riMES, John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner, PUBLISHED TWICE AWEEK. $1.00 a Tear, in Advance. Volume XXI. Concord, N. C, March 4, I9p4. Number 52. the A Golden Rule of Agriculture: Be good to your land ant your crop will be good. Plenty of Potash Inthefertlltxcrspellsquality f t and quantity in the har vest. Write us and we will send von. fret, by next mail, our money winning books. DEMAN KALI WORKS, few Vk-t) Nana St. mm Cabarrus Savings Bank Concord and Albemarle, I. C. CAPITAL, $50,000.00. arpla and undivided profile, - aa,ooo.oo. Resources Crer $300,000. General Banking Business Transacted. Ac counts of Individual, firms and corporations solicited. We cordially Invite Every Man, Woman and Child who wishes to "lay by something for a rainy day,1 to open a Savings Account with us. ' 4 ptroent. interest paid on savings deposits and time certificates. OFFICERS. D. F. CANNON. H. I. WOODHOUBE. President. Cashier MARTIN BOO E It, C. W.8W1NK, Vlce-Kresldent. Teller. M. J. Corl J. C. Wadsworth. W. W. Flows It. LvMcConnaugbey Mi 111! (Jo l. L. MtCoBnanghey, Manager. Livery, Sale and feed Stables Will keep on hand at all times Homes and Mule, for sale tor caxh or credit. ur livery will have good road horses and as nice line ot Carriages and Landi-aus aicau be found in this part ot the country. Jan. as. I IsTOTIOE I We have opened A Fine Confectionery. Homemade and all kinds of Candies. Lowney's Chocolates and Bon Bons. Also a nice line of Cali fornia and Florida Fruits. Oljmpia Candy Works PhocsttO. Jan.. 18 S. Union St., Concord, N. C. S. J. ERVIN & CO, -DEALERS IN- 17 ft Keep all kinds of the best grades of coal. P'hone 220 M.;;i;3 1 Cii: Routs. Virginia's Fast Trunk Line to All Points in the .West Vestibuled, Electric Lighted, Steam Heated Trains with Pullman Sleep ers and Dining Cars. The Souther Railway No. as, leavtrg Charlotte a m daily, leaving Concord 10.102 a m. leaving Greenboro U 10 noon, arrive, at Charlottesville fcfiO p m, iM connerts with the O. O. train leaving Charlottesville h-M. arllving Cincinnati Mtm next day. arrive Louisville 11 a m. Chicago fcao n m and St. Louis p m, oonnecUng with Western Unee diverging. Pullman Sleeper Charlottesville to Cin cinnati andBt. Lonls, Parlorwcar Cincinnati to Chicago; connections at Jheee cities with trains of Western lines diverging. Ask Your Station Agent for Tickets via. C. & O. Route. H. W. FUI.T.FR. O. P. A, Washington. D C. W. O. Worthbh. D P. A.. Richmond, Va. C. B. Doilb. General Manager. A IOVTHEHH V1NKBK IS BOSTON. Wanted Farmsl Timber and Mineral Lands! If you have any property, either in city or country, we can sell it lor you if you will call or write us and give full description. We are distributing printed matter throughout the North and Went, and getting inquiries dally from Interest ed parties. One party want 12no to 1.W0 acres. Anotbt r want several Muall f anna. - See or write at once before we complete our list tor advertising. Rental property i wanted. I J. F. BEATTY & LOORE CO ! Charlotte Observer. Ker. William M. Brown, bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Arkansas, recently delivered a lecture on "The American Negro" to a Boston audience composed largely of clergy man. He began by saying that his discourse represents the best though of native8outhern and of Northerners who lived in the South, and contained: "I am a Northern man and lost my father in the cause of freedom. I wti never atuth of the Ohio river previous to 1808, when I. went to Arkansa as Bishop Coad j utor. lama Republican, have never voted the Democratic ticket and probably never shall. But I do not vote the Republican ticket in the South, and for the present I shall not vote at all. Speaking generally, the tetiporal and moral condition of the Southern negro is almost incredibly deplorable. I have slowly reached the conclusion that the negro race as a whole is almost hopelessly degraded. I am convinced that no one who has not been in the black belt of the South can have any real conception of the physical; intellectual and spiritual state of this most unfortunate people." After stating that the negroes have retrograded since they werj freed, the speaker declared in regard to lynching and its course: "If this awful misfortune we're to come home to men of this congrega tion, there is not one in ten among you who could or would resist the al most overmastering impulse to join those who would avenge the crime at the end of the rope." While we continue to regret