J - THE CONCORD ITIMES, ., . John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED TWICp A WEE. $1.00 a Tear, in Advance. Volume XXJ, Concord, N. lb., March 1. 1904. Number si. i i e Corn mull have a sufficient supply of Potash in order to develop into a crop. No amount of Phosphoric Acid or Nitrogen can compen sate for a lack of potash i fertilizers for anrl all other crops. W. shall b glad to lend (fee to any farmer ourlittlebook which contains valu able information about aoisculrara. OERHAN KALI WORKS. Itev Vi-tS Naeaaa street, er Atlanta. 6a.- 8 Breaa St. . Cabarrus Savings Bank -Concord and Albemarle. K. C. CAPETA, $50,000.00 Nurplae ami undivided . prodia, - $22,000.00. Resources Over $300,000 'General Banking Business Transacted. Ac counts of Individual, firms and corporations soUolted. We cordially Invite Every Man, Woman and Child who wis ties to "lay by something for a rainy day," to open a Savings Account with us. 4 per cent. Interest paid on s . viogs deposits and time oertlQcates. OFFICERS. D. F. CANNON. H. I. WOODHOtTBE, President. Cashier MARTIN BOOK K, O. W.SWINK, Vice-President Teller at. J. Corl J. 0. Wsdsworth. W. W. Flowe B. L. MoConnaugbey R. L MeCwinauguey, Manager. Li.eryalejnd feed stable Will keep on hand at all times Horses and Mules for sale for cash or credit. Our livery will have good road horses and as nice line ol Carriages and Laudnaua as can be found in gCMs part 01 tne country. Jan. a. JSTOTICIE I We have opened A Fine Confectionery. Homemade and all kinds of Candies. Lowney's Chocolates and Bon Bons, Also a nice line of Cali fornia and Florida Fruits. Oljmpia Candy.. Works Pbore 270. Jan. 2. 18 8. Union St, Concord. N. . S. J. ERVIN k CO. -DEALERS IN- 7 R IU n Keep all kind grades of coal. of the best P hone 220 h ti:si;:.-2 & My Hi Virginia's Fast Trunk Line to All Points in the West Vestibule! Electric Lighted, Steam Heated Trains with Pullman Meep ers and Dinin? Cars. The Boutherw' Railway No. 88, leavt' g Charlotte 28 a m dally, leaving Concord ld.Ut a m. leaving urwniiori a ru nMn, arnxes at I'DartotteatiliefcAU p m, and connects with the:. 4 o. train ihtd barlottesvlileVW. aiilvtnx Cincinnati 8:Ois m next day, arrive LXHjieviu. u a in. Chicago 6:l p m and SI. Louis pm, connecting with Western lines diverging. Puilinan K lee per Charlottesville to Cin cinnati and Hi. Louis, Parlor Car Cincinnati to Chicago: connections at these cities with trains "f Western llnaa diverging Ask Your Ration Agent for Tickets via. C. & O. Route. II. w 1-ui.i.Rh M P. A . Washington, n '. W wukthkv ft. P. A.. Ktcnuiond, Va. C. K. Dot La, eiierai Mimager. Wamed-Farmsl Timber aid Kheral Lands! It you have any property, either in city or country, we can sell it lor you it you will call or write us and give full description. We are distributing printed matter thr-wghout the North and West, and getting Inquiries daily from Interest ed parties. One partv wants ISO to 1500 acres. Another wants several .mall firms. 1st or writs as at once before we complete ear Hum tor advertising. iteotal property wanted. J. F. BEATTY & L'OORE CO 1 1 aVvVE ;rwsrsr"f ev pug 11 A"- aHEN ASHCRAFT'S Condi tion Powders are fed to horses an mules, marked improvement will be seen after the first few doses. There is no doubt about it. The Powders, acting direction the digestive organs, first thoroughly cleanses the stomachand bowels, correcting all disorders, and then good healthy appetite comes nat urally and surely. It is the most powerful tonic and appetizer on the market to-day, and when once used horsemen will have no other, j Ashcraft's Powders produce that silky sheen of coat and hair so I admired by horse fanciers. The Powders fatten but never bloat Always high grade and put up in doses never m bulk. T3y the use of three or four doses a week your horse or mule will not be subject to colic or any dis ease of the stomach and bowels "I had an old horse that was in very bad condition generally. He was thin and had a blood disease that was causing the hair to come off. 1 gave the horse three doses of Ash craft's Condition Powders a day for seven days and fed him liberally. The appetite improved from the first few doses and the animal gained nfty-two pounds in flesh during the week 1 rave it three doses a day. The general health of the animal was greatly Improved by the use of the powders and he was made almost a new horse. I most heartily recommend Ashcraft's Condition Powders, as 1 Know mey are a splen did tonic and appetizer. c. C. 