"7 I Twiowlvery WNk and tta Pricw ,. to Only OnDoU aYsfj. TIMES Jo2lo B. SherriU, Editor tuid Owner. O O PUBLISHED) TWICE A. WEEK. Y0LUH3XXH. eCONfiORD, N. C, June 20. 195. Soc Prompt THB Liberal V Y A OS ID Capital Stock. ... $100,000 Stockholder' liability, ' 100,000 Bnnlus and undivided profits, 5,000 Assets, . Your Business Solicited Mrent.!Btarcat paid oa time MTttaottef J M . OD1LL, PreaVtea. V. H. LILLY, Vic Preeldrat. n. R nDLTMAHB. Oeahler. L. D. OOLTUANK, Aut Oaahler. J. M. HMMOUIl Book-keeper. 25" Pounfds of food, clean RICE for $L00 Arbuckle Coffee, 15c per pound. All other Groceries Dry Goods and Shoes to suit the trade. Higher Cash, and Carter Prices pail fcr Country Pro-dues. before selling your pro- Sec us duce. MOM II B. L WOODHOUBE, President. O. W. BWIHI. Ceahlsr. aUBTIat BOG IB, Vtos-Presldaat. W. H. GIBBOB, Teller. Clill SBS I'll, Oonoord, N. C. Branon Albemarle. 9. 0. Capital, $ 60,000.00 Sarplai ud UndiTided ProflU 80,000.00 Deposits - 860,000.00 Total Resources 436,000 00 Our Mi auccees. as Indicated above by BVurea, ; quite gratifying, and wa wHk to easuie our friends and ouatomars of our ap- Kreolattoa 0 tuelr patronage and oordlallv ivlte a oontinuanceof tit. aama. Should ba plaamd to eerve a lante nuntbar of naw one tomera. uoldlusouraelvea raadir to earva you in any way oouaistem witn aouoa ueaxing DIB8CTOK8 J W. Cannon, Robert 8. Tonne, F J. Foil, Jos t. Goodman, M. J Oorl, J no. 8. Bard, J M. Morrow, T. C. lnirram. Portland, Oregon, Exposition. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL LOS ANGELES, CAL DENVER, COL. . Epworth League Convention July5-. DENVER, COL. - " ' G. A. R. Encampment, September. 7"! Low Ronnd Trip Rata via - Is Central- R. R. ZIOICE OP ROUTES aina dally, Atlanta to St. Lou ' nection with W. A. R. R. r through morning sleeping car W OA. T 1 ill information, da tea of at -i xeta and daaoriptive circulars, .' MILLER. Trav. Paae. Art. 17 - St., Atlabta, Ga. )JEV.tLRY ITCHES and a Jiplete Una of the rf- 1 01 aiaaaia. IPkae I a. .aaW7lliJJ "1847 Rogers Bros.' Kalvea, Forks, 3po s, etc Ipropcrlf It tod ifcfally ei tall baa tjnda '.C.CORRELL,Jeweer. aale One beautiful roddenoa lot, Aoot 60x160 fft in Wadaworth Ad fronting onHlliaon street, oppo O. J. Boat A Go's store, $160, J no. .wttaraon Oo. aTalufl!.?! f Srraa, Tim ttood. Vm I I e. Mtiln-Wi f I J A HHRAan CHaViaTIANrclVlLI a. BATUMI. Mrs. WH. Feltoa In Atlanta Journal. Ratsia makes claim to an immense deal of religions feeling. The worship of ikons which are so-odled Yhris- tion images, prerails to an astonishing degree. From the csar down to the humblest peasant there is a great show of attendance oa religious worship; yet Russia reeks with anarchy, rapine, pauperism cruelly and bloodshed. Tbl csar is represented as bowing a great eathsdral, mourning for the dead who were sacrificed in the natal battle of the sea of Japan; and the woild regaled with such advertised seasons of worship after every great disaster in Manchuria; yet ha daes not lift a finger to stop the carnsce and slaughter. His religion does not take on the form Christian charity. It means continual slaughter to gratify ambition or to defy fate for the Romanoff dynasty. To be told that the ruling authorities of Rnsaia are on their knees praying for the souls of the dead killed in battle on land and sea does not mean that anybody is sorry for the widows and orphans, or that a feeling of real sym pathy prevails for the wounded and dying, because the whole world is im pressed with the fact that human life is worthless to tyrant, save as food for powder. . To call such callous indigence relig ions feeling, is to mock the name Christ; and when a deaf ear is turned towards those miserable sufferers. smacks of blasphemy to call themselves a Christian nation. Togo's army has far more consistent charity than the czar s soldiers and commanders. While we know that the Christian religion is counterfeited at home and abroad there is in Russia a fictitious claim to piety which is both pitiful and contemptible. The established . church in Russia seems to be in does alienee with -all that is cruel and tyrannical and the first result that ensued, after the late crushing blow to Rejestvensky's battle fleet was