HE TIMES. John B. SherrlU, Editor and Owner. PUBLilSHED gWIOE A. WEK. $1.90 a Tear, In Advance. Volume XXIII. Concord, N. C, September 26. 1905. NUMBER 25. Y Ml Ul r VV.l i w n -gasainBiiisa 17 r' II I V I M ? a mj fi i 11 v a it i i a aw i rfor -"'v V 7E LOAN f.IOHEY ON COTTON. The Peoples' Hatnal Benevolent 'Association CABARRUS DIVISION. B. E. Harris, Pres. R. L. ricConnell, Sec. & Treas. i x OEGAHIZBD JULY S3, 1903. The oheapeet Insurance written, especially to tbo over SO. The following named per nu held policies. Compare the com with amount beneficiary received. Paid Jlenenciery out. iteoeivea W P. James. Mt Pleaaant I 8 SO 344 00 rflBN r.imer, luiariowe1 ..no itm.mr H. L. Hunter, Huntersville (60 ao 00 J F. Paugle, charlotte SCO ftta.00 Paid Beneficiary Out. iieoelved. WOO Mrs. Ardrey. Plnevllle 10 Mra. Hunter. Charlotte 10.00 etfi.ou Mts.Cogblll, Charlotte 12.110 823.00 C. O. Caldwell, Concord 11.10 647.00 Twelve assessments have been collected since organisation, or an average of tlx a year, huaenstlug) the oldeat member but fv 00 per year assessment- Ageut wanted In each townalilp In Cabarrus county. For Information sal on Secretary and Treasurer, or A. L. OAPPEIMFIELD, County Ascnt Aug. 1st S m. H. L WOODHOTJS1. . ' President a W. 8WINK, CMhler. MABTIN BOG BR, Viee-Prseldent. W. H. GIBSON, Teller. V. -.1 IIUV ISlllMIl Concord, N. C Branch at Albemarle, K. a Capital, 80,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit 80,000.00 Deposits 860,000.00 Total Resources 486,000.00 Our past auocesi, as Indicated above by figures, it quite gratifying, and we wish to aeeure our friends and customers of our ap nMnl.tbui a t tirttr naftronaire and oordlallT invite aoontinaaoceof the same. 8honld be pleased to serve a lance number of new cus tomers, holding ourselves ready to serve you In any way consistent with sound banking. DIBK7TOB8. J. W. Cannon, Robert 8. Tonng, t. J. Poll. Jos. P. Goodman, M. J. Oorl, Jno. 8. Kara, J. M. Morrow, T. O. Ingram. Safe Prompt Liberal . THE $100,000 100,000 85,(K0 860,000 Capital Stock, Stockholders' liability, Surplus and undivided profits, Assets, - Your Easiness Solicited 4 per enl Interest paid on time certificates M. ODKIiU President. w H LILLY, Vice President it. B. OOI.TRANR. Cashier. T D. COLTKANH, Asst Cashier. J. M. HKH0U1X Book-keeper. Lite Fire Health Accident , Plate Glass .. Insurance Surety Bonds at Rock Bottom Prices in the most reliable com panies, and big bargains REAL ESTATE SEE JB0..K.. PATTERSON, Office ud stairs at Postoflke. DR. J. S. LAFFERTY Gives special attention to diseases of the Eye and Ear, Fitting; Olasmw and to Kleotrio Treatment of Chionio Diseases. Oaooenand Skin Diseases treated by theX-Ray. Office room 15, In Morns Building. 'Phone 181a. Wt yon want a farm or a place in town? SV U SO what yt property tenon oV an MM H4r V W find lUSt yon want. Bee the list to sue we bar for sale. J no. jv. x-n-Co. I I aestCo M leu i .,.tC ail kit fAHS. UtMSa oyrrjp. Tanw The Difference Let Us Exam ine Your Eyes It's Free. Between living well and living poorly is very small it you buy right. The fellow who knows it all is satisfied, but : people who are seeking new ideas are willing to learn. We invite you to call on us and let us show you how to buy Spectacles, There's only one glass that will fit your eye properly and if you don't get that one glass your eye is liable to be injured. "TAffe BY TOTJst I7!tS.w We fit each eye with the proper lense and at the proper price. W.0.C0BBELL Jeweler end Optician. The Last Call. As attorn eva for L. II . Monhelmer. Trustee. D. P. Dayvault A Bro., -Bankrupts, we havi absolute control of all notes and acoounte due said estate, with Instructions to oollect or reduce the same to Judgment. Cotton Is ten cents and there Is no valid reasons why every man should nut oome in and settle at once, mi a is an nonesc aeDt we want is, ana Sou wlu feel better after having paid un. Ir C. A. Pitts will call noon von in a few days, and we trust yon will settle with him. ir you nave any counterclaim set ok can upon us and we win gladly give yon any creuis yon are ennciea to. Reaneetfiillv. ADAMS. AEMFIBLD, JKIiUMK 4k MAHBS8 Sept 19, 1S0S. HOLLISTER'S Reeky Usur.ttin Tea Kiiggeti Brtwl aoldea NealM and Renewed Visor. A speolOe for Constipation. Indigestion, Liver and Kidner troubles. Pimples, Eczema. Impure Blood, Bad Breath. Slureish Bowels. Headache and Backache. Ita Bockj Mountain Tea in Un let form. cents a box. uenmne maas or Hoixjstm Daco CoMPAarr. Madison, wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE PARK EM'S HAIR BALSAM M and bnuttfisa the bate. PromoMe a hixuri.nl growth. Nevor Fmila to Beatore oray H r m