fl f - THE 'CONCORD --TIMES PUBLISllED TWICE WEEK. $1.00 a Year, in Advance. John B. Shrrill, Editor and Owner. . w Number 72. Volume XXI. Concord, N. C, May 13. 1904. i 1 1 3 Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidney Make Impure Blood. All th. blood In your body passe trough vour kidneys once every three minutes. . Tka ttldnava am blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches andrheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to reelected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and make) one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mUd and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and Is sold on Its merits fTfr by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a samcle bottle by mail Home or SwamD-Rnoi- free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer Co., Binghamton. N. Y. , CAPITAL $50,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, $28,000.00. s Removed to new office in the "Morris Building nearly opposite the . Postofiice. CALL TO SEE US. D. F. ?AW!ON, H. I, WOODHOU8B, Eresldent. a Cashier MARTIN BOO ER, 0. W. SWINK, Vice-President. Teller. M. J. Corl J. C. Wadaworth. w. W.Flowe U. li. McConnaughey R. L. McConnanghoy, Manager. Livery, Sale and feed Stables Will krep on hand at all times Horses and Mules for sale tor cash or credit. Our livery will have good road horses and aft Dice line ot Carriages and Landeaus asoan be found In this part of the country. Jan. J. THE Concord National 'Bank. With the latent approved form of books and everv facility for handling amounts, of fers a nrst-clans service to the public. Capital, - 150,000 Profit, , 22,000 Individual responsibility of Shareholders, 60.00P Keep Your Account with Us. Interest paid ararreed. Liberal accommo dation to all our customers. J. M. ODRLIi, President, D. B. COLTHANK. Cashier. O.O. Richmond. Thoi. W. Smith. G. G. RICHMOND & JCO. 1882 1904. II INSURANCE Carrying all lines of business. - Companies all sound atter Bal timore fire. We thank you for past favors, and ask a continuance of your business. Rear room City Hall. Manager Wanted. Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business In tula country and adjoining terrl torv for well and favorabv known house of solid financial standing. 'a) 110 straight cash salary and expenses, iald each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Expense money advanced. Position pesjmanent. d dresa Manager, 810 Como Uldghicago, 111. mar .SH tit- The Nortta-Weatersi Lin H Japan Allaa, 8end ten cents In stamps for Russo-Japanese War Atlas Issued by Xiie bit-ago A North-Wnatem K'y. Tho-Qline Ski "red maps, each 14x20; bound InT-OTlvenlenT form tor reference. The Kastern situation shown In detail, with tables showing relative mlll ttry and naval strength and financial re sources of Husala and Jaatn. W . A. Cox, 1 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, l"a. Map of the World. A beautiful map, valuable for reference, printed on heavy pa)er. 42xri4 Inches, mount ed on rollers: edges bound in cloth, showing our new island possessions, TheTrans-Siber-ian Hallway, Pacific Ocean cables, railway lines and other features of Japan, China. Manchuria, Korea and the Far Last Mcnt on receipt of 25 cento in stamps by W. 1L Knlskern, P.T. M, Chicago North-Western K'v. Chicago, 111. re ii 11 X 111 fit) T. i U8tS WKtrtfc All list tAHS. Ej I I last Cough By rap. Tsms Uoud. Cm ri I j In time. Sold T druggi.:,. l WiTiiiiaSlX. SA.T1 JONKS WHITES OP NORTH CAKOLINA. Atlanta Journal. Tbe pastors, chinches and good peo ple of Greensboro, N. C, when Brother Stuart and myself, at their solution, agreed to start an evadfeelistio meeting in Greensboro May 1, proceeded to ar range and seat one of their largest to bacco warehouses and when we arrived here we found that thg best arrange ments had been made and everything Hn good shape for the beginning of the meeting May 1. They have seats for four thousand people, and perhaps Eve thousand or more crowd into the build ing at every service. The unity of the churches and pastors is charming in these days of divieioni and ecclesiasti cal cliques. ' Tbe meetings from the start with their crowds and interest, have man ifested the desire of the people for a great old-fashioned revival. This is tbe tirej meeting in which Brother Stuart and I have joined hands for nearly two years. -My health hag