THE CONCORD TIMES t Hm Twio th ClrouUtlon of any Piper St-ar v . PabUshcdln (-County. DComM Twioe Every Week and thoPrica is Only One Dollar John S. SherriU, Editor and Owner. 9 PUBLISHED TWICE A. WEEK. $1.00 a Fear, in Advance. a Tear. j YOLTJUE-XXII. CONCORD, N. C, JUNE 18. 1905.I NUMBER 99. Prompt THE libera Ei..x.j) IJIICJl EL..I Capital Stook, - Stockholder' liability, Borplns and undivided profits, J 100,000 100,000 23,000 860,000 Yooi Business Solicited f par Mat t-tanst paid oa time MrtUeaUs 3. M. OD1LL. PrMat. W. H. LILLY, Vlo President. D. R. OOLTKAH OulUar It n. COI.TR A KB. Am Cashlar. 1 fcl .fan l!r. lichosl. Notice is hereby given that I have tbia day cold and Mufemd all my riant, interest ana goon wui in me in surance bniineM of i. O. Richmond tc do. to Thomas J. White. The btudneas hereafter will be conducted under the firm name of Smith & White. I take thii opportunity to thank the public for their liberal patronage In the paat and respectfully ask a continuance of the aame for the new firm. O. O. RICHMOND. June lit, 1906. THOS. W. SMITH. THOS. 3. WHITE. - New Insurance Finn. Ai will be aeen from the above card of Mr. O. G. Richmond, rre, the under-sia-ned. hare this day aanciated our selves together to do a general insurance basineM. We are prepared to handle iniuranoe in all the different lines. We repreMUt the New York Life, Penn Mu tual, ana soutnern ue ana irusi -om-nan-, life Iniuranoe oomwutiei, and i full and complete line of old line fire in iuranoe companies, composed of both home and foreign companies We also handle Health and Aooident Insaranoe, and all kinds of Casualty Iniuranoe, Plate Glass, Steam Boiler, and Em ployers' Liability, etc. When in need of anything in onr line we will be pleased to serve you to the best of oar ability. very rospectruliy, SMITH & WHITE ' Office SVrarth Door City Hall. June i. 25 Pounds of good, clean RICE for $1.00 Arbuckle Coffee, 15c per pound. All other Groceries Dry Goods and Shoes to suit the trade. Highest Cash and Darter Prices paid - for Country Pro-lues. Sec as before Belling yonr pro duce. m mm H. I WOODHOUSft. President, a W. IW1MK. MABTTJI BOO IB, Vlce-PrMdrat. W. H. GIBSON, TeUsr. mm sb k i Concord, It. C Branch at Aibsmarlf, M. 0. Capital, 80,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 80,000.00 Deposits 850,000.00 Total Resonroes . 486,000 00 Our past suomm, as Indicated abort by suras, is quit (ratifying, ud w wish to nr. oar iiwai a a cumon oe : oar ap- dlsuv HlMll toman, holdlns ourselves rosdv so sarvs yoa hkIaUm Mlr Mtronaira and eordl (dtIM s oonwnuaoco of Uie mids. Should bs I so srvs a lanr. nnmbor of new cus- la .ay way oooslateat with aouod banking. DIRECTORS. J. W. Cfen dob. Robert S. Tout, L. J. Ton, Jos. P. Goodman, M. J Oort, J bo. B. Bflrd, J. M. Morrow. T. C. In ram. Portland, Oregon, Exposition. . SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOS ANGELES, CAL DENVER, COL. Epworth League Convention July 5-9. DENVER, COL. G. A. R. Encampment, Sep tember. Yerjfloi Round Trip Rates via - Illinois Central R. R CHOICE OF ROUTES Two trains daily, Atlanta to St. Lou is in oonneotion with W. 4 A. R R The only through morning sleeping oar - Atlanta to St. Louis. For foil information, date, of sale, rates, tickets and descriptive circulars, J Address, y f.D KILLER, Trsv. Pass. Agt 17 Prror St., Atlanta. Ga. THE MILL md FACTORY SYNDICATE OF 415 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, will condtfet for us one of their Special Ten-Day Sales beginning JUL life June til ViaV and Lasting Ten Days The goods from the mills are being distributed among the various departments, and all goods in each department will be sold at Mill and Factory Syndicate Prices. Look for the colored tag. Every thing maked in plain figures. Remember, NO GOODS CHARGED, strictly CASH- Truly, it will be an injustice to yourself if you do not attend this sale. Begin now to make your plans for the Mill and Factory Syndicate Sale- ' We give below only a few of the numerous and matchless bargains : nfeyY OO 00 OO OO jVf On 'fwrm- t .