ME CONCORD TIMES, PUBLISHED TWICE WEEK. $1.00 a Tear, in Advance. i John B. Sherrill, Editor Volume XXI. imhmi (MOT Our money winning books, written hjp men who know, tell you all about Potash . Thejr are needed by every man who owns a field and a plow, and who desires to get the most out of them. They vnfret. Send postal card. HERMAN KALI WOKKa Maw V.rk-S Nam Stnet, Atiaata, Una M. & i m ' Cabarrus Savings' Bank, Concord and Albemarle, H. C. CAPITAL, $50,000.00. Sarplaa nndlilded proflla, - 933,000.00. Resources Over $300,000. General Banking Business Transacted. Ac counts of individual. Arms and corporation solicited. We cordially Invite Every Mao, Woman and Child who wishes to "lay by something for a rainy day," to open a Savings Account with ua. i per oent. Interest paid on savings deposits and time certificates. OFFICERS. D. F. CANKOH, H. I. WOODHOU8E. President. Cashier MARTIN BOG E It, C. W.SW1NK, Vice-President. . Teller. M. J. Corl J. 0. Wadsworth. W. W.Flowe It. L. HcConnaughey R. L. HcConnaaghey, Manager. Livery, Sale and feed Stables Will keep on hand at all times Horses and Mules for sale for cash or credit. Our livery will have good road horses and as nice line ot Carriages and Landeaus as can be found in this part of the country. Jan. &. ZtTOTICIE I We have opened A Fine Confectionery. Homemade and all kinds of Candies. Lowncy's Chocolate? and Bon Bons. Also a nice line of Cali fornia and Florida Fruits. Olympia Candy Works Phone no. Jan. S3. 18 S. Union St., Concord. N. C. S. J. ERVIN & CO., -DEALERS IN- 1 1 Will GO b 1U Keep all kinds grades of coal. of the best P'hone 220 Tlq fap&k. i h Route. Virginia's Fast Trunk Line to All Points in th West. Vestibulcd, Electric Lighted, Steam Heated Trains with Pullman Sleep ers and Dining Cars. . , The Southern Railway No. 88, leaving Charlotte 26 a m dally, leaving Concord 10.02 a m. leaving Oreenboro 12.10 noon, arrives at Charlottesville 5:60 p m, and connects with the O. U. train leaving Charlottesville d:ow. aiilving Cincinnati 8:00 m next day. arrive Inlsvllle 11 a m, Chicago 5:.i p m ana nr. Louts 84S pa, connecting with Western UnM dlvArfflnir. Pullman Sleeper Charlottesville to Cin cinnati and St. Louis. Parlor Car Cincinnati to Chicago; connections at these cities witty Ask Your Station Agent for Tickets via. C. & O. Route. H. W. FottlRi G. P. A., Washington. I) C. W. O. Worths. D. P. A.. Richmond, Vav. C. B. Doili. General Manager. For Cheap Rates TO Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, California, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, Montana, Washington, and other points West, Northwest and Soathweit WE1TK OB CALL ON J. G. HOLLENBECK, District Passenger A gent LoaiSYille & Naslmlle R. R., Me. t Brown Bui ding, oppo-lte Colon Depot, Atlanta, 6a. and Owner. AMJOia B WB ITEM A BO OT SOUTH CAROLINA'S DASPKNSAHY Atlanta Journal. I have spent three days of this week in South Carolina, and I have benn thinking considerabjy over what I saw and beard on this trip as well aa on the other tours through South Carolina. I sjeot last Monday night in Charleston. Our train on Coaet Line was late. We got to Charleston about 9 o'clock. I inquired at the hotel for a decent res taurant. I rvw'referred to one in the block of the hotel. I went in, ordered my supper. At t'je table next to me were four young men, not eating but drinking. Tbey were full when I got in; they were fuller when I got out. When I got back to the hotel I re marked thatthere seemed to be more to drink than to eat at the restaurant they referred me to. That brought on more talk, and the dispensary, with all its characteristics, was discussed. A gentleman standing high in the financial and political life of South Car olina proposed to me that he would show me something if I would go with him, and I accepted his invitation, and within two blocks he carried me into six full-fledged Charleston blindtigers. He said there were 300 of them there. Some of them were raided by the state and city constabulary frequently. Others were immune; they never had been raided. There are 14 state dispensaries in Char leston. I suppose they only do a small per cent, of