. . THE- :W 'TIMES,. Hu TwlM th Circulation of any Paper Published in the County. John B. Sherrill, Editor ahd Owner. PUBLISHED TWICE A. WEEK. $1.00 a Tear, in Adranee. Volume XXII. CONCORD, N. C, IAAY 23. 1906. NUMBER 95. OOBM Twlcflrver - WgkanJ thaPrio. iaOnly On Dollar Tmt. ! ' ft f f I - 1 rousn as necessary as iuun Th. quality and quantity of the crops depend on a sufficiency of Potash In the toll. Fertilizers which are low In Potash will never produce satisfactory results. . . Eeerr farmer diould be familiar with th. proper proportion! of ingredient that to to esiks the belt fertilizer, (or every kind of crop. We have published a eerie, of books, eontalninc the latest researches on this a I U important subject, which we will send tree ii you us. Write now while oa think si it to the taEBMAW KALI WOBKS Haw Terk SS Heeau SUues, ee AilaMe, Oa. 24 Boetb, Broad Street. n j i . n ! JEWELRY DIALtONDS I WATCHES and ' complete line of the GENUINE 1847 Rogers Bros." Knives, Porks, Spoons, etc. Sim (tirpfnll .Yamlnerl and nmrM-lv fitted to the best vr.de S RavaMog. V V I W.C. CORRELL.Jeweler.i Safe Prompt Liberal THE W I M 1 cr- Capital Stock, Stockholders' liability, Surplus and undivided profits, Assets, .... 100,000 100,000 25,000 850,000 Your Business Solicited 4 per cent. tLterest paid on time certificates 3. M. ODBLL, President. . " W. H. LILLY, Vice President D. R. OOCTRANR. CM tiler L. D. COLTRANE. Aest Cashier. 1. M. HENDRIX, Book-keeper. O. O. Rlobmond. Tbos. W. Smith. 6. 6. RICHMOND & CO. 1882 1905. ) insurance f Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Em ployers Liability, Plate Glass, etc. Venn Mutual Life, Phila., South ern Life and Trust, Greensboro. or Life Contract, see Thos. W. Smith. Thanks for past favors. 'f Rear room City Hall. Portland, Oregon, Exposition. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL LOS ANGELES, CAL. DENVER, COL. Epworth League Convention July 5-9. DENVER, COL. G. A. R. Encampment, Sep tember. Yerj low Round Trip Rates via Illinois CeDtral R. R. CgOE OP ROUTES Tw" trains daily, Atlanta to St. Lou is ian oonnection with W. & A. R, R. The only through morning sleeping car Atlanta to St. Louis. For full information, date of sale, rates, tickets and descriptive circulars, Address, - F. D. MILLER, Trav. Pass. A iff. 17 Pry or St., Atlanta, Oa. FOR SALE. One SS h. p. Engine, Boiler and Hill. One p h. p. Engine, Boiler and Mill. One Is h. p. Engine and Boiler. One IS h. p. Engine. One 80 h. p. Engine. One 15 h. p. Vertical Engine. One 80 h. p. Versical Engine. O These are good second-hand outfit, and will be sold cheap. Come quick. Concord Foindrjthd Iacblne Works. PAWrtER'S HAIR BALSAM Cfteerj. aad BcemifMS tne ask. PnxnutM a hUHTAtll STOWth. never Paila to Bestore Gray Heir to Its Youthful Color. Usjst waip tw Conga brrup. Tastes Uuuo. Da I 1 time. Hold tv tlroatsts. T 1 1C sJ TUB PISTOL CABBIBBS. Pavbrother'a Everything. No matter much about the agitation concerning pistol toting as it is called, and no matter either about the drattio legislation against the habit all you want to do it to call a man a liar or make him mad in some other way and he is Johnny on the Spot with a "weepin." And it appears at the South that all classes of men carry a gu and all classes ftse them. Down at Spartanburg, South Carolina, the other day a gentleman was sitting on bis porch with his wife, and another gentleman chanced to be passing. He carried a few grape vines in his hand and intimated that the gentleman on the porch had done something to them. The lie was passed and before you could say Jack Robinson the man on the porch was dead died in the pres ence of his wife. The murderer walked up and surrendered to the sheriff and the law will be invoked and the chances are that the South Carolina plea of self defence will suffice and the murderer will go free. Over in Durham county the same day a citizen of Durham went out to Creedmore and accused his cousin of something or other having to do with writing letters to his wife and the result was that the cousin was shot four times and the reports were that he would probably die. All of this sort of utter fool'shness hsppens not only oner, but is happening every day. Lawyers are always engaged the man under the sod has no show; time heals up the wounds and the jury generally find a verdict of not guilty. It is to be re gretted that men who tote guns and who (hoot promiscuously and without