T0 I FHE CONCORD TIMES, 9 John B. Sheifill, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED TWICE WEEK. $1.00 a Tear, in Advance. i YcfLUM XXI. 1 a Concord, N. c.t March 8, 1904. Number 58. I U 4 A Golden Rule of Agriculture: Be rood to your land and your crop will be food. Plenty of Potash In the fertilizer spellsquality I ana quantity in me nar- 1 yen. write ua ana we will (end you, free, by next mail, oa money winning books. OEIMAIf KALIWORKS, Ntw Yerk-M lSa St. er atlasta, Oa.-UX Ss. Brass SI. . 1 Mm t amsr y ,71 XWW'H CLEVELAND SATS IT'S A LIE Cabarrus Savings Bank Concord and Albemarle, H. C. CAPITAL, $50,000.00 flarplas and undivided araflte, - 2,0O0.OO. Resources Over $300,000 Oensral Banking Business Transacted. Ac counts of Individual, Arms and corporations solicited. We cordially Invite Every Man, Woman and Child who wishes to "lay by something for a rainy day," to open a Savings Account with us. 4 per cent, interest paid on savings deposits and Urns certificates. OFFICERS. D. F. CANNON. H. I. WOODHOIT8B, President. Cashier MARTIN BOUKK, C. W.SWINK, Vice-President. Teller. M. J. Corl J. C. Wadsworth. W. W. Flows It. L. McConnaughey R. L. JlcConnanghpy, Manager. livery, Sale and feed Stables Will keep on hand at all times Horses and Mules for sale tor cash or credit. Our livery will have good road horses and as nice line ot Carriages and Landeaus as can be found In this part of the country. - Jan.iS). ILSTOTIGIE I We hae opened A Fine Confectionery. Homemade and all kinds of Candies, Lowney's Chocolates and Bon Bons. Also a nice line of Cali fornia and Florida Fruits. Oljmpia Candy Works Phoce 270. 18 S. Union St., ConcoM. N. C. Jan. , . S. J. ERVIN & CO., -DEALERS 1N- u n Keep all kind3 grades of coal. of the best P'hone 220 The 'Ches&pe&ko Si Obis Joule. Virginia's Fast Trunk Line to All Points in the West. Vestikled, Electric Lighted, Steam Heated Trams with Pullman Sleep ers and Dining Cars. The Southern Railway No. 96. leavlra Charlotte 85 a m dally, leaving Concord 10.U2 a m. leaving ureenooro vs.m noon, arrives at Charlottesville 5:60 p m, aad. connects wltb tbe J. A O. train leaving (.Tmrlottesville !S:". arirving Cincinnati 8Mt a m next day. arrive Louisville U a m, Chicago SJnm and St. Louis (kit pm, connecting with Western lines diverging. Pullman Sleeper Charlottesville to Cin cinnati and 8L Louis, Parlor Car Cincinnati to Chicago; connections at these cities with trains ojtoVestern lines diverging. Ask Your Station Agent for Tickets via. C. & O. Route. H. W. Foli sr. G. P. A, Washington, A C. W. O. Wokthsk, D. P. A.. Richmond, vV C. K. Dotlb. Ueneral Manager. Wanted-Farms! Timber and Mineral Lands! If you have any property, either in city or country, we can sell it for you it you will call or write us and give full description. We are distributing printed matter tbrougbout the North and West, ant , getting Inquiries daily from Interest ed parties. v One party wants 12(10 to 1500 acres. Another wants several small farms. See or write us st once before we complete our Hots for advertising. Kental property wanted. J. F. BEATTY & MOORE GO NEVER LUNCHED WITH TAf LOB awe rorsner rreeiaeat Writes Hep . reaeatailve Webb That the A Mega Hob) That He His Katenalaea Kansas City Kegrs la A Dellber. ale Fabrtratloa Oat of Ike Waste Cloi." Cor. Charlotte Ubserrer. Washington, Mar. 3. Represent, tive Webb, of North Carolina, to-day diverted the minds of his colleagues from the commqnplace Efttrict of Co lumbia afmropriatioikbill by reading a Tetter from former President Cleveland, who in scathing terms denied having lunched with the negro Taylor at the White House. Said Mr. Webb: "Mr. Chairman, a man in trouble often attempts to get himself out by tryiDg to pull others in. This was evi dently the intention of the gentleman from Kansas (Mr. Scott) when be stated on the floor of this House (on his own authority) that Mr. Cleveland had invited a negro by the name of Taylor to lunch with him, and that Tt t sail . layior am so. ine gentleman, lq terms, makes this, statement several times in the course of his argument. On Tuesday morning, as .soon as The Congressional Record reached me, con taining tbe gentleman's statement, I wrote to Mr. Cleveland to know if it was true that he had lunched with the negro Taylor, as stated by Mr. Scott. I enclosed a copy of what tbe gentle man from Kansas said; this morning I received the following reply: Pris ceton, March 2, 1904. Hon. E. Y. Webb, House of Repre sentatives. "Dear Sir: "It is a