i 1 THE TIMES, OomM -Twlowlvery WNk u4 -tlMPrlM Only OneDoUar Hu Twio the C Circulation of any Paper Ever Published in the County.; jblui B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED TWICE A WJ5EK. 1.00 a Tear, in Advance. Ywtr. Volume xxii. Concord, N. c, June 23. 1906. Number 102. Liberal KM MIOl HLT, Capital Stook, - - $100,000 Stockholder' liability, 100,000 Hnrblna and undivided profit, i 85,000 Assets, . 860,000 Your Easiness Solicited . 4 per oent. Interest paid on time certtflcUe J V. ODBLL, President. W. H. LILLY, Vic President. 1). B. COLTKAVB. Ould L. D. COLTKANB, At Casnler. J. M. HBM DUIX. Book-keeper. 25 Pounds of good, clean RICE for $1.00 Arbuckle, Coffee, 15c per pound. AH other Groceries Dry Goods . and Shoes to suit the trade. Highest Cash and ; Barter Prices paid -for Country Pro duce. Sec us before selling your pro duce. H I. WOODHOU81. President. 0. W. 8WINK. - Gaehler. MARTIN BOQIR, Vloe-President. W. H. GIBSON, Teller. Cooeord, N C Bra acta at Albemarle, H. C. Capital, $ 60,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit 80.000.00 Deposits 850,000.00 Total Resonroea 436,000.00 Our peet euoceu, ae indicted above by IlKurea, is quite gratifying, end we wlata to aaaureour friends and customers of our ap- fireclatlon e their patronage and cordially nvlte aeontinuauceof the eame. Should be pleased to serve a large number of new eus lomera, noldlne; ourselves ready to aenre yea la any way eon latent with aound banking. ; DIRBGTOB8. , J W. Cannon, Robert 8. Toon , I J. Toll, Joe. f Goodman, M. J Corl, J no. 8. lord, J. M Morrow, T. C. Ingram. Portland, Oregon Exposition. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOS ANGELES, CAL DENVER, COL. Epworth League Convention July -9. DENVER, COL. G. A. R. Encampment, Sep tember. Very Low Round Trip Rates via Illinois Central R. R. CHOICE OF ROUTES Two tralna daily, Atlanta to St. Lou la in connection with W. & A. R. R. The only through morning sleeping car Atlanta to St. Louis. For fall information, dates of sale, rates, tickets and deacriptiTe circulars. Address, F. D. MILLER, Tray. Pass. A(rt. 17 Pry or St., Atlahta, a. f I JEWELRY DIAMONDS WATCHES and a complete Una of the GENUINC "1847 Rogers Bros." Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc vee carefullv examined and properly Sited te the beat grade . iaurna. , 1W.C.C0RRELL,JeOeer. -Jor sale One beautiful reaidenoe lot, e about 60x150 feet In Wadsworth Ad dition frontiuK on Allison street, oppo aite D. J. Boat Go's store, $150. J no. K. Patterson & Co. Prompt TUB mm I tfV f Mr " S.Trt' t ill tik iaf I r at Coock Srrun. Tamltaa Dae I I la time. Woid By droaefai J 1 THE TBI1U A MILLIVNAatlK. Ufa John D PockelfiUer, te notorious multi-millionaire, was in Magistrate McShamrock's court yesterday on the charge of trying to give away money on the street oorners. It appears that Mr. Pocketfiller, disguiaed - with a eheatnnt wig, stood on the sidewalk at a Aisy down-town corner, carrying a large sack filled with bank bills done up In ba aches of one hundred dollars each. He would hold one of these bunches in his hand ond offer it to passers-by in an offensive way mat tering: "Please help me, kind people; I am very rich; take this little gift and make me happy." That Mr. Pocket filler was nuisance of the most irritating description could not be de nied. Ladies gathered up their skirts and swept disdainfully past; busy mer chant elbowed the millionaire ooh temptuouily aside, street urchins thumbed their noses at. him; and one fat-necked, policeman into whose head Mr. Pocketfiller attempted to thrust package of bills was thrown into such a rage that he not only hurled the money back in the millionaire's face, but which pulled from his own pocket. The coins scattered over the sidewalk, where it was noticed that people kick' ed them into the gutters like scraps of orange peel. The very idea of money had been rendered distasteful to the populace by Mr. Pocketfiller's presenoe and his insolent behavior. The millionaire was finally taken into custody, muoh to everybody's re lief, at the instance, of a well-known clergyman, Rev. Saintly Longface, of Brooklyn, who deposed that Mr. Pock etfiller had rudely offered him a hun dred thousand dollars for the foreign mission fund. After listening to the testimony, Magistrate MoShomrock promptly sentenced the prisoner to hard labor for life at No. 20 Bioadwey with the injunction that he must not ) to let his wealth accumulate. "I have no patience with these un-Ameri can notions," remarked the magistrate. What would this country come to it our capitalists persisted in giving away even a small fraction of their fortunes without eipeoting something in return? It will be a gloomy outlook for the future of our magnificent trusts if such things are suffered to continue. Pub lic sentiment demands that this dona tion business be stopped here and now. I understood that this is not Mr Pock et filler's first offence, or I should have let off