to 00 f CONCORD TIMZ A J PUBLISHED TWICE A. WEEK. John B. Sherrlll, Editor and Owner. $1.00 a Tear, in Advance. CONCORD, N. C; SEPTEMBER 8. 190E3. VOLUME XXIII. NUMBER 20. ill raw WM mm m " 1 1 We cash checks drawn on any bank. If you want to send money away we will attend to it for you. II you want to open a small account for the convenience of pay ing little bills by check this Institution is at your service - .. m. -k -k . M Sn JONES' LETTER. The Peoples' Mutual Benevolent Association CABARRUS DIVISION. B. E. Harris, Pres. R. L. HcConnell, Sec. & Treas. ORGANIZED JULV 21. 19eK. 'Hip cheapest Insurance written, especially to those over fit). The following named p?r soni hcltl policies. Compare the cost vslth amount benetk-larv received. I'aiiJ Itenetlolary Paid Ilenenol:iry Out. Received Out. Keeelvtd W I' James. Mt l'leaaant :i VV 00 Mrs. Ardrey. Plnevllle 8 10 KM 00 lames rainier. Charlotte fi 50 i Mrs. Hunter, (ha riot to lo.on wt,.u) K i. Hunter ihmtersvllle 5 lUiun Mis. Coki.111. Charlotte 12.U0 S1.W J ' K." ranKle.'i harlotte tw t;43.U) C. C. Calilwell. Concord 11.10 017 00 ' Twelve assessments have been collected since organisation, or an average of six a year, thus costing the oldest nifraUr tut ui per year assessment. Aleuts wanted lu eucli township In Caharrus county, r or liuorraauon uu;mmij nuu m. imui c. . v. A. L. SAPPENF1ELD, County Agent. Atiif. lst-2 m. Atlanta Journal. To day good news is given the whole woild in tbe announcement that the Portsmouth peace envoys have reached agreement, and that the greatest war of modern times has been brought to a 0 080. Ruaeia bluffed and blustered to the end and Japan receded in her demands for indemnity, but after all Russia has the hot end of the poker. Japan makes more in moral chr and standing before the world than she lost in dollars by receding from her demands, for in demnity. Talk about yellow peril. If that's yellow peril illustrated by Japan in all this war and in the concession has made after her victorious armies had won every fight on land and sea, then, good Lord, give us more of the yellow peril the world over. This so-called heathen nation has not only taught the world how to fight but they have shown the world how to be magnanimous. Her demands on Rim-in wpm inst and rieht. Russia provoked the war and forced it upon Jaosn. II s ia had bulldozed Japan for five hundred years' and finally wh n gracefully as they were won by your spotleFs mayor. Act, I gentlemen, and act quick, if you don't, the thing will re-act. It's up to you, gentlemen, and the press and people outside of your state will keep it up to you for some years to come if the thing re-acts. Your acting must not be fox the pur pose of saving your life, buf your character. A man who will get drunk and pub licly make an ass of himself is no more fit for mayor or governor or president than a hog is nt to preside over a par liament in heaven TO FIX PRICE OF COTTON. New Fork Commercial Atwood Violett & Co. make the fol lowing announcement: 'Tresident Harvie Jordan, of the Southern Cotton Association, left here last night with a proposition from the Hoadley Syndicate to place before the Executive Com m ittee of his Association , at their next meeting, at ABheville, N. C, on September 6th next, to take one million bales of cotton from the newl crop at a minium price to be fixed by Tho rnn Vrnvn tDe Association at said meeting. This, j .. ... . Whj Sbe miaed 'Riitui. The conversation turned on the di vorce evil, when a white haired woman from Virginia to'.d the following story ot an old black mammy whose hus band had died Meeting her one day shortly after her bereavement, the lady asked : "Well, Mammy, you miss 'Rastus, suppose?" "Oh, honey, I done misa him dref- ful. You see. Miss Cammy. honev. we's libed tuhgedduh so long we done got seasoned tuh each udduh." . a i ' i v .1 a J . l I j: in hand, gentlemen, is not a slip or wu me Dyuicai . uu.iK- a surprise; it's what the doctors call an ot contracts in the New York market, acute attack of a chronic trouble. How W0U1Q PQl lDem ln POMes-iao oi an long would a railroad put up with such 'n0UDt of c0"00 nd contracts of an executive or any business interest 1-500, 000-bales, or equal to what is now or the Fnnitahle Life, Insurance Com- tbe visible supply, domestic and foreign. paDy? Poor