ONCORD John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED TWICE A. WEEK. $1.00 a Tear, in Advance. Volume XXIII. Concord, N. cM September 19. 1905. NUMBER 23. Em Hi We cash clucks drawn on any bank. If you want to send money away we will attend to it for you. It you want to open a small account for the convenience of pay ing little bills by check this Inst'tution is at your service (1 The Peoples' Mutual Benevolent Association CABARRUS DIVISION. B. E. Harris, Pres. R. L. HcConnell, Sec. & Treas. ORGANIZED JULY 23. 1115. The cheapest Insurance written, especially to those over 50. The following named per sons hi'Ul policies. Compare the cost with amount benenciarv received. I'aid Beneficiary Out. Kecelved W P James. Mt. Pleasant f - VI t '-U 00 James Palmer. Charlotte fi.fi ) 4'.tm K. L. Hunter, II unter-u ille 5 ') rtf) uo J K. I'ani-'le. charlotte 1 W tiW.oo Twelve assessments have been collected since organization, or an average of six a year, thus costing the oldest metntwr hut $9 (l per year assessment. Aleuts wanted in each township lu Caliarrus county. For Information cal on Secretary and Treasurer, or A. L. SAPPEN FIELD, County Agent. Aug. 1st 2 111. 25 Pounds of good, clean HIOB for $1.00 Arbuckle CofTce, 15c per pound. All other Groceries Dry Goods and Shoes to suit the trade. Highest Cash and Barter Prices paid for Country Pro duce. Sec us before selling your pro duce. Safe Prompt Liberal THE Capital Stock, - - - f 100,000 Stockholders' liability, - 100,000 Surplus and undivided profits, 25,000 Assets, .... 350,000 Your Business Solicited 4 per cent. Interest paid on time certificates J M. ODELL, President. W. H. LILLY, Vice President. D. B. COLTRANR. Cashier L. D. COLTRANE. Asst Cashier. J. M. HENDTIIX Book-keeper. Mount Pleasant Collegiate Institute, MT. PLEASANT. N. C Course of study embraces five years' work giving young men thorough foundational training, and fits them for business, teach ing, or prepares them for regular entrance into the Junior Class of College Large com n.11ous brick building. Two well-eiulpped Literary Society Halls. A Faculty of Five College or University Men. Expenses from $80 to flOO. Next session begins September 12th For catalog or full information, address. H. A. McCULLOITGH, or (1. F. MCALLISTER. Jnno 30 till Sept 12 DR. J. S. LAFFERTY Gives special attention to diseases of the Eye and Ear, Fitting Glasses and to Electric Treatment of Chronic Diseases. Cancers and Skin Diseases treated by the X-Ray. Office room 15, in Morns Building. 'Phone 131a. UUKtS WHtKt ALL tLSt MILS. Boat Cough Bjrrup. Tastes Uuutl. Ue in time. Hold by (IriiKrmta. wm m m m m- i ww m mam p ui CIWII CUM in NATIONAL 1 Paid Jiene'lclary Out. s.ld Ii'.iii 11.10 hec ived. Mrs. Ardrey. Plnevllle Mrs. Hunter. harlotto Mis Cogtdll. Cliarlotte ('. C. Caldwell, Concord ft. W i r; s; mi ti: no H. I. WOODHOU8K. President. C. W. SWINK. Cashier. MARTIN HOGER. Vice-President w. H. U1HSOX. Teller. Concord, N. C. Branch at Albemarle, N. C Capital, $ 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 30,000.00 Deposits 330,000.00 Total Resource 435,000.00 Our past success, as Indicated above by figures. Is quite gratifying, and we wish to assure our friends and customers of our ap- fireclatlon o tbelr patronage and cordially nvlte a continuance of the same. Should be pleased to serve a large number of new cus tomers, holding ourselves ready to serve you In any way consistent with sound banking. DIRECTORS. J. W. Cannon, Roberts. Young, L. J. Foil, Jos. F. Goodman, M. J. Corl, Jno. S. Ellrd, J M. Morrow, T. C. Ingram. The Difference Between li u well and li in pool ly i very Mnall il on lmv Let Us Exam' ine Your Eyes It's Free. riMu. i lie leliow w no knows it all i -ati-liCi nut people who are seeking new mcm- are vviiiinr to learn. e in itc on to (. all on u i i . i ami let u-- inw yu how to buy Spectacle Th lere n oniv one "Mass that will tit properlv and ' ur " if e e vou don t get that one your eve i liaMe t injured. We lit each eye with the prpei lense and at the proper price. W.C.C0RRELL Jeweler end Optician. you want a farm or a place in town ': il so, we thinK we can hud inst what you want. See the list of the property we have for sale. Jno. K. Pat terson & Co. EBOI institute for ouiiq College Wc:;cri and 'r.nscrva- or of I -.