D : TIMES J Jo2m B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED TWICE A. WEEK. $1.00 a Year, in Advance. NUMBER &6. Volume XXII. CoNfcoRD, N. C, September 27. 1904. THE Valuabletity Lots for Sale. We offer lor tale the following houses and Iota in Concord : Six-room dwelling on North Uifon treet, hat also two large pantries and bath room, 75x256 feet lot, st b!e, wood house, grade and trait, frice sj.ow, Two good lots, each 60x320 teet. on South TJnion street. Price $600 and S700.S One town lot 82x200 feet in central part of town, aplendid neighborhood, with 5-room cottage, II ,000. One town lot on Spring street, near graded school, 70x210 feet, with six- room cottage, $1,400. One beautiful lot on South Union street, not far from Lutheran church, 62Vbx225 feet, $2,100. One resident lot on Sonth Spring street, not far from Corbin street, 62Vxl35 feet, $525. One lot on North Main street, 60x300 fret, with two-story 7-room dwelling, nearly new at a bargain. One vacant lot on Union street, at Fair7iew, 50x168 feet, at a bargain. One lot on East Depot stieet, 70x70 teet with 5-room dwelling nd store house. $900. . One vaeant lot at Wadsworth Addi tion at a bargain. 7 acres near Gibson mill and Furniture factory, $250.' One lot in Wadsworth Addition. Price $250. House and lot, barn, well, etc., between Valley rnd Pine streets, Concord. Six room house. Price $1900. One two-story, six-room house, Valley street, lot 112x130. Price $1160. One house and lot on Pine street, one story, four-room dwelling. Price $950. One lot in Concord. 6ve-room new house and barn, 75x150 feet. Price 90. One lot in Wadsworth Addition, six rcom dwelling, nearly new. Price $420. One lot on North Union street, size 61x189 feet. Price $1,421. One house and lot on Valley street, be tween Depot afreet and Cannon's mill, 63x120 feet. House has two stories, good well oi water. Price $850 cash. One desirable residence lot on west side of North Union street. 64x150 feet. Four beautiful lots' on Allison street in Harris addition, each 60x160 feet. Price $200, or $50 each. One lot in rear of Dr. Griffin's residence, .70x140 feet. Price $150. One house and lot, on Mt. Pleasant road, 198x500 feet, 5-room dwelling, stable, 110 fruit trees and vines, etc. Price $1,050. Half-acre lot, with 5 room dwelling, on Simpson street. Price $U00 House and lot in South Concord, in beautiful elm grove. Pice, only $1,000. One beautiful building lot on North Union street. 64x278 feet. $1,500. One beautiful lot, 70x150 feet, With two-storv 7-room dwelling in sp'endid community, near graded school, churches and business part of town, at $2,000. One vacant lot near Furniture Fac tory, $100. Lot No. 6, in Harris Addition at $100. One lot in Coleburg, 50x287 teet, 4-room dwelling, cheap at $350. J no. K. Patterson & Co. CONCORD, n. c. CAPITAL $50,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $28,000.00. .1 Removed to new office in the Morris Building nearly opposite the Postoffice. CALL TO SEE US. D. V. CANS01T. Tft. L WOODHOU8B. President. Cashier MARTIN BOGBU. 0.W.BWINK, Vice-President. Teller. O.O. Richmond. Thos. W. Smith. G. 6. RICHMOND, & CO. . i 88a 1904. GU WK$l OFFICE. Carrying all lines of business. Companies all sound alter Bat timore fire. We thank you for past favors,) and ask a continuance oi your business. .. . Reaf room City Hall. TO TEXAS Via-MEMPHIS and the Cotton Belt Route. (3.50 Oae T7ay .$15 Eotml Trip One V ay colonist tickets will be sold from Memphis on Sept. 20th, October 4th and 18th. to Texas points at rate of $8 50. Round trip hotneseekers' tick ets from Memphis on Sept. 20th and 27th. October 4th and 18th at rate of $15. The territory to which above ras apply includes Dallas, Ft. Worth, Waco, Amarillo, lions-. ton, San Antonio, Corpus Chris ti, and intermediate points. Round trip tickets permit stop over either way, 21 days' return limit. For full particulars and Texas map, literature, time tattles, etc., write to ' H. H. SUTTON. D. P. A., Cotton Belt. rhsltaooora. Tena. Couch Sirup. TMm GonO. ' m ttm P"td fi? 4 Ill list fiHs; rs um (iL