1 11V1J5, V John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. Volume XXII. PI.ISHED TWICE WEEK. Concord, N. C.t January 31, 190B. at9M i i m 1 Mil I vUb t vchi a. atri n was I I 1 tm . ft t if GardenTruck cin be raised profitably only In (oil containing plenty of Potash. All vegetable require a fertilijw con taming at least 10 per cent, actual Potash Without Potash no fertilizer is com plete, and failure will follow its use. Every farmnrthoulfl tumour TaluiiblAhnnks On fertilization thr are But ihlvurtittinf matter bminlna nnir anM-i.l faptlllv.H- lul tolu of authoritative information that muni HwirMuwueunmsi. beat irsa tor uu CEBWAW Kil l WOKE! S.w T.ra-tWVasaa Street, er COa.-ffiX Booth Brow) street, i . The Mutal Denefit Life Insurance Company OF NEWARK, N. J. The Leading , Annual Dividend Company of the World. It has an unrivalled rec ' ord in the history ot Kaleigh, Jan. 26. In the Senate Thirty yew ago Albert Bennett u Win were introduced to require the ate I a daring and successful trader in the ' wire ana no. naroea along tbe pit of the Ubiosgo board of trade. He side of roads; to prohibit the tale of made thousands, but the price of wheat "t""' "ies 01 uom Mill, uuis went against mm one day and he left passed abolishing the three days- I the pit penniless. Today, aa old man grace and making negotiable laws uni- he walks about with a cane, finds seats form; for the relief of county commie- for women who visit the gallery, and sioners regarding the verification of acts the part of a sort of combination clsn. The Senate then took up the usher and janitor. special order, namely, the bill Increas- This old man, who, as a young man ing the salaries of Judges to 93,600 and tried to convert $100,000 into $1 000 - repealing the act allowing Superior 000, thus philosophizes after it is too Court Judges 1250 for expenses for late for him to benefit by his own phil- traveling, mr. wiiuams aaaeo wna. oaopny: "lo make' a million should had become of the bill allowing $1,000 not be the aim of every young man to the Governor for expenses, saying There are many things that are better u wis, were not auowea, ne wouia op- than great wealth. But it is hard to pose the bill. Mr. Scales said the make anybodv believ tw t a:a-,. present bill was a unanimous compro- believe it at one time myself. But if a mise. Considerable debab, followed. y0UDg m.n u goi to In the House petitfon was filed life i .,. :n; t $1.00 a Tear, in Advance. Number 62. TOR AND TRB TOMATO. ro tHAieiB. iron. W members 01 tbe ii.pt.st As- of it he should resolve to la. ... .,1.1: 1 .. .. - "'6' ,u umuuu hiimih. nn nrtu in Mani. l - i m , ... ... th ...H k. ; . i0 m ln one 8 ch'r- 8"iDR last wnrmities, but it has also excellencies Thomas E. Watson, late Populist Cnotu observer. candidate for President, describes in I w not willing to believe that the 'iiethany,,rlis novel Juat published by donunant white race of North Carolina ge Appletons, the feelings of a public 88 represented in the General Assembly man at a formal dinner. After oele- " ession at Raleigh, will take a step orauDg me lavish hospitality of the I ud cutting off the educational rjroa. south before the war, where all the P80' the negroes. We owe much to viands were set on the Jable at once, tQew people. Their value to the State h y: is not to be computed by the fleure "it a as Happened to me several times tner cut 00 the tax books. They are in my life to be arrested, convicted and our "bo1'' They dig out of the soil sentenced to dine with other well- larSe part of the wealth which we enlor dressed conviots, male and female, at d urely they are entitled to a part of sweii dinner one of those formal ln1 which, they make. It is not ria-ht functions where solemn flunkies bring hot the door of opportunity in their you one thing only to eat at a time. Ice- As a race they are not capable nnen you nave pecked a while at that 01 intellectual development, but one thing, whatever it may