TME . TIMES. John D. SherrlU, Editor and Owner. O VOLUME XXIII. PUBLISHED TWICE A. WEEK. $L00a Tear, In Advance. CONCdkD, N. C, September 29. 1905. Number 26. .11 " 1 AVE L0AI1 MONEY ON COTTON. mem iiBGnsi fficaii: The Peoples' llatual Benevolent Association CABABRUS DZVZSZOIT. B. E. Harris, Pres. R. L. HcConnell, Sec. & Treas. ORGANIZED JtTLT S3, 1903. - The cheapest Insurance written, especially to thorn over SO. The following named per one held policies. Compare the oust with amount beneficiary received. Held Aenenciary Out. iieoelved W. P. James, ML Pleasant I 8 90 moo James Calmer. Charlotte SJW mm H. li. Hunter, Huntersvllle lao ttJOOO J F. Pangle, Ubarlotte oo 643.00 Mre. Ardrey, Plnevtlle Mr.. Banter, Charlotte M.a f1.. .... 1 1 1 'I. 1 ... . C. 0. Caldwell, Concord Paid Out. 8.10 10.00 1240 11.10 Beneflctiry Iteoelved. 834 00 ea.uo 047 00 Twelve assessments have been collected since organisation, or an average of six a year, nus opstlturi the oldert member but 00 per year assessment. Areuu wanted In each township In Cabarrus oounty. For Information cal on ttecretary and Treasurer, or A. L. CAPPErJ FIELD, County Airent. An. 1st 8 m. . B. L WOODHOUBB. President. C W. SWINK. , Cashier. MABTIN BOG IB. Vloe-President W. B. GIBSON, - Teller. Oonoord, H. 0. Branch at Albemarle, H. 0. Capital, 60,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 80,000.00 Deposits' ... 860,000.00 Total Resources 486,000.00 Our pant success, as indicated above by figures, quite gratifying, and we wish to ' assure our friends and customers of our ap- 6 reflation 0 their patronage and cordially ivlteaoonunuaneeofthesame. ' Bhonld be pleased to serve a large number of new eus- corners, holding ourselves ready to serve you In any way oons latent with sound banking. DIBB0TOR8. J. W. Cannon, Robert 8. Toung, I.. J. Foil. Jos. F. Qoodmsn, M. J. Oorl, Jno. 8. Bard, J. M. Morrow, T. O. Ingram. Safe Prompt THB turn Liberal .Ml Capital Stock, ' Stockholders' liability, S orpins and undivided profits, Assets, $100,000 100,000 25,000 860,000 Yoar Business Solicited I per cent. Interest paid on time certificates J. M. DDSLL, President. W. H. LILLY, Vice President. D. R. C'l TKABK. Cashier. L. D. OiLTKANB, Asst Cashier. J. M. HKNDKli liook-keeper. Lite Fire Health Accident Plate Glass Insurance Surety Bonds at Rock Bottom Trices in the most reliable com panies, and big bargains in REAL ESTATE SEE JKO. K. PATTERSON, Office no stairs at Postoffke. DR. J. S. LAFFERTY p special attention to diseases of the Eye and Ear, Pitting Glasses and to Electric Treatment of Chronic Diseases. Oancersand 8 kin Diseases treated by theX-Ray. Office room 15, in Moms Building. 'Phone 131a. p Sale One of .the most desirable cottages in Concnrd, on Spring tree. Price onl 13.300. J no. K. Pat- iCo. Pr sale One beantifol residence Jot, about 60il60 feet ir Wadsworth Ad dition fronting on Allison street, oppo site i D. J. Host Go's store, $160. Jno. K. Patterson ft Co. The Difference Let Us Exam ine Your Eyes It's Frea Between living well and living poorly is very small it you buy right. The fellow who knows it all is satisfied, but people i who are seeking new ideas are willing to learn. . We invite you to call on us and let us show you how to buy Spectacles. There's only one glass that will fit your eye properly and if you don't get that one glass your eye is liable to be injured. We fit each eye with the proper lense and at the proper price. W.C.C0RRELL Jeweler end Optician. TAXES. Please resd the following law carefullr. and remember that I am compelled to obey the same, and every man In the oounty will have to conform to the law : Laws into. Chap. IK. 8eo 38-The sheriff or his deputy or tax collector shall attend at the court house or In his office In the county town 'luring the months of Hep tern her and Nnvemoerier tne purpose or receiving ine taxes; be shall also In like manner attend at least one day during the month of October at some one or more places In each township of which 16 days' notice .hall be given by ad vertisement at inree or more places, ana in a newspaper II one be puDUshed in tne county. sec 37-wnenme taxes id.u oe au. mua unpaid, the sheriff shall Immediately proceed to collect them as follows, lot. If the party charged have personal property of value equal to the taxes charged anal nut htm. the sheriff .hall sler.e and seU the same ss he Is required to seU other property under execu tion. 1 shall endeavor to follow strictly the above law. Therefore all parties are earnestly re quested to onme forward and settle their taxes and save coats. . 1 will be In my office during the months "of September and November, or yoo will Hod a deputy there for the purpose of receiving your taxes. 