81 K iE8, Livery- man, Monroe, N. C." Ask for Ashcraft's Condition Powders, Package 25c. Sold by nvc. Xj. hve:r,s:e3: PROFESSlCfU CAQDS. DR H. C. HERRING. DENTIST is now on tbe ground floor of the Lltaker Bunding. OOfTOOHD. IT. o. Dr. w. c. Houston Surgeon SSr DeDtist CONCORD, a. 0. is prepared to do all kinds of dental work in rne most approved manner Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Residence 'Phone 11 Office 'Phone 42. L. T. HARTSELL. Attorney-at-Lan, ONCOBD.NOBTH OAHOU'A Prompt attention given to all business thee iu Morris building, opposite tbe court OUBO. DRS. LILLY & WALKER, iffer their professional services to the cltl tens of Concord and surrounding country. uaus promptly atcenaea any or nignti. ' i. MiiKTHOMtHI I LKIOBOWCU MONTGOMERY A CROWELL, Attorneys and Connselors-at-Cai, CONCORD, N. 0. As partners, will practice law in Cabarrus. 'taniy anaaajoining counties, in tne nupe rlor and Huprenie Courts o I the State and in (ior the Federal Courts Office in court bouse. Parties desiring to lend money can leave It wtin us or piece it in unncora National uans for us. and we will lend It on rood real es tate security free of charge to the depositor. we mane tnorougn examination ot title to anas orrerea as security ror loans. Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners oi same. Henry B. Adams. Frank Armfield. Thoa. J. Jerome. Tola D. Maness. aAM .TaHAwii IttmfiiU fi VM Maatiisl lli.wil) HiaitUlia HAiiEi.j Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, CONCORD, N. C. Practice In all the State and IT. 8. Courts. Prompt attention given to collections and general law practice. Persona Interested in the settlement ot estates, administrators. executors, ana guaruians are especially in vited to call on them. Continued and pain staking attention will be given, at a reason- sonable price, to all legal business. Oilice in Pythian Building, over Dry-Heath-Miller Co.'s opposite 1). P. Dayvault tc Bros, ap-ly (are rrf anther en lY, nt wtok 0B lh disorders of hildrB ioasftcfc tmtjhlca. w-bi(, n. It will U mm ml TREY'S VERMIFUGE rsssWJy wapeeiatly AnptM t t dallflaM atoniacli of chlidlMod. It ku ard ebildrea lar M yrara, RsMImi hy ail. mu. mt nuy a aMdttml bin. I. t. rtcr, IAITIII0IE, Ml. IJ Dizzy? . . - i- . Appetite pOOr? BOWelS COn- biiaicur us yuur liver Ayer's Pills are liver pills. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or Hen Mack? Use Buckingham's Dye 50 eta. of dmggUtiot R. P. Hall A Co.. Nuhus. N. H 9 I J We promptly obtataTT. B. end fbreln I 1 V Psteotaand Trade Maraserretorn entire V 1 anorneysfse. Spveial prtee b;Hnaw M l teatlns wtta the pabllaW of this paper. f I J Free narch aad report oa patentability. I I swin"&co.,?iis?4 y 2 Opa. U .S. Ptleet Oflica, Wasalngtaa, D, C. L THE BOLL. WEEVIL. IN TEXAS Fort Worth, Tex., Mall. Shortly after his visit to Texas last fall Secretary Wilson, of the depart meat of argriculture, expressed the opimou that au the money in tbe federal treasury could not eradicate the boll weevil. The south woald never get rid of the pest, he intimated, unless cotton growing was abandoned or the insect went as it came of as it came oi its own accord. And now comet Expert W. D. Hun ter of the department's entomological bureau, with a report which is a pessi mtstic as was Mr. Wilson's statement, Mr. Hun terras been studying the boll weevil for several years now and his conclusion is that there is not even remote possibility that the peet can be exterminated So it's up to the Texas farmers and in lesser degree, to those of the entire south. Tbe weevil has so far invaded only small portion of Louisiana, but, all the facts being considered, there can be no doubt that it will in time spread over that state as it epread over Texas and that eventually it will cross the Missis sippi as it crossed the Rio Grande, and .... . attack all of the cotton growing slates in turn. As it does this, it may aban don the territory in the rear, where it first appeared. But that is a tnntter of mere conjecture. The only things that are absolutely certain are that the pest is steadily pursuing its grim march across the cotton belt, and is carrying with it a degree of destruction to prop' erty compared with which the damage done by the human invaders who marched "from Atlanta to the sea was insignificant. The situation is grave assuredly, and yet there is no reason for tbe farmers of Texas or any other state in tbe belt becoming unduly depressed in conse quence. There are other