ft, Vonthful Onlnr. Cutm eealp dimM heir UUias. Institute for VOUtl0 Women and Conserva tory of Iusi-. The let Pn it VnjT . -. jrli t-cr Collese a. aTS - 'Catalea(ta AS4nea 1 rAtnctt J Jaj.TvfrwiJit. fm Notice. My wire, Minnie K. K earns, (formerly Mel ton) having abandoned me wlthcut lust cause, and bf log wlilina to live -.tn. care tor and supiwrt her. I do hereby forbid any per sons or corporation to hire, support or har bor the taldlllnnle B Keame, alias Mflton, Snoir penalty of Indictment and HablUty tor dThifjuly ft IMS. A.J.KIaB-S. F,tr Sale One of tha most desirable cottar In Concord, on Spring .treet. Prtoe only S3.800. Jno. K. Pat terson & Co. Pr sale One beautiful residenoa lot, about 80x160 feet in Wadswortn Ad dition froiitinff on Allison street, oppo site D. J. Boat A Go's store, $150. Jno. K. Patterson & Oo. President Jsraaa Aalelrsssts Letter te oataera Cettea rawer, Calllag Tkesa t luss ta the Mlatsaaas Pries sf II Oaata, rizeet by tke Aekevllle ceaveatlea. The following address to the cotton powers of the South has been sent out by Mr. Harvie Jordan, president of the southern Cotton Growers Association : The executive commityee ot the Southern Cotton Association held its meeting at Ashajrille, N. C, last week, and the question of fixing a minimum price of this orop was the matter of greatest interest to the people and the country at large. The . eyes of the whole cotton world were centered on Abbeville during the 6th and 7th days of September, while the executive com mittee was in session. The prioe finally agreed upon after long and tedious deliberation was 11 cents, basis middling, at all interior points in the South. The condition of the orop up to August 25th was found to be 73 08 per cent, as compared with a oonditi n of 84 per cent, for the same period a year ago. The estimated yield of the qrop as reported by over 15,000 correspondents from all the cot ton growing counties indicated yield this season of 9,588,188 bales, as com pared with a crop of 18.600,000 bales last year. Letters from farmers all over the belt advised a minimum price all the way from 10 cents to 12J osnts, some figuring as high as 15 cents. But the final result was 11 cents, and far- rmers all over the South will be ex pected to stand firmly together this fall and winter to maintain that prioe. - By determined effort prices can be forced up above 11 cents later on, and fanners should determine now to move their crops slowly and not rush the market. Ine only way we can secure and main tain our prioe is to refuse to sell for less and make the buyers come to oar fig ures. If eotton is thrown on the mar ket and told anyway, it will be difficult to force prices up until much later in the season. Let those who are able and can hold hack do so, and thereby help those who are forced to sell to meet their maturing debts and obliga tions with the (apply merchant and guano dealers. Bankers will be glad to advance from 8 to 9 cents a pound on cotton in storage add thus assist in fin ancing the situation. We are np against a hard fight, but it will be easier to get 11 cents for a small orop than 10 cents for a 13,600,000 bale crop. . We are now well entrenched with plenty of ammunition in the shape of oorn and meat, oar banks have plenty of money, the enemy is in retreat, and if we don't whip this fight and force the prioe of eotton to above 11 cents, then the farmers of the South ought to have a guardian appointed to look'af ter their business interests. The mills of the world have taken a orop of 13,600,- 000 bales of American cotton daring the last twelve months. The prioe of cotton goods is very high and going still higher. The whole ctvilixed world is in a prosperous condition and it is unreasonable to say that the farmers should not this season reoeive an aver age of 11 cents per pound for a crop of ootton now estimated to be nnder ten million bales. All you have got to C"o is to stand pat for your prioe, refuse to sell nnder 11 cents and the market will soon advance to that figure. If much ootton is offered nnder 11 cents, as a matter of course, the market can be de pressed and held down. The ootton agent of the Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of Texas was present with as at Ashe- ville and took part in the secret sessions of the executive commitee. He came as the representative of the anion and assisted in fixing the prioe at 11 cents, stating that such a price would be ac ceptable tg the 800,000 members of the anion. We can now depend upon the effective co-operation of all the mem bers of the anion, as the new president of the anion, Mr. Calvin, of Paris, Tex has written me encouraging co operation