THE CONCORD:", TIMES Has Twice the Circulation of any Paper Ever Published in the County. Comes Twice Every Week and the Price is Only One Dollar a Year. John B. Sherrill, Editor and OHmer. PUBLISHED TWICE A. WEEt. $1.00 a Year, in Advance. Volume KXI. ONCORD, N. C, MAY27. 1904. NUlVfBER 76. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys Unhealthy tldns Mate Impure Blood, All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. I1W It.V.ll.JT. RIB JT UUI blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches andrheu- matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to nedected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes qulcfc or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feet as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary irouDies were, io De raced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly an constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on Its merits by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a sample bottle by mail Horn of Swamp-Root. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or Dladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Or. Kilmer Co.. Hihghamton, M. I. CAPITAL $50,000 ' Surplus and Undivided Profits, $28,000.00. I Removed to new office in the Morris Building nearly opposite the " Postoffice. CALL TO SEE US. D. P. CANNON, H. I. WOODHOTJ8K, President. Cashier MARTIN BOUEIi, C. W.BWINK, Vice-President. Teller. M. J. Corl J. C. Wadsworth. W. W. Flowe It. 1. MuConnaughey R. L. Monnanglipy, Manager. Liter;, Sale and feed Stables Win krep on hand at all times Homes and Mules for sale for cash or credit. Our livery will have good road horses and an nice line ol Carriages and Landman as can be found In title part of the country. Jan. &i. THE Concord National Bank. With the latest approved form of books and evarv facility for handling anootinta, of fers a first-class service to t be public. Capital, 50,000 Profit. 22,000 Individual responsibility of Shareholder!, BO.OOf Keep Your Account with Us Interest paid r aireed. Liberal accommo dation to all our customers. J. M. ODKLIi, President, D. B. COLT KANE. Cashier. O.O. Richmond. Thos. W. Smith. G. G. RICHMOND & CO. 1882 1904. GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE. Carrying all lines of business. Companies all sound alter Bal timore fire We thank you for past favors, and ask a continuance of your business. Rear room City Hall. Manager Wanted. Tmstworthy lady or ventlemnn to manajr hnslness In tula country and adjoining terri tory for well and favoratvv known house of solid financial standing f-Ji (J straight cash salary and ezpeifs. iid each Monday hy check direct frtjIW headquarters. Expense money advanced. Position permanent.. Ad dress Mxnager, I0 Cumo BldT. Chicago, III. mar JK tit. The sj0rtls-Wetersi Lisle Ksjsala Japan Alias. Send ten crnamJn stamps for Knsso-Japa- fese War Alia Issued hy The bicago ,.rth-Weatern K . Three line colored tans, each Haa: bound In convenient form lor reference The hastern situation shown In detail, with tallies showing relative mili tary and naval strength and Onancial re -. of Hussla and Japan. W.A.C01. et'7iestnul street. Philadelphia. Pa. slap ! Ike World. A beautiful map. valuable for Fferrjce. printed on heovv paper. 4SXM Inchea. m4Bt ed oo rollers: edges bound In cloth, show J our new island ponseselons. Tb Trans-Sil Ian Railway. Pacific ocean cables, ratlaay linea and other features of Japan. Ihlna. Mairhuiia, Korea and tbe Far has Jent on recoil of cenu In stamps by w. It. Knlskern. P.T M, Chicago a fcorth-eatero h'v. Chicago, III. i ajtMife syrup. v r In llrtHv H-.irt M dnitrr-""- ?1 CABARRUS SAVINGS BR CORL I 111 60 27 BEPl BLICAN .TAlB PLATFOH.TI nha Clorlfiratlon and Ue.iunrlallon Was Indulged lu at Ureenbora Last Week. Following fs the platform ttiopted by tbe Kepubucan elate convention at Greensboro last weiji : The RepubHcatmparty of North Caro lina, in convention assembled at Greensboro, N. C on this the 18th day of May, 1904, hereby endorses and ratifies the principles and policies enum erated in the platforms of the national Republican pay, adopted in 18'JO and 1900. In spite of Democratic oppo sition the policing arid principles of our party have been written into law, and we point with pride to its achievements. It has blessed our country with unpar alleled prosperity. It has carried hap piness into every home. It has ex panded our commerce. It has broad ened our territory. It has made su preme our inlluence at home and. abroad. It has raised our credit until to-day it is the highest in the world. It has ever stood for universal