the I I InnMk y 1 KB W LAN ATtm BLACKBtllin. Folltlea revs Heal la the Debate Beiveea Taesa In at Lenoir LenolrCorreapondence Charlotte News. Politics were about at fever heat bye toaay. juore so man i nave seen any where yet. Mr. W. C. Jfewland, Dem ocratio candidate for Congress from this district, and Mr. Spencer Blackburn, Republican candidate Hr. Congress, had a joint discussion today in the court House, but the discussion wm more of a personal nature than of the political ifsues. '-' " The court house was packed and the crowd was pretty equally divided, prob ably more Democrats tHan Republicans, Of course the Republicans had all their crowd here they could ret from this and adjpining counties. Spencer Black bura spoke first for nearly an hour, and about the only issue he discussed was, he said, there was a tax or duty of 5 cent per dozen on eggs.,' He said that Mr. Newland and his friends during the congressional convention at Wilkes- boro shipped whiskey there and still they are strong advocates of the Watts law. Then he discussed the money question, saying what the Democrats had been preaching for several years was a lie. Wanted to know how Mr. Newland stood on the money question, and if he was with Parker on this question, then Mr. Newland should vote for him, for they were together on it. Then he came to the negro question, saying that he was above the negro, and that Mr. Newland ought to. get above him also. . ', i " -r : " Mr. Newlaifd spoke next for about an hour. In replying to Mr. Blackbarn what he said about the negro question, Mr. Newland said: If he was above the negro now, the Democratic party was responsible for it in 1900, and that he ought to vote for the party that put him above the negro. Mr. Newland said in 1398 that the Republican plat form denounced the Democrats for the demonetization of silver and claimed to be the free silver party. Both McKinley and Pritchard were free silver men. Mr. Newland in replying to the charge made against him by the Black burn organ at Wilkesboro, that he had whiskey shipped to him while at the convention, said: "That. U was a mis erable, dirty 4-cent lie, and that no de cent man would believe it, and that he did not propose to pay any further at' teniion to it." jar. Mewland read a letter from R. Z. Linney in replying to one from him, asking for a joint de bate, for which Linney said that it would be an eternal shame and humil iation to the decency and character of theeparty in this district to elect Black burn to Congress. That he was a non resident and bad slandered the Hon. Uus Price and had written a retraction saying that bis former statements were false, and that he would be astonished if Blackburn got 50 per cent, of the Re publican vote in this district. That Blackburn's conduct was nauseating to the young and stalwart manhood of the party. Thay held 15 minute rejoinder. And of course,- the main thing, Mr. Blackburn had to say, was "Prosper ity," that while his party was in times were good, and how many more good things they would do than the Demo crats. Mr. Newland, in his rejoinder, said thef were going to bury Mr.31ackburn aiier next itovemDer, and tney were going to put the following inscription on his tombstone: "Here ilea beneath this soapstone alab A man endowed with the sift of gab. He claimed to be from the noble 8, But he moved to Wllkesboro a little too late." a OB the Klaa at a Carriage Waaled Scottiih American. An old farmer, whohjrvhard work and parsimonious babtts bad got to gether a little fortune, decided that the time had at length arrived 'when he was justified in ordering ' a family carriage. He went to a carriage builder and described in detail what kind of Vehicle he wished to buy. "Now, I suppose you want rubber tires ?" said the carriage builder. "No, sir," replied the old farmer, in tones of resentment. "My family ain't that kind. When they're riding they want to know it." a la at. Lauia via. C A O. Real. Now is the time to see the great World's Fair at St. Louis, Mo. De lightful weather and the Exposition complete in all its