ft OomM I Twloa Xver I Wttkud I rrrs I E CONCORD. ofanyr;:? John B&herrill, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED TWICE WEEK. 1.00 a Tear, in Advance. Pnblisliil , th County. Volume XXII. Concord, N. C., December 13. 1904. Number 48. e TIMES, - uimw iaOnly One Dollar Year. 1 illtory and Dry Goods I have an excellent stock of the latest llineryand Dry Goods and my prices are low. Call to see me before making your purchases. Mrs, Emma Blackwelder, At Gibson Mill. Not. 2S 1 m. price LIST D. J. BOST & CO. Corn 70c per bushel. Peas, 70c per bushel. ' Eggs, per dozen, 20c. Chickens, 20 to 30 cents. Butter, 12c to 15c per pound Sweet Potatoes, 35c to 40c per bushel. Irish Potatoes, 75c to 90c per bushel Onions 90c to $1 per bushel. Peanuts, 75c per bushel. Pork, 8c per pound. Partridges, 8Yac to 10c a piece. Rabbits, 5c to 7Vc. Eabbitts must be cleaned and skinned, with head and feet left on. Will give you the highest market price for Hides. D. J. BOST & CO. 75 BUSHELS SEED RYE for sale at $1.00 per bushel. Several cheap Horses Second-Hand Buggies 2 No. 23 Chattanooga Plows 2-two-horse Buggies AT A BARGAIN. F. B. McKINNE Livery, Sale and Feed Stable. I JEWELRY DIAMONDS WATCHES and . complete line of the GENUINE "1847 Rogers Bros.' Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc. Eyes carefully examined nd properly fitted to the het grade of glasses. jr- W.C.CORRELL, Jeweler.: THE Concord National Bank. Concord, N C, July 5th. M04. This bank baa Just passed the sixteenth nnlnersarv, ana eaoh one of these sixteen Tears has added to Its strength, thus proving that it 1 worthy the confidence of Its pa trons and the general public . Paid in Capital $50,000 Snrnlns and Undivided -. Profits - - 36,000 Shareholders Liability 50,000 With the above as a base for confidence and an annsnallv large amount 01 assets in proportion to liabilities as a guarantee of conservative management, we invite your ousiness. IB be reel paia as agreeu. J. II. ODBLL, President, ..- D. B. OOLTRAKE. Cashier. G. O. Blehmond. Tnot. W. Smith. G. G. RICHMOND A CO. 1882 1904. ill GDO OFFICE. Carrying all lines of business. Companies all sound after Bal timore fire We thank yon for past favors, and ask a continuance of your business. Rear room City Hall. DR.-J. A. WHITE? DJEHTIST. Offlee over Oorrslll Jewelry Store OOSCOBD, IT. O. it w 11 Ml Fin. MHRtpnlrlai ."""tgmS artiatrALftisTfaiiS."- I I I 1 Beat Comrh Syrup. Taates feoud. Vm I 1 I fat time. frMil by rtrw inta. 7 1 t F OTHIB BtlCKBY'S FABLE. Atlanta Constitution. "Once 'pon time," said Brother Dickey, "Satan bad ter stay so long Inm borne, huntin' ud sinners, he 'lowed, be did, dat he'd git him Housfheeper, ter look atter things whilst he wuz gone; en be tole . her, IV. 1 1 -jverp Biiarp looKout now en w en de Rich Myi hollfrs dat he wants somebody to turn de hose on 'im, don' pay de leas' attention ter him kaze be been hollerin'adataway ever sence I kaowed 'im. I dunno how long I'll be gone, kaze I got lots er business on ban', but) you des look atter things ez I tell youn keep de fire bright, kaze winter comin on now, en we don' want ter freeze in dis yer settlement! E 1 wid dat be gone on his way. But atter he been gone ever so long be come borne, he did, en dey ain't no light in de winder, en de doors wuz fast locked. So be holler tboo' the keyhole: 'How come you locked de do', w'en I done tole you. dis wuz a wide-open place?' Ea de Housekeeper make answer Kaze I dunno what 'sorter comp'ny yon fetchin' borne ter my house. Dem what done here already shows you don't 'sociate wid de right sort, en dar's got ter be a change!' Den Satan holler back thoo' de keyhole: lYou call dis you' house V En de voice come back ter'im: 'Hit suo is; en I gwine ter tell you right now, dat ef you don't keep better comp'ny, en be' ter hours, you want get in here 'tall!' "En dat,' said Brother Dickey, "is why Satan is so much in da wort', 'otidder bein whar he b'longs." 