.o OThe Concord Times Pagis 3 and 4 February 19, 904. 4 THE CONCORD flMS, AND MER1CAN GRICULTUMS-K Am Kmc ax AORictTLTtrniST.the great mral Journal of th Bart mad Booth, U tli bet auU nioit practical of Its ktuL 1 CDS Pfl VFAR hiiabAonthe one accepted anthor- f iTauprnTcriwtaeold r liable In all that pertain to farm praetloaaud thought, ltlthn moat welcr-mo publication to progressiva fanuurs ia tUo Middle Butes and thebouth. mPRFTIRF of Amkricax AoRicrr.TURiHTlBpart r du to the value of Its general and i special editorial features and policy. Of n less weltcht fa i the absolute reliability of Its readlogud advertisements. ! EVERY FARMER I ail fiMdfthlc1oanalbaen I I VA. 1 "arT- II It Will heln to ma fen Ma FREE YEAR BOOK AMO ALMANAC. Alrlubaurlbinir t oace, M c-"l low, are emMM, a..!,.!, with tue amskicabt Aori- II CCLTCBI8T Ykar Book and Almanac fur lvui. TMsRToa; work it a Cjelopu of lroiireu and Events la the Whuh World. A BaraM Mil Com Kioto llawil A Trwaorr Of sulbUaai A Bleivaee We on Ever Subject or Timely lIHjrP!l r-ni., ll ip"n' ' SiaiiiiH laaaallea, Bdlftoo and him.' It In aftoanAiatlaCefCalSeaa, WUh. MianaU Bale, Plata for Kaaa Meate, eta. Waalaar reraeaats for eacu monla. AQRMDI C PfiDV a( "' AfrtteltaiW will be mailed J OHnfirLI uUri to vou bf sddr easing oatftiiK tins MUU-AJII, il LalairtU Flaae, law York ttti. i.rm mora raortXAaL. Iteovera The Field Clve Stock, Dairy. Horticulture, Poultry, Veterinary, Floriculture, Apiary, Entomology, How to Buy and How to Sell. EVERY HOME need thl tarealbceauM it will at-lp t make it EIGHTH B BJld SkTTSa, 110 Kitchen, Dinlncc- Room. Parley, Fireside, Sewlng- Roem, The Study-. For Old, Youns, Married. Sinsle.. svsin.Be.. J i Our SPECIAL Offer: le Twice-a-week Times, one year, $1.00. ) . merican Agriculturist, weekly, i.oo. ) Kjl ear Book and Almanac, .50. ) wJV )ur price for all three, only $1.35. Address, The Times, Concord, N. C. re FINE POCKET-KNIFE AI1D 2 LIMAZIIIES The "CLIPPER" POCKET KNIFE la exact alae f cut Two Mades of the beet steal, horn handle, strong spring; and a fine fln h. The guarantee of the Clipper Knife Company la behind every 'Clipper" Knife. Retails from l&o. to too. MB WOMAN'8 MAGAZINE. - This nuMrastne haa the lanrest paid aubacriptlnn In the world. Stories, Fancy Work, Fashion. World' Fair Notes and Pic tttrea. About the House, Poul try, Floriculture, Curioa Facta, Ski., Baa 3F PICTORIAL MAGAZINE. A 64-page Illustrate majra alne, colored cover, full page, half-tone Picture, 8torles, De part menta. Special Article Fashions, Humor, Poetry, Cur rent Toplca, Etc.. Etc. "The Vagaalne tor the Million." THE WEEKLY TIMES-DISPATCH. RlcWnond. Va., Il full of Features, many of which are worth more than the full price of a year's subscription, 11.00. Several Serial Stnrtf-e each year, the kind that sella In book m for 11.60: the full Market and Block Reports; the Color omlc Page; Faahlona; County, City, State. National and Foreign ewa and many other departments, all combining to produce tha SOUTH' B GREATEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER." 1 IIS OFFER IS GOOD O.'ILY TO El. 22, 1004. HAIL YOUR ORDER RIGHT HOW. At any rate, cutout thia advertisement and keep where yon can find it. You may want to order beforw February 22d. ,Anrrasoy S)y e of frple. Cuarlotta Obaeer. Mr. Jame W. Wadsworth returqpd yesterday from Indianapolia Sphere 1$ punhM4 11 koraet and 18S mulei which wit be broigtg to Charlotre fcd old hen. - Srery th firm oi Wadswortn'efSoni k Company lell be tweea 600 and 1,000 muleln this county, and they buy these at about 126 .apiece i cheaper in Indianapolis than ioayitlant; "though in Atlanta,', said Mr. Wadsworth, "there are mor mules than in any other place in the world." "The increased value in the price of mules has been noted for six or ejght years, but the greatest increase in value came with the Boer-British war. A mule that .now sells for 1150 could have been bought five years ago for 100." The "Land of iba Sky" and "a. phlre Country.' ideal Wlnter Ktsorts. The Southern Railway reaches tbt ideal winter resorts of the "Land ofthr Sky" and "Sapphire Country," includ ing Asheville, N. C, Hot Springs, N. 0., Hendersonville, N. C, Brevard and Lake Tozaway. The climate of this section is unparalleled, suitable for in valid, athlete or sportsman, and, offers every charm of an ideal Winter Resorj. Elegant tourist hotels. Through Sleep ing Cars from principal cities. Tourist Tickets now on sale at very low rates. Ask nearest Ticket Agent for detailed information and (Descriptive literature. Tha Golf Coaal Resorts, mobile. New Orleans, Mexico and California Via aoothern Railway. Winter TouriBt tickets now on sale to the noted