the business in liquor. The dispensaries must close at 6 o'clock in the evening, and open at 6 in the morning, but the blindtigers do busi ness after the hours of the dispensary, and they do business until the wee small hours of the morning. The names and places of these blindtigers are as well known in Charleston as the clothing stores of George Muse and Eiseman, or the dry goods stores of Chamberlm-Johnson and Keely in At lanta. The dispensary in the smaller towns do a large business, and perhaps the only liquor business of any of them worth speaking of; but they do busi ness, celling bust-head from 16 cents a half pint bottle to $2 a quart. The state is the wholes ile dealer and fur nishes all the dispensaries, and the state's profit is made in their profits as they sell to the county and towrr dis pensaries. For instance, each dispen sary pays the state dispensary 12 cents a bottle for that pop skull, which the town dispensary sells for 15 cents, and it has the stamp ot the state chemist on it, reading, "Nothing chemically impure in this liquor." I do not know why they do not stamp on the bottle, "Nothing morally impureeither." The one would go as far with me as the ether. I once favored the dispensary as a ohoice between the saloon and the dis pensary, for the following reasons: First, I thought the dispensary would put the bar room crowd and the liquor interests out of politics, and we all know what a potent factor they make. Sec ondly, that the license feature, by which the coffers of the town and state are enriched, would be done away with ; and, Thirdly, because I believed less liquor would be drunk. ' But the South Carolina dispensaries demonstrate that liquor is in politics worse in South Car olina than any state in the union. And, Secondly, that the taxpayers are getting more money out of it. And, Thirdly, that there is more liquor drunk out of the dispensaries of South Caro lina, per capita, in my candid judg ment, than out of the full fledged bar rooms in other states. It will take South Carolina a hundred years to re cover from the effects of the dispensary; for dispensary liquor not only de bauches tbo poor devils that drink it, but the dispensary will debauch the whole slate in its politics and morals. I am as much against the open saloon as I ever was. I am as much against the dispensary as I am against the sa loon, and lor the same reasons. And 1 keefpBaying that if whisky is, a good thing, then turn it loose, and ret it flow ankle deep, and a dipper on the limb of every tree and give the world all the good there is in it. If it is a bad thing, then down with and out with the whole business in extenso. Greenwood, S. C, has never had a dispensary. For first class citizenship, intelligence, morality and decency she stands without a peer in that state, Clinton, S. C, I believe, is another of tbe same stripe. But whenever you find a dispensary you will find a de bauched sentiment, and a growing greed on the part of tbe taxpayers to push its business, and to increase its profits. The best elements of South Carolina are against the dispensary, the worst elements of South Carolina are against tbe dispensary; and these two classes together do not make a majority in that state. It is an anomalous state of things if the best and worst elements of society be together against anything. I do not remember that I have met a single minister in South Carolina, or devout Christian man who wasn't against the dispensary; and the worst feature of the dispensary system is, it has fastened itself like a leech, and has come to stay. I had rather undertake to vote the saloons out of Macon, At lanta or Savannah, than to undertake to vote the dispensary out of Athens or Rome. I have not only got to fight the liquor, but I have got to fight the profits of liquor that comes to each tax-paper of the county, ana when you touch the average fellow's pocket you hare hit a vital spot. If any town of Georgia, or other state contemplates inaugurating a dis pensarv, let them send a committee of three honest men to Charleston or Co lumbia, and take in also some of the smaller towns, and see tbe thing as it is. That