1 will visit the nlaces below for the same purpoee on the days stated during the month of October. 11W6: . . ., , Kocky Hiver, Township, No. I, Monday Oc tober S. . Poplar Tent, Township No. 1 Tuesday, Oc tober 8 Deweesa, Township No. t, Wednesday, Oe- "cook's, Township No. 4. Thursday, Octo ber s ' MtG Head, Township No, I, Friday, Octo ber 6 J M. Faggart's, Township No. , Saturday, October 7. . Keed Mlsenhelmer's, Township No. 7. Mon day, October . Mt. Pleasant, Township No. s, Tuesday. Oc- toc?F. smith's Township No. , Wednesday. October 11. . . bethel. Township No. 10. Thursday, Octo ber li Old Field, Township No. 11, Friday, Octo bOonoord. Township No. K. Sirdar, ,"cV" Kap 1 JAB. r. HAK tl9. Sheriff of Oaberra. County. Concord, 1. C , September U, Wfi. Notice. My wife. Minnie B. Keens, (formerly Mel ton' having abandoned me without Just oauseTand being willing to live with, care for and support her, I do hereby forbid any per sons or corporation to hire, support or har So theeaiJ Ml-'fle B. Keama. alias Melton, unler penally at indictment and UablUty for " ThTfjtlT 30. 19US. . A-J-KlAENS. VifiiSt mi au Hit tAits. J tJ Bat oh syrup. TM . Ml 1 SARI JONBSt LKTTESL Atlanta JoarnaL I bare spent this week in Marietta. Although I have been busy preaching twice a day in the revival meeting;, have had time to visit with friends, of meeting many people of If arietta sooi Ally, and to ride around over the town, I am charmed with her people and wonder at the growth of Atlanta's near est rival. It has been some yean since I have mingled much with the people here or known much of their growth and development. I believe . the next census will show Marietta to have population oi ten tnotuand or more people. 8a many elegant homes are being builded at this time. It is a pleasure and a Joy to mingle socially with men like Senator Clay, B)b Northcutt, Moultrie Sessions; men tike "Power, Awlrey, Glover, Brumby, MoClatcby, Boone, McNesl, etc. Not only has this been a week of work, but it has been a week of great pleasure to myself and wife, and a week of great religious enjoyment, for scarcely in my life have I witnessed such scenes as have occurred in the great warehouse where the meetings are held day after day.- The feuds and factions which have existed in this town for yean have been swept away and Marietta no doubt, will have a unity of sentiment and feeling in all things, which will be a mighty factor not only in building op the town in every way, but it will be elevating and helpful to the churches and moral sentiment. The meetings have been largely at tended and so universally enjoyed that they matt leave a bleesed influence on the hearts and the homes of the peo ple. Hundreds of people from Atlanta, Carteraville, Acworth, Smyrna, Boswell and the regions round about, have come a and have enjoyed the wonderful in fluence at work here. Politics divide men and frequently engenders strife, but Christianity is a peace influence, for the Prince of Peace iti author. How good and how pleasant it is to' see brethren dwelling together in nnity, and whatever shall make for peace among men, is the di. vinest and beet influence that can come to ns. We are frail mortal beings and left to ourselves we frequently go astray, but when the higher and better influ ences pervade our lives, it makes as not only akin to each other, but we realise that Qod is our father and each man is brother to the other. The blacksmith preaoh r from Knoz' ville, Tenn., has been a mighty force in this meeting in his prayers and ex hortations. It is a unique service he holds in the park at 6 o'clock every afternoon."-He is about as rough on grammar as he is on the devil. He is a charming personality and instructs yon while he amuses you. And when he tells the people they "his more ! sense about religion than anything else," they laugh at his grammar, but feel the force of the truth he has uttered, When he tells them "Tekel, thou art weighed in the balanoes and found wanting,",they know he means to quote a great Scriptural truth without any re ference to Mr. Tekel. Evangelist Holoombe, of North Car olina, . is a clean, winsome, splendid preacher. He has captivated the peo ple of this town. The more they hear hinf and see of him, the more they are impressed by bis effective preaching and the closer they are drawn to his kindly heart. Charlie Tillman has sung hinisslf hoarse, but he still beats the air with his hands and make the others sing and the welkin ring. A finer and a larger choir I have scarcely ever bad in music In fact, the people have been of one mind and one spirit. here has been less criticism, fault- And - ing and sucking in this meeting than in any I have ever conducted. Every fellow seems to fall in line and to catch step, and they are marching day by day to higher and better things. Mrs. An nie Laurie Cunyus, of Cartersville, has sung her way into the hearts of the people. Van Bell, the Christian engi neer, was with us in two services this week. His talks to the people made a profound impression. Van Ball has run his engine through this town three hundred and sixty-five days in the year for more than twenty years. His life is one continual sermon, loved by the railroad men and he has also gained the confidence and esteem of all the people along the way. 9 It is well enough that now and then we turn aside from business and from politics and the things that produce friction and care and anxiety, and turn the heart and mind to energies which minister to the soul and help the life and elevate the world. Ba tineas hss its place, politics are a necessary evil, it seems. But there is something bet ter than politics, better than dollars, better thai position, a oonscienos void of offense, iLs love and esteem of your neighbor, the approval of God. All these things should be sougnt after, as the summon bonums, for at fifty-eight years of age, I affirm that my eyes have seen enough of life to to know that after all then is nothing true but heaven, and that if we only have the thftgs of this life, and nothing more we are sure ly of all men most miserable. I shall carry away from Marietta most pleasant memories and friendships which I trust shall last when the stan have gone out and when we shall enter the world that his no need of the sun. Next to my hope of heaven, I value my friends. My friends have always bien tome, what the crutches -are to the cripple, the means of walking, and otherwise. I could not have walked at all. I had rather lean on one trusted, tried friend than fight and conquer thousand enemies. Marietta has had a peace conference; the protocol has been signed and peace terms have been agreed npon, and there will be no riots upon the streets of this town because pesos terms are unsatisfactory, like Ja pan and Buseia have Just gone through, I wish I could see Atlanta as. univer sally under the influence of and marvellously moved by the Divine power as I have seen this beautiful young city. With best wishes along this line to all the race of man, I am, Yours very sincerely, Sam P. Jones. P. 8. I approve the spirit, maybe, more than the theology of the fellow who declared in the meeting one morn ing, that he never knew until the night before that there was a God or a devil, either, but, thank God, said he, "I know there is both now, and I love them both." 8. P. J. Peraaus Co. Base Ladles' Hoase Joar- ail for Chicago, Sept. 26 Suit began in the Superior Court to-day for 1260,000 damages against the Curtis Publishing Company, publishers of the Ladies Home Journal. Samuel B. Hartman, proprietor of the Peruna Medicine Co., is the plaintiff in the suit. In the August issue of the Journal, the declaration says that an advertise ment of the Peruna Company contained a testimonial from. Congressman Geo. H. White, of North Carolina. the next iesne of the magazine, the declar ation alleges that the testimonial was reprinted, but with it was a signed de nial from Congressman White that be had given the testimonial to the medl cine oompany. T This denial, Hartman alleges, was secured through a misunderstanding, as Congressman White, it is said in the declaration, signed the original testi monial. Whisker 100 Veers Old la rbnrch Wall. Philadelphia Heoord. Concealed somewhere in the old Pres byterian church at Fairton there is said to be a bottle of whiskey at least 100 yean old. When the edifice was being built, it is said, the workmen struck for whiskey, which in those days seemed to be a necessity. A quart was fur nished them, but according to Hosea Husted, then an apprentice, the liquor was so "onery that the men couldn't drink it, but buried it in the walls, Robert Wesooat, who relates the inol dent, says the bottle is still there. Toe) sx man's habit in his HANS), THstlS BIBUPSfAOStSf IT. Strike. Hldeesi Hoek.. Wbr i your ship of health strikes the hiddci rocks of Consumption, Pneu monia, etc., yon are lost if yon don't get help from Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. J. W. , MoKinnon, of Tslladega Springs, Ala., writes : "I had been very ill with Pneumonia, under the care of two doctors, but was getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery, The first dose gave re lief, and one bottle cared me." Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and oolds Guaranteed at all Druggists, price too and f 1.00. Trial bottle free. John Hedgpetheoolored, of Morgan ton, known as "Scaley John," was crushed between the cars of a freight train at Newton Friday nigbt and killed, His rough, thick skin resembled a rat tlesnake and in the SDringtime. about the time the snakes come out from theirl winter quarters and begin shedding, John's totffch, scaley hide would begin to peel off, hence the name Scaley John. For some time he had been ho boing up and down the road on freight trains. The railroad people buried his remains at Newton. A steiaeey Wltkowt a, Peer. "I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever need for stomach trouble, says J. P. Klote, of Edina, Mo. For any disorder of the stomach, biliousness or constipation, these Tablets are without a peer. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. Mrs. Louise Pressly, wife of Bev. Dr. F. Y. Pressly, presidt nt of Erskine Col lege, Due West, S. C, died Monday. Her husband survives. They had no children. Philadelphia Dlipatoh. The removal of a man's bestg heart from his body and its replacement after a bullet had been -.extracted from the region adjacent to the pulsating organ is the remarkable achievement of med ical science Just accomplished by the physicians st the Gennantown hospital. The patient is Frank Robinson, 23 years old. He became a subject of sur gical attention as the result of an alter oafaoa he had with ..Policeman Morley, of C ermantown, on September 7. The policeman's bullet entered Rob inson's left breast, directly on a line with his heart. Hs was jjurried to the Germantown hospitol, where, after and examination, it was ' concluded hit heart had been struck, and it was be lieved he could not live more than a few hours. .' When he continued to live for 24 hours some of the most eminent physi cians of the city were called into con sulfation to find if it was possible to open up the chest and remove the heart for an examination. Ode distin guished master of surgery volunteered to perform the operation. To carry it out portions of two ribs had to be removed, exposing the heart to full view. No evidence of a bullet could be seen, so the surgeon carefully removed tne delioate organ from the body, and, holding it in his hands, made a minute and thorough examina tion. As soon as it was taken from the body, it was observed that the heart seemed to beat more vigorously and with greater regularity. Attention was then given to the fleshy environment in the heart region of the chest, which was found' to be considerably inflamed. For nearly an hour the search for the seat of the trouble was continued before the lodgement of the bullet was located. The leaden missile was found to be imbedded in the flesh within an inch of the heart, upon which it had caused pressure. There hi every probability that the patient will recover. After Whiskey medicines. Speaking of whiskey frauds reminds us, too, that one of the most common whiskey frauds is the sale as "medi cine" of many preparations that con tain no notable ingredients except whiskey. It is interesting therefore to observe that the Commissioners of In ternal Revenue last week "reversed a ruling of his Deportment msde many years ago, and now decides that the manufacturers and liquor dealers, and that druggists and others handling will have to pay the usual retail liquor dealers' license. The Commissioner, in a letter of instruction to collectors of internal revenue, says that there are a number of compounds on the market going under the names of medicines that are composed chiefly of distilled spirits, without the addition of drugs or medicines in sufficient quantities to change materially the character of the whiskey." The woman who can't rule some man with a marriage certificate is the one who wants to rule him with a ballot Blame a woman for- her extrava gance in dress and she will blame the men for manufacturing pretty things for her to wear. DON'T SPECDL1TR. News and Observsr. At least ninety men out of one hun dred whs speculates in cotton lose money. The man who thinks he knows all about cotton may at first make some money, but if he sticks to the gambling (for all the cotton margin business is gambling) he will find that "at the last it stingeth like a serpent and bitetb like an adder." The farmer who holdi his cottonln the expectation of bighei prices because of bad crop conditions is doing the proper thing in view of the action of the Southern Association. The farmer who puts Up money on s oet tuat cotton win go up is doing s j vay dangerous thing and is very neai the gambling line if not over the bordei line. The professional bstters are oc the spot and they can sell quick and shift their position. If there is money to be made, they'll get it, but the farmer is at bis home and if it were right to gamble on the pricj of cotton, he ought not to do it because it will work demoralization. BOOSEVBI.T'S 4 SUIT. During the recent spell Consul Gen eral Wynne appeared at his office in a light suit of clothes. "Irf America we dress according to the weather," said Mr. Wynne. "I guess the English dress according to the fashion." "The last time I saw President Roosevelt I wore tnese same clothes. It Uras at the yhite House at Washington ma, or cour.e, tne suit was a little free and easy for an official visit. So I apologizsd. 