OUB 0320 "The LAND OF THE StfY" mi "SAPPHIRE COUNTRY" ALL-YEAR-RatJD RESORTSa LAKE TOX iWAY 15 Miles SboM Line Equil to tie Lakes of Europe Ashevffle. Hoi Springs, HundwuonTine, Waynesvllle, . Brevard, Laies Toiaway, Fairfield and Sapphire. ....ELEGANT TOURIST HOTELS.... Scenery Vu paralleled Highest Mountains EsBt oRockles Climate Supero in Summer or (V inter. SOUTHERN WILL CAKRT rOCT THERB Ask any Ticket Agent for Folders and Descriptive Matter. Wood'sSeeds. Twenty-five years practical ex perience, and the fact that we do the largest business in Seeds in the Southern States, enables us to supply every requirement in CARflFN AMI FARM SFFIK uto the very best advantage, both as regards qualify and price. Truckers and banners requiring large quantities of Seeds are requested to write for special prices. If vou have not received a copy of FOOD'S SEED BOOK for 1904, write for it. There Is not another publication anywhere that approaches It In the useful and practical Information that it Elves to Southern farmers and gardeners Wood's Seed Book will be BMlled fros on request. Writs to-day: do aot delay. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, - VMSIM. "We Will- Sell Colonist tickets to CALIFOR NIA, OREGON. WASHINGTON, IDAHO. UTAH and the GREAT NORTHWEST. CHEAP During March and April. Our route takes you through ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, tUU) RADO and SALT LAKE CITY The -Scenic Line of the World, Make your arrangements now I. E. REHLANDER, Traveling Passenger Agent Missouri Pacific Railway. Chattanooga, Tenn. Cill Mii of 'ih iiiMlm of Hi ..tan Uactdnf Co. A resolution having bwn passed at the an nual niee Ingot ihe stuckholiieis of the (ilb - sou Manufaoiurlnif to . hail and held on the m day of l-'eowtry, 1H0, authoruin th directors of ald company toave a general nii-oiinK r the scKnollers called for the furposeof au BoriiniK and empowering the ssum ..f 7 per Cent, cumulative preferred capital stoca to the amount nf tlaS.OOU. and the hoard of said director- at a meeting held on said th day of r'ebrtlary, IMH, havlnn adopu-d a resolution directing said meeting of s-ud ttockholders t- be called, now under and fmrnutiit to said resolutions aud the by laws of the Gibson Manufacturing (V., a general meeting of said stockholders Is here by called to be held at the office of aid com pany. In Concord. N. C, at 1:) o'clock p. m., on I'bursday. the Kth day of February. ISM. for the purpose of determining wheiher cr not S4ld amount ol preferred capital stock ahail be issued. II you cannot be present please send your proxy. J. W. ca.nNkN. Vres. B.C. BAKNHARDT, TreaS Notice. HaTlng qualified as the administrator of F. 8. Ooouuiao deceased, I hereby notify all persons having claims agulust said Good man's estAte to present them to me duly a yen on or before the 1st day of March, , or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery J. a hwiumaj, Administrator nf F. 8. Goodman. Concord, M. C Feb. S, l(M-w jr-. Tukacto Ssit 4 Satakt tumr MP ana). To quit tobacco easily and forevtr. tie mag letie. lull of life, nerve and vigor, toae No-To Bae. too wonder-worker, that maker, weak mei Strong. All droggicts, (0c or It. Cureguaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Addreai Sterling Remedy Ou Ckieago or New Yore (VIRGiMfrpUMA) -v o Q I O 1 QQ3HH30 '0 Wrtlrra NurlH Carol! ua. RAILWAY IS THROCGH TRAINS. S. H. HAKDWICK, Gen. rasa. Agent, Washington, D. C. NfMlMolfeYestem ttcbedule tri Effect Noyemrwr 11 WINSTON-HALEM DIVISION. No. re-No. u No. 23-No. 21 P. M. A. M. P. M. P. H Id S 00 Lv. Winston Ar. lu ift 2 U S 28 tli 1 W 10 Lt. Walnut Cove Ar. 9 26 Lv. Matdm n Ar. 8 .M Lt. a rod an Ar. 8 49 Lv. MatrrtiiaviMe at. T 44 Ar. K ftnoke tr. 5 15 1 Ul 12 4M 12 44 II 4A 9 1& 4 VI S 23 ft ' 10 24 7 30 1 0 Nos. 21 and -t daily. Nos. 23 and 24 dallv. exceof ou natty. WESTBOUND LEAVE ROANOKE DAILY. 