"3 W THE Oomw Twlos Every WMk and thsPrtos (Only One Dollar iTr. JiliVlJtlo Jolia B. Sherrlll, Editor mud Owner. :Fm3LISlEI TWICEi -A. "WEEK. $2.00 a Year, in Adrttnce. Volume XXIII. Concord, N. c, July 8. 1905. Number 1. Baa Twicw the I Circulation I of any Paper I Ktw I PubUhsdn I the Const. I Prompt THE Liberal nn L'NTim'i Capital Stock, - $100,000 Stockholder' liability, 100,000 Surplus and undivided profits, 25,000 Jssets. . - 850,000 Your Business Solicited 4 percent Interest paid on time certificates - 3 . ODKLU PresMen. W. H. LILLY, Vice President t. , OOLTHAJ'B. Osehler L. D. COLTKANB. At Cashier. J. U. HBNDK1X Book-keeper. 25 Pounds of good, clean KI0E for $1.00 Arbuckle Coffee, 15c per pound. All other Groceries Dry Goods and Shoes to suit the trade. . Highest Cask and ' Barter Frioes pail : for Couatry' Pro duce. Sec us before selling your pro duce. in h H L WOODHOU8I. President. a W. 8WINK. Oashlsr. MARTIN BOG KB. Vloe-Prealdent. W. H. G1BSOK, Taller. Concord, N. C. Bianeh at Albemarle, H. 0. Capital, 60.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 80,000.00 Deposit 860,000.00 Total Resource 436,000.00 Our pert euooese, as Indicated above by flKures, quite gratifying, and we wish to assure our friends and custom ere of our ep- ireolatlon 0 their patronage and cordially nrlte a continuance of the same. Should be pleaaed to serve s lanre number of new cus tomers, hold In ourselves read? to serve you In any way 00 as latent with sound banking. DIRECTORS. J. W. Cannon, Robert S. Yount. I J. Foil. Jos. r. Goodman, M. 1 Cort, J no. 8. BOM, J. M Morrow. X. C. Ingram. Portland, Oregon, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOS ANGELES, CAL DENVER, COL. " Epworth League Convention July 5-9. DENVER, COL. G. A. R. Encampment, Sep tember. Very Low Round Trip Rates via Illinois Central R. R. CHOICE OF ROUTES Two trains daily, Atlanta to St. Lou is in connection with W. & A. R. R. The only through morning sleeping oar . Atlanta to St, Louis. For full Information, date of sale, rates, ticket and descriptive circulars, Address, F. D. MILLER, Trav. Pass. As. 17 Pry or St., Atlavta, Ga. M t f Si) JEWELRY d.o:.d$ WATCHES and a complete line of the GENUINE "1847 Rogers Qros." i Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc Kree eerefvtly examined sad nmwrl. etlad to the heat ends of .Isseis f"""V X V.C.C0RRELL,Jewe;er.: r?or sale One beautiful reaidenoe lot. I about 50x160 feet in Wads worth Ad dition fronting on Allison street, oppo site D. J. Host at uos store, siou. Ji K. Patterson fc Co. I 1 BMOadi STrueTTssissUaua. Sal I Safe 4 (m 0 fl) llllaslairtss.. An JONBS LKTTEK. Atlanta Journal I left home ths 19th. Spent yester day in Oklahoma City and lectured at their Chautauqua last night, and am to peak here tonight and tomorrow night under the auspice of the "Civic Fed eration." I had a plesant trip through the trriitorie, but was surprised to see the crops so backward and so grassy. There will be no bumper crop in the southwest this year, either of corn, wheat or cotton. Too mooh rain in May and too dry in iS June, but it has been raining out hen twenty-four to thirty lis hours, and still it rains. I notioe there is a general more along the line of enforcement of law, and the running down of boedlers snd grafters, and I notioe the gang kick and squeals and buck when you pre them to the point where they mutt obey the law. I in common with all good citizens am watching the outcome of Governor Folk's effort in the enforcement of law. He it surely up against it. The St. Loui Republic yesterday published that "The grand jury splits on the Bun day doting," no true bill return on violation of dram shop law. vThe fore man of the grand Jury makes a riSioor report to the courtLi follow- "With no question ss to ths character snd sufficiency of ths evidsnos in these esses, and in justioe to a large num ber of our citizens, of like occupation as the accused who, by common repute have, at financial loss, obeyed in letter and spirit ths law, whose non-enforos-ment for many years had led