THE CONCORD TIMES John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED TWICE WEEK. $1.00 a Tear, in Advance. VOLUME XXII. C3ncord, N. C, October 7. 1904. Numbered. 160 BUSHELS SEED RYE 01.00 . Per BUSHEL... 20 Bushels Seed 05 Cents per Bushel f.'-B. THB Concord National Bank. Concord, N. 0.. July 5th, 1904. This tiAfik hu luat named the sixteenth anninersary, and each one of these sixteen years has added to Its strength, thus proving tnat it is wormy ine oonnuenva ui iw j-v trous and the general public. Paid in Capital - $50,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits - - - 36,000 Shareholders Liability 50,000 With the above u but for confidence and an unusually large amount or asset in nronortlon to liabilities aa a miarantee of conservative management, wa Invite your Dusiueaa. lateral paio aa agreaa. J. M. ODELL, President, D. B. OOLTBAHl. Caataler. ALL FOR 04.75. M Iba. Granulated Sugar re tails at 6X0, 96 lbs good rloe retail Ho S lb. Sweepstake Tobacco retails 2c IS lba Laundry Soap at 5c IS lb good Baking Soda 1.S8 for i on lis lor l.oo s.10 (or 1.93 M for .46 .to for .45 7.06 for 4.75 A, lot of other goods at prices that will tickle you. Come and see. J. V. BURLEYSON, Forest Hill, Concord, N. C, McGlll Street, No, 7. Agents for Monumental Bronce. Cheaper than marble and Is everlasting. ROYAL Poultry Mixture Hie Best In the World . It keeps poultry healthy and makes them lay. - FOB SALS BY J. A; Honeycntt & Company, - GIBSON MILL. CAPITAL $50,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, $23,000.00. Removed to new office in the Morris Building . nearly opposite the Postoffice. CALL TO SEE US. D. r. CANNON, H. L WOODHOtTBB, President. Cashier MARTIN BoOEK, - 0.W.BWTNK, Vic-President. Taller. O.O. Richmond. Thos. W. Smith. G. 6. RICHMOND A CO. 1882 1904. fflflHL HitlE OFFICE. Carrying all lines of business. Companies all sound alter Bal timore fire. We thank you for past favors, and ask a continuance .of your business. Rear room City Hall. TO TEXAS ViaMEMPHIS and the Cottoil Belt Route. $8.50 One Way $15 Round Trip. One ay colonist tickets will be sold from Memphis on Sept. 20th, October 4th and 18th, to Texas points at rate of $8.50. Round trip homeseekers' tick ets from Memphis on Sept. 20th and 27th, October 4th and 18th at rate of $15. The territory to which above rates apply includes Dallas, Ft. Worth, Waco, AnMillo, Hous ton, San Antonio, Corpus Chris ti, and intermediate points. Round trip tickets permit stop over either way, 1 aays' return limit. For full particulars and Texas map, literature, time tahW, etc., write to H. H. SUTTON, D.P.A., CoCtooBett, ("hiltanooca. Tmn. Gray Virginia Oats I I Baa Cowi in rwi Uuoo. Use I I I la time, frxd by drugirtf. J j "THB PEN IS MIGHTIER WHERE THB TROUBLES OBICI NATE. r Stateiyllle Landmark. The Landmark has on occasion ex pressed the opinion, in one form and another, that the almost entire absence of efficient family government the failure to properly restrain children in so great a majority of homes, is bearing: and will contiuue to bear abundant evil fruit in all ranks of so ciety. The evidence of this may be seen daily in every community. When children grow up now properly gov erned and restrained it is a subject for comment as something unusual an exception rther than the rule. Taking the recent rebellion of the students at the A. and M. College for a text, the Raleigh Post recently preached a ser mon on this subject that should arrest the attention of every thoughtful parent and should be pondered in every home. That article was printed in The Land mark just a week ago. If it escaped any of our readers they should look it up. On this same matter we are gratified to find an excellent article in the North Carolina Christian Advocate of last week, from which we make the follow ing extract: "The most of our troubles, however, are the result of lax government in the home. The anarchy which threatens the peace and order of society begins about the fireside. Neither school au thoritiea nor civil government can cope successfully with the spirit of lawless1 ness that hu been tolerated if not nurtured in the home. There is serious reason to fear that the greatest peril of our time is the inevitable anarchy re sulting from insubordination which characterizes, we fear, the -majority of our homes. . The fact that parents urge Dr. Winston and other collrge presidents to use force with their boys may indicate only that they now see the necessity of a