the granting of additional au thority of the czar's official staff to op press and browbeat the complaining people at home. As the disasters heap upon his king dom the more bitter, determined and tyrannical do his orders become. Afraid of bis life, he tits in his iron-clad palaoe to issue orders to do continually more and more obnoxious things to his own subjects. He seems to be rushing mad' ly on to bis inevitable ruin, and in de priving himself of the world's esteem and sympathy at the same time; he evidently insane or thoroughly incapa ble for the position of ruler in a great empire. It is no credit to no called Christian civilisation to find it thus used as cloak for opprsesioa and tyranny. Nothing that Russia has ever done will oompare with Japan's conduct of the war in the Far East; In .humanity or real Christian charity. Russia has given Christian civilisation a "black eye," to use a slangy term, and while Russia prates about the "yellow peril, so far as seen up to date, nothing in sight can be mors antagonistic to civil or religious freedom than the rule of the Romanoff 1 in Russia. Cossack domination of men and easurea would represent all that Christian civilisation would abhor, and religion which fattens on the woes of race or nation would present no at tractive features of respect or sympathy to th average mind anywhere. Of course we understand that there are false prophets and many who call upon the name of Christ, the Master will "never know" but there is a feel ing abroad in the land that Christianity has been wounded in the bouse of its friends if Russia's claim as to being a Christian nation is in any degree recog nised by the world at large. . Autocratic tyranny seems to have eaten out the core of everything in Rus sia and while one should go slow in passing sentence on men and their roo tinves, the fact remans that Christian civilisation in foseie and Christian civ ihiatian in England or the United States represents different and very die similar religious conditions if the com parieoa is even permissible. The postal officials have nipped in the bud a schema which might have had some effect in solving the race question. They have issued an order debarring from the use of the United States mails Or. Winfield & Co. of Richmond, Va., who advertised a compound which would turn the skin of the blackest of oea to a beautiful lily white. While the compound has a temporary haeanhing effect, it is not permanently ificiai," says the department fraud order. Birthday ealebratione are nnkaowa among female Moors. They consider mpBmentary to be absolutely ig norant of their age. caaiA sipjKiiie to vcbt Ton. .Or- K. Wilts Take Selafal View ef His Ceaatrr'a Mtaatlaa. St. PKTERsftiBo, June 17. TheBlovo to-day published a remarkably sen' saUonal interview filled with the gloom' iest forebodinp with M. WittelWpresi dent of the committee of ministers. The Russiaa statosmais name is not men tioned, but the veil of his identity can be pierced by the veriest tyro. He evi dently spoke with the profound oonvio- tion that the affairs of state are going from bad to worse, and under personal invitation produced by the intrigues which compel bim to sit idle during the present crises. Every word was black with pessimism. The statesman made it dear that Foreign Minister Lams, dorff, for one opposed his having any thing to do with the peace negotia tions. Asked concerning the report that he is going abroad, charged with a mission in regard to the negotiation for peace, M. Witte replied, his words being given literally, as they contain much bidden meaning : "No I certainly will not go on such a mission for several reasons. The last of them is that I shall do all to avoid it. Even if the rumor of Lamsdorff's resignation is true, which I insist is not the case, the main situation would not be changed. : , "Nothing that Russia has gone through is surprising. I gave warning in due time that only the match wood of Rojestvensky's squadron would reach Vlsdivostock. In a word, I Justly earn ed the designation of aoroaking raven. I do not see that affairs have yet taken a turn which makes my services desira ble. I will say more eved now I can not observe a definite desire to change the direction of the current The bed of the onrusbiog stream remains the same. Only the obstacles in its path grow more numerous ana forming rapids indicate the danger points. 