crops besides cotton. That staple is still king, despite the boll weevil, and with prices at the present level is much of the whole royal family, as well. But tbe condi tions which prevail now are abnormal and the chances are more or less against their continuing in evidence. Unless all signs re at fault, cotton will never again go to the 5 cent mark, or perhaps Kven to the 8 or 9 cent mark. But there is equal reason to believe that it will not remain a,t the 18 cent plane, unless the crops of tbe next few years, by reason of the ravages of the boll weevil, or for some other reason should be unprecedentedly short. The crop is enormously profitable even at prices much lower tha-i those which prevail now, but the degree of risk which now attends cotton planting in this section being considered, there are other crops just as profitable and just as easily converted into cash. It is only necessary to break away from some of the old ideas of past decades to realize this. In tbe coast country of Louisiana and Texas there are still from 8,000,000 to 10,000,000 acres of land available for the culture of rice, a crop for which the boll weevil does not care and which yields profits second not even to those which come from 18 cent cotton. Farther north in Texas, there are more millions of acres on which wheat and corn and other grains may be raised to advantage. In addi tion there are the sections where fruits and vegetables equal to any in tbe world may be grown. Practically the whole of the agricultural portion of the sUte will produce alfalfa, a money- making crop of great value. Tbe pos sibilities of profit from the raising of standard bred swine and other live stock are almost dazzling. So, even though the gloomy opinions of Secretary Wilson and bis experts are fully borne out, there is no reason wby the southern farmer in general or the Texas farmer in particular should be nnduly cast down. Cotton baa been the best of money-getting crops, and is so far aa the whole south is con cerned. But there are other aaops I which may be grown with profit and L the event the planters aw forced to turn to them they will baye thje si tisf ac tion of knowing th it they are still hold ing up their end, as it were while at the same time depriving the pernicious weevil of bis only means of susleuanco. In the meantime, a vigorous crusade against the weevil is in progress and means of exterminating it may yet be found despite the gloomy view of the experts. What la Lllef In the last analysis nobody knows, bat we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slighty, pain results. Im-gular living means derange ment of tbe organs, resulting in corjsti pataon, headache or liver trouble. Dr King's New Life Pills quickly re-adjnsts this. It's gentle, yet thorough. Only 26 cents at all drag stores. When a man is trying to marry a woman he is monoplistic; after marriage bis Undsnciea beooms socialistic. TUB PACTS II THR CASH OP CA LKH POWBBS. Striking,' sensational, thrilling in its live and absorbing interest is the start ling revelation made In the March Mc- Clure's by Samuel Hopkins Adams in a plain and forceful statement of the facts in the "Cae of the State of Ken tucky versus Caleb Powers." In spite of a national interest in the great pol ltical tragedy which so recently rent Kentucky in twain the surprising thing is that there has nowhere appeared any thing like a complete and accurate statement of its dramatic details. It is stated on the editorial authority of Mc Clure's, and fully substantiated, that at the time of the trials of Caleb Powers far the murder of William Goebel, who died Governor of Kentucky four years ago, from the r.fle shot of an unknown assassin, tbe newspaper reports which were sent out both by omission and bias presented an entirely distorted view of the case. The impression of the de fendant's guilt thus created was so widespread that, outside of Kentucky, the conviction of Powers was universal ly accepted as righteous. Mr. Adams' article purposes tJ deal with tbe actual facts in the case, without respect to political opinion. Nothing short of a revelation is the result. Simply, directly and vigorously Mr. Adaftis ttlla tbe dramatic story of the political feud which culminated in the death of Goebel. He describes the pol itical situation in Kentucky which pre cipitated the tragedy, as much aa is definitely known of tbe tragedy itself, events connected with it, tbe arrest and trial of Secretary of State Caleb Powers; Jim