THE CONCORD TIMES. Eu Twice tha Circulation of any Paper Srar Comas Twioa Zrtz WaakaaJ thaPrlo la Only One Dollar a Tear. Published in John B. Shefrill, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED TWICE J WEEK. 1.00 a Year, in Adranee. tha County. Volume Xgll. CONCORD, N. C?, MfcY 30. 1905. NUMBER 97. COTTON CIOWERR NOT COJirEt.1V- GOT THSt KIND OH PASTOR THKY DOK'TBILPTHE DBTIL. 4 NOW IITHI Tin St FOB HTOHEI & c o NEW I R . H .A M A C Y YORK CI T Y n :) . J i z TV I I. o ' . it V 7 vf 7 l f r V j VMajr if; A BetterFruits-Bctter Profits Better peaches, apples, pear's end berries are produced when Potash 'is liberally applied to the soil. To insure a full crop, of choicest quality, Use fertilizer containing nut k'SS than io per cent, actual Potash Send for oar practical bookl of Information , wcy are not aavcruwi .wi.,...... II (nausea. Senllree lor urn asking. WA OERMAN KALI WORKS 1 1 v.rSl Naaaa. s a epeciai lenmacrs, .c m.u Atlanta. Ill - , ttouta Broaa 9 JEWELRY DIAMONDS i WATCHES and a ' complete line of the GENUINE "1847 Rogers Bros." Knives, Forks, .Spoon, etc. five carefullv examined and properly fitted to the best grade of gUsset. ,f" t W.C. CORRELL, Jewe er. Safe Prompt THE Liberal CORD IIOI f uapiuu chock, -Stockholders' liability, Surplus and undivided profits, Assets, .... flOO.OOO 100,000 25,000 850,000 Your Business Solicited i per cent. li. teres t paid on time certificates J M. ODBT.r,, President. W. H LILLY, Vice President. D. B. OOLTKANK. Vutllar L. D. OOI.TRANB, Aast Cashier. I. M. HKND1U Jt, Hook-Keeper, O. Hiohmond. Tho. W. Smith. fc. 6. RICHMOND A 0. 1882 15)05. Insurance ?ire, Life, Accident, Health, Em ployers Liability, Plate Glass, etc. - enn Mutual Life, Phila., South- i m T.ifc nnd Trust. Grepnshnro. m ogees f--, .1,5.' 1 Jf"Tl Jj ft-? if 111 Ml 111 VUUU Pin. lllRtpolrlnt .'jur Life Contract, eee Thos. V. -mith. Thanks for Dast favors. Rear room City Hall. Portland, Oregon, Exposition. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOS ANGELES, CAL. DENVER, COL. Epworth Le'ague Convention July 5-9. DENVER, COL. G. A. R. Encampment, Sep tember. Yerj TiOW Round Trip Rates via IllinoisVCentral R. R. CHO OF ROUTES Two trains daily, Atlanta to St. Lou is" in connection with W. & A. R. R. Th only through morning sleeping car Arfianta to t. LOUIS. For fall information, dates of sale, rates, tickets and descriptive circulars, Address, F. D. MILLER, Trar. Pass. Agt. 17 Pry or St., Atlanta, Oa. FOR SALE. On. 85 h. p. Engine, Boiler and Mill. One 30 h. p. Engine, Boiler and Mill. One 15 h. p. Engine and Boiler. One 1 J h. p. Engine. One 80 h. p. Engine. . One 15 h. p. Vertical Engine.. One 80 h. p. Vertical Engine. These are good second-Qnd outfits, and will be sold cheap. Ooiy quick. a Concord Fonndry and Macbine Works. s ZE "VjV" PARKER'S . HAH BALSAM 1 1 Chawa and bunra tba kafc. -HI Pimt.4. a laxun.t BTowta. - J leer yalla to Btor Ory I Hair to ita youthful Color. J ""at Proq-jm sis Cuatii ftntat All tl&t IAu.S. 1 ixmsn btthd. j'anta trnuo. IT ttmn. Siitd bf drutfTlMa. J 1 aatlesis at Aa.ail. as t Versace. Washington, May 2G. Advices re ceived here indicate that in some parti of the south the opinion prevails that the last congress passed a law compel! ing cotton planter, to report, on de mand from agent of the census bureau, their acreage, condition, number bales ginned, etc. This Is not the case. The only legis lation affecting cotton statistics enacted by the fifty-eighth congress was the fol lowing joint resolution introduced Representative Burleson, of Texas, and finally passed as a part of the bill pro viding for the collection of marriage and divorce statistics: "Bo it resolved, etc , That the director of the census be, and he .is hereby authorized and directed to col lect and publish on the same dates and at the same time he makes publication of the ginners' reports of cotton, pro duction, statistics of the consumption of cotton, the surplus of cotton held by the manufacturers and the amount Of cotton exported, the statistics to be summarized as September 1 of each year, so as to shOw the cotton produc tion and consumption of the precedin year." Information regarding