t Vti FLOWERS mrCDOff NCORD r ii "A riM PUBLISHED TWICE V. WEEK. John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. Volume XXIII. a Year, in Advance. Concord, yN. C, August 18. 1905. Number i4. CO Y I 1 25 Pounds of good, clean EICE for $1.00 Arbuckle Co flee, lfc per pound. All other Groceries Dry Goods and Shoes to suit the trade. Highest Caslf and Barter Prices paid for Country Pro duce. Sec us before selling your produce. IIELIKVF CiOVEKN TIKNT HAS I'O I SON KD A I II. Safe Prompt Liberal THE CONCORD NATIONAL RANK $100,000 Ja.OOO :ro,iHKi Capital Stock, Stockholders' liability. Surplus and undivided profits, Assets, ... - Your Business Solicited 4 percent. Interest paid on t lino cert Irtcatos J M. OHKI.I,, President W H. LILLY, Vice President. O. 11. OOl.TKANK. Cannier L l. CoLTRANK. Anst Cashier J M. HKNORIX . llook keeper. H 1 WOODHOITSR. I'rsldmt. 0 W. HW INK. Cashier. CABARRUS MAKTIN IKX.Klt, Vice- President W. H C UtSoN. Telli r SAVINGS BANK Concord. N C. Branch at Aihemarle, N. C. Capital, $ fto.ono.iHi Surplus and Undivided Profits xo.000.no Dopoaita Total Resource 3ri.otx).oo 4.,,000 OO Our past, micc-eas. as Indicated above t fWures, : -i"lle K i-itll yliK. and we wish t-. assure our friends mid customers of our ap prectatlon o tlielr patronage aml 'i'' ,'Y, ,'1 Invite a continuance of the same. Should ne pleated to serve a lare number ol new cus tomers. holding onrsel ves readv to serve you In any way consistent w 1th sound banking. DIRECTORS. J W. Cannon, Robert S Younir. L. J Foil. Jos F Goodman, M. J. (orl, J no. 8- hflrd, J M Morrow. T. C. Imtrain. Portland, Oregon, Exposition. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. L0 ANGELES, CAL. DENVER, COL. Epworth League Convention July 5-U. DENVER, COL. G. A. R. Encampment, Sep tember. Very Low Round Trip Rates via Illinois Central R. R Ignorance Alsli Fever In Cutting Down Population of New Orelan. New Orleans Correspondence. Poverty has added its woeB tj the pitiful results of the fever scourge. That ignorance is its own punishment is verified by the condition among the Italians. Those who have been stricken were principally of a class which does little other work than the unloading of banana steamships, can speak but little but Italian and distrusts anything and everything that is not of their race. One Italian said yesterday to a board of health inspector that he believed the government had poisoned the air to get rid of the Italians. Such is their dis trust that few will take medicine, and nearly all hide their disease until the last possible moment. Because of this delay in seeking medical assistance the great number of deaths has resulted. The fever is easily cured by present methods If the case is treated early enough. The old German remedy for fevers which has been handed down from generation to generation for scores of years is practically the treatment being given by physicians. The first symp toms of the disease are a severe, split ting headache, followed by a severe chill. There is only one chill. If there are more it is not yellow fever. The patient is given a hot mustard foot bath, a strong purgative, and put to bod under heavy blankets to perspire. Cooling cloths are applied to the head and chopped ice kept in the mouth to prevent nausea. The bowels and kid neys muBt be kept open, little food ex cept nulk given, and there you are. The fever rises steadily for three days. If it continues to rise thereafter the pa tient is as good as dead. If it breaks the remit is speedy recovery. Pathetic scenes are manifold iu the Italian quarter. Food and raiment, witn other necessitie s are being supplied the poverty-stricken by the Italian so cieties and other organizations. In some families three or more members have died. Many cases have been re ported as fever and as dead within an riour after discovery. Put in this short time the pthrr rT" wntrm o4 flv have scattered to oilier parts of the city, to stay in hiding with friends and rela tives In scores of Catholic