them lo regard a obselets. I am willing to rest under ths possible suspicion of what to me would be a flagrant violation of my official oath, and I think it my duty as foreman to file with my further be lief that it would be useless to submit to us any other cases of thi character, and that to my mind is sufficient cause for our immediate discharge snd for the empaneling of a special grand Jury to oonsider new cases ef this class that may arise ss well ss those that thi grand Jury baa passed upon. This statement, I sm authorised to say, voice the sen timent of other member of thi grand jury, as well as my own." Of the twenty-two oases of alleged closing violation taksn before the grand ury, all were ignored; not a single true bill being returned. You see most of these name sound uat like s fresh importation through Castle Garden. Then I notioe tnat ten thousand citizens of 8t, Joe, Ho. hare signed s petition to Governor Folk to let up on the Sunday closing. Bo the governor is up against a grand Jury on one tide snd ten thousand citissn on the other. St. Louis .county grand jury bucking, and ten thousand citi of St. John howling. Hence we say Governor Folk is up against it. Now, I think I know what Governor Folk will do. I know what I would. I'd doss those saloons every 8unday until the Sunday closing law of Mis souri wss repealed. If grand Jury snd courts failed I would declare the state under "marshal law." I would tus- pend the writ of habeas corpus and de clare the state in insurrection. I would enforce law at all coats, or resign. He can't afford to do anything lea. He it pledged to the sbsolute enforcement of law, and has taken a solemn oath it shall be enforced. AU this leads ms to say say : Fust that ths saloon not, only make drunkards and criminals and paupers of its pa trons, but it makes criminals of its owner. Both side of ths saloon coun ter is breeding criminal and outlaw, In St. Jos ths saloons have violated law until now ten thousand lawless dtixens petition the governor to let lawlessness prevail unmolested. The saloon trains men to be lawless, trains the dtiten to be bad, and how far is it from ths con dition of thing in St. Joe and St. Louis to anarchyr Of course, there are one hundred thousand dtixens of St. Joe, who have not or would not sign the pe nnon. Thenars others" in St. Louis who have sot been on ths grand Jury during this term of the court. Thou sands and hundreds of thousands of others who have not been heard from yet I suppose then is no mors Jl s howl among ths liquor gang-in those a ties, than then was among the boodle gang, when Folk waa after Ed. Butler sod hi crowd a few months sgo. - Ths saloon is ths most lawless thing this side of the gaping Kate of hell. It makes mors lawless ritisene than any other influence in ths world, and I am not abating the saloon keeper. He U ss good ss his saloon and his saloon is s rood ss the law that authorise it ex Once snd ths law law is as gooo9ae ths legislature ha4 etiacted it, and the legislators is aa good a the voter that pot tbssa into office, and so ws ses ths whele mattes rests with ths people. The people mast corns to ths boat. demagogues in office, or rings and cliques in pilitics. Ws must sllminsts vies and iraoranos from ths ballot bos, and ws must heed Gods voice when He says: "When ths wicked ruls ths pso- pls mourn." Of courts Georgia courts sad grand Juries have not gravitated lo what Mis souri court an, but w have a lewis element all over Georgia and the sooth, who regard not God and can for no law, and if ws 1st things run loots a while longer, our grand juris will buck and our dtiatna will petition ths gov ernor to let them violate law. Than nsver ws a time whan press snd pulpit should ipeak out like ths osossion now demand. Poor old Russia is ths ex ample of drunken lawlessness and shi seem hopelessly doomed, no patriotism no courage, no manhood. She has a rotten dynasty and fattens on falsa pride and corruption. Not so of ths Japs; they are obedient to lsw, they an ths most sober and pa triotic nation on