CONC riMES- V John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED TWICE WEEK. $1.00 in Advance. Volume XXII I. Concord, N. C September 12. 1905. Number 21. THE ORD ItMi l 'fl 'I i I I I I I III B .l Ml MIA 1-1 II L, 111 II 'J k I fVVe cash checks drawn on fiml any bank. If you want to lpJ send money away we will 1 lHI attend to it for you. II you IbKl want to open a small account SSPOpl for the convenience of pay- Jirvi ing little bills by check this ffih?M Institution is at your ser- lTFitflliW I llM 11 The Peoples' Mutual Benevolent Association CABAHHUS DIVISION. B. E. Harris, Pres. R. L. HcConnell, Sec. & Treas. OKOANIZED JULY Si. V.m. I'l 1. lnaiimn n rlttan BJTIB.'la I V to tllOSP OVPT ll. I lit' I ncni'rnii iiidui nii t v t-w ' . . i - - . - - - IP S-ns licl'l policies Tln following named per Compare the cost with amount tienetlclurv received. 11.11 I . t .- Paid ncnenciary 1 'u iwncm , out. Keoelved -ut. Keetlved. . . ....... . hi in llil KU ll iMn,..r .Charlotte f 50 4WUI0 Mrs. Hunter. ( Imrlotto K. I,. Hunter. H untersvllle 5") tUO UU .1 I . I'un-rle. Charlotte ! 10 oWi.Ut Tui,.n oA..m.nt have been collected since organization, or an average of six a year. thus costing the 'oldest rmraUT hut t (HI per year assessment. township In Caharrus county Mis. CokdIU. Charlotte C. C. Caldwell, Concord lo.ou 12 .ou 11. 10 Atreuts wanted In each For Information cal on Secretary and Treasurer, or A. L. SAPPEN FIELD, County Agent- A hit. 1st- 2 m. 25 Pounds of good, clean EIOE for $1.00 Arbucklc CofTec, 15c per pound. All other Groceries Dry Goods and Shoes to suit the trade. Highest Cash and Barter Prices paid for Country Pro duce. Sec us before selling your pro duce. H. I. WOODHOU8R. President. W. SWINK. Cashier. 1 MAKTIN BOG KB. Vloe-President W. H. OIBSON, Teller. SAVINGS Concord, N. C. Branch at Albemarle, N. C, i Capital, I 50.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 80,000.00 Deposits 350,000.00 Total Resource 435,000.00 Our nast success, as Indicated above by flKures, :s quite gratifying, and we wish to assure our friends and customers of our ap- f ireclatlon o their patronage and cordially nvlte a continuance of the same. 8hould be pleased to serve a large number ot new cus tomers. noKlinfr ourselves rau y vu leriu yuu In any way consistent with sound banking. DIRECTORS. J. W. Cannon, Robert S. Yountr, L. J. Foil, Jos. K. Goodman, M. J. Corl, Jno. 8. Kflrd, J. M. Morrow, T. C. Ingram. mum mm Lite Fire Health Accident Plate Glass Insurance Safe Prompt Liberal THE 11 NATIONAL BANK f 100,000 100,000 25,000 850,000 RAW JONKSIN CHAHLOTTE. Charlotte observer, 'tli. Sam Jones was at the Chautauqua yesterday, and nnce the speaker was Sam Jones it would be redundant to say there waa a large crowd. Hereto fore the speakers have stood on the platform at one end of the tloral hall. But Sam J ones stood on the rostrum in the midst, his audience all around him. He waa in hie very best trim. That gleam and glitter in his eyes, that smirk that heralded every funny thought, the droll, deliberate method of delivery would have made the lec ture worth the money to a deaf man. His white vest waa buttoned at top and bottom and sprawled open between. His stubborn, grayish hair, the crop- p d-off moustache, the broad, square face and head were in perfect harmony with the character of hij thinking. What difference if you had heard him say the same things btfort? You would like to hear him say them again to-day, and they would make the tears of laughter ll jw as freely as ever. "Are you going to hear Ham Jonet?g' aiked one man of another in a barber shop. "No, I ma httle busy, and I'll jaBt admit that I'm a flop eared hound and stay in my store." Sam did call them dogs and devils, she-devils, and other things; but his epithets were no more offensive than love words. Since Mark Twain's de c'lae, he is the foremost humorist on the platform. "A good sister," said he, "asked me why my hair was eray and my mous tache black. " 'Sister,' Baid I, 'my hair is Oytars older than my moustache The three pegs on which he hung his stories and witticisms were the three needs c f social, intellectual and mora uplift. If he had reversed the order of oreaentment it would have done as a well. "Know somep n was his nrst ex hortation. Ignorance, he Baid, is bad enough, but igno rance the accent on the ranee is ten times worse. To cure a man who has igno-rance you must bore him for the hollow-head and bleed him in the frog of the foot. "If I wanted my dog instructed I wouldVt let him go to a North Caro lina politician. He would fill my dog