churches special masses and novenas are ociuk "iu iaily, asking the intercession of saints in tQlS Visitation- ror mc look upon this as a visitation of Provi dence, a wreaking of vengeance for some great wrong of the past. Iu the past, funeralB of yellow fever r.atients were ht Id at night. The tody was placed in a box, carted to a ceme tery and lowered into the waiting hole, to be quickly covered with lime and then with earth. To-day no restrictions are ordered. Tne entire town might at tend a funeral if it so desires, irrespec tive as to the cause of death. No ftar exists of infection except through the mopij'iitoes. The quarantines have cttustd the greatest trouble. Only one per cent. )f the population has been ill of fever, and one-tifth of that has died. There is absolutely no t ign of panic or scare THK INFLI'ENCK OF THE IHOON. Charlotte Observer. The statement of Prof. H. H. Hume, that the moon has no effect upon vege tation, has been the subject of con siderable discussion in the county dur ing the past several weeks. "The sun do move and no one need try to drill the idea into the heads of the people of the county that the moon has-no effect upon the crops," remarked a promi nent citizen of the city to an Observer man yesterday. And this is very true. There are some things that are deep rooted in the minds of the people, and this is one of them. "Prof. Hume should call upon an old woman that lives near Charlotte," said one of the best-known farmers of the county yesterday. "She iB an old lady of unquestioned veracity and uncertain years, and one who is able to convince even a wayfaring man of the truth of her statements. She is a firm believer that the 'old times are better than the new.' She cites many incidents that would make interesting reading matter for Prof. Hume or any of his kind. A few of these are given below : "To make the water of a spring clear and pure, the spring should be cleaned out Friday before each new moon. "Ac cording to this old lady the rule has neve failed, although it has been tried from time immemorial. "My grand mother always did this, my mother also, and I have never seen it fail yet." l'rof. Hume should listen to the inci dents recounted and he would hear some remarkable things. The moon, according to this old lady, has some strange inlluence upxn soap. The fact is well known that if soap is made at certain phases of the moon, tnen the material will not harden and the stuff will le of a very poor quality On the other hand, if the process is carried out at other times, the liquid will harden and no ditheulty will be ex perienced. A sassafras paddle must iuvariab!) be used. "Kraut must be made when the sign of the moon is in the head, otherwise something terrible will happen. Meat must be killed at ceitain limes, Cr fvtryiuing win go n. mt.-- And then, too, there are many other signs that are believed in by a large nuuiler of the country people, and Pr f Hume will have a vast deal of dilliculty in convincing them of any thing to the contrary. DEAD MAN AT THE THROTTLE. New Vork Dispatch, JUh. The "Fast Flying Virginian," the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad's crack train, which leaves Jersey City over the Pennsylvania railroad . for the South every evening, unknown to the passen gers aboard, was in grave - danger last night night. There was a tragedy in the cab. The train pulled out of Jersey City at 5 25 o'clock. It is a heavy one made up at this time of year usually of eight cars. There was a large, number of passengers aboard, and the day coaches, which are at the head of the train, were especially well filled. The first stop is at Princeton Junc tion. Trenton was reached a few min utes before 7 o'clock and Daniel Mahoney, the engineer, swung down from his cab here and walked around the locomotive to oil the machinery. A heavy thunderstorm had just spent itself, but others were piling black clouds in the West, and, early as it was, it was dark. Scarcely had the train passed out of the cut through