this legislation was given in detail in these dispatches during the time it was progressing though the two houses. It is obviously to the interest of the farmer to know something definite as to the amount of cotton consumed, exported and on hand, and the statistics which will be published as a resit of the passage Mr. Burleson's resolution will ' bring out the fact. It seems impossible to convince the planters of the south that it is equally to their interests to have accurate state ments as to acreage, condition and pro duction issued by the government, de spite the weight of the evidence in that direction. The census bureau had considerable amount of trouble last sea son with ginners who refused to make reports for use in the six ginning bulle tins issued during the fall, winter and spring, and yet the facts tend to show that conditions would have been mater i illy improved had this information baen freely given by all ginners. It is srgued that such information gives the specu lator a club wherewith to hammer down prices,- but if this be the case, it should be obvious that in the event of a short crop the farmers would be given a lever wherewith to push the price np. In the opinion of experts here it is diffi cult to see how any legitimate interest can be harmed by having the exact facts made public. Value of General Cellar.. Ei.-Oot. Aycock In National Maaxlne. We must educate everybody in our respective neighborhoods, in order that we may have the benefit of competition and of appreciation. Yoa may educate your son and dnughter to the fullest extent possible, giving to them the learning of all the world and put them after their education, in a community where there are no other educated peo ple, and they will fail to develop and grow as they would if they lived . in a community where there was general culture. The man who stands easily head and shoulders above his neighbors will never be very tall. If he Is to sur pass his neighbors and be really great he must have neighbors who are al most great themselves. He cannot work out himself the best there is in him until he is forced to do so by the competition of other almost or quite as strong as he. The Same Oae. A young country minister who had been presented with a horse by a rich farmer parishioner, rode the animal home to exhibit him to his father. The old gentleman studied the horse care fully, and observed that he seemed very aged and infirm. "Well father," said his son, "I don't think you ought to complain of him, even if be is old and feeble. It is a good deal better animal than our Sav ior rode into Jerusalem nineteen hun dred years ago." 'I don't know, John," replied the father; "I think it's the same one." H.w to War sr OI4 A(. The most successful way of warding off the approach of old age is to main tain a vigorous digestion. This can be done by eating only food suited to your age and occupation, and when any dis order of the stomachntppers take a dose of Chamberlain's sVomach and liver Tablets to correct it. If yoa have a weak stomach or are troubled with indi gestion, yoa will find these Tablets to be just what yoa what yoa need. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. o Very few people care much about succeeding over other people as they do about not having somebody else suc ceed over them. To Anwer Qa They Aeke4 fer.a IHIx.r an a Crank . sat lasplsi Bar. Re la Both. Peoria, 111.. Dispatch. This is the kind of a clergyman the Central Christian Church here had have. "1. "2. "3. "4. "5. He must be a young man. He must he a married man; He must be an evangelist. He must be a lodge member. He must be a mixer. "0. He must be a crank. "7 He must be the burden-bearer of the flock." The Rev. 8. 