HE ;D' ,TI MES. I f I ' ' f n I 1 4 r John. B. SherriU, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED TWICE A. WEEK. $1.00 a Fear, in Adrunc: f Volume XXIII. Concord, N. C, July 11, 1905. number 3. """ """ " T"" a...... Sate Prompt Liberal .TUB AH JOFTR1P LETTKR. Ill Capitol Stock, ... Stockholders' liability, Surplus and undivided profits, Assets, - - - - Atlanta Journal Aioe writing yon last week Little Eock I have swung the il. 1 , 1 Di.i a l $100,000 """"a" uii owwi oi Arkansas, loolooo sas, Missouri, Iowa and Illinois. I BO, 25,0001 850,000 from circle Kan I do J M. ODBLL, PraaKlent. W. H LILLY, Vice President t. M. OOI.TKANK. OashlM , L. D. OOLTRANR, Asst Cashier. J. M. HEKOUIX Book-keeper. 25 Pounds of good, clean EICE for $1.00 Arbuckle Coffee, 15c per pound. All other Groceries Goods and Shoes Dry Sec us duce. to suit the trade. Highest Cash and Barter Frices'paid for Country Produce. before selling your pro A1LI Ml B. I. WOODHOUBK. President. 0. W. 8 WINK. Cashier. MARTIN BOG KB, Vice-President. W. H. GIBSON. Teller. not find crop prospects anywhere as flstterins as I could wish in sm them Your Business Solicited Wheat in Kansas looked well, the har- ipwetiit id tares t paid oa unieo.ru oca tes i rost about over, thougb the acreage is not nearly to great as last year and per haps the yield not as good. The same if true oi Missouri. 1 bare seen more grassy, weedy corn and cotton, it seems to me, than I have ever witnessed be fore in traveling through these States, bat business seems to be moving along with the same glow, and people are traveling in greater numbers than have ever seen before. It looks like every train is crowded en route, and hotels are all full. So far the chautauquas are better pat ronized than ever before in my knowl edge, and business seems to be good everywhere. I spent yesterday at Elgin 111. Lectured there at their Chautauqua at 2:30 and 8:00 p.m. It was my priy ilege to visit the Elgin watch factory, where 2,900 hands are employed, and they turn out 2,300 watches every day, Half of the hands employed in the factory are women and girls. They all seem to be a happy, well satisfied lot. They make good wages and are paid off every ten days: the 11th, 21st and 31st of each month, and they are paid off at night, and, on those nights, the banks are all open and the stores all do business. Each pay night is a sort of a business picnio for the town. Elgin butter has also made this town famous, though I am told that not a pound for the market is made in or around Elgin, It is shipped in from Wisconsin, Iowa and ether States. It is Elgin butter, I am told, because it is branded and shipped from Elgin, and it is good but ter all the same. I find in this summer chautauqua work Mr. Bryan is still a trump card, He perhaps will lecture on the platform of fifty of the chautauquas this sum' mer. He is very popular with the masses. His lectures on "The Value of An Ideal" and "Prince of Peace" are masterpieces of idea-building and word-painting. Mr. Bryan grows in popular favor aa years go by; not as a politician, but as a man of a great per sonality and great mental vigor, and with all, as a man of fine character. Governor La Follette is another pop ular chautauqua number. He perhaps is a more popular orator than Mr. Bryan. He is more impaahioned. The crowd likes a fiery speaker. No painted fire about La Follette. It is all the genuine, burning; consuming kind. I do not see Hobson on so many of the chautauqua programs this year, nor John Temple Graves, and yet both of these are giants along their lines. I have been wearing my overcoat for two days and bunting a fire but finding none. Letters from home tell of the intense heat south. I wish we could have a fair division and get some of the southern heat in these cold, damn winds up here for the last few days. I see the solons of ueorgia are now convening in Atlanta. If they are wite in their day and generation, they will catch on to the spirit of reform and give to Georgia the most effective and up-lifting session ever given us tr any legislature ia the history of Georgia. As to West and Candler, I like them both, and am by them both like the old woman was when her husband and the bear were fighting. She said she did not care which whipped, I