been in such condition that I have been forced to do lighter work. In the meantime Brother Stuart has gone steadily on with bis re viva' work, with great success both north, south, east and west. It is a great joy to both of us that my health is in such condition as that we can be yoked up together again in a great meeting. I am stronger ndw than I have been in five years, and preach with less sense of physical tiredness, and if my health shall continue to improve, I shall go back fully into the evangelistic field, for surely the field is wtiite unto the bar vest. I had much rather preach the gospel in these great meetingsfor (1.00 pe day ttian stand on the lecture plat form at $200 per night. It, however, takes five times as much physical strength and energy to pull through one of these great meetings -as to carry nightly engagements on the plat form for weeks. I am sure that I have been much misunderstood and much misjudged along this line, but those who have been closest to me know that from 1890 to 1900 I was almost con stant in these great evangelistic move ments, and I know that there is scarce ly a man dead and not one living who has preached more sermons than I have preached in the last thirty years. Brother Stuart is in the prima of his manhood, thirty years my junior, and he preaches with a force and power, such as I have never heard him before, and as to myself, I am glad to say there is life in the Old Man yet, as well as in the Old Land yet. Already these meeting have taken on a depth and breadth; already there is manifested of what our fathers call the old-time power in these meeting, and we look for results such as we have not seen in years. Greensboro is one of the many splendid towns in North Car olina, within a city and suburban pop ulation of perhaps fifteen tBousand people. This figures in itscommercial and business life, splendid in its homes, and really it is a youog city of splendid growth, and with a future of great promise. There is a tidal wave of temperance sentiment flooding this State to-day. The saloons of Greensboro feel that they are doomed, and the dispensary is not good looking and cannot come in. Raleigh has swapped her saloons for a dispensary. Fayetteville has swapped her dispensary for prohibition. Char lotte is now inaugarating a movement to put the saloons out of business, and perhaps in twelvs "months from now liquor will be driven from the State, unless, perchance, Wilmington shall have inaugurated her dispensary, and Raleigh holding to her dearly beloved. The Watts law of North Carolina ia a marvel of the kind. It gives tbe tem perance people the long end oflhe handstick, and they roll the log their way with ease and pleasure. The Su preme Court of North Carolina has stayed right with the law, without hunt ing for a technicality or fearing the overthrow of free government in this movement of temperance and recency. The anti jug law in North Carolina passed by the last legislature and af firmed by the Supreme Court has put the wet towns mighty nigh out of busi ness. No town in North Carolina can ship jugs into any othar town L North Carolina. Gfbd Lord, give us such a law hi Georgia, and if our coming leg islature don't do something for us, I am going to pray the Lord to reward them according to their works. The Old North State is forging to the front, not only in her manufacturing inter eats, her growing towns and cities, but she is coming to the front in men and manhood, temperance and decency, and no better evidence of this tban her anti-jug law. When I stand at the de pot of a dry town in Georgia, and see the dirty old jugs piled off of an ex press car, it makes me so mad that 1 could almost wish that I could turn I into stick of dynamite and blow the whole business into the other side of nowhere. The anti-dispensary spirit is growing Nortn Caroliit. God grant that it may get no further foothold in Georgia, for there is no more fearful solution Of the liquor traffic than to putiOod and his church intoMie retail liquor business as the dispensary pro poses to do. Brother Stuart and myself will re main here several days longer, and we shall begin evangelistio meetings in Rome the last Sunday in May, Provi dence permitting. It may be in a warehouse, it may be in a church, it may be in the court bouse, it may be on the streets, or it may be on the commons. Not an anti-dispensary meeting, but