riMESo Has Twice the Circulation of any Paper Brer Published i3 the County. Cornea Twio Every Week and theftlcw Only One Dollar Year. 7. JohnB. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED, TWICE A. WEEK. $1.00 & Tear, in Advance. Concord, Nfc., .May 12, 190 Volume XXII. Number 92. THE r V 0 I Q.-f.r -.1 1 n r CORN FIELDS ARB GOLD FIELDS to the farmer who under- i stands how feed hjs crons. Fertilizers for Corn i".itist rnntnin at least 7 er cent, actual otash Send foV our books they tell why Potash Is as necessary to plant life as sun and rain; sent free, if you ask. Write to-day. dERMAN KALI WORK5 fcw VrtrbOI ktMua StrMt. nf SLt Atlanta, Ga.aiJSoulh Broad St. H. I. W00DH0U8B. President, a W. 8WINK. - Cashier. MARTIN BOO KB. Vloe-Preeldent. W. H. GIBSON. - Teller. 1 Concord, N. C. Branch at Albemarle, N. 0. Capital, 60,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 80,000.00 Deposits 850,000.00 Total Resource 435,000.00 Our past success, as Indicated above by BKUres, : quite ((ratifying, and we wish to assure our friends and customers of our ap- reolatlon o their patronage and cordially nvlte a continuance of the same. Should be Pleased to serve a la rite number of new cub tamers, holding ourselves ready to serve you I any way consistent witn sound nanaing. DIRBCTOK8. 1. W. Cannon. Robert S. Young. I. J. Foil. Jos. P. Goodman, M. J. Corl, J no. 8. Kdrd, J. M. Morrow, T. V. Ingram. JEWELRY DIAMONDS ! WATCHES and a ' complete line of the GENUINE 1847 Rogers Bros. Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc. Iproperly Btted to the best grade I Repalrlnf . v AtS 1 1 if (TlJ E l7 it II l ii n ft 1 f I W.C. CORRELL.Jeweier. A wv$w$wwwww$wwwtww4 Safe Prompt THE Liberal s w v w a sea w -j pUal Stock, - $100,000 Tckholdera' liability, 100,000 I plus and undivided profits, 25,000 .."jets, - - 860,000 j 'kout Easiness Solicited l'f 4 percent. Interest paid on time certificates J M. ODKLr President. W. H LILLY", Vice President. II. H. tXILTHANK. OasMer L. I). COLTKANR. Asst Cashier. J. M. HKNDKli, Uook-keeier. O. G. Richmond. Tbos. W. Smith. "O; RICHMOND 4 CO. 1882 1905. insurance Fire; Lifi,' Accident, Health, Em ployers' Liability, Plate A. Glass, etc. Penn Mutuinl Life, Phila., South ern Life anaVTrust, Greensboro. For Life Coti tract, see Thos. W. Smith. Thanks for past favors. ,iear room City Hall. WOOSE POPCORN A New Seed DUSJovery for FORAGE POULTRY POPPING A subscriber to the ' Southern Ag ricuituriflt secured the seed from an old indian in Northwest Tex as. After experimenting with it sev en years he wrote that paper : "With goid ground and care it will make from 50 to 100 bushels to the acre, and planted thick and cut stalk and it will make more feed and better feed than anything I ever saw. The old Indian said poultry fed on it would never have the cholera. I have Dot lost a fowl with cholera since I have been raising: it. It aUo pops beautifully." This article brought' hundreds of requests for seed, and now only a few bushels ' are left. Send 10c for a 8 months' trial subscription to Southern Agri culturist, 8 C. P. Bid., Nashville, Tenn., and you will get 100 seed by return mail, also details of $50 prize seed-growing coatest. iCu-tiSWHM AU lib! tAILS. t T I 1 Best Coach Bjrap. Taaws i. Cw I I I tm Urn. Sold T Hnnwtats, J I j - w 30 KILLED IN TOBNADO. Part of Warqnetle, Wis . Wrecked 36 Were SerloHBlf Woanded. Marquette, Wis., May 9. When darkness fell over this stricken city tc night it was known that 26 lives bad been lost in the tornado that wrecked part 41 Marquette early to-day and did much damage in this vicinity. Of the injured 86 were seriouslyhurt, and some of them may die. Several of the others are suffering from broken limbs and internal injuries. In several cases entire families have been killed. A man named 8 wider, a night watchman at the railroad yards, lost his three chil dren. N. P. Nelson, with his wife and three children, were fonnd dead. Two other children were not at home and escaped injury. The tornado struck the southern end of the town and cut a clean swath 100 yards in width through its entire length. Coming ss it did at midnight, all the people were caught without a moment's warning. A heavy rain storm bad preceded the wind. When daylight broke over the town it found the entire population in a state of panic. Busi nees was entirely suspended and every one who escaped injury turned his at tention toward aiding the wounded. The houses in the course of the tor nado were all with two or three ex ceptiorjs completely wrecked. In this section there were a number of modern residences, of which only one was left standing. The Swedish Lutheran and Methodist churches were among the