cornmitte will come back and report unfavorably. Keep your saloons until you can vote them out, but don't ever compromise by swapping your sa loons for the dispensary. A saloon is the smallpox, a dispensary is the measles. I, for one, had rather have the smallpox, and get well than have the measles forever. I am frequently asked, which would you choose saloons or dispensary or blind tigers? I reply, why, don't you ask me which I bad rather have the smallpox, yellow fever or measles? By the grace of God, I don't want either one of the three in mine, and am not going to have them if I can help it. Georgia's and Texas' local option law, and Tennessee's four mile law is hand ling the whisky business about as wise ly and judiciously as I see it handled anywhere by prohibition or any other method. As long as corn grows, and hogs are raised, hogs and corn are go ing to mix up. The only way to keep them from mixing is to quit raising corn, or kill your hogs. With all due respect to wise and per haps good men who differ on how to handle and hamper and control the liquor business, I have studied the question, looked at the facts and seen the working of the various methods, until I have come deliberately to the conclusion that the only prohibition that will prohibit will be found in the elevation of manhood, and the reforma tion of character, so that all men will see that to drink it is a sin against God, and a crime sgafnst the. common brotherhood of man! If liquor, like morphine, would sim ply render helpless the victim of its use, instead of developing the fight in him and putting him on the rampage, with knife and gun to fight and kill every thing in sight, it could be tolerated in some degree by state and nation. But so long as it nerves the murderer's arm and pulls the trigger of tbe deadly pis tol, it ought to be an outlaw, chased and driven beyond the confines of civilization. If any fellow says I am in favor of bar rooms he is lying like a dog trotting. Yours truly, Sam P. Jokes. J wages Shirking Work. The Taylorsville Scout complains that Judge Neal did not open court in Taylorsville until 2 o'clock p. m., on Monday, and closed court at 5 o'clock on Friday, leaving much, work to be done. The Scout says his honor's ex cuse was that he must get to Lenoir in time to open court Monday morning and he left Taylorsville Friday evening to avoid Sunday travel. The Scout says he could have left Taylorsville Satur day and reached Lenoir by 2 o'clock Monday, without Sunday travel; and this it thinks would have been fair, in asmuch as he didn't open Alexander court until 2 o'clock Monday. The Scout thinks Alexander hadn't been treated right. A Favorite Beaaedv for Babies. Its pleasant taste and prompt cares have made Chamberlain's Coueh Rem edy a favHite with the mothers of small children. It quickly cores their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious conse quences. It not only cures croup, but when given as soon as the croupy cough appears will prevent the attack. For sale by M. L. Marsh. Rea Battle Beponed. London. Mar. 9. The Daily Tele graph this morning publishes a dis patch from Tokio dated March 7 and saying: It is reported that the Jap anese fleet engaged the Russian Yladi- vostock squadron at sea yesterday. The result of the engagement is not an nounced, but it is said that the Rus sian ships were destroyed or captured. What la Life In the last analysis nobody knows. but we do know that it is under strict law. Abase that law even slighry, pain results. Irregular living means derange ment of tbe organs, resulting in consti pation, headache or liver trouble. Dr. King's New life Pills quickly re-adjusts this. It's gentle, yet thorough. Only fSa cents at all drug stores. Concord, N. C, March 11, 1904. N ECHOES) BADLY DECEIVED. CImlotte Observer, th. Between Charlotte and Salisbury are strewn about seventy-five negro emi grants, all afoot. The negroes left Charlotte on No. 40 on tha Southern Monday night, bound for Baltimore, Md., and Culpepper, V'a. Tbey had been gotten together by a white and a colored emigrant sgent working in conjunction. According to the story of a few of the negroes