-., r , The Courses High Standard FREE At lres l. Jas. DfcH-'dHi?, Pres We offer for sale the vacant lot next to J. F. Dayvault, on South Union street. Size of lot 48x305 feet. See Jno. K. Patterson & Co., the leading real estate dealers. SAVINGS f PEACE l EAtZlGH V r c J -zr W. a davjf Don't Miss It ! T II I : DIARY OF .TIB NOAH New York Sun. F b;uary 17 Slarted to work. Trou ble wi.h Mrs. Noah from the very first . .. . 4. jump. AliVJiyB the way. nne wants a door in the back eud of the ark. I stand lirro far a window. I shall not give in. February IS. Compromised on a door. February 23. More trouble. Walk ing delega e cf the building trades came a'ound and ordered all hands off the j jr, said one of the caulkers didn't have union card. A few of the animals Had arrived. They're out on a sympa thetic strike. February 21. Had private interview with walking delegate. Strike called off. Find walking delegates get more expensive every year. February 25. Another interruption. Solicitor for Scads and Scandals drop ped in this morning. Wanted five tal euts for a write up. Told him to go. Then he asked insinuatingly if I hadn't b-n leading a double life. Told him only once. That was when I ate too many green peaches. Just getting ready o kick him off the premises when he mentioned certain little matter; said it would make spicy reading in next issue of Village Venom. Had forgotten about Certain Little Matter. Decided rot to kick solicitor.. Also decided to pay five talents for write up. February 28. Launching today. rk to be christened the Marjory J. 1 prefer calling her the Tody Hamil ton, but wife favors a ladylike name. Wife wins March lo Animals coming in. Two lipp-ipjtamusses and one pair of red tots arrived this afternoon. March 20. Found a fresh egg in the iodo bird's nest. Dado hen said she vas laying up something for a rainy day. Have an idea this saying will live. April S. Weather bureau predicts a dry spring. Friends tell me it's foolish to be figuring on so much rain. Q aery: Can it be possible I'm on the wrong Uetr? April 9. Fair and warmer. My private forecast calls for storms tO-mor-"row. Feel mighty dubious. If sched ule goes wrong Mrs. Noah will never let is her the end of it. vpril 10. 0:30 a. m.. Clear weather. Feel more dubious. 11 a. m. Cloud- ng up to windward. Easier in my mind. 4:30 n. m. Brisk showers ince noon. Tra la la! April 11. Still raining. I guess naybe I ain't the real thing. April 20. Steady rains since last re port. Koof of the weather observatory under water. Weather observatory is sued its last bulletin this morning: "Continued fair weather." .Vpril 21. Everything under water. Our party apparently the only Burvivors. Vll of wife's relatives lost. It's an ill wind, etc. April 22. Cruisicg south to-day we sighted the oldest citizen on top of the Park Row building Hag staff. Seemed to be out of his head. As we drew alongside I heard him saying. "Talk about your early spring freshet, you may think this is pretty, but I remem ber in the .0058 Just then a streak of ightning hit him and he shriveled up ike a spider in a hot skillet. April 23. Shem reports several addi tions to the red ant family. Cute little cusses, Shem says. April 24. No change in the weather pent the day reading Mary Jane Holmes' "Tempest and Sunshine.' Appropriate, but pretty thin stuff for a grown man. April 25. Amateur minstrels last night. I was the middle man. Japhet got off a dandy; aBked me, "When is a door not a door?' When it's a iar A jr, see? made a hit, but seems to me I've heard it somewhere before. Mighty tew jOKea nowadays. japnet made a firet-class actor, but his brother was a Ham. April zu. juore rea ants. All race suicide bets are off on the red ants. April 28. Wife objects to my Bmok ing on board. Says a pipe smells up the whole place. Positively refused to quit. Wife getting entirely too bossy since she