earth, and can whip anything that comes down the pike. America it drinking too much, and oar ing too little for law and order. W have a president; we have threw or four gnat governors and we seed 44 mors bad. Let Georgia hear this and act upon it. Then wss never a day in tha history of our grand old state when our pewpls wen so alert and whan they were so de termined snd something is going to drop, and then, and then so mots it be. I go from Little Rock to Fort Smith, thenos into Kansas, Iowa, Ohio, Illi nois, etc. Yours truly, Sam P. John. P. 8. I wsnt to extend ths tight hand of fellowship to ths leglslatots now. I may hava to extend tha right hand of fooUhip Inter. 8. P. J. Predicts Bis BMIt Bar Stefere It Cues. The Newt Herald published at Mor eanton. in its last issuo prints tha following strange story: Nothing in Burks necrology 1 caused quite as much comment as the passing away of Mr. Alexander Perry, of Smoky Creek township. Mr. Ferry wss about 66 years of age and in ap parent good health. Ona day last week he insisted that he would die ia a day or two and had his wifs to lend for Mi J. H. Huffman, with whom ho wnatad to consult as to soma business matters. In common with everybody ia Barks, hs hsd implicit faith in Mr, Huffman's integrity and fine sense, hence the de sired interview. When Haffaaan reached Perry be found him in good hesltb, but Insisting ha would dis in 24 hours. Huffman tried to beguile him into the idea that hs wss all right and was not sick, and attempted to feel bis pulse, but Perry dnw back his hand snd said: "My puis are as good a yours. I did not say 1 was tics, dm so say I will dis in 24 hours." Huffssaa talked soms business msttars with him and was impressed with ths idea that his mind was s lit Us off on tha death idea but dear in other respects. Th business attended to, a short convex sation followed and Haffmsa left Early next morning Parry put so hit best dothes and said: "I do hot want to be pulled aboat after I M sad." Shortly after he wss dressed hs seat a second time for Huffman, want into hie room, laid dowa en a bed and died before Huffman reached him. His wifs and sister wan with him and while they believed his mind was unhinged, they wan greatly shocked to find him dead. He was s quiet, indus trious rati sen of exemplary Ufa sad habits. A ansa TrateeTy is dairy enacted, in thousands of homes. as Death claims, in each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But when Ooughs and Colds art prop erly treated, the tragedy is averted, t. Q. Huntley, of OaUantktts, lad., mites : My wife had 'the noiaasimptlon, and three doctors gave her np. Finally she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Cost- sumption, Ooughs and Colds, which cured her, and I to-day aha Is well adB strong.'' It dis the (ernes -of all sta tes. One doss relieves. Qwarantssd at 50c and 11.00 by all (u-uaista. Trial bottle free. It ia reported from Ciadnnati that Miss Alios Roosevelt, for whom a'tmes room has been lusmiiid oa the last Pennsylvania train leaving that city, cancelled it a short time bason the train was mad up and took her depart'' on oa a train which left two hour later. Soms of the asaspspsrs an dis posed to crests a ssasatioa out of ths fact that Booker Washington aad a party of colored bishops were taaaaa1 gen on tha first mentioned traU, hot it waa doubtless only a coincident Ma con Telegraph. It isn't good policy to brag about ths AM . TBUCK WMEI1 AA1N. aw. J TaylM ef WasMaurtasi Was the Vletlsa. Wasuagtoa Oasette. Oaa of tha richest Jokes that has been traveling around tha dty this moraing is ona on Dr. Josh Tsyloe, one of Washington' prominent medical people. It is too good to keep, and, by tha tray, it is aa sbsolute fact also. Dr. Josh a few wesks sgo made a flying trip, and all went well with the doctor until Just beff e reaching; Day tea, O., when hs wss spproaehed by a bucolic stranger in ths smoking cat. Ths stranger had a roll of bills in hie hands aad asked ths genial doctor if he thought it safe to mail so much in s Utter on the car. Ths