Howard, the mountain feudist, and Henry Youtsey the proven fakir and manifest degenerate. The three trials of Powers are described as mere travesties of justice. Tbe Republican leader was each time condemned in advance by solidly Democratic juries picked for that purpose, before pre judiced judges on evidence totally in sufficient. The character sketch Mr. Adams draws of Powers is most attractive. It in that of a fine, strong, young moun taineer of unflinching courage, cool and unbroken self posession even when standing in tbe very shadows of the gallows. Mr. Adams rightly places tne fespontibility for Powers conviction and threatened death upon the State of Kentucky. Under similar circum stances Powers' fate might have been precipitated by either political party in Kentucky. It is not the party, but tbe system, which is at fault. This timely article adds materially to McClure's reputation as an exponent of national journalism. Tearing the veil q partisanship from the case it lets in the light of unbiased truth which .simple justice and common humanity is due. In tbe light of the enlightened public sentiment it does not seem pos sible that toe State of Kentucky will care to assume the onus of a legal lynching, no matter how bitter may be the political feud which would inspire it Beautify tbe Country Home. Progressive Farmer. A new spirit seems to have taken hold of our country dwellers, and iu every section there are evidences, of determination o improve the splendid opportunities for bringing new beauty to field and yard and dweling. Clear up the overgrown places; plant flowers and trees about the yard and lane; paint the buildings; whitewash tbe fences trim up the trees that have be gun to look ragged; enlarge the yard a little; cover all old Wells and nsightly places with vines; put some pictures in tbe home. Consciously, and unconsciously, this will cause every member of the family to love home more, to take greater pride in tbe farm, and to feel a greater interest, art and morals. The increasing interest in more beautiful homes is on of the most gratifying features of rural life in the South. Inflammatory R h'amltlana Cared William Shaffer, a brakeman of Den- nisoti, Ohio, was confined to his bed for several weeks with inflammatory rheu matism. "I used yany remedies," he says. "Aerially I sent to McCaw's drag store for a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, at which time I was unable to nse hand or foot, and in one week's time was able to go to work m happy as a clam. For sale l.y M. L. Marsh. A man is known by the company he k'jeps and the woman by the drees maker sbe patronizes A Favrtt Keaeeely fur Hables. Its pleasant taste and prompt cores have made Cliambcxlain's Cough Rem edy a favorite with the mothers of small children. It quickly cares their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious conse quence. It not only cures croup, but when given as soon as tbe cronpy cough appears will prevent the attack. For said by M. L. Harsh. GEN. GORDON'S LAST COM HI UN ION Neosho, Ho., Cor. Kansas City Star. . Having read several article in fhe Star referring to tie late Gen. Gcrdon, especially the service held at the Central Methodist Church in his memory, I thought it might interest his admirers to have a description of what must have been his last communion. He came to Neosho on October 3 and delivered his lecture "The Last Days of the Con fedjracy." While here he was enter tained by one of our prominent citizens, Mr. Thorn, who was present at the sur render of Gen. Lee. The next dsy being Sunday, the day f6r our regular 'communion service in the Presbyterian church, the general accompanied Mr. Thorn's family to church. Mr. Thorn, being an elder, made it known that the general was also an elder in his Presbyterian church, and was invited to take a seat with the session and assist in the distribution, of the emblems. The congregation was struck with, the modest, simple manner in which he conducted himself. While passing the bread and wine the great general was forgotten and we law only the Christian gentleman. It was my privilege, as one of the elders, to serve him with the bread and wine and sit by his side till the benediction was pro nounced by the Rev. Mr. Ely. I then offered my band, saying, "Brother Gordon, it gives me great pleasure to know you." He gave me a warm grasp of the hand and said, "Thank you. This has been a precious occa sion to me." I then said it was a great privilege to meet and