8. Lappin, of Atlanta 111., was called on his affidavit, a fol- lows: "1. I am thirty five years old. can set my foot on a wall ten inches higher than my head and can 'chin limb, ten times. "2. I have been married twelve years and my wife and I are still living to gether. "3. I am an evangelist and never turn persons away if they want to Join the church where I am preaching. "4. I am a lodge man. I belong to four lodges. "5. I am a mixer, and can talk poli tic or sports with the boys or theology at the right time. Whoever comes near my church, near service time, must be fleet of foot, if I don't make him shake hands before he gets away, ' 6. I am a crank; not a fool, under stand, but the kind of crank that moves things. If I cannot make them move, I generally get some of the cranky brethren or sisters to lend a hand till the thing starts. On several oocssions I have succeeded so well in moving things that my family, household goods, and all were moved into another pas torate. 7. Now, as to being willing to as sume the burdens of the flock, I had best be a little less positive in my an swer, for I am not sure what you mean by that. I do not propose to take care of the pocketbooks of the brethren, while they go fishing, or to speak knowingly about the bigness of the bats worn by the good sisters at Easter tide. I will not engage to solve the consciences of the brethren who 'hurrah for Jesus and vote for the devil,' and I will not usher any such np to the pearly gates.' Story et Wa.blncton Dak. Falrbrothers Everything. All that can be said of Washington Duke, and it is enough to say of any one, is that he was a good man and an honest man. He made muoh money and laid the foundation for the magni ficent fortune which came to him, but which he never enjoyed. The tobacco trust waa not of his creation he would have had it otherwise. He was sturdy, sympathetic, whole-souled and honest to the severest test. His riches came after his habit and character were formed, and this is why he said to us upon hi return from Europe, a dozen years ago that "I kept telling them to hurry up to finish the trip; that wanted to get back to Durham where I could get some bacon and greens, In other words bacon and greens strong ly appealed to him, and meant more to him than all the lingo which he could not decipher found on a card at a table d'hote. Cold Deliberation. Why. good morning, Harker; let me congratulate you." "On what?" "On your marriage." "Why, I'm not married." "But, man, you told me several weeks ago that you were seriously thinking of matrimony." That' just it. I thought seriously of it and decided to remain single. Those that marry do to without think ing." ll'a New Meaning. Mr. Squallop stood at the foot of the stairway, waiting. "Maria," he called out, looking at hiti watch, "how much longer is it going to take you to get ready? We'll miss the train if you don't hurry." "I'll be down immediately," replied hi wife. That wan't do!" he roared. We've got to) tart right now." I Tbana the Lor!" Hannah Plant, of Little Rock, cried ten's Arnica Salve. It cored my fearful running sores, which nothing else would heal, and from which I had suf fered for 6 years." It is a marvelous healer for cuts, burns anL wounds. Guaranteed at all druggists ;o. Stewardess Madame is unreason able, I know she is seasick, but she want too much she asks for impossi ble things. The Sufferer-It' not true all I want is the earth I - A woman has an awful hard time making herself believe she can't trust man she know the can't. Balelgb. Post. A great many suggestion nowadays are attributed to advanced thought, when in truth most of them are moie correctly to be charged up to sensa tionalism. Rev. Sam Jones is renyrted in an Atlanta paper to have said in a late sermon that he favored easy di vorce. He startled his congregation by saying that he wanted to fee the law so arranged that when any mar zjed couple found it difficult to live in peace and harmony, they could go to a Judge and secure an absolute divorce on the payment of one dollar. There were almost audible murmurs of disapproval among the auditors, un til the Rev. Bam announced that he would not have the decree of divorce end with that, but that he would have it so that the judge would write down on the bottom of the sheet of paper an order that if either party should ever remarry during the lifetime of the other the party so marrying must be confined in the penitentiary for life. Then there were murmur of approval. The evangelist taid he was not un mindful of the fact that the good Book said "what God hath joined together let no man