a meeting for the salva tion of men and the building up of the Kingdom ef God among men. More anon. Yours truly, Sam P. Jones. P. S. I am still convinced that Par ker leads, and he has nobody to beat now but Teddy. S. P. J. Pithy Sayings of John M e. ley. I have no time to be in a hurry, ftod begins His workfin children. The best of all is God is with us. I look upon the world as my parish. I dare no more fret than curse or swear. God buries His workmen, but con tinues His work. I save all I can and give all I can; that is, all I have. Loyalty (to rulers) is with me an essential branch of religion. , It is a happy thing if we can learn obedience by the things which we suffer. It is plain God sees it best for you frequently to walk in a thorny path. When I devoted to God my ease, my time, my fortune, my life, I did not except my reputation. Be punctual. Whenever I am to go to a place the first thing I do is to get ready; then, what time remains is my own. One Imlanre Where Two Jugs ol Liquor slaved m Plan's Lite. Washington (N. C.) Gazette. We heard an old fisherman tell Sat urday afternoon of how a companion of his was saved from being drowned by two jugs filled with liquor. "When he rolled over out of the boat into the river, he held in his hand two two- gallon jugs tightly grasped. He did not, however, let go his grasp on either of them, and a better set of life preserv ers I have never seen, and he floated safely to the shore, when he immedi ately uncorked the jug and began to celebrate, his providential deliverance from a watery grave. He has these two jugs now beautifully painted like a barber's pole, and one is now sitting on each end of the mantel piece in his humble home." Doesn't Keeper t Old Age. It's shameful when youth fails to show proper respect for old afte, bnt just the contrary in the case of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They cut off maladies no matter how severe and irrespective of old age. Dispepsia, jaundice, fever, con stipation all yield to this perfect pill. 25c. at all druggists. J adge Peebles Ssaimssi Lawyers to Appear. Fayetteville, May 10. This morn ing Judge Peebles issued a rule to be served on the lawyers of theaLumber ton bar, to show cause why they should not be proceeded against for contempt. The rule is returnable here Saturday. A Runaway Blryclo Terminated with an ugly cot on the leg of i. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years. Then Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cured. It's just as good for bums, scalds, skin eruptions and pilos. 23c. at all druggists. "Heard a new one the other day," said a man, "and in my modest opin ion, it's one of the best of its kind that ever went the rounds. Here it is; What is thret sevenths of chicken, two thirds of cat, and one half of goat?" Of course you give it np. "Weil, the answer is Chicago. 'Chi' three-sevenths is of chicken: 'ca' ia two-thirds of cat, and 'go' is one half of goat. Pretty goodsn! it?" Writing in the U&mberton Ror sonian, Rev. P. R. Law says the Row land section of Robeson county is noted for tbe large number of maids and bachelors. In one family of twelve children two sons and ten daughters none has married and the youngest is now 45. To encourage tls sons to marry, their father years ago gave them land and built on tbe land handsome homes for each of them, but this did not have the desired result. The anti saloon League of Rowan is sending circulars to its members urging tbem to support certain candidates in the Democratic primaries. W. C. New Ian lis named by the league as the favorite for Congo a. It. BROt'GIITON OM "THE LIFE AOBIrT." Atlanta Constitution. Last night Dr. Broughton, at the Baptist Tabernacle, preached a charact eristic Sunday night sermon on "The Life Adrift." . He was outspoken against certain local conditions which be regarded as hurtful to morals. He intimated that the grand jury would taltehoJd of the matter he presented last Sunday, and declared he would carry on the fight tojthe finish against the institutions he had attacked. He went for Sunday night home recep tions, church formality and the like. He declared tbe devil is not as much to blame for a Wrecked life as the church. Perhaps his severest arraignment was of certain men of the city. Said he, "There are hundreds of men here that mve in high social and business life that bad rather wreck a girl's