with devilment and nonsense. I have respect for my dog. I d rather have a fool dog than a dog full of partisan lies." Nor does he like preachers who use manuscripts. "I won't go out of the church while he is reading, for I have got too much religion. But when it's over and I sto home. 1 feel lust like a babv had slobbered iu my ear. A preacher ought to be like a beer keg; he ought to run anywhere you tap him." Then, condoling with the preachers, he told them that they had a right bad lot to work on. "But if you shoot in the hole they're in they'll come out a humpin' and swear they wa'n't in there but they're full of shot, you know." Once he heard a preacher preach an hour and not say anything. He mis took perspiration for inspiration. The last five minutes of it wa9 intensely in- Of a Surety BondS teresting to Mr. Jones, who wanted to Capital Stock, Stockholders' liability, Surplus and undivided profits, Assets, - Your Business Solicited 4 per cent. Interest paid on time certificates j M. ODKLL, President. W. H. LILLY, Vice President. O. H. COLTKANK. Cashier L D. (X)LTllANE, Asst Cashier. J M. HKND1UX. Ltook-keeper. Mount Pleasant Collegiate Institute, MT. PLEASANT. N. C. Course of study embraces five years' work xlvlnn young men thorough foundational training, and tits them for business, teach in g, or prepares then? for regular entrance Into the Junior Class of College lArge com modious brick building. Two well-ejulppeu Literary Society Halls. A Faculty ofrFiveCollecre or University Men. Kipenies from fHO to f W0. Next session begins September 12th. Kor catalog or full Information, address. H. A. McCULLOUOH, or (1. F. MCALLISTER. .Inne :K) till Sept. 12 DR. J. S. LAFFERTY (Jives special attention to diseases of the It., aurl Fjir. Fittine Glasses and to Klectric Treatment of Chronic Diseases Cancers and Skin Diseases treated by the X-Ray. Office room 15, in Morris liuikling. 'Phone 181a. at Rock Bottom Trices in the most reliable com panies, and big bargains in REAL ESTATE SEE JNO. K. PATTERSON, Office uo stairs at Postofike. see if he would land without saying anything. Turn'.ne his eun on the denomina- tiohs, he would not dwell on the Epis copalians, having been taught never to speak ill of the dead. The Baptists know nothing except a word "baptizo which word was gotten up by Melchis eidick. "Can you read writin"" one Baptist asked another. "No, 'y granny! I can't read read- in' you vou JEWELRY DIAMONDS WATCHES and a complete line of the GENUINE Iv4 ruut.ii WHtHt All list (Alls. Beat CouBh 8jrrup. Term Gok1. Ua In ttmn. Sold by drinnnns. t Stlur jj Plat. $ kr"ar J U 1 im "184 7 Rogers Bros." Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc. flft Eyes carefully examined and I I properly fitted to thehest grade , if ' of glasses. TV Fine Uepblrlog. ( ri ) W.C.CORRELL.Jeweier.; or Sale One of the most desirable F stri cottages in concora, ou ouwuK street. Price only f 2,300. Jno. is., rai- And the Presbyterians say if RAftk- religion vou can't find it, if find it you haven't got it, if you've got it you can't lose it, and if you lose it you nevtr had it. There is an unbroken dearth of men in North Carolina. "You-all haven't had but one man since the war and that was Zeb Vance. You-all out to git his picture." Some was thinking, "Brother Jones is forgetting my husband." But her huBband isn't a man; he is only an old pair of breeches. In due course he came to the little ehe-devil who lets her good old mother mnk breakfast while she lies in bed and looks after her complexion. She wil make somebody such a wife as the man brl who said. '-There will be one to mourn for me when I'm dead." "Why, who will mourn for you?" "The fellow who gets my widder." He brushed the hair back from his forehead, paced mute a while, and then asked, "How many prescriptions was it that Charlotte doctor gave? ' No response. Oh vou-all Bit there innocent enough." (Laughter). He said he had plenty 'of respect for any honest druggist, but none for the bull-necked, white-aproned devil in ef fect a bar-keeper. "If I was a doctor I wouldn't prescribe for a, woman until she quit talking, for then I would know she w&9 dead." He has got it in for whiskey, anyhow. He is going to hit the whiekey people as long as he has fiats, kick them while he has feet, bite them while he has terth, and then gum them. "A lot of these lousy devils go around here and say, 'There's more whiekey sold here now that when we had sa- oons.' Any whiskey man will lie. You can take one of them devils and put him in an asfc hopper and pour water over him and be will drip lies all