first buildings struck and they, together with the parsonage adjoining the Meth odist church, were demolished. Yesterday afternoon was hot and oppressive. Late in the evening a ter rifio rain broke over the town. The rain continued to fall in torrents until midnight, when the tornado struck. Within less than five minutes it bad wrought its terrific work and passed on. Telegraph and telephone wires were carried down and it was several hours before those outside could be ap prised of the plight of the city. There were many narrow escapes from death. The infant daughter of Chas. Sailon was lifted in her. bed and carried to the middle of the street, re ceiving only a few scratches. Sailon and his wife were seriously injured. The mattress upon which the baby daughter of the Rev. Smith lay was doubled up in such a manner as to cover the child and protect it from fall ing timbers. In spite of the destruction of the Smith house, the entire family escaped uninjured. Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Ellvin were carried on their bed a dis tance of 600 feet and laid down with out being seriously injured. Consideration for tbe Asred. Senator Pettus, of Alabama, and his good wife are about to celebrate in Washington the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding. The Senator is a rug ged, active man, who, although not so young as he used to be, is yet young enough for all practical purposes. It was about a year sgo that the Senator, one of that peculiar species of statesmen, like the late Hannibal Ham lin, who do not wear overcoats, was ambling along Pennsylvania avenue when he saw an old lady floundering about in the snow after having alighted from a street car. The Senator gal lantly escorted her to the sidewalk, whereupon she thanked him and said : "I hope, sir, that when you are as old as I am you will find those who are willing to assist you when in trouble." "Thank you, madam,." said the 3enator. "I hope so, too. But how old are you, may I ask ?" "Sixty-four, sir," was the tremulouB reply. "Ah! 1 am 82," said the Senator, as he lifted hi) hat and ambled along. Senator Pet tus will be 84 in July. Rsiklai Strawberries North. Wilmington, May 9 Exclusive of Southern Express shipments, 161 cart of strawberries passed through South Rocky Mount to-day and forty-odd empties were returned to Chadbourn before night However, the truckers say the car famine is not yet wholly relieved and that some fruit is still spoiling. The greatest complaint now appears to be late deliveries on the Northern markets. u Tbaoh tbe Lord! cried Hannah Plant, of Little Rock, Ark., "for the relief I gt from Buck- len's Arnica Salve. It cured my fearful running sores, which nothing else would heal, and from which I had suf fered for 5 years." It is a marvelous healer fo cuts, burns and wounds Guaranteed at all druggists ; 2.5c. "Tell me, Johnny," said May Bright ley's admirer to her young brother, "who is tbe other fellow that's been calling on your sister?" "I don't know his name," replied Johnny. "I just call him 'April showers.' " 'What for T" 'Because he brings May flowers." JOB FOLK'S W1SDO.TI. Houston Post. 0 Governor Joe Folk of Missouri in an epigrammitarian Of the purest ray se rene. At a banquet given in bis honor In New York recently he handed out these gems : "The Missotri idea means the en forcement of law, and if that law be bad, the remedy is to repeal, not to ig nore it." "Disregard of one lat breeds disre spect for all laws broken." "Good men will observe, even bad laws, but bad men will break even good laws. It should be that all men, goo4 and bad, be compelled to keep all law, good and bad, because it is the law." "The patriotism of peace is just as necessary as the patriotism of war. The patriotism of the ballot is even more necessary in a free country than the pa triotism of the bullet." "Plenty of men will die for their coun try, but the man who will live for his city and state every day is the man the government needs." "Tbe government never .neglect the people unless the people first neglect the government." "No government, city, state or nation al, was ever better than the people made it, or worse than they suffered it to be' come." "Good citizens make good laws, but no law can make good citizens." "States and cities do not consist of mortar and brick and stone, but of tbe character of their citizenship." All of which is sound political phil osophy. Some ' men will My these striking paragraphs are glittering gen eralities or fine-spun theories, but they point the way to good citizenship and good government. Let tbe Children Go Barefooted, Gastonla Gazetta The Greensboro Record is exactly sane in its opposition to