cause are not locked up. It should be a law and the law should be enforced, making it a penitentiary offenoe to carry a concealed weapon. ' There is no necessity for the citizen these days tol go armed. The people are not in a state of savagery. No one's life is in danger, except when the hot headed man carries a gun and uses it without cause and without premeditation. The fellow who accused his neighbor of molesting his grape vines perhaps did not intend to kill any one but because he carried a gun and had it handy he shot the lights out of a man who was least expecting to be murdered. The Durham county people perhaps never intended to take life but the gun was' handy and the blood was hot. Until there is a law made prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons and the penalty is about five years in the peni tentiary and every citizen has a right to search a man for a gun without a warrant, the tombstone makers are go ing to do more business than they by rights ought to do. And it is not only the saddened homes and heart broken wives and children who suffer. The whole sec tion suffers because the bloody accounts are sent broadcast over the world and a whole county suffers because of the un lawful practices of a few hot-headed men who should not be allowed to run at large. Llnaiey Doe Not Think Nark f Span eer Blarkbarn'a New Paper. StatMTille Landmark. A report comes via Washington that Congressman Blackburn has secured $20,000 of subscriptions to start a Re publican daily paper at Greensboro. This enterprise has been under way for some time. An effort was made to get subscriptions to the stock of the paper at the recent term of the Federal Court in Statesville. Hon. R. Z. Linney, who, be it know, doesn't love Spencer Blackburn, confided the story to a friend while be was in Statesville at court, about as follows : "Did you know," siad Mr. Linney, in that high-pitched voice of his, "they are getting subscriptions to stock to start a Republican daily paper in Greensboro 7 Sam Bradshaw is to edit it Spenoe Blackburn and them fellows are going to do business on a big scale. They won't receive a subscription for less than $1,000. Do you know BlankT Little fellow from Ashe county. Had to borrow the money to oome to court Well, he subscribed 91,000. Now won't they play" well, the Alexandrian was too disgusted to talk further. Whether Spencer bugged Mr. linney for a fioosand or so he dfltn't say, but it is reasonable to assume that Mr. Lin didn't subscribe. "I Thaaa the trwr! cried Hannah Plant, of Little Rock, Ark., "for the relieW got fror Buck- Ion's Arnica Salve. It cured my fearful running sores, which nothing else would heaL and from which I had suf fered for S years." It is a mtrrcfyM healer for cuts, burns and wounds Guaranteed at all druggists ; 25c. Benners How did you come to stay out here for the winterf Jenners Well, yon see, I lived in the city for 20 years, and came out here to convince myself that snow, is white. FB1TBEB BEDS OCT Of FASHION Milwaukee Wisconsin. . "Feather beds are now used chiefly among the Poles, Scandinavians and Hungarians," said L. Grabowsky, of Detroit, at the Republican house rep resenting a dealer in feathers. "It is a tradition among them that when the daughter of a household gets married she must be presented with one or two feather beds anyway no matter what else she may receive as her dowry. Many of them use one feather Led for a mattress and another for a blanket. The decrease of the cost for good mat tresses and the fact that better grades of mattresses are being made has put the feather bed rather into the back ground in recent years. Substitutes has been tried for pillows, but without success. "Feathers are secured from the poultry farms in Illinois and Indiana and are brought to the dealers in car load lots. They are thoroughly cleaned and graded and sorted. Turkey feath ers are not of much account and hen feathers are course and stiff, while duck feathers are of a higher grade and goose feathers are the most desirable of sll. They are 'alive' and elastio and soft. A pillow made of goose down will re tain its shape continually; if you press it together it will regain its former shape as soon ss the pressure is re moved. Other pillows are dead and inert, consequently less desirable. All feathers are renovated, or rather cured, by steaming and exposing to the sun light and air so that they are absolutely clean." Thoncnt