night." You say such hard things "a friend of mine once remarked. "If a man should hit you would you tight?" "If he hits me twice. ' "How twice?" Well, if he hits my right cheek, I will turn my left. If he hits that one, then I've got no farther instruc tions, and I'll keep the flies off him till the procession gits by." Irrelevantly he observed, ''You pack your preacher all the year in an ice box and cuss him because he can t sweat." There is too much hiskey being drunk. "But, Brother Jones,' Bays a citizen, "I've been taking a dram for 40 years, and it's never hurt me at all." "Well, don't you know," Sam replies, "that you can't hurt a hog." He played a while on Paul's advice to Timothv to take a little for his atomach'a Bake. One or two ladies fell to blushing furiously when he re marked, "Judging from the epidemic of prescriptions here, there's a lot of you with a chronic case ef the belly ache. You needn't be blushing, sis ter. That's a good Bible word. 'Oh,' you Bay, 'Brother Jones, if ycu 11 talk almanac I can follow you better.' Sis ter, if you get in the water, don't ycu be afraid. Your head will iloat." He took a fall out of the httle preachers and Lttle scientists who try to reconcile religion and science. You can't reconcile them "no more 'n you can mk a ysrlin' calf wait on your table. He won't pass it- he'll spill it." A little scientist told Sam once that a man has no soul. "We have taken a man and cut him up and analyzed him, blood, bones, hair and toenails, and we couldn't find any soul." "You tried too big a thing," Sam told him. "Take that ege there; it s about your size." He analyzed the egg and named iti elements and said that waa all there waa to it. "What elte is there ?" "You haven't given me its gender," sad Sam. "Will it be' a ben or a rooster?" Sam doesn't want his mule to be kickine such a little, bullet-headed .scientist on the head, because it wil hurt his mule's feet. I'll eive arv man $10," cried the orator, "to tell me who tne tatner oi MelchiBeldick was!" He asked a si6ter opce if she was proud of her husband. "What do you want to know for ?" "I just wanted to know," Sam re plied, "if you were easy made proud " "There is some c II sister here who will say, 'Well sir, Sani Jones is a black guard, and there ain't anything in what he Bays nohow. ' She's, like a fellow who told me there wa'n't anything in epicac. Says I, 'Will you take oO grains of it if I give it to you?' He said 'yts,' and took it. Next time I saw him I said, 'Brotitr, is thfre anything in' 'Yes.' he says. 'But there i ain't anything in me" So far from having nothing in it, his lectures, he said, are like the lutle boy's father, who was a doctor. He had a patient who possessed no lighta or liver, but 3 doses of medicine gave him a liver aa big aa a washtub and electric lights. But after all there are good people in Mecklenburg. They have good blood in them, but they ca.n't fly yet. "I saw one woman try to" fly , and ehe hit the sawdust. She maXle one Hop." These people have jpever been any where or seen anything, is the trouble with them. An old woman went from horp tr nstonift to see her father. It UVV w v--.- waa her first trip on the train. "Did you enjoy the trip? ' "No,' Bhe said. "I didn't see any thing but a haystack and hit a-gwice the other way." ; This was the end of the lecture, but his announcements were just as funny. "Brother Hancon will speak on dyna mite, and he'll tell yoij what dynamite is. He'll inform you like the negro in formed a man who aBked him, 'What makes your mule limp?' 'Ca'se he's lame.' " He announced that his wife's i husband will speak to-day. TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE Family Deceived Br a Mirage and Lost on Detert. Washington Times. A pathetic story of an entire family wrecked and lost in the desert is told by George L. Hunter, a Utah mine owner, who contributed a wagon and horse to assist the unfortunates in their extremities, while other miners were equally generous, according to the ex tent of their possessions. Manuel Kspulviada, hia wife and three children, one a child of four years, had set out from Uvada, Utah, Lprarjg up from lhe 8&nd) and) rearing upon its hind legs, had Btarted toward him, utteriDg a wild cry, while its fore legs were outstretched in his direction. hot the creature but that the smallest child waa missing. Distracted with grief the father set back afoot to find it, and after wander ing aimlessly was found by two miners They guided Espulviada back to his wrecked wagon, and assisted the fam ily to camp, and were preparing to take up