CONCORD rTPvFTTV Tir m 1 llVlJil5, I John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED TWICE A. WEEK. $1.00 a Tear, in Advance, Volume XXII. CGncord, n. c, March 10, 1905. Number 73. TOE 8L CORN FIELDS ARE GOLD FIELDS I to the farmer who under- I I stands how to feed his ' crops. Fertilizers for Cora 0SSB must contain at least 7 V per cent, actual ) 1 Potash r Send for our books they f tell why Potash Is as necessary . to plant liHe as sun and rain; I , sent free, if you ask. Write to-day. GERMAN KALI WORKS flew York 93 Nassau Street, or Atlanta, Ua. boutn croaa si. 7he Mutal Denefit ) Insurance Company I OP NEWARK, N. J. 1 ' : Leading 1 Annnal I Dividend Company of the 9 " Wdrld. It has an unrivalled rec- ' ord in the history ot Life Insurance, 1 ",.1? TT-11 r i gives u& policy iioiaers a L: Jar's worth for every dollar cf cost to them. If you want the best poli cy on the market, call on !:o.K. Patterson, Agent CONCORD, N. C. r. I WOODHOOTB. President. ( . W. SWINK. Cashier. 1IABTTN BOG BR. Vloe-Presldent W. H. GIBSON. Teller. Concord, N. C, Branch at Albemarle, W. 0, Capital, I 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 80,000.00 Deposits 350,000.00 Total Resources 435,000.00 Our past success, as Indicated above by rures, :s quite gratifying, and we wish to ure our friends and customers of our ap clation o f t heir patronage and cordially i ite a continuance or ttie same, onouia oe 1 sued to serve a lance number of new cus .iners. holding ourselves ready to serve you 1 1 ajny way consistent with sound Danung. DIRECTORS. J. W. Cannon, Robert S. Young, L. J. Foil. t. r. uoonson, M. J. uorl, Juo B. Jtnrct, J U. Morrow, T. C. Ingram. JEWELRY DIAMONDS WATCHES and sv complete line of the GENUINE "1847 Rogers Bros. Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc. Eve. carvfullv examined and 1 ' . -. 1 . . 1- 1 property nitea 10 ineneai graue 1 01 gla .cPo Plae Repalriaf. W.C. CORRELL, Jewe er. THE II in IHII Wlllll. Vllllll. Concord. N. C. Julv Rfh torn 1 1 r III UNI 1 This bank has Just passed the sixteenth nnineraary. and eacb one of these sixteen years has added to Its strength, tlms proving that It la worthy the confidence of a pa trons ana the general public. Paid in Capital ' '$50,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits,--'- - - 36,000 t StMwehwIdera Liability . 50,000 With the above as a base for confidence ana an unuaaiuiv targe amount of assets in proportion to Uahllltlea aa a guarantee of conservative management, we invite your vuaiueesw lai-erwsipaia as agreed. J. at. ODBLL, President, D. B. OOLIHASK. Cashier. Do Ton want a farm or a place in town? If so, we think we can find just what von want. See the list of the property we have for sale. Juo. K. Pat terson & Co. I C "6n.S WnfllfTlSc fadSf' I I I I Beat Cough 8rup. Taatee Uuud. XSm I I ( In time. Bold hrdnilai J f C yS THE PBMsiniST. He remembers all bis troubles That keep him nice and sad ; But can't remember half a day The pleasures that be d bad. "Alut got no time fer trouble-fer Billy's at the gate. With a little wilier basket that is wrlgglln' with the bait; An' tbe river looks invitla', an' it's shady as fcln be, And fer all the Hah that's blttin. that's a nsbll wait for me Down by the river Life is like a song. The rosy mornlu' long." AN INTBBESTING LETTER. From a Former Cabarrua Irian In California. Now Special Cor. ot Thk Times. Dear Old Tab Heel: With all Uncle Sam's improved methods "toating" the mail, the cars making the run from the Atlantic to the Pacific in four days or less, and the atmoe phere crowded with airships, yet it takes all of six days for The Times to reach me; though when it does Mary, my good wife, who is a typical Cali- tornian enjoys it so much that we have to toss "heads and tails" to see who reads it first. Only a few days ago while leisurely walking down one of Stockton's princi pal streets, my attention was attracted by a negro hack man alighting from his carriage, handing a white man a whisk broom and giving him instruc tions to brash him, the colored man off, and after he completed the task, (a very pleasant one indeed judging from the smiles he made) all the thanks or compensation which he received were only a home-made cigarette. 