discipline which they have not been willing to undertake in the home. It will eta in vain for them to urge him to resort to "hickory sticks" in managing the boys that they were not willing to control with tiny switch but few years ago. "The remedy for anarchy is in the home, where parents are permitted, in the order of providence, to reign su preme. These outbreaks in our schools are but remote symptoms of a wide spread spirit of insubordination, which is destined, without a check, to burst out in anarchy, dreadful in its conse quences. The redemption of our society from such a curse is to be sought, not so much in the reformation of those who have always made trouble by going wrong, as by a reformation in the homes, so that the material for organ ized lawlessness will not be available, either in a student body or in the citi zenship of our Commonwealth.' We are more than gratified to re produce "this article from the Advocate. It is probably not the business of the secular paper to lecture on this ubject, but we cannot refrain from calling at tention to it occasionally, for we can didly believe, and we say it with due reflection, that the greatest evil in the country today is the failure of parents to control their children. It is from this source that practically all evil flows. It is amazing, undf the circumstances, that so important a matter receives so little attention from the pulpit. ester Thaa Fills. The question has been asked in what way are Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Liver Tablets superior to the ordi nary cathartic and liver pills? Our an swer is they are easier and more pleas ant to take and their effect is so gentle and so agreeable that one hardly realizes that ft is produced by a medicine. Then they not only move the bowels but im prove the appetite and aid the digestion. For sale at 85 cents per bottle at M. L. Marsh. Greensboro Female Colleare. which is being re built, was advertised to open October 5th bat the opening has been THAN THE SWORD." Mil. HOOSVELT IN NEW YORK. New York World. The Republican prophets are claim ing that even though Odell-Higgins stand to lose the State Mr. Roosevelt will carry it. What ground have they for such ( prediction ? There is certainly nothing in the record of Mr. Roosevelt's candi dacies in New York to warrant it. Mr. Roosevelt ran for Mayor on he Republican ticket in 1886. He received 60,435 votes. In 1888 Mr. Erhardt, running under the same conditions, polled 73,087 votes, and Mr, Einstein in 1892 got 97,923. In 1898 Mr. Roosevelt was a candi date for Governor, with the glamour and glory of the Spanish war thick upon him. He received 661,707 votes and a plurality of 17,786. Two years before Governor Morton got 673,000 votes and a plurality of 156,108. In 1895, in an off year, the Republican plurality for Secretary of State was 90, 000, and two years after Roosevelt squeezed through with less than 18,000 plurality Odell even Odell, was elected by 111,000. So much for the city and the State with Mr. Roosevelt as a candidate before the people. Nor is the "verdict of the vicinage," as given in the vote of his friends and neighbors,, any different In 1898 Mr. Roosevelt received for Governor 5,415 votes in the county of Nassau. Two years later Odell got 6,900. In Queens, the adjoining county, Roosevelt polled in 1898 9,715 votes, and two years later McKinley had 12, 341. Mr. Roosevelt received for Governor in New York county 112,806 votes, and Judges Cohen and Daly, Republi can candidates on the same ticket, re ceived respectively 8,500 and 8,500 more votes than he did. The voters of this city have not yet forgotten Mr, Roosevelt's erratic, unequal, oppressive and nonsensical "enforcement cf the law" when he was Police Commissioner. While the fears and distrust of cer tain "high financiers" which led them to oppose Mr. Roosevelt's nomination while Senator Hanna lived have been quieted, the apprehension of thousands of conservative citizens, aroused by his bellicose utterances and impulsive ae tions, still exists. Air. Roosevelt is this year even more than heretofore weak candidate in his own State. Roosevelt, lie Sara. 