eitlea with t-aln. of Western lines dlTerglng. Ask Your Station Agent for Tickets via. C & O. Route. H. W. return, S. P. A, Washington. D. C W. O. Worths, D. P. a, Btcbmoon. Ta. C. B. Dotla, weoeral Manager. 7iJ (ci niiiiii Keeping the Russian Fleet Bottled Up j in Port Irani; She Pours Troops I Into the Hermit Kingdom. PARTIES SWEPT AWAYJ The JTaaaaeae will Ael as a Halt la Sannorttag the Aaaa ef tke Sat eraaaeat ler Praaeeallaaj ae War Agalaat aaala. Raraaeas bat se cret military Bervlee. Washinotos, D. C, Feb. 15. In formation has reached here that nearly 20.000 Japanese troops were landed at Chemulpo yesterday, the first division of a Urge number which will be thrown into Kora as rapidly aa possible, in the effort thonmihlypo occupy the strategic points in the Hermit Kingdom while the Russian fleet is bottled up in Fort Axther. By one conversant awith. the Japanese plans it is stated that the re peated attacks on Fort Arthur are not for the purpose of seising that place at present unless an uneipected weakness in the fortifications there should de velop. Tney are part oi a well defined plan for the harassing of the Russian fleet until Korea can be occupied. Gore Takabira, the Japanese Minis ter at Washington has officially advised Die government that be is receiving numerous offers of large contributions to the war fund from Americans and requests instructions si tp th policy of his government in the matter. It is considered probable that Japan will re fuse to accept this proffer d aid, while stating that the government is deeply gratified at this and other expressions of American sympathy. - The Cabinet will consider the ques tion and formally instruct Minister Takshira shortly. Many applications for permission to enlist in the Japanese army and navy are coming from various parts of the world. Some of those anx ious to fight for Japan have applied personally to the military authorities here. Amon this number is included a Turkittb officer All of these applies lions have been politely but firmly re fused. No foreigners will be Lowed to participate in f e military or naval Iterations of the Japanese exoept a- spectators. At a meeting of bankers, newspaper proprietors and commercial men, held in Tokio today, it was resolved to sup port the government, irrespective of party lines, so as to prevent domestic affairs from distracting the nation from the prosecution of the war. Enormous military activity continues but the government carefully conceals its plans sod does not indicate the date of any projcted movement. Although every nv-ment of delay enables the Russians to become better prepared for the conflict, the Japanese apparently are anronceroed and confident. Tbey fully realise that 'the limited rapacity of the Trans Siberian Railway, the die ttnee of ths Russians from their base of supplies and the lack of com muni - oati n by sea sets limitations on the proposed accomplishments of Russia in Manchuria and 8iberia, They feel ttjat no danger attaches in that quarter and are awaiting the completion of Japan's naval program. Berlik, Feb. 16 A St Petersburg correspondent says 600 Russian soldiers have been fro ten to death while cross ing Lake Baikal, in eastern Biberis The correspondent says the temporary railroad across the lake has not yet been completed and a large detachment of troops were sent on a 22-mile march over the ice-covered lake and it is pre sumed lost their way in a storm and perifhed. 8t. Petersbcro, Feb. 16. The rr port circulated here today that the Rus sian cruiser Boyarin wsa blown np last Saturday, and that all her officers and crew, 197 in number, were lost, is con firmed from a private source. CStasaaertala tHeasaca aad Liver TaMeta Uarejaalleel fair reaet aatlea. Mr. A. R. Kane, a prominent druggist of Baxter Springs, Kansas, say: "Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tabl ta are, in my judgment, the most superior preparation of anything in use today for constipation. They are sure in action and with no tendency to nauseate or grip. For sale by M. L. Marsh. The Democratic campaign for the nomination for Governor is quite ac lively in prog use now, so far as the four aspirants are concerned. Major Cbailes M. Stedman is writing personal letters to persous in all parts of the State, Cape Glenn is speaking, and it ie understood that Lieut. Gov. Turner and Col Davidson are by no meant idle. Walter Murphy, of Salisbury, a well known politician and twice a member of the State Legislature, has announced that ha will b a Candidate to succeed Congressman. Theodore F. KlatU. Afn joic whkm or pot itigs AMD aoffllC OTHER THINGS. Atlanta Journal I am spending a few hours between trains in tbe borne city of William J. Bryan. Mr. Bryan is popular 0 his home city as a man and at a neighbor, and baa many qualities of bead ffbd heart to draw men everywhere t him. But it's in politic! like it is in the New York' loci exchange, the winner is tbe mag nate and the loser is tbe felon. Mr. Bryan has lost in each great game at which he played, aqd hence he is po litically done for, despised by some.n vied by others, and pitied by the bal ance of the American people, just be cause he lost. To win is to be crowned, to lose is to ne downed, Mr. Bryan is the one unsurmount able obstacle in the way of possible Democratic success. No man whom be favors can get tbe nomination, and no man he opposes can be elected preqj dent. Bryanism and Populism are to near the same thing to longer allow him to dictate either the platform or candi date for the Democratic party. There is but little hope now for the Demo. crats to win, and their future hope lies in the complete elimination of every Bryanistio populiatio plank from their platform, and come back to Jefferson ian and Jacksooian Democracy. Mr. Bryan is not big enough to be presi dent, yet he is too big to let his part win if he is displeased, with candidate or platform. I like Mr. Bryan per sonally, but we can't gng together in politics. 