-U" THE CONCORD 1 r 'HI O - I. It f John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED TWICE .A. WEEK. $1.00 a Year, in Advance. Volume XXI. t Concord, N. C., May 20. 1904. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kldjiey Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages sua isueas arnDuion; oeauty, vigor " . nH nhe.Arfuln mmi disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. JCidney trouble has become so prevalent lhat it is not uncommon for a child to be born 5 afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It, the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder ajid not to a habit as most people suppose, Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, ana ootn need tne same great remedy, the mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Koot is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists. In fifty cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a I Jj. f-j sample bottle by mall iree, also pamphlet tell- Horn of ssunviux. ing all about it, Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer tc Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. CAPITAL $50,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, $28,000.00. . CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Removed to new office in the Morris Building nearly opposite the Postoffice. CALL TO SEE US. D. F. CANNON, H. I. WOODHOU8B, President. Casliler MARTIN HOUKIt, C. W.BW1NK, Vice-President. Teller. Number 74. ahericjIn ospickii nesk abm v. von cm- CONCHES DID MANY THIMtiS. Charlotte Observer. A baa already been published in our dispatches, there is on foot a plan to secure American officers to serve in the Chinese army. The following on the subject is from The New Orleans Times- Democrat: "Seven hundred American soldiers will be tranrrjorted to China to oflioer the Chlhcso army as one of the results ,ince tbo Fifty fith Congress adjourned, ana mat more Dins were introduced The Old Soldier T Be The Prat a re Nashville, Tenn., 41 ay 15. Great More Uwi Passed Than Since she FirifSririk sjcmIoh and (he aeaaloa .Was Shorter. TM i I 1 ... j iuo U1 wur" aone Preparations are being made for the re by Congress at the session just endedfnion of ,he Umted Confederate Veter is set lorin id a report made by Docket Clerk Wakefield to Speaker Cannon. It shows that the seseiou was the short- eet in many years: that Congress talked less than it has done any time of Prinojfu Lun's visit to this country according to W. T. Hally, traveling passenger agent of the Union Pacific, whose company is seeking the con tracts to carry the men to San Francisco from different points in the Uuited States. According to the same author ¬ ity, the movement of soldiers will be and more laws passed than in any ses sion since the Fifty-first. The session convened 124 days, the next shortest session having been that of the Fifty sixth Congress y!9 days. In that time 2,945 reports) were made, a larger number than for any first nnrnmsnH -i.i,; CW. i,. tu. session wunin me penoa namea. ine principal recruiting station is at Y.nk. Fiftf-seventh Congress comes next with ton, 8. D., sod is inohargeof Brigadier 2'750. reP0rt8 General Edmund F. English, of New York. Tbe cream of the Spanish- Amerir-an veterans, be claims, has been selected for the army of the Chinese Emperor. Commissioned and non- com missioned men have been offered commissions in the Chinese army, with the salaries paid by the United States government. General William E Eug. This session also heads the list in tbe'matter of bills introduced. There were 16,170, the next highest number being 15,969, in the Fifty-seventh Con gress, the JTifly-tbird Uongress, how ever, beads the list ot public laws en acted, having parsed S07. In private laws this session mikes a better showing than in public laws. It If. J. Corl J. C. Wadsworth. W. W. Flows R. L. McConnaughey t. L McConnanghry, Manager. Livery, Sale and feed Stables Will keep on hand at alt times Horses and Mules for sale for cash or credit. Our livery will have good road horses and as nice line ot Carriage and Landeaua as can be found In wus part or tne oountry. Jan. a, THE Concord National Bank. With the latest approved form of boom ana every raoiucy ror nanming accounts, or fers a nrst-class service to the public. Capital, $50,000 Profit, - - 22,000 Individual responsibility of Shareholders, Keep Your 60,00f Account with Us Interest paid as agreed. Llbualaocoinmo- aation to ail our customers. J. M. ODELL, President, D. B. OOLTKANB. Cashier. G.O. Richmond. ThOS. W. Smith . 