with a term in the United States 8enate." A brief interview was subsequently granted with Mr. Pocketfiller at cell No. 26. The prisoner looked cheerful, de spite the onerous condition of the sen tence. "I cannot for my remarkable lapse," he said. "I am told I have been occasionally taken with similar fits before, though this is this first time I was dragged into court for it. The Public seems to be getting unuasalfy fastidious nowadays. I am sincerely sorry for what I have done, and trust that the wholesome austerity of life in this institution and close applica to business will make me a better man?" Kattlesaafee la Hie Bed. Sioux Falls Cor. Chicago Tribune, G. 0. Conant, a homesteader in the ceded portion of the Rosebud Indian reservation, in the Bonesteel country, had a thrilling adventure with a rattle snake which invaded his home. Conant had been absent from his (arm for several days, returning home in the evening. At it was raining, he decided to go to bed early. He did not notice anything strange about his bed at the time he retired, but about mid night he was awakened by a movement near his body, under bedclothing. He lost no time in springing from the bed, and, lighting a match and turning down the bedclothing, was horrified to find that he had a huge rattlesnake as' a bedfellow. That he was not bitten was doubt lea due to the fart that the pressure of the bedclothing did not give the snake the necessary space required by this species of reptile to coil and strike. The snake, which was killed By the frightened homesteader, had eight rat tles, and these are now - worn as an ornament by Conant as a memento of his midnight experience. la Mad Chaae. Millions rush in mad chase after health, from one extreme of faddism to another, when if they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels uvu lar with Dr. fUng'a New life Pills, their troubles would all pass away. Prompt relief and quick core for liver and stomach trouble. 860 at all drug ista; guaranteed. A woman doesn't object to a man making a fool of himself over her but she does emphatically object to him making a fool of himself over other BOMB RICH ABM SLOW PAY. natart.a. Vert Oeeleree Writer Tamt flamy la aeclety Hatle ver Their still.. It is notorious that the rich are often scandalously slow in paying their bills. I recall one instance where the wife of a multi-millionaire (the was after ward divorced), took no notice, month, after month, of a bill amount to over $20,000 for her daughter's wedding trousseau, and this bill was not paid for more than a year after the cere mony, and only then because a re sourceful collector "held up" the multi millionaire himself in the street one day, and finally got hit check, declares Cleveland Moffstt, in Success. I have been told of several rich wo men in the smart set, two of them very rich, who are wont to haggle over price in the shops as if they were in genteel poverty. One of there ladies, whose showy Newport fetes are widely pro claimed, tried on a certain aooation.vto "beat down" an estimate for candle rshadea, favors, etc., that she wanted in a hurry for a dinner dance, and, having failed in her effort, she finally exclaimed: "Why, you oughtn't to charge me a oent for these things! Think of the advertising you can get out of itl If you treat me right I'll see that your place is mentioned by all the reporters!" And another, whose husband is one of the ricehest men in the worid, ac tually wept before a Fifth avenue dress maker in her pleading for a reduction 0 U5 on the price of a certain gar ment that she simply had to have but could not afford, she declared, out of the small allowance made her by her husband. When I was in Newport last summer people were laughing at the latest petty economy of this same husband, who is certainly one of the "closest" of our idle millionaries. He had heard of a new aluminum paint, warranted to kf ep shiny without much rubbing, and he had forth with given orders that the brasses on his beautiful yacht be smeared over with this paint so that it might reduce his pay roll by the wages of two Bailors previously needed to clean these brasses! This gentleman's in come must be at least $4,000,000. Queer Ware el Cklaeneea. The way of the Chinaman are very different from those of any other na tion. When two or more friends meet they shake hands with themselves, not with their friends. The men wear the dress and the women wear the trousers. In walking they never keep step.i At their meals they all fill their mouths full and then begin talking. If fruit or dessert of any kind is on the table they eat that first. ' The Chinaman ha as many wives as he can afford to buy, and the more he pays for them the more he is looked opto. A Chinaman always buy hi wife and if he ha not the money to buy one he want be mutt buy a cheaper one. A Chinaman, never walk beside hi wife or tweetheart; he walk in front and he follow him. It take a Chinaman about a week to get married. . A very common wedding present is a ooffin. ' The Weaaaa was Ahead. Senator Depew, at a dinner in Wash ington, was praising the wit of women. "Against this wit," he said "we men are powerless. Even when all the right and logic of an argument are on our ride, women, with her wit, will, nine times out of ten, put us to shame. 