which the railroad runs in Trenton and across the bridge into MorriBville when Mahonoy detected the odor of burning waste and called out to his fireman that they had a hot box. The fireman went and leaned against the engineer's seat and bcjth agreed that the train could be run to; Philadelphia. The fireman went back to the tire door and after he had closed it climbed to his seat on the other Bide of the cab. Within a few minutes he saw the indi cator in the steam gauge swinging back rapidly and then noticed that the train ran unusually fast. .' He looked at his watch and saw that the train was on time, but, supposing tiat-the engin eer knew his business, he" slid down'and set about making up the steam the lo comotive had lost. Whijn he had a moment's rest he looked up and saw that the train was making more thn GO miles an hour. - As he stood looking otit a red light flashed by, and after a moment an other. He glancod qustioningly at the engineer, who, in thee gloom of the cab, seemed to tie benching over the throttle. check her, Dan!'' c hv two red bugs." There was no anBwering movement from the engineer, and w'hen the loco motive had dashed past a third signal the fireman, understanding, finally, that something was wrong, climbed """ vi nl'g sake he called orrr. THE NEGLECTED WIFE Atlanta Journal. Professor Stewart Culin, curator of the Brooklyn snstitute Museum and one of the world's greatest ethnologists, has been divorced by his displeased wife be ciUBe he gave too much of his time and attention to scientific investigation and too little to her. Serves him right! In the tthusiasm and joy of her youth she though she was marrying not a cab inet of ethnological curios but a man. And if the man withdraws himself from AN EASIER WORD. There is a public school teacher in Brooklyn whose work lies in the heart of the negro Bection. Among her pu pils, says the New Vork Times, is one Andrew Jackson JohnBon,. who had lately been absent two weekB or more. Finally he returned, looking some what the worse for wear, and as a mat ter of course the teacher asked for his ' 'excuse. ' ' Thereupon Andrew handed out this note: der teacher Please be so kind as to excuse Andrew fo not gittin around he her and thrusts the other upon her she ! had the smallpox till today. has a right to protest and demand re lease. At least, the court has so held, and most people will indorse the de cision. The absorbed scientist may lose him self in his Btudies, forgetting that his wife has nothing to lose hfrself in but himself. While he glows with enthu over some discovery, she pines in lone liness. And the scientist is. by no means unique. Bueiness men and profes sional men make the same mistake. The absorption of a man in any pur suit making his life a success, often in volves neglect of his wife, making her life a failure. The distinguished ethnologist was very fond, of his wife. But he turned from her to his ethnology, ihe, like millons of other wives, bad reasonable Mrs. Johnson. "Smallpox!" cried the teacher, ex citedly. "Smallpox! Out! Go out, and take that note with you! The boy picked up the note and lied. Ten minutes, later, while the teacher and Lhe principal of the school were hunting up health-board regulations, a stout negro woman shu tiled into the otlice. "I'm Mrs. Johnson,'' she explained. "Vou sent my boy home kase I writ he h -d smallpox." "Get Out'" shrieked the teachers, in terrified chorus. "I jiat wanted fo' to tell you aul," continued Mrs. Johnson, backing to ward the door, "I jist wanted fo' to say dat Andrew didn't have no smalljiox." "He didn't '1" ' No'm, he didn't," Mrs. Johnson comfort, but, like million of other wives" allirmed. "He had ce'bo-spinalB-men-again, she wanted her huiband. and git us, but I disremembered how Women want attention. The atlen- to -pel; tnat, so 1 writ smallpox in the tion may not be of the tenderest srt, note. but they want it. The average wife would rather have beatings than neg lect. It is not the women wboee hus bands are coarse and abusive who go to the divon e courts as much a the women whose hu.