freedom ytnd has carried the blessings of liberty into the islands of tbe sea. It has held our honor unsullied, and our flag un tarnished, until we have talce our place as the arbiter of the nations of the world. Throughout its long lease of power the Presidents and leaders of the Republican party have always been equal to the greatest demand, and now Use cguntry with all of its vast and va ried interests lias a Republican Presi dent in tbe person of Theodore Roobb velt who has shown himself to be en titled to the confidence of the nation, and for these reasons we hereby endorse his administration and pledge our earnest support for his nomination and elec tion. We endorse the Republican adminis tration in protecting the rights of the people against monopolies, trusts and other unlawful combinations. We endorse the Republican party for its action in constructing the Panama canal, and tbe people of the United States from all sections, especially from the South, are to be congratulated upon tbe favorable prospects of so soon se curing that great interoceanic waterway which will give new impetus to the na tion's commerce, and prove a blessing to the country at large, and especially to the South. The Republican party favors the es tablishment of the Appalachian Park, and we promise "to use all honorable means to bring about legislation estab lishing the same. We favor the education of tbe masses, bat denounce the practice of the pres ent Democratic State administration in its efforts to make the common schools part of the Democratic machine, to be run for partisan purposes, until their usefulness has been greatly im paired and those mostly in need of ed ucation largely deprived of their ad vantages. We pledge ourselves to the correction of these abuses and to amend the law so as to remove our free schools, as far at possible, from the realm of politics, and thus prevent their being subverted to partisan advantages, and to give to the By stem an elasticity that will inure to the best interests of those mostly in need of their help.. Ihe Kepublican party favors gen erous public aid to all charitable insti tutions of the State, and the enactment of pension laws more liberal and just to the old Confederate soldiers. We endorse the foreign policy of ex pansion of the Republican party, by which Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippines have been annexed to the nited States, thus opening up a new market jo the manufacturers of this country. We endorse the Republican party for liberating the Cubans from Spanish tyranny and oppression, and point with pride to their success and progress since the establishment of theRepublican form of government. We denounce tha policy of the Dem ocratic party in their efforts to destfby ti&sehey cannot use for partisan ends, which has resulted in drivingpoth I9 bor and capital from our State, thereby decreasing the sources of taxation at the very time theiradministration nas bankrupted our treasury. We denounce the management of the Atlantic and North Carolina Rail road and hotel by the Democratic party a incompetent, corrupt and ex travagant, and declare that we favor the leasing of that property, and pro mise the people of North Carolina that elected to power we will forever put an end to such scandals aa have been recently brought to light in connection with its management. We denounce the Governor's star chamber investiga tion of that road and declare that tbe secret and clandestine - Investigation into it affairs was an outrage and a isgrace, and one which the citiiens of this State should not tolerate. We denounce tbe hypocrisy of the Democratic party in their effort to de-! . . ceive the people by saying that they have not raised tbe rate of taxation while they have forced an increased valuation on all property by legislation, have created a commission for this ex press purpose, and have thereby largely increased the burden of taxation, upon our people. As an evidence of thrt we ask every taxpayer jo compare his re c.ipt for the taxes of 1903 with those of former years. We denounce that policy - of the Democratic party that continuously and insiduously, attacks local self-gov ernment by legislative appointments of justices of the peace, country commis sioners and other officers all over the State, and demand that all matters per taining to local affairs and the county government be left to entirely with th'e voters of the communities and coun ties concerned. We denounce frauds, robberies and intimidation in elections, and we appeal to the honest citizens of North Carolina to use their best efforts in see ing