beauty. An oppor tunity not to be missed and never to be forgotten. See that your tickets read via. the C. A. O. and Big Four Rail ways. Shortest, quickest and best route with fast vestibuled train service. Whea troubled with oonstipatioa try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pro duce no griping or other unpleasant effect. For sale by M. L. Marsh. Don't bother to spend your it will spend itself. income; HAND TO GIT A PASTOB. Carloaa aiiaaMoa la a Charlotte. N. C, Church. Cor. Baltimore Sun. It may seem remarkable, but one of the leading churches of Chajiotte, N C, situated io the choicest part of the city, has difficulty in securing a pastor from among the ministers of itaown denomination. It is of the sect familiarly known as Seceders," called in church nomea clature "Associate Reformed Presby teriana." The Seceders as a class are distinguished by a high degree of edu cational and moral culture, but a good deal of pleasant raillery is pointed at them because they cling to the primi tive and austere ways of their progeni tors more tenaciously than the mem bers of any other branch of the Preaby teria family. ; Most of their churches, many of them more than a hundred years old, are in the country districts, and it was only about 25 years ago that they began to build houses of worship, some of them gems of church architec ture, in the larger towns and cities. Their leading church in Charlotte, N. C, called to its pastorate a year or two ago Rev. Knox Montgomery, of Chica go. Mr. Montgomery has just been electde to the presidency of a college in Ohio. A Seceder in one of the South ern States, writing to a friend in this city, says : "The Charlotte people are without a pastor again. ' They were anxious to get , but he has declined. It seems they have difficulty in getting a man. Tbey made - three or four attempts before and finally got Montgomery, of the United Presbyterian Church, I suspect our fellows are afraid of the city. We have some pretty good preachers scattered about through the bushes down here, but tbey are a little hard to groom up and be made to feel easy where . there are autos, theatres, rnrbles floors and such like vanities. Theurbanite may not sympathize with him fully, but these things are very awful to the rustic. , The degenerates about the city don't seem to give a fig about what the 'weather' is going to do, nor do they seem to know that there is such a thing as 'crops.' Cut the ordin ary Seceder off from those fruitful topics of approach to conversation and he stands gasping. Charlotte may have to go to the United Presbyterians again.". "meanest Hit In the World. StatesvUle Landmark. This is from the Sanford Express "A man who recently moved to this place to put his children in the cotton mill, was asked the other day if he wouldn't send his children to school 'No,' said be, 'I took care of my chil dren when they were small ; now they must support me.' When Governor Aycock spoke before the school here last spring a year ago, he paid his re spects to the father who refuses to send his children to school because he wished to live off their labor, by saying "he is the meanest man in the world." The governor hardly puUt too strong. This man should be ostracised from society, He is an enemy to hit own children It is for such as he we need a oompul aory school law." Hardly any punishment is too severe for a man who deliberately works his children in a mill or elsewhere and de prives them of educational advantages in order that he may live in idleness, and often in vice, off the proceeds of their labor. These are the vampires that are a disgrace to the race. While we disapprove of lawlessness we think sometimes that a well regulated band of whitecsps is the only agency through which such people could be reached effectively. Haw the Ka aaa Wirt Clasp Hands Time was, when it was a long jour ney from the East to the Middle West, entailing much time, much money and a great deal of danger and inconven ience. To-day it is only a matter of a few hours spent in luxury, safety and comfort upon the