m aa j THE TIMES, o . John B. Sjerrill, Zflitor and Owner. PUBLISHED TWICE A. WEEK. $1.00 a Year, in Advance. Volume XXII. Concord, N.-CX, March 17. 1905. . Number 7B. tT 1 " 1 i . 1 ' . " " ' 1 1 " " - i mmm V " 7-. -ji-'" BRING FANCY PRICES To rmw a larec ctod of rood Dotatoes. th soil must contain plenty of Potash. In fact, all regeiales remove large'quanU tk ot Potash liura the soil, Supply Potash liberally hy tfie nse of fertirers containing? Uu than 10 per cent, actual Potash. Heller and more profitable yields are eure to follow. , Our pamnhletsjre not sdverdaine: circulars booming gruu-iSVertilizers, but contain valu ab'e miomj.nion to fanner. Seat free for tha asking. Write now. GERMAN KALI WORKS New York-oj Nassau Street, or . Atlanta, Ga. saX South Broad St The Mutal Benefit Life Insarauce Company OF NEWARK, N. J. The Leading Annual Dividend Company of the World. It has an unrivalled rec ord in the history ot Life Insurance, and gives its Policy Holders a Dollar's worth for every dollar of cost to them. If yoti want the best poli cy on the market, call on Jdo. K. Patterson, Agent, CONCORD, N. C. H. t WOODHOP8B, MARTIN BOO BR, President. Vice-President. C W. 8 WINK. . Cashier. W. H. GIBSON, Teller. Concord, N. C, Branch at Albemarle, N. C. Capital, I 60,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 80,000.00 Deposit 860,000.00 Total Resourced 436,000.00 Our past success, aa Indicated a bore by figures, ;s quite gratifying, and we wish to assure our friends and customers of our ap- E reflation o t their patronage and cordially trite continuance of the same. Should be pleased to serve a large number of new cus tomer, holding ourselves ready to serve you In any way consistent with sound banking. DIRECTORS. J. W. Cannon. Robert 8. Young, I J. Foil. Jos. F. Goodson, M. J. Corl, Jno. 8. Enrd,J. M. Morrow, T. C. Ingrain. JEWELRY DIAMONDS. WATCHES and a complete line of the GENUINE 1847 Rogers Bros." Knives, Forks, - Spoons, etc. ttvea earefull examined and I properly nttea to iniKtt graue I oi glasses. Pin Repairing. W.C.CORRELL, Jeweler. THB go::gord iioi bm, HnsiiiAaul HI CI T..1.I.. Tnla bank baa Just passed the sixteenth wMu...v.Bw buu wii una vt um. sixteen years baa added to Its strength, thus provlna that It la worthy the confidence of its Da? trona and the general public Paid in Capital . $50,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits - - . 36,000 Shareholders Lability 50,000 With the a bore aa a base for confidence ana an unueunuy large amount of assets In Proportion to liabilities a a. rmrantui nf eonaerratlye management, we Invite your wuwulm, iii ii in aa agi own J . M. ODKLL, President, D 3. COLTRAJIat. Caaular. Do you want a farm or a place in town? If so, we think we can find just what you want. See the list of the property we have for sale. Jno. K. Pat tenon & Co. -a antaf ail flsft.a St I I Bast Couaa t I I aitiaML vumh Darun, 1 MUM Uuuo. W". eHS 9T gap- i (H)- IF vr t lflnnl i O"0 in Learn tfcllve well, or fairly make your will, You've"layeJ, and loved, and ate, and drank your fill; Walk sober off before a sprlghtllerajp Comes tittering on, and shoves yourom the stage; Leave such to trifle with more grace and ease, Whom folly pleases, and whose follies please. Popb. The boy that by addition grows, And suffers no substruction, Who multiplies the thing be knows. And carries every fraction, I Who well divides bis precious time. The due proportion giving, To sure success aloft will climb, Interest compound receiving. A BEHARKABLE ADJ1IHSOIV. Charity and Children. Mr. JN. uienn Williams, in his open letter to the legislature, begging them, not to destroy his business, made the statement that he had never touched drop of whiskey in his life nor allowed any of his employees to drink. Coming from a distiller this temperance argu ment gains tremendous force. Mr. Williams needs a clear bead tcr run a business like that which has had 137 years to grow, and his men need steady hands. They make an article to be fuddle brains,and tangle legs, but their own must be unclouded and reliable. We have heard that the railroads and big business houses are becoming our best temperance societies, but this is the first time we have had a liquor manufacturer to discredit and condemn his own business. We think more of Mr. Williams because of the frankness of his letter, but he made the best speech of all for the Ward bill," witnout intending to do it. We hope Mr. Wil liams, who is evidently a man of sense, will follow out his own logic and be glad in his heart the Legislature has forbidden him to inflict upon others the evil he so carefully shunned him self. No man ought to be a better judge" of the devilment there is in whis key than the man who makes it, and we gladly accept Mr. Williams' testi