'Is Raw and Rotten. J tie bitter sentiment which some Southerners entertain toward President Roosevelt, on account of his attitude on the negro question, is illustrated by a speech made at Jackson, Miss., recently at a Democratic campaign massmeetine in the court house.' H. M. Quinn, Democratic candidate for Presidential elector, is quoted by the Daily Clarion-Ledger, Gov. Varda- man's organ, as having said: "Roosevelt strikes me as strutting about the White House yard with his hands in his pockets comparing the mountain to the hill, the rser to the ocean, and finally remarking 'the same uoa tnat made me made the daisy.' "He is raw at one end and rotten at the other. Raw in bis ideas of states manship, in bis idea that the Coostitu tion is paramount and that he is para mount to the Constitution, and in his ideas of executive power; rotten when being the son of a woman of Southern blood he invites a man of inferior raoe to dinner and tries to eetaljish social equality-gotten to owr nation. 'V In concluding Mr. Quinn said: - "If we want to say to the North that we are in earnestgout Roosevelt and that we repudiate Rooseveltism, I say, aa a friend of the South and as a Missis- sippian from top to bottom, bring out every vote meaning true Democracy." If troubled with a weak digestion try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will do yon good. For sale by M. L. Marsh. A boil in the pot is worth two on the WILL WIN SURE. Rlr. A. D. Wall. Flsjare. Ont Serv ians!'. Majority at 1,650. Hewfand Observer. 0 Mr. A. p. Watts, who has just re turned from visit to his home in Iredell county, being asked as to con ditions and Drospecls in the fighth district, said r I have no idea that Mr. Newland's msjority will fall a te below fifteen hundred, and I really expect to tee it two thousand. As to Iredell county, the majority will be between 1,000 and 1,200. All elements in the party in that county are thoroughly united for Mr. Sewland, and I really expect to see his msjority increased over that given for Mr. Klutlz two years ago, on ac count of the increased vote which will be brought out in the Presidential year. In its entire history Stanly cAnty has never failed to give a large Democratic majority. Even in the disastrous years of 1894 and '97, when most of the counties of North Carolina were carried against the Democratic party, Stanly gave our ticket handsome majorities. Being somewhat familiar with condi tions in the counties in the Eighth district, I am satisfied that a conserva tive estimate would place the majority about as follows : - MAJORITIES FOR NEWLAND. Alleghany -. . 150 Alexander 100 Cabarru . . . 500 Caldwell 100 Iredell 1,000 Rowan 1,500 Stanly 500 Total, MAJORITIES FOR lil.Af KllURN. Ashe Surry Watauga Wilkes 3,850 400 400 500 1,000 Leaving a majority for New land of 1,550 Mr. J. A. Hartness, chairman of the Democratic Committee of Iredell coun ty, who is in the city, says : "I consider the atuve estimate of Mr. Watti very conservative indeed; and I really expect Mr. Newland to have a larger majority when the votes are counted. As far as my own county is concerned, I would not compromise on a majority of 1,000. I confidently expect our majority to be greater than that." A T bo at; hi rul Irian. M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind., knew what to do in the hoar of need. His wife had such an nuusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physiciaus could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cared. Only 25o, at all druggist. "The bride nearly fainted during the ceremony, and had to be supported by her father until it was over." "Yes, and now I hear her father is support ing both of them." WHEN YOU HAVE LOST 17 j on the affairs of life and and your WITS arc dull take from 8 to ft Ky dale's Liver Tablets, one at a time, an hour a Dart. and vou will be surprised how bright and clear everything will be. You will begin your day's work with no much added vim and vigor that you will naturally increase your business imccew by tlie weight of persnnality you will he able to infuse Into every detail. The formula of Rrdale's Liver Tablets Is one of the most effective combioations known to modern medical science. m V7 Put your liver In good working order, and nine-lenthsof your other - ailments will disappear. Often what ton think in h Acawrciz.. heart trouble, or jaoieis in cotivenmi dux, aa cents. M'f'd by the RADICAL REMEDY CO., Hickory, N. C. - p. u. JoinyBOu. When You Have Chills or Other Ills' In Any Way Don Load Yourself Or Other Drugs Nefarious TSr 'something safe andsure WiniGrsmiifos .