Lake Shore Railway, Much credit is due this wonderful trunV line in tlbs bringing into close relationships our great centers of civili zaUon. When business or pleasure calls you east or wist be sure to travel Via Lake Shore. The Twtahllac Llahta af Safety which shine all along the track of the wonderful roadbed of the Lake Shore Rtilway are symbols of the thousands of eyes anu the ceaseless viliexnoe which guards the safty of travelers over this great trunk line No fear of dis aster ever haunts the minds of a traveler on the Lake Shore. Blew. "Jack mart be very much in love with her. Why, he'll sit in the parlor with her playing casino by the hour; think of that!" "Huh! If be loved her very much it would be too dark in the parlor to play casino." lNPOBflaTlOn FOB HCNTI Raleigh Post. The editor of The Morning Post has received the follojfing from a friend M Wake county: , "I see in The Post that there are gftlat many violations of the game laws of North Carolina being reported. The country people are not in every way familiar with the said laws. Will you nleaaa niihlffh all the laws' as thev are. for the speciafenefit of the people at large?" We are unable to comply fully with the request of our friend to publish "all the laws as they are" but such in formation as we have we gladly give. The laws of North Carolina protect at all times: mocking birds, thrushes, woodpeckers, yellow hmmmers, wrens, native sparrows, red birds, oriales, chimney swifts, nighthawks of bull- bats, whippoor-wills, swallows, martins. warblers, nut-hatches, chicadees, gulls of all species, terns or strikers, skim mers, shearwaters, herons and cranes, cormorants, pelicans, sea pigeons, vul tures or buzzards, and all other wild non-game birds; lso their nests and egg- The following are by statute declared game birds and may be killed during the open season and in such manner as is prescribed by law in the various counties: Loons, grebes, swans, geese. brant, ducks, rail or marsh hens, coots, gallinules, plovers, shore, or beach birds, snipe, woodoock, snadsnipes, yellow- legs, chewink, curlew, wild turkey, grouse, partridge, pheasant, Bob white, dove, robin and meadow lark. The following birds are not protected by law: English sparrows, owls, hawks, crows, blackbirds, jackdaws and rice birds, A non-resident must secure a hunt er's license from the county clerk of the superior court before bunting. It is illegal to ship from the state the Bob white or partridge, grouse or pheasant, and the wild turkey. Auy additional information regarding the bird and game laws may be bad on application to the Audubon Society of North Caro lina at Greensboro. The open season for birds in Wake county begina November 1. We be lieve that is the date for the majority af counties in the state, though some few are earlier and some are later. This information can be easily obtained by the hunters in the various counties. Whea Klea la an Arnault. The Southwestern Reporter gives s cate in which it was held that a kiss is not to be considered an assault and be punished with a fine of f 1,000 and two years in jail, if the man who attempts the kiss "reasonably believes" that the woman will allow it and if he does not intend to use force to obtain the kiss. To constitute an assault, it was. held there must be an intent to injure, and where, a in the case of a kiss, the in tent cannot be presumed. It is also held that even had a conviction been warranted the punishment proposed was excessive, as the only possible in' jury which the prosecutrix could have suffered would have been to her feelings, A Great Show. Falrbrother'a Everything. A St. Louis lady was walking across Pennsylvania avenue, in Washington the other day, and, addicted to the foolish habit of dress-raising, hoisted that garment about 60 degrees and the Rev. S. L. Bouis, a traveling evf n gelist of the American type Founders Compyiy who witnessed the sublime exhibition remarked with great earnest ness: "Tbe St. Louis fair makgs a great show." e There is an old negro living in Car' rollton," relates the Bosworth, Mo., Star-Sentinen, "who was taken ill sev eral days ago and allied in a physician of his race to prescribe for him. But the old man did not seem to be getting any better, and final y a white phyii cian was called. Soon after arriving Dr. 8 felt the darkey's pulse for a moment and then examined his tongue. 