put asunder," but he did not think God had anything to do with the marriages that turn out bad, and in which divorces are sought, but that they are the work of the devil. Didn't Remember Tbat One. A very good story is told of Judge Sherman, before whom was tried the Tucker case at East Cambridge, says the Boston Herald. He was walking through the Boston streets recently, re turning a shabby cotton umbrella to its owner, looking for all the world like a countryman, when a bunco sleerer stepped up to him and Claimed ac quaintance. "I don't seem to remember you," said the judge. Upon being urged to refresh his memory, the judge, seeing through the little game, calmly said: "Well, my friend, I have sent so many of you boys to jail I can't remember you all, you know." How Conanmptlon Hrglna. Consumption always begins with a cough that lingers. A cough that hangs on and will not yield to the usual treatment,-may not mean con sumption but too often it does mean this dead destroyer has gained a footing. Rydale's Cough Elixir is very eucces ful in checking the progress of throat and lung diseases. Even consumption, yields to its powerful influence, if ita use is began before the disease is too deep seated.-. This modern scientific remedy, kill the germ that cause consumption it removes the cause and help nature rebuild the broken tissue. If you have stubborn cough try By dale' Cough Elixir, it will not disap point you, D. D. Johnson. Perhape So. "And if I should break the engage ment," said the Hyde Park Romeo, tell me truly, what would you do?" "I I should take poisonl" cried the beautiful girl. "You would really go to the nearest pharmacy and get poison?" "No, not Worse than that. I should allow a young man who smokes cigar ette to kiss me." How He Made It Oat. Clerk of the Work - Look here, Dennis, I can't understand how you put in 17 hour on Thursday, Dennis 8hure, Oi ihtarted two hours before I began, an' Oi wurrnked all dinner time when Oi was restin', an' either Oi left off Oi wurruked for two hour more, an' that make me toime out. A Dlaastron. Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity, when you lose your health, because indigestion and oonstirjhtion have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. KingVi New Life Pills. They build np your di gestive organs, and core headache, diz ziness, colic, constipation, etc. Guaran teed at all druggists ; 25c. Minstrel Man "I don't like playing in those western towns; so much cer emonialescort and all that sort of thing, you know. Comedian "Mayor, brass band, etc.?" Minstrel Man "No, sheriff." Sickley I spoke to Dr. Herb and he advised me that I could Dr. She! fish (interrupting) O, he gave you some idiotic advice, I don't doubt. Sickley He advised me to see you. In the Spring "Can't I 0 in the back yard and play in the garden, mamma?" "Certainly not, child. You must stay in and study your nature books." Far Easier to Care Catarrh Row Than at Any Other Season. Now is the lime to use Hyomei, when the esrly summer days make it so easy to cure catarrhal troubles. The Hyomei treatment, breathed for a few minutes three or four times a day in May and June, wiU do good twice as quickly as it did in January, and nearly everyone know that used faithfully then, it completely rids the syUim of catarrh. The complete Hyomei outfit costs but one dollar, and consul of a neat in haler that can be carried in the purse or vest-pocket and will last a lifetime, medicine dropper, and a bottle of Hy omei. Extra bottles of Hyomei can be procured, if desired, for fifty cents. Gibson Drug Store give their personal guarantee with every Hyomei outfit they sell to refund the money if it does not give satisfaction. There is no risk whatever to the purchaser of Hyomei, Husband The doctor told me I must go to a "rest-cure." Wife Did he look at your tongue? Husband No. I told him about yours. Either people do more than they dare think about or they dare to think it but not to do it. A boy goes to school so to have a lot to unlearn when be comes ont. 25 Pounds of good, clean EICE for $1.00 Arbuckle Coffee, 15c per pound. All other Dry Goods and Shoes to suit the trade. Highest Cash