the ex-, treme position generally taken by per sons wh discuss the negro, it is en couraging to note such views coming from a Northern and going to a North ern audience. We believe the Bishop was describing only a small portion of the negroes of the South, but as it hap pened to be directly opposite from the conditions upon which Northern people usually base their arguments, we hope the ideas advance will serve as an anti dote to some which have been brought before the public. A Favorite Remedy for Babten. Its pleasant taste and prompt cares have made Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy a favorite with the mothers of sfhall children. It quickly core their coughs and colds and prevents any danger, of pneumonia or other serioas conse quences. It not only cares croup, but when given as soon as the cronpy cough appears will prevent the attack. For sale by M. L. Marsh. It is reported that the Czar hss ex pressed a desire to go to the scene of war in tbe far East. It is started that the report is confirmed by an exalted military authority, who says the Czir is anxious to maintain tbe fighting traditions of bis ancestors. What Utile? In the last analysis nobody knows, bat we do know that it is under strict law. Abase that law even slighty, pain results. Irregular living means derangf ment of the organs, resulting in oonsti pation, headache or liver trouble. Dr King's New Life Pills quickly re-ad justs this. It's gentle, yet thorough. Only 25 cents at all drug stores. a General Leonard Wood reports to the war department an engagement with a band of moros, in which all of the lat ter were killed or wounded. If troubled with weak digestion, belch ing or sour stomach, use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets and you will get quick relief. For sale by M. L. Marsh. Too many men are incapable of doing their own thinking. Girls who make fools of men usually make lasting impressions. FACTS ABOUT PERMIT KINGDOM " Korea, the bone of contention, is a small state with an area of 82,0(8quare miles and a population of 5,600,000. It is governed by an emperor, and is nominay independent, but for ten years a struggle has been inprogresB between the Japanese and Russians as to who shall be the real master of it. The Japanese have the right of main taining s force of 1,000, to protect the telegraphs there, which are their prop erty. The Russians have obtained con cessions in the nortfc, on the banks of the Yelu, and are reported to have for tified Yongampho. Vie strategic importance of Korea ie great. The country is only lf5 miles from Japan: from it Japan draws a great part of her food supply and to it she sends her surplus population. It has two fine harbors, Fusan-Masampbo and Gensan. Both have been coveted by the Russians. Korea has an army of 17,000 men. The standing army now consists of about 17,000 men with European methods. In 1898 it was taken in hand by a Russian colonel with three commissioned and ten non commis sioned officers, who 'retired, however, in 1898. A royal body guard of 1,000 men was formed and has been well drilled and periodically a draft ofl trained men is tiansferred from it to the other regiments of the standing army.- Revelation Regarding A. and N. V. A flairs. Cor. Raleigh Post. New JJern, N. C, Feb. 29. To-day marked the beginning of what will prove to be the making of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, if true statistics amount to anything. In order that the road may be able to pay the wages of its employes an imperative reduction of men was necessary. It is intended to reduce tbe expenses here now between 11,500 and $2,000 per month. No doubt the decrease will be exteded if the receivership holds good; It is said on good authority that the Atlantio and North Carolina Railroad has not the funds on hand to meet the pay roll that will be due March 1. The Post correspondent was also in formed to-day by a gentleman who is well posted on the affairs of the road that the taxes for year 1903, due last October, have not been paid. Contin uing, he said furthermore, that out of twenty agents of the road eleven of them were short in their accounts and have been so for months. Notice has already been served on their bondsmen to make their shortage good. Several agent have not been checked up yet. It is also said that the road lost $10,- 000 lost season on the Atlantic HoteK Inflammatory Rheumatism Cored. William Shaffer, a brakeman of Den- nison, Ohio, was confined to his bed for