old long suffering Atlanta, have you get enough? a belly full? if not, you ought to belch and quit anyway. I have but (sympathy for these who do wrong and I would sacrifice to win of American cotton, and would insure to the farmer a proper price for his en tire crop. "Still further, it will be seen, with the belief in the South, and now gener ally accepted elsewhere, that the yield 25 Pounds of good, clean EICE for $1.00 Arbue'kle Coffee, 15c per pound. Ml other Groceries Dry Goods and Shoes to suit the trade. Highest Cash and Barter Prices paid for Country Pro duce. Sec us before selling your pro duce. H. I. WCODHOTJ8K, President. C. W. SW1NK. Cashier. Gil MABTIN BOG EK, Vloe-Prealc'.ent- Vf. H. GIBSOX. Teller. II IK Concord, N. C. Branch at Albemarle, N C Capital. $ 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 80,000.00 Deposits 850,000.00 Total Resources 435,000.00 Our past success, as Indicated above by figures, la quite gratifying, and we wish to assure our friends and customers of our ap preciation o their patronage and eorllallv Invite a continuance of the same. Should te pleased to serve a large number of new cus tomers. Holding ourselves reaay to serve you ln any way consistent with sound bankiDg DIRECTORS J. W. Cannon, Robert S. Young, I.. J foil. Jos. K. Goodman, M. J. Corl, Jno. 3. Kllrd.J. M. Morrow. T. C. Ingram. maid i Safe Prompt Liberal THK CONCORD NATIONAL Capital Stock, - - - flOO.OtKi Stockholders' liability, - 1(!'9J2 Surplus and uudivided profits, Assets, - - - 85.W Your Business Solicited 4 per cent. Interest paid on time certificates J M. ODKLf,, President. W H. LILLY, Vice President. D. B. COLTRANK. Cashier L I) COLTRANK, Asst Cashier. J. M. HENDKIX. Book-keeper. Mount Pleasant Collegiate Institute, MT. PLEASANT. N. C. Course Of study embraces Ave years' work .!,, vnnnir men thorough foundational training, and fits them for business, teach Ing, or prepares them for regular entrance Into the Junior Class of t'oiie.e i.argecoiu--,nii tirlck building. Two well-eiulpted Literary Society HallB. A Faculty of FiveColleee or University raien. Rxpenses from 0 to $NO Next session begins September 12th For catalog or full Information, address. H. A. McCULLOUGH, or G. V. McALLISTKtt Jnno 30 till Sept. 12 DR. J. S. LAFFERTY OivftR sDecial attention to diseases of the Eye and Ear, Fitting Chymes and to Electric Treatment of Chrome Diseases. Uanrers and Skin Diseases treated by the X-Ray. Office room 15, in Morns Building. 'Phone 131a. mm -J -1 lf 7 1 1 -1 Jt -TT -I" I'.WUti WHiM 111 HSf (iH s. Bwt Cough Syrup. Tante Good. DM In Mm. Hold by drafrnrta. Lite Fire Health Accident Plate Glass Insurance Surety Bonds at Rock Bottom Prices in the most reliable com panies, and big bargains in REAL ESTATE SEE r JNO. K. PATTERSGN, Office up stairs at Postoffke. JEWELRY DIAMONDS WATCHES and complete line of the GENUINE k I "184 7 Rogers Bros." ff 1 in! Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc. Eyes carefully exsminei! properly fitted to the best kt Uepnlrlnx. V ' ' W.C.CORRELL, Jeweler she set in to burglarize her, then Japan said we will submit no longer, and ordered Russia off of her premiste. Russia refused to go, but Bhe ia gone now, for good, japan Baved her navy, her manhood, her honor and made for herself a sure place among the great nationB of the earth. Russia lost every battle. Lost a billion in money. Lost her prestige tind lest her coveted claim on tne east, lost 300,000 men and would have lost her honor if she had had any. Toor old Russia. Her war with Japan ia over, but Bhe is in bad lines cn general principles. She will no doubt have revolution at home now. It's evolution or revolution, one or the other, and maybe it will take the first to bring the last. Old China is a real victor in this war for she was per haps in mere danger than Japan was before and during tbe war. But she came out on top, and now if China will suffer Japan to boss and teach and train her. Bhe will come to the front juet as Japan ba. China is rotten at the top jubt like Russia and the work juat tegun wuen it s needed most amongst both these natijne. President Roosevelt has come to the front in this movement for peace, and made for himself a p pu!arity and a prestige for the United Statea such as no king ever had and no monarch ever enjoyed. Mr. Roosevelt