o THE CONCORD TIMES, w l ' - John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. PUBLINHED TWICE A WEEK. $1.0& a Tear, in Advance. YOLUM$ XXI. c;i " CONCORD, N. C. FEBRUARY 2B 19Q4. NUMBER 49. o Potalj is removed in large quantities from the soil by the growing of crops and selling them from the farm. Unless the Potash be restored to the soil, good crops can not con tinue. We hare print ed a In tie book containing valu able facti gath ered f ron the records of accur ate experiments in reclaiming oils, and we wilt . be glad to send a I copy frea o c fcgrge to any farmer who will writ Inr it. GERMAN KALI WORKS, Hew Y.rk-SS Naaaaa Street, -r Atlanta. Ua.-S bal St. Cabarrus Savings Bank, Concord and Albemarle, I. C. CAPITAL', $50,000.00! Bar pi Hi and undivided proAls, - 922,000.00. Resources Over $300,000. fteneral Banking Business Transacted. Ac count! of Individual, firms and corporations solicited. We cgrdlallv Invite Every Man, Woman and Child who wishes to "lay by something (or a rainy day,1 to open a javlngs Account with us. 4 per cent. Interest paid on savings deposits and time certificates. OFFICERS. D. F. CANNOW, H. I. .W OODHOU8R, President. Cashier MARTIN BOO Ell. C. W.8W1NK, Vice-President. Teller. M. J. Corl J. 0. Wadsworth. W. W. Flowe K. L. McConnaughey M R. L. NeConDaughry, Manager. Livery, Sale and feed Stables Will keen on hand at all time. Horses and Mules for sale tor cash or credit. Our livery win have good road horses ana as nice line 01 Carriages and Landeaug as can be found In this part of the oountry. Jan. 22. nsroTioiE i We have opened A Fine Confectionery. Homemade and all kinds of Candies. Lowney's Chocolates and Bon Bons. Also a nice line of Cali fornia and Florida Fruits. Oljmpia Candy Works Phore 870. Jan. tt. 18 S. Union Ft., Concord. N. C. S. J. ERYIN & CO., -DEALERS IN- 11 Hill! (ill hi Keep all kinds of the best grades of coal. P'hone 220 For bargains come to see the auction house on Church street, back of Dayvault's store. Choice overcoats from $1.75 to $3.50; boys' knee pants and coats. Men 'and ladies' wear at great bargains. Fine upright piano for sale at a great bargain. Would exchange it for some cattle or a horse or two. I wiH make it to your interest to come and see me. I. C. U. x S33 00 10 the Paellle Coast. the Chicago Union Pacific ft North western Line from Chicago dally during March and April, to Ran F anciseo. Los An geles Portland,; Seattle and Tacoma ani other Pacific Coast points. Very loir rate to Helena, But'e, Hpokane. Ogden and Pan Lake City. Corresponding low rate from all point Dally and personally conducted ex cuislonslu Pullman tourist sleeping cr to Ban Francisco, Los Ange es anil Portland, through without change, double ber h only 17 00, Choice of routes or particulars ad-ro-Ms. w. A. Cux, Mil Chestnut Street Ph la delphta. Pa. Buddy's New U Trull" has taken society by storm. It Is something new.something differvnfb "Trail" as the t ame Implies Is foiMed on popular burning sport. Is played witn fifty three fine cards In four colors, represent lug a fox to be chased and caught, and four packs of hour da of thirteen each. Trail'" has a constantly recurring Interest for p'ayers as they prefer their plating from evening to evenin. In ratrked ronr tn certain recent hoist er. us trainee that b- n the piavers at the end of an hour. With the one pack six other splendid, new, copyright games can be played. Two Edu cational a-ames. and two of Fun. mik ing it suitable for ail number, if a fam ly. 'Tra 1" can be had ol ihu e or sent pout paid. ? cenia gilt edge, plain M cent. Kules for the seven games free. ' COMBINATION CARD CO . ( Atlahta, Ga i (ANTED Several Inlustrious persons in each state to travel for house estaDllaued eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profitable line Permanent engagement Weekly cash salarv of (24 and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced in cash eaoh week. Experience not essential. Men tion refarenoe and enclose self -addressed en velope. The national, SB Dearborn street. P in 3 : Horse Health ! For putting in prime condition any horse or mule the best of all remedies is Ashcraft's Condition Powders. These Powders ai won derfully effective