(31111 GUARANTEED To cure Chills and Fever, Dengue, Lmirlppe ana 50C, TU SMITH'S GREAT SPEECH AT CHARLOTTE. Hoke Smith, of Gaorgia, Secretary of 'the Interior in .President Cleve- fland's second Cabinet, spoke on the issues of the campaign at Charlotte on the night of the 3rd, bis audience en tirely filling the Academy of Music. Mr. Smith, who is native of this State, was enthusiastically received. He was introduced by United States Senator Overman. Mr. Smith said, in part: "The masterful and patriotic service of President Cleveland makes the only break in Republican administration for the past forty years. "We may well compare the record of the Democratic party nnder Mr. Cleve land with the record of the Republican party under Mr. Harrison. Mr. Cleve land left the treasury in 1889 with a surplus on hand of 1330,384,916. He had paid on the public debt (334,348, 499. When he returned to office in March, 1893, he found the surplus squandered and the appropriations al ready made for the ensuing year ex oeedine the revenue provided to the amount of (90,000,000. The Repub licans had already prepared the plans for a bond issue which their adminis tration had rendered necessary. Roose velt's administration has exceeded the expenditures of the last Cleveland ad ministration, to the amount of $883,- 000,000. "The Cleveland admlnititration re pealed the Sherman purchasing act and put an end to the coinage of depreciated silver dollars. "The maintenance of the gold stand ard should not be given as a credit to the Republicans. It belongs to the ad ministration of Grover Cleveland." A Pointer on Cremation. "Does you b'lieve in dis thing dey calls cremation T" "You mean ter burn you up down here?" "Dat's it." "Well, fasten las', I'm a'gin it. It costs money, en what s de sense en payiu' f er de burnin' of you when, ef you only waits a while, de devil will do it free?" Jarenlle Strike.. Father Come, Tommy, it's time for bed. Tommy Not much it ain't. Father What's that? Come here this instant! Tommy Not on your life! Us boys have organized, eu' we're striking fur 12 hours' play an' more candy. make. Clean Sweep. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the salves yon ever heard of, Bucklou's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures Barns, Sores, Braises, Cute, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 25c, and guaranteed to Rive tatisf action by all druggist. A physician says that onions are good tot the nerves. But he doesn t say what is good for onions. tout btiRineas seems dull the next morninir to chronic constipation Is merely one of the tdioeyn- HOKE vi arum v m irj sitc. iiriivur iivcr gees aonpT, you reel aopey all over, and it is liable to manifest itself In a multitude of ways, till you lmairine you have a little of every disetmMe froing. Don't wait till you jret in this condition, but take Rydale a Liver Tablet the first time you feel dull and disinclined to grapple with the routine duties ui mo. ry im n miirri hu time you ii save notn worry ana tablets an d avoid ill health. Rvdale's Liver Tableta are eaxv to take, pleasant inxffeet, always satisfactory In results. 60 chooolat-coaLed Malarious, with Quinine Pills, B Biliousness House-Owner's Hevenge Makes HI. While Nelgnnor. Furious. The property ownWs and residents of a fashionable block on Mount Royal avenue, in Baltimore, are indignant because Anthony N. Rettaliata says he will rent his hoiile to a negro family, lathis advertisement Mr. Rettaliata an nounces that in order to get negro tenants he will make any alterations in the house that may be desired. "Yes," he said, "I want a family with thirteen negro kids to sit on the front steps and play ring-a-round-a rosy on the pavement in warm weather. I want permanent tenants, too. No white need apply." Mr. Rettaliata's grievance is that a neighbor has been trying to force him to connect his drain pipe at an exor bitant rate, and failing, got the Health Department down on him. The neigh bors, however, declare that Mr. Ret taliata allowed his drain pipe to over flow until it became a nuisance. John Henry Keene, a lawyer, who is also one of the neighbors, declares that there is no way to balk the negro ten ant plan. It is proposed that neighbors combine and buy Mr. Rettaliata's house. If he rents his bonse to negroes there will be a general exodus of whites from the neighborhood and property values will fall one-half. County Candidates' Speaking;. The county candidates will meet the people of the county at the following places and dates mentioned: Rocky River, township No. 1, Mon day, October 10. Poplar Tent, No. 2, Tuesday, Octo ber 11. Deweese, No. 3, Wednesday, Octo ber 12. Cook's, No. 4, Thursday, October 13. Mt. Gilead, No. 5, Friday, Oct. 14. 