Cl.velaoa Was Dead. About three years ago, when Urover Cleveland failed to appear at the shoot ing stand of William B. Eaton, on Great Herriog pond, in response to an invita: tion, the latter jokingly told H. L. Chip man, who at that time published a weekly paper in Wareham, near Buz zard's Bay that Cleveland was dead. Chapham didn't wait for particulars, but drove immediately to the home of Mr. Cleveland, telling everyone he met of the death of the ex president. Arriv ing at Gray gables, after driving at a two-minhte clip, the newspaper man was greeted by Mr. Cleveland himself. "Why, Mr. Cleveland," said Chap man, "I heard you were dead." "Dead ? Wno said I was dead ?" "W. B. Eaton, of Great Herring pond, told me less than an hour ago that G rover Cleveland was dead." Mr. Cleveland was provoked. He or dered his team out at once, and drove over to Eaton's plaee, 7 miles distant. Meeting Eaton in the yard, and with out leaving his buggy, he demanded ! the reason for such a report. Eaton calmly produoed the dispatch, which read: "Will be there tomorrow if alive. Grover Cleveland." Trtbata to the Grate School. Charity and Children. The graded school of this town is its crowning glory. Since its establish' ment the educational spirit hu been so fostered and strengthened that the citi zensawould rise up in rebellion against a man or policy that threatened its safety; and, in the meantime, our peo pie have a higher regard for all our moral and materia! interests and are lees easily led astray by demagogues and time-servers. The truth is that the educational spirit means a better stronger and purer citiz3nship. So that not only have the children of this oom munity been given a chance, but every body in the town has received a per sonal benefit from this fountain of light and power. It ir oom plained now that discipline is hard to maintain at colleges. This is traceable, no doubt, to more than one cause. Most of the colleges have more students in attendance than is best Then again the recent methods adopted to get students at thew institutions in' lures the presence of many young men who have really no serious purpose in being at college. It need to be, that young men expected to pay for their college education. Now they almost ask a bounty to attend. They expect to get tuition on long time, and in many instances they never pay few it at alL We happen to know one college in this State, whose students owe it now in luitionand in fees more than $50,000 and t&rl worst of it is. many of the notes are not worthiek with which tt7ff written. Salisbury 8un. Maasatroaa ralaaalty. It is a disastrous calamity, when you lose your health, because indigestion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build up your di gestive organs, and cure headache, dis xineas, colic, constipation, etc Guaxan fcyvd at all druggists ; 6c. A lot of misguided individuals are trying to close up the racetracks by winning all the bookmaker's money. NEIGHBOR'S, APTEB ALL. The wealthy man had told the visitor who was soliciting money for foreign missions that he preferred to help the heathen next door. "I want what I give to benefit my neighbors," said he. The Philadelphia Publio Ledger says the visitor's face took on a look of mild inspiration. "Whom do you regard as your neigh bors T" be asked. "Why, those around me." "Do you mean those whose land joins yours?" . "Well yes." "How much land you hold t" "About five hundred acres." "And how far through the earth do you think you own f" "Why, I've never thought of it be fore, but I suppose I own half-way down." "Precisely," said the man who was soliciting aid, with an air of calm tri umph. "I supposose you do, and I want this money for your neighbors at the other side of the world the men whose land adjoins yours at the bot tom." "You're a ready reckoner," said the millionaire, dryly, but he drew his check-book toward him. Bryaa as a Preacher. Lincoln, Neb., May 19. Mr. Bryan made his debut as a preacher Sunday filling the pulpit at the Normal Meth odist Churoh. A very large crowd was in attendance. He took the Sermon or the Mount as his theme, his text being "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." He declared his belief that religion consisted more in kindness to and coLsideration for fellowmen, more in charity for others and in per sonal purity than in dogma, ceremony, or creed. He deplored the tendency to higher criticism of the Scriptures