'Ad yotr other doctor take your temperature V he asked. 'I don't know, sab,' he answered feebly; hain't missed anything but my watch as yit, boss.' " The man who eoee down the Dike groaning and lamentfhg becase he 'pull," should remember that 'push" is as good as a ull" in all af fairs of business. The phantom "pull" is more in tbe mind while the "push" is in the brain and muscle. Exercise 'em. Fairbrolber's Everything. Magistrate Smith, of Long Island City, who recently fined eleven women in one morning for beiDg drunk, says: Women 'drunks' are 'drunks' for all time." Getting engaged appeals to all wo men-because it gives them a chance to let out a secret Vat HIS NBCBLllI QUICKSAND Terrible Experience of a Connecticut Farmer. Danbury, Conn., Du. patch, Slit. Theron 0. Hoyt, a rich farmer of Ridgefieid, spent six hours in a quick sand last night, was' rescued only by chance when he was tnSUofed to his neck by the treacherous swamp and, nearly crazed by his horrible f xperi enoe, he lies at the point of death in his home. " Mr. HoyJ is fifty-fcVtr years old. While searching for strayed cattle at 6 o'clock yesterday evening in a swamp near bis home he sank in the quick stnd. Unable to extricate himself, al though a strng man, or to make bis ories for help heard, and exhausted by his struggles, he sank gradually until the sad held his legs and arms so that he could struggle no more snd was nearly submerged. When be was missed in bis home late last night search was made for him, but it was dark and he was not found until eleven o'clock. It twas almost by chance that he was then discovered, for so much of him as was above ground could be seen only a little distance. The searchers were attracted to the spot by the faint cries- he was then able to utter. He was delirious when found. It was with , great difficulty that he was extricated. He was then raving incoherently of the sand and his struggles. Toere is little hope that he will re cover and, if he does, it is feared that he will be insane. Trial Cotton Crop. Austin, Tex. 8ept. 21. Chairman Jefferson Johnson, of the Texas State Boll Weevil Contmittee, in a statement of the cotton prospects in this Slate, which he made today, says that the yield will be about 2,040,000 bales, which is an increase of about ten per cent, over tbe yield of last year. He says that the increase in acreage planted is tbe cause of the increase of the yield. Has Sola a Pile of Chamberlalu'e cough Hemedr. I have sold Chamberlain's Oongh Remedy for more than twenty years and it has given entire satisfaction. I have sold a pile of it and can recommend it highly. Joseph McElhlney, Linton, Iowa. Yon will find this remedy a good friend when troubled with a congh or cold. It always affords quick relief and Is pleasant to take. For sale by M. L. Marsh. Too True. George: "What can be more sicken iug than to see another fellow making love to a girl?" Harry: 'To see another fellow mak ing love to your girl." "That young man who calls on you so often has a very hard face." "0 no; it never felt that way to me.' DO 'YOU NEED A MEDICINE? IT COSTS YOU K0THIH6 TO MYESTI9T. There is no one who does not need a Liver Medicine occasionally. The symptoms of Liver Complaint are well known to every one, auch aa consti pation, dyspepsia, loas of anpetite, aleep lessneaa, headache, a tired feeling and many others of a ymilar nature. Thousands die annually by not heeding ue warnings oi nature. Many acquire some chronic disease from which they never recover. Man V Of these Could h snanwl fnr ..... of usefulness, by keeping in the home some reuaoia remedy. We believe that we can convince n fair-minded person that there ia no bet ter remedy for the Liver known, than vt. inacnar's Liver and Blood Syrup. The formula is known, consisting