2. M: Faggart's, No. G, Saturday, Oc tober 15. Reed Misenheimtr's, No. 7, Monday, October 17. Mt. Pleasant, No. 8, Tuesday, Octo ber 18. C. F. Smith's, No. 9, Wednesday, October 19. Bethel, No. 10, Thursday, Oct. 20. Old Field, No. 11, Friday, Oct. 21. Conoord, No. 12, Saturday, Oct. 22. Sheriff Harris will be with them for the purpose of collecting taxes. Clnbblng Rates. We call attention to the clubbing rates below. The price in each case in cludesayear's subscription toTHsliHES and the periodical named, to' be paid invariably in adyance. Atlanta Constitution and Bunny South.. 2.00 Progressive Farmer 1 70 Bryan's Commoner M0 ( uarlotle Kml- Yi eeklv Observer l.0 The Outlook S3 W New York World (Thrlce-a-week) 1 Atlanta Journal iHeml-Weekly) 1 50 Atlanta Weekly Constitution 176 St. Louis Kemililic (Semi-Weekly) 1 7ft Home and Farm 1 36 Franc Leslie's Popular Monthly 1 H6 Cosmopolitan 1 H6 Kevlew of Review KU0 McClure'a MaKazine 1 5 Munsey's MaKasine 1 &" Woman's Home Companion 1 so Harper' Weekly (26 Harper' Baxar i 86 Tbe Beet Offer Vet. We offer The Times, twice-a-week, American Agriculturist, weekly, and the Year Book all for only $1.35. The Year Book is worth 50 cents of any. body's money, and the Agriculturist is cheap at 11.00. It is one of the largest and best farm papers published in the world. This is open to all our sub scribers who pay up back dues, or to all who pay in advance. fine Farm for Sale. 102H acre Mill Hill, with splendid 8 room dwelling, painted, nearly new, with laree porch in front and sides. Good orchard, good well water, double barn and out buildings. In a splendid com munity convenient to churches and schools. 25 acres timber, 12 acres pas ture. f2,2oo; one-hall cash, balnnce in 12 months. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. Wa offer for sale J. T Pounds' Machine Shop on Corbln street. Conoor4. lot tKJxdO reel, v Dorse power engine, roiier, two matchers, one hues planer, one re-saw ma chine, one Dowell machine, one Riff saw, sev eral rip saws, one snaper, one turning tame, and all fixtures to run said machinery. M.K. PATTERSON CO. Tk Year for Democratic YJctory Far All tk. New. r the r.npalfa Read Ik. J.arnal. The Atlanta Jouroawm not only to t e right but It will he bright and large, national In Its news and views. Every one who Is interested In this vital Presidential onntest will need It every day, Tbe Journal's facilities for aettlna the news "wbl e It Is news" are better lean any other patier published In the south. The rate, are very low, being only $7. On per year, tne tmiiy ana suuaav ny man. S&50 for mx months. 1)aIIv only , no per vear. 50 for six month, or delivered hv mir cariier in Ui. differeut towns and cities at 13c per week. SPECIAL CAMPAIGN OFFER. The Daily and Pundar Journal, for the neit six months S.1U0, Aaentaar. wanted to take oberriptkma and a very Ulieral commission will be al lowed on all new subscribers. Address At lanta Journal. Circulation Department, oumal lildtf-.. Atlanta, oa. Term, subscription blanks, sample copies. printed matter etc., will be Mot by return mall. If pou want all In. Haws all the tims read, Til. Journal. i Lies About the Inside Inn We dont believe In knocking, hence we're not Koing to say a word alxiut Hie other tellows: hut in simple self-defence we proiMwe to absolute refute the malii iuim statements circulated by the Ht. loui9 bote! and boarding bouse fraternity re garding the ability of the Inside Inn to care lor the crowds who daily seek its hospitable root. We, therefore, make the following statements in all honesty and good faith, and are prepared to "make good" on each and every one of them : 1. The Inside Inn is able, at all times, to com fortably accommodate all who come, at whatever rates they wish to pay; 2. The enormous sieand wonderful equipment of the Inside Inn Willi Its J.257 heU-rooins, ai.d Its Immense dining balls seating over 2. .W people aw single meal absolutely precludes oSkrurowd- "I r uTseomfort; The fact that the Inside Inn is situated unnn a beautiful eminence and surrounded by a nat ural forest makes It the coolest and most delight ful snot in all St. Ix'iils; 4. The convenience, comfort and economv ot stayiug right Inside the grounds has been appre ciate by all, and the management snares no nains to make tiie solonrn oi each and everv guest thoroughly enjoyable In every way, and one oi me pieasum memories oi tnc great worms Fair; s. The rates are very reasonable, ranging from to 15.50 per day, Kumpean, and $3,00 to 7.00 American plan including daily admission to the groiuids. For further details or reservations apply to The Inside Inn, World's Hair Grounds, St. Louis. ' We want to buy your produce and will give you 20c per dozen for eggs. 10c to 25c for chickens. 