mony that he even refused a little for his stomach's sake, and his often in firmities. Lst the paid attorney and played out politician prate as much as they please about the necessity of hav- ng a little liquor about the house, here is a man who has lived forty years with never a drop going down bis throat, and he in the business of making and selling it at thatl Southern Alleged to Have Loat $50,000 mt Charlotte. The Southern Bailway has lost thou sands of dollars recently on account of cars being broken open and robbed of merchandise in transit while the trains were yet in Charlotte. Last Wednesday night, the police of that city succeeded in locating and ar resting two negroes who are thought to be the leaders of the gang of thieves. In the possession of one of these ne groes, Jonn Harris, was 43 quart bot tles of corn whiskey. Ernest Crawford, the other negro under arrest, had nu merous articles concealed in his home that had been taken from cars passing through Charlotte. It is conservatively estimated that the Southern has lost fifty thousand dollars by car thieves within the city limits of Charlotte since the first of last December. 3,000,000 Deatna by Plague. Plague mortality in India is at pres ent slightly decreasing, but 3.000,000 people have perished Bince the begin ning of the epidemic. Thirty thousand cases 90 per cent. of which are ratal are still occurring weekly. Burma has become infected, and the labor supply for Indian manu facturing centres is seriously interfeared with. The sufferers are callous, and the evil is everywhere regarded as being too widespread to eradicate. A Safe Cough medicine for Children. In buying a cougto medicine for chil dren never be afraid to buy Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. It is especially valuable for colds, croup and whooping cough. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. The operation mania" has not yet reached New York, according to physi cians and surgeons best qualified to Judge. Anglomania has not reached the s'sge where the removal of a verm iform appendix is an essential require ment for admiesion to snart socisiy, a it is in the West End of London. Ac cording to reports from there physicians are sending patients every day to sani tariums to he operated on for imagin ary appendicitis. New York Times. Got OH Cheap. He may well think, he has got off cheap, who, after having contracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore his health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant nnd certain cure for headache, constipation, eto. 25o at all druggists' ; guaranteed. Try a penny d. in The Times. will be a money-maker for you. SAM JONES' LETTER. Atlanta Journal. What promises to be a general re form wave has struck the country and in many states it is almost equal to a moral revolution. Grafters, boodlers, rascals and demagogues are taking to the woods, and it is a self -evident pro position that when sentiment is arous ed and the good people become awak ened that the gang is out of business, whether they are out of the peniten tiary or not. President Roosevelt heads the proces sion and with his big stick in hand he is calling for a fair deal nothing less, nothing more and a fair deal will put many a trust and combine out of busi ness also. I find in my travels that Roosevelt and Rooseveltism are growing in popu lar fawr every day. The people believe in him and believe in what he believes in. I notice in a reply to a congratu latory telegram sent to Mr. Roosevelt from the Baptist pastors of Philadel phia this week, he answered back as follows : God giving me grace and strength, I will tio the right as He gives me grace to see it.'? '. - ' Martin Luther never gave forth a more courageous utterance or manifest ed a braver spirit. Just as Mr. Roosevelt is leading a national reform we.' find states, one after another are falling into line. Wis consin with Governor LaFollette, Mis souri with her peerless young Governor Joseph W. Folk, Indiana, whose gov ernor, the other day talked to a friend who was urging the interest of an ap plicant for an appointive office. He spoke of his friend's work for the party, his liberalty in campaigns and his local influence. The governor heard him through and said: "I should like to appoint your friend. I have no doubt of the merits of his services to the party or his ability to do the work if he did his best. But I have noticed that rail roads and other large interests of recent years have ruled against men who drink. This is a good policy, I think, and so long as I am governor of In diana, I shall pursue the same policy." That has the right ring and puts him in line of a great moral reform worthy of imitation. The present session of the Indiana legislature