-bands neglect them. There is but one thing worse for a wife than constant neglect, aud that is constant attention". The wise husband will avoid both extremes. A 11 In. l.ond.-u Tit lilt.- The American tnnhteller was in form. "Talking of ants," he said, "we ve got em as big as crabs out The Horror ol liar. Harper's Weekly. The old gentleman in the smoking car was declaring vehemently, in his opinion, war a disgrace to civilization. "War," he exclaimed, "is an abom ination, a blot on the universe!" l'(on which he rose and left the cr strongly on the subject, ' Mff' nW'M.ri the passengers. "Has he l.,t eome near relative through war'"' "Yes," answered a friend, "his wife's first husband." Daughter of Wanatuakrr In Fxcorled to Dinner by Hooker Waihlniton, Sktu. ,, N. Y., Aug. 1 1 Booker T. Washington's appearance at dinner ! yesterday in the great dining room of the Nited States hotel caused a mild spnsation among the diners. Washington was the guest of John Wanamaker, former postmaster general, and acted as escort for Mrs Barclay Warburton, Mr. Wanamaker's daugh ter, while Mr. anamaker walked to the table with J. K. K. Roberts. Washington preached here three times yestrr.iay. first at the Presbyterian church, in, the Biptist church, and late iu the evening iu the African Methodist church. Lite Fire Health Accident Plate Glass Insurance Surety Bonds at Rock Hottom Trices in the most reliable com panies, and bi bargains in REAL ESTATE JNO. K. PATTERSON, Oflice up stairs at TostoH'ice. JEWELRY DIAMONDS WATCHES and complete line of the GENUINE Yff (fttpy "1847 Rogers Bros.' Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc. Fvm carefully ornmmnl rnd properly fitted to tlietveM ;iule k'cpi.trlng. S. W.C.CORRELL, Jeweler! x1 44 9S$Q&$Q&$&M4&&9'$ Loves her some upon the bench at Mahoney's side. He saw in a moment that the maa was dead. His head had been crushed and was hanging from the cab window. The fireman grasped me airora.e i . . l I . ... 11 V. 4 tU west 1 guess 1 ve seen em light witn ipver nH the throttle ana nrougut iuc long thorns, which they used as lances, runaWay locomotive to a stop before charging each other like savages." the network of switches and sidetracks ''They don't compare to the ants I tnia Bide 0f Philadelphia was reached. I know for a fact that he named saw in the east," siid an inoffensive in- xhe passengers knew nothing of their best horse after her dividual near by. "The natives have danger, and even the conductor aid not trained them as leasts of burden. One know of the tragedy until the station was reached. Mahoney must have leaned too far from the cab when he was watching the hotbex, as apparently his head had The Kentuckian- I never sa a man who thinks more of his wife than Ma jah Blugras. The NewYorker eh? The keutuckian --Mmply worships hfr' ou may believe me or not, hut his CHOICE OF ROUTES Two trains daily, Atlanta to St. Iou- m tms city, and contrary to all report trains are not crowded with refugees In three weeks the railroad people re- t that they have carried out less peo- ic in connection with W. it' A. Iv. K The only through morning sleeping car Atlanta to St. louis. . vw foil information, dates of salt . rates, tickets and deHcriptive circulars, Address, , . v n MIT.T.EH. Trav. Pass. Apt. i- ixLrl r Atlanta, G a 1 I I IJ Ul J w. , of 'em could trail a ton load for miles with eaee. They worked willingly, but c cc asionally they turned on their at tendants and killed them." are instnirttS"''.'?!'