and the re jec tion of parts of it because on could not understand. He declared that he found daily more mysteries in life than were bound up within the covers of the Bible, rie believed the higher wisdom lay in accepting the good we under stand and hope for, understanding later of that we do not. He insisted that no man could command real success in the world without he possessed an ideal nor could he be of real value to the world as long as selfishness and low conceptions of his duty to himself and others dominated his life and conduct, Armour Will Kettle Claim, for $150, OOO Without Q ue.tlon. Wilmington, N. C, May 19. Grow ers' and shippers' claims of at least $150,000 during the first four days of the recent strawberry blockade in the Chadbourn section are admitted and will be paid in cash during this week by the Armour Refrigerator Car Line, representatives of which, including General Counsel A. P. Miaviag, of New York, have been in this territory for ten days or more. The admitted claims are for fruit which never left the railroad stations and which was hauled off and dumped ss so much garbage. As to the damage during the remain ing days of the blockade, which include Friday, Saturday and possibly Monday of the following week; also for late deliveries, there promises to be some giant litigation between the Atlantic Coast line and connecting roads on the one side and the Armour people on the other. To Peel Vlerh.' Boenps. Omaha, May 19. In the headquar ters of the Union Pacific Railroad to day, a contract was entered into with J. M. Fitzgerald, a Chicago pbrenolo' gist, to examine the bum be of the sixty clerks in the passenger department The obiect of the examination is to determine which department of rail roadie g the subject is best fitted for. The cml-service system prevails in the general officers but this does not operate to prevent the transferring of a clerk from one department to another and the bump specialist is expected to discover patent ability which might be valuable in another branch of the service. Nokoay Wae OOeaeleel. Representative Smith of Michigan tells this story : "A certain citizen of my district was called upon to defend a man who had soundly whipped a worthless individual. He had been indicted for aseualt and battery, 'contrary to the peace and dignity of the people of Michigan.' The lawyer contended that the prosecu tion could not Lope to coAvict unless the entire allegation was proved. 'We admit the assault and battery,' he said, 'but we deny -that it was contrary to the peace and dignity of the people of Michigan.' 'The jury so held, and the fellow was acquitted." During the honeymoon a man smiles inwardly if his wife confesses that she married him to reform him. REFLECTIONS OP A BACHELOR. New fork Press. The way. to a man's heart is through his stomach, and to his reason through his pocket. When a girl really gets jpdignant for kissing a man against her will it is a sign some one was looking. A man is not old until he no longer stops when a woman is getting on a street car to sea what kind of stockings she wears. . Nothing horrifies a woman who dodges psying her street car fare more than to read about a man who hu robbed a bank. When a man measures his happiness by how many hours he slept the night before it is a sign he hu been married long enough to have a large family. Charily begins by getting a contribu tion out of the other fellow, A woman can whine away a man's love surer and quicker than any other way. If a woman can't find anything else to be jealous about she will be it over an old pipe. Next to fooling a man the easiest thing for a girl is to make him feel sure she is not. A girl can change a name she doesn't like whenever she pleases by marrying, but a man is stuck to his hard and fast. When a man rets old enough to think he doesn't know it all he has a son young enough to think he does. When a man has paid all his family bills and hu a dollar and a quarter left over he feels as if he had inherited a gold mine. Generally you can tell when a girl's hair is red by the way her family calls it golden. Deae Language. Barred. Following unique notice appears in a recent issue of the . Adams' Enter prise: Dear Editor Please give notis that I have decided to open a School, to teech Spelling and Defining; also, every day 'Rithmetics, teeching scholars to do fig gem in their heads, stidder on a slate, as some teech. I won't teech