0i a. m. Washington and CbHttanooga limttAfl ror MriHiut.iniprmeoiHip si iiub ana toe South and Wl. t uliiuan hlini to Nt-w rlftiiA and Meniphm; connect i Had ford f..r Htunld and Pofithontaa. 25 p.m. the Cliteo fcxprrSH for rUdfotd, blue-rt-ld, P -cahouttui. Kenitva, I'tin-in-at . Indiai apolis, St. Louis, Kaift City, ('o - lumitus mid i'liii'tticu. full nun UutFet tle ere. Koanuke tu (Joluoibua and Hltiftit Id to ( inctMnHtl. tMp.m. dail , except wun )iyt tor Blaefleld and uuerDjeqi e -tuiions. I 45 p. m. dailv fur Bristol and tntermedlate na- iiuiis, hiiox vuie.i iiuttnnuxga aim poinui Koutd. Pulliuau Hleept-r t Knoxville. 10 a.m. for Brlt4l and for B aefleld, Norton. Pocauuutas and Welch. NORTH AND EAST BOUND LEAVE ROANOKE ; DAILY. I 1 60 p. m. for Petersburg, lticbmon-1 and Ni rfolk. i u 1 1 uiHii du ncn car noanuKu auu Norfolk. 1 4 p. m. tor Wsifthlngton. Henitown, Phlladel- niaanu ,--w i ora via uaKrBtowu ana ltarrinburir. t 0 p. m. for HatteiMiOsrn. Pullman Sleepers to nmaaf innia. 12 06a.m. for Kici.inond and Norfolk. Pullman sleeper KiaiHike tu Nurfulkand LyucU bur to Richmond. 12 05a. m.f Washington uud Cba tanoosia limited) for Wuthf ntrttin. PhiImitDhisv and ew Y 'irk via Ly uco bu r. Put) man sieei ei to wanin.ton. Mat ui more, i'uuauei ohia kud New York. 7 10a. m.f r Lynchburg, l&vteniburfr, Richmond ana uTimn. 8 05 p. m. davliy for Lynchburg. DURHAM DIVISION DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M 4 8-1 7 So Lt. Durham Ar. 9 00 9 no 6 07 8 47 Lv.Moxbi.ro Ar. 7 4 7 64 17 1 Lv. Dei.nlston Ar. 7 15 7 26 6tt it Ar. H.ith aostOD Ar. 8 5fi 70ft 7 07 9 44 Ar. Houston Ar. 8 44 8 45 U M Ar. Lynchburg Lv. 4 30 Por all additional Information apply at ticket omce. or to W B. BEVILX. Oer. Hans. Ag't. M. F. BRAGO, Uauoke, Va Irav. Pass. Atrent. 06.50 TO TEXAS One Way Tickets from Memphis via tte Cotton Belt Route. FEB. 16, MAR. i AND 15. On above dates the Cotton Belt Route will hell one way colonist tickets trow Memphis to points in Texason and north of Cotton Belt Route, Texarkana to Mc Gregor, and on and east of G. C. & S. F. Rv., McGregor to Gainesville, at rate ol $6.50. To points east of and including Amaril lo. Quanah, Vernou.B own wood, Brady San Angelo, San Antonio, Houston, Gal veston. Corpus Christi, RockportT" Alice Kerrville, at rate of $8 00. This is the opportunity of your life to make a cheap trip to lexas. Write nt once, to-day, for further information, give your starting point and where you want to go, how many tickets you will require and the date you wish to start. We will tell you exact cost ol tickets frofi your towi, your best route, time of trains, also send you map of the Cotton Belt Roifte. N. B. Baibd.T. P. A., Cotton Belt RouteUlanta, Ga. HAIR BALSAM Cleanr.. and brutlie th half. Promote, a Wxunni prowxn. Nrverr Fills to Beatora Gray H ir to lta Youthful Color. Cum fmlp tfurt A fcftif faUn. I am CHICHESTtrVS ENGLISH Pennyroyal pills B -V-v Orla-iMatl an4 Only Wtaulne. P-Z-NtAlfE. A "ij.rrlish'e t.avltc-, Irnrrtfl rfxi" n r. iv vol m nnaiiK nsn. wlh Uo rlbbnf,. Tktnftfct-i-. R-fa terM anbtltaltMai u4 Jmlttv r Prtltfirw TavrttaMNUU Relief for ,dlem" m Utter, Wj r mil. IO.VUV TrrttanatKls. Blfl by t ai-acr arMicai urt, ruiia. pi Wi. VJ !- I I tr wmm. A tmrn 1. t au urunM. 444 Mi A Noble Meallanenf. Private Dempsey of the "Dublins" h id done a few odd jobs at hU cap tain's quarters, for which he was duly rewarded. "I'd giv you a of whisker. Dioipsty, only tha mii'teft 80ne ou' ai 1 do ' kaow here T . . . . i TU ,...1.t !;nnr U-fr sue )iu mo acjp. iw uu nut ia ihid h ifrln nf H.'nedictiae. and I doa't think you'd care about the stuff although it was made by the Benedic tine mouks." "I'll try it av yeplaze! replied the soldier. A small liqueur I ..l I... .AA ofUioU ha igiamiui was li iuni vj uuu, ' "wallo'ed with evident relish. "All sir," said he as be smacked lis