to more completely win oat in the fight ahead. We also have pledged the active co-ope ration of the membership of the American Society of Equity and the Farmers' Alliance, of North Carolina, in enforcing the de mand for the minimum prioe of 11 cents. This mains the position of the nrSducers almost impregnable, and srith all of these powerful farmers' organisations working in harm my for mutual protection, I feel safe in saying that the fight can and will be easily whipped. There will be no misunder standing among these organiutioas this season on this matter. We will all work in harmony together, and a knowledge of that fact ought to be most encouraging. II we fanners union wanted one price and the Southern Ootton Association another, there work together to win out on the prioe agreed upon. ' w ' Sell but little cotton in September and October. Give the mills a chanoe to exhaust present supplies, which can be done in six weeks, and then we can easily dictate terms and win another big victory. Sell no middling ootton for less than 11 cents. Bver Trie Cares This War t It is a well-known fact that even the best of housekeepers cannot make really gxi toffee without the proper mate rials. They will never make it w th coffee or doubtful origin, adulterated, queerly blended, and possibly dirty coffee that has, perhaps, been mixed np with all kinds of other things on the counter. But let them take a package of Lion Coffee the purest and cleanest and the brand universally used throughout the United States for over twenty-five lyears. Millions drink it daily, and get lue Deal results u it is maae in tne loi lowing way: Try it onos and you will never want to try any other brand of ooffee.- HOW TO MAKB OOOD COFEM Use Lion Coffee, because to get best results you most use the best coffee. Grind your Lion Coffee rather fine. Use a "tablespoonful to eaoh cup, and one extra for the pot." First mix it with a little oold water, enough to make a thick paste, and add white of an egg (if egg is to be used as a settler), then follow one of the following rules: 1st With boiling water. Add boil ing water, and let it boil three minutes only. Add a little oold water and set aside five minutes to settle. Serve promptly. 2d. With oold water. Add your oold water to the paste and bring it to a boil. Then set aside, add a little cold water, and in five minutes it's ready to serve. Three Don'ts Don't boil too long. Don't let it stand more than ten min utes before serving. Don't use water that has been boiled before. TWO WAYS TO SETTLE COFFEE 1st. With eggs. Use part of the white of an egg, mixing it with the ground Lion Coffee before boiling. 2d. With oold water instead of eggs. After boiling add a dash of cold water, and set aside for eight or ten minutes, then serve through a strainer. Wit Heaved BIMIeal TraaeAy. Pittsburg Dispatch. Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, tells of a little girl whose statements were always exaggerated until she be came known in school and Sunday school as "a little liar." Her parents were dreadfully worried about her and made strenuous efforts to correct the bad habit. Ons afternoon her mother overheard an argument with her play mate, Willie Bangs, who seemed finish the discussion by saying em phatically: "I'm older than you 'cause my birthday comes first, in May, and yours don't come until September." "Oh, of course your birthday comes first," sneeringly answered little Nellie "but that is 'cause you came down first I remember looking at the angels when they were making you." Come here, Nellie, come here in stantly," cried her mother. "It is breaking mother's heart to hear you tell such awful stories. Re member' what bapitened to Ananias and Sapphire, don't your" "Oh, yes, mamma, I know. They were struck dead for lying. I saw them carried into the corner drag store." A HAB OP PllStr. Strikes males Herts. Wbr i your ship of health strikes the biddej rocks of Consumption, Pneu monia, eto., you are lost If yon don't get nelp from Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. J. W. McKinnan, of Talladega Springs, Ala., writes : "I had been very ill with Pneumonia, nnder the care of two doctors, bnt was' getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gave re lief, and one bottle cured me." Sure core for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and oolds. Guaranteed at all Druggists, price S0o and f 1 .00. Trial bottle free. A hanl in the hand is worth two in the gloves. A Heaaeey Wltaawt a Pawr. I find Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tablets more beneficial twan any other remedy I ever used for stomach trouble,- says J. P. Klote, of Kdina, Mo. For