suppose the race for governor is still being run. Somebody will run themselvef to death before the race is ended. Two years is a mighty long time to ran for anything, but, in any event, the spirit of reform now pre vailjfg in Georgia will give us a good governor next time, no matter who he is. He will not dare go op against theH universal sentiment of reform which is calling for a "fairdeal, nothing less, nothing more." Occasiouolly, eee the Atlanta papers. Atlanta Is known everywhere and her papers go almost everywhere, and lo get hold of an Atlanta paper on a tour like this is like meeting an old friend. Ishal go west from here, touching points in Iowa and Missouri and next week back into Indiana. It is a great privilege to travel and see and then stand on the Chautauqua platforms and talk to the thousands who aather there. A fellow can lecture or preach and he has an opportunity oi reaching many whom the pulpits dc not have a lickat from year to year. The Chautauqua organixstions are cot accidents. They develop oat of a con dition of things. They beloni in tht procession of human events in our day and they will remain until conditions are all changed. But as I go hither and thither I loik forward with pleas ure and find myself counting the day i Concord, N. C Braooh at Albemarle, If. O. Capital, I 60,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 80,000.00 Deposits 860,000.00 Total Resource 436,000.00 Our past success, as Indicated above by figures, js quite ((ratifying, aud we wish to assureour menus and customers of our ap- fireoiatton o their patronage and cordially uvlte a continuance of the same. Should be pleased to serve a large number of new cus tomers, holding- ourselves ready to serve you In any way consUteat with sound banking. DIBBCTOBS. J W. Cannon, Robert 8. Toons. L. !- Voll. Jos. P. Goodman, St. i. CorU Jno. 8. Bard, J M. Morrow. T. C. Ins ram. Portland, Oregon, Eiposition. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL LOS ANGELES, CAL. DENVER, COL. - Epworth League Convention July 5-9. DENVER, COL. G. A. R. Encampment, Sep tember. Yerj Id w Round Trip Rates via Illinois Central R. R. CHOICE OF ROUTES Two trains daily, Atlanta to St. Lou Is in connection with W. & a. R. B. The only through morning sleeping oar Atlanta to St. Louis. For full information, dates of sale, rates, tickets and descriptive circulars, Address, F. D. MILLER, Trav. Pass. Agt. 17 Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. I TAB TBKfEBIISlE, toll and Tenure Bis B.kjerta, when I will go back to old Georgia and enjoy my home and mingla with those I have known loniest and love best I cr wt. Lve t. B.r There is in every man that something which raannnde in avmnaih anil Chicago Bews. r , proval to John Howard Payne's senti-1 Some of the reasons why Ivan, czar ment, "be it ever so humble, there Is of Russia, was called "The Terrible' no place like home." And after all it have been retold by K. Waliszewskl in is home that makes ns patriotic A his recent book. Persons who dis- man will fight for his borne and die for pleased him he woujd saw asunder by his home, but who will fight for a the constant rubbing of a rope around boarding house? You can call it a his waist, or sprinkle alternately with "hash-house" or whatever von Dleas: cold or boiling water. He marked - - a nobody resents it Yours truly, 8am P. Jones. Ad vie ta War aa. re. Charity and Children. We have often wondered what some people would do if they were not al lowed to tell the farmers how to run their business. Suppose the newspapers would -pitch in and advise the mer- his sense of a bad Jeflt by deluging the perpetrator with boiling soup and then running him through with a knife, He rebuked an unmannerly envoy by summoning carpenter and ordering him to nail the man's bat on his head There were also wholesale orgies, as at the punishment of Novgorod, when he had a hundred persons Assted over a slow fire by a new and ingenious pro cn.ni. now to nuy ana sen, ine lawyer and down on ,ledgel Int0 now to prepare ms oner, tne ooctor ,ne river to be drowned. At Moscow uuw ,miAia puts, ana tne preacner the clu had . disaDoointment. There was to be a great execution of 300 vie B If-VH Hi a. BaSaS S DIAMONDS WATCHES and a aa ' complete line of the GENUINE 1847 Rogers Bros.' Knives, Forks, Spooaa, etc Xres earefaltv exanined aed nrocxrW Sued to the bt ends of (luxe. r -y W.C. COR R ELL, Jeweler. t "or sale One beantif al residence lot, r about 60x150 feet in Wadsworth Ad dition fronting on Allison street, oppo oite D. J. Bot Go's store, $150. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. CviuS wnt AUtLSf faaS. " I ,2 I J Baal Uwk fcjraa. T-umQooA. Of. I lW J J, I how to write his sermons? But everybody knows a few chestnuts about "diversified farming," staking all "one money crop," and the neces sity of making plenty of "hog and hominy." It is true this advice ia per fectly harmless, as the farmer pays no more attention to it than a duok does to rain, but the seriousness with which it is given is really amusing. ' Every man who is able to make a speech can tell how the thing ought to be done. He works it out in the shade from agri cultural papers and other sources of in formation and delivers it with as much solemnity as if he understood it. Back yonder somewhere in the 80s, as intelligent a man as Dr. Pritchard went over the State telling the farmers how to cut their hillside ditches and handing down other information which he abtained at second-hand, and his audiences received bis messages with sober faces, and straightway went and worked their plans the other way. The poor farmers having been ridi culed and abused for their lack of organization and their readiness to wallow every vagary that theorists and visionaries felt disposed to bestow upon them, but they are not as big fools as they are sometimes reputed to be, and go right rn their way feeding the world and make money for themselves. They are not all Solomons, but they average up pretty well with other people and are quite as able to take care of them selves. Anyhow, they have some fun with folks who think they know it all and pity the farmers who know so little. A aria TrasreO is daily enacted, in thousands of homes, Death claims, in each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But when Coughs and Colds are prop. erly treated, the tragedy is averted. F. G. Hnntley, of Oaklandon, Ind., writes : 'My wife had the oomsumption, and three doctors gave her up. Finally she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, which cored her, and ;to-day she is well and strong." It kills the germs of all dis eases. One dose relieves. Guaranteed at 50o and 1 .00 by all druggists. Trial bottle free. lims, who had already been tortured to the last extremity, and loyal subjects had been summoned to the function To Ivan's astonishment the great square was empty. The instruments of tor tare stood ready the stoves, the red- hot pincers and iron claws and needles, the cords, the great coppers full of boiling water had failed to attract this time. But there had been too much of this sort of thing lately, and the execution, en were growing too long armed. Every man sought to hide deeper than his neighbor. The czar had to send reassuring messages all over the town: "Come along! Don't be afraid! No body will be hurt!" At last, out of oellars and garrets, the necessary spec tators were tempted forth, and forth with Ivan, inexhaustible and quite un abashed, began a lengthy speech. Could he do less than punish .traitors ? But he had promised to be merciful, and he would keep his word! Out of the 800 who had been sentenced 180 should have their lives! Torture and execution were, however, in the case of Ivan very much more than the mere instruments of barbaric justice. They were his recreation and delight. As a boy his amusement was to throw dogs down from the top of one of the castle terraces and watch their dying agonies. As a man he used to go the round of the torture chamber after din ner. One of his first crimes was the execution of his earliest friend, Feodor Vorontsov; one of his last was the mur der of bis own son. Aooording to Waliexewski it was the recognized thing in Russia for the up per dog to make things as uncomfort able for the under dog as knouts and low fires oould make them. So "The Terrible"only talked to his subjects in the language they could most readily understand. Ivan was by no means unpopular with the people. In many ways he was an enlightened and pro gressive