several weeks with inflammatory rheu matism. "I used many remedies," he says. "Finally i sent to mcuaw s arng store for a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, at which time I was unable to use -hand or foot, and in one week's time was able to go to work cs happy as a clam. For sale by M. L. Marsh. The fire loss on the Greensboro Female College has been satisfactorily adjusted, the insurance, companies, of which there were sixteen interested, agreeing to pay the whole amount of 135,000, for which the property was in sured. Bucklea's Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for cuts, corns, burns, boils, sores, felons, ulcers, tetter, salt rheum, fever sores, chapped hands, skin eruptions ; infallible for piles. Care guaranteed. Only 25 cents at all drag stores. A widow always love for others. believes in platonic iimm dr. TIIAOHErVS Liver and Diced Cyrup CUES BY REHOVlia TIE CAUSE A TWfEE-POLD 8BMEDY HrmHHHtw taoc aJtaWttwaWes. Arts W Urtrmmt KMwn aW Purifies tho Dloodm Thousands have need this reliable remedy with perfect confidence and success for 62 yean, because they know just what it contains. The formula consists of Buchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, Dandelion. Sarsaparilla, Gentian. Senna and Iodide of Potassium. Any doctor or druggist will tell you that this is a scientific and reliable combination of great merit for all diseases having their origin in the Liver, Kidneys or Wood. After year of experience and patient experiment, I)r. Thacher so perfected the process of manufacture, that it never fails to bring the expected relief when taken according to directions. Thousands of sick ones to whom life has been a burden have written grate ful letters of thanks. Sracn. Mmsissipti, Oct. 17, 190-1. " I ban M Acred greatly with iadigeMiaa. constipation, also a severe lirrr trouble, with loMof appetite. Could aotmt wellal night; in fact, had no energy to work or even walk .ro.no. 1 felt like I was packing a heavy load and, wa eauly exh.n.ted, until I Snok Dr. Tbacher's Liver sad Blood Svrnp, which helped me almost from the first dose. Whe. I had take aatlad m-bnlf bottle. I lelt like a different nun. and I knew that it wma due entirely to your medicine. I uaed in all threafcottlea, and consider mywlf perfectly cured. At thi. time my appetite la good, I 1 well, and feci strong and refreshed on arinfng In the morning ' T. L Spebd. If weed a nuariXn. af-W f-a" ftr m fr tmmpl hottl and - Dr. Thmrhr'm HmUh Booh." Jtr nmntrau kr arfrln. " iHp( gM fa try it Wefcnnn At mli drMggwU. to eent.anaf $1.00. E3 en 12 J m r.i l:j r..i E3 r.3 E3 K'J C3 1.J na E'J CJ E3 ELI Eil ua E3 LJ ca &j E3 LJ Ei3 C'J r.a tj ra IT J ra ra LJ ra L'J ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ r.a LJ ca ' L J ra LJ ra L J ra L J ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ r.a LJ B3 BO ra ca ca LJ ca LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra L J ra LJ r.a LJ ra LJ r L J ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ca LJ BO LJ ca B3 ca CJ ra LJ ca crj rsa CJ ra ea ra L J ri LJ r.a LJ r.a LJ ra LJ ra L'3 Ea 8a r.a LJ ra CJ ra LJ r,a L J cia ca ca ca ca LJ ca ca ca ca ra ca Ea ea Ea ca ra ca ra ca ra ca ca ca cua ca ca ca 63 ca Ea ca ca II sa ca Ea ca ca ca ra ca ca ca ca ca ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra ca ca 1 cu ca ca r,a ca ea ca ra ca ca cu ra L J ca ca ca LJ ra ca LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra CASKVSALE r.a LJ lj r.a LJ ca c3 ca ca B3 ca ca rn LJ ra L'J ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra , LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ r.a LJ t-3 LJ ca ca ca ca DO C9 Ea ca ra l a ri LJ r.a LJ ra cu ra LJ r.a LJ ra L'J ra LJ ra ca Da ca ca ca ca ca ra L J ra LJ ra LJ r.a LJ Ea ca ca ca r.a ca ra LJ r.a LJ ra LJ ra LJ r.a La ra ca r.a LJ r.a La ra L'J ra LJ ra L'J ra LJ r.a LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ea ca Ea ca oa ca Ea ca ica LJ ra ca ca LJ E3 ca Ea ca Ea ca ca ca ca ca ra LJ ra LJ ra L'J r.a LJ ra LJ ra ca ra ca ra ca ra LJ 3 ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ r a LJ r:3 ca C3 LJ fa ca ra ca ra LJ r.a L J ra LJ ra LJ cl ra ca ra L J ra L J ra L'J ra ca ra ca ra LJ r.a LJ ra ca ra L J ca ca r a ca ra LJ ra La ra MARCH the 7th LASTING THROUGHOUT. THE WEEK, We Will Sell Anything in Clothing, Men's Furnishings and Shoe Department at Cost for CASH. THIS IS NOT OLD STOCK, BUT New Up-to-Date Goods Must make room for our immense stock of Spring Goods now on the way. ' $7,000 Stock of Hew up-to-date Clothing to select from. $5,000 Stock of New up-to-date Men's Furnishing Goods. $8,000 Stock' of New up-to-date Shoes for Men and Women In the Clothing Department we offer the following -Special Bargains : ' All 15.00 suits to go at 10.00 All 13.50 suits to go at 9.00 All 12.50 suits to go at 8.00 All 1 1 00 suits to go at 7-75 All 10.00 suits to go at 7.50 All 8.50 suits to go at 6.50 All 7 50 suits to go at 5.50 All 5.00 suits to go at 3.75 BOYS' CLOTHING. From 65c to 5.00, sale price from 50c to 4.00. Odd Pants from 25c to 1.00, sale price from 20 to 80 c. 'MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. All 1.00 Garments at .83f All 3.00 Hats to go at 2.25 All 2.75 Hats to go at 2.00 All 2.00 'Hats to go at All 1.50 Hats to go'at All 1.25 Hats to go at 1.65 1.10 .85 Caps from 15c to 50c. sale price 10c to 35c. TRUNK DEPARTMENT. 16.00 Trunks to gotit 11.50 12.50 Trunks to go at 9.75 8.00 .Trunks to go at 5.00 5.00 Trunks to go at 3.75 DRESS "SUIT CASES. All 6.50 to go at 5.75. All 3.00 to go at 2.20 All 5.75 to go at 4.40 All 2.50 to go at 1.G5 All 4.00 to go at 3.30 All 2.25 to goat 1.65 All 3.50 to go at 2.50 All 1.35 to go at 92. Telescopes from twenty-five cents to $1.00, sale price from 20c. to 66c. 'Grip's Grim Grasp Caused Heart Disease. Could Not Lie Left Side. On Dr.M ilestfeart Cure and Nervine Cured Me. Mrs. H. R. obe, formerly of Birmingham, Ala, writes from Eldredge, the lame state, as follows: "It is with the greatest pleasure that I rec ommend Dr. Miles' Nervine and Heart Cure. I only wish that I could tell every sufferer how much good they have done me. Last winter I had a severe attack of La Grippe, which left my heart in a rery bad condition. I could not lie down for the smothering1 spells that would almost over come me and the feeling of "oppression around my heart I had not been so that I could lie on my left side for a long time. I fot your Heart Cure and took three bottles, have no trouble now with my heart and can lie on my left side as well as my right. Formerly I had suffered for years with nerv ous prostration. I had tried so many rem. edies that I had got clear out of heart of get ting anything that would help me. The nerves of my heart were so affected that sometimes it would lose beats so it would seem to stop altogether. It was on the ad vice ef a lady friend that I tried your Restor. ative Nervine. I felt better after the first few doses and two bottles of Nervine and one of Heart Cure made me feel like a new person. My heart is all right and my nerv ousness is all gone. I never fail to recom mend it to others afflicted as I was." All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies, bend for free book ou Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. 33TGr STOCK -OF- FURNITURE that must be sold in thirty days. My landlord is going to over haul Jmy building, beginning April 1st, and this necessitates me to dispose of my stock of v urniture at once. Now, this is a grand opportunity for those who are expecting to buy. Will you avail yourself of this excel lent opportunity. This is for you to decide. A big line of COOK STOVES! at my old popular prices. If you need any Sheet Tin or Iron, or Tin Smithing, I am here to serve you. 'Phone 163. Cbas. fl. Shall, Low-Price Man. THIS Concord National Bank. With the latest approved form of books and every facility tor handling accounts, of fers a fl rut-claw service to the public. Capital, - - $50,000 Profit,. 22,000 Individual responsibility' of Shareholders, 50, OOP . Keep Your Account with Us. Interest pard as a rreed. Liberal accommo dation to all our customers. J. M. ODELL, President, D. B. COLTKANB. Cashier. G.O. Richmond. Thos. W. Smith. G. G. RICHMOND & CO. 1882 1904. 6tIfifll.BE OFFICE. Carrying all lineof business. Companies all sound after Bal timore fire. We thank you for past favors, and ask a continuance of your business. Rear room City Hall. STRICTLY CASH SALE. DRY-HEATM-MILLER CO. Buggy Bargains' Four new and sev eral second-hand Buggies for sale cheap. Also one mule and three horses for sale. Frank B. McKinne. Feb. 5. The family medicine in thousands of homes for 52 years Dr. Thairher"a Livrt and Blood Syrup. iHWb Brup. TaSUM UltMil. tn times. H'icJ t druk-H-tsv Thscher Mf iciaae Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. ca L J EarjaonoHEaEnEnenoBcaEaBacaEacaEaEacaracacaracacaEacacaracaracararnrncaEriEaracaca u-

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