!? "." heivl. d. by l',i. kleit's Arnica Salve. C. liivei.h.trk. Jr., of Norfolk, Va , writes: "1 burnt in v knee dreadfully; that it blist.rtd till ovt r Bueklen s Arnica S.i'.ve stepped the pain, andluftledit without . M iir." Also heals all wounds and sure. at all druggists'. For Bronchitis feels the effect of this Magic Remedy after the first dose, f 1.00 at the drug stores or sample bottle free. CWkeraMadirine Co. Winston-Salem. N C One 'or sale at i.rsh's Hi'tiLT Store WE ARE OPENING UP A NEW TERRITORY IN ARKANSAS THE WHITE RIVER COUNTRY Bat this was drawing the long bow a Btruck a post an little too far. "I say, old chap," said a shecktd voice from the c- rner, "what sort of ants were they ?" " Elephants," said the quiet man. killed instantly. "Why don't you go to work? "Ladv." answered Piodding i ete, 'I'm on me way dere now. De troubh iB dat when I'm in New l ork 1 hear about a job dat I kin git in 'Frisco. . k An' bv de time I gits to 'Frisco I finds d ne must nave Lrrrcii de job is taken an 1 hear one in New York." of another REWAKE OF MUIJIRJI GERMS. Mount Pleasant Collegiate Institute, MT. 1'l.EASANT. N. '. Course of study embraces nve yenrs1 work Xlvln younK men thorough foundational fralnlnn. and fits them for business, teaeli- ini', or prepare theru for regular entrance -Into the Junior Class of Collet' Lana-com- n,..w t.rlek DUlldinif. Two well-eMUlpped Literary Society Halls. A Faculty of FiveCollece or University Men. Expenses from f.H0 to J IK). Next Hesslon begins September l'-'t' For catalog or full information, addr.-ss, H. A. MeCCLMl'i". or O. K. MCALLISTER Jnne i till Sept. 12 Buggy Painting. No use to send to Salisbur) ' or elsewhere to have your bu;- t.-ilnrrwl when it can be ilone here at my shop for th least possible price. Work guaranteed to be first-class in every way. Will make go anv iW'fect in painting. Give . . . . , . i (j me a trial. C. B. BLAIR, P. O. Box i 28, Concord ll tUKtS irntKt all tiat r.-uia. iTi Beat CoUKh Hyrop. 'fasten UmI. rl m tlmo. Hold ry arigg,w.K 132 1CS u pie than in the same time in any prev it ub summer. Mississippi is the worst offender iu he quarantine matter, but some sec tions of Louisiana are almost aa bad. Shotgun quarantines have been putmciy proclaimed by quite a number of sma 1 towns in both slates, and even Baton Rouge, the capital of Louisiana, has armed guards on trains and dirt roads to prevent people from entering the town. Many of the towns have refused to accept mail from infected places un- oss it was fumigated, but as the gov ernment has accepted the mosqmio tiionrv in its entirety, no mail will be fumigated in this or any other city fnis decision i final. The Oreatetit General. Will I'nliM MrkntM I'Brieaa MomifU In Strengthened WltU Ml-o-na. If the stomach is weak so that food nnt TPadilv ditrest in it, the food of Israel one day were discussing who will become a sour, slimy, fermentin was the great ?et military leader the maBs in the digestive organB, the ideal world ever produced. The Southerner condition condition for germs to cause st.nul out for Stonewall Jackson, while bowel trouble, diarrhoea, JDr other sum- 1 the Israelite unset all precedent by mer illness claiming the honors of war for Moses. The well known Mi o-na will make "Moses?" cried the hero of Bull Run the whole digestive system so healtny, inr-rednlonalv.' "Whv. he was no clean and sweet that food cannot fer soldier; he was only a lawgiver." ment, and any disease germs which ' Yt a. but he was a great g. neral may enter the stomach will be destroyed too,'' insisted the other. "Didn't he Just one email tablet out of a 50 cent lead the armies of Israel through the box of Mi-o-na before eating, aud you wilderness for forty yean?" will have no headaches, backache, poor , . . I ... i-L Afirtcr ViPHrt- "On, as f r that, " retorted the uon- appetite, aiain-ea Mcr.to "Ktnnewa . ackson could oeau burn, iurrea wukuc, Bt.. , How Homes III Hie Went. The liarvfst in the West Is tli bluest cvi-r known Farmers, rueehsnlrs aim mer chants are prosperous There's a wonderf.d lian'e to start new Homes under iaeniig conditions Round-trip MoniesreKers tick ets on sale 1st snd Urd Tuesday each niontti at low rates, write ror rrce nookiete, mihp and Information to W. H Kniskern, V. T. M. C. N. W. K'y, Chicago, 111. liotlic illl.ip. I.11W lKtiN Mill N'l l ( 1KLAII0M and INM dt i.ii'h nnMitli "P to .-111(1 1 in hid will aUo be sold 1" ci.rt.iin points in Mi'S TANA. M 1 '. K ASK A . M.YU'A. iini.M.N' ( W'l'i RT1 "MT for vo l to scenic a ...... 