beoause they cre ate appetite, the digestion is made perfect, worms and parasites de stroyed, and the system cleansed of all gross humors. The Pow ders fatten but never bloat. Ashcraft's Corraition Powdery are vrappe in doses. In fact, in theirfirepyation the same care is used that a druggist would exer cise in the filling of a physician's prescription. High grade and real merit is the first consideration. Ashcraft's Powders consist of small doses, . prepared from the purest and highly concentrated in gredients, that have been found beneficial to horses and mules. Ashcraft's Condition Powders always high grade are not to be classed with the many bulky, good-for-e very thing powders now on the market. Ask for Ashcraft's, the kind put Up in doses, and good for horses and mules only. '"Having tried many kinds of Condition Pow. ders, I consider Ashcraft's the best on the market. I take pleasure In recommending them to my friends and customers. H. CAMP BELL, Hickory, N. C. Price 25c. package Sold by PROFESSJCIfAL CARDS. DR. H. C. HERRING. DENTIST, Is now on the ground floor of the Litaker Building. OOffOORD. M. O. Dr. W. c. Houston Surgeon fifwZjL Dentist, CONCORD, H. O. Is prepared to do all kinds of dental work tn the most approved manner. Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Residence 'Phone U Office 'Phone 43. L. T. HARTSELL, Attoraey-at-Law, CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA. PromDt attention irlven to all business. Office iu Morris building, opposite the court nouse. DRS. LILLY & WALKER, ffer their professional services to the citi zens of Concord and surrounding country, Calls promptly attended day or nlgltt. W J. MOKTOOMKBT. i. MB OBO WKU MONTGOMERY & CROWELL, 'Attorneys and Connselors-at-Law, CONCORD, if. 0. As partners, will practice law in Cabarrus, stanlv and adjoining- counties, in the Supe rior and Supreme Courts o I the State and In the Federal Courts Office In court house. Parties desiring to lend money can leave H with us or place It In Concord National bank tor us, and we will lend it on good real es tate security free of charge to the depositor. We make thorough examination of title to lands offered as security lor loans. Mortttaires foreclosed vt lthout expense to owners of same. HenrtbB. Adams. Thot. J. Jerome. Frank Armfield. Tola D. Maness. Adams, Jerome. Armfield I llaness, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, concord, n. c. Practice In all the State and U. 8. Courts. Ptotnpt attention given to collections and general law practice. Persons interested lu the settlement of estates, administrators. executors, and guardians are especially in vited to call on them. Continued and pain staking attention-will be given, at a reason sonahle price, totll legal business. Office In Pythian Uulldlng, over Dry-Heath-Mliler Oo.'s opposite It. P. Davvault Bros, ap-ly Children mu hftvti tonitant attfntlon from 1h mothr. Thmr want art nurnroa, but thafc palatable, aiinple. reffctabla rented Frey's Vermifuge ntt Most of whT. Karpi th ttomawk wt and well ordered; pl worm; io dnc Batnral ulrn-p. B-'tt le by mail 5ms. B. A 8. FftBV, Baltimore, Md. Cross? Poor man ! He can't help it. It's his liver. He needs a liver pill, yer's Pills. Wot your moustache or beard a fcetlfulbfwnoylchMack? Use Buckingham's Dye fSOcts. sf drugfirtsorR. P. Mall tt Co.. tfeshua. N. H J W promptTy obtafs V. S. ami Ttyrltrn 1 Prnttnteaixl Travl If arkaorrtHurniitlr jr jkv ettoi-MT'ifee. Bprrial prtne by commun- M trattnir with the puhlihor ot thta pnn-r. f I M free aearvii ead reportvoa patootAbliity. II S Wl FT &, CO., T 2 0pa.M.rlsa0c,Wssaitsa.0.C. I rate 1 mmi X MAP OF KOREA, MANCHURIA AND JAPAN, THE FAR EAST'S ZONE OF TROUBLE. The strong strategic point shown cn the mnp Is the Korean stralf? which Is dominated by Japan heennse of h.T strung fleet flnd her fi ftl.'l. uiloiiH on the Tsn Islands, mid fray between Japan and Korea. The strait at this point is only It) miles wide, and communication by water between Vladivostok, on the north. Hticl Port Arthur, on the west, in through It. Vlndlvostok Is Icebound In winter, but Russia's Chinese seaport. Port Arthur. Is not. The Japan.-.- r.