'As for peace, Japan will not even be willing to discuss a basis which would not insure peace for at least fifty years. Her conditions doubtless have also con siderably increased. She will, of course, agree to open negotiations on her own soil without mediator with a person whom Russia will dothe with special powers. Herein lies the source of the rumors originating in the Berlin and London cabinets about my trip. . . Russia could prolong the war for five years in the hope of coming out victo rious, were it not for the events in the interior, to which they are closing their eyes and stopping their ear and trying to know nothing about. . Here lies the horror of the present situ ation. Erery hour of dday is fraught with danger. . . . Dawn, dawn lower and lower step by a tap.' ' I will, LraeMaa r adi row Bat AH BSSBNTIAS,. Wba Btelleveaaae HaaCaav Bdenee la Hlaaaelf He Wha aaeeeeda. What would you think of a youcg ambitious to become a lawyer, who should surround himself with medical atmosphere and spend bis time readin- medical books? asks Orison Swett Marden, in Suoccess. Do yon think he would ever become a J lawyer by following such a course? No, he must put himself into a law atmos phere, where he can absorb it and be steeped in it until he it attuned to the legal note. He must be grafted iotoj the legal tree so that be can teei its ssp circulating through him. I ,1 a 1 .1 a.. now 'Dg wueiu it " j i"g man to become sucoettfiu who puts himadf into an atmosphere of failure e.d remains in it until he is soaked to saturation with the ides? How long would it take a man who depreciates himself, talki of failure, walks like failure, and dresses like a failure who is always complaining of the in sifrmountable difficulties in bis way and who every step is on the road to failure how long would it take him to arrive at the success? Would any one believe in him or expect bim te winf The mslority of failures began to deteriorate by doubting or depreciating themselves, or by losing confidence in thdr own ability. The moment you harbor doubt and begin to lose faith in yourself, you capitulate to the enemy. Erery time you acknowledge weakness, inefficiency, or lack of abil ity, you weaken your self-confidence, and that is to undermine the very foundation of all achievement. So long at you carry around a fail ure atmosphere, and radiate doubt and disoourgement, you will be a failure. Turn about face, cut off all currents of failure thoughts, of discouraged thoughts. Boldy face your goal with a stout heart and a determined endeav or, and you will find that things will change for you; but you must see a new world before you can live in it. It is to what you see, to what you be lieve to what you struggle incessantly ' to attain, that you will approximate. Child el alibi ef Rear Jars Preacher. Chicago, June 17. it the quarterly convocation of the University of China' go today one of the students who re ceived a degree was Alexander B. Ter rell, a colored youth. The Convocation chaplain was Rev. , E. Warner, of Njiw Orleans, and after the graduating exercises had eon eluded he declared himself, in a speech delivered before the university faculty and members of the graduating class, against the higher education of the ne gro. "The sight of a college granting 1 degree to a negro is a surprise to me,' he said. "There is no place at leart in the South, for the colored college grtd nate, and we do not admit them to our universities for whites." He declared further that the South would Join bands with any section of the country In a settlement of the ne gro question, but declared, "with the understandijig that the idea of social equality be left outside from the be ginning." leek Srsteaa eas the Beultera. Charlotte Observer. Within very short time the block system for the handling of trains and prevention of wrecks will be in use on the entire system of the Southern Rail way. The Uosarver has mentioned the beginning of the operation of links of this system from time to time dace it was started South from Washington It is now in