no Latin, ne'r no Greeks, as our boys don't need no sich. The A.uerican language is the best for 'em to know." Pallta ana Works. Household Words, A pretty anecdote is related of a ohild who wu greatly perturbed by the dis covery that her brothers had set traps to catch birds. Questioned as to what she had done in the matter, she re plied: "I prayed that the traps might not catch the birds." "Anything else?' "Yei," she said; "I then prayed that God would prevent the birds getting in to the traps, and," u if to illustrate the doctrine of faith and works, "I went out and kicked the traps all to pieces. Mrs. Gabbsby Mv! I wu at the dentist's this afternoon and he made me keep my mouth open a whole hour. It nearly killed me. Mrs. Stillwater Yes; but it might have been worse. If he had made you keep your mouth shut for half that time it would have killed you without a doubt. Yeut Seems strange that Russia with a population of 127,000,000, has only 18.334 physicians. In the United States with a population of about 75, 000,000, there are 120,000 pbysicans. Crimsonbeak Nothing strange about that. The more physicians you have, the fewer people you'll have. Teacher: "Now, Willie, tell me how many bones you have in your body.' Willie: "Two hundred and eight" Teacher: "Wrong. You have but two hundred and seven." Willie: "Yes, but I swallowed a fish bone this morning at breakfast." Mumm Cheer up, old man, and don't be so melancholy. You remind me of Jonah. Glumm Remind you of Jonah ? Mumm That's what I said. He wu down in the mouth, you know. "Why do you feel that your client will lose his case? Have you exhausted every means at your disposal to" "No; but I've exhausted all the means at his disposal." C man does some things well because he likes to do them, and a woman likes to do some things because she does them well. About the time a married woman gets the idea in her head that she hu a mission her husband begins to worry along on pickup dinners. Lots of married men are club mem bers because they dislike -the idea of spending their evenings at home alone. A man is seldom u bad u he thinks his wife thinks he is. SCHOOL CHILDREN AS STRIKERS. Baltimore Sun. A leurioua condition axiata In anma of the publio schools of Chicago. Many of the pupils went "on strike," in "sympathy" with the teamsters, and abstained from attending school. This situation wu tolerated for a time by the authorities, but it hu been decided at last to take stringent action. The Board of Education hu given orders that the Compulsory Education law be rigidly enforced to compel the 1,800 children who are "on strike" to return to their books. A large force of special police men and truant officers have been sent out to notify parents to send their clildreft to school. If parents do not comply with the order, but keep their children away from school for reasons considered inadequate by the Board of Education, then, under the compulsory education law, they may be arrested and tried before a magistrate. It is not easy to understand how a strike of school children could influence in any way the result of a contest between employers and employees, especially in Chicago, where the . people have grown accustomed to all kinds of erratic doings. The hope is indulged that it will be a long time before the Western roetroro lis is aftlioted with another strike, and that when the affliction does come, if ever, the children may be kept out of it. How la It t Salisbury Sun. It is strange that men who have nev er made anything for themselves, and never have shown any special fitness for bueinees should feel competent to administer the most complicated and ex tensive interests of other people. With their own estate under mortgsge, they can tell other people just how to be suc cessful and prosperous in business. If the much talked of rale making for railroads should be vested in s com mis sion at WMhington Uity, which seems to be the idea, the men appointed would in all probability be a lot of bankiupts and broken down politicians. How to Ward Off Old A-e. The most successful way of warding off the approach of old age is. to main, tain a vigorous digestion. This can be done by eating only food suited to yoor age and occupation, and when any dis order of the stomach appers take a dose of Chamberlain's - Stomach and Liver Tablets to correct it. li you nave a weak stomach or are troubled with indi gestion, you will find these Tablets to be just what you what you need. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. "Yes," said the first beauteous dam sel, "I had five proposals at the recep tion last eight" - "I had but one remarked the demure damsel, "but it counted the five. The man stuttered." same as Second door below DinHCTOXS-S 1 A. Jones Yorke, Chaa. McDonald, B. L. Umberger, M. L. Marsh, A. N. James, N. F. Yorke, O. O. Gillon, Paul F. Stalling, Geo. L. Patterson, W. A. Bost, . LEE CROWELL. Attorney y 'JSEE' 'tH33 Sfeggfr Everything to Furnish a Home... aTfit)rsrefiwftwr RIGHT TURK TO CURB CATARRH Glbawai Drue Store Guarantee Hyoanel Will Curamuaeal Now. The early summer when the weather becomes warm and settled, is the best time of the whole year to treat catarrhal troubles with the expectation of com plete and luting relief. Everyone who hu catarrh, or even a tendency to catarrh, should use Hy- omei now, for the benefit will be gained twice u quickly and the diseaee thor oughly eradicated from the system. The complete Hyomei outfit costs but one dollar, and includes a neat pocket inhaler, a medicine dropper, and suffi cient Hyomei for several weeks' treat ment. The inhaler lasts a lifetime, and if more Hyomei is needed, extra bottles can be obtained for 50 cents. Ia Concord there are scores of well known people who have been cured of catarrh by Hyomei. If it does not cure you, Gibson's Drug Store will return your money. This is the strongest evi dence it cln offer as to its faith in the remedy. A Perfect Wall Coating Comblnea Cleanliness and Durability Any one can brush "it on No one can rub It off Plastico is a pure, permanent and porous wall coating, and does not require washing off to renew as do all kalsoniinea. It is a dry powder, ready for use by adding cold water and can be easily brushed on hy any one. Made in white and fourteen fashionable tints. Sample card free. MTI-KALSOMINE CO. GRAND IAPIDS, MICH. For sale In Concord by the Yorke Wadsworth Co. FSJEY'S VERMIFUGE Is th same good, old-fashioned medicine that has saved the lives of little children for the past 60 years. It Is a med icine made to cure. It has never been known to fail. If your child Is sick get a bot tle of FREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Do not take a substitute. If your druggist does not keep it, send twenty-five cents in sumps to 3. ct? S. PREY Ilaltiinore Hid. and a bottle wtll be mailed you. Cannon & Fetzer Co. W. D. Pemberton, W. W. Morrison, Chas. B. Wagoner, H. L. Parks. i333i$2f33Z2Z I piastice If It's a Question of Money, Buy the New Furniture Here. . . . And if it's a question of quality, buy it here. We've .been unusually fortunate this year, buying at close figures several furniture stocks that's why we can afford to sey at the money-making prices we are now quoting. 1 25 Pound of good, clean HICE for $1.0: ArbuckleJ Coffee, 15c per pound. All other Groceries Dry Goods and 5hoe to suit the trade. Highest Cash and Barter Prices paid for Country Pro ' duce. See us duce. before selling your pro- ill Life Fire Health Accident Plate Glass Insurance Surety Bonds at Rock Bottom Prices in the most reliable com panies, and big bargains in REAL ESTATE , SEE JNO. K. PATTERSON, Office up stairs at Postoffice. H. L WOODBOU8B, President a W. SWINK. Cashier. MARTIN BOG BR, Vloe-President. W. H. GIB90W. Teller. t Concord, N. C Branch at Albemarle, w. C. Capital, 60,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 80,000.00 Deposits 850,000.00 Total Resources 436,000.00 Our oast success, as Indicated above by flKures, ia quite Kratlfylnv. and we wish to assure our r rnenus and customers or our ap preciation o their patronage and cordially tnelr patronage ana formal l invite a continuanceof the same, should be pleased to serve a larKe number of new cas tO niers. holdlna ourselves readr to serve vou In any way consistent with sound banking. DIRECTORS. J. W. Cannon. Robert S. Younsr. L. J. Foil. Joa. F. Goodman, M. J. Corl, Jno. S. Bflrd, J. M. Morrow, T. C. Ingram. Pr sale One beautiful residence lot on South Union street, at Fairview, about 60x185 feet. Lot graded and in grass, $325, payable $135 cash, $100 first January, 1906, and $100 first January, 11W7. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. For sale One beautiful residence lot, about 60x150 feet in Wadsworth Ad dition fronting on Allison street, oppo site D. J. Bost & (Jo b store, $100. jno. K. Patterson & Co. CAI-LI 11