took up with the new woman idea. April 29 No sleep. Wife fussed al night, z p. m Lecidea to give up smoking in the anc. Think maybe it affects my heart, anyhow. April 30. Who Baid tha leopard couldn't change its spoU? It's always changing 'em most restlesss brute on board. Says the red ants bother him General complaint on this score. And not a speck of insect powder on board And no ant eater! May 1 Only time I ever rememrx the first of tne month without a lot of bill collectors around. ' Silver linings to these clouds all r.ght. May G. Row to-day. Sbem's wife started it, tryiDg to make burnt-wood designs on the elephant. Advised her to work on the red ants in the ice box. There's about 2,000,000 df 'em that we could spare and still hav plenty. May 8 Forgot to eay th&t it's never miessd a day raining. Rin business beginning to be overdone! Nothing else happening. f May 15 Fierce storm. Everybody seasick. I stood it for i while, but after dinner I gave up, too Compelled to batter down the hatcheaun the after noon. All hands thrown together in formally and nobody appeared to hold anything back. Humpty Jackson, the camel, seemed worse off Hjian anybody. Honestly, at times I thought that camel was trying to tarn himself inside out. I told him if he tasted anything slick in his throat to Bwallow it C&ack quick, it would be his liver. Cdmer toward evening. Memo. In rry magazine article on the voyage sbill head this chapter "And the Ark was Pitched Within and Without." ? May 16 ReadiDg up o natural his tory, I find the camel hag seven stom achs. No wonder Hurnty Jackson suffered yesterday. Look how I felt, and me with ooly one. 5 May 20. Hurrah! Clearing up at last. Sun out to day for bout 5 min utes. Shem went to bed suffering from nervous prostration, and flam has his job--bo8a of the red andepwtment. Htm says it's the hardest work he ever tackled. May 22. Water going down. I'm afraid we're in for a malarial summer, even after the roads dry off. May 29. Sent out the Biven to day to find a real estate agert if possible. Am in the market for good, high, solid location. J-une 1. Nothing doirfg with the raven. Guess he decidtdaiot to come back on account of the tnts. Can't blame him like to get awiy myself. June 3 No raven yet. 3Sent out the dove. Dove may make better ad vance agent for this floating insect em porium. Wife inclined to J be nappish says I ought to have kown to send out a dove in the first plfujp. June 6 Dove back to-4y, bringing handbill announcing a bargain, sale of dry goods, slightly damaged by water. Mrs N. and the boy's wivs all worked up at the prospect of gettirtg in on it Dove mean I jruefis, but I can see mighty well this selection of read ing matter is going to jpst me some money. Shem, Ham an"5 Japhet feel the same way. ? Are You Sure JTlr Dnk Knew ltr Greensboro Record. Last November Mr. i. B. Duke. Mr. .1 president of the American Tobacco Company, took unto himself a wife, a divorced woman who is Bald to be well off in this world's goods, ind now he has filed suit for divorce, alleging the usual cause. Her previous husband was granted a divorce f$r the same cause and Mr. Duke kney it, for the big yellows in New or. published every line of the sickening mess and Mr. Duke can read. The- woman in the case may be unchaste, ?but if Mr. Duke married her wkh full? knowledge, he should be made to live jvith her the balance of his natural life. But he will get the divorce and perhaps the woman don't care if he does. Mr Dake went off to Europe and left atdetective to shadow ber and of course there was something doing. f Strikes Hidden Bockt When your ship of healtbi strikes the hidden rocks of Oonsumgtion, Pneu monia, etc., you are lost if jspu don't get help from Dr. King's New discovery for Consumption. J. W. MftKinnon, of Talladega Springs, Ala., writes : "I had been very ill with Pneumonia, under the care of two doctors, but was getting no better when I began to tak Dr. King's New Discovery. The first Jose gaye re lief, and one bottle cured me." Sure cure for sore throat, broncfjtis, coughs and colds. Guaranteed at