lips "heaven bless the holy fatsos fur niak in' the drink, but hang the man thai made this glasl" End of Bitter Fight. "Two physicians had a long and stub born fight with an abcess ou my right lang" writes J. F. Hughes, of DuPout, Ga., "and Rave me up. Everybody tlioutrht mv time had come. As a last resort I trif fJr. King's New Discovery forConsipnptiou. Tip benefit I received was striking and I was on my feet again in a few days. Now I've entirely re gained my health." It conquers all Roughs, colds and throat and lung trou Dies, uuaranteea ry ail amggism Price 5U cents, ltd $1.00. Trial bottles free. . One of tae expense accounts ol the Baltimore fire that does -not eem to baventered in the earlier estimates is the damage to the streets and side walks and (he cost of removiog the debris. It is said that this will foot up 2,OOC,000, and tne estimate does not appear to be unreasonable. Every lady and gentleman who are troubled with pimples cr facial blem ishes, are requested to call at yonr drug gists and get a trial bottle of Hancock's Liquid Snlphnr. If used as directed it will soon destroy the germ, hal the disease and make your skin white and soft. A few applications ot Hancock's Liquid Sulphur will cure the worst cases of prickly heat. For sale by Gib son Drug Co. War in tha far Eitst has already ffected the price of silk goods in the United States. An advance of 10 per ceat, has been announced by the im porting bouses on silk fabrics manu factured in Japan. It is saidthat the operatives and skilled labor have been drafted for war and the place cannot ba filled. The stocks fn Yokohama and New York are decidedly light. When Vou Have a Cola. The first action when you have a cold should be to relieve the lungs. This is best accomplished by the free use of Chamberlain's Cotgh Remedy. This Remedy liquefies the tough mucous and causes its expulsion from the air cells of the lungs, produces a free expectoration, and opens the secretion. A complete cure soon follows. This remedy will cure a severe cold in less time than any other treatment and it leaves the system in a natural and healthy condition. I counteracts any tendency toward pneu monia. For rale by M. L. Marsh. "Starts to work with the first dose." Let Rheumacide begin today the cam paign against disease in your body. At all druggists. . The city of Salisbury has been offered 103 for its f 90,000 street bond issue and a sale may be effected shortly at this price. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. l no Kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid In the blood, due to nerlected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feet as thoueh they had heart trouble! because the heart is over-working In pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly ail constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. trThe mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a sample bottle by mall Roma of Swamp-Root free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer v Co., Btngnamton, W. T. Lnlheraa Strength la Caoarrao aa4 Howaa. Lutheran Visitor. The Lutheran strength in Cabarrus county is compiled as follows: ElevanJ congregations, 1,5(9 oommunioaabrl holding church property -valued at $13,000. Nearly one-half (6) of the congregations organized since the civil war. Of six pastors in the county four bay one church and two pastor two caurches each. Une congregation is vacant, and two are seyed by pastors living in an adjoining county. Total accessions reported last year were: In fant baptism, 4; confirmation, 52; let ters of transfer, 26. 