that the cmiog elections is free corruption, and is conducted fairly and squarely in all respects. We denounce that spirit of anarchy in the Democratic party that prompted our Qovernor to say he would have emptied the State Treasury in defense of those indicted for election frauds be fore one of them should be convicted; we condemn the Democratic machine for defending criminals at the expense Lpf the taxpayers. We condemn the Democratic party for its unwarranted efforts to impeach our Supreme Court judges for partisan purposes We favor, as we have ever favored, just and equal laws for the promotion of temperance, but we denounce the Democratic Legislature for the enact ment of the Watts law for the reason that it was conceived and enacted for political advantage, under the guise of temperance reform, and for its unjust and unfair discrimination in conferring rights and privileges upon the inhabi tants of incorporated towns and cities which it denies to the citizens of the country. But in pursuance of our time honored policy of local self-govern ment we favor a law which submits to the qualified voters of the several coun ties and incorporated towns of the State, at their request, the question of whether they shall or shall not be per' mitted to make and sell intoxicating liquors, and the faithful execution of their will as expessed at tbe ballot box. We denounce the present State admin istration as being the most extravagant in the history of North Carolina. The year 1903 cost the taxpayers the enormous sum of $2,201,604.31, or nearly as much as waspaid out during the entire four years of Governor Vance's administation from 1877 to 1881. We denounce the policy of the Democratic party that has left as leg -try to future generations and addi tion to our Slate debt of more than $500,000. We cordially invite all persons, irre spective of party affiliations, who are opposed to oppressive taxation, opposed to star chamber methods, opposed to clatg legislation, opposed to exlrava gance and mismanagement, and all persons who favor a more economic administration of our State and county affairs, who favor leasing the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, and who believe in expansion, sound money and protection to unite with us in over throwing tbe Democratic machine in North Carolina.. Kir. Odrll's Handsome Gilt. Greensboro, N. C, May 23. Mr. J. A. Odell, of this city, makes a gift of 15,000 to GreenBboro Female College rebuilding and endowment fund. The gift follows tbe one of $10,000 made by Mr. It. N. Duke, of Durham, two week: ago. Besides these two eifts, a fund amounting to $19,000 has been raised for the college, and preparations are being made this week to proceed to Hnakingrick to be used in rebuilding tbe institution with a view to - openrftg it for tbe fall term by September 15th. A vigorous campaign to raise money for the college will be pushed this sum mer and friends of institution feel very much encouraged over the out look. One of tlwxjjreateat blessing a modest man can wiA for is a good, reliable set of bowels. If yon are not the bappy possessor of such an, outfit yon can greatly improve the emcien cy of those yon have by the judicious use of Cham" bt-rlain'sjjmacu and Liver Tablets. They are pleasant to take and agreeable in effect. For sale by M. L. Marsh. Of the 926 delegates thus far elect) d to the Republican National Convention 708 are absolutely pledged to President Roosevelt. Give yoor blood a cleaning." Rheu- macide clears oat all the impurities that make yon ill. Ask yoor druggist. DUE WAS BO II BID TO HAVE DA.TI ALHKS. Chicago News. The colonel was BtarrtiSg at the end of thedepot platform wheua littl) old woman drove up with an ox harnessed to a cart, and handing the lines to a little 'colored boy who was loafing around, she came up the steps and asked: "Stranger, will yp' back a lone wid der to git jestice T" . "Ho back youf' "This yere railroad has run over one o' my hogs and won't pay fur him. I've'cum down yere to git six bits fur that hog or turn loose on sumbodyl I'll walk up to the critter inside and demand my money. He won't pay and I'll tackle em. Will yo' back me and se a fa'r font?" "Why, you are a wonyin and shouldn't think of having a fight with a man," replied tbe colonel. "Never yo' mind about my bein a woman, stranger! It's six bits or I tackle him, and it'll help me along to know yo' ar' behind me. Will yo' do it, or see me git licked and lose my cash to boot?" He said he'd see fair play and went in with her.