80 you see a negro here is about on a par with some of the white people. Teddy Roosevelt's friend, Booker T., was here about a year ago and one of tbe very finest churches in the city was simply turned over to him. He spoke in this magnificent edifice to many thousands of people, and received almost as great a distinction as the late William McKinley did when he passed through Stockton. ratricide seems to be the order of the day in Stockton and vicinity; only three cases within a period of about eighteen months. All the boys were still in the their "teens," and the two first cases was brought about by the fathers and mothers having some few little quarrelsome words, while the third one simply set fire to his parents house and burned them up, so the jury found. Verdict: The first one came clear, and since has been traveling in the very swellest society. The second got eight years in the State prison, while the third get death. Honestly I believe there is more deviltry and crime committed in this State to the square inch than any other spot on the face of the good Lord's green earth, except maybe the empire of Russia. Scarcely a day passes but that the papers do not chronicle several burglaries or highway robberies, that is for this town, mind you. The robbers ret go and stick a "gun" (pistol) be- twen a fellow s eyes and command him to "shell out," which, of couse, he usually does. A well known man of this city, whose word for honesty cannot be questioned, informed me that he was "hilt"-op a few years ago, and as the robbers only found on his person the amount of twenty-five cents, they sailed in an gave him a very severe beating for not Saving more. The Californians are the greatest people on earth to eat ; they can just eat all day and all night. That is why there is so much "stomach trouble here. Keally they remind me to a great extent of chickens that eat at any and all times. There is a large wagon that makes regular trips all around the city every day, cooking and selling "hot waffles" right from the wagon. While there are tamale peddlers who travel the streets all night lone Mating at a very loud voice "t-a-m-a 1-e-s!" The Jlher day while conversing with a highly educated man of Stockton, I asked, did you ever travel through Dixie 7 and what was your opinion of Dixieites? Well, said he, "I found the white people very sociable and gener ous, but they nearly all seem to talk ust like the "niggers," that is they would say "Yeh I reckon" and "done gone," and I said that such existed only with those who are still on the illiterate list. I also informed him that I could tell whether a fellow was from Stockton, Cal., Duluth, Minn., or Ban gor, Me., in the dark as well as in the light, not by any particular signs, but by their using their nose instead of the mouth to talk with, saying "all het up" and "nosses" for horses. The most of the children here are spoken of as "kids," as they border and get well into their "teens." My observation is that very few, if any, know the value of a dollar or of prop erty, neither do they show but little respect in many cases to people older than themselves. I have a neighbor who came from the old North State, they have a youngster born on the soil of Californi&epresident joraan writes important and his fwther vows that he's just as mean as the rest of them hje in fact, has no traits of bis consequently have about decided to disown him and let him run the race set before him, while his good mother still clings to him and can be seen of times on her piazza call at the top of her voice, Fred-d i-e! We had a minister here a few years ago who was in charge of one of the largest churches of the city. When his term expired as pastor and his salary was discussed at some length, tbe idea being to reduce it, whereupon he bit terly objected and gave as his reason, that he was not a 2x4 preacher, but a 6x8 if you please. That brought to my recollection, days, weeks, months, years, ago when Bro. Fete used to sing and saw away on his old violin thus The preacher In the Pulpit, Preaching so bold. Preaching for your money. And never save your soul. Well, old boy, I have much more to tell you but will have to wait until the next time, then I may write you con oerning the resources of Stockton and San Joaquin county. As ever, your old friend, ' Jno. H. Jenkins. 8tockton, Cal', Feb. 28, 1905. A Great Battle In Mancuurla Charlotte Observer, 8th. For ten days the Japanese and Rus sian armies in Manchuria have been engaged in a mighty conflict, the issue of which has not yet been reached. Al though the most of the news from the scene of the battle com through Rus sian sources, and consequently may be supposed to present the facts in a as favorable a light as possible for the Russian armies, it is evident that the Japanese made some gains yesterday. St. Petersburg has an unofficial report that General Kuropatkin's center has been broken and that thirteen siege guhs have fallen into the hands of the Japanese. These guns, which are ofJ six and eight-inch calibre, were given permanent emplacements on the line of the railroad north of Shakhe station, evincing the confidence of the Russians that the Japanese could not penetrate thither. In St. Petersburg it is gener ally believed that General Kuropatkin was yesterday fighting the rear guard action to cover his retreat and that the night will have witnessed a large with drawal of troops toward Tie Pass. All of the