'Who told you that story, Brother Dickey ?" one of his listeners asked, 'De tale wuz tole me by Br'er Wil liams," replied the old man, "atter his ole 'ooman locked de do' on 'im en kep' him out in de col' all night, des kaze be come home too late fum a poker game." Tbe reuse. The Harrison street oar was crowded when the tall woman struggled up the aisle and grasp a strap. Twelve men were seated on each side, but not one arose and offered his seat. At last a small boy touched her on tbe arm "You can have my seat, lady," called the youngster. 'Thank you," said the tall woman, seating herself in the vacant space, and now what prompted you to do that, my little man T Was it not po liteneee)" "No," replied the boy, "there's a nail sticking up in that seat." Women Mng-ers Are Forbidden Mi con Ga., Dispatch. In accordance with an ordtr given out by Bishop Kailey, of this Catholic diocese, women will not be permitted to sing in the choir of ft Joseph cathedral church after the first of tbe year. A decree prohibiting the use of female voices in Uatnohc choirs was originally sent out from Borne, a time limit beiDg fixed. It is thought tbe solemnity of tbe church as a place of worship is detracted from when women sing in choirs, as many go to church simply to bear the singing and look at the lingers. The Key Itaat Unlocks the Do, Loss Living. f The men of eighty-five to ninety years of age are not the rotund well fed, bat thin, spare men, who live on a slender diet. Be as careful as be will, however, a man past middle age, will occasionally eat too much or of some article of food not suited to his constitution, and will need a dose of Chamberlain's Liver and Stomach Tables to cleanse and invigor ate his stomach and regulate his liver and bowels. When this is done theraris no reason why the average man should not live to old age. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. "Aunty," said a gentleman who bad just read that the youngest son of bis colored cook had been appointed sten ographer to a Urge manufacturer, "tell me how you have brought up your children that each one of them has become so good and useful a man or woman." "O honey," was the reply, 'that's nothing, I hadn't no education, and I could only teach 'em, three things Just three things I taught 'em, that's all; their praytrs their manneand to work." Speed the transmission of this three-branch torch of learning from hand to hand and from race to race! Youth's Companion. Grover Cleveland, the or$ living ex President, will be seventy two years old when Roosevelt's term incompleted in 1909; yet there can be no addition to tbe crops of ex President tQthen. Mr. Roosevelt, who will then but little more than fifty years old, ought to have a long membership in the "ex Presidents' club," which of late years has sadly dwindled in numbers. "Willie: "My sister has a beau six feet tall." Lillie: "Aw, dats nothin'. My sister has beaux without end." THE BUBAL SCHOOLS. Southern Farm Magazine. The rural schools of the South are being wonderfully improved, which means that the boy who is to be the fu ture farmer will have implanted the de sire to know and understand and appreciate things with which he is working. Tbe rural-school problem has been a serious difficulty, but it has been praotically solved through the move ment to consolidate the rural schools and establish a secondary school for each district. Thus the little weak schools, witb their inefficient and un derpaid teachers, are disappearing rap idly, and it is only a matter of a little while until they will have passed away, and in their place will be found well equipped and well constructed school houses and efficient teachers who will devote all their time to instruction in tbe primary grades and then pass the children on to tbe secondary schools. What this means to the agricultural college cannot be expressed in a few words. It means laying the proper foundation for the future education of the child. It means the direction of the mind of the little boys and girls along proper lines. It means inspiring them to strive to become tbe most in telligent and useful citizens. It means teaching them more and more about their surroundings and