matter of small concern to me that a fir. Scott has seen fit to use my name in display ' of his evil propensities on the floor . of the House of Representatives. In answer to your inquiry, however, I have to say oi bis statement that tbe colored man C. II. J. Taylor, took lunch with me at the White House, that it is a deiiber ate fabrication out of the whole cloth As far as Mr. Taylor is concerned, understand prior to his appointment as Register of Deed at Washington that he had served as an assistant in the of. fice of the cfty attorney at Kansas City ins nomination as register was con firmed by the Senate, and he served in that place with intelligence and iffio lency. lie has since died. Some peo pie restrain themselves from abusing the dead. My inquiries concerning Hr. Taylor before his appointment, my observation oi mm during bis incum bency and the little I have known of him since, satisfy me that his character is unjustly attacked in the diatribe of Mr. Scott. One charge is made against Mr. Taylor by. Mr. Scott, which he doubly clinches with truth when he de Clares: 'lie was a black negro . 1 am led, however, to doubt his familiarity with bis subject when he adds, black as you ever saw.' Yours very truly, Grover Cleveland, "It is said that falsehood travels around the earth, while truth is pulling on its boots, but I want this truth, as stated in Mr. Cleveland's letter, as far as possible, to travel in the same chan nels as the falsehood has traveled, and it may be, in many minds, the fabrica tion will be overtaken and destroyed, Mr. Cleveland was a friend to the ne ... ... . . gro, out not a "tool mend.' He never by word or act encouraged the dream of social equality in the breast of the black man. Again, he was the friend of the colored man, but he was. also the friend of the Southern white man, and sympathized with us in our race prob terns and race burdens, and that, sir, is more than Mr. Roosevelt seems ever to have done." Political Washington has manifested very decided interest in this Cleveland letter. Some professed to see in the letter some things of undoubted politi cal import, as showing the former Dem ocratic President to be in a receptive frame of mind respecting the presi dential nomination. By way of forti fying this point, it was asserted this was the first time that Mr. Cleveland has shown a disposition to sit up and take notice when things were said about him, and that on this occasion he had not only come forward very promptly, but had shown some feeling. Asked if he thought the inference that Mr. Cleveland had the presidential nomination in mind when be wrote the letter, Senator Simmons said that Mr. Cleveland might, if he had any polit ical motive in writing the letter, have simply thought the letter would have tendency to win back the regard of many people of the South, when bis policies bave encountered so much op This incident having brought the subject to tbe front, many have ex pressed the opinion to-day that Mr. Cleveland would be very glad to receive the nomination and John G. Carlisle told some of his frijbdg that if Mr. Cleveland were nominated be would carry New York by 1($000. Mr. Scott, who made the charge that Mr. Cleveland had lunched with the negro Taylor, withdrew his remark in tendering his apology to Mr. Cleveland, Facta About tbe Siberian Railway. St. Petersburg to Vladivostok 6,700 miles. Moscow to Port Arthur 5,500 miles Harbin to Vladivostok 400 miles. . Haapin to Port Arthur 550 miles. Cost, $500,000,000. Built by the Russian government. Present Czar, Nicholas II., turned first earth at Vladivostok May 19, 1891, . Guage 5 feet. Rails, 54 pounds to the yard. Stand ard in America, 90 pounds. Single track throughout. Route Moscow to Irkutsk, capital of Siberia, across or around the south ern end of Lake Baikal; thence (old route) by rail to Seretensk, by boat, the Amur River to Khabarovsk, and by rail to Kaidalovo: thence by new Chinese Eastern Railway to Harbin; thence east to Vladivostok, or south, via Mukden, to Port Arthur and Dalny. A Favorite Remedy for liable. . Its pleasant taste and prompt cores have made Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy a favorite with the mothers of small children. Ifr quickly cures their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious conse quences. It not only cures croup, but when given as soon as the cronpy cough appears will prevent the attack. For sale by M. L. Marsh. . Bulled Fine to Boy's Furs. A gaunt looking beaker boy was recently