& fefrf.?.-ffia-Mi! A r I 9 CM 1 j ' IMiff 8 : i-g'i i uttafef ai si ? si -J mm 3 43 j - 3 i J ' m Xk s Sili lis i Si! Ml r-T ! N ' w -di ' mm wijr did! .d-g 6 i NEVfYORK DESIGNED. SGttLO The Mill and Factory Syndicate Representative, Hr. W. C. Francis, Arrived Last Friday. Ladies' Night Gowns. Ladies' night gowns, 75c value, mill and factory syndicate price 47c Drawers ! Ladies' ruffled and hemstitched drawers, mill and factory syndicate prices, 23c and 48c Tabic Damask. Big lot table damask, 35c " and 40c value, mill and factory syndicate price, 3c, and 75c vaUie, only 48C Ginglt miiis. Big shipment ginghams, short lengths, mill and factory syndicate prices, 5c, 6ic and 8C White Lawn. A m Entra good quality white lawn, worth up to 10c, mill and factory syudicate price . 4C I tCawkSfr I to ttw P Ladies9 Gauze Vests. 1 case Ladies' Bleached Gaue Vests, regular price 10t, millond factory syndicate sak 3c Figured Lawn. Big shipment figured lawns, regular price 8c, mill and factory" syndicate price 4C Elastic Seam Drawers. Elastic Seam Drawers for men, mill and factory syndicate price 39c Ladies9 Turnover Collars. Ladies' turnover collars, worth 10 and 15c, mill and factory syndicate price. 5C Men's Straw Hats. Straw hats for men, mill and factory syndicate price 19c, 39c and 48c White Madras Waisting. 1 case white madras waisting, short lengths, worth up to 20c yard, mill and factory syndicate price 8C Pants for Men. f 1.50 value, sale price c 98c 2.00 " " " 1.48 f2.50 and tySX) value, sale price 1.98 Bed Spreads. Bed spreads, regular price $1.50, mill and fac tory syndicate price 98c $2.00 and 2.50 kind, sale price 1.48 Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! at mill and factory syndicate prices. Towels. One case of towels, mill and factory syndicate price, 8c, 12ic, 14c, 19c, 23c, and 39C Sheets and Pillow Cases. Seventy-five sheets, mill and factory syndicate sale price 49C Pillow cases, uill and factory syndicate sale price, 9c, 121c, and 14c Prints. Nobby patterns, regular price, 0c, mill and fac tory, syndicate sale price -.' 3C Percale. One case 36-inch Percale, regular price 10c, mill and factory syndicate sale price 6c Bleaching. 36-inch Bleaching, regular price 8Jc, mill and factory syndicate sale price 5c Madras Shirts. Elegant line of Madras shirts for men, regular price, 75 cents, mill and factory syndicate sale price 47C Ladies' Hats. Lot No. 1, your choice for 23c Lot No. 2, your choice for 48c Lot No. 3, your choice for QRn Mill and factory syndicate sale prices. Figured Lawn. Six hundred yards of figured lawn, wortliup to 7c, mill and factory syndicate sale price2jC Men's Shirts. 100 dozen men's shirts, worth 25c and 35c,m ill and syndicate sale price 19c , HE GOT ITBAft In a certain Loaf Island town there are twonen who are something of local characters. One la known as "Honest John" and the other Is "Ban, worm John." Sometime ajo "Band worm John" got Into trouble. He needed a dollar to tet him out and he didn't have the cash. He appealed to everal people, but bo one seemed anxioua to part with that much ot the realm, finally he made his war to "Honest John." "John, will rou lend me a dollar t" he asked. "What for?" asked the other John. "Never mind what for." said "Sand worm" Impatiently. "I want a dollar and I want It bad." "Want It bad. do you?" Queried "Honest John." Yes, I do want It bad. Will rou lend me one?" John considered a minute or two and finally decided to financier his nelehbor through the difficulty. He went to his house and returned with i silver dollar which he handed to Bandworm," who