monarch. He took the first teps toward the founding of Russia's great eastern empire; he made more or less successful attempts toward political and legal reform, and he had a oertain I am glad there is a depth in the Bible ,n 01 MeriP ' uiauiuip wuiuu uo useu hj tue ueat ad vantage. Personally he was a coward, as was shown at the siege of Kasan, when he kept diligently to his devo tions, in spite af the repeated entreaties of his men to come and help them. LCXfJltf IN TAB KliORDIEB, Hew Tork Tribune. a ...... ... uarasntp is no longer a necessary accompaniment of owning and work ing a mine in the Klondike. Certain holders of rich claims on Bonanza and Eldorado creeks, on which were made the "strikes" that startled the world i few years ago, have worked out a sys tern of gathering their golden dividends which involves little more than an en joyatxe summer outmg. it is easy as going to the races, only the Klon diker brings back the gold. It is hard ly more trouble than clipping coupons from gilt-edged bonds, These owners of bonenzi claims spend the winter in "the states," Cali-1 fornia claiming most of tbera. In the spring they make up a party of friends or relatives, and by easy stages go into Dawson for the "clean-up" Large ocean steamers carry them to Skagway and the White Pass and Yukon railway PADS the gap to White Horse Rapids, where river steamers are waiting, and in two or three day they scurry down the Yukon to Dawson. The cabins on the creek have been cleaned and well stocked against the coming of the owner and hia party. When he arrives the water is turned into the huge sluices and the work of washing out the gravel mined during the winter begins. The women of the party spend hours alongside the sluices, for gathering the Yukon gold has a pe culiar fascination. If they tire of this novelty there are stages to take them into Dawson for a ball or an eveniog at the theater. "I had the time of my life," declared a young woman who went in for the "clean-up" last year, "and I'm going again next year." I was in Dawson just four weeks and I attended fourteen balls. Half the men I met were col lege graduates and all wore evening clothes, even in the dinner parties, No dress in a woman's wardrobe is too nne for Dawson, but even a fright of woman is sure of a good time, for the men are in such majority. "The most striking celebration which occurred in the course of my visit was the trip to the Dome, a great hill back of bawson, on June 21, the longest day of the year. The sun is in view for twenty-four hours from the Dome, while in the Yukon valley it disappears for a couple of hoars. More than thousand of as made the trip to bask in the midnight annshine." The "clean-up" takes three or four weeks, and when it is over, the gold, in small sacks, is hauled to Dawson The owner payi the crown royalty to the authorities, with his employes and expresses the rest to his bank in San Francisco or Seattle. He has the choioe of two routes home, the way he came or down the Yukon to Bering sea and thence to the states by a long ocean voyage. Either way there is absolute comfort. Snch ia the evolution of the gold camp that once suffered famine and scurvy and to which relief was sent by dog teams over the frozen snow fields, Dawson now boasts electric lights, au tomobiles and no less than l,lJ00 bicy cles, it is gay socially in winter aa in summer, when the "clean-up" crowd appears to make things lively." ay It Now. Now is the time to bay Ohamberlain'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It ia certain to be needed sooner or later and when that time comes yon will need it badly you will need it quickly. Bny it now. It may save life. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. Ryd&le's Stomach Tablets. INDIGESTION Causes belching, gaa, or wind ln the stomach, heartburn, sour stomach, etc DYSPEPSIA Causes Cramps sad pain in the stornsrh, sick stomacn, etc Rydale'i Stomach Tablets CtlfC Vdale'i Stomas TMeti digest all kinds of food and prevent fer mentation, and the formation of gas and acid in the stomach. They never fail to cure incugauon. digest the food and rest the stomach. They stimulate, tone the digestive organs, and curt dyspepsia in Its worst forms. Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Mr- 'J; Jnne buyer for Parker Brldtmt, whone Unre depaitmnt Btomi are located at wvm . sou rvnu. iivt, najuiinifuni, 11. u.. w rites us. undr date or Auril ltin. 1U04. aa follows: ,"t.F?hr"ry on year wh.lft lu New York on biuiiiiea for my Arm, I caught a aevere cold vwivsrri. wrfKR, BIHI Ifll me WrflK aiHl DsSTTOtia. which bud at Ute oaiiMt. Their prefH'rlptioiia di-l littlt or no (food. My phyaUsana could not Ret A me a n neat it waa nnn eirii4 m w fVaiail did not diktat Well. I decided tn UK. HvilHl..'a Klimih Tni.Uitai A triund tivi ana. Lhevw i-m a rood dyntpHia medicine. After Ukiiifca few donea. I hefran to ro&liae that I was fretting better. I haTA lifted tWO bnxeH of th(e tahlftn sn.l Imvu nirt.l Vsl wmitn.i a,..H iu.e- fell, hotlaar in m Ufa. Rrdale'a Stoniarh TanU-ta cured meand 1 reettmnieudiliemnioat heartily toaiifTereni from nervous wujum.n tmiiu Kfiii-ini run uown cunuiiion oi 1110 system, nyoajea ewousca Tauwu ar xaasmi ui cK.-i.urraj aviiu Ku&rtt!ittu uy UI8 RADICAL REMEDY COMPANY. Hickory. N. C X3. Z3. fOHNSOST. The Btepik). ef the Bible. D.J. Moody. I know nothing about; that there is a height there that I cannot climb if I should live to be as old as Methuselah; I venture to say if I (hould live for ages on the earth I would only hay. touched its surface. I pity the man who knows all the Bible, for it is a pretty good sign he doesn't know himself. A man cams to me with what he thought was a very difficult passage, and he said, "Mr. Moody, how do you explain UT" I said, "I dont explain it" "But how do you interpret it?" "I don't interpret it" "Well, bow do yon understand it?" "I don't understand it" "But what do you do with it?" "I don't do anythig with it" "You don't believe it?" "Yes, I believe it There are lots of things that I do not understand. In the 8rd chapter of John, Christ says to Nicodemus, 'If you do not understand earthly things how can you understand heavenly things V There are great many things about my own body I do not understand nature; it is filled with wonderful things I don't comprehend. rhen why should I expect to know everything spirituallyr' But men ask, "How can yon prove the book la inspired?" I answer, be muse it inspires me. That is on. of the beet proofs. It does inspire as. - Seect for aieaaaeh Treakle a Bel Oeev-1 eiipanoa. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv Tablets have done me a great deal of I good," says C. Towns, of Kat ratage, Ontario, Canada. ' "Being a mild physic I tne after effects are not wnpleawant. and I can rrconimend them to all who suffer I from stomach disorder." For sale by I H. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson, .Always Remember the Full Name Jaxative Rromo Quinine Cures a Cold in One Day, Grip in Two. on Box. 25c Has Stood The Test 2 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. H. C. HERRING. DEMTIST Is now on the ground floor of the LI taker Building;. e OOJTCOBD. IV. O. Dr. w. C. Houston SMoMn :'6hv3w Dmtlst. ooecoBD, a. a Is prepared to do all kinds ot dental work la rhe most approved manner. . Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Beeldenoe 'Phone 11. Office 'Phone 41. u T. HARTSELL, lltorney-at-Lai, OOXrOOD, XTOKTH OAaOXVUTA. PrOmDt attention rlv.n an all harinaai Oflloe In Morris building, opposite the court house. DRS. LILLY & WALKER, offer their professional services to the oltl ens of Concord and surrounding country. Calls promptly attended day or night. W I. MOBTOOMBBT. t. LBBCBOWBIX I0ITG01ERT 4 CROWELL, Attorneys and Connselors-tt-UT, OOHOOBD, If. O. As Dartn.ra. will nnut1na l.ar In fahaim Stanlv and adjoining counties, in the Supe rior and Supreme Court, of the State and In the Federal Courts. Office In court house. Partlee desiring to lend money can leave It with us or place It tn Concord National Bank for us, and we will lend It on good real ee tate security free of charge to tne depositor. We make thorough examination of title to lands offered as security for loans. Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners of same. Henry B. Adams. Thos. J. Jerome. Frank Armfleld. Tola D. -dins, Jerome, irmfield 1 Kueu, Attorneys ud Counsellors it Lit, CONCORD, N. C. Practice In .11 the AtatA and TT rVmata Prompt attention riven to cnllantlniia and eneral law practice. Persons Interested In be settlement of estates, administrators, executors, and guardians are especially In vited to call on us, as we represent one of the largest bonding companies In America; In fact we will go any alud of a bond cheaper than any one else. ranies aesinng to lend money ean leave It with us or deposit it in Concord National Bank, and we wUl lend It on approved secu rity free of charge to the lender. continued ana DainstoKlnir . be given, at a reasonable price, bust i umoe in new Morris attention wll to au lega Building opposite Executor's Notice. Having quallfled as the Executor of the ee ate of Manila B. Harris, deceased, all ner- sons owing said estate are hereby notified that they must make prompt payment or suit will be brought. And all persons havinn claims against said estate must present them ro tne uuaersiKneu, auiy auinenticatea, on or before the 10th day of June, ltms, or this notice wul be pleaded In bar of their recov- A. UAUJNHAKDT, una S, 1B06. Executor. Sale of City Residence. The underftiimed commissioner under & dee re of the (Superior Court rendered in the npeeial f roceedtug entitled John A. Kimmons admr. of Mrins KimnioiiH v. John K. Ptiarr and others. will sell at piitnlc auction at the court bouse door in Concord, N. C . on Monday, July S, lwoft, the iXireas Kimmons house and lot on east (title ot North 8urfiue street, said lot in 64 feet front on mid street and running back 214 feet, and lying between the lot of it A. Caldwell and Mrs. C. Misenheimer. and is now oecunied bv Jan. Mc- Kacheni. Tennis of sale. cash. I his June 1, lwtt. JOHN A. KIMMONS.Com'r By Montgomery & Crowell, Attys. Sale of Town Lot. Bv virtue of an order ot the SuDerlor Court In the cause of D, H. Conine, adnilnlstor, against Willie Corsine, I as administrator of K K. Corslne.deceased, will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at tke Court Homo In Con- Cord, on Monday, August the 7th, lew, the lot known as the Emmons lot, adjoining C. B. w agoner and others. There are two houtes on this lot. which are now rented, any person wishing to looking at the property can do so by seeing me or Mra. K. K Conine, who lives on tne lot adjoining, the property. D. H.C HZINB, Adm'r w.auBmitn.Att-y. tt Jorsine, Oec'a VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNG LADIES, Roanoke, Va. Opens Sept. 25. 1UU5. One ot the lead In. Schools for Voung Ladles In the South. New buildings, pianos and equipment. Campus ten acres. Oraud mountain scenery In Val ley of Virginia, famed for health. European and American teachers. Full course. Con servatory advantages In Art, Music and Elo cution, uertincates weuesiey. students from 30 States. For catalogue address nai ns v. hakkib, resiuent,uoanoKe,va aftra)raranaflftflQB PfiESEEHHUa TIME! This is the season when the thoughtful housewife will be making preserves, jellies and jam for the winter months. The part we would like to play in the game is to furnish the -vessel. Robin's Eggs Blue Enamel Ware Preserving Kettles on sale now. Note the prices : Large 5ize, ooc. Medium Size 75c. 5mail Size, 65c. 'Phone your order Every vessel for kitchen to No. 9. use in Enamel Ware. PREY'S VERMIFUGE Is the fame food, old-fash loned Medicine that has saved the lives of little children for the past 60 years. It Is a Med icine Bade to cure. It has never been known to fail. If your child Is sivlc tet a bot tle of t FftEY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILOREN Po not take a substitute. If f our druggist does not keep t, send twenty-five cents la stamps to cfe S. IT-nHJ-X" Baltimore. Bid. and a bottle will at nailed yoo. r ,SKNT TUTU to all I users of morphloa. PAINLESS opium, isuoaau-. a 1 v Dr. woolley'sj 01 PAINLESS PH J ' AND ealneor wnlsk.y.a larg. book of par ticulars os bom. or sanatorium treat ment. Address, Dr. O. M. WOULI.BY, tin.!.k. Pure P.O. Box 2W, IIIIISKsJ UUI0inl, tteorgat MTeTeTeTeTeireireTfe 11 e 1 e u t1tt''fiml,mmtMtMtMt'mmtmamMemMtimA9 Valuable Farm, No. 1 Township . We have for sale a splendid farm of 95 acres in No. 1 town ship, 2V6 miles south of Harris bnrg. The land lies well an is convenient to church and schools. Has a six-room cottage, good barn, tenant house and other buildings. Price only $1,800. Jno. K. Patterson & Co