and Barter Pricos paid for Country Pro duce. Sec us before selling your pro duce. ill Trustee's Sale. My virtue of authority vested In me by a Deed i Trust or MurUiiufe. executed by W. K. I.vles and wife on the 31st day of October, 108, which MnrlKK or Deed In Trust Is duly recorded In HcisU'rs office for Conarrus Omuty, N. C, In Hook No. 13, paite 13, 1 will sell at public auction at the Court House door in (Concord. N. C, on the 8rd day of July, 1U05, to the ninliest bidder iorcasn: All that town lot which Jno. A. Cline and wife conveyed to W. K. Lyles on the 3rd day of Janu ary. 1B0&. bv deed which is duly recorded in I tw ister's oflice for Cabarrus ( ounty. In Hook 60, owe 1(10. and descriled as follows : Hituated In ward No. 8 of Concord. N. C. betna- the souUl. east corner lot formed bv the intersection of Franklin street and Mt. Pleasant road. Begin ning at a sUtke. the southeast intersection of Franklin street and Mt. Pleasant road, and runs with said street s IN) feet to a stake, John A. ('lines' corner: then with his line n H.1 e 76 ft to a sl.-tke. said (Junes' corner; tnence wnn nis one n IM) feet to a stake in south eilne oi Mount rieas- ant roan, said ennes' corner; tnence wim said road s 83 w 7ft ft to the Deglnninir. Title to said nronertv is smiuosed to be rood but the purchaser only takes such title as 1 am amnonzea io convey uuaer saia niongage. ihismn day oi ma Jay, H. I. W N iUIIOUHE. Trustee. By W. M. Smith, Attorney. North Carolina, Cabarriis Count j IN THE SUPBBIOB COURT. Edward Means, Propounder, vs. Lafayette Ury, Creator. NOTICE. James Moore, a nartv In Interest In the above entitled action, will take notice that a caveat has been entered to the probate of a paper-writing purporting to be the last will andteatament of Camollne Means, deceased; and the aaldJamea Moore will further take notice that be Is cited to appear at the Dezt term of the Superior Court of Cabarrus Coun ty to tie neiu on tne 1st Monday, uerore tne 1st Mondav In SeDtember. 1KB. at the court bouse of said county, In Concord, North Car olina, and make himself a party to said pro- ceedlnira ir tie choose, to to ao. This 2th day of May, 1U. JNO. M. COOK. Clerk Superior Court. FBEV'S VERMIFUGE totied medicine that has saved 1 th lives of little children for the past 60 years. It Is a m Iclne atada to cure. It has never been known t0fafl. If your child Is sick get a bot tle of PREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Do not taka a substitute. It J'our drufreist does not keep t, send twenty-tWa cents im stamps to 33. cfe s. jpniDTkr Baltimore, Md. and a bottle will be sailed yon. AI-II I No. front No. SOOA SHlrtwalst Suit $2.96 Be Fashionably Gowned Order your Wearing Apparel from New YorK City Why? New YorK City originate isinions oi America. Macy's of New YorK issues a 500 papje Cat alogue, which comprehensively portrays the largest and finest stock of merchandise in America. Macy's of New YorK can save you from 25 o 33 1-3 per cent, on all your purchases. Macy's makes this possible by buying and selling only for cash. Address Dept. S.S. rll HATIrsA f N.H0IIUU pusTico economical material for tinting and decorating; walls, superior to kalso mine and wall paper, and much cheaper than paint, PLASTIC0 eombimw all r .! mu the good fea. turns of other wall coat ings, and none of their dis advantages. Packed in dry powder form, in white and tints, ready fur use by adding cold water. Full directions on fackage. Any one can apply t Sample card of beautiful tints for the asking. Antl-Kaleomlne Co. MID SAPID, BIICH. For sale la Concord by the Yorke fc Wadsworth Co. 503A J&rW? SP $1.49 mm R. H . M A C Y , eaeerefteAeerereAeeefteefte Everything to Furnish e a Home. . . tftSfraa)gTS)r Five jGrarmenjs at TmpicaL Mac Prices Ba.rgain.S such as quoted in this Advertisement can always be found in Macy's 500 page Fashion and Hou: eh jld Catalogue which is sent free upon request. Every article sold with on regular guarantee; If not in every detail as represented, good may be returned for refund of money. Compare our valui with those offered by any otlsar house in America. Send us trial order, and be a satisfied Macr