is the mot popular and most honored man in the world to-day, and he deserves it all. His inU-grity, his Cnn-uian character, ... i ' his courage and his demand ior a lair deal all together, have put him out of gunshot reach of politicians and preju- iice. He surely has a thousand virtues fur every i&uit ne na buuwu. nc ir surely a great combination. He is a boy and a man, both complete in one. He is a great warrior and a greater peacemaker. He is a noble tatner ano a first-class husband. He iB president, but Dot a politician. He has courage an and conceit in right proportions, ah ii 1 111 i n A Klo riAAT ' in ail, wnere win yuu uu u f- He has demonstrated that a man can be right and president both at one and the same time. On-. Joseph V. F.Ik is following clopp behind, along same lines, as is also true of Governors l.aFollette and Hailev. It dor;s my soul good to see ihese clean, brave men being crownea as neroes anu uuuwcu uj These are better days anrj the proph esy of better times 1 long to se my old state come to the front and show to the world that principles stand above party and that the people stand above politicians and that decency and honesty and courage, manhood alone make up the qualities of men whom wo want to administer the affairs of state. A nation or a Btate or a city may be Droud of their chief executive, or they may be ashamed of him. I know tha Atlanta's heart ewells in gratitude and praise, when she realizes how she has hrmnrpd herself and covered herself with glory in the past few days by rea son of triumphs of her chiet executive at Toledo. Atlanta is known aa a progressive city; the glory of all our southland; city of churches and moral integrity; city of pride and character and a city like that can enter into all the glory that comes to her when her chief f xec utive Kains distinction and winB ap plauae like her mayor did at Toledo and now all the world awaits the action of Atlanta to see if she reeponds as be comes a city that has been so honored abroad. Don't let Atlanta show herself lack ing in appreciation before the world. Tell the world how proud you are of your mayor, and that you do apare them to a better life, but tlr re are me re of the CTop of the seaepn beginning ways than one to go at a thiog and September 1, 1905, will not exceed tet don't try tbe earue old way when that million bales; of it practically removed has failed so often. from the market through an acceptance I read daily of the reports from the of the Hoadley Syndicate proposition, stricken sections of the south, where thtre will remain only nine million the scourge of yellow fever prevails, bales outside of the Syndicate's hold What a blight and pestilence that dread ing, and how much of these nine mil disease must be. I feat 'now its rav- lion bales my be marketed above thf ages will broaden in scope . and before minimum price to be named on Septem the welcome frosts may come the area ber dth, and the extent to which it may will spread until other states will be he marketed in each month thereafter, smitten. I nrav that the wisdom of remains with those who will have the the gocd God may guide in its manage ment and that no fatal ljiistakes may be made. How little it known up here con cerning that aful plague. One sec tion setms to knew or talk so little of cotton fr 6le, and what is to be their attitude towards the world's cotton spin ners, with the strength as they will thee see to be theirs) hardly needs an ex pression of opinion from us. "Nevertheless, it will mean, in our what is ecgagisg the t k ill and energies opinion, further announcements by the of another section of this great country. Southern Cotton Association at their I get thi Atlanta papers sent me monthly meetings of one half cent ad- from honifV 1 see the gubernatorial vance or more during the months of race continues, with the odds in favor October, November and December, and of the candidate of the partisan paper, monthly perhaps, well into the new I keep saying I don't want to run for office. They tell so many truths and and lies, till they get a fellow so boom fuzzled that the candidate himself can't hardly tell wl ;i b ia truth :and which n lie. If ib; pVC'ple believed all tbe pa pers Bay I doubt if anybody could t elected. The people would quit votinf in sheer despair. Bu', affcr