fell Druggists, price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Cneerfullr Given. Bobby's father had give$ him a 10 cent piece and a quarter of A dollar, tell ing him he might put oneor the other on the contribution plate ; "Which did you give, Bobby?" his father asked when the bojr came home from church. "Well, father, I thought at first I ought to put in the quarter, said Bobby, "but then, jast i time, I re membered 'The Lord loveth a cheerful giver,' and I knew I coukfgive the 10 cent piece a great deal moje cheerfully, so I put that in." 4 A Remedy Without r Peer. "I find Chamberlain's J5tomach and is Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever us&l for stomach trouble," says J. P. Klite, of Edina Mo. For any disorder of the stomach biliousness or constipation, these Tablets are without a peer. Fori sale by M. L Marsh and D. D. Johnson. Mp to date there havebeen 319 stat ues of the Kaiser erected:; in Germahy. NO MAN IS SAFE. A Far-Reacblnj, Broad-Sweeplnc Law Patted by the Last LegU latore. Charlotte Observer . By the time all of the acts of the last Legislature are known and enforced immigrants will be in far greater de- mand than they seem to be at present. Some lawyer rakes up a new -and search- ing law every day, but the latest find that has come to The Observer oversteps anything heard of before. Here is the discovery in question: "Chapter 754 of the laws of 1905. section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or any dog or bitch known to be dan gerous, to run at large." If that law is rigidly enforced there is no telling where many supposed good citizens of Charlotte and other places will land. For instanoe, if a man who is known to bite when in a rough and all records," said a well informed rail tumble fizht. with one of his neighbors. road mQ to n Observer reporter a he is liable to be set upon and arrested. He is known to be dangerous. Again, if a citizen indulges in goug- ing; to illustrate, if it is his custom to stick his thumbs or fingers in his neighbor's eye, when in a fight with him. then he is liable. It could be Baid that he is known to be dangerous. ' If any firm has a kicking mule it can be put out of business, for it is known to be dangerous, and all Irishmen come undtir the ban. The law reads like the Chatham county farmer's trespass notice, which gave the following warning: p "If any man's ox, or cow, or steer, gits into thes oats, he is liable to have his or her tail tfit off as the case may be." The cattle keep far from that field. They knew when to dodge, for pride and conceit are not attributes of the lower animal. Pride and conceit get man in trouble. There is not a man in North Carolina who will admit that he is dangerous. The wildest lunatic at the State Hospitals would not consider himself dangerous. The recorder does not believe what the people say about his being dangerous. No one is dan- raroup. to hear him tell it. But the law does not allow the man to pass on his own condition. Several vears aeo a certain young man of Charlotte went on such a ter- rific spree and remained drunk so long that his friends were alarmed about him. After a conference his associates decided to have him arrested and locked in a cell give him the iron cure. The young fellow was imprisoned at the city station. After he had been there an hour or more and had time to sober a little and reflect, a very dear friend called to console and sympathize with him. The two old chums peered at each other through the bars, the sober man was in the passageway and the sot in a cell. The man on the out side looked his friend, the prisoner over and thinking of nothing else to say declared: "Old fellow, you look worse than I ever saw you. I do not think that I ever saw a tougher-look- iDg citizen." "Do you know (hie)," said the pris oner, "that (hie) I was just (hie) think ing that about (hie) you. 1 think you had better (hie) Bee a doctor. You ook terrible; you look (hie) like the devil." There were two opinions from differ ent points of view. This new law, whose author is not given, is