-sied port Arthur from China, but Russia made them evacuate. Port Arthur la one of the southern terminrof the Chinese Kaatern lallrnud. which, running north, connects with the Tntnssdbeilan railroad, over a-hieh Russia's trorps have been pnsalng for weeks cn route to Manchuria. The Japanese railroad from I-'uwin, Korcn. to Seoul is bolus completed by the Japanese gov ernment for wartime use. and a Japanese road rims between 8eonl and C'henuilpo. The railroad (ruin Seoul to WIJu is not ready for use. The Japanese have rail, com munication practically the entire length of their prim-ivil islands. CLEVELAND'S CLARION CALL. The Democratic ex-President I'rges the Kana and Kile lo Untie for the Contest In November obsolete Is sues Nhould Be rflanfully Aban donedHe Arraigns the Adnniila trallon. In an article written for the current Saturday Evening Post former Presi dent Cleveland urges bis "rank and file associates" of the Democratic party to unite and take advantage of the op portunities of next November. "I am one of those," he writes, "who believe that there is an opportunity for Democratic success in the coming presi dential election. "Through attachment to the party in which I am enlisted and an intense de sire for its ascendency make such be lief exceedingly welcome, they certainly don't create it. It is built upon an un shaken and abiding trust in the patriot ism and intelligence of my fellow coun trymen." Mr. Cleveland's paper opens witn a re-iteration of the declaration that he made three years ago: 'Our fighting forces will respond list lessly and falteringly if summoned to a third defeat in a strange cause; but if they hear the rallying call of true Dem ocracy they will gather for battle with old time Democratic enthusiasm and courage. Referring to his faith in his Demo cratic associates he continues: "This trusi will not ptrmit me to overlook the meaning of the daily in creasing unrest among our people, growing out of the startling and flip pant abandonment by the party in power of our national traditions and maxims, its disregard of our national noral restraints, its inconsiderate ten dency to set aside national good faith, its willingness to break away from safe and accustomed moorings, and ii con temptuous neglect of our national mis sion. Surely these conditions, together with the broken pledges and forgotten promises of reform that vex tHte sight on every side, not only abundantly ex plain the popular distress and fear pre vailing everywhere in the land, but suggest that in such stress of political weather those of our fellow citizens who thoughtfully and constantly love our free institutions will not be unmindful of such safety and quiet as may be of fered them by a patriotic and conserva tive Democracy." Mr. Cleveland thinks these effuditions justify tbe assertion of Democracy's opportunity. He says: "It should be remembered however, that opportunity may be only djtantly related to acOal accomplishment, ?nd that it does not of itself, unaided and alone, warrant the expectation of reach ing successful results. "This is no lime for cunning finesse. nor for e use of words that conceal intentions or carry a double meaning. The Democratic party has a message to send to iu followers and to the masses of the American people. Let that mea sage to be expressed in language easily understood, unconfused by evasion and untouched by the taint of jugglery. Obsolete issues and questions no longer challenging popular interest should be manfully abandoned." Mr. Cleveland urge, tariff reform, pleads for economy in th. expenditure of public money and charges the oppo position with having made promises and broken them. He arraigns the ad ministration's Philippine policy and refers to the isthmian canal in these words: "The Democratic parly has been con sistent and unremitting in its advocacy of inter-oceanic canal, and has looked forward to the day when such a high way of commerce, built under the .aus pices of our government, would be con tributed by America to the world's progress and civilization. It is, never theless, not within the mandates of the Democratic creed, that even the con summatiug of so noble an enterprise as this the territorial and other rights of any other nation should be disregarded