- She walked up to the station master and spat on her hands and said: "Yo1 know about that hog! It's Bix bits or I'll light ontoyo'!" "Why, Mrs. Ramsay, I don't own tbe railroad!" "Six bits or a tackle!" she replied. "I'll send your claim up to head quarters to be acted on." "Stranger, hold my suubonnet and do't let him gouge my eyes out or pull my h'ar!" Bhe said, as she untied the strings. "Now, then " "Here's your six bits," he said, as be handed out three quarters. "Thankee! Good money, is it? That squar's the hog and thar won't tie no font. I jest reckoned thar was a way to git a ta railroad, hut I didn't know exactly how it was done." The colonel went out to see her into tbe cart, and as she got seated she ex tended her hand and said: "Stranger, I was a lone widder and wanted bat-kin', and yo' backed me. I hain't a woman as kin Bhed tears nor git off big words, but my airnest wish is that the Lawd dun hev mercy on yo'r soul amen g'lang, Sal!" One br Ham, of Cleorala. Ham, of Georgia, tells the following story on himself: "I was at a little old-fashioned town in the southern part of my State, where they didn't know that Lee had sur. rendered. I was shown to my room in the little inn they called 'the hotel,' by an old uncle who shultled as he walked and whose scant locks were as white as the cotton he was evidently used to picking. In a place like this town every one you meet wants to know your name and takes a great interest in your personal history and business. The old uncle deposited my suit case, and before he turned to go, I asked him to fetch a pitcher of water. " 'All right, boss,' he said, 'whut (nought yo' name be?' "I laughingly told him it was Ham 'just remember the best part of the hoe,' I said, 'and you'll have it.' He ahullled off down the hall and I had just about dozed into the land of nod when I was brought back to conscious ness by a sharp rap at the door and beard the old marrsay: "Heah's yo' water, Marse Cbitlins.' " Valel Was Sure Tliri'd PH. Pittsburg Gazette. "A friend of mine down South," said John Sharp Williams, indulged in the luxury of a negro valet, or body servant, as we call them. The friend, in a riot of extravagance, one day bought a pair of loud checked trousers, His negro valet envied him and wanted them. They did not sees to be coming his way fast enough, nd he threw some grease on them. " 'Charley,' said my friend, 'lake these trousers and clean them. There's a grease spot on them.' "Cbatley took the trousers, didn'vi do a thing to them and bri ught them back in half a day. - a " 'Deed, bos,' he said, 'I can't get that grease out.' "'Did you scrub them well? "Yes, sah.' " 'Did you try ammonia V " "No, sah. I ain't done tried 'em on me yet, but knows they'll fit me.' " 40rsa'l Kesprrt old A se lf's shameful when yonth fails to show proper respect for old aire, bat jast the contrary in the case of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They cat off maladies no matter how severe and irrespective of old age. Dispepsia, jaundice, fever, con stipation all yield to this perfect pill. 25c. at all drmfgista. Looking glasses are flat, but never flatter. II- St Louis Kepubllc. The special cotton exhibit at the World's Fair, which covers a space of more than 10,000 faet and is located in the center of the Palace of Agricul ture, has been entirely completed. The purpose of tbe exhibit, which is parti cipated in by all cotton-growing States, is to present an epitome of the cotton industry. It begins with the preparation of the soil, then covers seeding, cultivation, harvesting, baling, and ends with tin delivery at the factory door. All the tools, implements and machinery which are necessary for the demonstraiion o( these processes are shown. In, addition, the products and by-products of cotton and cotton seed are full demonstrated. The cotton seed, for years considered of no value, has now become almost as important in its relations to com merce as the lint itself. The extraction of oil, its refining afad preparation as food; the value of the meal, both as a fertilizer and as a food for animals; tbe hulls and their value as a food for ani mals and use in other ways, are all in terestingly shown, to say nothing of the soap and leSBer articles which find a place in the marts of tbe world. Texas, the largest producer of cotton in the world, has taken the lead in this enterprise, and the magnificent dome which ornaments the center of the ex hibit is surmounted by a figure hold ing aloft a lone Btar, the emblem of that State. Mississippi has a statue of King Cot tou enthroned, which is more than thirty feet in height. This is surround ed by growing fields of the fleecy staple, iu which may be seen four or five figures harvesting the crop. Missouri, Indian Territory, Georgia and North Carolina all join in this mag nificent presentation, the latter State showing the processes, including the cloths manufactured in that State. The ornamentation of this exhibit is in white and gold and forms a most conspicuous figure in the Palace of Agriculture. 