be, solemn chiId ,or child, they should have equal flifhkies take it away and bring you an. I nnce with the other of our noDuIa- .i . i.. - - otner piate and some other thing to uon 4na we do not understand how a wuue. paraua wno would consign them . to "Sometimes it hsppene that this one niental oblivion can sleep well at night. imng is a big, defiant-looking tomato. lM negro race is full of frailties and sociation and 600 voters, thai the Watts law remain as at Dresent. or if i. .i.l . changed, be made more stringent, be mZon f C0Ufl" which the flunk hM l"t put the superior pWple owe obligation. Bills were introduced to allow Soenc-r k ..i- . 7 . . . y on; t0 IMl,M tnat th enUre course w " "hlch are by no means to be dis. to issue bond, for school, and electric OnT'h .hT., T T'' ni,eU f looe Wgarded- For the Md" white , - . m nerceiy red and raw; to glance along people or worth Carolina let u. have it is only the the table and to realize that all the done with the talk about dividing the trust; to amend the law so that the .7. "1. .7 . convicts, male and T : -""-u'vuuw KHuaio apiece, ana are trying to look rBce Py' m me world. Monev cheerfullv at th n.. u... m.J. 1 i , "I ,v-w uuoir-ius UUflt munp in iruinlaiinn a 1 I . TtomtnKtoMnWuMbwrtlZJZZr'-r" eM1,y nM overwhelmed me every time it . " - -- -"iwiwimbijkimiouo, l0 any- eotthechancn. Th i. i.... Life Insurance, of cost to them. If you want the best poli cy on the market, call on Jno. K. Patterson, Agent, CONCORD, N. C. last session, except as to the counties thins- ul oTeiuu, uasion, uabarrus and Mitchell passed 86 to 21. Caldwell, Wa tauga, Burke, Randolph and Ruther- iora aened to be exempted from the operations of this repealing law, but Mr. McNinch begged that the amend menta be withdrawn, saying it would rob the temperance foices of their victory and endanger the passage of an anu jug bill later on. All amend any- Gamblers always die poor. On U. . . . w urn juuuk man wno wienes to win success should never begin to gamble. He should work hard for what he gets ana be should be satisfied a long ways tnis side of the million mark." rending.1 Uood Advee for Girl., Charlotte People's Paper. Uirls, don't hang around the depot unless you are going away or are there to meet friends. Don't go to the post office and shove about in a miscella- Don't go to church and moderation and Stona-evlly. Kansas City Journal. A Reminiscent Appetite, Houston Post. I think I'd like to stop tbe pigs the neous crowd. way I used to do, and bring in wood and take a back seat wit"h hunt for eggs and bring the cows home whisper and giggle thooghout the ser too; and grease tbe wagon and hitch tnon. Don't be loud and boisterous up me norses every day, and water all and slangy. Stand on vnnr Hicnit. t.jo . . . I m. . -j i j . .. . I . . " v ixiru oirainoona, ixrd High Com- w" "uu "" uu give me norses ana aon t form acquaintances ouicklv l mifwinnftr nt Panai. .i i nay, ana numn wash w.tnr ind 1 Tinn't A.m ..J : ua tj. i: it.i i I " - " " - icwuu win- - . J I uu juur sieeve ?i"T. t.y uuiuerg a ments were then withdrawn and the pieted his eightieth year. Excent on ,D na CDarn ni churn, and churn. nd don't throw yourself into the arm. Vcf ti ,orevery do,'ar bill h gone to the Senate. set occasions he has eaten but two w bile other boy8 down b the creek of every good looking drummer orevery meals a day for sixty years breakfast were hvlD 'un t0 burn- I'd like to weU dressed stranger that comes to and dinner. proposal i.njuu.. hinm-b . luaoici .n. ajonaupation "Ohamberlain's Stomach and Livr h Waa(i-.-x wuw wuwa uuu ui .a, ui ijiiif iiih f nrriiirrn i rwm . . ....... pwsing ships through the ezistin. .u. 1, 7 . . . " . tm , .1 " Bro lue Desl tnlnK stomach canal. There is much discontent nn Corn, 70c per bushel. Peas, 70c per bushel. Eggg, per dozen, 20c. Chickens, 20 to 30 cents. Butter. 12Vac to 1 Sweet Potatoes, 35c to 40c per UU&ilCl. Irish Potatoes, 75c to 90c per Onions 90c to $1 Peanuts, 75c per bushel. Pork, 8c per pound. Partridges. 