of Biicbu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, Dandelion. Saraanarilla. Gentian. Senna and Iodide of Potassium. You know iuat what you are takifltr. How many other formulas of a liver medicine are published f Aak your druggist about this. It is already prepared atd can be taken immediatay. The strenEth extracted in the most skillful manner, certainly superior to any powdered preparation known. (We also manufacture a Liver Medicine in pow- j at ... ... . . F oerea form, wiin wmcn any druggist can supply you, but Unas-like all other dry Liver Medicines requires preparation.) Dr. Thacher's Iatver and Blood Svtud is pleaaant to take, does not lose' its strength, as Liver Medicine in dry form, and will keep in any climate. Your doctor, however skillful, could prescribe nothfitg better. There ia no opportunity for a doctor iu uikc m mmuc in wnung a prescrip tion, or a drug clerk to make a mistake in cotnrindina the same, (besides a doctor's bill ana the cost of the medi cine.) You can be absolutely sure of the proper proportion being in every dose. Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Svrun has been used with the greatest confi dence and success in thousands of homes for 53 years, and is prepared by a phar macist of 25 years' experience, in a labo ratory equipped with the most modern appliances for the most perfect safety. If aa not mn4rutnn4 wnwr ea. Wf-iSt trfif for m Jn M.pf0 Soltl MMrf "Dr. TkMrherm IlrmltK Book."- flier ar ti-s a our arasas,. Hm knmw wAglJ rom Mtisriit Dnveeisrs. 0 cms and $1.00. THACHER MEDICINE CO. Chasttatnooga Tenrs. Thf Insidednnat St . Ltyiis Ad Ideal Place lor Vlaltors Right In I do tbe fUrennae No Tiresome Jonrner to or From the City No Crowding No Dieeom fort Time and noner n red. No matter who you are or what yon are; no matter i( yur purse be slender or otherwise, if you wish to see the World's Fair at ttt. 1 ,011 in and enjoy every moment of your time, the best place to atayHideed, the only place to stay is The Inside Inn. The building of this splendid hostelry has mnrKea a new oepanure in worm's lair accoin UMHlatiuiis. it bet Hit the first time that the admin. Ut nil ion of any exposition has taken the quest Ion of the lodging and creature comforts of its visitors antler its personal sujiervmlon. This the World's Fair Management has done. The Inside Inn has been built with the same lavish hand that has marked all other constructions at St. Ixmis It Is three stories h It'll, 400 feet w de. 800 feet long, contains 2,25? bedrooms and can seat ,;w people in lis (lining at torn at one sitting. Kvery modern convenience obtainable has been Installed and the comforts thus afforded enable visitors to enjoy the sights of the Exposition whenever they please and then go to their rooms for a rest without a long, tiresome journey to and from their lodgings. . A great saving In time and money is consequently effected, as sight seeing cull oe ueguii u rcctiy mur ureaKitiai ana con tinued late Into the night without any exasperat ing run for the "last ear." No admission fee other than the first is required from those guests who remain within the precincts of the Fair at 111c inside inn. The Inside Inn is rim on both the Rtiroiean and American plans and the rates areexceeding ly moderate, ranging from $1.50 to $6.50 Europe an, and from $3.00 to T.O0 American, Including daily adnilssiou hi iMith cases. The enermous canacftv of The Inside Inn assures first class ac commodations for all 110 matter when or in what number they come but those w ho prefer to flecure their rooms In advance may make reservations now for any period up to lecemlwr isi. a post cam auoressen 10 me lnauie inn, Administration Bids.. World's Fsir Grounds. Ht Louis, wilt bring you an interesting booklet giv ing inn aeiaus ana pians. North Carolina, Cabarrus County In tbe Superior Court. R. A. Brown, PlalntiS a Rueben Burton. Defendant. Bv virtue of an execution directed to the unuerniKnea rrom me superior uoun or i barrua county In the above entitled action, I will on Monday, the 3rd dav of