doctor said hs thought it would bs unwise, ss the bill were of email dsaomiaation. Tha atraagvr, growing confidential, aid that his grandmother in the nex oar had givsa him $50 to tend to bi mother. Hs then asked Dr. Jawiii if ha had any larger notes Ths, doctor nplisd that hs had and dived down in his pants pockets and pulled out bis rail and stripped two twenties ami a tea off, which hs gsvs the stranger Tha doctor then proceeded to count the moaey hs had exchanged and in formed his quondam acquaintance that the ohangs only amounted lo $17, being $8 shy, and handed it back to tha stranger to count Sura onough, then wss only $47. Ths oonfidsncs man asked tha doctor to sxouss him for a moment as he would go ia the next oar and inform hi grandmother that shs hsd only give him $47 instead of $60. Befon going, however, he placed the notes in aa eavalope and handed it over to Josh. The doctor, thinking be would be ksa tnomsnt did not oountths ever again. Just as ths train wasslowiag up for Dayton, the doo- sospidous and opened the snvdops. Much to his chagrin and foaad that instead of $47 ia notes ho had only soms tissue paper. Ths stranger is still looking for his mother, while Dr. Josh hat only soma paper for his greenback. Dr. Taylos' faith in human nature hat been considerably ahaken, and he that ha is not in ths market any for gold bricks. Ask bim about ths afiair and ses how hs bluthes, so delightfully, as tha girls would say. Bay It Haw. Vow is ths tuns to boy Chamberlain' OoUe, Cholera sad Diarrhoea Remedy. It is certain to be needed sooner or later and when that time comes you will need it badly you will need it quickly. Buy it now. It may save life. For aula by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. Since that fateful day in June, last year, when 1,081 people lost their lives on ths General Slocum, the hull of the burned Slattum has been lying in the sand, at East Side, Camden. A curi ous dlissn inspecting the renains of tha boat a day or so sgo, a special to Tha Baltimore Sua tells us, unearthed a number of bones of victims from the deep sand ia tha bottom of ths bull. Each time we lgnors our better im- ting up a fan. fl) WtiaPJ TOU "All t0)T Sff WHEN YOU HAVE LOST "YOUR GRIP ttm tha elTAjni of Iff and tout bwlseseaa .auf WITS are dull dele's liver Tablets, one at uul tou will be surnriaed Sow brUrht snd clear ererythinf will he. xoa WIS Smr aitj n wore wun ma muci eaoea na awa at you Sill naturally Increase your hiwlnea ia dt the weight of Dersonalitr you will be able rigor that ) So uriiM Into every derail. The formula of Rydaie's Uvar Tablets la one of the oMMeffecUreeoariieiaiioBa ft it I 1 anown K) modern Put rour liver In heart trouble, or cn craalea or a dopey liver. wneayoarnTerseta all arer. and It ia liable to manifest Kaelf in a I vnu (marine mu time you feel dull and disinclined to grapple with the routi of life. Rr takinr a srltrh (tanleOin time you'll sare both tablets andaroid ill health. Krdale's Lirer Tablets are ess tt'f'd by the RADICAL REMEDY CO., Hickory, N. C. .Airays Remember H .agativc Rromo (Quinine Ceres a Cold in One Hz Stood The Grove's pststsiaaivT bsb:bi,ts ibbal- There is probably no man ia publio life who ha given his country msn so many excellent moral precepts in the last five yean as tha President of the United States, Hon. Thsodon Roosevelt It has been sail of Mr. Balfour, tha Prime Minister of Great Britain, that then it no subject whether literature, tdence psychology, commerce, Industry, music or the arts which that British tef man cannot discuss to ths edification of bis audience. It msy truly be laid of our P.esideot that in the various sddretie which he has delivered sines he became Cuiel Magistrate be has added not only to the nation's fund of knowledge, but be has also siren Americans a broader viuw of what constitutes s high stsudard in public life, of the moraliti s i f itfi daldom. Our President lias alwajt urged the people of this na ion to iusiti upon a lofty standard, to bs sati fi d July with tue oobltst ideal I.i bie latest