brought before a Squire in a coal mining town of the Kew River District of West Virginia on the charge of having killed one of the 'acred" turkey buzzards, which are the only scavengers of that country. After severely reprimanding the boy the old Squire, who was a German, paid : "I fine you ten dollars!" "I hain't got that much," rej lied the boy. "Den I fine you fife dollars!" . "I hain't got five dollars." "Vel, how much haf you got?" "Three dollars and stventy-five cents." "All right; den I fine you three dol lars and sewty-rive cents!" Inflammatory H lit u ma Ham Cured. William Shaffer, a brakenian of Den nison, Ohio, was confined to his bed for several weeks with inflammatory rheu matism. "I used many remedies," he says. "Finally I sent to McCaw's drag store for a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, at which time I was unable to use hand or foot, and in one week's time was able to go to work vs happy as a clam. For sale by M. L. Marsh. Wasted Hlas I Get "Noledge." The Danbury Reporter says that a Stokes county teacher received the fol lowing note from the mother of one of her pupils: "Dear Miss: You writ me about whipping Sammy. I bereby give you permission to beet him up eny time it is necessary to learn him lessens. He is just like his father you bave to lern him with a clubb. Pound noledge into him I want him to git it, and don't pay no attenshun to what his father sez, I'll handle him." I'CASH SALE Disgrace la the Stale. News snd Observer. That public execution at Whiteville last week was a reproach to the State. More than two thousand people, men, women, children and babes in arms jostled each other in crowds to se the condemned man launched into eternity, and many had traveled in wagons all niht to see the show I God pity us, if this is the test of our civilization ! After all, are we any more civilized than cur ancestor who roamed the forests in a naked condition ? Want la Mlief In the last analysis nobody knows, but we do know that it is nnder strict law. Abuse that law even slighty, pain results. Irregular living means derange ment of the organs, resulting in consti pation, headache or liver trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills qui-kly re-adjusts this. It's gentle, yet thorough. Only 35 cents at all drug stores. Mr. Bryan declares that he does not care about the candidate, but that the Kansas City platform must be reaffi tri ed. If that is done no one eke will care about the candidate, either. Back lea's A ralra Salve. Has world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, corns, burns, boils, sores, felons, ulcers, tetter, salt rheum, fever sores, chapped hands, skin eruptions ; infallible for piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 23 cents at all drug stores. If troubled with weak digestion, belch ing or sour stomach, use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets and you will get quick relief. For sale by M. L. Marsh. BEGINNING ri M Li ra CJ - r.i LJ ea E9 ca i. j r.a kj r.a IT 'J r.a LJ r.i L J n ri L J r i LJ ra LJ r.:i LJ n LJ r i LJ LJ n 1 LJ ca ca ca CO ca ca ca ua r.i LJ n LJ ej Fill LL1 ri LJ ri LJ r.-i L'J r.i LJ ca ca ca LJ an CJ un LJ en ca ram ca ca ca ca ra ca ca ca r,?i ca C.T ca c.i ca L J r.i LJ r.i ca ci ca ri ca ri LJ ri LJ r.i L J ci CJ r.i CJ ci CJ CI LJ ri ca ri ca ci ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ri LJ ri CJ ca CJ r.i L J ca ca ci ca ci ca ca ca ri LJ ri LJ r.i LJ ri LJ ca CJ ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ri LJ ri LJ r.i L'J ri LJ ci ca ca ca ca ca ca ca n LJ ci CJ ri CJ ri L J 03 ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca C3 ca ca ca ca ca ri ca ri LJ r,.i ca ca ca ca ca na ca ca ca ca ca . ca ca ca cj- ca ca ri ca ri ca n ca ri ca L3 4 r.i LJ ri LJ ri L'J ca ca ca ca MARCH the 7th ' LASTING. THROUGHOUT THE WEEK, We Will Sell Anything in Clothing, Men's Furnishings and Shoe Department at Cost, for CASH. THIS IS NOT. OLD STOCK, BUT lew Up-to-Date Goods S Must make room for our immense stock of Spring Goods now on the way. $7,000 Stock of New up-to-date Clothing to select from.. .