of the great problems which underlie farming through tbe introduction of tbe ele menu of agriculture into the curricu lum of the publio, and particularly the secondary schools of the State. These schools will then of necessity become feeders to the agricultural college, and so it does seem to the wnter that tbe future for agricultural instruction in the South is bright and promising. The Cosily Philippines. Alleyne Ireland In November Atlantic. With an export trade of $32,000,000 the Philippine Islands are called upon to pay $12,600,000 in 1903 for the expenses of insular government; in other words, for every 1100 worth of produce ex ported from the islands tbe general government costs $39. If to this we add $2,500,000 collected in the islands for municipal and provincial government, the ratio of expeuditure on government account in value of experts is raised to 46 per cent. Comparing the cost of government. on tbe basis adopted above, witb that of five British dependencies in various parts of the tropics Ceylon, Barba does, British Ouina, Trinidad and the federated Malay states the average is 27 per cent., as against 46 per cent, in the Philippine. " But this does not close the com pari son. in tbe British dependencies every charge connected with tbe government, whether of a civil or a military nature, is paid by the local government; in the Philippines all military expenses are paid by the United States; and the island do not even psy for their own police, for the 5,000 scouts who do po lice work, as a body supplementary to tbe Pbilippine Constabulary, are on tbe army pay-roll. Mlanllng Evidence. afresh testimony in great quantity is constantly coming in, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds to be nneqaaled. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland, Beiitorsville, Y., serves as example. He writes: "I had bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time withont being benefited. Then I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally effective in curing all long and throat troubles, consumption, pneumonia and grip. Guaranteed by all druggists. Trial bottles free, regular size 60c, and $1.00. Nettie Did Tom get down on bis kneea when he proposed f Grace No, indeed. He was too po lite for that. Nettie-oo polite f Grace Yes: too polite to request me to vacate my seat. Hiji Miss Singleton says she re cently celebrated the twenty-second an niversary of her birth. Her Yes; Mis Singleton is certainly bargain. Him A bargain T tjler Yes; 22, marked down fr. m 87. fB What broke up the ladies' debating society?" "Tbe leading member was told to prepare an essay on the yelkwperil She did so and the opening sentence read: 'Yellow apparel is very trying to most eompleiions.'O O Hoax That was a pretty fierce cigar SkinflintCfeave me. Wonder wbat brand be smokes? Joax MothQHub bard. "Mother Hubbard T", "Yes; loose wrapper." Vanity cautea strong men to appear tweak. A HEW FBOP09ITIO!. Falrbrother's Everything. One of the Commandments seems to declare "thou ahalt not covet," and a friend of our who baa bad some ex perienoe suggests that some of the good church folk do not heed the command He aver that not only do they covet but they actually steal the cook. He goes on to relate that ."the snatching of a stiff, even though for the purposes of science is a crime in every penal code" while the stealing of a live one seem to be only sportive pastime witb many women. And this is too true. We know of in stances where ceoDle have been fortu nate enough to obtain tbe lervice of a good cook, and no sooner would thing get to running smoothly until some neighbor would proclaim it abroad that So-and-So now bad an ex ceptionally fine servant and lo and be hold, tbi next door neighbor would take it upon herself to assist in snatch ins the cook and landing her at the home of her friend. Another proposi tion is that those who have tbe means will come or send and offer higher wages do anything and everything to upset the machinery of the household that otherwise 'is in smooth running order. Whether