1 k (k. 1111,1 Trinl ;irc now on sale via the Roll! to points in ARKANSAS. 11. AS ; i.KKl I'OKV lite first and third Tucsdav lic(etnlcr Hi )M r.Sl.l-.kl.KS ticket KlXi'N. COl.oKAI'O. llAIln. i MlAko and I I A 1 1 I sl'ivi AI.l.V l.i 'W KATF.S . . . ...1 ..... -bwi,-.- ,1,111 National I :. ilea in imicti t e'Ol.' 'NISI kATI S to CAl-ll-OKNI . ' tin NoK'THWIiST on sale ScptcinU't 1 T.l li t Write ntc if von want reliable tiiloriii 11 1'tr.est. '1 1 I KN 1 .K and 1 el urn M .Cii N. I ictoker ition I rcc u A K. V 1 1 INi T iN :ust. ht era t tne ut ''i Mil to 1 . and mailed on Miss.'tirl l'acitlc lialluay 1 ron Mountain Route Texas l'a illc Railway IntcriKitl'inal and Crt Notherti licin cr K10 Cirande U K. i.h.rrlandi:r & Travelling I'ass Aiteiit, ; CHATTANOOGA. TKNN. REASONS WHY! Notions; on lhe Tlarkel Filial 10 4 liamherlnlira l ollr. Cholera ana Diarrhoea Itemed). This fact is well known to druggists everywhere, and nine ont of ten will trive their customers this preparation when the best is asked for. Mr. Ubc Winner, a prominent druggist of Joplin, Mo., in a circular to his customers, says : "There is nothing on the market in the way of patent medicine which equals Chamberlain's Uolic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy for bowel complaint. him all to pieces. through the wilderness in three days." All A roll lid London Tit- Hil. Call a girl a chuk and she smiles; call a woman a hen and she howls. Call a young woman a witch and shels phrased ; call ai old woman a witch and she is indignant. Call a girl a kitten and she rather likes it: call a woman a cat and she hatcB you. Women are He led hia army general debility. It will tone up the digestive system and give periect ueaitu and etreneth. 1 Taite Mi-o-na now, and Wibaon Drug Store will guarantee to refund the ;f it d rips not cure, lue risn is all their' own. You should buy "Sanitaire" Iron Beds. The)- are guaranteed. 1 ne locks on -rviimaiie u fit. "Sanitaire" lieds are scientifically proportioned.- The right amount of metal is in each part to make the most substantial and perfect bed. '-Sanitaire l'.ctls have; steel fillers, steel pipe, steel angles and steel rails. The steel being made to suit particular requirements, high in carbon to make it extremely stiff and strong. ood beds and will please quee r. If you call a man a Wo sell and recommend the prepnra-1 attor him ; call him a pup dog it will a hound, or ms4 . -mr r 1 1. 1 .1. , . , , . 1 II tion. r or sate ty w.. u. iuuimi D. Johnson. ' Is your eon working?" asked the neighb r. "Not yet," answered Farmer Coru- tosael. "Can't he get a job?" "He ain't satisfied with a job. He wants a position." a cur, and he will try to alter the map Fraud Kxpoed A few counterfeiters have lately been making and trying to sell imitations of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Oonghs and Colds, and other med icines, thereby defrauding the public. This is to warn you to beware of such people, who seek to profit, through steal ing the reputation ol remedies wmcu ii r . . ii i.c n..,b. lio-inisi' thev are vv e sen uu oai i u.u i e. i j - .- t, . . Jr.. . . , i.i i ,-A mnncf. "Sanitarv tomers. We bought a fcsm eat ioaei .u.u . , clean and look pretty in a n b,-d room. No place in "Samta.re Iron beds Doctors recommend them. Now is the tune to buy yourself a Sanitaire and the place toget them at our cus Peds are for pests. Iron L5ed of your face. He doesn't mind being haye been guccessfuUy curing disease, called a bull or a bear, yet he will ob for over 35 years. A sure protection, to ifct to being mentiouf d as a calf or a y0Ut is our name on the wrapper. Look for it, on an xr. remedies, as all others are mere imita- U i- in' t tl 1 ft (7 f-llMlfN Li J bUU UJU" " 1 IJll.IllllB. I'i' 1 J unuj, I All ii tit ori Winrlsnr. Canada. All a ftpr thinffs eorae oiuer icnuw iojcu. x., waiting for. ' druggists. cub. Men are (pieer, too,

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