the .stilted pride and the folly-born notions of style" which keeps little children, boys and girls alike, primped out in shoes and stockings all summer. To deny their little feet this annual escape from poison, to deny them tbe freedom of the summer's air and earth, and the strengthening growth which nature gains for foot and ankle and leg and the whole body by reason of the romp ing freedom which the barefoot child enjoys, is a wrong against the children, a sin against the next generation. Boys has pampered and petted will become the sickly dudes of the next generation and the little girls, if they live, will grow into women as weak in mind as in body, who wilt walk with a hobbling, wooden-leg gait, instead of the grace ful, rythmic movement which nature love to give them when let alone. The human body cries out for freedom from these artificial hamperings of fashion and folly. Away with the shoes and stockings and let Dame Nature have a chance. She has more sense than any body about raising healthy children. Wblekey Not "Property." TorEKA, Kan., May 7. In an opin ion handed down in the Han gas Supreme Court yesterday Justice Burch decided that wbisky is not "property" in the usual sense of the term and that rin depriving a man of the right to sell it the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is not violated. How to Ward OST Old Age. The most successful way of warding off the approach of old age is to main tain a vigorous digestion. This can be done by eating only food ssited to your age and occupation, and when any dis order of the stomach appers take a dose of Chamberlein's Stomach and Liver Tablets to correct it. If you have a weak stomach or are troubled with indi gestion, you will find these Tablets to be just what you what you need. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. Bed roads in a settled community are an open verdict convincing tbe people of ignorance and shiftlessness. On the other hand, good roads are a sure indication of thrift and intelligence amongst the people residing along their course. WHEN YOU HAVE LOST Qf i on th affairs of lifa and rttir and your WITS are dull take from S to 6 Hy dale's Liver Tablet, one at a tunc an hour toart and you will he mirpriapd now v sluk ana ciear eroryininff wiu do. xoa will oefnn 7"ur am worst witn no nrncD aaaea vim ana rigor that yoD will naturally Increaw your buniimw befhnTur dA-'i work with mo much added vim and visi-or that tod will natural lv Increase vour buniiiMa " to infnw Into every detail. UwiinwuMDoaw ute SfAjl Known to modern Put vour llvar In ou t it tat? ine rnu till you ret in this time you feel dull and or me. ny utainir m a aucofw or ine weiem oc Demnnamv roti win De able talrletsandavofdlUnealtli. Kydale'i nleasant in effect, alwars asti. factor ileasant in effect, Tablets la ft oonvenieat box, Jtt OMCa. M'f'd the RADICAL REMEDY CO., Hickory. N. X). X. IOHNBON. WAS PONB OP LATIN. Catholic Standard. "Mose, a Florida negro, adds to his income as guide to sportsmen by min- isterkg to tbe spiritual needs of a col ored congregation of Baptists. He prides himself on his education and on his eloquent oratorical powers, and he never miaaea an onnortunitv of im , pressing his hearers into believing that he is a great Latin scholar. One evening at a fisherman's camp, he list ened intently to some sportsmen who were discussing the proper pronuncia tion of certain Latin 'words and phrases. " 'Please, suh,' he finally ventured to ask, 'what am de propah meaning ob dat wo'd "aoqua." ' " 'Acqua' means water,' he was an swered. "An what am fortisT" "Fort is means strong." " 'Yes, suh. Thank yo', suh,' he replied, edging away after making a polite bow to his informant and then to the camp in general. "The following Sunday Mose pre sided at a baptizing, and, as usual, elec trified his audience by a roaring, elo quent sermon, freely interspersed with Latin (?) words. At last, with a dra matic sweep of his arms toward the river, where a few believers were soon to be immersed, he cried out in sten torian tones : " 'Quo vadis, mah bredern and sia tahs? I say onto yo' unless yo' be 'marged in de acqua fortis ob baptism, yo' shall be lost ad infinitum for ebah.' " Spring Influx or Immigrants. New York, May 7. All records were broken today in the number of immi grants who passed quarantine. Within twelve hours 12,039 foreigners, arriving in steerage, were permitted to enter New York, indicating tbat the spring influx of immigrants this year will probably exceed the records of former years. The trans-Allan tic liners brought this army of immigrants to the United States. Tbey began to arrive early in the morning, and the last to pass quar antine was the