8Vic to 10c a mVrp Kaooits, 5c to 7YiC. Rabbitts must De cleaned and skinned, with head and ieet left Will give you the highest market price ior times. D. J. BOST&CO. TWO' BARGAINS! About 65 acre. frrahlnnH s n,:u. 4i ' ' j iiiuva inn in 01 Concord, nearly level. l.n,;.io- to the south, at the small sum of $11.00 per acre. We regard thi. a. r.,.. f very best offers in real tf- nn o.. c tui. mnu is nearly ready for the plow; 15 acres forest timber, with branch run ning through it. We include enoueh lumber on the land tb build a fair tene ment house. Two houses and lots find tWfi trtirarlf lots, on the benuti fill trtlnll At" 4.1. Cemetery, frontinir nn flip fia1icl.i. road, at a bargain. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. CONCORD, N. t. SURE CURE ..FOR., INDIGESTION! THAT'S ALL . . SOLD BY lit) so ii Drag Store . Smith. CO. New Bnes Canal. The London Times notes a H. X. WOODROUBB, President, a W. BWINlT. Cashier. Teller Jl Concord. N. c. Branch at 'Albemarle, K. C. Capital, 50,000.00 S orpins and Undivided Profits 80,000.00 PCeto 850,000.00 Total Resources 435,000.00 . His lordship is the largest tii tbe 8heP' 1 would' VA ''ke to milk town. In IU : I the COWS: I'd like tn m.n n,n..l I to oonstmnt . aM B.., i " wwuiug mil- glomi . ,C TT " ' 8 Uon ' cres in the Canadian North- 8aw Da Dave 8 Wlld carouse, with dad to the excessive high charges made for we(!t. besides a vast est! in sw..., the other end of it to pull me through the existing the nW of hi. h:,iv, u..;j the log. I'd love to currv nff tho (,.m , v, ... ., i - r - " u ci-iju; - - i "mum ouu cousiipaaon i nave ever itent 01 m au k !. , and feed tha r.l m.nA Ana kr.A .,1 I I T n i- . . . , n.rt r.4 i , , -"-"-" u .uiu.iug a mut), sdq f wucu uu, ojj. a. gunman, a arugoi8t of the partofshirx)wning c rcle.in Great in drinking a Utile, but I believe in I d 8"t the chores all done and bad got Potterville, Mich. "They are easy to take victpsiSent. Th 7 8 ' temperance yes, temperance in aU nrouga tha rush, I'd love to take a nd always give satisfaction. I tell my w. h. gibso. 8 , prosperity ot the canal com- things, whether food .drink or tobacco buah hook 8nd 8out and cut some customers to try them and If not satis- P-u, Wltu u . reason lor some Ut the same time, in m ii oh. I'd do these things again. I laeJ W come back and get their mmXZ I "Pd'b8'' there are none more intemperate than wUld' 8Qdneyer he8ve 8"8h, forlong .- uu.. us m MiHwu en terprise strictly, partly for commercial and partly for imperial reasons, being Seven shares Kindley mill stock and two snares Mill Nam tb- r... .i John K. Pattereon & Oo. O. Richmond. xhos G. 6. RICHMOND j 1882 1904. I Carrying all lines of business. Companies all sound after Bal-. timore fire. We thank you for past fayors, and ask a continuance oT your business. Rear room City Hall. required for communication with In dia and the colonies. No doubt the existing canal will after a time become inadequate for the great traffic of the E tat. But a band- Olir (Ml lt lint lnJlna.4 -1 I roMe"d.n5tomeVof ou'.S Mm9 reduction of present rates would To the Editor cf The Observer pracisuon or ineir patronage and cordial v go far to oaralvza tha nn ninn'u Invite a continuance of llie.ama. 8hmirt hi 6 o 'no new enterprise uesiaee, England is a large holder of to rout the "bears" in the cotton battle shares in the present canal and would that is on: Let the farmers plant a churn iust like I used to do i r.ivMvu vu Brve . i.rKe nuniner or new cus omers. holding ourselves read j to serve you In any way consistent with sound banking. 