'It Always Has." "liy the way, Senator," said an anx ious Capitol employe to Senator Allison, "when do you think Congress will ad journ?" "I can't say," the Iowan replied. "But it will adjourn soon, won't it?" "As to that," the Senator replied, "I am reminded of the story of the man who went out riding and was caught in a rainstorm. He didn't know whether to go on or seek shelter, and he applied to a farmer, who was plodding along the road. 'My good man,' he said, 'do you think it is likely to stop raining?" "Well," said the farmer, 'it always has.' " Cnred Ills OTotber of Klieumallsm. "My mother has been a sufferer for many years with rhenmatism," says W. H. Howard, of Husband, Pa. "At times she was unable to move at all, while at all times walking was painful. I pre sented her with a bottle of Chamber lain's Pain Balm and after a few applica tions she decided it was the most won derful pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact, she is never without it now and is at all times able to walk. An occa sional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerly troubled with." For sale by M. L. Marsh. The summer season at the North Carolina resorts promises to be very gay indeed. Peopfe, are prosperous, and in a mood to ejoy themselves. Visiters are already arriving at Ashe ville, which is popular all the year round, but more particularly during the hot weather. We club The Timks with the Pro gressive Farmer for 41.70. The latter is weekly and one of the best farm pa pers published. AN BPITO.TiK OF COTTOIS QIHTHf. Thousands have used this reliable remedy with perfect confidence aavl success for 62 years, because they know just what it contains. The formula consists of Burhu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian, Senna and Iodide of PntassittsM. Any doctor or druggist will tell you that this is a scientific and reliable combination of great merit for all diseases having their origin in the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. After years of experience and patient experiment, I)r. Thacher so perfected the process of manufacture, that it never fails to bring the expected relief when taken according to directions. Thousands of sick ones to whom life has been a burden have written grate ful letters of thanks. Sprsd, Mississifti, Oct. lf,ts"i " 1 have suffered (really with indifrestiofl. crotipation, alM a severe liwet trouble, with loss of appetite. Could not rest well at night ;4ti fact, had so energy to work or eve u walk around. 1 felt like I was packing a heavy load and, was easily exhausted, atriast I took Dr. Thacher's Liver snd Blood Syrup, which helped me almost from the first dnsw. When 1 had taken one andne-tialf bottles I felt like s different bis. sad I knew that it was due entirely to you medicine. 1 used in all three bottles, and consider snylf perfectly cured. At thia time my appetite Is food, I sleep well, aad feel strong and refreshed oa arising in tbe morning. ' T. L. Sr-SKD. - if yM si seat m saerfleine wrire fs-s'ay fT a) Frm sawtfWe Swrrle mmd " lr. fllSK-Aer's HswJtA rWa." f.'.evswmprswteawfriee. S. Sim- mmk yaw Is try is at war nsnur. ITs knmm wasi it triU as. AlmlHrMggMt. 60 rr-Mf attrf $1.00. TKactaer Medicine Co., Chattanooga Tenia. I'KCLBJDAVID'S "FILOHOFY." Field and Stream. A friend- in need is a good thingj sometimes, b'tit 1 always make (he limit five dollars. There is a lot of talk about oppor tunities in life, but I notice tbe best opportunities is them that is hand made. You can hear a threshun machene furthest when it happens to be out of wheet. It's the same way with men folks; the fussiest man is the feller that is doin' tAie leest. At this date on the San Marcus, the grass is gittin' green an' the mockers is singin'. An' the bass is beginnin' k take notice. I predict a great season for bass and subscriphuns. Whatever you do, don't worrie. Yew may hav' to punch a new hole in yore belt if yore clothes gets too loose, but worryin' over it ain't a-goin' to maik 'em no titer. Jest a few lines of hutscl beats four worrys of a kind. There is few subscripshuns took to a magazine by savin' you need the money an' cyin' if yew don't git it. If, owin' to the Sterne necessities of lyfe, yew feel that you've got to rob your feller man, you'd a heep better