who happened" to have some money and who returned to the city yesterday, thawhite man told them to get on the train and that he would get on at the junction, northeast of thcity, with their transportation. Capt. W. M. Giles was the conductor in charge of No. 40, and when he went into the car to collect fares not a single man could ante up. Tbey said that the agent who told them to get on the train was in the train somewhere with their transportation, and Capt. Giles passed Concord. When near Salisbury the gentleman had not yet turned up, and Capt. Giles ordered the train clear ed of dusky emigrants, and the seventy five piled out. Tbe disappointed emigrants boarded some of the south-bound trains to re turn to tbe city yesterday morning, but tbey had no money, and they were forced out of the cars, and the greater number of them started out to walk b?ck to Charlotte. A few arrived last night, swearing that tbey had had enough of emigrant agents, and others ire still en route and will get in the morning. The whereabouts of the agent re mains a mystery. Inflammatory Hheumatlaas Cared. Williamiliaffer, a brakeman of Den nisou, Ohio, was confined to his bed for several weeks with Inflammatory rheu matism. "I used many remedies," he gays. "Finally I sent to McOaw's drag store for a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, at which time I was unable to nse hand or foot, and in oue week's time was able to go to work us happy as a clam. For sule by M. L. Marsh. The board of aldermen of Greenville at a meeting Monday night, decided unanimously to accept the majority returns of the dispensary election, and declared the dispensary carried. Hurklen'a Arnica Salve. Has world-widg fume for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for cuts, corns, bums, boils, sores, felons, ulcers, tetter, salt rheum, fever sores, chapped hands. skin eruptions ; infallible for piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 29 cents at all drug stores. It is estimated that the fifty minutes' bombardment of Vladivostock Sunday afternoon cost Japan 1100,000 m am munition alone. If troubled with weak digestion, belch ingor sour stomach, nse Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets and you will get quick relief. For sale by M. L. Marsh. DO YOU NEED A MEDICINE? . IT COSTS T0U K0THIH9 TO IHVESTIOtTt There is no one who does not need a Liver Medicine occasionally. The symptoms of Liver Complaint are well known to every one, such as consti pation, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, sleep lessness, headache, a tired feeling and many others of a similar nature. Thousands die annually by not heeding the warnings of nature. Many acquire some chronic disease from which they never recover. Many of these could be spared for years of usefulness, by keeping in the home some reliable remedy. We believe that we can convince any fair-minded person that there is no bet ter remedy for the Liver known, than Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup. The formula is known, consisting of : Buchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian, Senna and Iodide of Potassium. You know just what you are taking. How Lmany other formulas of a liver medicine T LII.L.J1 A 1 -1 v. . this. It is already prepared and can be taken immediately. The strength is extracted in the most skillful manner, certainly superior to any powdered preparation known. (We also manufacture a Liver Medicine in pow dered form, with which anikdruggist can supply ou, but this, hkeall other dry Liver Medicines requires preparation. ) Dr. TbacheA's Liver and Blood Syrup is pleasant take, does not lose its strength, as Liver Medicine in dry form, and wiU keep in any climate. Your doctor, however skillful, could prescribe nothing better. There is no opportunity for s doctor to make a mistake in writing a prescrip tion, or a drug clerk to make a mistake in compounding the same, (besides a doctor's bill and the cost of the medi cine.) You can be absolutely sure of the proper proportion bang in every dose. Dr. Thacher's Liver snd Blood Syrup has been used with the greatest confi dence and success in thousands