all, I be lieve better of either candidate than hi1 competitors say of him. A fellow's friends make him too gwd and bif- enemies maite turn too bad. rvj ih people will split the difference and vote as they please And a fellow who don'i vote as he plefiBts deervs to be dis franchised. When I wa a youcg Jtnan I w ul' let no man dictate who I should marry and now ae an old man I won't let any body dictate how I shall vute. If 1 can only do as well in choice rf caodi dates as I did in matrimony I will shou' over the choice. But I don't hope thai high in politics. Yours tnily, Sax P. Jones P. S. This week I anit sjieeiirg clear of storms and railroad wrecks ard I am getting: more and more thankful I'v found another eource i f gratitude. I once just thanked God for the b!es - ng which came to me day by day. Now I thak ftlso for the tilings that don't bit me S. P. J HI Keply. Foimer Secret? ry of the Navy Moodj telle of the accouut of au explosion oi the big guns on the Massachusetts which was given by a s.iilor it j jred b the explosion. "Well, sir," replied the jackie to hu questioner, ' I reely can't say that 1 knows Vtry mucli about it. I was stand in', you se, with me bark to the gun. a-facin' the port side. All of a sudder. I hearB a hell of a noise; then, s r, th ship's physician he says, 'Setup an take this.' " The Governor will inaugurate a new cuBlom in North Carolina on next rhaukBgiving day. He will, on that day, pardon two old convicts in the penitentiary, who have made a perfect record during their long term of sen tence. This has, for many years, been the rule in several other States and has been found to work very well. The Governor will no doubt recommend to the next Legislature some steps looking towards the creation of a board of par dons, though it seems a change in the constitution will be necessary to bring this about, all the power being lodged in the Governor. It is really too much of a Btrain for him, or fur any other one man. A Remedy Wllbont a Peer. "I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used for stomach trouble," says J. P. Klote, of Edina, Mo. For any disorder of the stomach, biliousness or constipation, these Tablets are without a peer. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. The Scalp Picnic. Charlotte Chronicle. , The Danville, Va., Bee is not very well pleased with the scalp picnic held held by the farmers of Rowan county, and which was described in the Chroicle a few days ago. The indiscriminate slaughter is a feature which it frowns upon. It says, and very senBibly, that "rarely, if ever, has any farmer had any good reason to complain of the fly ing squirrel. It is not prized for foe d. It generally keeps well within the forests and away from the habitations of men, and lives on nuts which would otherwise go to waste. If the creatures confer no benefits on the farmers, they certainly do him no harm." The same is true, the Bee thinks, of the jay bird. The Chronicle has already put in a plea for these two. The Danville paper would also protect the crow, and upon this bird opinion has long been divided. The Bee says: "We are aware that most farmers regard this bird as an enemy and deal with it accordingly, but it also has same warm defenders, who have made a very close study of its habits and declare that it pays liberally in the destruction of grubs and many insects for the little grain it consumes." year of 1906. "This statement we make should nd we believe will, have the effect of causing the withdrawal from the mar net of practically all cotton, not only in '.he Suth, but everywhere, on both fides of the Atlantic ocean, until hall be seen what may be the mini mum price to be recommended by tbe S mthern Cotton Association to it nembers for their acc?ptance at their text me-ting on the Gth proximo. "Therefore, it is hardly necessary to suggest that tbe fituatioj, from the vorld'e cotton spinners roint of view, irast b corne, under these circum tarces, a matter of very a rious mo sent. "Another element in the cotton mar- ei woe se position, in large measure, vill be dangerous, is that represented y the enormons short interest in con racts, not only in the New York mar net, but at New Orleans and Liverpool, oecause the basis of contracts that is, pot cotton being removed from the market except