any disorder of the stomach. biliousness or constipation, thesef ablets are without a peer. For sale by M. U Marsh and D. D. Johnson One touch of sunburn makes the whole world io. Girls, if yon want red hps, laughing eyes, sweet breath and good looks use HolUster's Rocky Mountain Tea. The greatest beantiner known. SS cents Tea or Tablets. Ask yoor druggist. wxild be difficulty ahead, bat both or ranixaiiont are now together and will us all. The Summer Girl makes oowards of Chariot- Chronicle. ' The cotton crop this year is oon ceded by all authorities to be short something in the neighborhood of ten million bale but corn, wheat and other products are anything but short. The government figures, as The Chron iols stated a few days ago, puts the yield of ocrn fof this year at 2,717,000, 000 bushels. The wheat crop is esti mated at 704,000,000 bushels; rye 30, 000,000 bushels; potatoes 283,000,000 bushels; barley 135,000,000 bushels. Of these crops it is said that it is the largest production of oorn ever known. The highest previous yield wa in 1902, which was 2.523,000,000 bushels. Only in 1901, when it was 748,000,000 bush els, didHhe wheat crop go abova the 1905 yield. O i's never beat this year's figures except in 1902, when the output was 988,000,000 bushels la 1901 and 1902 rye went a little above this year's level. In 1904 barley beat the 1905 output by about 4 000,000 bushels. Potatoes have several tims scored higher totals than they did this year. The aggregate of the cereal crops for 1905 is much above that of any pre vious year. And while cotton may be short, the prices the farmers get will J average as good as that of the previous year. Taking all things into considera tion, it is reasonable to say that the present year Is a year of plenty, and let it go at that. Minneapolis Tribune. A woman may know that she has ceased to bs a brids only When she finds herself sayinc savins uncomplimentary things to her husband. The first time her husband criticizes her frocks. When she discovers she is jealous. When she grows economical with his kisses. When she begins to nag. . When he becomes sarcastic about the food. When she does not mind coming to breakfast in ourl papers. When he tells her how pretty some other woman looks. When he begins to eulogize his mother. When a meal become so quiet that shs can plan a whole frock between the courses. When he begins to go to his club. When she begins to hunt np her old friends and enjoys calling on them. When she forgets to oome home from the matinee in time to greet him before dinner. PMItsWDLY wtnmtis, 0 Ha rleesl te bs Alaraaesl A bo a I Stoaa mrh Treaties If Von Use Ktl-o-aa Cars Guaranteed by filbesa Drug Store. The most frequent affection of the stomach is catarrh, as the delicate membrane which" lines the stomach is easily irritated by harmful food or overeating. Keep a strict watch for the first symptoms of stomach trouble. Take this friendly warning in the spirit in which it is given and profit by it Shortness of breath, black specks be fore th eyes, furred tongue, dizziness, belching of gases or sour food, weak' ness and debility are all signs of ca tarrh of the stomach. There is no need to be unduly alarmed, for this disease can be cured by Mi-o-na. It is the only remedy that strikes at the root of the evil and actually cures the disease. It does not contain opium tn any form, acids,'' alcohol, or any orher harmful drug or chemical. It is a pure jemedy that heals the irritated mucous membrane, stimulates the solar plexus, and aids digestion. Ask Gibson Diug Store to show you the guarantee under which they sell Mi-o na. It costs but 50 cents a box, and your money is returned if it does not help you. Cared of Laane Back After li Tears of Suflerlog. "I had been troubled with lame back for fifteen years and I fonnd a complete recovery in the use of Chamberlain's Pain Balm," says John G. Bisher, Gil lorn, Ind. This liniment is also without an equal for sprains and braises. It is for sale by M h. Marsh and D. D. TohnJ son. It makes no difference how long yon have been sick, if yon are troubled with indigestion, constipation, liver and kid ney troubles, HolUster's Rocky Moun tain Tea will make yon well. 85 oenf , Ask your dm .gist. . FROFESSI0KAL CM HPS. DR. H. C. HERRING. DENTIST. EY'S Is the lams good, old -fashion e J nifJic ine that has saved the Itv.s of little children for the past 6o years. It Is a med icine made to cure. It has never br?n known to fall. If your child Is sick get a bot tle Of 41 FREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Da not talcs a sufcstltuts. If your druKelit docs not keep ft, send twenty-five cants ta stamps to 