smile while you've got your hands in his pocket than for to weep at that Kritical Moa m'ent. The old woman was rite cruel to. me this mornin' because I tole her it was my dooty to go tishin' and not set out her flour bed. This led me to set down an' mora'yze thus, that, tho' luve may be intoxicating marriage is occashunly like bromo seltzer. P. S. I mean it is soberin.' Out of Ihe Mouth's of llabea. Chicago Dally News. Teacher "When water is trans formed into lee what great change takes place." Bright Boy "The change in price." "Oh, mamma," exclaimed little Elsie on seeing a calf for the first time, "that must be one of tbe little cows that give condensed milk!" . As the bombs were exploding and the rockets were roaring high in the air on the evening of July 4 little Ethel said "Mamma, I'll bet the angels are nearly scared to death." A little girl was in the habit of end ing her prayer by asking a blessing for a dozen relatives, naming each of them But being very sleepy one evening she closed sb follows: "And please, God bless papa and mamma and the rest of the crowd. Amen." Johnnv--"I'apa, -who was Horace Greeley?" Papa "He was a famous editor, Johnny." Johnny "And did he write the base ball news?" Papa "No, I don't believe he did. Johnny "Huh! He couldn't have been much of an editor, then." A K una way lllryi-le Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors mill remedies for four years, Then Huckleu's Arnica Salve cured. It's just as good for bnrus, scalds, skin eruptions and piles. 2'x. at all druggists. Sheriff D. R. Julian, of Rowan county, last week served formal notice on the officials of Spencer, restraining the town from the further collection of its taxes for tbe past year. The action was taken upon the latlidavit of D. C. Ragle, a merchant of Spencer, who,' it is learned, alleges that the former board of aldermen assessed an illegal rate of tax for l'.KXt; that 'the rate is incon tlict with the general State laws e)uali- ation that his associates in the action bave offered to pay their taxes at the old rate; that the tax collector refused to accept the payment, and tliat said tax collector threatens to levy and col lect the whole amount due on taxes. DR. THACHER'S to A Ja Liver and Blood Syrup CURES BY REM0VII8 THE CAUSE A THKE-POLD Itemeor franmm as nMs Osaka trssslss Aat mm law UwufKMm assf Purifies the Dlood. Bronchitis " I have kept Ayer's Cherry Pec total in my house for a great many years. It is tt)e best medicine in the world for coughs and colds." J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. . All -serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, hard colds, consumption. Tbrcciliei: 25c., 50c., SIM. rersult ynnr doctor. I f he says take it, then do an he says, if lie tells yon not to take It, then doii't take it. lie knows. You should promptly correct any constipation or biliousness with Ayer's Pills, small, laxative doses. J. C. AVER CO., Lowell, Mass. PREY'S VERMIFUGE is the same good, old-fash-i one J medicine that has saved the lives of little children for the past 6o years. It is a med icine ma Je to c ure. It has never been known to fail. If vour child is kk get a bot tle of FREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Do not take a substitute. If your druRHist does not keep it. send twenty-five cents in stamps to 23. c3 S. FnEY Hultlmore, Md. and a bottle will be mailed you. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. H. C. HERRING. DENTIST Is now on the ground floor or the Litaker ilulllllUK. CONCORD. N. O. Dr. W. c. Houston Surgeon -? Dentist, CONCOHD, M. O. Iflprppftrwi to do all kinds of dental work in rue mom approved manner. Office over John hoii 'a Irup Store. Ken I deuce 'Phone 11 office 'Phone 42. L. T. HARTSELL, Attorney-at-Law, CONCOHD, NOHTH CAROLINA. Prompt attention (riven to all business. Office In Morris building, opposite the court house. DRS. LILLY & WALKER, offer their profcsHlonal services to the citi zens of Conforri and surround in country. Calls prompt iv attended day or nUlit. W J, MONTGOMERY. . LKKOROWRLl MONTGOMERY & CROWELL, Attorneys and Counselors-at-Lav, CONOORD. N. 0. As partners, will oractlce law in Cabarrus. Stan I v and adjoining counties. In the Hupe rlor and Supreme Courts o I the State and in the Federal Omrts Ortue in court houne. Parties desiring to lend money can leave it with usor place it In Concord National llank for us, and we will lend it on good real es tate securitv free of charge to the depositor. We mske thorough examination of title to lands offered as security for loans. Mortgages foreclosed without exnense to owners of