this is wvetousness or downright contemptible conduct, we do not know but we do know it to be a fact, as our. friend point out, that many time and oft, Horatio, busy bodies have put in their oars and de prived woman of their servant and left them with the dinner to cook and the baby to hold. Yet for all this, those guilty of this kind of conduct can quote Holy writ by tbe running yard and never tumble to tbe fact that they are guilty of a real sin. Japan's Liltls Farms. The size of farms in Japan runs from less than two up to about three and three-quarter acres apiece. Even these diminutive farms are often in several separate pieces, the average size of which is about one-eighth of an acre. During the past four years a law has been in operation for the rearrange ment of these scattered farms. The owners are to exchange fields in such a manner as to make their possessions more compact. Tbe spirit of scientific progress is behind the movement, the government wishing to enlarge the cul tivated fields so that agricultural ma chinery may be used. With all his primitive ways, the Japanese farmer manages to make his soil very produc tive by thorough cultivation and fertili zation. Old News Is No News. When a large part of a Southern cit was burned, recently, there was great excitement in all that part of tbe Slate. From Vicksburg, Jackson, Meridian and Memphis newspaper men hastened to the scene. Only in the unburned office of a local weekly was there peace and oontentment. Wben the paper appeared the next day it was eagerly scanned by citizens and visitors, but no mention of the fire was in it. The place of honor was to a story of a fight between two deck-hands on a river steamer. ''Look a-here, Hiram," said a sub scriber to tbe editor, "when are you all going to give us something about the fire?" "Why, Henry," replied tbe editor, "I didn't reckon to say anything about at all. Every man, woman, child and dog in this town knows that there was a fire and was at the fire, and I reckon t bey 're plumb tired of it. What I'm printing is news, something no- bodv knows anything about until be reads the paper and finds out." A TteoagMfQl Employer. Hew York Tribune. At the luncheon that followed tbe launching of the Nebraska at Seattle, Mis Mary Mickey told a naive story of her father, who is Nebraska's governor. "One evening my father," she said, "dictated some of his correspondence to me. mere was one letter mat eiruie me. It was to an employee of my Mather'. It inclosed a railway ticket, and it said: " 'You ask me for ticket for your mother in law, who is about to visit ... :n you. The ticket 1 wunin. uu wm notice that I did not forget to send an excursion ticket, and that the return coupon is limited to three day.' " Would quickly leave yon, if you used Dr. Kins' New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferer have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervfji headaches. They make pnre blood and build up your health. Only to cent, money back W not cored. Sold by all druggist. Some men who boast of holding tbe key to the situation seem compelled to knock. A coooanut i not always wbat racked up tw ke. ' it is NOTES FBn BILLTILLB. Atlanta Constitution. The Billviile poet think it isn't poet ical to hunt 'possums, but it's mighty fillin' to eat 'em. The old growlers came out and sampled the December sunshine yes terday, predicted six blizzards, and then retired solemnly to oblivion. We have something to be thankful for if we only (bout balleluia one day though we spend the rest of the year wonderful what on earth made us do it Our citizens are getting ready for the New Year resolution, and are searching the dictionary for swear-words that they haven't worn to a frazzle. All the moonshine distilleries are running on full time; but they're nt half as full as some of their patron. Our Christmas relation are coming in on every train, and we have more balleluia than bouse room. There is a good deal of the fire of genius in our midst, but a cord of good fat ligblwood beat it every day in the winter