0. C. RICHMOND 4 CO.. 1882 1904 Carrying all ne9 of business. Companies all sound after Bal timore fire We thank you for past favors, and ask a continuance of your .business. Rear room City Hall.' ManaererWanted. . Traatwortn; lady or gentleman to manage business In this country and adjoining terri tory for well and favorably known bouse of ui,u ........ .MmuiuKaswui scraignt casn salary and expenses, M eaaSs Monday tiv check direct from hmduarars. Expense uiuiicy..TiuiTw, ru.iuon permanent. Aa- areea manager, siu uwo lildg. Chicago. II. mar.22-lt. Tbe Norlu We.tera 1. 1 if nasal a Jsiiss Allan. Rend ten oents In stamps for Husso-Japa-neae War Atlas Issued by The t'hicago A North-WesternK'y. Three mis oolured maps, each 14x211; bound In convenient form tor reference. The Kastern situation shown in detail, with talAts allowing relative mili tary aod navjU sWetfeh and financial re sources of Katla and Japan. W. A. Cox, Sul Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. llier- Map of tbe World. A beautiful map. valuable for reference. printed on heavy paperf-xtH irtrnes, mount tl on rollers; edges nou our new island nussast-sa Ian Railway, PaoiflcT ocean cables, railway lines and other features of Japan, China, Manchuria, Korea and the Far Kaat. Ht-nt on receipt or sft cents In stamps by W. B. Knl,keru, P.T. M, Chicago North-Vv ester j it'v- Chicago, III. ouv"tn clotti, tawing ansa, ine iraresw lish, of Indianapolis, lays a special to enacted 1,896, wbich breaks the record .The Slobe Democrat, has received a for the period covered. It is to be ob personal letter from Brigadier General served that the Fifty-third Congress, English at Yankton, eivine a full ex- which, passed more publio laws than position of the plan. The latter is the Any ether, passed fewer private laws American member of the Chinese gen- footing tbe list with only 134 This eral staff, and is sendine invitotions to the Congress which met in the every officer of volunteers who served fir8t prt of President Cleveland's see- in the late war with Spain, asking them oad term, and its record includes the to accept commissions in the new Chi- extra session. nese army." I Tbe disproportion of private to public This information will doubtless cause laws brings up the grand total of laws more or less apprehension among those enactea by the Fifty-eighth Congress people who continually have visions of I to 2,190, which is tbe largest number the "yellow peril," but it is-to be for the period covered doubted whether there is ground for The amount of talk indulged in is any such feeling. The Chinese armv indicated by the number of pages in could doubtless be made a formidable The Congressional Record. The see force under tbe direction of American I 'on just ended ranks third. First oflicere, and the latter would in all comes the Fifty-seventh Congress, with probability inculcate in tbe troops ideas 8,414 pages; then the Fifty-sixth, with of discipline which would make inipos- 7,765; and, third, the Fifty-eighth sible any of tbe results feared from the with 6,154. The least amount of talk arousing of the yellow men to a knowl-1 g was done in President Harrison's edge of their strength. Tbe siirnifi- Fifty-second Congress, which hag cance of the alleged plan to officer the record of only 5,040 pages. Chinese army with Americans is in- "It he noticed," says Mr. Wake deed far-reaching, as showing that Ai'hl in his report, "that the Congress China is to awaken to her opportunities was in session a smaller number of of becoming a power in the