know one of the men who was present and took such a prominent part in tbe surrender of General Lee. General Gordon replied, "At the time I determined to make it my life work to bring about a recon ciliation between the people of the North and the South, and I am glad to know there is such harmony and good feeling as there is to day," During my seventy years of life it has been my privilege to meet many of our great men, but no one ever im pressed me so much as General John B, Gordon. It was a strange coin cidence that his death was announced from tbe pulpit the morning of our next regular communion day. . A. C. St'lIELL. Elizabeth College Notes. The following public events have been bulletined to take place at Eliza' beth College in Charlotte : February 27th Faculty concert. March 24lh Choral concert. April 11th Students' public recital. April 18ih Elocution concert. April 25th Diatelian Literary Society celebration. Bnrklea'e Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame for marvelous cures, it surpasses any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for cuts, corns, burns, boils, sores, felons, ulcers, tetter, salt rheum, fever sores, chapped hands, skin eruptions ; infallible for piles. Cure, guaranteed. Only 25 cents at all drug stores. Uncle John: "I'm glad to here you say you've got such a nice teacher." Willie: -"Yes, she's tbe best ever." Uncle John: "That right?" Willie: "Yes, she gets sick every other week or so, an' there ain't no school." . When a man talks very much abput bis bank it is a sign his account is overdrawn. Everybody . Knows a good thing; when they see it. Concord 'Furniture Store!' and you will see a lot of gdod things at prices that will sur prise you. Youys to please, CONCORD FURNITURE STORE m g, Opposite St. Cloud Hotel. iiimiiiiRUiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiniir Garden Seeds. Buists' Prize Medal Garden Seeds, Canteloupe and Water- melon eeds for market gardeners and truckers. Buist's Southern Snow Flake Corn, Puist's Selected Gold- en Dent Corn, Red Clover, Alfalfa or Lucerne Clo- 3 ver. Orchard Grass, Timothy, Herd or Red Top, Blue Grass, Millet, Johnson Grass, Dwarf 5 Essex Rape, Sorghums, and all Field g Seeds adapted to our climate. We handle only high grade Seeds, which are always cheapest to the consumer. Lawn Grass Seed and Pure 3 Bone Meal for enriching lawns. Oyster Shell for poultry i and International Poultry fowder and stock Remedies. Fetzer's Drug Store - Concord, N. C a-nmiimimniimiiTninrnimHiimmnirmiiniiHinimnr RUSSIA WILL CHUMI JAPAN. St. Petersburg, Feb. 26. Jfnau thority i, touch with sbe Russian war plans whose opinion rttleats the belief in the highest quarters, said to the As sociated Press to-day: "The war will end in August or September, in com plete defeat of the Japanese. How the Japanese can hope to succeed when our army in the far .East is strengthen ed to a point equal Jr superior to theirs, we are honestly unabla to comprehend. It wall not be difficult to place. 200,000 to 000,000 additional men in the field if neSessary.. When our forces are con centrated and ready, we will finish by driving the Japanese into the sea. Frankly, it seems that the Japanese ut terly have failed to anticipate Russia's resources, or have counted on the aid of Great Britain or the United -States, neither of which ever contemplated b. ing involved. We think the Brianh statesmen who did s much to push Japan into the war, realized that it would accomplish two things for Great Britain, first to give Russia check, for the war must impede our progres tem porarily; second, to cripple the Japan ese maritime power, which is begin ning to be felt greatly in the Pacific." It can be said with the utmost posi tiveness that Russia will "bide her time. She will wait until her weight of num bers will leave no doubt as to the result. Reinforcements are going forward 'at the rate of 3,000 per day. Probably some lime will elapse before Russia feels fully prepared to assume the of fensive. Longer Hours for Cioveriimetit Em ployee. A new regulation has gone into effect in the executive departments of the Government, concerning the number of hours of labor of employes. Hereto fore the departmental hours have been from nine until four, with a half hour for luncheon. Under the new arrange ment they are from nine to half past four, half-hour of the time being allow ed for luncheon. Tbe regulation affects approximately 100,000 employes as -it applies not only to the employes