0 Hie Lutherans in Rowan county are: Pastors, 15; congregations, 24; confirm ed members, 4,108. Value of church property more than $10J,000. More than half of these congregations have organized since the war of 861-'C5. There are two pastors without charges, and there are two vacant congregations. One pastor has three congregations; nine pastors have two each, and three pastors have one each. These churches reported tu Synod last May, 196 infant baptisms, 9 adult baptisms, 160 confir mations and 119 received by certificate of ir i.ifer. Cores Rheumatism and Catarrh Bledlclue Seat Pre. a These two diseases are tbe result of an awful poisoned condition of thllilood. If yoii have a. hing joints and back, shouldaj blades, bone pains, crippled hands, legs tr feet, swollen muscles, shifting, sharp biting pains, and that tired, discouraged feeling of rheumatism, or the hawking, spitting, blnrred eye sight, deafness, sick stomach, headache, noises in the head, mucous throat dis charge, decaying teeth, bad breath, bOw.iuiK gas of catarrh,, take Botanic Bjd Bi.lm (B. B. B.) It kills the poison in the blood which causes these awful symptoms, giving a pure, healthy tlood supply to th joints and mucous membrances, and makes a perfect cure ot the worst rheumatism or foulest catarrh. Cures where ' all else fails. Blood Balm (B. B. B.) is composed of pure Botanic ingredient?, good for weak kidneys. Improves the digestion, cures dyspepsia. A perfect tonic for old folks br giving them new, rich, pure blood. Thoroughly tested for thirty yefft-s. Druggists, $1 per large Jxittle, with complete directions for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Cd., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and special free medical advice sent jn sealed letter. American army officers who were with the allied troops that marched to Pekin in 1900 have not yet ceated to talk of the wonderful performances of the Japs on that trip. The little brown men were the admiration of all the foreigners. Our own officers do not hesitate to say the Mikada'a soldiers were the best on the ground during that memorable march on China's cap ital. The Japs seemed never to tire. rhey set the pace and the column of allies found it eiceedinily diiticult to keep up with it. At noon they squat ted on the ground, took out their little packets of rice, ate it, and in thirty minutes were ready to press on. The terrific heat of the sun had apparently no effect upon thrm. At Pekin they did gallant and splendid work. The discipline was in striking contrast with the reckless and uncontrolled work of the Russians, who got beyond tbe con trol of their officers and indulged in shocking cruelties. t Perfect Coafitfenea. . Where there used to be a feeling of uneasiness and worry in the household when a child showed symptoms of croup there is now perfect confidence. This is owing to the uniform success of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the treatment of that disease. Mrs. M. I. Basford, of Poolesville, Md., in speaking of her experience in the use of that remedy says : "I have a word of confl dence in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for I have nsed it with perfect success My child, Garland, is subject to sefere attacks of croup and it always gives him prompt relief." For sale by M. L. Marsh. A surveying corps of half a dozen engineers has been employed for some time surveying the route for a branch line to be built by tbe Southern Rail way from Hiddenite to Rock Face Mountain, where animmense granite quarry is soon to be openel up by a company the personnel of which cannot be obtained at the present time. The comnanv has a contract with the south' era that they wilrArnish at least twenty car loads of stone daily for trans- poration. Aether Gray sweet Pawdera for Children. Successfully nsed by Motby Gray nurse in the Children's Home in New York, Cure Feverahness, Bad Stomach, Seething D.sorders, move anrWegnlate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. They never fail. At all druggists, 25c. Sample free. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Out of tit 132.868.