Hamburg-American li ner Bluecher, which was admitted at 6 in the afternoon, and added C05 names to the already long list of foreigners ar riving in the steerage. A One-Legged Subscriber. Snow IIIU Messenger. Mr. James M. Richardson, of Girdle' tree, although he bas only one leg, climbed the steps to the Messenger office willingly on Wednesday and planked down a dollar for renewal of his subscription to this paper. There are a great many people with two good legs tbat owe us more than 11, who would be very welcome visitors here at this particular time. After a little more than five years of peace Cuba has regained all tbat it lost during the insurrection which resulted in its independence, and is to-day more prosperous than it has been for years According to the annual message of President Pal ma, the value of the ex ports of the island last year was eighty nine million dollars. This is nine million dollars more than the exports were worth in 1892, and twenty-five millions more than in 1900. Still further evidence of the prosperity of the little republic is found in tbe fact that it has a balance in its treasury of about ten million dollars. The people of this country may well take satisfaction over this showing, as it wss through their good offices that Cuba was relieved from its intolerable condition. A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity, when you lose your health, because indigestion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build up your di gestive organs, and cure headache, dit- ziness, colic, constipation, etc. Guaran teed at all druggists ; 25c. It takes two to make a quarrel." How about husband and wife, who are one? btutinms Mem. full the next morning to aee The formula of RrdAltVa mnfwmecuveoouotnauoiw nwoicai ariwroe. mod wnrsrlnir oMt anrl nlfM-tsanthB nf vrmr other ailments will disappear. Often what you think to be dyspppttia. heart trouble, or chronic constipation fa merely one of the ki iori cntNeeof a anpeyiiver. when your liver srets doner, voufeel doper all over, and it is Ilabletomanifeat Itself In a multitude of wars, till bare a little of everr dfewaM roinr. condition, but take Rydale s Liver Tablets the first difiincllned to grapple with the routine duties Miia iianiei nn um line von 'II rnve both worrr and Krdale's Liver Tablets are eaxv to take- alwars asti. factory in results. 60 choooiate-coated C. BAD TBEATffLKNT IN TBI NATT Sot the Plare for Self-Ret peeling Tomb Until the Serrteo la Ke- formed. s Charlotte Observer. It was stated in the dispatches aeek or two sgo that while the North Atlantic squadron was anchored at Pensacola, Fla., about 600 sailon deserted. This was subsequently denied, but the denial was inconclusive. A dispatch of Thurs day stated that there is almost mutiny among the crew of tbe cruiser Galves ton, anchored in Galveston bay; that nearly two score men .have been re turned to the vessel for over-staying their shore leave, and that sixty of the crew are in irons for trival offenses. The brutality of the commander is said to be responsible for these troubles, but this does not account for tbe desertions at Pensacola nor for many other things, The treatment of the sailors on the United States warships is outrageous, in the food given them, the hours at which it is given, the opportunities allowed for rest, and the exactions laid upon them. It is announced that in view of the early completion of vessels now under construction a large number of recruits, running into the thousands, will soon be needed for the navy. No free-born self-respecting American youth or young man should enlist in the service while conditions are as they are. Occasionally a naval recruiting station is opened somewhere in North Carolina. We hope no North Carolina boy will enlist in tbe service until it is reformed. He would better plow a steer or work on tbe streets. Represen tative W. W. Kitchin, of the fifth dis trict of this State, is a member of tbe House committee on naval affairs, and we respectfully suggest to him that tbe character of treatment of the sailors on the warships is of more consequence than where this or that projected vessel shall be built or the difference of a dollar or two in the price of armor plate. Gave Herself Away. Mrs. Thompson Don't you find Dick rather rough? Mist Thompson Yes, mamma, and yet he says he shaves every day. She And what did she say when you attempted to kiss her ? He She said she thought I was a gentleman, "Well?" "Ob, after I got through kissing her she didn't think anything about it; she knew it." GOOD BLOOD TELLS ITS OWH.STORY And tells it eloquently in the bright eye, the supple, elastic movement, the smooth, soft skin, glowing with