operation as far below Charlotte as Blacksburg, 8. C, and arrangements are being made for its operation dear to Atlanta, Oa. By this method only one train la allowed a block usually about dx miles long at a time, thus simplifying the movement of trains and preventing accidents. la Had Chaea. Millions rush is mad chase after health, from one extreme of faddism to anotiier, when if they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels regu- wtth Dr. King's New life Fills, their troubles would all paaa away Prompt relief and quick cure for Uver and stomach trouble. Ue at all drng- I gUta ; guaranteed. to GoTeraor Denlre Hellef to Illicit Love. Albany, N. T , Dlapatoh. A bill introduced to legitimatizs the ohild born out of wedlock, which caused considerable comment but little opposi tion in its passage through the legisla ture, was vetoed today by Governor Hig gles. The measure is entitled "An act fot the relief of Adelia Queenio Barker," and recites that she is the illegitimate offspring of Ghsrlea Bell Barker and Adelia Gertrude Stringer. Governor Higgina characterized the bill as insult to every faithful wife and womanhood itself." "The father at the time of the birth of the child," says the governor, "had and now has a lawful wife living. He and his paramour, with brazen impu dance and utter disregard of the rights of the lawful wife and the rules of mor ality, unite in a petition to the legisla ture to legitimize the issue of their law less love. If this bill should be ap proved.a legd status would be given to a semi-polymamous union and concu binage would become an honorable estate." A ad All Other churches. StatesyUle Landmark. The committe on Sabbath observance of the Generd Assembly.of the South Presbyterian Church, now in sion at f ort Worth, Texas, recom mended the "discontinuance of giving and attending 8unday excursions and the use of Sunday mails, newpapers and trains." We don't bare Sunday ex cursions in tMi part of the vineyard, but if they cut out all the folks who get Sunday newspapers and ride on Sunday trains, there will be a mighty shrink age in the membership of the Preeby terian Church. FIND THKASCRB OF A KINO Hoard! of .Gold). leery and Freelea Stoaee Lies Hidden la Afrleaa Boll. Treasure hunting continues to occupy the attention of jpany people in various parts of the worm. A hoard of buried wedth not as well known ss certain others is that supposed to have been se creted by Lobecgula, king of the Matabele in South Africa, before he met his death at the hands of the Brit ish. This treasure it ul to consist of gold, ivory and precious stone. It wis brought into the limelight of public notice not long ago by the arrest of 1 Dutchman named John Jaorbs. H arrived at Bulawayo, told something of hit plans, was put into what they call the "coal" aud has since been deported. LobeDgula succeeded ehii father as king of the Matabele in 1870 and boldly opposed European civilization. He made Bulawayo hit capital. 'After the discovery of gold in his territory in 1872, Portugal, the Transvaal and Great Britain strove to win the supreme control over Lobeogula's kingdom In 1888 he signed a treaty with Great Britian, admitting ber suzerainty. In In 1873, provoked by the insolence of the British South Africa company, he attacked the Eagflih. He was terribly beaten. His capital was taken and in hit flight he himself was killed. John Jacobs, the treasure seeker, was a school-teacher. He claimi to have been private secretary to King Loben gula and that" is this way he learned where the treasure was bid. The Bulawayo authorities, however, dis covered that he had a bad record. Henoe bjs deportation. Jacobs is an elderly man, bearing evidence of long exposure to wind and weather. The treasure is ttill to be found. eaakee Are Barred by Hawaiian tales Honolulu, June 17. The steamship 41ameda brought a box of snakes, ma of them nttlesnakea. on her last Rrip for exhibition in a local zoo. Ef forts were at once made to pnvent them being landed, as there are nc snakes in the ialand and it has been polioy of long standing to keep th'm out. Escapes from the zoo were feared. The reptiles were dl killed befi re they . . , 1 ... W. 1 I -! go inroagn we custom uuuae vj lector