(9 insurance on the burned portion of the GMnsSoro State Normal, the Insurance Commis sioner has already collected and turned over to the State Treasurer 125,349 54 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. nil Kind Yea Kan AIxsjs l:zzt Signatnrt of THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON VIII, FIRST QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, FEB. 21. fast at tha Lesson, Matt, all, l-l Memory Verses, 6f Goldem Tt, Matt, all, l-Comumeitay Praoavad ajr Bey. D. M. Staaraa. (Copyrif ht, 1W, by American Fta AawcUtioa. After the healing of the paralytic, who came down through the opening In the roof, OioHer of events seems to have been the call of Matthew and the feast given by him in bis own bouse, then a visit to Jerusalem and the healing and discourse at Betbesda (John v). We recently bad tbe record of a Sabbath day at Capernaum, the healing at Bethesda was on a Sabbath day, aril now the corutleld incident and the healing of the witberedand In today's lessou are both Sabbath day events. Note also the healing of the blind man in John iz. Why all these Sabbath day doings when they u stirred and angered tbe Jews? Prolably for the same reason that Ilezekiah destroyed the. brazen serpent which Moses bad made. The children of Israel made an idol of it and burned Incense to lt When tbe Lord Jesus was on earth the Sabbath day was a Jewish idol, they worshiped lt rather than Jehovah, and the Lord of the Sabbath was seeking to draw them to Himself. Dr. Weston says that the Sabbath' was the Jewish national flag and that by lt they claimed a peculiar relation to God as their Creator, Redeemer and rest. Tbey were thinking of their na tional honor rathep than tbe honor sf their God and His word. The bone of contention on this occasion was that, passing through cornfields on the Sab bath dny. His disciples had plucked and enten ears of corn. Tbe Pharisees said it was not lawful to do so. Tbe Lord Jesus justified His disciples on four grounds the example of David, the law of Moses, tbe testimony of the Spirit through the prophets (IIos. vi, 6; Mic. vl, 6-8i and His own authority as Professing to honor the Sabbath, they had no Sabbath stillness In their souls, but full of evil purposes tbey go tbelr own ways, find their own desires ind speak words out of their own hearts. Contrast Isn. Mil. 13. They did not understand the significance of either the Sabbntb or sacrifice; hence our Lord said. "Go ye and learn what that meatietb, I will have mercy and not sacrifice" (compare verse "and chapter Iz. 13). The design of both Sabbath and sacrifice Is not that men should do or bring something meritorious to God to win His favor, but that God might show faror and blessing to us. God desires to give, to us as sinners Ills mercy and compassion. The very first sacrifice on record (Gen. Hi. til sets forth God giving to helpless sinners redemption clothing; they having nothing to bring Him but their naked, sinful, helpless selves. The first Sabbath sets before us man, tn the Image of God, resting in and en Joying the works of God, with which he hod uothing whatever to do but to accept and gratefully enjoy. These Pharisees were supposed to be well versed In the Scriptures, but our Lord had to say to them: Have ye not read, have ye not rend? If ye bad known (verses 3, 5, T). And He Is saying that same still, for mere religiousness Is al ways Ignorant of the Scriptures. The second Incident of our lesson Is tbe healing of a man with a withered' hand in a synagogue, the scribes and Pharisees watching "Illm that they might accuse Him. He referred them to the law which taught that they were to help creatures not their own if they saw them In trouble (DeuL xzii, 4). He also reminded them that a man was better than a sheep and assured them that It wns lawful to do well on the Sabbath dny. He being Lord even of the Sabbath