health, a body sound and well, an active brain, good appetite and digestion, refreshing sleep, energy to per form the duties and capacity to enjoy the pleasures of life. Tbe blood is the most vital part of the bodv: . - every organ, muscle, tissue, nerve, smew and bone is dependent on it for nourishment and strength, and as it circulates through the system, pure and strong, it furnishes to these different parts all the healthful qualities nature intended. When, from any cause, the blood becomes impure or diseased, it tells a different story, quite as forceful in its way. Itehing, burning skin diseases, muddy, sallow complexions, disfiguring sores, boils, carbuncles, etc., show the presence, in the "blood, of some foreign matter or poison. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Contagious Blood Poison and Scrofula are effects of a deeply poisoned blood circulation. These may either be inherited or ac the blood, the general health is built np, uacs uisappcar, uie oKin Decora es son ana smootn ana roDust neaitn blesses life. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison and all dis eases of the blood are cured by S. S. S. Book on the blood and anv medical dvice, freeof charge. 7MT U WIFT Portland, Oregon, Exposition. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOS ANGELES, CAL. DENVER, COL. Epworth League Convention July 5-9. DENVER, COL. G. A. R. Encampment, Sep tember. Yery Low Ronnd Trip Rates Illinois Central R. R. CHOICE OF ROUTES Two trains daily, Atlanta to St. Lou is In connection with W. & A. R. R, The only through morning sleeping car Atlanta to St. Louis. For fnll information, dates of sale, rates, tickets and descriptive circulars, Address, F. D. MILLER, Trav. 1'ass. Agt. 17 Pry or St., Atlanta, Oa. Seatoard Air Lin Railway, Speelal Law Rates t the laelBe vmmu Heahnard announces the sale of one-way see onri-c lam colonist tickets rm.n all points In North Carolina to the l'arllic Coast, commencing MarcS Vh and continuing on sale until May 31st. Kale Irom kiWikh in Nan r ranewco is ewi.ro. Wilmington to Han KranolscWia SiaBLv corres nonilimr low rates from other stations Sll apply to all principal points on I be Parine Coast. For hill particular, time tables, ete- apply to Chas. U. liaiUs, Traveling Paasenger Agent, Kalelgh.N.U , IWM THAT ME U Little AllanenU Tbat Sbaald be Look ed After it Oao Want to Keep Well. Any one who bas any of the many symptoms caused by poor digesfbn should take special care to avoid con conditions where disease germs are likely to bo present. Any of tbe fol lowing symptoms are good evidence of stomach troubles : Acidity Nausea Spitting up of food Gripes Colic Coated tongue Heavy at stomach Hour teste in mouth Sedimentine urineTiarrhoea Night sweats Nervousness Headache Sick headache Loss of flesh Vertigo or dizziness Heartburn Drowsiness These little ailments, which indicate a weak stomach and imperfect digestion should be looked after by use ot Mi-o- na, if one wants to keep well. A tab let of this remarkable remedy, taken before each meal, will so strengthen the stomach and digestive organs that natural weight will be restored and per fect health and strength regained. Ask Gibson drug store to show you the Mi-o-na guarantee. Bettor Re.nlta. Harper's Weekly. A certain distinguished minister, who is unusually plain in physical appear ance, tells this story on himself: He was visiting at a country house and is being shown around the place by his host's little daughter, a pretty and precocious child of six. She was some what stay- at first, but gradually grew accustomed to her distinguished visitor, finally asking him, with serious face : "Did God make all things ?" "Yes, my dear." "Did He make you V "Yes, He made me, my child." "And did He make me, too?" "Yes." "Well, He mutt have got a good deal better st it since he made you." "Do you believe the teachings of the Scriptures?" asked the good woman as she handed tbe tramp a generous hunk of home-grown pie. "Yes, ma'am," answered the hobo, all but dat part erbout a feller earnin' his bread by de sweat of his brow." "What is a 'horse laugh,' paw?" "It is a laugh the rural horse gives when be sees an automobile stalled in the mud, my son." quired, but the seat of trouble is the same the blood. S. S. S., a purely vegetable blood remedy, cleanses end purifies the circulation and makes it strong and clean. Under its purifying and tonic ef fects all noisons and imounties are excelled from all disfiguring eruptions and blem- MPmcmC CO- ATLAMTA. OA. ( Ij dot Furnish the Home Here We wish we had room to picture and price the won. derful stock of Floor Mattings, Rugs, Furniture, Stoves and Ranges, and the thousand and one