commander-in-chief's ability, it is said, will be required to extricate his army from its present predicament. The issue, it is expected, will be decided to-day, and a great deal unquestionably depends upon the comparative .ability of the opposing armies to resist the effects of hunger and fatigue, the limit of human endurance having evidently been nearly reached on both sides. Be yond the statement that the casualties exceed those of the battle of Liao Yang, there is little known as to the number killed or wounded. Explosion of A Letter- Lexington, March 7. Postmaster J G. Walser was slightly injured and greatly frightened yesterday afternoon by the explosion of a letter, which he was stamping in the course of his duties in the postoffice. Mr. Welser's eye was hurt by powder burn, and bis face blackened by the expk sion. The report being as loud as a pistol shot, was heard some distance and caused considerable excitement. . The letter which caused the trouble, on being examined, was found to contain a lot of caps such as are used by small boys in toy cannofis. There is7 some mystery about tbe mat ter. The letter was mailed here, and the name of the party to whom it was addressed baa not been given out by the poetoffioe. For an Impaired Appetite. Loss of appetite always results from faulty digestion. All that is needed is a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will invigft-ate the stomach, strengthen the digestion and give yon an appetite like a wolf. These Tablets also act as a gentle laxa tive. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. An Invitation to "cosgn I'p. Paris, Tenn., Poet-Intelligencer. , A man in Texas who swallowed a five- cent piece twenty years sgo has just coughed it up. We will give a liberal reward to learn the process by which he was induced to coueh up the coin. We have a few subscribers on whom we would like to try it. Got Ofl Cheap. He mar well think, he has' got off cheap, who, after having contracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore his health. Nothing will do this but Dr. Bang's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant nnd certain cure for headache, constipation, etc. 25o at all druggist' ; guaranteed. BE EEI niBKi OFF THE It. Letter on "DlatresseaCotlon Hon. Harvie Jordan, president of the Southern Cotton Association, has written an interesting article regarding distressed cotton." He suggests that the cotton which is beirag sold in the small towns and cities where there are not tbe proper warehouse or banking facilities, be bought by some cotton company and kept off the market at present prices. He deals at length with the situation and points out how all such cotton could be kept off theJ market at the present price. Mr. Jor dan says: "At a great many local points throughout the cotton belt, where bank ing and warehouse facilities are limit ed, some cotton is gradually being forced on the market and sold because the owners are forced to have some money either to pay pressing obliga tions or to pay for some necessary sup plies that cannot be otherwise secured. All cotton of this kind ought to be pro tected in such local communities and prevented from being forced on the market. In every town where cotton is sold there ought to be formed a cot ton company of bankers, merchants and leading farmers to devise some way to protect and hold this cotton. Not a bale of such cotton ought to be allowed to go out of the country at present prices, or to get into the hands of tbe exporteis. Men who have money idle, and there are always such men in every town, should let it be known that they are willing to advance f 25 on such cot ton to the owners, or if it must be seld, then get together and buy it in. Cot ton will always be a safe purchase at present prices where the party buying is able to hold the staple for a few months. Let each community get to gether now and cooperate to prevent any cotton from being markted and shipped to the ports. It can be done all over the south if the proper effort is made. It is being done at many points in Georgia and other states. Don't permit this distress cotton to be sold in your markets and shipped to ewell the receipts. With united effort the-pres ent holding movement can be made absolutely successful, and the price of cotton soon forced up to 10 cents per pound at the ports. But there must be united action all along the line. A few bales here and there in all the 812 counties sold each day will in the aggre gate run the number of bales up info the thousands and enable exporters who are short to partially at least fill their contracts. This is what the cpot .holders don't want to see done. Tbe cotton must be held so tight that the movement will almost cease and force the buyers to actively bid up the price. "The amount of cotton sold from the crop of 1904 cannot possibly