departed rejoicing. In a short time "Bandworm" came back. He wag a very much provoked man. John." he said testily, "thers a something the matter with that dol lar. I can't get anybody to change It for me." "Why not?" asked "Honest John." "They all say It's bad." "Honest John" gave his neighbor a look of Infinite compassion as one looks at a person who has not the full use of his senses. ' What's the matter with you, 'John Bandworm?" he asked. "You come here and try to borrow a dollar, and you say you want It bad. And I lend you a bad one and then you aren't satisfied. Some folks are awful hard to suit." Brooklyn Eagle. Willing to Pay A lively lo oklng porter stood on the rear of a car In the Pennsylvania depot A funny and choleric-looking old man clambered up the steps. He stopped on the plaform, puffed a mo ment, and then turned to the young man In uniform and said: "Porter 1" Yes, sir!" I am going to St Louis. I want to be well taken care of and can pay for it Do you understand?" Yes, sir; I hope " Never mind what you hone. Yon listen to what I say. Keep the train boys away from me. Dust me oft whenever I want you to. Give me an extra blanket, and if any fellow has the berth above me, slide him ovor Into another one. I want you to "But say, boss, I " "Don't talk too much .young man. Here'B $3. Now I want to get the good of It Not a word sir." The train was starting The porter swung off to the platform. All .Ink. 1. Bl,A..,n.' T' - powerful sorry you wouldn't let me talk, but I ain't going out on that train." Cleveland Plain Dealer. One of Them for the Company. A well-known comedian, celebrated for his eccentricities, boarded a street car the other day and duly paid his fare upon demand. After riding a block or so further he produced an other nickel and tendered the same to the passing conductor. The honest conductor refused the proffered coin, while the actor vehe mently protested his desire to pay his fare. "You have given me your fate al ready," argued the man In uniform. i Know, responded me comedian. but this Is for the company." Everyone laughed excepting the dis comfited conductor, who had omitted to register the first collection. New York Times. Ha, Was Known A certain millionaire well known to society, while one day strolling round his stables, came across his coach man's little boy on a seat, playing with his toys After talking to the youngs ter a Bhort time, he said: Well, my little man, do you know who I am?" Oh, yes," replied the youngster: you're the man who rides In my fath er's carriage!" N. Y. News. Useful Accomplishment I'm glad I learned to sew on but tons when I was a bachelor, observ ed Peckem. "Why, Henry?" asked Mrs. Peck- em. Because." he answered, "I find the accomplishment so useful, now that I am married." Lace. Big lace value, regular 5c,8c and 10c yard,mill and factory syndicate sale price 3c Remember the date, Monday, June 13th. Just follow the crowd and you will find yourself at the big Milljand Factory Syndicate Sale. AIM (SHOW fo) GO Mlstaks Somewhere, Our milkman has taken to drink again," observed Mrs. Urbanite. You must be mistaken, my aear, rejoined her husband. "I saw him on his water-wagon this morning." Still Unsettled. Jack "Was that your sister I saw you walking with last evening?" Tom "I don't know yet, but I in tend to find out for sure to-night" Both Sides of It, Green "BooBtem, the proraotor, tells me he is out for everything ther. is injt" Brown "Yes; and the easy marks he induces to Invest are out every thing they put in It" Not Quite th. 8am. Pauline 'So he really accuses me of saying witty things, does net" Eudora "Well, not exactly. He said he couldn't help laughing e'.ry time you opened your mouth." Isolation. Though Crusoe on the Island Our fancy may appall. The berry In the ahortceke Is loneliest ot - " ." -Judge.