of homes for 54 years, and is prepared by a phar macist of 25 years' experience, in a labo ratory equipped with the most modern appliances for the most perfect safety. tf yra 4 not mndrwtmmd ffimr tmm, writ. tHf for m frr ttmplm Sortie m t.d "Mtr. Thmrttmr'm Hrmlttr . ,or ymptMrMMi H .Imply rn.k tAmt . fry it f mmr rjwM. It . lei. mhmt it mill. TOM MALM BT ALL DMVQQ13T8. MO cenU mnd 91.00. THACHER MEDICINE CO. CHasttatmoosjak. Tonn. rip's. Grim Grasp Caused Heart Disease. Could Not Lie On Left Side. Dr.Mlles'Heart Cure and Nervine Cured Me. Mrs. H. R. Jobe, formerly of Birmingham, Ala., writes from Eldrcdge, the same state, as followst "It Is with the greatest pleasure that I rec ommend Dr. Miles' Nervine and Heart Cure. I only wish that I could tell every sufferer how much good they have done me. Last winter I had a severe attack of La Grippe, which left my heart in a very bad condition. I could not lie down for the smothering spells that would almost over come mi and the feeling of oppression around my heart I had not been so that I could lie on my left side for a long time. 1 fot your Heart Cure and took three bottles, have no trouble now with my heart and can lit on my left side as well as my right. Formerly I had suffered for years with nerv ous prostration. I had tried so many rem edies that I had cot clear out of heart of get ting anything that would help me. The nerves of my heart were so affected that sometimes it would lose beats so it wonld seem to stop altogether. It was on the ad vice of a lady friend ttiat I tried your Restor ative Nervine. I felt better after the first few doses and two bottles of Nervine and") one ot Heart Cure made me feel like a new person. My heart is all right and my nerv ousness is all gone. I never fail to recom mend it to others afflicted as I was." All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Mile Medical Co., Elkhart, ind. BIG STOCK OF FURNITURE that must be sold in thirty days. My landlord is going to over haul my building, beginning April 1st, and this necessitates me to dispose of mv stock of Furniture at once. Now, this is a grand opportunity for those who are exoectintr to buy. Will you avail yourself of this excel lent opportunity. This is for you to decide. A big line of COOK STOVES! at my old popular prices. If you need any Sheet Tin or Iron, or Tin Smithing, I am here to serve you. Phone 163. (M H. SbU.1. Low-Price Man. THE Concord National Bank. With the latest annroved form of books and every facility for handling accounts, of fers a Qrst-class service to the public. Capital, 150,000 Profit, - - . 22,000 Individual responsibility of Shareholders, SO.OOf Keep Your Account with Us Interest paid as asreed. Liberal accommo dation to au our customers. J. M. ODELL, President, D. U, COLT KAN B. Cashier. O.O. Richmond. Thos. W. Smith. G. G. RICHMOND & CO. 1882 1904. Gill III OFFICE Carrying all lines of busjness. Companies all sound after Bal timore fire We thank you for past favors, and ask a continnance of your business. Rear room City Hall. Boggy Bargains Four new and sev eral second-hand Buggies for sale cheap. Also one mule and three horses for sale. Frank B. McKinne. Feb. 5. The family medicine in thousands o. homes for S3 years Dr. Thacher's l.iver and Blood Syrup. mtS mtlit Ail ILSfc FAILS. loub ft J rup. TUM feoud. in time. t"ii nr aru.fftns. .J- RIEIIfl One Car Load, Red Rust Proof Oats, One car load Virginia Corn, one car Salt, one car Feed Oats, one car fine Virginia Flour, one-half car load of Fine Royster's High. Grade Guanos and Acids. We wish to say to our customers that Mr. J. Dove has gone out of the Guano business and we have se cured the agency for the Guano he handled BEEF, BLOOD AND BONE. We have just received our first car load of the above brand. Our warehouses are full and we want you to help unload it. Flour has jumped up in price but we bought 400 barrels before the rise to be shPpped out. We will save you money on Flour. WHITE-M0ERIS0N-FL0WE 00. The Century, Iron King, Star Leader, Magic, the Mascot, and so on. Wo guarantee the above. Try our Wood Heaters, also the Coal Heaters. We are clos ing out these at very low prices. We have every kind of House Furnishings, Furniture, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Lamps, Clocks in other words, call and give us a trial. Bell & Harris Furniture Co., Store 'Phone 1 2. Res. 