in Washington, but also to those in ex ecutive departments throught the coun try. .Each employe will give the Gov ernment, under the new order, 114 hours more labor each year than he baa given heretofore. The order went into effect Januaiy 11. It is reported in tbe newspapers that Miss Alice Roosevelt, daughter of the President, was very much offended while listening at the debate in the Senate chamber Friday, by a sentence from the speech of Senator Morgan, of Alabama, in which it was stated that the President had pursued a course in the Panama matter that would have cost the King of England his crown if not his head. Tbefeupon Miss Alice got up, elevated tier nose and marched out of the Senate gallery. Disappointment. "I hope, "said tbe ducal bridegroom, anxiously, as he boarded the Cunarder with his American bride, "that your diamond are safe in your bag." "My dear," replied she, "I am not the first of our family to marry into the British nobility. My aunt married duke. My diamonds are safe at home in papa's vault." If troubled with weak digestion, belch ing or sour stomach, nse Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets and you will get quick relief. For sale by M. L. Marsh. So please step around to the g 3 Will be paid by the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y., if they cannot show the original signature of tbe individual volunteering tbe testi monial below, and also -of the writers of every testimonial among the thousands whiph they are constantly publishing, thus proving tbsv genuineness. For snout two years I suffered from a very obstinate case of dyspeDsis." writes a. B- Secera, Ksq.,of 13 Eastern Ave Toronto, Ontario. "I tried a great number of remedies without suc cess. 1 finslly lost faith In them all. I waa eo far gone that I could not for a lowg Um bear any solid food in my stomach ; felt melanchely aad depressed. Some four months ago a friend recommended your 'Golden Medical Discovery.' Alter s week's treatment I had derived so mach bcne6t that I continued themedicine, I have taken three bottles and am coaviaerd it has in ray case accomplished a perms sent cure. I can conscientiously recommend it to the thou sands of dyspeptics throughout the land." A man can succeed and be strong if he heeds Nature's warnings. When there is indigestion, loss of appetite, ringing in the ears, dizziness, spots be fore the eyes or palpitation of the heart ; any or all of these symptoms point to weakness and loss of nutrition. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the medicine to turn to. "Golden Medical Discovery " contains no alcohol and is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. It is strictly a temperance medicine. Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good " for disesses of the stomach. The " Commo nSense Medical Adviser," 1008 pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of ji one-cent stamps, to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. you taking advantage of the great slaughter in prices on STOVES ? If not it is your own fault. I am compelled to reduce my stock by the first of the year, as my building is to be over hauled, and a glass front to be erected. It will pay vou to take advantage of the many Bargains that are offered daily at my place. I have two new Organs and one new Ivers & Pond Piano that I will sell at a sacrifice between now and January ist. Easy Terms Small Payments 40 No. 7 Cook Stoves, full trimmed at $8 each until Janu ary 1, 1904. Thone 163. Cbas. H. Siroll, Low-Price Man. THE Concord National Bank. With the latest approved form of books Mid every facility for handling aocounta, of fers a first-class service to the public. Capital, $50,000 22,000 60,00 WITH US. Profit, Individual responsibility of Shareholders, Keep Your Account Interest paid as agreed. Liberal accommo dation to aU our customers. J. M. ODELL, President, D. B. COLTKANB. Cashier. O.O. Richmond. Thos. W. 8mlth. G. G. RICHMOND 1882 1904. CO. UL IHif OFFICE. Carrying all lines of business. Companies all sound after Bal timore fire We thank you for past favors, and ask a continuance of your business. Rear room City Hall. Boggy, Bargains- Four new and sev eral second-hand Buggies for sale cheap. Also one mule and three horses for sale. Frank B. McKinne. Feb.S. The family medicine in thousands of homes for 52 years Dr. Thacheis Livet and Blood Syrup. I WrtLrlt AU (LSt tiili t Couch Sirup. Tasws but Vaa m lime, yom ty nroggtma. a Vi WRtS -p J - . ) 1