and tha good faith of such nations shaken." Mr. Cleveland concludes as follows "At such a time as this the Demo cratic party cannot with honor under take the battle of the people except under a leader that not only represents its best traditions and purposes, but fully realizes what is meant by the tremendous issue of the conflict; and bis selection should not depend upon so small a consideration aa the locality whence he comes. "The Democracy's opportunity is al ready in sight; but only ina campaign waged in reliance upon the people's love of country and devotion to nation al morality and under a leadership that personifies these sentiments will Le found the Democracy's hope." Chamberlain. Stomach and Liver Tablets Unequalled for consti pation. Mr. A. R. Kane, a prominbnt druggist of Baxter Springs, Kansas, says: "Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tablets are, in my judgment, the most superior preparation of anything in nse torlav for constirjation. Ther are sure in action and with no tendency to nauseate or grip. For sale by M. L. Marsh. Netv. ol Hanua's Death Killed Him. Newport. News,- Va., Feb. 10. Charles Ryder, 60 years old, of Arfrora, III., traveling agent for a chemical manufacturer, upon learning in re sponse to his inquiry aa to Senat- r Hanna's condition that Mr. Hainaw a dead, fell in a swoon in front of t'. postofnee building. He died after be ing removed to the hospital. Another Case of Hheamatlam Cored by Caanaberlala's Pain Balm. The efficacy of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the relief of jdieamatism is being demonstrated daily, 'fporkeci Triplett, f Grigsby, Va., stys thaw Chamberlain's Pain salm gave him per manent relief from rheumatism in tte back when everything else failed, and he wotyVl not be witnont it. For sale by M L. Marsh. S. L. Helms, a former Charlotte man, has been indicted Mr the embex zle nent of 4181 from tbe railway office at Wood leaf. The warrant first charged Helms with arson, but the charge was changed by the grand jury to embezzle ment. Helms i out on bond. What are They f Chamberlain'. St&uach and Liver Tablets. A ' new remedy for stomach troubles, biliousnets and constipation, and a good one. Price 80 cents. For sal. by l . L. Marsh Salisbury's Distinction. Chatham Kecord . It is quite a coincidence that Mr, Kluttz is from the same town in which two others gentlemen declined election to Congress. In 1329 Mr. John Giles, of Salisbury, was elected to Congress and declined to serve, preferring his old office as clerk of the SujH'rior Court. And only a few years ago Hon. Ctrr Craige,of Salisbury, was nominated for Congress, and although his election was assured, he declined to run. So Salisbury can boast of having had three citizens who declined election to Con gress. Puts an End lo It All. A grievous wail oftiines comes- as a re sult of unbearable pain from over taxed organs Dizziness, backache, liver com plaint and constipation. But thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put an end to it all. They are gentle but thor ough. Try them. Only 25 cents. Guar anteed by all druggists. Mies Lucy Martin, daughter of thelate Col. William Martin, of Davidson, has resigned her position as teacher in the Preebyteriaii College in Charlotte and will go to Oxford University in England to take special work. riilillllllllllTlllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllltlllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli: GrarcLein- Seeds. Buists' Prize Medal Garden Seeds, Canteloupe and Water- : z melon Seeds for market gardeners and truckers. : I Buist's Southern Snow Flake Corn, Buist's Selected Gold- E i en Dent Corn, Red Clover, Alfalfa or Lucerne Clo- ; ver, Orchard Grass, Timothy, Herd or Red Top, : Blue Grass, Millet, Johnson Grass, Dwarf : : Essex Rape, Sorghums, and all Field I Seeds adapted to our climate. i We handle only high grade Seeds, which are always I cheapest to the consumer. Lawn Grass Seed and Pure : Bone Meal for enriching lawns. Oyster Shell for poultry i : , and International Poultry Powder and Stock Remedies. Fetzer's Drug Store - Concord, N. C. EiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: THE WIS ftWtTVKE 1 V