resorts of the Gulf Coast and Mexico and California. Tickets on salt via Southern Railway up to May 31, 1904, for return passage. Elegant train service. The route of the "Washington and Southwestern Limited" and "SunBet Limited." Ask nearest Ticket Agent for detailed information and descriptive matter. READ.OAREFULLY. Send $2.00 (the clubbing price of The Con rd Semi - Weekly Times and the Richmond eekly Times-Dispatch one year) any time be re Monday, February 22, and you will receive rbe Times and the Times-Dispatch, each one ear. With every such order, new or renewal, .nt on or before February 22nd, 19C4. you will Jceive FREE, postage fully paid, the Knife and he two Magazines described above. , Remembej, you get The Concord SemijWeekly 'imes, the Richmond Weekly Times-Dispatch, le Woman's Magazine, the Pictorial Maga ne and the pocket knife, all for only $2.00, in Ivance. Address, THE TIMES, Concord, N.C. or hand your money to our Agent. EXACT SIZE. The Charlotte Chronicle learns that Rev. T. A. Sikesof Dilwortb, has pur chased the sole interest in The Herald, a weekly paper published at King's Moun tain, from Mr. J. E. McLaughlin, vch is now conducting it. Mr. Sikcs will assume charge of the p'tper personal! and will devote his entire time to it. He has not yet stated whether he will move his family to King's Mountain ci not. It i pr bable that Mr. McLiujfl lit the present editor and owner, will move to Charlotte and engage in buisnes there. He is a bright young ui.m and has conducted a good paper. While unloading a coal car from i car on top of a coal chute fifty feet liigt at Spencer Friday afternoon. Walter Stokes and George Hayes, colored, wen- knocked off, together with a box cai ine men were tnrown nign in the air and fell to the ground, sustaining in Juries fronuwhTch both are expected to die. The car ws accidentally run in to by a shifting engine. . The robbery of the jewelry store of Goodman & Company at Mooresvillt on the night of the Gtb inst. is creating considerable excitement in that section since the extent of the robbery $30(j worth of jewelry--has been ascertained. Tha thief or thieves who entered the tore secured enough jewelry, watche, etc., to equip a new store. Tha.Wlotcr Resorts onta Rearhwd; Aj -w If r rtouiuern Hallway. The Southern Railway announces tbfi sale of round trip 'inter Excursion tickets to all the principal resorts of the South, beginning October 15, H03. .The winter resorts oi North aftd South Uarolinaf Georgia and Florida are espe cially inviting to those in search of health or pleasure. In these States aro such nod resorts as Finehurst, N. C, Camden, Aikqp,aSummerville, 8. C, Charleston S. C, Augusta, Savanah, Brunswick, Jefyl Island and Thorn as ville, Ga., Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Ormonfi, jJaytona, Palm Beach, Rock ledge, Miami and Tampa, Fla.; also the resorts of Nussau sod Cuba, best reaSfied via Southern Railway, a Tickets on sale up to and -including 'April 30, 1904, limited to return until May 81..1904. Southern Railway affoids "elegant train service, with tte latest Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, operated through between principal cities and resorts, elegant Dining Car service, and everything for the comfort and pleasure of the traveler. Ask nearest Ticket Agent for further information aid descriptive literature. Tnited ktates Against Russia. ndoh, February 12 The St James tte learns on diplomatic authority assuming Russia defeats Japan, 'ill.be confronted with a demand the acknowledgment of Chinese eignty in Manchuria from Great in and the United States and that oast either grant it or fight both tries. s understanding, the paper adds, The Nortta-Westem Slates and the Norm Western Line. Railroad booklets ana loiders are usually interesting, and the vrious pub lications issued by the North -Western Line are perhaps notably so. Any one interesting will do well ato send to the Passenger Department of that line at Chicago for a copy of the leaflet just issued, which contains a list of such publications. "Thepamphletsdescribed in this leaf- been manned in thia scence between United States and Great Britain. let" to 1uote ,rom title P6' "coa-hfir-,- i.tAn h. ih TTni.l State, i tein tock of information concerning Ussy at St Petersburg iu under- the Mtur1 we,lUb' "il clivi,y. ,: . , . ..,. , ,. ... transportation facilities ana unsur- UU M 1UUA SIM;i IUB V. oanesa ar,hi,U in Rnia ... adorned cemc of the North-Wes- m cause the British government regard- itself as being too intimately con ed in the dispute to accept such onsibility. Cheap Betllera Ticket, n January 19th, Feburary 2nd and i, Uarcb 1st ana xotn ana April stn 19th, 