at much higher prices han now, will leave tboee who have oad the temerity te- place themselves in uch a pot-ition, especially those re sponsible for the extreme and unwar ranted decline of to-day, in a state of irnocuoua desuetude.' " Schoolmaster How old iB the child, do yc:u Bay? Fond Mother Eight years last birth day. Schoolmaster He's rather small for his age, isn't he? Fon Mother Maybe he is, but you can't expect a very big 'un for the thirteenth. Strikes Hidden Itixka. When your ship of health Htrikes the hidden recks of CouHumption, Pneu monia, etc., you are lost if you don't get help from Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. J. W. McKinnou, of Talladega Springs, Ala., writes : "I had been very ill with Pneumonia, under the careof two doctors, but was getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gaye re lief, and one bottle cured me." Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds. Guaranteed at all Druggists, price 50c and f 1.00. Trial bottle free. Farmer Giles: "What does your boy i do in London ?" Farmer Haystack: "He writes." Farmer Giles (sarcastically): "For fun or for money ?" Farmer Haystack (sheepishly): "Al ways for money when he write to me." Oid Husband Will you love me aa Gambling has been abolished in the provinces oJe Siamese kingdom, by long as you live ? order of the government, which has j Young Wife I'll love you as long as hitherto enjoyed a monopoly of it. you live. Won't that do? He: "Thpn you will el pe with me, darling?" Sne: "Y yes, dearest but, oh, jfeorge couldn't we at 'least send out car ls announcing that?" Life often seems too long to the woman who suf fers from painful periods. The eternal bearing down, headache, backache, leucorrhea, nervousness, dizziness, griping, cramps and similar tortures are dreadful To make life worth living, take lipases Women's Pains It quickly relieve Inflammation, purifies and enriches the blood, Strengthen the constitution and permanently cures all diseased con ditions from vhlch weak women suffr. It Is matchless, marvelous, reliable. At all druggest's ln $1 .00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER fraely and frankly, ln strictest confid ence, telttng us all our symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice (tn plain sealed envelops), how to curt them. Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Term. "I SUFFERED CREATLY," writes Mrs. L. E. CUvengfr, of Belle view, N. C, " at my monthly periods, all my life, but the first bottle of Car dui gave me wonderful relief, and now I am in better health than 1 have been for a long time. I thinkCardut thegreat est woman's medicine ln the world." Year Cured oT Lame ItacU After 1, of Suflermg;. "1 had been troubled with lame back for fifteen years and I found a complete recovery in th use of Chanibe rlainV Pain Balm," says John G. Bisher, Gil lam, Ind. This liniment is also without an equal for Bprains and bruises. It is for sale by M. L. Marsh and D D. John son. That woman arejnot good financier i? evident by the bad bargains many of them make in the the purcfyaise of for eign lords and dukes. v 5 Why Furniture Pieces Make the Best of Gifts. The reasons why Furniture Pieces make the best gifts are numerous. A Morris or Leather Chair is usei more and is a more pleasant leminder than most anything yem can buy for a man. Likewise a nice Dreser for a woman and so on. There - isn't a member of the family that you can't find a most useful gift for here. Bear this in mind the next time you have e-.ea-siou to buy gifts. For Sale One of the most desirable ciate the honors he plucked at Toledo cottages in Concord, on Spring d , d Qn beautiful brow and street. Price only $2,300. Jno. K. Pat- F ' 1 , terson & Co. that you will wear those honors aa Woman doesn't worry half as much about wings to wear in the next world as she does about feathers to wear in thii one. i i. The numerous daughters of the Czai can't Bee why euch a fuss is being made over one little boy. Neither can the average mcrtal. Nothing chills the church quicker than a hotheaded sermon. II i i II Our Picture Framing Department is Complete. We want to show you some rcw things in Pictures. As welcome to look as to buy. km h Mm ii Underiakins hy::y yritiDd Dtykr i Lui

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