enacted some of the most stringent anti-liquor laws and also the most stringent anfi cigarette laws ever passed by ary legislature in the union, and some other laws in the interest of morals and deoency. Governor Joseph W. Folk is at the helm of reform, and doing a mighty work. Grafters and boodlers stand no more show in Mis souri today man a cat aoes at a aog show. Illinois grand Juries and prosecuting attorneys are after the bribe takers in the Illinois legislature. Colorado in on the war path also. Kansas is after the Standard Oil Company, and Texas is standing by the president in his fight on all lines. The nation has its Roosevelt, Mis souri has its Folk, Indiana its Hoch, and Georgia had her Little Billy. Peace to his ashes. . I welcome the reform movement in all the states. God knows things are bad enough, and been bad long enough. But I am candid when I say I have but little faith in a widespread reform movement in. Georgia, for we have as backboneless a man for governor as ever went down the pike. We have a senate-elect that will, in my judgment, block any and all re. form legislation proposed by the lower house. The rascals in Georgia know that they need not bother with the lower house, or about who is governor; Ull they want is a good working major ity in the senate. There are too many of Frank Potts' "kind of folks" in the senate. If we hsd a governor like Joseph W. Folk then those "our kind of folks" would be as Jobless and lone some during the session of the Georgia legislature a a negro politician is at a white primary. The anti jug law and the Australian ballot law wouU certainly be given to tha people of Georgia if it were not for the "our kind of folks." I have told the people for a long time that it was not a negro in the wood pile, but it was F. Potts in the wood pile. We shall watch the Georgia senate and talk out in meeting when "our kind of folks" how up. The coming man in Georgia is the peerless patriot, who holds principle above psrty, manhood above money, character above cash, and patriotism above place. If you can trot him out he will win with hands down. The clean, splendid man, Governor Bam ford, won without a fight in Oklahoma. Folk beat Boodle and Bums, Politicians and Polecats a full length under the poll. LaFollette, of Wisconsin, beat a combination which like four acres in a poker game, is unbeatable. Boose velt, the brave, brawny Rough Rider, went in with a majority teat took the breath of the opposition and pulled his enemies into the current of his victory. Who is the man of destiny for Georgia at the epoch-making period? I can't name him, but if anybody can, I pledge a labor and a loyalty to him that I've never given to a candidate in all my Rfe. We have a year to hunt for him, and if we have one we can by diligent search find him. I know the good people of Georgia at e sick and tired of "our sort of folks" running the state, and we want a chaDge, and in tend to have it. I want to be on hand more closely this session of the legisla ture coming, so I can see clearly who is "our sort of folks" and who ain't. I received a large registered envelope last week by mail. When I opened it I found a kindly and urgent request signed by the members of senate and lower house of the the legislature of Missouri, (a rolUof names two feet long on foolscap), that I address the legisla ture of Missouri in the capital build ing. I will be glad to do so if I can get around there before they adjourn. It will give me pleasure to say a few things in commendation of all the pro posed good laws and how essential it is that the three great powers, the ex ecutive, legislature and judicial com bine and co-operate in all movements that tend to elevate the citizens and put down the rascals. I would enjoy the privilege of saying a few things to our Georgia legislature if "our sort of folks" don't object. I am touring Ohio and Pennsylvania this week and will be next week filling engagements in Iowa, Nebraska and Colorado. Yours truly, Sam P. Jokes. P. S.-Our tabernacle meetings in Cartersville begin . this year May 12th and close May 20th. Rev. George Stu art will be my principal helper through out the meeting. S. P. J. Russia Hopes to Win Through Foe's Poverty. In spite of the signal defeat of the Russian arms at Mukden there is no disposition to talk of peace. The Rus sian Government stands committed to the war, and the people have not yet found the voice bestowed on them by the Czar's rescript. It is learned on the best authority thaf Japan has twice approached Bus sia through informal channels on the subject of peace negotiations, but in each case the proposal failed because Japan demanded an indemnity and a pledge from Russia not to keep war ships in the Pacific for twenty-five years. The Japanese insistence on an in demnity convinced the Russian Govern ment that Japan's pecuniary resources were exhausted and that by continuing the war only a few months longer Rus sia would be able to compel Japan to accept better terms. Comprehensive Glance. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson were passen gers on an elevated train. It whizzed by a house that was bril liantly lighted. "I wonder what was going on there ?" ejaculated Mr. Ferguson. . "It was a wedding," replied his wife "Didn't you see them standing before the preacher ? He was in a white gown. The groom was in full evening suit. The bride wore a robe of chiffon cloth, with bertha and yoke of duchesse lace on the bodice and lace flounce on the skirt. She had a full length tulle veil and carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley. Where were your eyes ?" Mr. Ferguson, realizing his utter worthlessness, resumed the reading of his paper and said nothing. Bather Insinuating. Reggy Pickle Shave closah, bah- bah." Barber I think you'd better call a butcher. Reggy Pickle A butchah! Wha' foh? Barber He'd knows more about skinning a calf than I do. w w For an Impaired Appetlle.- Loss of appetite always results from faulty digestion. All that Is needed is a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They w ill invigorate thn stomach, strengthen the digestion and give yow an appetite like a wolf. These Tablets also act as a gentle laxa tive. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. Senator Morgan of Alabama has a friend whose house was recently visited by the stork, on which occasion it left a little girl. Ralph, aged five, didn't take kindly to the new arrival, and ask ed why he did not exchange it for a boy, replied ; " Its too late; we re used her four days already." When a woman says her husband, is at a political dinner it is a sign she wishes she knew where he was. GOV. GLEN" FOR A VIGOROUS IN DUSTRIAL, POLICY. Newt and Observer. Governor R. B. Glenn declares that he is in the fight to a finish for the industrial development of North Caro- j Una, and that despite all obstacles he will bend every energy to the accom plishment of this purpose. Talking yesterday of his position in the matter he said that while disap pointed that the General Assembly haoVnot provided for an immigration bureau he is not discouraged but will endeavor to put other factors into op eration in order to achieve his purpose. He says that it is his purpose to meet With the Board of Agriculture and seek the co-operation of that body in his effort to induce to come to this State a high order of immigrants, not the riff-raff of the world, but small farm ers, tenants, laborers, men who will do things" in the State. "If the Board will work with me I believe that we can accomplish great good for the State," exclaimed the Governor. "And here is another thing I want to do, he continued, "and that is to break up the vagrancy in the State. I will at once ask the judges of the State to charge the grand juries and the sheriffs at their various courts upon the splendid vagrant law that we nave. I want to see it so enforced that able bodied men, now idlers, who are living on the work of their chil dren and wives be forced to engage in some useful occupation and be made to become bread winners." Governor Glenn, in referring again to his industrial views, lets it be plainly understood that he is determined not to let his industrial policy flag, but that he will use every exertion in his power to push it forward. In this work for the betterment of North Car olina he desires it to be understood that he asks the aid of all the people, and that as time affords he will urge this upon them. Attacked by a Slob and beaten, in a labor riot, until covered with sores, a Chicago street car conduc tor applied Buckleu's Arnica Salve, and was Boon sound and well. "I use it in my family," writes G. J. Welch, of Te- konsha, Mich., "and find it perfect." Simply great for cuts and burns. O nly 25c at all druggists'. A woman always argues on both sides of a thing her husband is going to do, that whichever way it comes out she can say,-"I told you so." A Perfect Wall Coating Combines Cleanliness and Durability Any one can brush It on No ono oan rub It off Plastico is a pure, permanent and porous wall coating, and does not require washing off to renew as do all kalsomines. it is a dry powder, ready for use by adding cold water and can be easily brushed on by any one. Made in white and fourteen fashionable tints. Sample card free. AXTMCALSOKIXE CO. GRAND MPIDS, MKH. Frr sale in Concord by the Torke It Wadsworth Co. STOCK NEVER I piastico II A Perfect L CRAYEN BROS. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING COMPANY, f ie9e799999e PHISnl A In July, 1883, 1 began tobseak out with Bctema on my head, legs and armamd began treatment with local doctors, but did not get much relief. Tbey said the ditw had become chronic. I then quit them and tried various ointments and soaps for another two years, but as soon as cold weather came I was as bad of! as ever, so I finally decided to let medicine alone, and for twelve or thirteen years did nothlntr towards curing the Eczema, except bath ing. This seemed to do about as much good as anything I had tried. iranng tne time 1 lost aoout one-nan 01 my hair. I began S. S. S. doubtful of a curs, because the disease had run so long, but soon discovered your medicine was doing me good, snd continued to take it. I used seven bottles, when I was com pletely cured, not having a single spot on my body, which before was almost Com pletely covered. " F. C. NoRFOtr. 1017 nacKDerry oc, uiiumwa, ia. , The head, feet and hands are usually tha parts affected, though the disease ap- ears on otner parts ot tne nouy. wniie ex ernal applications allay the itching and burning temporarily, it is the acids thrown off by the blood that cause the irritation and eruptions upon the skin. The acids must be neutralized and the system cleans ed of all humors and poisons before the cure is permanent. 8. S. S. is guaran teed entirely free of Potash, Arsenic and other miner-i als. Book on the skin and its dis eases sent free. Medical advice furnished free. The Swift Specific Csmpsny, Atlanta, fia, FBEV'S VERMIFUGE Is the same good, old-fashioned medicine that has saved the lives of little children for the past 60 years. It Is a med icine made to cure. It has never been known to fail. If your child is sick get a bot tle of FREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Po not take a substitute. If your druggist does not keep It, tend twenty-five cents in stamps to HI. tdfcj S. PREY Baltimore, Md, and a bottle will be mailed you. Excursion Rates . . . TO iiiisfiir VIA Birmingham and the February 21st and March 21st, 1905. For full particulars, address, 8. L. PAKROTT, Dint. Pass. Agent, No. 0. North PryorSt.. Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE. One 25 h. p. Engine, Boiler and Mill. One 20 h. p. Engine, Boiler and Mill. One 15 h. p. Engine and Boiler. One 12 h. p. Engine. One 20 h. p. Engine. One 15 h. p. Vertical Engine. One 20 h. p. Versical Engine. These are trood second-hand outfits. and will be sold cheap. Come quick. Concord Foundry and Machine Works. A WORD TO Furniture Buyers Those who want the very best and newest styles in Spring Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, etc., and want them at modestly low nriccs had better make "tracks" for this store. We sell just such Furniture and House Fur nishings and our prices are fair. X I BED ROOM OUTFITS. 3-piece Suite Gold en Oak, Swell Top Drawers, Gloss Fin ish, Roll Footboard to bed, only $25. Others lower. DINING SETS. Golden Oak Diners only $4.50 per set. Tables $5.00 and up. Sideboards $10.00 and up. LARGER or PRICES FAIRER. CUT THIS OUTI Photo Enlargements : : I have been asked why I did not give inducements in the way of a Crayon or Pastel by different parties. This I did once, and it did not seem to take. I will again give the public one more offer, a little better than ever before given. THIS IS IT. One dozen Mantello Cabinets 1 on 6x8J Mounts; one (hand made) Crayon or Colored , Pastel in 16x20 Oval, black or gilt frame, all for $10.00; this is a saving of $5.00. Offer good only until March 30, 1905. To learn more about this offer call at my studio. O. V. FOUST, Photographer. Opposite Court House, Concord, N. C. KELLdim SURE CURE .FOR., INDIGESTION! Removes Nervousness, Consti pation. Nausea, Heartburn, Sour Stomach and other Enemies of your Hap piness and Health. "Sadness may spring from lack of wealth, But the saddest are those who have no health." SOLD BY Gibson Drug Store PRICE LIST D. J. BOST CO. Corn, 70c per bushel. Pefls, 70c per bushel. Eggs, per dozen, 20c. Chickens, 20 to 30 cents. Butter, 12Vc to 15c per pound. Sweet Potatoes, 35c to 40c per bushel. Irish Fotatoes, 75c to 90c per bushel. Onions 90c to $1 per bushel. Peanuts, 75c per bushel. Pork, 8c per pound. Partridges, 8V6c to 10c a piece. Rabbits, 5c to 7Ync. Rabbitts must be cleaned and skinned, with head and leet left on. Will give you the highest market price for Hides. D. J. BOST & CO. O. O. Richmond. Tboa. W. Smith. 6. G. RICHMOND & GO. 1882 1905. IllSUT 1.33.0 Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Em ployers' Liability, .Plate Olsss. etc. Penn Mutual Life, Phila., South ern Life and 1 rust, Greensboro. For Life Contract, see Thos. W. Smith. Thanks for past favors. Rear room City Hall. e9xmv9Qeee9iwvf 4

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