public address, at Willi ms C Irge on Juoe 22 Prtsid.nt K os veil said: "I wish to see every graduate of this college, and every other college in the land, feel the need of ideals in business and in law quite a much as in politics I with every graduate of thi college to do all that within him lias to uphold s standard of practical idealism in after lige. What I desire you to feel is that you must also apply that ideal in practice and, above all, avoid ths state of mind ia which you preach aa impossible doctrine snd make amends for it by not practicing the doctrine that you ought to." Tar-HeeU' Baas.net at Manila. Manila Times, Mar Strd. The 180th anniversary of ths Meek' lenburg declaration of Independence wss ths occasion for bringing together twenty-two North Carolinians, nearly ona third of the resident members of the society of Tar Heels laths Philip pines, at ths Hotel Mstropols Saturday evening, when a very elaborate banquet was served. Every section of ths State from the Blue Ridge to tha Pamlico sound wss represented; reminiscences of ths Old North State were indulged in during the entire evening, and the enthusiasm shown exceeded any of ths firs previ ous meeting held by thi society . Colonel 0. D. Gowlea, who delivered the speech of tha evening, expressed ths regret thst ths mother state should bs deprived of so much sxoellent mat terial even temporarily. Speeches wen also heard from Lieutenant R O Underwood and other. The 'oeiety then dedded to extend an invitation to Speaker Joseph Cannon, who i a native born North Carolinian, to attend it next meeting which will he held sometime durirg the stsy of tl a Tart party in tbis city. OHt for atesnacBj Tr..akle lis s ellwailea. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets bavs done me a great deal of good," says O Towns, of Rat Portage, Ontario, Canada. "Being a mild physio the after effects are not unpleasant, and I can recommend them to all who suffer from stomach disorder.'' For sale by M L Marsh and D D. Johnson. take from I lo t Rr- a lime, an boor apart, the next maniac lo 1 meuicaft aciewov. rood workina order, and arne-teatha of yonr other 8 aflmenta will disappear. Often what yom think to be Syspepaia, route conaupaaoa at merer; merely one of the Mioayn- 'gets dopey, yon reel aopey m a multitude of ways, till dtemee soine;. Dont wait have a little of everr disease aoinv. till you ret inUinoondltioo, but lake Rydale'e Liver Tablets the Bret wuu me rouune uuur. a'll save both worrr and Rrdale's liver Tablets are eaar to take. pleasant In effect, always satisfactory la i anils. SOcaooulale oosiei Tablets in a ouo veoieut box. aQ oeala. the Full Ncme Day, Crip fa Two, Test 2 Years Why Not Encourage the Manufacturing Business of the South by ' Patronizing Southern Concerns? . You may notlhave realized it, but just as good Saw Mill Machinery, Engines, and Boilers are being built in the South as are to be had anywhere. All other things being equal, let's keep our money at home. Our line is ' "r - w... eaeaJl - , : - . r :' Hps, Sin, Hi, .ugm, Miig, Mtjsutl Im Castings, M Iron iii.k: t rW- We havejone of the best equipped Foundries and Machine Shops is a'florded for turnintr out work promptly. We want your orders, and fair dealing, which has always 0 I 4H i:Y -ill ) J "w J' W-...... 00NC0BD FOUNDRY and MACHINE WORKS. i DOLLAR FOE DOLLAR that's what you get when you buy furniture here, and you get more for your dollar here than anywhere ele. This is a proven, admitted fact. Here a little seasonable news of pricing : No. 8 Stove and Utensils, $16.00. Back's Stove, 7 and 8, $12.50 to $25. 50 Oak Beds, $2 50 each. See us for your furniture wants. sraetrSfrftBirBaeiQosfr XV u liJU"B i.WTav. " :. .aaiiaW " . .f- .-4T V - V "7 r been our motto. i - as The best suit of Oak furniture for $25.00 in the country. You would think it worthj$35.00. in the South, and every facility and promise honest treatment !if I ; This country must no longer be left to things you an going to do. ACrBftwir-

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