33. cX? S. lTlEY llalUniore, HA, and a aofUe trill be Mailed you. Is now on the ground floor e the LI taker Building. OOxVOOBD. zr. o. DR. W. C aoroBon Houston Dentist, . OOKOORD, . a Is prepared to do all kinds of dental work la rlie most approved manner. Office over Johnson's Drag Store. Besldenos 'Phone 11. Offloe 'Phone is. L. T. HARTSELL, ittornej-at-Lai, opirooaD, hobth oamozxma. Prompt attention given to all business. Offloe in Morris building, opposite the court bouee. DRS. LILLY & WALKER, offer their professional services to the oltl- SenS Of Concord and anrmlinrllnff Muintp. Calls promptly attended day or night. ' I. MOHTOOSMBT. I. USOSOtlU MOITGOMERI ft CROWELL, attorneys and Connselors-at-Lai, OONOOBD, n. 0. Stanlv and adjoining oountles. In the Supe rior and Supreme Court o f the ftrjtt and In the Federal Courts. Office in court house. Parties desiring to lend money can leave It ith us or place It In Concord National Rank for us, and we will lend it on good real es tate security tree of charge to the depositor. We make thorough examination ot title to lands offered as security for loans. Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners ot same. Henry B. Adams. Thos. J. Jerome. rrank Armfleld. Tola D. Maness. Adams, Jerome, Airfield & tmi, Attorneys and Counsellors it Us, CONCORD, N. C. Practice In all the Rr.ta .nrl TT a rinnpa. - Prompt attention given to collections and Seneral law practice. Persona Interested In ie settlement of estates, administrators. executors, and guardians are especially In- tiumi w cau on us, as we represent one or. tne largest bonding companies in America; In fact we will go any kind ot a bond oheaper than any one else. Parties desiring to lend money oan leave It with us or deposit It In Concord National Hank, ana we win tend it on approved secu rity free of charge to the lender. Continued and oainstakinu attention will be given, at a reasonable price, to all lege business. omoe in new Morris Building opposite Has Stood The Test 2 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic fvO-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. .Always Remember the Fall Name axative Rromo limine TAXES. Please read ths followina' law carefullr. and remember that 1 am compelled to obey the same, and every man In the county will have to conform to the law : Laws ihw. Chan. 10. Heo. as The siierin or bis deputy or tax collector shall attend at the court house or In his office in the county town during the months of September and November for the purpose of receiving the taxes; he shall also In like manner attend at leant one day durtnK the month of October at some one or more places In each township of wblch 16 days' notice shall be given by ad vertisement at enree or more places, ana in newspaper 11 one oe published in the oounty. Bee. 37 -When the taxes shall be due and unpaid, the aherllT shall Immediately proceed to oollect them as follows. 1st. If the party charged have personal property of value equal to the taxes charted against htm, the sheriff shall slexe and sell the same as he is required to sell other property under execu shall endeavor to follow strictly the above law. Therefore all parties are earnestly re quested to come forward and settle their taxes and save costs. 1 will be in my omce during the months of September and November, or you will and a deputy there for the purpose of receiving your taxes. I will visit the places below for the same purpose on the daysstated during the month of October, 1UU6 : Kooky Hirer, xowntblp. No. 1. Monday Oc tober!. Ponlar Tent. Township No. 2. Tuesday. Oc tober 3. Deweeae. Townshln No. a. Wednesday. Oc tober 4. Cook's, Townshln No. 4. Thursday. Octo ber 5. Mt. 01 lead. Townshln No. S. Friday. Octo bers J . M. Faggart's. Townshln No. 8. Saturday. October 7. Keed Muenhelmer'e. Townshln No. 7. Mon day, October tt. Mt. rieasent, 'fownsnip no. s,ruesaar, uc- tober 10. c. r. Smith's. Townshln No. . Wednesday. October 11. Bethel, Township No. 10, Thursday, Octo ber U Old Fie d. Townshln No. 11. Friday. Octo ber 13. Concord. Townshln No. 12. Saturday, Octo ber 14. J AS. V. HAKtlS, snerirrot Cabarrus uounty. Concord, N. C, September 22, 1MJ6. Cures a Cold in One Day. Grip in Two . S Cfijjkwt on Box. 2$c Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Charlotte, N. O.. will be in Concord, at St. Cloud. on Wednesday, September 27th, for one day only. His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, ana mtang Glasses. .osjfBSjoav gnepcKBagatieq?Ba vmii99-i''t The best news for Stove and Range buyers ever heard of. Any Back's Ranire in the Store for 10 cents a day. CRAVEN EHCS.' FIJKITURE AND UNDERTAKING COMPANY. i