day (verses 11, 12, 8). Then He healed tbe man, and the Pharisees became so enraged that tbey went out and held a council against Him how they might destroy Him Uverse 14). The Impotence of the man was very suggestive of the spiritual condition of the nation, but be knew bis condition and they did not Tbey were blind and deaf and lame and pal sled and leproi.s and thought that nothing ailed them, but that, on tbe contrary, they were the only righteous nation on earth. Tbey were really as helpless as this helpless man, and the Lord was as ready to help them as blm, but they would take nothing from such as tbey considered Him to be, and why should they, for in their own astimntlon tbey bad everything and needed nothing. Rev. Hi, 17, describes them, as It also does multitudes today. In reference to His saying about a sheep some one has well said that He did not say "see a sheep," but "have a sheep." The point Is that of owner ship. He owned them, they were His sheep, at least professedly, and He owned the Sabbath day, which He had given to man for man's benefit, but while He could control lt and gars spe cial blessing In lt they would not let Him control tbem. They persisted In going astray (Isa. Hit. 6). Their determination to tm Him ex- nlalna mm. rtinnirpa In ITla tpnrhtnff. for. rather. His banner of teaching. from this time on. ne will not -yet break these bruised reeds, but tbe time will come (verse 20). Henceforth He taught the multitude only In parables. that seeing tbey might not see and hearing they might not understand (Luke vlll, 10; Matt zlll. 13. 14). They bad blsspbemed one who was greater than Jonah, greater than Solomon. greater than the temple, and tbe peo ple of Nineveh and thQneen of Sbeba wouia rise up against inem in judg ment and condemn them (verses 6. 81 32, 39. 42). They had violently turned against Him and His klnwom. and now tbelr house Is to be desolate till Ht shall come again (Matt zzlll, 37 39) For eczema pimples, dandruff and all skin disease, use Hancock's liquid Sol phur. In such cases as scale eczema and sores of any nature, when the skin be comes dry and harsh, you should use Hancock's Sulphur Ointment in con nection with the Liquid. A few appli cations of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur will cure the worst cases of prickly heat. For sale by Gibson Drug Co. Man likes to believe in eternal pun ishment for the other fellow. BEGINS cleansing acids that produce RHEUMATISM, driving out all the dangerous germs that infest the body that is Other medicines treat symptoms; Rhiumaddi rtmtvu tbi taut, and, therefore, its CURES ARE PERMANENT. Helps the digestion,tones up the system. Sample bottle free on application to Bobbitt ChhmicalCo., Pro prietors, 316 West Lombard St., Baltimore, Md. fr I r szvrzss7? rr n fx i The Kind Ton Have Always in urn for over 30 years, and ffif-lf1- sonal supervision since Its Infancy. K -cCtcAA Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Juat-as-ffood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What lis CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the - Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALYAYS SI Bears the The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tmst ccntauh oom pant, rv murhav write ct, wtw vorh orrv. CONCORD FOUNDRY ' MANUFAOTTJIIEIIB Engines, Saw Mills, Shafting, Hangers, Pulleys, Gearing and Many Castings. When in need of anything in our line we can give you some interesting prices. Get the Best Fertilizers Diamond Soluble Bone and Plow Brand Ammoniated Fertilizers, Manufactured by Etiwan Fertilizer Co. Charleston, S. C. FOR Eh reiser Concord, N. C. rMHWlHlll. mw WORK with the first dose, the blood of all the poisonous the way cures are effected by a rv Bought, and which has been has borne the aignatnre of has been made under his per- Signature of AND MACHINE WORKS SALE BY Oe,