the search for the missing child when another Mexican arrived. He waa worked to a high pitch of ex citement and told how he had been chased by a wild animal. He explained that just at dusk some strange and frightful looking object had suddenly PROFESSIONAL CARDS. h7 C. HERRfwG. Dentist, DR. Is now on the trronnd floor of the Lltaker Hulldlng. CONCORD. XT. O. Dr. w. C. Houston Surgeon fifEZi Dentist, to journey by wagon t) Searchlight All went well until after the tamily left Moapa. Then heavy winds and rains J J .1 J 1 I " Eurrounaea mem anu in seeaing eneuer jje wouid have they lost their road. WAa scared . .... i I lor two days the family Bearcnea, Epulviada grew excited when he when,- just at sunset on the second heard the story , and hardly giving the day, their hopes arose by E pulviada other two miners time to collect their imagining that he had just made out thoughts he had grabbed the Mexican the outline of a train far off on the hv the arm and was drac-eme him to- j - Of 3 horizon. If they could get back to the ward the desert, exclaiming: "Tell me railroad they knew they would be Baved, where you Baw my child. Quick tell and, assured that their dilemma was me." It was a fact that the Mexican paBt, they urged their jaded horses, had been startled by the child, who, calculating to reach the railroad before Beeing the man, had rushed crying morning and find near-by shelter from toward him for succor. The Mexican the day s heat. was aa diligent aa the others in the Mile after mile they drove. The ob- Bearch when he realised that out there ject Espulviada had described as 0n the deBert he had left a lost infant, train had been swallowed up in the and his companions had to run to keep night. He wondered why he did not up with him as he retraced his steps and reach the rails, but only when the flush 80On had the child tight in his arms of morning opened before him a sea of The miners took the family into trackless sand on all Bides would he 1 1 van nan. . where Hunter met them. and a general division of money and provisions took place, the little family leaving for their destination well sup plied for the remainder of the trip and with men who knew the road thor admit that he had been deceived and was in a worse plight than ever. He found himself and family far out on a scorching desert, the sun already above the eastern horizon, and not a sign of shelter in Bight. How they oughly to guide them nnllcH tVir:-vncri that Hav. whirh was I .B .. gtriket Hidden Horki LK,-s-1 -. V- k Un w-t A vannvl j- -V r Sin I tie ana nis wne encurea tne pangs oi hidden of consumption. Pneu hunger and Buff cation without a mur- monia( etc., you are lost if yoa don't get mur, both fearing to touch a drop of neip from Dr. King's New Discovery for the precious tupply of water for fear Consumption. J. W. McKinnon. of - - the children might need it. Talladega Springs, Ala., writes : "I had Late in the afternoon their hopes been very ill with Pneumonia, under the were apain raised bv the sizht of a care ot two doctors, but was getting no .. o t CONCORD. N. O. is prepared to do all kinds of dental work In the most approved manner. Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Residence 'Phone 11 Office '1'hone 43. rT. HARTSELL. ' Attorney-at-Law, oorrcoRD, north Carolina. Prompt attention n-lven to all h Office In Morris building, opposite the oourt uouBe. DRS, LILU & Y.rLKr, offer their professional services to the cltl iens of Concord and surrounding country. Calls promptly attended day or night. W I, MONTOOMKBI. J. LKBOBOWKLl MONTGOMERY A CROWELL, Attorneys and Connselors-at-Lai, CONCORD, N. O. As partners, will practice law In Cabarrus. 8tanly and adjoining counties. In the 8uie- rior ano supreme courts o l tne state and in the Federal Courts. Office In court house. Parties desiring to lend money can leave It with us or place It In Concord National llmik tor us. and we will lend It on Kood real es tate security free of charge to the depositor. We make thorough examination of title to lands offered as security for loans. Mortgages fo -eclosed without expense to owners or samf ... Henry B. Adams. Thos. J. Jerome. Frank Armfleld. Tola D. M aliens. Adams, Jerome, imfieli i Ibess, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, CONCORD, N. C. Practice In all the State and U. 8. Courts. Prompt attention given to collections and general law practice. Persons Interested In the settlement of estates, administrators, executors, and guardians are especially In vited to call on us. as we represent one of the largest bonding companies In