character than to make a fortune." wThe following ' were some of Dr. Broughton's "pointed" remarks: "Plain talk is what the world needs. "Last Sunday night some people got mad because I talked my mind about two of the devil's pets politics and whisky. "There is a grand jury to decide matters. We'll get to the public, gentlemen. We'll tell about this in fernal fraud. Don't pat your backs too soon. "The reason there is such an army adrift today, is because sin has been winked at. "The most disgusting thing I've no ticed for a long time is the way the judiciary now winks at sin. I do not believe the courts of Georgia will get over the disgrace of the Gober-Morris campaign in twenty-five years. If evidence is worth anything both of those men are guilty of election fraud. It is my judgment that both Judge Gober and Mr. Morris have corrupted tbe election and brought eternal dis grace upon the court house. "There are thousands of lives adrift that have not been discovered. "Many people themselves have gone, but have not yet kiund it out. "Tbe devil is not half so much to blame for a wrecked life 8,8 the church "Sin offers ten attractions today to where the church offers one. "The pious drollery and monotonous formality of the average city church is enough to disgust tbe devil. "I had a long sight rather be the pastor of Westview cemetery than one of these stay-at-home Sunday night, self satisfied, stuck up church cluhs. "Many people use Sunday Dights as a reception time for their friends. Some use it as a larking occasio n. "Think of a Christian home turniog Sunday night, a time when everybody ought to be at church, into a regular courting meet. I don't doubt there are a good many girls of unmentionable age to get off, but Sunday church hours is no time to run the matrimon ial machine. "Many of you mothers better look out about violating the Sabbath to marry off yours daughters ; first thing you know you'll be paid off in a lot of sons-in-law that the devil himself would not live with. "Parents ought to have better sense than to turn their daughters over to just any old chaperon to go on a moon light ride or anywhere else. A man told me of a chaperon last year who ,took out a number of young petrjje for a little sport one night. Before time for them to return the old chaperon was tanked tight on wine and cham pagne, and itjook an hour to find her to start home. No wonder scandal runs high with such reckless, careless ness of parents. "Yon parents keep both eyes open, lhere are hundreds of places here your girls can go and be shielded rom sin for a time. And there are devils enough in Atlanta to damn every char acter in it. "I honestly believe that we have got as hard a tot of men to reckon with here as any city in this coun try. "There are hundreds of men here that move in high social and business life that had rather wreck a girl'ahar- acter than to make fortune, sjl know what I am talking about. I have bad often to deal with the reclrige. It ia a hellish lot. They are not going to be stood much longer. Their dead ly work will p or there Is going to be war. "There it nothing so terrible a a life that has drifted too far to rescue. "A mission worker passing by a New York rescue mission saw a yoafjg man gazing at the sign, 'Rescue Mission.' Said he, 'It is too late for me. I have gone entirely too far to be rescued.' He drew a revolver and took his life. "When a man begins to drift hit conscience felt harder. Thing that would once cause a blush become trifles "Peter started adrift when he at tempted to give the Lord advice. Da vid started when he looked upon the woman. Samson when be surrendered to Delilah. "No life hits bottom at one leap." Hetty Cireen Turned tbe Tables. Philadelphia Ledger. Hetty Green, ol New York, had a way of taking care of tier own even in her youth. A Vernjpnt neighbor tell that while she was living on her New England farm she bad for a neighbor a particularly unneigbbofly old bachelor. One day, while the threshers were at work on her wheat crop, the winnow ing fan broke and she sent over in great haste to borrow her neighbor's machine. "Certainly," was the reply, "Mrs. Green may use the fan, but I make it a rule never to allow my im plements to be taken from my farm. The machine is in the barn, and she may bring her grain there to be win nowed," an offer it was manifestly im possible to accept. Mrs. Green bad not