last longer than June. If no more cotton should be sold the mills generally would be forced to close down in June and a cot ton famine ensue. All mills can easily pay 10 cents per pound for American cotton, and will do so if the holders will not throw their cotton on the market and sell the staple for less. The various county or parish organizations of the Southern Cotton Association should promptly take this matter up and de vise ways and means to protect all cot ton forced on the market in their re spective localities. Farmers who have considerable cotton on hand and need money can easily arrange to borrow 125 per bale at a low rate of interest by shipping his cotton to a good bonded warehouse. There are several of these warehouses in Georgia, and some of the other states, where money can be borrowed at 6 per cent per annum on warehouse receipts. We face a serious condition and must not allow the op portunity to win in this fight to fail, Every man who is able ought to assist in this movement to prevent any cot ton from being forced to sale. It is a fight of the southern people against tbe world, with the odds largely in our favor. Harvie Jordan, "Pres. Southern Cotton Association." Confederate Bennloa. The Fifteenth Annual Reunion of the Uoittfl Confederate Veterans will be held in the city of Louisville, Ky., on June 14, 15 and 16, 1905, Wedne day, Thursday and Friday, respectively, those days have been named by that city as satisfactory. The ty of Louis ville extends a hearty welcome to all the veterans. Attarnea ky a Moo and beaten, in a labor riot, nntil covered with sores, a Chicago street car conduc tor applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and was soon sound and well. "lose it in my family," writes G. J. Welch, of Te- konBha, Mich., "and find it perfect." Simply great for cuts and burns. Only 25o at all druggists'. ' He is always a poor man who knows no more in life than making money. shoiid THE LEGISLATE BB. Raleigh, March 6. The Legislature to-day passed a bill appropriating ISO, 000 for an exhibit at the Janystown Exposition, to be paid in three years, the next Legislature to have power to increase it. The appropriation is con Ungent upon a million dollar appro priation by Congress, the officials say ing that if less is appropriated it will be too srfiall an affair to be of value. The State Agricultural Department is directed to co-operate and utilize its great resources. The Governor is to appoint ten commissioners, who will elect a commissioner general. The Senate parsed bills amending the Cabarrus road law; to settle the South Dakota and Schaffer bonds; to require inspection of water sheds of all sources of water supply present and future; to protect real estate of minor children fatherless and with insane mothers; to require the railways to deliver freight with reasonable promptness for failure not to exceed thirty days. Bills passed to'limit poll-tax in Mecklenburg and referee its collection; concerning sales of whisky on prescription in Mecklen burg. A Safe Cousin medicine for Children. In buying a cough medicine for chil dren never be afraid to buy Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. It is especially valuable for colds, croup and whooping cough. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. Fllty TL-at Corrupts Justice. Durham Herald. One great trouble is that too many people think that criminals should be pitied rather than punished. PLASTICO PLASTICO ltd economical material for tinting and decorating walla, superior to kalso mine and wall paper, and much cheaper than paint, PI ACT I ft ft combines all riHOIIUw the good fea tures of other wall coat ings, and none ot their dis advantages, ' Packed in dry powder form, in white and tints, ready for use by adding cold water. Full directions on package. Any one can apply lb Sample card of beautiful tints for the asking. Antl-Kalsomine Co. HARD RAPIDS. MICH. For sale In Concord by the Yorke & Wadsworth Co. revs VERMIFUGE l th. cams good, old-fashioned medicine that has saved the lives of little children for the past 60 years. It is a med icine made to cure. It has never been known to fail. If your child issick get a bot tle of - FREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Do not take a substitute. If ' your druggist does not keep It, send twenty-five cents In stamps to - Baltimore, Hd, a and a bottle will be nailed you. r 4 Si ian I 4H PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. H. C. HERRING. DENTIST, .03 Is now on the ground floor of the Lltaker isuiiaing. ooivcoRD. xr. o. Dr. w. c. Houston Surgeon Dentist, CONCORD, K. 0. Is prepared to do all kinds of dental work in mo muni approyea manner. Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Residence 'Phone 11. Offlce 'Phone 43, L. T. HARTSELL, iiiorney-Bt-Law, CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA Promnt attention riven tn n hminm Offlce In Morris building, opposite the court UUIUW. DRS. LILLY & WALKER, offer their professional services to the cltl sens of Concord and surrounding country, Calls promptly attended day or night. W t. HOHTOOallBT. I. UaOBOWBLl MOHTGOMERY CROWELL, Attorneys and Coonselors-at-Law, CONOOBD. N. C. As partners. Will nmctlra In win Pahnmi, Stanlv and adjoining counties, In the Supe rior and Supreme Courts o 1 the State and In me reuerat uourts. umce in court house. Parties desiring to lend money can leave it with us or place It In Concord National runk tor us, and we will lend It on good real es tate neuuruy iree or cuarge lo tne depositor. We make thorough examination of title to lands offered as security for loans. mortgages roreciosea without expense to vners of same. Henry B. Adams. Tbos. J. Jerome. Frank Armneld. Tola D. Maness. .dais, Jerome, Armfield & liases., . Attorneys and Counsellors at Lav, CONCORD, N. C. Practice In all the Rtatn and tT R rnnrt. Prompt attention given to collections and general law practice. Persons Interested In the settlement of estates, administrators, executors, and guardians are especially In vited to call on us. as we represent one of the largest bonding companies in America; In fact we will go any kind of a bond cheaper than any one else. Parties deal ring to lend money can leave It with us or deposit it in Concord National nana, ana we win lend it on approved secu rity free of charge to the lender. Continued and Dainstakinir attention will be given, at a reasonable price, to all legal business. Utltce In new Morris Building oDnoslte Trlbuneofflce. The Prosperous Farmer has a right to be buoyant, be cause he carefully prepares his lands at seed-time, and uses lib erally every season Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers, which bring, at harvest-time, large, exoellentcrops for which the very highest prices are ob tained. They come up to and often exceed our guaranteed analysis. If you don't fertilize with these Sopular brands you fall to ob iln tbe best results from the care and labor put on your crop, whether It be trucks or anyone special product of the soil. It your dealer cannot supply you write us for Information at any one ot the cities named. VTROINIA-CAROWNA CHEMICAL COMPAN V Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. Durham, N. C. Charleston, 8. C, Atlanta, Oa. Bavaunaii, Qs. Montgomery. Ala, Memphis, Teno. FOR SALE. One 25 h. p. Engiue, Boiler and Mill. One 20 h. p. Engine, Boiler and Mill. One 15 b. p. Engine and Boiler. One 13 h. p. Engine. One 20 h. p. Engine. One 15 h. p. Vertical Engine. One 20 h. p. Versical Engine. These are good second-hand outfits, and will be sold cheap. Come quick. Corcord Foundry and Machine Works. FURNITURE Carpets, Chinaware . Curtains, Stoies, Ranges. You can get any of the above lines here at prices that are fair. See . our display before buying. Prices modest. Dining Room Outfits Sideboards Buffets Leather Chairs, etc. CUT THIS OUT I Photo Enlargements I have bewn asked why I did not give inducements in the way of a Crayon or Pastel by different parties. This I did once, and it did not seem to take. I will strain o-ive the public one more offer, a little T better than ever before given. THIS IS IT. Oife dozen Mantello Cabinets on 6x8 Mounts; one (hand made) Crayon or Colored Pastel in 16x20 Oval, black or gilt frame, all for $10.00; this is a saving of $5.00. Offer good. only until Mareh 30, 1905. To learn more about this offer call at my studio. O. V.'FOUST, Photographer. Opposite Court House, Concord, N. C. SURE CURE .FOR., INDIGESTION! Removes Nervousness, Consti pation, Nausea, Heartburn, Sour Stomach and other Enemies of your Hap- . piness and Health. "Sadness may spring: from lack of wealth, But the saddest are those who have no health." SOLD BY Gibson Drug Store PRICE LIST D. J. BOST&CO. Corn, 70c per bushel. Peas, 70c per bushel. Eggs," per dozen, 20c. Chickens, 20 to 30 cents. Butter, 12J4c to 15c per pound. Sweet Potatoes, 35c to 40c per bushel. Irish Potatoes, 75c to 90c per bushel. Onions 90c to $1 per bushel. Peanuts, 75c per bushel. Pork, 8c per pound. Partridges, 8c to 10c a piece. Rabbits, 5c to 7J4c. Rabbitts must be cleaned and skinned, with head and feet left on. Will give you the highest market price for Hides. D. J. BOST & CO. G. G. Richmond. Thos. W. Smith. G. 6. RICHMOND & GO. 1882 1905. Insurance Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Em ployers' Liability, Plate Glass, etc. Penn Mutual Life, Phila., South ern Life and Trust, Greensboro. For Life Contract, see Thos. W. Smith. Thanks for past favors. Rear room City Hall. Special Prices For this week on the fol lowing: Chairs, Rockers, Hall Trees, Beds, Tables. i t 4.1

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