America; In fact we will go any kind of a bond cheaper than any one else. Parties desiring to lend money oan leave It with us or deposit It In C oncord National Bank, and we will lend It on approved secu rity free of charge to the lender. Continued and painstaking attention will be given, at a reasonable price, to all lega business. Office In new Morris Building opposite clump cf trees and a lake. They could see the surface of the blue sheet of water lutlling beneath the breath of wind, and it almost seemed that they could feel the cool breezes. For fear that they were deceived, he held the 4-year-old child in his arm, and, pointing toward the picture, asked: "What is that over there?" "Water," was the reply. But peaceful lake was too ethereal to last, and had soon faded away in rolling billows of heat, which a few minutes afterward looked much like an im mense drove of sheep, and Espulviada, in horror, realized that these fascinat ing pictures before them were but the better when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gave re lief, and one bottle cured me." Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and oolds. Guaranteed at all Druggists, price 60c and $1 00. Trial bottle free. Mrs. Chugwater ThiB paper says the passengers escaped on a raft. How could they make at raft at sea? Mr. Chugwater They could use the the ship's log, couldn't they ? Why don t you UBe your own reasoning faculties once in a while ? A Remedy Without a Peer. 'I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used for stomach trouble," says J. P. Klote, of Edina, Mn For anv disorder of the stomach. . . 1 I .1 I L J .1 I I deceptive wont oi me neat, anu mat bUiouaneg8 or con9ti patiorii theee Tablets probably the train wUicn fcaa lea without a Deer. For sale bv M. L him bo far was of this same char- Marsh and D. D. Johnson rtr I Handout tiarry i wuz onct engagea That night they were again caught in a violent storm, which soaked them brewer. through, but replenished their water supply, and undoubtedly saved them from perishing of thirst. Next day they kept the children wrapped in rain-soaked blankets as a protection against heat, and that afternoon an other electric storm arose, and when at its height the horses became frenzied with fear, and, running away, wrecked their wagon. ter be married to de daughter of a rich Tiepass Tedpy W'y didn't yer marry her? Handout Harry De brewery burned down, an' de ol' man Bwore he'd never build it up again. Cored of Lame Back After la i ears of Suffering. "I had been troubled with lame back for fifteen years and I found a complete recoverv in tne use oi unamDenain s Pain Balm," says John G. Bisher, Gil Oaly when the wagon was upset and iam lad. This liniment is also without hrnkn and one horse had been so an eanal for BDrains and bruises. It is badly injured that it was useless did the for sale by M. L. Marsh and D D. John runaways stop, and then it waa found son. iriniiU VERMIFUGE Is the same good, old-fashioned medicine that has saved the lives ot little chilJren for the past 6o 5 ears. It is a med icine made to cure. It has never heen known to fail. If vour child is sick get a bot tle of FREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Do not take a substitute. If your druggist does not keep It, send twenty-hve cents In stamps to TH. c3 S. I'KET Baltimore, Hd, fc and a bottle will be mailed you. for Institute Young Women and Conserva tory of Music. The Best Place for Vour , Daughter fPEACE l RALEIGH V N c "V- ry College Courses High Standard Catalogue FREE Jas. Dtnwiddie. Pres. ewtil Tobarro Sfit and Nmpie Vour Life iwsj. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic. full of life, nerve and vicor, tsue No To Bac, tne wonder uorntr, that makes weak men Strong. All drugRiEts, 50c or II . Cure euaraD teed. Dooklet and sample free. Addresl Sterling Remedy Co.. Cuicago or New York. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy IS UN EQUALED FOR Coughs, Colds and Croo. ? (fnf Why Furniture Pieces Make the Best of Gifts. The reasons why Furniture Pieces make the best gifts are numerous. A Morris or Leather Chair is used more and is a more pleasant ieminder than most anything yon can buy for a man. Likewise a nice Dresser for a woman and so ou. There isn't a member of the family that you can't find a most useful gift for here. Bear this in mind the next time you have occa sion to buy gifts. die ittDjDerkx Our Picture Framing Department is Complete. We want to show you some new things in Pictures. As welcome to look as to buy. lm hi. Mm iti U&deri&Mng l:c::ij. tenon & Co