time. Tbe race problem down this way is Jjetween the nigger and the 'possum just now, and there's nothing but peace and plenty in it. There's joy enough in this settlement to keep all the joy-bells ringing; but tbe growlers still complain that they can't sleep' for the noise of the bells. The mortgage never comes due so fast as on a rainy day, an' it's then a feller's afraid to open the door, expect in' to hear the sheriff say: "Good mornin' I" Only the women 1 ke tho rainy day. It' then the old lady goes to read i a' old iove letters, an' wonderin' why she didn't take the other feller when she bad the chance. Another thing about tbe rainy day feller a conscience come an take a chair 'longside of bim, an he git so uncomfortable be feel like he'd rather be a-fisbin'. Well, the Lord send the rain on tbe just an' the unjust the only trouble is, there' never quite enough to drown the unjust from tbe face of the earth I Hold to I ollon Advises Jordan. Monticei.lo, Ga., Dec. 9. Hon. Harvie Jordan, president of the South em Cottou Growers' Protective Asso ciation, on being seen today in refer ence to tho recent sharp decline in tbe price of cotton and the outlook, declar ed that oo'.ton is worth as much to day for spinning purposes as it was at the beginning of the season and that all farmers ehould hold their staple for the inevitable r- action and not be discour aged 'y the present unfavorable state of the n.arket. He declared: "The only salvation of tbe south at this moment is to stand steadfast together and to absolutely refu e to market a single bale if cotton at pres ent price. Sell no cotton voluntarily and permit none to be sold by coercion or intimidation." He urges all cotton producers to at tend the sessions of the national cotton convention to be held at Shreveport, La., beginning the 12th of this month. Railroad Bales lor lbs Holidays. The Southern Bailway will have Christmas holiday rate on asle Decern r 23, 24 and 25, and also the 31 and January 1. Tbe fare for the round trip will be one and a third rate. Final limit. January 4. Students' tickets will be sold from December 10 to 24, good until January 8. "John," said the editor, "we're very anxious to get an interview with your wife about factional troubles in her club, but she won't talk about it. Can't you help us?" "Certainly," replied the editor's friend. "Send a reporter up to tee her this evening and she'll talk. In tbe meantime I'll tell her to keep ber mouth shut about the matter. That'll fetch her. Doctor (politely, but looking at his watch with visible impatiencePardon me, madam, but my time is not my own! You have given me all your symptons in sufficient detail, aud now, perhaps, yon will kindly erah-i- Husband (noto considerate) Maria, be doesn't want to bear your tongue any more. IiarWanti to look at it. "Tell me, Johnny said May Bright ley' admirer to her young brother, "who is this other fellow that' been calling on your sister?" "I don't know bis name," replied Johnny. '! jest call him 'April show- i.' " "What for?" "B"Cue he brings May fl aers." "Dickie, wben you divided those five caramels with your little sister, did yon give her three ? ' "No, ma. I thought thf y wouldn't . . V come Out even o l ate one rore i began to divide 1" For the Children s Sake, at Christmas time, as well as tor the land's sake at harvest tune, fertilize your crops wtth Virginia-Caj-olina Fertilizers when yoa plant In the spring for It wm bring you prosperity lout? borore Xmas next year, and' happiness even to the chil dren, bocauae of the Increased profits thus put Into your pock et. Write for Information If your dealer cannot furnish you VIllGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL COMPANY ' 8 Richmond, V, Norfolk, V. Durham, N. C. Cliarleuon, 8. C. Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Montgomery, Ala, Mempb..,, Tenn. FOR FINE AND UP-TO-DATE PHOTOGRAPHS Go to O. V. FOUST Leading Photographer Remember the holidays are ap proaching and you will do well to sit for Photos at an early day as the more time to make pictures the better the finish. I HavtTTmTtWui a New auu ufj-iu-iaic liijc of Cards. . Also a beautiful lne of BRO0GI1IS of the best quality. Remember we make all sizes of Crayon, Pastel, Water Color, Sepia, and Oil Portraits. Come and let us see it we can supply your wants in the art. Remember the place. O. V, FOUST, Opposite Court House, Concord. Nov. i. 1901. nou ac;wr wtiA i ANffANCUP THEtfOSr(jANB A POPULAR LOAD. Peters Referee Shells LOADED WITH THE FAMOUS Kimtr's Semi-Smokeless Powder. vhich made the world's record In rifle and revolver shooting. Jlaiau ine aavamagr Of Hinlalocs nnwilf!ri and COttta lets. 9, Ji ither to-vU: League, black powder; Ideal, iNew Victor, tnilk smokeless; llxniicr, aud High, Gun, danae FOR SALE BY Ritchie Hardware Co. Parlor Rockers Reception Chairs Writing Desks Pictures, Easels Rugs China Sets Glassware - mm mm I Everything to Make ffome Comfortable. We've a large and splendid stock of Furniture. Choosing was never better, prices never lower, and we were neveretter prpared to please , you than right now. BBHHa:BB!3aor!Eac3rrrll:'5" Ea Ea ea Ea ea ca Ea ca aa ea C3 Ea oa Da IMMENSE VALUES IN Ladies' Fifie Shoes' We will place on our counter the world known Regina Shoes, I3.00 for $2.50; $2.00 for $1.65. The greatest bargain ever offered. We have other Fine Shoes we can furnish you at reasonable prices. We have a special good thing in Ladies' Underskirts to offer you, $1 to 3.50. A splendid line of Dress Goods 15c to 2.50 per yard. Big Lino of "Wool Blankets at Rea sonable Frices . '. . . ca ea Ea Ea 3 a ca E3 ea ea ca ea 1 ca Ea ca ea a a ea ea ea k E3 na aa ea B3 ea 19 ca ca Ea ca Ea A magnificent line of Ladies' Misses, and Children's Coats and Reefers, all at popu lar prices. You want to see them. a El a a a E3 C3 ea ca ca ea ea Now for Clothing. We have as strong line as was ever shown in ' . town, at any price you wish. Men's Suits, $3.oq to $35 .00. Youths' Suits, $2.00 to $16.00. Boys' SaUst 1.50 to $8.00. Thousands of Odd Pants from (jije-to $6.00. We can please you in Clothing. ea E3 ea ca a ea ca ca ea oa ca ca ii Our Line of ga Ea ca ca ca ca ca is up-iu-uaie. vve ' a. Jsv T tnis line, rou ougin Ea ca Ea ca Ea C3 El Ea ca Ea ca DON'T FAIL TO SEE OTTO -SPECIAL HT SHOES. D. P. Day vault & Bro. MARTIN BOGKR, H. I. W00DHOU8B, Vice-President. Cashier. v O. W.8WINK, Teller. Concord, N. C. Branch at Albemarle, N. v. Capital, I 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 80,000.00 Deposits a.w.iHju.ou Total Resources 435,000.00 Our past success, as Indicated above by figures, Is quits KratltylnK, and we wish to assure our friends and customers or our ap- Breclatlon or their patronage ana cormanv lvtte aoontlouanceof tbe same. Should be nia.ad to serve a lame number of new cus tomers, holdlna-ourselves readv to serve you In any way consistent with sound banking." DIRECTORS, j. w. Cannon, Robert S. Young-, J. Foil. A. J. Yorae. M. J. Corl, Jno.S. Eflrd, J M. Morrow, T. C Ingram. a iX . .TlPJ Records. Millinery .V arc naving a Dig rusn iirTJ 1 1 1 j ST ! to see our line. ii Retail Grocery Business for Sale. We now have for sale one of the best retail grocery businesses in Concord. Will trade it for real estate or sell oa reasonable terms to the right party. It's a golden opportunity for some one wish ing to make money. JNO. K. PATTERSON & CO. To the Tax-payers oftbe County. four taxes have been due since the 1st of September, and I have waited patiently with you, but the time has come when I must nave your tax. The law forces me to pay over the school tax by January 1st, and I cannot pay tr em without your help. Now yon must pay or I will have to levy on your property and make cost to the tax-payer. I hope every one will take this notice isto consideration. and consider .tbe situation in which I am placed, air av e me soma trouble and you some expense, because you know s .well ax myself your tax is due and ought be paid and must be paid. Yours to serve, JA8. F. HARRIS, Sheriff. Concord, N. C, Deo. 1. 1MM. Victor Talking Machines.. o 4 1

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