customer. sooa cimic snirt waist Dress, I Dross, splendidly throuehout. made ot tan Us white law n; tim bluuse waist formed of tiny tucks an J wide side plaits: four wide either side of panel ; sleeves with dt-ep tucked cuffs ; plaited back ; ti collar; cuffs, collar and front panel finished with silk French knots i or black. Skirt has triple box plaited front forminfr panel effect, wi flounce on either sides trimmed top and bottom with several rows tucks; deep hem; separate belt of same material. Sizes bust, price No. 501 A Splendid fitting Corset Cover of excellent qual uy cam one; iuu Diouae iremn style; low neck WMIIIIICU ailll IBUIUBBDl 1 1JH 111 Ml 1 1 1 ftT 1 1 1 I1 , UfttUing a lace edge; silk baby ribbon drawn through each row Deaaing ; arm holes lace edge trimmed, price. . No. joiA An"extraorrlinnry value in V omen's Petticoat, made of mercer z ed shepherd check sateen; extra full w:dth ; umbrella him nee formed of two accordion plaited ruffles trimmed with two rows of fatfK"tinH; tp f each ru ffle headed wi th black cam I ric band. Length, 37 to 42 inches, P"ce 99c. Stict exact measure menu and secure a correct At all the y . Coll AttnwtlflHi Am TKrif to- ftkafe Broadway at Sixth Avenue 34th Street to 35th Street New York City rwr. fa si a Bf m rj i v No. 504A Effective and entirely new creation, made of excellent quality dotted Swiss; panel effect box plait down front formed of Point Venice lace inser tion; three wide side plaits on either side of panel; full sleeves with cuffs finished with pearl buttons; hack and collar finished with tiny tucks. Sizes 3a to 44 inch bust, price 79o. No. 503A Dressy Shirt Waist, copy of French model, mode of fine quality Persian lawn, has " V " shaped yoke and panel effect front formed of dainty ball pat tern Valenciennes lace insertion; panel trimmed with large elaborate silk embroidered motif; clusters of tiny tucks and side plaits on either side of yoke; full sleeves; tucked and lace trimmed collar and cuffs; box and side plaited back. Sizes 31 to 44 inch bust, Pri $1.49 & c o NEW Life Fire Health Accident Plate Glass Insurance Surety . Bonds at Rock Bottom Trices in the most reliable com panies, and big bargains in REAL ESTATE SEE JNO. K. PATTERSON, Office up stairs at Postofiice. If It's a Question the New Furniture Here; . . . And if it's a question of quality, buy it here. We've been unusually fortunate this year, buying at close figures several furniture stocks that's why we can afford to sell at the money-making prices weare nowquoting. e , Cors.t W,(n ' Coraf jf lJl' tailored VI f I ; panel side 33 . . . prett Petticoat 99e. effect ,;;5i-.Si . fM I I inch MM'-f:&rm7 1 $2.96 M-t-mmMmm, Selling more goods for cash than any other store, gives us the advantage of buying at the lowest prices, and as we buy, we sell. Macy's large corps of experienced and ex pert shoppers act for you and handle your orders in a way, which must prove satisfactory. Send to-dny for Macy's large Catalogue, which will in struct you How to be Fashionably dressed and How to Save 25 to 33 1-3 per cent, on all your purchases Address Dept. S.S. YORK CITY H. I. WOOOBOTJSB. President. 0. W. 8 WINK. Cashier. MARTIN BOG BR. Vice-President. W. H. OXDSON. Teller. Concord, N. C, Branch at Albemarle, N. C. Capital, f 90,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 80,000.00 Deposits 850,000.00 Total Resources 435,000.00 Our past success, as Indicated above by figures, is quite gratifying, and we wlab to assureour trlends and customer of our ap- fireclatlon 0 their patronage and cordially n vice a continuance of the same. 8hould he pleased to serve a large number of new cus tomers, hokllna' ourselves ready to serve you In any way consistent with sound banking. DIRECTORS. J. W. Cannon, Robert 9. Young, L. J. Foil, Jos. r. Goodman, M. 1. Corl, Jno. S. Ettrd, J. . M. Morrow, T. C. Ingram. For sale One beautiful residence lot on South Union street, at Fairview, about BOx 185 feet. Lot graded and in grass, $325, payable $V25 cash, $100 first January, 19I6, and $100 first January 9J7. Juo. K. Patterson & Co. awtrtytieoefteaf of Money, Buy f m

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