forgotten the implied refusal when the old bachelor sent his hired man over one moruing to borrow her side-saddle for the use of a visiting relative. "I shall be only too glad to favor him," was the word Bent back by the astute Mis. Green, "but I never allow anything I own to be carried off the farm. My saddle in hanging across s beam in the barn loft. Tell Mr. Browne to send his auut over. She may ride there as locg as she likes." Cured His siolber ot HueumaiUm. "My mother has beeu a sufferer for many years with rheumatism," says W. H. Howard, of Husband, Pa. "At times she was tumble to move at all. while at all times walking was painful. I pre sented her with a bottle of Chamber lain's Pain Bulm and after a few applica tions she decided it was the most wou dorful paiu reliever she had ever tried, in fact, (die is never without it now aud is at all times able to walk. Au occa sional application of Paiu Balra keeps away the paiu that she was formerly troubled with." l-'or sale by M. L. Marsh. Sincerity is the best sermon against hypocrisy. One of the greatest blessing a modmit man cau wish for is a good, reliable set of bowels. If you are uot the happy possessor of such au oat fit yon can greatly improve the efficiency of those you have by the judicious nse of Cham berlaiu's Stomach aud Liver Tablets. They are pleasant to take and agreeable in effect, l-'or sale by M. L. Marsh. The pearls of truth lie deep in the sea of natience. "Give your blood a cleaning." Hheu macide clears out all the impurities that make you ill. Ask your druggist. A recipe is not a cs,ke. FOR SALC IV ALL JHUGGISTS, TWO SIZCS, SOC USD SI. 00. you have nerrr tried thi great remedy SEND TO DAY for a free wimple and ttate or tymptom: He t imply auk you to try it at oar ejepente. We know what it trill do. Thacher Medicine Co. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. SYRUP. I iS- Tired Out "I wa&ery poorly and could hardly gcts lh house. I was tired owart!) Jben t tried AyerdVPr,lla.ctJs.jonly took two'VasIf W make IneTOci perfectly we!f.r-j jo W Mrs. N.S.Swinney.'MMCtog.Uo. " I i t"rj li, Kan ipaii rtnAi Ttf IIIWU J UU IV bed tired when you get up, tire'd all the time, why? Your blood is im pure. You are living on the border line of nerve exhaustion. You need Ayer's Sarsaparilla. tl.Mlbottlt. AlKrugiliU. Ak yonr doctor whnt he thinknof ttiis grand old family tiii-dirine. t-'olluw his adviue and we will tat wtthed. Take Ayer's Pills with the Sarsa parilla. They act on the liver, cure biliousness, headache, constipation. J. C. AVER CO., Lowell, Mass. PREY'S VERMIFUGE Is the same good, old-fastV loned medicine that has savti the lives uf little children for the past 6u years, It is a med icine made to run-. It ha- never boen known to fail. It vour child is skk get a bot tle of 0 . FREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Do not take a substitute. If your druKtii'it does not keep it, send twenty-tive cents in stamps to 33. cto S. FIIET lultluiore, Nd, and a bottle will be mailed you. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. H. C. HERRING. DENTIST, (s now on the Rrotind floor of the l.ltaker llulklltig. CO Iff CORD. V. O. DR. W. Surgeon C. HOUSTON Dentist, CONCOHO, a. 0. Is prepared to do all tlnds of dental work In rlie most approved manner. Office over Johnaon's Drua- Store. Residence Thone 11 Office 'Phone VS. L. T. HARTSELL, Attorney-at-Law, CONCOBD, NOBTH OAEOLIWA. I'rompt attention -iven to all business. Office In Morris building-, opposite the court house. DRS. LILLY & WALKER, offer their professional wrvloes to the cltl zens of Conoont and aurroundfiiif country. Calls promptly attended day or nUdit. W 7. MONTQOMKRT. t, LBEOROWEII MONTGOMERY & CROWELL, Attorneys and Connselors-at-Law, CONOORD, N. 0. As partners, will practice law In Cabarrus, Stan I v and adjoining counties, in the Supe rior and Huprenie Courts o i the State and In the Federal Courts Office In court houne. Patties dosiriiiif to lend money can leave It with us or place it in Concord National Hank Tor us, and we will lend it on tood real es tate security free of change to the depositor. We inttke thorough examination of title to lands offered as securlt' for loans. MortKaes foreclosed without expense fo owners of samn. Henry B. Adams. Thos. J. Jerome. Frank Armtieid. Tola D. Maness- Jeroms, Arm&eld & hmit Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, concord, n. c. Prsctlce