Octotwr. lMM, at 12 o'clock M, at the court house door of Mid county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the rlKht title and Interest which tbe said Ruben Hur ton, defendant, has In the followlns describ ed real estate, lying and being In the City of Concord on the south slda of Academy street and near the Magnolia Cotton Mill. Begin ning at an Iron stake In oemerof spur line of the Southern Kallway on the south side of Academy street running south 14 east 158 feet to a Btake In the center of sa'd atallroad atid In K. w. Allison's line; thence north 4 east 312 feet to a stake In the center of the branch; thence with the branch north a west ITii feet to a stake In the center of said branch and In the south edge of said Academy street; theace with said street south 46 J west 348 feet to the beginning containing one acre. JAS. F. HAUKId, Sheriff. August 27. 11X14. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified af the administrator of Noah Hathcoek, deceased, all persons owing said estate are hereby notified that tbey must make prompt payment, and all persons having claims against said estate must pre sent them to the undersigned, duly authen ticated, on or before the loth day of Keutera ber, lwfi, or this notice will be pleaded in bar oi their recovery. M. J HATHCOCK, Administratrix. Wept. 0, lwrt. By Montgomery A Crowell. AttyV Superior C::t, Cahrrns b.j Aiatcie iiunocxer, riaintin, vs. jesse Hur locker, Defendant. The defendant above-named Is hereby no tified that the plaintiff above-named has In stituted an action against him for divorce iron tbe bonds of matrimony, returnable to tne next term or tiie buperior court ol -barrus county at the court house In Concord to be held on the fourth Monday of October, It being the 4th day of October, when and where tbe defendant can attend, and answer and demur to the complaint which haa been riled In this action, and if he Nil to do so juuKnien. win oe renaerea granting the rtjiivi uiuuu 10 uie compiainc. Sept. 30, 1904. Clerk Superior Court. JflU. M. IXHJK. Cotton Mill Stock For Sale We offer for sale the following- mill atocks : JU snares in uiugon mil. shares In Klndley Cotton Mill. 6 shares Klndley Mill stock. JNO. K. PATTERSON a CO, Gray Winter Oats for Sale. 500 bushels price 55 cents at garner or DO oenis in nan aenverea tn i nuia lirove m aU bushel luta or more. Iisks free of charge. J. M HAKKI.HON. It F. D. No. , China Grove, N. C. JulyJO-lf. For Sale or Rent. ,Dne four-room house to rent for 93 00 per month, and one three-room house for fO Ker month. Will sell either or both of these ouses at a reasonable price. Apply to J. B. SHKKKILL. r-AWKER'S HAIR BALSANT Cltasv, mod bvwatifm tht half. Prnni.tt.l St iQSUflKDi aTCwlh. Never Tmi) to Betlorn Gray Uair to it louiniu voior. Cut d:aa ft hiir tailing; tVv-,anfllnjMt Pniggrta PI CHICHFSTER'S ENGLISH 'enhyroyal pills Oria-iNssT mt4 Only .. BAFE. A i a i rt liable I .a d lea, aak rurli1 lot tUIIll ll'j.Nl Ii.K'M KMOLI.SU ia KKII a4 (.old asalalltc aoiaa. Malod iibt.iu.ribt.oB Takcitasitaivv Bf.a I'MimM oafratltatioaia aac Jaaitay- Uuaav Hut of oar Drusrrist. or and 4. ta stamps ft.r Partlralara, Taitlanlia aad Keller f..r l.atlira." to unar. by a. t) nruKlt. ( blfaMtw ( hoaalfaJ Kara usil ii.hihi i eattmontaja. no s at S444 HatUsa . PUila. A A Wood's &eds. VIRGINIA GRAY Winter Oats. Sow Early For Hst Results Our Trade Mark Brand is the best and cleanest quality that it is possible to procure. Hairy, or Winter Vetch, Sown with Winter Oats, makes the largest possible yield of the I . i . I utvt aim iuubs uutnuuua oij. Write for prices. WOOD'S DESCRIPTIVE FALL CATALOG Tells all about seeds for fall sowing. It is the most valua ble and helpful publication of the kind issued in America. Hailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Ya. mm Poorly ? "For two years I suffered ter ribly from dyspasia, with great depression, and was always feeling poorly. I then tried Ayer's Sarst parilla, and was soon a new man." John McDonald, Philadelphia, Pa. Qyon't forget that it's "Ayer's" Sarsaparilla that will