Far Eist, day than any here mentioned; that as did Japan. The yellow and brown the number of reports and bills do not men are inferior in practically every differ very widely from the work of the way to the Caucasians and will so re-1 first session of the Fifty-seventh Con main, therefore, as lone as tbe latter Kress, the committees having fewer do right they have nothing to fear from I bills referred to them and making ra the Orientals. It was intended that I ports on a larger number than the the white man should lead, and it is a I committees of any preceding Congress weakness for him to concern himself here compared. By comparison, tbe about the domination of an inferior I Fifty-eighth Congress reported more race so long as he does bis duty. bills of each character and left a If this movemont on tbe part of I smaller number unacted opon than its COMFKUKIIATB REUNION. HOW TUB NKW BOARDKR GOT HIIHSKLsT INTO HOT WATER. muago journal. a. W hen the new boarder went into the dinning room and sat down there ans to be held here on June 14, 15 and was only one other person at the table, 16, and it is believed that the reunion The new boarder had a kind heart, and will be the tnol successful yet held. he thought he would be affable. In compliance with ttto recommen- "f1 P8e you've boarded here for dationsoftbe convention held at New Orleaus last year, tbe committee having in charge the reunion has decided to make the entertainment of the old sv3l dier the principal feature of the reunion this year. . All veterans who so desire will be en tertained by the committee. Meals will be served during the entire reunion at Hsymarket Square from 6 o'clock in the morning until 6 in the evening beginning on the morning of Tuesday, June 14 In accordance with the custom which has existed from the organization of the veterans' association, that of ap pointing the major general command ing the division in which the reunion is to be held, chief marshal of the parade, Gen. Stephen -U. Lee has ap poiuted Msj. Oen. peo. W. Gordon, commanding the Tennessee division some timer" he said to tbe other van "Yes; quite awhile." "How is it? Any good?" . "les; pretty fair, -have do com plaints to make." "Landlady treat you decent? "Well, perhaps I ought to" An! then hesitated. "Ob, never mind, old man," said the boarder. "That's ill right. I'm on; but ssy, mebbe you never tried cfiucking her under the chin once in awhile. That's the way to eet on with 'em. I never had a landlady that didn't treat me Al yet. It's all in tbe way you handle 'em. Call 'm 'sister,' and give 'em soft, sweet, cozy talk about their looks. That's the way to fetch 'em. I'll bet I can live here for month right now without being asked for a cent. Watch me nuJge berwhen she comes in. Before this time tonior United Confederate Veterans, as chief row "he U be telling me her family his marshal of the parade at the Nashville tot7t Pr 'd girl! She looks as if she'd i I L.J l LI '1 I l I . .. . , reunion. I "uuuies. Jrruoaoiy ;oi ilea up to Rev. Dr. Randolph H. McKim has me John Henry who was about man been annointed orator. enough to 'shoo' chickens out of the The Association of Medical Officers of yArd, an that's all. My name's Hud the Army and Navy of the Confederacy on. it s see, l haven't heard yours, will meet in the building of the medi- have I?" cal department of the University of I "No no. I believe not. But it Tennessee at 10 o'clock Tuesday morn- doesu't matter. I'm lust the land ing, June 14, and at subsequent times lady's husband." pursuant to adjournment, so as not to conllict with the general reunion services. The Jefferson Davis memorial service will be held at Christ Chuach, Broad street, Tuesday morning, June 14, at 10:30 o'clock. Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Gailor, Bishop of Tennessee, will deliver the address, The ladies' parlors of the First Pres byterian Church, on Church street, near the Maxwell House, have been secured for the Southern Confederate Memorial Association Hoys are Worth more Tins Glrla. ;new iokk, May l'J is the life of a boy twice as valuable to bis parents a the life of a girl to her parents? "No," cry women, New York judges, mothers and fathers. "(Mr girls are just as valuable to us as our boys any time, and sometimes they are more so," declare the parents. Judge Adams, in Newark, N. J., Kdwara 1. Weali's Will. Bristol, Tknn., May 13. It appears to-night that the late E. L. WenU left a will executed only a few days previous to bis death, in which he leaves bis en tire fortune to Mrs. D. B. Wentz wife of the brother with whom be was so closely associated through the years of their residence at Big Stone Gap. The report that the will of Wents had been found and that it bears date only days prior to his tragic death, lends color to" the theory of suicide,' now firmly believe by many of those most conservant with the facts. The fact that tne win haa been discovert! was made public to-day, but there is reliable information to the effect that it was found by his family some time since. Naturally it wag not published until his death was established. One of the greatest blessing a modest man can wish for is a good, reliable set China is in good faith, it doubtless I predecessor, means that the powers of the world are to be relieved of much responsibility that occasioned by tbe helplessness of tbe teeming millions. A Joluted Snake. ' Wadcsboro Messenger-Intelligencer. Another jointed snake has been seen in these diggings. This time the snake was seen by Mr. Jas.'TCaple, of Guf- ledge township, a gentleman of such ummpeacnaDie veracity that no one who knows him would think for moment of doubting his word about a snake story or fish story either, for that matter. Mr. Caple saw tjie snake in his field and procured a small stick and struck at it, whereupon hi snake- ship unjointed itself in one place. He struck again and tbe snske unjointed itself in another place. By this time Mr. Caple began to feel somewhat un canny and left the place. On returning to the place some time later he found that the snake bad mended itself and left for parts i known. Duessi't Hssserl Hid Age. It's shameful when youth fails to show nronor resnect for old aire, bnt 1nat the couvary in the else of Dr. lTue's New Life Pills. They cot off maladies, no matter how severe and irrespective of old age. Dispepsia, Jaundice, fever, con stipation all yield to this perfect pill. 25c. at all druggists. Why They Married. An editor recently sent out circular letters to a large number of married men, his subscribers, asking them why they married. Here are some of the answers: I didn't intend to do it. Because I did not have the experi ence I have now. That's what I have been trying for eleven yean to find out. I yearned for company. Now we have it ay the time. I thought it would be cheaper than a breach of promise suit. Because Sarah told me five other men had proposed to her. That's tbe same fool question my friends ask pie. l wanted a companion of the op posite sex. N. B. She is still opposite. The old man was going to give me his foot, to I took his daughter band. Because I asked her to have me and she said she woo Id; I think 'she has got me, uecauae i inougnt sue was one among a thousand; now I think she is a thousand among on). I waa lonely aod melancholy, and wanted some one to make me lively She make marery lively. : I 1 1. t l l: ..I I.' 1 1 I of the eight school girl victims bf the cesser of such an ontfit von can Newark trolley horror a year ago, was greatly improve the efficiency of those worth only half as much to her parents you have by the judicious use of Cbam in financial value the only value he I bi rlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets. could take into consideration in grant- They are pleasant to take and agreeable wiVwsYs? I I Bast Cousb Sjrni I to time. Hoi emits Hlf ill iisi TailS. ljugD syrup, -i-smss uouk use HoM by dniaslMs. sTsrs Ralph E. Elam, 24 years old, lately a corporal in the United States Marine Corps, killed himseU by inhaling chlo roform some lipn Saturday night, at the home of his