'Phone go. Two Free Hearses. A Missing Link There has been a missing link in this town heretofore, but the Concord Furniture Com pany has come in and filled up that space, and now offers the public Furniture at prices you would never have thought of had we not opened up in your town. CONCORD FURNITURE STORE, Opposite St. Cloud Hotel. :riiriiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiriiii(iiiiiir3 Graxcieix Seeds. I Buists Prize Medal Garden Seeds; Canteloupe and Water- 3 z melon Seeds for market gardeners and truckers. : Buist's Southern Snow Flake Corn, Buist's Selected Gold- 3 ! en Dent Corn, Red Clover, Alfalfa or Lucerne Clo- 3 i ver, Orchard Grass, Timothy, Herd or Red Top, 3 : Blue Grass, Millet, Johnson Grass, Dwarf S E Essex Rape. Sorghums, and all Field ij ; Seeds adapted to our climate. I We handle only high grade Seeds, which are always 3 cheapest to the consumer. Lawn Grass Seed and Pure 5 E Bone Meal for enriching lawns. Oyster Shell for poultry 3 : and International Poultry Powder and Stock Remedies. 3 I Fetzer's Drug Store - Concord, N. C. rlMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUUli $6.50 TO TEXAS. FromMemphis via the Cotton Bsjlt Route, March 1 and 15. $6.50 ONE-WAY. $10.00 ROUND TRIP. On above dates the Cotton Belt Route will sell one way arolonist tickets Irom Memphis to points in Texas on and north oi Cotton Belt Koute, iexarkana to aic- Grecor. and on and east of G. C. & S. F. Ry., McGregor to Gainesville, at rate ot $6.50, home-seekers round trip $1U. To points east of and including Amanl- lo. Ouanah, Vernon, B.ownwood, Brady, San Anpelo, San Antonio, Houston, Gal veston, Corpus Christi, Rockport, Alice Kerrville, Abilene, one-way 58, round trip $13. This is the opportunity of your life to make a cheao trio to Texas. Write at once, to-day, for further information, give your starting point and where rou want to eo, how manv tickets vou will require and the date you wish to start. We will tell you exact cost of tickets from yonr town, your best route, time of trains, also send you map of the Cotton Belt Route. N. B. Baird.T. P. A., Cotton Belt Route. Atlanta, Ga. j Number 54. t 1 TQ-B t 1 i 1 1 What is better than good Bread ? You ought to have one of our kitchen Stoves and Ranges. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as tlte administrator of the estate of Martin A. Ludwlic, deceased all 'persons owIiik said estate are hereby notified tlmt they must make prompt payment or suit will be brought. And all persons hav ing claims aKainst said estate must present them to the undersigned, duly authenticate on or before the 3rd day of March, IMjS. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of tnelr recovery. w. H. BLUMB. Administrator. Marcttn-d. 1K0I. By M. B, Stickler, Attorney. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as the administrator of the estate of ft. H. (iriran, deceased, all per sons owing said estate are hereby notified that they must make prompt payment, or suit wia be brought. And all perxons having claims against raid estate niuet asesent them to the undersigued, duly authenticated, on or before the 15th day ot March. I6. or this notice will be pleaded In oar of their recov ery. W.K.HAKKIS, Administrator. fly Montgomery A I'rowell, Attorney. March 7th, ltM. (heap Settlers Tickets Ike Weal. On March 1st and 15th, the Frisco System will sell one way settlers' ticket, from Hlr- mlnirham. Ala., to all point in Oklahoma and Indian Territory for (10.00. through rate from Atlanta siauu. i in mini. date, will sell round trip Homo- seekers tickets from Birmingham to all points In Oklahoma and Indian Territory for I4 mi. through round trip rate from Atlanta 2,m. Koiind trip tickets good 21 days, with atop over privileges. For schedule and full information write, or call on 8. L. Parrott, D. P. A., J4 Decatur treat, Atlanta, Ga. 1.0. z td AT no n

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