'directors. J. w. Cannon, Robert 8. Young, h. Jos. F. Ooodson, M. J. Corl, Jiio 8. M. Morrow, T. C Ingram. those who insist on total abstinence. I about tnia tlme 0 yeM 1 d get my fill am not aware that I work harder than P'e good home-made mince and other men. I have congenial work and Pnn,Pkln Plei nd hen's eggs newly attend to every detail of my business. laid; alt'ri8in' bred nd biscuits like In assiduity and concentration lies the tbe kin(1 mjr motnCT made: and good secret of success." backbone and spareribs too, and corn- bread spread with grease -these things A Fl. to Home the Bear.. to have again would bring mv snirit lasting pesce. And so I'd like tn slnr. Here is a good way for the farmers the pigs and feed the critters too. and churn, and churn, and churn, and money, bnthave never had a complaint.' Kor sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. J. Foil. pflrU.J IM f I JEWELRY DIAMONDS WATCHES and a complete line of the GENUINE Rogers Bros." i ni muzz Knives, Forks, Spoona, etc Eyes carefully examined end Dronerlr fitted to the brat HTS'-i of (lasses. -of) W.C.CORRELL,Jeweer lose income by the creation of a rival. Aaklng ror a Law to Compel the Doe tors. Monroe Eaqulrer. 8ome time ago the physicians of this country organized and got up a"biack list." All who had refused to pay doctors' bills were put on the list and medical men agreed not to visit any who was on the black list until the ac count of the physician who had put him on the black list was settled. The doctors have stuck to their agreement pretty well, so well that a petition is now being circulated asking the Legislature to en act a law which will compel a physician to attend the sick when money is tend ered for his services, if the physician has no other reason for refusing to an swer the call than that the one calling j him owes another physician. very large acreage of cotton this year, r i .1 ... wjoiu cultivate n witn great csre and have the prospects for an enormous crop. Let the cotton grow until it is too late to re-plant. In the meantime, let the farmers buy on the cotton ex changes millions on millions of cotton futures. This accomplished, let them begin and plow up at least one-half of all the cotton that was planted. This would at once make cotton soar neaven-nigh, and the farmers could oome up and close out their futures and ne millionaires forevermore. And this would do away with cotton speculation lor a generation, at least. A Boll Weevil. ConcordJan. 22, 1905. Law THE B .u1 Concord, N. C July Sth, WH. -This hank has Just passed the sixteenth annlnetvary, and each one ot Uiese sixteen years has added to Its strength, thus proving that It Is worthy the continence ot its pa trons and the general public. Paid in Capital $50,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits - - 36,000 Shareholders Liability 50.000 With tha above as a base rircoO"nce and an nnasuallv lare amount aaceu In Proportion to liabilities guarantee ol onnaervatlve manaa-emen'Jwe Invite your "Miiness, latarestpaia as Kg-reeo. 1. at. ODRLU President, a D B. OOLIKABB. Oasnier. It Wasn't tfce SeraaoB, After All New York Sun. A young preacher in an uptown church was much struck last Sunday by the seeming effect his sermon was hav ing upon one of his congregation, a shabby-genteel man with white hair, who, throughout the entire discourse, sat with head bowed in deeply reverent attitude. After the service the minis ter pushed his wsy to the my and proudly said: "la am glad to note that my sermon affected you. Did it make yon see tbe error in your ways?" Oh, it wA't that," said the man sheepishly. '-You see, my waiscoat is too short snd I had to bend over to hide my shift." Ch.-berlal. C...H Remedy AhQ l.t.l. Sla, Inaa w The fault of giving children medicine containing Injurious substances, is some times more disastions than the disease from which they are suffering. Every mother should know that Chamberlain's S?an tm wan. f.OTn rm a nlasuk in tnvn ? I8 If so, we think wt can find just Cough Remedy is perfectly safe for chil what yon want See the list of the dren to take. It contains nothing barm- Jno. K. Pat- ) .nd tor coogs. colds and croup is property we have for sale, tenon & Co. f WfttSwiltHt AU IiSl UltS. El f Bast C'ouah ttrrup. TaMr. UooiL tla. fl I In lima. S..lq by dniggiMn. Srf aa p a ssaa fcaaaaa - I unsurpassed. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. An old bachelor says a man is lucky I at cards and unlucky in love if be wins in both instanosa. Credit. In a certain town of Connecticut aeaoon or tbe church charged with so liciting subscriptions for a chanty recently experienced considerable diffi culty in getting the townsmen to oon tribute. To one of his neighbors the doctor said: "Ob, come, Richard, do give some thing." "Sorry, deacon," answered Richard. "but I don't see how I can." -wnynoir isn't the cause a rood oner- "Oh yes, tbe cause is good enough out i owe too much money." "But, Richard, you owe God a larger aebt man ansone else. "That's , too," drawled Richard, "out uod ain i pusbin me." ftratally Tortand." A case came to light that for persistent and unmerciful torture has perhaps never been equaled. Joe Golobick. of coinsa, uaur, writes, "For 15 years endured insufferable pain from Rheu matism and nothing relieved me thoueh I tried everything known, I oame across fclectnc Bitters and it s the greatest med icine on earth for tnat trouble. A few bottles of it completely relieved and cured me," Just as good for Liver and Kidney troubles and general debility Only 60c Satisfaotion guaranteed by all Druggists. A rich wife isn't apt to agree with a dyspeptic husband. Amendments to the Criminal Statesvllls Landmark. . Judge Graham; of Granville, has in troduced in the House of the legislature j three bills amending the criminal law, which ought to pass. Tbe first provides that in the trial of capital cases the State j and defence shall h ave ten peremptory challenges each. This puts each side on something like an equal footing. Under present law the State has four and the defence 24 peremptory challen ges, and in about nine cases out of ten a shrewd lawyer can pick a Jury that will avoid the death penalty. The sec- VERMIFUGE Is th same goo6, old-fashioned medicine that has saved ths lives of little children for the past 6o years. It Is a med icine mad to cure. It baa never been known to fail. If your child Is sick get a bot tle of FREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Da not tag a tubitltiite. If your druggist docs not keep It, sen. lwtnly-fi.v. cants In stamps to 33. cto S. 2711 m "3T Baltimore, Md. and a bold, will be Balled yoa. Residesces aai Vacant Lots for Sale. TWO MORE BARGAINS. One 5-room dwelling, new well-house, barn and young fruit trees. On Ken street. Size nf W 1 Art i.-: unci urn proviaea that where the killing one-halt cash, and balance in is dnn with . r.o.rll .i: twelve monihs. J irv.fVM uinuin tO presumed and the burden is on the de fendant to show otherwise. Tbe tbird provides that a jury msy be summoned from another county in a capital case. All these are good measures, designed I to aid tbe cause of justice, and they I ought to pass. If the present law had been framed to permit murderers to es-1 cape it could hardly have been more in I their favor. The fact that Judge Gra ham, who is a lawyer of ability, has in troduced these measures, is encouraging, but they will hardly pass. We offer for sale the following houses and lots in Concord : Two good lots, each 60x320 feet, on $700h UtliOD 8treet' Price C(J0 Bnd One town lot 82x200 feet in central part of town, splendid neighborhood, with 5-room cottage, $1,000. One town lot on Spring street, near graded school, 70x210 fret, with six room cottage, $1,4-00. One beautiful lot on South Union street, not fur from Lutheran church. 62V4x225 feet, $2,100. One resident lot on South Springstrect, not far from Corbin street, 62V2xl35 feet, $525. One lot on North Mnin iimi nn.wn rei, wuu two-story 7-room dwelling, vw ma uurgain. One vacant lot on Lhion street, at Fairview, 50x168 feet, at a bargain. One lot on East IVnnt t,,.f rn.m feet with 5-room HwWUnir ,,') .,. UUU8C. One vaeant lot at Wnrlswnrfh kA.v. tion at a bargain. 