'Thus a man onoe found that his wife had bought a few puffs of false trair. This displeased him. He 'hid in the hall one day, and just at the lady was fixing the false puffs upon her brow, he darted in upon her. "'Mary,' he ssid rtgroacbiullywby do you put the hair of another woman on your head? " 'Why,' his wife answered,' do you pat the skin of another calf on your feet?" A PeeuTal Vase. It is a fearful fate to have to endure the terrible torture of Piles. "I can truthfully say," writes Harry Colson, of Hasonville, la , "that for Blind, Bleed ing, Itching and Protruding Piles, Bock len's Arnica Salve, is the beat cure nuA." Also best for cujs, burns and bruises. 85c at all druggists. The total agriultural area in the Tnited Btates, it it estimated, ia 841,- 000, 000 acre an area larger than France Germany. AnatriS Spain, Ja pan, England, Scotland, Ireland," alee and Transvaal. There are engaged agricultural pursuit 14, 439,000 per sona. i Feminine philospby is the most in teresting kind because it ia of ten times so inexplicable. ' 51INBINO HIS OWN wCSINBSa aajalaltlve Traveler HTeaed Cp Seorre with Suae Driver Who WaeWu.tr. Wallace Cumming used to drive the old stage which ran between Bridgeton and Portland, relate the Boston Her ald. One day Wallace had s a passen ger out of Portland a young city chap or dude, a Wallace called him.' The scenery along the ttage route was both beautiful and diversified ; the young man wa much interested, and at hs sat on the box, or pott of honor, beside Wallace, literally plied him with ques tion a to what mountain that was and what river this was, etc. The old driver, who detested this tort of interrogation, stood it a long as he could. Finally he blurted out: "Say, stranger, if you'll mind your business I'll mind mine." Thus snubbed, the young man re lapsed into silence. The had driven about ten miles far ther whep they came to a long hill, where the driver was obliged to apply the brake. A be thoved bi foot to trard it he immediately noticed that the mail bag, which alway lay there, wa gone. Evidently it had dropped off along the road. 'Wallace (topped hit horses; then, breaking the long silence, he laid: "Bay, stranger, did you see that mail ag slide off?" "Yst, I did; some ten mile back," calmly remarked the young man. "Well, why in thunder didn't you tell me?" gasped the astonished driver. The "dude" looked him squarely in the eye for a moment, and then he drawled, imitating Wallace's tone: "Say, driver, you mind your butlneei and I'll mind mine." The rest of the journey wa driven in cold silence. A Waaas'a Plaa lo Eeoaomlze, Dr. Mile Standish, of Boston, was describing a drive of a week or more that he takes each September through some of the wildest and most pictures que distriots of New E igland. "I see much that is memorable, I hear much that is memorable," he said, "on these exuisions. Clever and wise and witty speeches are made to me in many a remote place. "I remember an elderly juitice of the peace in a beautiful new Hampsuis vil lage near lake Sunapee. I stayed th re all night with this fine, keen old man. He amused me and impressed me with bis mordant humor. "The unreasonableness of womsn kind came up for discussion at das mo ment " 'Ah, woman is unreasonable, tru ly,' said the justice. There is no living creature so unless mable at womanTMy wife and I talked over our aiftiishe day and agreed that we mutt both eoon omize. " 'Yes, my dear, we must both economise, both,' I said to my wife. " 'All right, James,' the (aid to me. You shave yourself and 1 11 cut your hair.'" "Da a Terra pi Brer Diet" Charlotte Observer. The latest query that is absorbing the attention of the wise men and kpbiloeophers of thi section is: "Do 1 terrapin ever die?" June. 4, 1883, 'Squire Thomas Doug lass, of Long Creek township, caught a terrapin in his field and carved his name and the date upon the shell of the reptile. Year to the number of 23 passed and the winters and .summers have had their effect on 'Squire Doug lass. Neighbors, who, like Mr. Doug la, were then young men and boys, have passed away; landmarks have changed, and a quarter of a century ha wrought other changes. But the terrapin still remains the same. A few days ago 'Squire Douglass found it not 50 yards from the spot where he had oaught it 23 years ago and easily made out the words he had carved in tie shell. The animal was not a bit larger than it wa the day the inscription was cut on its back, and there was no other indication of advanced age. PeseS a Care ler Dfapepela. Mrs. S. Lindsay, of Fort William. On tario, Canada, who has suffered quite s number of years f rom .dyspepsia and great pains in the stomach, was advised by her druggist to take Chamberlain's StomsM and Liver Tablets. Shs did so and says, "I find that they have done me a great deal of good. I have never had any suffering since I began Ufdng them." If troubled with dyspepsia or indigestion why not take these Tablets, get well and stay well? For sale by M L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. One reason why women don't take a more active interest ia the female suf frags question ia Vamt they suffer enough already. Women will discuss the divorce ques tion among themselves, but they are willing for the men to do the talking for publication. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. HC. HERRING. DENTIST, Is now on .the sronnd floor of the LI taker Building-. r- . - OOJTOOKD. XT. O. . Dr. W. C. Houston SuMv uTrmA Dentist, OOROOBD, . O. la prepared to do all klnda of dental work In the moat approved manner. Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Residence 'Phone U. Offloe 'Phone it. L. T. HARTSELL, Ittorney-at-Lai, ooxrooao, irOKTH SAIOUVA. Prompt attention pi Ten is all boalneaa. Office In Morris building, opposite the oourt bouae. DRS. LILLY & WALKER, offer their professional serrloes to the eltl sena of Concord and eurroundlna country. Calls promptly attended day or night. W f. MOBTOOMBBt. t. uraoBOWBLl I0ITG0IERT I CROWELL, Attorneys and fouuIorst-Lii, OOHOOBD, h. a As partners, win practice law hi Cabarrus, Jtanlv and ad join! ok counties, tn tha Supe rior and Supreme Courts o I tbe State and in (be Federal Courts. Ottloe Id court house. Parties desiring to lend money can lea re it with us or place It In Concord Rational Bank for us, and we will tend tt on food real es tate security free Moiiare to the depositor. We make thorougH examination f title to Lands offered as security for loans. Mortet-aAt-es foreclosed without sx Dense to owners ox same. Henry B. Adams. Trank Annneld. Tola D. Maneea. inoa. J. je &tUzs, JerosB, irmfisli & limit .ittorneyi tod Coaiuellors at Law, CONCORD, N. C. Practice In alt tbe Btate and TT. 9. Courts. Prompt atweattoa glren to collections and general law practice. Persona interested la the settlement of Mutates, administrators, executors, and ruardlans are especially In rited to call on us, as we represent one of lite largest bondlns: com pan lee in America; In fact we will go any kind of a bond onenper than any one else. Parties deal ring to lend money can leave :t wltb us or deposit It in Concord National Bank, and we will lend It on approved aecu ritr free of charge to the lender. Continued and painstaking attention will be given, at a reasonable price, to ail lega office In new Morris Building opposite rrLbuoeomoe. Sale of Town Lot. By virtue of an order of the Superior Cort In tbe cause of D. H. Conine, ailmtnlstor, against wmie Corslne, I aa administrator of K K. (rette.dscedlwti mei) Uie hlbt bidder for casb, at tke Oourt Muse in Con cord, on Monday, Anguet tbe Ttb, Ittn, tbe lot known aa tne smroooa lot, aootaina u. u wagoner and others. Tbere are two boa -e on this lot, which are now rented, an? person wlaulng to tooklnir at the property caa do so by seeing; me or M ra it, it uorime, who lives on ti e tot adjoining the property. D.H.0 H2INK, Adrn'r w. su nmiui. art. v rorune, uec'd. Soda Crackers are becoming more and more the food Of the People It remains for the national biscuit company to bake more and more Uneeda Biscuit For the People Who desire more and more Soda Crackers of known purity, cleanliness and unchanging quality. Uneeda Biscuit have long been recognized By the People As the best of all Soda Crackers, combining as they do, a union of all that is nutritive and healthful at the lowest possible cost if. Dtu'l Craassi Baiter Tola Sdil Tea leawa NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR that's what you get?- when you buy furniture here, and j ou get more for your dollar here than anywhere ele. This is a proven, admitted fact. " Here a little seasonable news of pricing : No. 8 Stove and Utensils, $16.00. Buck's Stove, 7 and 8, $12.50 to $25. 50 Oak Beds, $2.50 each. See us for your furniture wants. UNIVERSITY OF R0I1H CAROLINA 1789-1905. Head of tne State Edacatlonal System. DEPARTMENTS Colleelate Engineering Graduate, Law Medicine, Pharmacy Library contains 43,000 volumes. New water works, electric Ugbts, oentrarw heating system. New dormi tories, gymnaidum, Y.. M. O. A. building. UT STUDENTS e INSTRUCTORS The Fall term begins Sept. 11, 1904. Address Francis P. Venable, President chapel mix, n. c. ftrfrt Crackers Biscuit Biscuit Slips The best suit of Oak furniture for $25.00 in the country. You would think it worth $35.00. rl JIM r lJ J Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. .Always Remember the Full Name 1 .axative gromo Quinine Cures a Cold in One Day, Grip in Two. & Cfcj&rTrvx on Box. 25c. If you want to buy or sell anything terson c to., tne Concord : 1 ' 1 in real estate, see J no. K. Pat Real Estate Agctits.