make you strong and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by trying some other kind. Use the old, tested, tried and true Sarsaparilla. tl.Ot a kotll. All imtliitt. Ask yonr doctor what he thinks of this grand old family medicine. Follow bis advica and we will be satisfied. If you are bilious or constipated, use the old, tested, tried and true Ayer's Pills. Cently laxSflve. J. C. AVER CO., Lowell, Haas. Valuable Trucking Luis FOR SALE ! We have for sale 58 aores of valuable trucking lands situated on Charlotte road about 2 miles west of Concord. Will cut up in ten-acre tracts if desired. Quick if you want it. JNO. K. PATTERSON & CO. World's Fair Visitors Will profit by adding a trip to Colorado, Utah or the Pacific coast, touring the de lightful Rocky Mountain, region via the DENVER & RIO GRANDE RAILROAD, which has morn acenlc attractions, moun tain resorts, mineral sprtnKS and hunting and OshliiK grounds than auy other Una la the worlds The lnrifroratlnir climate of Colorado makes It especially Inviting for a summer vacation. As health resorts Manltou, Colo rado Springs, Oleowood Springs, and Bait Lake City are world-famed. Low excursion rates urevall to Colorado and Utah via all lines, allowing liberal stop overs at and west of Coloradopolnts. Through car service from Bt. Louis and Chicago to Colorado, Utah and California nolnta. Sunerh dining cars, service a la carte, on all through trains. Beautifully Il lustrated booklets will he sent free on appli cation to S. K. HOOP Kit, U. I A T. A.. Denver, Colo. PREY'S VERMIFUGE Is the same good, old-fashioned medicine that has saved the lives of little children for the past 60 years. It is a med icine made to cure. It has never Ken known to fail. If your child is sick get a bot tle of FREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Do not take a substitute. If your druggist does not keep it, send twenty-five cents in stamp to 33. ? s. 3pzis:-sr Baltimore, Md. ani a bottle will b ntllcd you. PROFESSIOHAL CARDS. DR. H. C. HERRING. DENTIST, Is now on the ground floor of the Lltaker OOlfOOBD. If. O. Dr.w. c. Houston Surgeon Dentist, cokoord, n. a. Is prepared to do all kinds of dental work In roe most approved manner. , Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Residence 'Phone 11. Office 'Phone is. . T. HARTSELL, Attorney-at-Law, COKCOBD.NOBTH OAIOLIMA. Prompt attention riven to all business. Office In Morris building, opposite the court nous. DRS. LILLY & WALKER, offer their professional services to the cltl sens of Concord and surrounding country Calls promptly attended day oreilxht. w. J. MosTaoM ar. j UlIOBOWBLt. MOHTGOMERI i CROWELL, Attorneys and Connselors-at-Lai v OONOOKD, If. O. As partners, will practice law In Cabarrus, Stan J v and adjoining counties. In the Supe rior and Supreme Courts o I the State and lo the Federal Courts. OrtU-e In court bouse. Parties deeiiinv to lend money can lea re It with us or place It In Concord National Hank for us, and we will lend It on good real es tate security free of cliartte to the deposit We make thorough examination otHitie 0 lands offered as security for loans. MortKavej foreclosed wltiiout expense to owners ot sam. Henry It" Adams. Frank Arm field. Tola D. Man ess. Tnoa. J. Jerorna. itizh Jeroze, IrsSel. & -1:2:2, Attorneys ud Counsellors a lit, CONCORD, N. C. Practloe In all tbe State and V. 8. Courts. Prompt attention alven to collections and renersl law practice. Persons Interested In the settlement of estates, administrators. executors, and aruardlans are especially In vited to call on us. as we represent one or tne larxest bond In a com pan lea In America; In fact we HI wo any aind of a bond cheaper tiian any one else. Parties desiring to lend money ean leave It wltli us or deiKjsIt it In ronoord National Bank, and we will lend It on approved secu rity frre of charge to the lender. Continued and painstaainir attention will be given, al a reasonable price, to all legal business. office in aew Morris Bulldlna onooslta Tribune offlca. w) i

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