1 spent a few hours with Tom Dixon Jr , this week. He tells me so soon as he fills the three or four weeks of en gagements already made on trie plat form that be is done forever. He tays he bad rather write than talk, and it pays so much better to write. His books have already paid him approxi mately a hundred thousand dollars and he will have out bis ird book by mid summer, lorn Unoo is a comliioa tion. He is as fast as the 999 tbat pulls the "Empire State Express," a sell winder like an electric clock, a thoroughbred that can run or trufr or rack. He loves books and money both He works bard and loves ease He has book sense and common sense both. He can preach magnificently and is also up to a high level in the af fairs of business. His next book will be a stem-winder, and a "yaller" dog under a wagon. He is manufacturing turpentine in Owrgia, thrilling the lec ture audiences of Kansas and Nebraska, and writing a book, investing in bank stock, etc., etc., all at the same time. He will bounce or bust one before many more moons will wax and wane, but I think he will bu. ce and bounce, higher and higher. He s a compan ionable fellow, who likes a joke, and loves to tell or hear one. He enjoys flattery and don't obj.-ct to caustic criticisms, if they help to sell his books. He lives in style, but is not prodigal. He has the best, but wants the worth of his money. While he may be some sort of a fool, he likes a heap of being all sorts of a fool. I notice in my travels in the north west that all classes and business seem to be moving on with a glow except cattle and hay men, and they have some oompensittion at this time in the mule business. Seventeen cent cotton baa put the mule in front of tbe pro cession, and while mules and steers a short while ago were bringing about the ssme price, now a good mule is worth a half doxen steers. Mules have jumped and steers have slumped. Corn and wheat are advancing in price dnily, and tbe northwest is full of corn. The corn bins along tbe railroad are full and tbe railroads are moving all they can. I am sure I never saw such a miserable prospect for wheat over all the territory I have traveled. Wheat is going to be wheal, by and by. I wish my neigh bors had m re sown. Cotton seven teen cents and s ill booming. The un loading of my crop did not bear tbe market in any sense, and that s what makes me think cotton is scarce and the demand is greater tbau the supply, and that being the case, then it may go to 25 cents sure enough. The bulls want 25 cents and the consumers may want tbe cotton bad enough to pay it Tbe country is cotton crazy, and God himself only knows what a fool will do before he is done. I won't speculate, gentlemen, and I won't overplant. I am going to mind the tame things nd walk by the same rule. If a man wil keep his head his head witl keep him and the average fellow needs keeping keeping out of some thing" and keeping into others. Yours truly, Sam P. Joses. WSU are Thryf Chamberlain's 8tomrb and Liver Tablets. A new remedy for stomach tronb ea, biliousnei-s and constipation, and a good one. Price 35 cents. For sale by M. I. Marsh. BRANS. as 1 Washington Cor. Charlotte. Observer. Senator Overman says that under acY of Congress, February 27, 1902, all claatil for horses, side-arms snd bag gage taken from Confederate soldiers after tbe surrender must be filed pnor from consideration. The appropriation made to pay these claims is now ex hausted, but it is probable that clfUms filed before March 1, 1V04, will be provided for by special appropriation. In presenting such a claim the follow ing regulations of the quartermaster's department should be observed: A claimant should mil the papers in tbe case to the quartermaster general, United States army, Washington, D. C , and prepare his or her claim io the form of an affidavit embracing the fol lowtng information, namely: 1. State claimant's name, rank, com' puny, regiment and present poetoffice address, giving also the name of the captain of his company. 2. State where and when paroled, en closing parole with claim if possible and that parole has been kept in good faith. 8. State specifically the property taken (horses, mules, side-srms, sad dles, bridles, blankets) and their value respectively. i 4. State whether property was taken by tbe troops of the United States act ing under orders, or presumably under orders, and violation of the terms of surrender; the p ace where it was taken, and that claimant used it in the service and was the actual owner thereof. 