same. Henry B. Adams. Frank rni field. Tola D. Manese. Thos. J. Jerome. Ah::, to, kziii I il:::::, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, concord, n. c. Practice In all the State and tT. S. Courts. Prompt attention given to collections and general law practice. Persons interested In the settlement of estates, administrators. executors, and iniardians are especially In- viien locaii on us. as we represent one or the largest bonding companies in America: In tact we Hill go any kind of a bond cheaper than any one else. Parties desiring to lend money can leave It with usr deposit it In Concord National taak.and we will lend it on approved secu rity free of charge to the lender. Continued and painstaking attention will be given, at a reasonable price, to all legal ousinesa. office In Pythian building, over Orv Heath-Miller Co.. unnosite 1. P. JMvvault bro's store. wer That's what you need ; some thing to cure your bilious ness. You need Ayer's Pflls.' Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rick black ? I'tt Buckingham's Dye Oe's drtiKisSjor P Hal' 4 Co .Hiiliua N M Nasal CATARRH Ii alt its stJures. Ely' 'j Cream Balm the diotwd membrane. ItcnMOa'aiTli aod dr;e away a Co d in tbe bead aokklr. CrramStlra ft placed into the nostrils, spreads wr tbe membrane and is absorbed. Belief it im- -sediate and a cure foUowa. It is not drying dt not prodoce tmrzing. Lr? Si, 50 cents at Drug gist or by mail; Trial Site, 19 cents. ELY BROTH EES. M Warren ftnet, New York Pills Rogers If tl M i ' I 'ljj Spoons, etc. 1 B Thy d ba purrb.-! B M ot lesdlnr dealers. For culnloiM B a Nu. i address the makers B H INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO H bgassssMaamssssassaaMwj i.s 3 Corn must have a sufficient supply of Potash in order to develop into a crop. No amount of Phosphoric Acid or Nitroge can compen sate for a lack of potash in fertilizers for grain and all other crops. We shall he (Tad trAend free to any irnmev our little book which contains valu able information about soil culture. OERHAN KALI WORKS, New Vork-ttn Ntreet. r tUnt. iim. te-f4 i. Bnm4 For Sale. 1 Rock Hill top buggy aCf harness, nearly new, cheap. m f (U0 Piano, nearly ne4 for about half price. , 3 lots on South Union street 50x177 feet. or- posite the M- H. Caldwell residence. i Moving riciure oum.. 1 second-hand Hack. 1 second-hand one-horse wagon and har ness. 1 Dixie Plow and Harrow. 1 beautiful building lot on Union street. adjoining Col. Means and O. L. Patterson Part of the Samuel SIood Drooertv on North Union street. 1 two-story 7-roorn residence and lot 64x325 feet on North Union street. W desirable building lots In South Concord 'OxdOH feet. Also 40 acres land in ret r of tlee lots at a bargain and on very easy terms. In any quantity to suit the purchaser. neverai nice rarms near sown. 80 acres near liutfalo mill, 1 cottage and $ beautiful building lots In Wad s worth Addition. 1 Ira oroved lot on Kast Corbin streeet. 75x150, new 5-rooui house with cellar, good barn and water. BEATTY & PATTERSON, Real Estate Agents. - Concord, S. C. To the Farmers: If you want to buy a Reaper, Mower or Rake Don't fail to see us injr We have the agency for the Deering Machinery which is too well known to talk ahmit We want tn linv vmir Chickens and Country Produce ana sell you groceries at rock bottom prices. D. J. BOST & CO. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R.R. DIKBCT aoUTB TO THE ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION TWO TRAINS DAILY, Thro ug h Sleeping Curs FROM Georgia, Florida and Tennessee. MOCTE OF THE FAMOUS DIXIE FLYER Arriwiis St. Louis in the Xrning. Season tickets with limits Deo. 15. -tilxtv davs, tlfteen days and ten days. iwu low ratecoacu excursions eacn moncn For rates from f our city, also for books showing hotels, Hoarding Houses, quoting rates, write to FRED. D. MILLER, Travelling Passenger Agent No. 1 Ilrown Building ATLANTA. OA. Wanted.- Special representative In this county and adjoining territories, to represent and ad vertise an oiu established tmainess nouse ot financial standing. Salary 1 weekly, with expense, paid each Monday by check direct rmm neaMuuaners, r,xieutHs aavanceo; vo sition permanent. We furnish everything. Addre TbeColumbia, &JU Monon JJuildiug. Chicago, 111. I Bros. "If ,,'. J " i Seng I "Silver tj ofthh I Ir.ute mat je 7 uM I 'tars." Of ifvoc I l WIftH THR I GeXI I.VS AND I r j ORIiilNAJ. B 4 s fO r Z3si r. ar B FETSE'" PARKER'S ti"- HAIR BALSAM i: Clean... .:4 b.ut,:. u. Iwdt. IvV f l'-..a.. a .iurnl rrtK e V J J Hrrfr ral'a to l-tor Otwf .- .. . -AT Hmir to 1'.. Yoatnfut Color. sm.-J Cut -- -"