1904, the Frisco System) t Louis and 8an Francisco Railroad) ill reduced rated one-way and 'rip tickets from Atlanta, Bir am and Memphis to points in as, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma dian Territories and Texas. L. Parrott, District PasseDger jitlanta, Ga. dual liberty often depends on Ue individual. T- 1 tern States, the world's greatest seat of human endeavor, calculated to make them valuable as disinterested books of reference." The little leaflet is sent free to any address upon request Jfae dWrea xenralona on. Daily and personally conducted ex cursioos via the Chicago-Union Pacific & Northwestern Line in Pullman tourist sleeping can in charge of experienced conductors from Chicago to Los An geles, 8an Francisco and Portland. Choice of routes. Only $7.00 for double berth. For particulars apply to your nearest ticket agent or write 8. A. Hutchison, Manager, 212 Clark street, Caueafo. -' TheOverland Limited. ' the fast electric-lighted daily train between Chicago and California via the Chicago, Union Pacific North Wstem Line, Is the most luxurious train in the'world.Jeaving Chicago daily 8:00 p. id. Tess than three days en route. Buffet smoking cars, barber and bath, standard and nrivate compartment sleeping cars, dining carsm observation and library coda Booklovers' Library and telephone! Two other fast trains leave Chicago daily (or San Francisco Los Angelea and Portland at J0:30 p. m. and H:3S p.m. wHh splenJM equipment of buffet smoking and library cars, frecrecliningclulr care. Pullman drawing room and tourist sleeping can and dining cars (a la carte service) . Tht Best of Everything ail agents sail ticket, vis this rente. For full Information, time schedules, maps and book on California, write to or call en ttSTist tl. Clatlsuti. I. 1 aaaaaat- asTI M P Seventeen of the leading Japanese residents of New York, most of them prominent in the commercial world, have practically pledged themselves to raise $5,000,000 to aid their country in waging war against Russia. They in tend this sum to be a gift to the mi kado, not a loan. T" SOME OF THE BEST Hunting ar4Fis1iing IN THE - 'SOUTH 1 tIrehadls The Territory Traversed by SOUTHERN RAILWAY. No at her section offers sportsmen - such induct ments and va- riety of Game. S;ieciaUt('nlioii Given Hunling rarlies.t- Rend four cents postage to S. H. ftardwlck. General Passenger Agent. Washington, D. O. for copy ol Hunting and Fishing Book. TEE M jEI Three Times a Week? "WANTED. A few acres Osgood farming land near Concorcj. Also have For Sale one building lot 50x140 feet, corner of Ninth and 'Myers streets, in the city of Charlotte. Will exchange same for farm ing lands if desired. Apply to K. L. CRAVEN, Dealer In Soft. Smith and Hard Coal. It is pointed out that Russia, with 130,000,000 inhabitants to Japan's 40,000,000, has 200,000 fewer children in her elementary schools than Japan. No wonder the Japanese fight more intelligently than the Russians. At Asheville Friday federal officers captured 1,103 gallons of blockade whiskey loaded on a Southern car in Nothing jtias ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery THE MOST WIDELY READPA PER IN AMERICA. Time baa demonstrated that the Thiice-a-Week Wiyld stands alone Id its clasp. Other papers bare Imi tated Its form but not Its success This la because it tells all the news all the time and tells It Impartially, whether that news be political or otherwise. It la. In fact, almost a dally at the price of a weeklyeand vouannot afford to be witnout It. Republican and Democrat alike can read the Thrlce-a-Week World with absolute confidence In Its truth. ( In addition to news. It publishes first-class serial stories and otber features suited to the home and fire side. The Thrice-a-Week'iWorld's regular subscription price Is only $100 per year, and this pays for lot) papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper ana Thi Concord Tin is or Standard together out year for St, 65. The regular subscription price of the two papers Is fi.OO. fiovsrMPTiox a VI IN HHS aM VULUS Price ttc 4 f I.N A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Money back If it falls. Trial Bottles freav twenty -five barrels, ownership. No one with admit .vus't Tobacie Spit aud Kmoks I'liur l.lf inaj. To quit tohacco easily and forever, be niag telle, full of life, nerve and vigor, tin No To Duo, the wmulor wor.crr, that maker, weak mes Strong. All druBRlcts, 60oorll. Cureguaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Acldrest Sterling Kemedj CA. Cuicseo or New York For Cheap Rates TO Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, California, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, Montana, Washington, and