5. In support of the claimant's affi davit there should be furnished at least twp other affidavits, preferably of Con federate soldiers of the same or other commands, who will in their affidavits substantiate the facts its ted by claim ants as to tbe use, ownership and tak ing of the property, as well as the paroling of tbe claimant. In case the pirole is not filed with the claim their testimony will then .be considered ' to prove it. 6. The credibility of all persons mak ing affidavits in a claim must be certi fied to by the official before whom the oath is made, and his seal must be affixed to each affidavit. If the soldief from whom the prop erty was taken is living, payments un der thi act can be made to bim only, In case be nas died since ne was pa roled payment may be made to bis wife, parents or children in the order named. , Industrial Troubles In Colorado. Charlotte Chronicle The State of Colorado, with an as sensed valuation of $15,000,000 has with in the past year tided over an industrial war in which 85,000 men were idle for five months and which resulted in a to tal loss of f50,000,000. It began with a decision of tbe Supreme Court declar ing tbe eight hour law unconstitutional and it is not yet ended. A few bun dred men first struck for higher wages and an eight-hour working day, and tbis was followed by sympatbeticstrikes in neatly every branch of business and all over the State. The National Guaid of 350 men, was called out in March, and was later increased to 3,000, and martial law prevailed in many sections Tbe strikers stood for public utilities and higher wages for less work, and declared tbat the fruits of production should go to the producer. On their side was tbe Western Federation of Labor with 22,000 men in the State, the United Mine W oners or America, with 21,000, and other organizations of .the American Labor Union, representing in all 143,000 workmen. Against this powerful array was pitted a Citizen's Alliance, composed of 39,000 men of business. Then began a reign of terrofi which caused, among other things, nearly a hundred murders. The ma jority of the men have gone back to work on a temporary agreement yield ing nearly everything they demanded, but several thousands are yet idle and both sides in the organized fight for supremacy realize that it is a fight to the finish and that no compromise can be counted upon as final adjustment. The Death Penalty. A little thing sometimes results in death. Thus a mere scratch, insignifi cant cuts or puny boils have paid the death penalty. It is wise to have Buck len's Arnica Salve ever handy. It's the bf st salve on earth and will prevent fa tality, when burns, sores, ulcers and piles threaten. Only 25 cents, at ail druggists. A man's crookedness often gets him into financial straits. Pata aa End ta It All. A grievous wail oftifhes comes as a re sult of unbearable pain from over taxed organs Dizziness, backache, liver com plaint and constipation. But thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put an end to it alL They are gentle but thor ough. Try them. Only 25 cents. Guar anteed by all druggists. TBI CLAIM ABB THJJ RI7MIIAN9 TO TAKE PEKING! Atlanta Constitution. g The idea may not find afjgious logd ment in any responsible place; indeed, the talk about it mi' be nothing gnore substantial than a bluff; but if aa dis patches from Peking and Hpng Kong ttate,the Russians have threatened to seize the Chinese capital in case war breaks out, then, indeed, will there be tfrnetbing of a very serious character doing. s Great Britain, which is tied up by treaty with Japan, will doubtless be noth ing more than jjt interesting looker-on at the proceedings so long as the con flict is between Russia and Japan alone, and the scene is Mancffuria and Korea, or the waters adjacent thereto. But should Russia, as Paul Lessar, tbe Rus sian minister to China, eeema to have threatened, march her armies down from Manchuria, and attempt to take Peking, tben will Great Britain get in to the game, and very promptly. The treaty between Great Britain and Japan has as its basic principle the preservation of tbe Chinese empire. Under its terms, Great Britain could pot do otherwise than to step n and thwart the designs of Russia for con trol of China, even were hei own in terest .less than they are. Ai it is, however Great Britain's'interest in pre venting further Russian encroachment upon Chinese territory is far greater than that of Japan, and that she would set promptly and decisively there can be no question. If Russia bas any sertous designs in the direction of Peking she had better tbandon them forthwith. Not Great Britain alone, but a number of other nations we might name would probably join in an endeavor to put a veto upon any such attempt as that for the ex ploitation of wbich M. Leesar seems to be responsible. There is no reason for the coming conflict becoming a world war, and it will not result in tbat unless Russia forces it. But in the light of Russian threats, it is an ever present possibility. S'tlllllMllllllltlllHItn Graa?ce:p- Seeds. I Buists' Prize Medal Garden Seeds, Canteloupe and Water- melon Seeds for market gardeners and truckers. I Buist's Southern Snow Flake Corn, Puist's Seltcted Gold- en Dent Corn, Red Clover, Alfalfa or Lucerne Clo- ver, Orchard Grass, Timothy, Herd or Red Top, I Blue Grass, Millet, Johnson Grass, Dwarf. c s 3 tvssex Rape. Sorghums, and all Field Seeds adapted to our. climate. We handle only high grade Seeds, which are always cheapest to the consumer. Lawn Grass Seed and Pure Bone Meal for enriching lawns. Oyster Shell for poultry -H and International Poultry Powder and Stock Remedies. Fetzer's Drug Store - Concord, N. C. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Everybody Knows a good thing when they see it. Concord Furniture Store ! and you will see a lot of good prise you. Y ours to please, CONCORD FURNITURE STORE, Opposite St. Cloud Hotejl. THE -WISE HOUSEWIFEl I stW J A GHASTLY F1AD. - Charlotte Obsecger. Just before the recorder's court con vened this morning, Chief Irwin was approached by an excited negro bear ing a piece of decomposed flesh, some thing over an inch in width and prob ably ay iifcbes long. A' Whew? what are you bringing that in here for r exclaimed yie chief, as he clamped two fingers over his nose and made for an open door. The negro exclaimed that he found the piece of flesn in a srfallow pond in Irwin s pasture, a short distance west of the Southern passenger station. He had a suspicion that it was a portion-ol. the remains of a murdered man and brought the ghastly, stinking thing to police headquarters, in order thai an investigation might be made. A white man had been missed in that section something over a month ago, said the messenger, and it was believed that he had len murdered and thrown into the pond. Col. Tom Black escorted the negro to the office of the city physician, keeping the piece of rotten flesh well to wind ward, and stood outside while Dr. Haw ley made an examination. Dr. Hawley was unable to say just what the 'flesh was, but he was inclined to the opinion that it was from a human being. De composition had proceeded too far to enable him to make an accurate diag nosis, but be informed the officers that he thought tbey would be justified making a further investigation in the region of the pond. Another Case of Ruenmall.m Cured by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The efficacy, of Chamberlain's Pain Euum in tne reiiei or rheumatism is being demonstrated daily. Parker Triplett, f Grignby, Va., says that Chamberlain's Pain Balm gave him per manent relief from rheumatism in the back when everything else failed, and he would not be without it. For sale by M L. Marsh. i It's funny, but black-haired woman want their hair to be red, and gray haired women theirs to be black. So please step around to the things at prices that will sur will not be content with merely cleaning up the house shewill want, also, to freshen it up a bit. She will change things around and in so doing she is sure to find some article of Furniture that must be replaced. Sbe'll do well to . replace them here C UNDERTAKING j m w ev w Strain Affected Gen . $ral Health. Doctor's Doses We tlL- " ened Stomach. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cured Me. Dr. MitaT Restorative Netjrine brings rest and (meet sleen to the tired brain mora out with the cares andatniu'eues of the tick rooaa. Kead tbe following: "1 have always been healthy with the ex ception of a touch of rheumatism since my age came on, up to the time of mahusbanda lait illness someyesrs ago. I assisted in nursing my husband for nearly three months when ne departed this life and the mental strain J think caused my trouble. Aside from extreme nervousness my trouble com menced with sore throat and neuralgia. My physiciansgave me purgative doses which weakened me very much and my stomach for a time seemed insctive. Mental strain and the dormant condition of my stomach soon told upon my general health. I had " little appetite and was soon forced to stay in bed a greater part of the time. Within a week after the time t began taking Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and Tonic I was no aDOur. the hntiu.. I mnhfimfl their nu until completely cured. My faith in Dr. Miles' Remedies bas been strengthened by experience of other people, our daughter hav ing used Restorative Nervine with splendid results in a case of pira ysis and a friend to . whom I sent a box of the Anti-Pain Pills re ports that she has been completely cured of neuralgia by their use. I know of a number of others whom yourmedicine has helped in a large degree. I wish you continued success." Mas. Frances Cotfman. Dayton. Va. All drurgists sell snd guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. A. 3FS. 3S3 you taking advantage of the great slaughter in prices on STOVES ? If not it is your own fault. I am 'compelled to reduce my stock by the first of the year, as my building is to be oveV hauled, and a glass front tC7be erected. It will pay you to take advantage of the many Bargains that are offered daily at my place. I have two new Organs and one new Ivers & Pond Piano that I will sell at a sacrifice between now and January 1st. Easy Terms Small Payments 40 No. 7 Cook Stoves, full trimmed at $8 each until Janu ary 1, 1904. ll'hone 163. CMS. fi. Sllllll. Low-Price Man. THfcl Concord National Bank. WIUi the latest 'annroved form or hnnka and everv facility (or handling aoeounta, ot ters a first-class service to the public. Capital, . - . $60,000 Proht, .... 22,000 individual responsibility of Bharenolders, 60,00f Keep Your Account with Us. Interest Dald as aareed. Liberal nation so au our customers. J. M. ODE LL, President, D. B. COLT HAM a. CaobJt Fire. 'Accident, Liability, INSURANCE. LONG EXPERIENCE.- Large number of Very BestCompanies represented at oar Agencj on West Depot Street. 'Phone No. 184. G. G. RIGHU0ND & GO. Buggy Bargains. Four new and sev eral second-hand Buggies for sale cheap. Also one mule and three horses for sale. Frank B. HcKinne. Feb. i. 1 mstM'Ll- ilhli O