lar-reacning. most any per son may bs caught in its sweep. Be fore the next legislature meets some of the legislators may have to take their own midicine. The view-point is the important question here. "You are dangerous," said the of ficer. "It's not bo; you arr,' answered the citizen. "Come on! Come with me!" It is all over with the dangerous chap. A Trouble to Himself. General Sherman once had occasion tO Stop at a country home where a tin basin and a roller-towel on the back , a. j . j ., , , , .. porch BUfhced for the family S ablutions. mnmincrs thn amall hnv nf th tOT tWO mornings tne small DOy 01 tne household watched in silence the visit- Or's efforts at making a toilet under the unfavorable auspices, but when on the tl,;! A mr t Ka trtrtth hrnaVi nttl fil whisk broom, etc., had been duly used and returned to their places in the traveler's grip, lie could suppress his curiosity no longer, so holdly put the question: "Bay, Mister, air you always that much trouble to yo'se't?" Cared of Lame Back After 15 Years of Suffering. "I had been troubled with lame back for fifteen years and I found a complete recovery in the use of Chamberlain's Pain Balm," says John G. Bisher, Gil- lam, Ind. This liniment is also without an equal for sprains and bruises. It is for sale by M L. Marsh and D. D. John son. IIEAVV INCKEAUK IN trivvi Charlotte Observer. Observant people who travel a great Ideal have remarked upou the unpre- ceuenieo. amount of travrl during the M8t few months. Railroad men Bay that passenger traffic has been Bteadily increasing in the South during the last ' years anc most of them agree that tne present facilties of the great By-stems operating In this section are becomirg inadequate to handle the business. A i . . . 1&rge number of trains on all the roads in this section e crowded to standing room almost all the time "If the present rate of increase keeps up, Baid a conductor on the Southern, "our road will have to put on entirely new trains before the end of another. "TKo Tm aaannar raffip An 11 tKa roads in North Carolina and most of the other Southern States has broken few da78 ago. "And this is easily ac counted for," he continued. "There :s more through travel because more Northern people are locating and trav- ellD? la tQia sec'ion than heretofore Tne increase in the local business is due to the general prosperity of the country. The masses of the people in this section have been making money during the last two or three years and they e spending it. They are learn ing what it is coined for. Harvesting- Hoo Hoo Bulletin. Vanderbilt University students who have invaded Kansas to earn pin money at binding wheat emit this harvest yell: "Wahoo! Hullabaloo! 7-11-62! Show us the wheat! the wheat!! MuBcleand meat! T'ell with the heat!" The farmers in Kansas are having a hard Btruggle with their big wheat crop but it is hoped that with the aid of the students from various colleges, they may be able to settle the problem. The following advertisement in a Kansas paper shows that the farmers are wil ling to do the square thing by the hands "Wanted Some farm hands. I will give $1 a day, three meals, and a cus- tard pie snd milk lunch at bedtime, feather beds, and Sundays off Wny He U ept During the funeral of one ot the Rothchild family in Paris a begger was noticed standing among the onlookers sobbing bitterly. A bystander, touched by the man's grief, endeavored to com fort him. "Do not weep so bitterly, my poor friend," he said. "See, even his relatives are able to restrain their grief more than you are doing." Then, as a new idea Btruck him: "Surely, you are no relative of M. de Rothchild?" "N no!" sobbed the begger. "That la just why I am so unhappy." It makes no difference how long you have been sick, if you are troubled with indigestion, constipation, liver and kid ney troubles, Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will make you well 35 cent" Ask your druggist. Very Small "Top Crop." Charlotte News. The farmers all over Mecklenburg are complaining of the scarcity of the top crop" cotton. A number of the best farmers in the county have in formed the News that from present in dications the "top crop'.' will amount to very little. The dry spell that is now on is said to be responsible for the present con dition. Girls, if you want red hps, laughing eyes, sweet breath and good looks use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. The greatest beautiner known. 