7 acres near Gibson mill and Furniture laciory, tou, One house and lot, on Mt. Pleasant road 198x500-feet, 5-room dwelling, stable, 110 fruit trees and vines, etc. i ivt p L ,UiJU. One lot in W.idswnrth Arl.!;; r-- nonn House and lot. ham. well lt,u Valley and Pine streets. Concord. Six room nouse. rnce $1900. ne two-story, six-room honor Vn1l a-rcci, ioi iizxiao. friceSllfiO. kn- i j , . ... . vus iiuuk anil lot on I'llie Rtfwr nnA. siory, tour-room dwelling. Price $950. One lot in Concord, five-room new house and barn, 75x150 feet. Price 900. One lot in Wadsworth Addition, six room dwelling, nearly new. Price $420 One lot on North V 61x189 feet. Price $1,421. One house and lot on Valley tween Depot street and Cnnnnn'i mill 63x120 feet. House has t wet at ririca good well of water. Price $850 cash. ' One desirable residenrv tnf ,.. siae oi isortn union street, 64x150 feet. Four beautiful lots on Allison street in Harris addition, each 60xlfiO frpt. po. ?t'iu, or ou each. One good 5-room house (MiSt. Mary's One lot in rear of Dr. Griffin's residence reet, Concord, price onl $750 cash. 70x140 feet. Price $150. re8latnce- Half-acre lot. with 5-rnon, rlm.lK.. on Sirmpson street. Price $600. House and lot in South Concord, in beautiful elm grove. Price, only $1,000. One beautiful building lot on North Union street. 64x278 feet. $1,500. One beautiful lot, 70x150 feet, with two-story 7-room dwelling in sulendid community, near graded school, churches mm uusmess partoi town, at $2,000. One vacant lot near Knrnin, p tory,100. lxt No. 6, in Harris Addition at fl00. One lot in Cnlplmnr Kn"ju7 , e i w - uwt-iiiuif, cucap at VJOU. One vacant lot on east side of Allison street. Price $100. One vacant lot on East Depot street, between Otto Cook lot and John S. Hill lot. Price $325. Six-room dwelling on Wril, IT-: street, has also t bath room, 75x256 feetlot, stable, wood house, garden and fruit. House and lot in Mt. Pleasant, near the College, with 6-room cottage, good well, plenty of fruit. Size of lot 800x200. Price only $700. Two lota on East side Gibson street. Price $160 each. 0.n,e1? in. Fairv'w. Price $150 cash, or $164 in installments. One lot in Wadsworth ,lAt;nn ing the railroad, size 60x120 feet.' Price $131.25, cash One 5-room cottmre nn nnrfi. -:.i. r West I)eoot street. aHlninm. u a drew 's Church, price $1,000. One 6-room cottage on beautiful knoll, near Femx Roller Mill, price $900. Oisf 5-room house on rampr nr a n: d . , ........ w . nuiauu bmith streets, price $425. One four-room cottace on r,V,m,. street, 50x150 feet lot. Price $500 cash. One lot on corner of Porhia ...4 t... tier streets, with two 3 room dwellings. T.!Z2r Cash' or 400 for fr"t 'ot and $300 for rear one. JNO. K.PATTERSOX & CO., Keal Estate Agents, Concord, N. C Rata Played tbe Plaao. New fork World. For some time Frederick R. Walker, who lives in Winsor Place, Bloomfield, n. J., has been much annoyed by 1 sounds from his piano ' at night. It is an old-fashioned square instrument. Some of his friends suggested spirits, I but Walker scoffed. He watched the piano for several nights, ' thinking his friends were playing a trick on him. He could discover nothing, however. As long as he remained in the room I the piano gave forth no sound. He had tbe piano taken apart yesterday and I found a rat's nest among the wires. It was the rats that had made the piano give forth msiral sounds. Pity hWBk 'For years fate was after me oon-1 dnuously," write F. A. Gnlledge, Ver-1 ben a, Ala. "I had a terrible case of Pile causing 24 tumors. When all failed Bocklen's Arnica Salve cured me Equally good for Burns and all aches I and paina. Only S5o at all Druggist'. Simply caat weevr out DOLLAR f DOLLAR That's exactly what you get with every . . Buck's Stove and Range- Dollar for Dollar, in fact you get mtB-e for your dollar when buying a Buck's than any other make. Thisis a proven, admitted fact CfiAYEN BROS. FDRH1TDRE AND UNDERTAKING COMPANY

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