'Mr. President,' I said, 'I must make my excuses for appearing before mch a great person as yourself, and on uch an important occasion, in an outfit that cost $6.' The President stared at ne and then seized my arm. 'How much did you say ?' he asked. 'Six toilers, Mr. President.' . He burst out laughing. 'Well, I have beaten you,' tie oried, 'I am nearer to the people than you are. Xhis suit of mine cost tne only $4!"' " Son. Things Women Won't Do. Kansas City Journal, A loafer on the street, whose wife was probably at home getting out a neighbor's washing to make money to buy the children shoes, asked a busy man the other day if he ever saw a bald-headed woman. "No, I never did," replied the busy man. "And I never saw a woman waltzing around town in her shirt sleeves with a cigar in hor teeth and running into every sa loon she saw. Neither did I ever see a woman sitting all dry at the street corner on a dry goods box telling peo- how the secretary of the treasury should run the national nuances. I have never seen a woman go fishing with a bottle in her pocket, sit on the bank all day and go home druuk at night. Nor have I ever seen a woman yank off her ooat and say she could lick any man in town." It makes no difference how long yon have been sick, if you are troubled with indigestion, constipation, liver and kid ney troubles, Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will make you well. 85 cents, Ask your druggist- ' No dangerous drugs or alcoholic con coctions are taken into the stomach when Hyomei is used. Breathed through the inhaler, the balsamic healing of Hyomei penetrates to the most remote cells of the nose and throat, and thus kills the catarrhal geims, heals the irri tated mucous membrane, and gives complete and permanent cure. Hyomei is the simplest, most pleasant and the only guaranteed cure for ca tarrh that has been discovered. Com plete outfit, $1.00; extra bottle, 50 cents. For sale by Gibson Drug Store. Cared of Lame Back After 15 Year. or Snflerlnc, 'I had been troubled with lame back for fifteen years and I fonnd a complete recovery in the use of Chamberlain's Pain Balm," says John O. Bisher, Gil lam, Ind. This liniment is also without ' an equal for sprains and bruises. It is ' for sale bjM L, Marsh and D. D. John son. vi I is easy to forgive the man who has wronged the other fellow. . DRAGGING down pains are a symptom of the most serious trouble which can attack a woman, viz: falling of the womb. With this, generally, come irregular, painful, scanty or profuse periods, wasteful, weakening drains, dreadful backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, irritability, tired feeling, Inability to walk, loss of appetite, color and beauty. Tha curs Is WINE OF CARBUI THE FEMALE REGULATOR, that marvelous, curative extract, or natural wine, of herbs, which exerts such a wonderful, strengthening influence on all female organs. Cardul relieves pain, regulates the menses, stops drains and stimulates the womb muscles to pull ths womb up into place. It Is s sure and permanent cure for all female complaints. WRITE US A LETTER Pt Mtd) all ttuiidUy and write n tr I J ana frankly, la strtotost oonfl ioc, UUInf na all your symptoms: md trtmbltM. W will send free advloa (In plain, aealtd cnrelope). how to our thorn. Addmai Ladies' Advisory DpU, Tha Chattanooga Modicin Go., "I SUFFERED AWFUL PAIN In my womb and ovaries," write. Mrs. Naomi Bake, of W.bater Grove., Mo., "also in my right and left .Idea, and my mansss were very painful and Irregular. Since taking Cardui, I feel like a new woman, and do not anger as I did. It I. the beat medi cine 1 aver had In my house." MtHSae.i C'Oi Si?S?SSH SJftwrflPftwXwttwwwfl B6IYS A BUCK'S RANGE. Imagine being able to get a genuine Buck's Range the Range that has been satisfying pleasing the people for 58 years, for 10c. a day I Art Squares and Rugs lead bj long odds over Carpets. We have rich, bright patterns and color schemes, Floral and Oriental. Come as early as you can and see them. gaaoafla-aMMasa-aasaMa