cousin, Mr. Charles Elam, in Charlotte. No more deliberate suicide waa ever planned and consum mated. The unfortunate young man left only one written farewell, that being a letter to hi cousin, telling that he was hopeless for the future here on earth, and that he took his life with a clear Understanding of what he was doing. After having written in the body of the letter that hi was ia his right mind, be added a postscript in these words: "I am not crazy yet." The body was dis covered stiff and cold Sunday morn rareA His Mather et Rheaasallasn, My mother has been a sufferer for many yean with rheumatism," says W II. Howard, of Uasband.Pa. "At times she was unable to more at all. while at all time walking waa Askiful. I pre sented her with a bottle of Chamber lain's Pain Balm and after a few applica tions she decided it waa the mnxt won derful pain reliever ahe had ever tried, in fact, she is never without it now and is at all time able to walk. An occa sional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that ahe was Nrmerly trouoiea witu. i-or sale oyni. u. Marsh. It is evident that (tjeral Kuropatkin made those preparation for settling the controversy in Tokio without con sulting the Japanese maps and time ing damages a the life of Evan F. J. Eastwood, the only boy victim of the wreck, to his parents. Ella Werpupp was 15 years old, fright, ambitious and eager to make her way in the world, despite the fact that her father. Henrv Wernum). acol- lector for a fcewark brewery, is well to do. Evan Eastwood was 14 years old and equally bright, ambitious and eager to wake his way in the world. He was planing to learn his father' busi ness of jewelry manufacturing and be taken into partnership. Judge Adams took all this into con sideration. He said, however, that the probable future earning capacity of the bo was at least twice that of the girl, In consequence he permitted tbe $6,000 awarded to the boys parents by the jury to stand and reduced the (5,000 award' ed to tbe girl's parents to $3,000. in effect. For sale by M. L. Marsh. Tbe way of some transgressors seeme to be pretty smooth. Lost Hair " My hair came out by the hand ful, and the gray hairs "began to creep in. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it stopped the hair from com ing out and restored the color." Mrs.M. D.Gray, No. Salem, Mass. There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara tion as Ayer'sHair Vigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara tion. tl.M I bolllt. All drufflilj. If your dniptrist cannot supply yon. eDd us one dollar snd we will express you a bottle, lie suro aljil (rive the name of your nearest exin-s olln-e. Address, J. C. A YKKCO.. Lowell. Muss. FREY'S VERMIFUGE ts the same zoA, nU-fash-loTied tneJkinp that has savej the lives of little chiUrrn for the past 6o years. It is a med icine m.i,k' to cure. It has never b.'en known tu fail. If your chili is skk yet a bot tle of FREY'S VERMIFUGE A-FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Do not take a substitute. If your druxKist does nut keep It, seni twenty-live cents in stamps to HI. cto S. PUEY Italllmure, )id. snJ a bottle will be mailed you. DR. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. C. HERRING. DENTIST, Is now on the ground floor of the I.llaker imiuunK. CONCORD, N. C. DR. W. C. Snrjieon . Houston Dentist, CONCORD, N. C. In nroimnvl to do nil kinds of ilenta! work In rhe nioHt appnvMl mmmpr. Office over .InhiiHnirs Dniir Stor. IteHldeuce Tlitine 11 ortlco 'Phone 43. L. T. HARTS ELL. Attorney-at-Law, CONCORD, NOHTH CAROLINA. Prompt attention (ri-en to nil h Office fu Morris building, upMilto tlio court UUUM0. Small Potatoes resultfrom a lack of Potash in the soil. Potash pro duces size and quality. 'We hava v a I u a b 1 e books which explain more - fully tha fer tilizing value of Potash. We send them free to any farmer who writes for them. GERMAN KALI WORKS, New York VB Nimri Ntiwet. or AtUnla, bn.