In all the State and r. S. Courts. Prompt attention idven to collections and a-fileral law practice. Persona Interested In the settlement of eatatea, administrators, eseeutora, and u-uurdians are especially In vited tocall on us. a we represent one of the laraest bonding- companies In America; In fart we will ko any Kind of a bond cheaper than any one else. Parties denirlni? to lend monev can leave It with u or deposit It in ( oncord National Hank, and we will lend it on approved secu rity free of charge to the lender. rnntinnnl and nainKtalfintc attention will be ai en, at s reasonable price, to all lcgaU business. office In Pvthlan building, over Dry-Hcath-Miller Co., opposite D. P. Uavvault fc Uro's store. c rossf Poor man ! He can't help it. It's hisliver. He needs a liver pill. Ayer's Pills. Want jour moustache or beard a beautiful brown cr rich black T Use Buckingham's Dye SOesiof drujji.tiof R P Ht!ico . Nathua N.H Sv CATARRH i tr:n TO GIVE SATISFACTIOf. Ely's Cream Balm GivesRellef at Once It cleanses, soothes and heals the diseased membrane It cutes r.tarrh and drives a- ffaSSSS COLD 'nHEAD Heals and protects the Membrane, restoies the Senaet of Taste and Smell. Full me jot.; Trial ftae loc. at drujtgials or by snail. Ely Brotbera,3ti Wauta i &U New York. TJkJsasv awli..- 1 I fktfflTif tnetr Ww know, tell They are needed by every-natv who owns a Held and a plow, and; who desires to get the most out of them. They areWr. etid fostal card. VKIIMAN KA1.I HOItkS New Yorty-SS Nan. Street, Atlanta, (;..-'; So. Hro4 8t .For Sale. I Rock Hill top bugy and harness, nearly new, cheap. -tiO riano, nearly new, for about hlf price. a lots on South Union street 50x177 feet, op posite the M. 11. (.'aldwell residence. 1 Moving Picture outfit. 1 secnml-liaml llitck. 1 second-haml one-horse wagon and har ness. 1 Dixie Plow and Harrow. 1 beautiful building lot on Union street, adjoining Col. Means and O. L. Patterson. I'art ot ttie Samuel Sloop property on North Tnlon street. 1 two-story 7-room residence and tot 64x325 feet on Nnrih Tnion street. Wi (leslmble huildtng lots in South Concord TDxl'iH) feet. Also 40 acres land In rer of tt eue lots at a bargain and on very easy terms. Inany quantity to suifethe purchaser. Several nice turms near town. .')( acres near HutTalo mill. 1 cottaue and 2 beautiful building lots In Wa1sworth Addition. 1 Improved lot on East Corbln streeet, 75xKi0, new 5-rooni house with cellar, good barn aud water. BEATTY & PATTERSON, Keal Estate Agents, - Conuord, N. C. We are now ready to watt on 3'ou at our new stand. We want to buy your chickens, eggs, but ter, produce, etc., for barter or cash. The very best prices will be paid. When you need Hour, meal, millteed, corn, oats, sugar, coffee, rice, meat, lard, soda, baking powder, salt, snuff, to bacco, molasses, sj'rops, vine gar or anything in the grocery line call to see us. We also car ry for the convenience of our customers a line of Dry Goods find Notions, as cheap as tlie cheapest. D. J. BOST & CO ILLINOIS CENTRAL R.R. DlltKCT HOUTE TO THE ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION TWO TRAINS DAILY, Through SlovpingCnrs. KKOM Georgia, Florida and Tennessee ROUTE OF THE, FAMOUS DIXIE FLYER .1 i'rh i ni! St. buis in tlic Morning. Season tickets with limits Dec. 15, sixty davs, fifteen days and ten days. Two low rate coach excursions each month For rates from lour city, also for books show ing hotels, boarding Houses, quotlug rates, write to FRED. D. MILLER, . Travelling; I'assenifer AKent No. 1 IlrowD Ilulldlng ATLANTA. OA. Wanted. Special representative in this county and adjotnii.K territories. o represent and ad vertise au old (KtHblL-ht-d husiness house of fluanciitl staniMiiir. Palarv J1 weekly, with expenses, paid each Monday by cteeclf direct from heariouarters. Expenses advanced; po sition permanent. We furnish everything. Address. me Loluinbla, ftftr mouod huuuiuk. Chicago, 111. Spoons, Fors, Knives, etc. "1847 ' Rogers Bros." ITavs tlm th atandarrt forjfT bulf a centurv, and ara oi1 ly lending dealers- Kend for cata logue No.l.c to tbe makers INTERNHTI0N44. SILVER CO.. Meridaa, Conn. PARSER'S HAIR BALSAM CHXr-m sV-4 braul.t mm the hi Xrver Fail to ReW.or ......, a ntfui.ani stivwiii. Hir to 11 imiuyui yoior Cum nip 4 'mm A hfttr nia MM mm aasssaaaaaaal I"" 0

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