65 to 80 cents for Irish Pota toes. 50 to 60 cents for sweet pota toes. 1 to IY2C per pound for cab bage. 10 to 15c per pound for butter. 40 to 60c per bushel for apples. 75 to 90c lor Onions. We have recently added a line of Dry Goods and Notions and can give you most anything you want in exchange for your pro duce. D. J. BOST Sc CO, Tax Notice. ' The tax books are now In my hands, and your tas Is due since the first day of Septem ber. All special license taxes aredueBlnue the first day of June, and all owing these spe cial taxes should come in at once and pay without further not Ice. A 11 parties who owe special school tax will notlly me when they come In to pay their State aud county tax, so there will be no confusion. All wbo live in these special school districts are supported to know better than myselt when they are due a special school tax. Sept. gi-tt. J. P. HARRIS, Sheriff. Notice Land Sale-. By virtue of an execution issued from the Superior Court of t'abarrus county in favor of Marv C. Badgett. Sr. .plaintiff, and against The Llppard Yarn Mill and others, defend ants, as Sheriff of said county 1 have levied on that real estate Bituate lu the Town of Concord, N- C, known as The Llppard Vara Mill, containing about four acres, together with the building and fixtures, mochlnery and appurtenances of said mill. ald land is on Keed street and adjoins the lauds of It. F. Ptalfer and K. T Llppard Said property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door lu Concord, N. C, on Monday, the 7th dav of November, 1WH, at 12 o'clock, M. JAS. V. HARRIS, Sept. 30. Sheriff Cabarrus County. Wanted. Special representative In this county and adjoining territories to represent and adver tise an old established business house of solid financial standing. Halary, $-1 weekly with expenses, pal J e .ch Monday by check direct from headquarters. Expenses advanced; position permanent. We turulah everything. Address, THE COLUMUIA, tWO Monon Bui id -Iiik. Chicago. 111. Sept 30-8t. A Splendid Little Farm at a Bargain. 32 acres of land 2Vi miles west of Con cord on macadamized Poplar Tent road, in high state of cultivation with good four-room dwelling, splendid frame barn 30x50 feet, well finished up with stalls and bin at a cost of $300. Splendid young bearing orchard, well, 2 springs, 6 acres timber, 4 acres pasture, crop of 1904 67 bushels oats and rye, 150 bush els corn and 10 bales cotton. Jno. K. Patterson $ Co. CONCORD, N. C. Administrator's Notice. Having- qualified as the administrator of Noah Hathcock, deceased, all persons owing said estate are hereby notified that they must make prompt payment, and all persona havinir claims aifalnst said estute must pre- sent them to the undersigned, duly authen ticated . ou or before the 10th day of Septem- lier, luitt, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. M. J liAl tiCUUK, Administratrix. Sept S. 1MH. By Montgomery ft Crowell, Atty's. k M; :!::::; t:;:,:. Mattie riuriocKer, nam hit, vs. jvsav Huriocker, Defendant. The defendant above-named Is herebv no tified tbat the plaintiff above-named has In stituted an action atralnst him for divorce from the bonds of matrimony, returnable to the next term of the buperior Court of Ca barrus county at the court house In Concord to be heid on the fourth Monday of October, It being tke tilth dat of October, when and where the deiendarit can attend, and aruswer and demur to the complaint which flif.1 in this action, and if he f4l licJi h as" Dee n f-fl) to do so Judgment will be rendered granting the relief demanded in uie complaint. Sept- 30, HMH. Clerk Superior Court. "For Sale 0r Rent. One four-room house to rent for $3 00 per month, ndojM three-room house for $2J0 Cerimnth. wfll s-ll either or both of these. oufe at a reasonable price- Apply to J. U.ftl t.KttiaJ for sale, one-half pine? oak, six miles from Con cord on Mt. Pleasant road. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. B3 CORDS WOOD Cotton Mill Stock For Sale We offer tor sale the following mill stocks : 1(1 share. In OtbsoD Mill, tshares In Klndiey Cotton Mill, t share. Klndiey Mill stock. JNO. K. PATTERSON A CO. postponed until the 12th. i back of your neck.