Btachable. Col- Feaad Care far 0-yaprB.la, Mrs. S. Lindsay, of Fort William, On tario, Canada, who has suffered quite a number of years from dyspemja and great pains in the stomach, was advised by her drngjritt to take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. She did so and aays, 'I find that they have don sae a great ded of goo I have never had any suffering since I began using them." If troubled with dyspepsia or indigestion why not take these Tablets, get well and stay well? For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. ' Fanners In Poer Honae Form Union A ad Strike. Considerable merriment has been caused by a strike of paupers in a county dmshouse juit outside of Jersey City. The men detailed to act as bakers organizd and elected a walking dele gate, who notified the county board in charge of the institution that bia fellows would not knead the almshouse dough until their names were put on the pay roll with the attendants and other em ployees. The delegate explained to the committeemen that the bakers were entitled to pay because, unlike many other paupers, they do not desert the institution during the summer mouths to recuperate at the seashore and in the mountains, but remain at their duties in the biker shop sod work faithfully for the county. The committee reject ed the demand and informed the strik ers that they could be put to work in the stone quarries if they do not return to work in the bake thop. HASTY ERMoni, In our age women commonly pre serve the publication of their good offi ces and their vehement affection to ward their husbands until they have lost them or at least till then defer the testimonies ef their good will. Yet we should willingly give them leave to laugh after we are dead provided they will smile upon us while we are alive. Montaigne After treating her like a goddess the husband uses her like a woman, What is worse, the most abject flat terers degenerate Into the greatest ty ran's. Addison. He that hath wife and chijdren hath given hostages to fortune; for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief. Lord Bacon. I have hardly ever observed the mar ried condition unhappy but for want of judgment or temper In the man. Richard Steele. Certainly wife and children are a kind of discipline of humanity. Lord Baron. He that loves not his wife and chil dren feeds a lioness at home and breeds a nest of Borrows. Jeremy Taylor. . Blc Stick la the Palplt. Philadelphia, June 17. The color ed congregation of the White Rock Baptist church had their pastor, the Rev. Piokney P. Samuels, arrested this morniog. The caused him to be held in $600 bail for court by Magistrate Boyle in the Thompson street station Larceny of church funds is the techni cd oharge agdnst Samuels. It is based on his startling innovation of making the church collections in person, armed with a club. The club he kept beside him during his sermons. He was ar rested yesterday after a stormy meeting in wmch he is alleged to have threaten ed to brain several malcontents, who demanded hit resignation. On the edge of Breathitt and Morgan counties, Ky., Bunday, there was feud fight in which three were killed and seven wounded. The encounter is one of the first open fights of the ffcJ mous Hargii-Cockrill feud, which, like the Howard-Baker feud of Clay county, after emerging from the bushwhacking ttage, has passed into the OJurts and now into open hand-to-hand battle. A free dinner and a fiddling oontest given at a blind tiger, where corn liquor was as free as branch water, was the scene of battle. It is officially announced that Russia has formdly assented to the proposition of the President and that she will ap point plenipotentiaries to discuss, with the plenipotentiaries to be appointed by Japan, the termi of peace. The time and place of meeting is now being coo eidered. 