Same Here, Bro. Rlvlns Stinly Enterprise. Xo one will accuse Salisbury of be ing serious in the desire to name Mr. Kluttz's successor. That town has al ready had the lion's share and usually gets about all it asks for. But if they'll trot out our trusty old fiijnd and grand worker, Hon. J. S. Henderson, either for Congress or the governorship, we will forget all that has gone before and unite with them in electing this grand old man. The Death Penally. A little thing sometimes results in death. Thus a mere scratch, insignifi cant cuts or pnny boils have paid the death penalty. It is wise to have Buck Ion's Arnica Salve ever handy. It's the best salve on earth anil will prevent fa tality, when burns, sores, ulcers aud piles threaten. Only 35 cents, at all druggists. A corps of Southern Railway civil engineers is now engaged in surveying for the projected enlargement of the Spencerehops. Preliminary work of this nature will occupy several weeks longer, It iB said that the largest of the new buildings will be 150 x GOO feet, and that the total outlay will be 1400,000. HOUSEWIFE will no! be content with merely cleaning up the house she will want, also, to freshen it up a bit. She will change things ardund an3 in so doinir she is sure to find some artklgs of Furniture that must be replaced. ? She'll do well to replace them here C UJ0flTAJ(WG lore is some time, a hard task master. H drive, women to tasks be yond their strength and lays heavy bur dan. on th.ir ahouldara. Lova of fauaband, love of family, force, many a woman day by day to labor for the hom. when aching back and throbbing head make her at terly unfit for. hotwahold duties. Weak, aervou. women who rafter from headache, back ache, bearing-down pains and other con sequences of womanly disease, can be completely cured by the nse of Doctor Fierce'. Favorite Prescription. It es tablishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heal, inflammation and ulcera tion and cure, female weakness. M About two yesrs sgo I wss taken sick snd tt seemed aa If I bad no nerves at sll," writes Mrs. P. Woodbeck,,of Delray, Mich. "Cod not work an hour in the day withont being tired out. 1 doctored first with one physiciaa, then with snother, but did not receive any benefit. One would say one thing and the next something else. 1 bad almost grren up when X thought your medicine might ncls me, so 1 wrote to you sslciug what to do. You advised me to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription sad ' Ooldea Med ical Discovery.' t did so sad could see a differ ence right away. I only took four bottles in sll and felt better than I had In s long time. Caa work all day now and aot feel tired as X would In so hour before taking your treatment, I taiuk it la the only medicine." Dr. Pierce'. Pleasant Pellets cure '(Ha ziness and aick headache. you taking advantage of the great slaughter in prices on STOVES ? If not it is your own fault. I am compelled to reduce my stock by the first of the year, as my building is to be over hauled, and a glass front to be erected. It will pay you to take advantage of the many Bargains that are offered daily at my place. I have two new Organs and one new I vers & Pond Piano that I will sell at a sacrifice between now and January 1st. ' Easy Terms Small Payments 40 No. 7 Cook Stoves, full trimmed at f8 each until Janu ary 1, 1904. 'Phone 163. Chas. fl. Shall, Low-Price Man. THb Concord National Bank. With the latest approved form of books and every facility for handling account, of fers a first-class service to the public. Capital, . - $50,000 Profit, .... 22,000 Individual responsibility of Shareholders, 60,00f Keep Your Account with Us. Interest paid as agreed. Liberal accommo dation to all our customers. J. M. ODELL, President. D. B. COLTHAK B. Cashier. Fire, Accident. Liability, Sjelofls ::3 Use-and-Occnpancy INSURANCE. LONG EXPERIENCE. a Large number of Very BestCompanies represented it otir Agencv 6n West Depot Street. 'Phone Xo. 1S4. G. G. RICHMOND & CO! Buggy Bargains Four new and sev " eral second-hand Biggies for sale cheap, t. Also one ? mule and three horses for sale. Frank J5. McKinna. Feh.S. Led lit S WrUrli AlL ktSk raWi. M Bat CtHattri Syrup Tasu-s iji. t?M ' v