$5,000 Stock of New up-to-date Men's Furnishing Goods. $8,000 Stock of New up-to-date Shoes for Men and Women In the Clothing Department we offer the following Special Bargains : All 15.00 suits to go at 10.00 All 13.50 suits to go. at 9.00 All 12-50 suits to go at 8.00 All 1 1-00 suits to go at 7-75 All 10.00 suits to go at 7.50 All 8.50 suits to go at 6.50 All 7 50 suits to go at 5.50 All 5.00 suits to go Lt 3.75 BOYS' CLOTHING. From 6c to 5.00, sale price from 50c to 4.00. from 25c to 1.00, sale price from 20 to 80c. HEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Odd Pants All 1.00 Garments at .83 All 3.00 Hats to go at 2.25 All 2.75 Hats to go at 2.00 All 2.00 Hats to go at 1.65 All 1.50 Hats to go at 1.10 All 1.25 Hats to go at .85 Caps from 15c to 50c, sale price 10c to 35c. TRUNK DEPARTMENT. 1 aOO Trunks to go at 1 1 .50 12.50 Trunks to go at 9.75 8.00 Trunks to go at 5.00 5.00 Trunks to go at 3.75 DRESS SUIT CASES. All 6.50 to go at 5.75. Ill 5.75 to go at 4.40 Ml 4.00 to go at 3.30 111 3.50 to go at 2.50 All 3.00 to go at 2.20 All 2.50 to go at 1.85 All 2.25 to go at 1.65 All 1.35 to go at 92. ca A a 1 1 w.ww w ku ay .wv i.ww wu uu ai Telescopes from twenty-five cents to $1.00, sale price from 20c. to 66c. ri ca ra ca ri ca ri ca ri ca n ca n ca ci LJ ri ca n ca r.a ea STRICTLY CASH SALE. LJ r.i L J r.i LJ ca ua ca ca ca ca ca ca ri L J r.i L J ri Li J r.i L'J ca Cj ra ca ra CJ ri ca ri LJ ri L'J ri L'J ri LJ C3 ca ra ca r. ca ca ca ca CO ca ca ca ca 3 ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca r.i ca ra CJ r.a ca r.a LJ ra ca ca ca ca ca ra ca ri ca ra ca ra ca ri ca r.i ca ri ca ri ti CJ ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ra ca ca c a ra ca ra ca ri c a ci LJ ri CJ ri CJ r.a ca ca ca ra ca r.a ca ca L J ri ca r.a LJ ra ca ri ca rev, wj jOften leads to pov- eriy. j rsjai woman, ever sold her heart for the luxuriaa of life. But many a woman who has eladly faced poverty for the man she loved, may well doubt her wisdom nben nain become. the mate of poverty. If she were rich, she thinks, she could find a way of cure. Q5QO' FOR WOMEN 'WHO CANNOT BE CURED. 1 The proprietors snd makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully war ranted in offering- to pay I500 in legal money of the United States for any case of Leueorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling- of Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask is a, fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. Yon hive my heartfelt thenks for vour kind advice to me." write. Mrs. Geo. Fletcher, of 106 Victoria Avenue. Gait. Ontario. Was troubled with catarrh ef uterus for over a year. The doctors said 1 would have to go through sa op eration, but I commenced to use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preicription and ' Golden Medical Dis covery,' also his 1 Lotion Tablets' snd Antueptic snd Healing- Suppositories.' SV i w I am com pletely cured, after uaing six bottles of Dr. Pierce's medicines. 1 am glad to say his medi cine has made me a new woman.1 Weak and sick women are invited to consult Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y by letter, free. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are easy and pleasant to take. A most effective laxative. Bia STOCK of FURNITURE that must be sold, in thirty days. My landlord is going to over haul my building, beginning April 1st, and this necessitates me to dispose of my stock of Furniture at once. Now, this is a grand opportunity for those who'are expecting to buy. Will you avail yourself of this excel lent opportunity. This is for you to decide. A big line of COOK STOVES! at my old popular prices.' If you need any Sheet Tin or Iron, or Tin Smithing, I am here to serve J'OU. Thone 163. CMS. fl. Sllall, Low-Price Alan. THE Concord National Bank. with the latest approved form of books and every facility for handling aoconnta, of fers a first-class service to the public. $50,000 22,000 Capital, Profit, Individual responsibility of Shareholders, Keep Your 60,00f Account with Us. Interest paid as arreed. Liberal accommo dation to all our customers. J. M. ODELL, President, D. B. COLTKANK, Cashier. O.O. Richmond. Thos. W. Smith. CO. G. 6. RICHMOND 1882 1904. Ill INSURANCE Carrying all linesof business. Companies all sound after Bal timore fire.. We thank you for past Javors, and ask a continuance of your business. Rear room City Hall. Buggy Bargains Four new and sev eral second-hand Buggies for sale cheap. Also one mule and three hordes for sale. Frank B. McKinne. Feb. 5. DRY-HEATH-MILLER CO. If ca The family medicine in thousands of homes for 52 years Dr. Thaeher's Liver and Blood Syrup. f?C7T?9CjcjrgiEjejBeaBaeaCgC3CaE3C3e3C3C3C3E3C3C3C TTTTTYjajTslrr? istlirV atifr.MsSLilil m slrit UiritS M nil-it All at C'ousih Syrup. T Ci in tints. . ' r MM tiuUtL t?s e

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