-ail'i 0. Bnm4 Hi. BEATTY & f I!eal Estate Aunnts, PATTERSON, Concord, N. C. To the Farmers s If you want to buy a Reaper, Mower or Rake Don't fail to see us before buv- ng We have the agency for the Deerin? Machinery which is too well known to talk about. We want to buv vnur Chickens and Country Produce and sell you irroceriea at rock bottom prices. D. J. BOST & CO. DRS, LILLY & WALKER, offer their profi-ssiimal servlros to tlie citi zens of Conpimt ami mi n.iiiii.iiii,' country, Calls promptly attended Juy or nilit. W I, HONTOOMKR?. 1. LKEOHOWHU A Remedy That No One Is Afraid To Take. Dr. Thacher'f Liver and Blood Syrop has been used in thousands of homes for fifty-two years with perfect confidence and the most remarkable results. The great success of this remedy is due to the fact that its formula (which con sists of Buchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian, Senna and Iodide of Potassium) has been freely published. Doctors and Druggists everywhere do not hesitate to recommend preparation which they know contains the best- knownremedies for torrecting all irreg ularities of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood, hnd the diseases caused by the failure of these functions to perform their proper work. Thousands of sick ones to whom life has been a burden have written grateful etters that others might profit by their n .. r , a i rwi I'waBsutTeriDKterriblvwUa indiirestlon ana kidney Ironblc ana seat to Bar drug-gist for something to relieve tne. As he sent sae a package of Dr. Thseher'a Liver and Bfeod Syrup I cottsjuded to try it. aad now I am deeply grateful to my druggist l wen ss 10 you. I had beea a sutTenr from these things and Seneral run-down condition tor ten years, had only received temporary relief from other medicines. But after usinjr not quite two packages of your Lirer and Blood Syrup I feel and (m,1. as f mmmv At A in m 1 , f mnA ri o, 1 t - - . : . i . wa.1 , . . ' . ... . lue ousiiiy E.uieriiri9e; Bays mat uuivi lamsatisnea mat i am entirely cured, i leei Of Cosm, A Washington oewsiilper man has a little girl who "gets off tome original sayings. A few Jays ago she asked her mother to hear her Sunday school lesson.. The mother imilingly assented. and, taking the book, asked: Who was the first man?" "Adam," was the quick reeponce, "And who was the tint woman?" "Adam's mother, of course." It required some title to the Hi lie one that she was in error. convince MONTGOMERY ft CROW&L, Attorneys and Connselors-at-Law, OONOORD, N. 0. Ail nrtnnra will nva. W. 1.. ... tn f..i, ........ Stanlv anri adjoining counties, tn the Supe riurmm niiireiue Lnuns O 1 tile Mlntf aiicl In the Federal Courts oilice in court house. Parties dHSiHrnf to lend monev run leave it with utt or place It in Coiu-onl Natioiiai Hank for us, and we will lend It on oo-l real es tate security free or charge to The depositor. We miikA iliortsiiih ntiiiiiiii'itii.ii ii i-ii-iut.. lands offered as security lor loiui. Mortifares foreclosed' without expense to owners of same. Henry B. .Adams. Thos. J. Jerome. Frank .Vrmflelil. Tola I). Maness. i.::.:, J:;;;:( A::::'.! I Lf;::::( Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, CONCORD. X. C. . Practice In all the State and TT. 8. Courts. Prompt attention .riven to coiiet-iinim mid Kenerul law practice. l'eroii interested in me settlement of estates, administrators, executors, arid iruardlans are especially in -Vfteil tociill on us. mm we renresenr one iif the larnest bonding companies in Anurlcit; in fact we will iro any kind of a bond cheaper than any one else. Parties desi rllit to lend monev r-nn 1iava it with us or deposit it in (uncord Nationa (tank, and we will lend tt nn npptoved necu rity free of charge to the lender. Continued mid iiHinstHknii .attention will be (Hen, at a reasonable price, to all lctfal Business. Office In Pythlsn building, over Ory- Heath-Miller Co.. onDusite U. I. I)HVVMiilt uro m swjre. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R.R. DIRECT ItOUTB TO THB ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION TWO TRAINS DAILY, Through Sleeping Cn rs FROM Georgia, "Florida and Tennessee ROUTE OF THE FAMOUS DIXIE FLYER Arriving St. Louis in lliP.Mnrning. Season tickets wilh limits Deo. 15, sixty ilavs, tlfleen days ami ten days. Two low rate eoHch excursions each month ror rates from vnur cltv aian hi. hivik. showing; hotels. Hoarding Houses, quotluK rates, write to FRED. D. MILLER. Travelling- Passenifer Agent No. 1 llrown Ilulldlna; ATLANTA, OA. A llaniuar nirwela Termiiiateil with an nrly cat on the eg oi J. I: urner, f ranklin Urove, ill. It dere.loppd a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for fonr yean. Then Rurklen's Arnica Sabpcnred. It'i jnat as good for barns, scalds, skin eruptions and piles. 35c. at all druggists. a few years ago, and yet fresh in the naU of he young generation, 0f laakin river was prolific with shad and other large fish. "Of late years," it says, "practically none hare reached t lis far into the interior, and we would like to know the cause." Nets across the river below the South Carolina line. "Give your blood a cleamng." Rheu- macide clears out all the impurities that make yon ill. Ask your druggist. aosvatptoias whatever of kidney trouble, and any dig-estioa Is as food as any Imns; man a. 1 caa mom eat whatever I choose. I uever had any remedy give me such quick and permanent relief, and I caa not put a cor rect estimate on the value your medicine has beea to me. 1 would not take any amount of money for it. Very gratefully yours m J.C.BROWN. Tf yM wsesT a sneatfef n Trite ss-rfatv or tea Mmplf WlMa mm -Or. Thmeher't fMttfc (MS," vim fsMalrM fmr siHM Wt siaiBlv sis yew fa sry it al tmr m- JWwas. are MtM) AS M arM fmr sal y all IrugaimU twm atasa SO tsanst SJ.OO. tuAcumm MMDICIXB CO., IZZIIC Appetite poor? Bowels con stipated? 4t's your liver! Ayer'st Pills are liver pills. Wanf your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black ? Use Buckingham's Dye SOctl.of drupcnttior ff. P. Hall & Co. , Nashua. N. H Ti e CleanMiE? aud i Healing Cure I for CATARRH riu'c lPam Palm Ui- 0 UiUUiU UiUUi VC Easy and FIeasa!it to Kf yae. Contains no -in- fe mrious Drug. Is quick lv ahsorbcil. (lives re lief at once It onens and cleanses the Nasai Pawtes. Allajl lu- aimatioa. Heals and protects the mttnhrane, restores th; uses of taste and smelL Lartre size vk at Dmr- gist or by mail; Trial sise ioc by mail .ELY BROTHERS, i6 Warren Street. Ntw Vk KAY FEVER Wanted. Spprlal reprpsentutlve In this county and aillniuliiK tprrltoi-le;.. to represent and ad v,Tt is an old (tubllhed husiness house of ttniiiH-litl sumlliiB. Salary til wwkly, with expenses, walit each Monday by cliei k direct ihmii nfHciijuart-r8, r.xienses advanced; po sltL.n permanent. We furnish everything. Address The! olumbia, M Monon Iiull4nit. CliicaKo, yi. MI3&L Rogers Jff Bros." 'Beautiful Designs 'fcs nd the laraeat assortment tvJ of Hpooos, frorkn.ete., can be y T;- selM.ted in this reliable brand. 2J Hr. IumI lu deHien and DDiah to t vjmf sierllug silver, al one-fourth m !o oneeit;hth the cost. Jtemember I "1847" ",e etandaral of quality g , for over M vearn. Hold m by 1,-adniif dealers. 'or cataloar m No. l.u address t t Inumatioaal Silver Ca.. y, Mcrtdea, Ceaa. For Sale. ueV!cheaV)'.ltOPl)U''r5'an'1 harneM' ner'y pri.'e. 1'1',"0, near'y new, for about htlf 3 lots on South Union street .10x177 feet on. p. to the M H. Caldwell sldS ' 1 Moviiii; Pli ture uutne. 1 Hwiind-hand Huek. second-liana one-horse wagon and har- 1 Olxle Plow and Harrow. 1 beautiful hulhlfn i... n.i adJoii,iK col- Means and O.L Patter"n Union ,te tT"""1' a'P pro,er" on North 1 tWO-atnl-V 7-rnnm nulilAno. i.oo. feet on North Union st7i " lota at a barKaln and on very easy terms. lnanj',,untity to suit the burchase?. ,Irm feveral nice farms near town M seres near llntri,., mm WaitawSSh Adrtlttaif "M,,il bUUd,ng ,0ti ta -liJ,fprovf1 lot on KMit Sorbin streeet. ixl )U, new s-room house with cellar, good ittrn aud water. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM C.eafi?i and brntiria U IksSt. IVonuatM k Innriavol rruarth. Nfvcr Favila to Betrtor Orar air io urn inuwiui wiwr. Cum prsip 6 rm U (Mir tit im 0