'or Sale 6 room oottape, plastered turouKHout. well built. Situated on Barrow street. Lot about 09x117. Honse rents for $8 per month, and the price is oniy i,uou. Rlaay Cblldrea Are sickly Mother Gray'a Sweet Powders for Chllitrpn. used by Mother Uray, a nurse In Children's Home, New York, break up (Mils In M hours, cure Heverinhneiw, Headache, Moinach Troub les, leellihiK Disorders, and lrestroy onns. ai au iirugtrmis. aw. nample mailed rncE, Address, Alli-u 8. Olmatead, LeUoy, N. . Two Excellent Cottages FOR 8 ALE. - We have for sale two houses and lots on South Spring street. Both are six-room cottages, plastered and wainscoted, lots 62V4xl40 feet each. The price is $2,000 each. Will rent the nortnern cottage, on which is located a stable, for $11 per month. These houses are nearly new. Bargain for somebody. JNO. K. PATTERSON & CO. It Craeiaxloai la Colorado. It appears that crucifixion, like that suffered by the Savior, still exists among the mem ben of the order of Penitentes in Las Animas County, Colorado, was common in former times, but has been regarded as abandoned long ago. Mr. H. V. Robinson, an auto mobile agent of Trinidad Colorado, quoted aa saying that he heard a turn ber of Mexicans, who had witnessed crucifixion during Holy Week, dis cussing the tragic-scene. It is stated that the victim waa nuled to a cross of bis own making, and died in agony that he did dot seem to fell, wrought he was to a delirium of religious or. " ' i 4 Fearful Fate. It is a fearful fate to have to endure the terrible torture of Piles. "I can truthfully say," writes Harry Oolson, of Mason ville, la , "that for Blind, Bleed ing, Itching and Protruding Piles, Buck lea's Arnica Salve, is the best cure made." Also best for cuts, burns and bruises. 25o at all drusrists. . One of the greatest business of the country is that of college education There are 426 and universities, in which are enrolled lyo.OOO students, repre senting an invested capital of 250,000, 000 and in which Zo,UUU persons are employed as teachers and officers. as he fvo The state of Iowa provides a school teacher when only three pupils can be got together. Valuable Farm, No. 1 Township We have for sale a splendid farm of 95 acres in No. 1 town ship, 2V4 miles south of Harris- U.. Tt 1 J 1 ... . . umg. iuciuiiuiics wen ana is convenient tochurch and schools. Has a six-room cottage; good barn, tenant house and other buildings. Price only $1,800. J no. K. Patterson & Co. rz S aa TwiO the) j Circulation j O of any Paper I $1.00 a Tear, in Advance, I Published in I a I the County. I Number 101. i J Food to work I Mon is food to live . A man works to fjn live. He must live ' 1ft to work. He does both better on I 1 1 Food to work on is . food to live on A man works to live. He must live ' to work. He does both better on Unoeda Biscuit, the soda cracker that contains in the most properly bal anced proportions a greater amount of nutriment than any food made from flour. Uneeda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Von' I fort! Graham Crackers Baiter Thin Biscuit Social Tea Biscuit Lemon Snaps 1 b inhh V 11 bmT We will forfeit this amount, if bv analysis or chemi cal test. Checkers is found $1000 EWARD to contain anv Alcohol or th mrnnront. mrliVU r Hfnh.-nn . - V wa, LilAilTT. Upram, Cocaine, or any other dantferons narcotic druir. Checkers ia perfectly harmless and only contains sufficient conetutrated California Orange Wine and imported Ojiorto Port to preserve the medicinal uroiieriies ui mo ioruiuiary ana render we scieiftincally prepared Cod Liver Oil (which it contains.) palatable ami agreeable, to the weakest stomach. Checkers cures Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Nerve and Blood Diseases, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, Neuralgia, Rhenmatism, La Grippe, Heart Disease, Indigestion, Malaria, Chills and Fever, Nervousness and (feneral Debility. It checks Consumption and is a good medicine for all Female Complaints. Oat one of the large dollar bottles to-day, you may forget it to-morrow, and the disease will obtain more sway by delay. Sample free if you write. Checkers Medicine Co., Winston-Salem, N. O. i1'Btl s t s DOLLAR FOB DOLLAR that's what you get when you buy furniture here, and you get more for your dollar hero than anywhere ele. This is a proven, admitted fact. iiere a uttie seasonable news ol pricing : r ? No8 Stove and Utensils, $16.00. Buck's Stove, gind 8, $12.50 to $25 5gOak Beds, $2 50 each. See us for your furniture wants. The best suit at Oak $25.00 in the country, thinkt worth $.'55.00. furniture for You would SL t 5 9B:eVJBa)