other points West, Northwest and Scntliwest WRITE" OR CALL ON J. CHOLLENBECK, District Passenger Agent Louisville & Nashville R. R., No. I Brown Building, opposite Ui.lon Depot, Atlanta, Ua. To prevent La Grippe tale a dose or two of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine daily. s? OOCashConta THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION'S Great New Offer Upon Receipts of Cotton at All United States Ports From September 1st, 1903, to May 1st, 1904, Both Inclusive. Contest Opened Jan. 18th, 1904, Closes April 20th, 1904. DIVISION OF, PRIZES. For the exact, or the nearest to the exaot. estimate of the total number of Bale of Cotton reoelved at all United Statee porta from September I at, 1003, to May I at. 1 604. both Inelualve For the next nearest eetlmato For the next nearest estimate..- For the O next nearest eatlmate, f 20.00 each For the IO next nearest estimates, 12.00 eaoh For the 20 next nearest eatlmates, 10.00 each For the SO next nearest eetlmates, B.OO eaoh For the IOO next nearest estimates, 3.0O each 8 a.soo.oo i.ooo.oo eoo.oo 126. OO 125. OO 200.00 2BO.OO 300.00 Additional Offers for Best Estimates Made Durlnt? Different Periods of the Contest. a For convenience the time of the con test Is divided Into estimates received by Tbe Constitution during four pe riods the first period covering from the beginning of contest to February 10, 1904; second period, from Febru- . ary 10 to March 1, 1904; third period, March 1 to TO; fourth period, March 20 to April 20, 1904. We will give the best estimate received during each period (in addition to whatever other prize it may take, or If it take no prize at all), the sum of $125.00. The four prizes trfus offered at f 1 2S.OO eaoh amount to 8 600.00 $ 5,000.00 two crand:consolation offers. First For distribution among those estimates (not taking any of the above 188 prizes) coming within 600 bales either way of Ua exact figures $ 1,000.00 Second, For distribution among those 'estimates (not taking any of the above 188 prizes and not shar ing the first consolation offer) com ing within 1,000 bales either way of the exact figures .. 1,000 OO Grand Total - 87,600.00 Inoase of a tl on any prize eetlmato the money will bo equally divided. , Conditions of Sending Estimates in This Port Receipts Contest. Subject to the usual conditions', as stated regularly la The Constitution each week, the contest is now out Attention Is called to the following summary of conditions: 1. Send $1.00 for The Weekly Constitution oneysar and with it ONE ESTIMATE in the contest. 2. Send ,50 cents for The Sunny South one year and with It ONE ESTIMATE) In the contest 3. Send $1.25 for The Weekly Constitution and Sunny South both one year, and send TWO ES TIMATES In the contest that Is, one estimate for TheConstitution and another for The Sunny South. 4. Send 60 cents for ONE) ESTIMATE alone la the contest IF YOU DO NOT WANT A SUB SCRIPTION eSuchaftemittance merely pays for the Tirlvllege of sending the estimate. If you wish to make a number of estimates on this basis, you may send THREE ESTIMATES FOR EVERY $1.00 for warded at the same time estimates are sent If as many a ten estimates are received at the same time without subscriptions, the sender may forward them with only $3.00 thia splendid discount being of fered for only ten estimates In one order. A postal card receipt will be sent for ALL ESTIMATES RE CEIVED WITHOUT SUBSCRIPTIONS. Where subscriptions are ordered, THE ARRIVAL, OF THE PA PER ITSELF 19 AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT THAT TOUR ESTIMATE HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND IS CAREFULLY RECORDED. 5. The money and the subscription and the estimate must come In the same envelope every time. The estimate, the money and the subscription go together. THIS RULE IS POSITIVE. Secretary Hester's Figures Covering the Period of the Contest. at are cotton mo. COTTON SEASON. TOTAL PORT RECEIPTS. - from 1st September to 1st Mr (Inelnlv.) of followlns rear. Tbe period eovered br tai. con teat. 1807-08 -I80S-OO-- 1899- 00- 1900- OI-. 1901-02. This Issierelr for roar Information and Is not the subjert of this preeeat contest. It Is (riven onir as sa additional aid toaa iatelli-(enteeaimatee. 8,333,862 .7,993,401 .6,843.134 ..6,346,312 .7,218,179 ::r:x::: n.iee.094 II ,274,840 10,383.422 e.436,416 - 10.680.680 IWUil-UJ 7,378 627 10,727,109 The figures above are certified by Secretary Henry O. Hester, of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange, who will furnish the official figures to decide this contest. Address All Orders to THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ca. i 9)