things needed to make the home convenient, cozy and com fortable, now on display at our store. But we invite you to visit the store and see for yourself the great showing of which we are so proud. Come as often as you like; you are certain to find something new each time. A large and varied stock of House Furnishings, properly priced, is the secret of this store's popularity. Craven Brothers Life Fire Health Accident Plate Glass Insurance Surety Bonds at Rock Bottom Trices in the most reliable com panies, and big bargains in REAL ESTATE SEE JNO. K. PATTERSON, Office up stairs at Postoflicc. Farm for Sale in No. 4. We have for sale in No. 4 town ship a farm of acres. Has one tenant house, crib, smoke house and a fair orchard. Has 65 acres tillable land, 20 acres timber, and 50 acres old field pine. Price $2,000, halt cash and balance in twelve months. JNO. K. PATTERSON & CO. $1,470 Will Boy It! We have for sale two lots on McGill street, the two lots be ing 120x120 leet deep. Also one lot 60x120 feet on Ann street, adjoining Mr. John Bulla. There is one six-room cottage thereon, and the price for the whole is only $1,4.70. A bargain for somebody. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. Additional Offering in 'City Property. One lot 205x235 feet on corner of Winecoffnnd 4th streets, for $130. One lot 13(1x230 feet, fronting on 3rd street, for $105. One lot 205x230 feet on corner of Cem etery and 3rd streets, for $ 105. One lot 193x225 feet fronting on 1st street, for $130. One lot 205x225 feet on corner of 1st street and Cemetery streets, for $130. Part of G. M. V. Winecoff proerty nbove cemetery. Beautifully situated. There is nearly an acre in each lot. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. Yalnable Farm, No. 1 Township We have for sale a splendid farm of 95 acres in No. 1 town ship, 2Y2 miles south of Harris- burg. The land lies well and is convenient to church and schools. Has a six-room cottage, good barn, tenant house and other buildings. Price only $1,800. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. Cotton Mill Stock For Sale. One share J. M.OdellMfg Company stock. Two shares Vance Cotton Mill stock. One share Kindly Cotton Mill stock. JNO. K. PATTKKSON 4 CO. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CIhovm ttid tetuurM. Ui. half; Pnn...s. Inmri.iit frowth. never Fails to eitor. Qrj Hair to It. xouiuiui ioior. Can temip d ft bair taUioa; jle.nrft'"ual Dnjgirtt Pr Sale or Rent Two well-bnilt , six room cottages, on South Spring street. Wainscoted and plastered throughout. Reasonable terms Furniture & Undertaking Co 25 Pound's of good, clean HZCE for $1.00 Arbuckle Coffee, 15c per pound. Another Groceries Dry Goods and Shoes to suit the trade. Highest Cash and Sarter Prices paid for Country Pro- duco. Sec us before selling your pro- duce. y is There is never a debt paid so hieh as wet weather pays for dry," except when you consider that KELLam SURE CURE .FOR., INDIGESTION! has paid, is pnviup, and will pay in "Jolly Good Health" many times its cost. So if you suffer with nervousness, heart-burn, sour stomach, nausea, blues and other symptoms of Indigestion, the great destroyer of health and happiness, and at the same time make a paying in vestment, get a bottle of this wonder ful preparation ; by waiting longer you necessitate more medicine and longer to find a complete cure. Gibson Drug Store DELINQUENT LIST ADOPTED BY THE Cabamis County Medical This Is to notlfv the nubile that the physi cians of CatMirrus county. In order to protect themselves rrom tmposmon, nave auopteu what is known as the Delinquent List All persons owing physicians for services are warned to make some kind of settlement of the same before June 1. l'.V. The names of those falling to do so. will, after that date, be placed upon tbe Delio auent Lmt. and such persons cannot then obtain the services of a phvslclau In tills county until thetr name is removed. Notning Herein must De construeu as ap plying to cnarlty cases or enienrency calls. This action bas been taken hy the Cabarrus County Medical Society: the following physi cians being members : w. H. IjILLV L. M. AHCHKV W. D. PEMHEltTON L. f. BTRLKTSON D. G. CALDWKLL J. 8. LAKKEKTX" n S. YOUNU V. O. HOG F. Kit O. J. OOUI1KR J. W. FLOWK . A. OR1BK T. F. t'HAtttt J.O. WALK EU J. E. PMOOT 0. H. DAKNHARDT M. A. FOIL P. A. BAKKIEH J. C. BLACK j. a JKROMB For sale A good farm or family horse, guaranteed to work anywhere, at a bargain. M. F. Furr, No. 91 Mill street. Ap. 14 2t. W9 a nave lor sale anotner excellent cottage on Spring street, with bath room, etc. Price s.-us. see jno. ft.. Patterson & Co. mm 11

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