80 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist. TENNESSEE CENTRAL. RAILROAD "The Nashville Ronte." Is the shortest and most direct, linn bo. tween Nashville, Knoxvllle and Bristol, waanington, D. c New Vork, n. v., and all other Eastern Seaports and Interior Eastern Cities. Including the Virginias and Carollnaa. rirei-ciasa uouoie ualiy Passenger Ser- vlce wltn through sleeping cars on night 1,rS;1"B- ine lennessee central Kanroad is a new hue running through a new and rich coun- South for the Home-seeker, the Farmer, the maiiuiacburvr auu swes tt&ler For further information address T. A. ROUSSEAU. Chief Clerk, Traffic Department, Nashville, Tenn. cT i 1 0.0 f i Never thought of it before. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. rLC. HERRING. DENTIST, Is now on the ground floor o the Lltaker O. Bulkilinf. OONCOED, XT. Dr. w. c. Houston Surgeon Dentist, CONCORD, N. 0. 1 prepared to do all kinds of dnntn.1 wart in the most approved manner. Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Residence 'Phone 11 Office 'Phone 43. L. T. HARTSELL, Attorney-at-Law, CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA. Prompt attention alven to all hntnn Office in Morris bulMln, opposite the court bouse. DRS. LILLY & WALKER, offer their professional services to the cltl iens of Concord and surrounding country. Calls promptly attended day or nltrht. T t. MONTGOMERY. J. LEBOROWBLJ MONTGOMERY A CROWELL, Attorneys and Coanselors-at-Law, CONCORD, N. O. As partners, will practice law In Cabarrus. Stanly and adjoining counties, in the Supe rior and Supreme Courts o 1 the State apd in the Federal Courts. Oltice In court house. Parties desiring to lend monev can lnav it with us or place It In Concord National Hank for us, and we will lend It on good real es tate security free of charge to the depositor. UTa n nlrA V,., k. ... . i . . lands offered as security for loans. mortgages rorcc-losed without expense to owners of same. Henry B. Adams. Fmnv tmifiii.i Tbos. J. Jerome. Tola i). Maness. Aims, Jerome, Ar&Ssli I hmi Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, CONCORD, N. C. Practice lnall the tati-and P. S Conrtu Prompt attention given to collections and general law practice. Persons Interested in tne settlement of estates, administrators. executors, and guardians are especially In vited to call on us. as we represent one of the largest bonding companies in America; in lact we will go any kind of a bond cheaper than any one vise f artieb ueBii'liig to lend money can leave It with us or deposit it in Concord National uank, and we will lend it on approved secu rity free of charge to the lender. Continued and painstaking attention will be given, at a reasonable price, to all lega business. uttlce In new Morris Building opposite K e?H 1FUGE Is the ..imp con;l. oM-fash-l'ii',-J T..cJi ir.e that liA": (avrl the liv.s of little children for the past years. It is a mej U ire rrnJe to rure. It has r.ewr N't n known to fail. If our 1 li 1 1 J ii Mik get a bot tle ot FREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Do ri"t take s substitute. If vv. ur Liruist J"fS not keep it, M'nJ t w e n 1 y -ti e cents In Mam j. i to 33. cfc? S. I' ltET IlalUuiore, Md, anJ a t-i.Te w:!l he mailed you. Lite Fire Health " Accident Plate Glass Insurance Surety Bonds at Rock Bottom Prices in the most reliable com panies, and big bargains in REAL ESTATE SEE JNO. K. PATTERSON, Office uo stairs at Postoffke. Fjr sale One beautiful residence lot, about 50x150 feet in Wadsworth Ad dition fronting on Allison street, oppo site D. J. Bost & Co's store, $150. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. rHtf'5 of ? 3Xl

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