CONCORD TIMES John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. ED TWIOE A. WEEK. $1.00 a Tear, i- Ivance. Volume XXII I. CONCORD, N. C, OCTOBER 3, 190S. vviER 27. S WE LOAN MONEY l CHECKERS Jl.OtJ everywhere or sample bottle free. Checkers Medicine Co., Winston-Salem, N. C For Salo n.t l&Xm-sili'ei X3xxx.g Store. H. I. WOODHOU8K. President. C W. HWINK. Cashier. MAKTIN BOGKR. Vice-President W. H. OIIISON, Teller Concord, N. C Branch at Albemarle, N C. ! Capital, 50,000.00 J snrpins ana unaiviaea rronw h,uuuu Deposits 350,000.00 I Total Resources 435, 000 00 j Our past success, as Indicated above by j figures, :s (julte gratifying, and we wish to assure our friends and .customers of our ap-I preclatlon o their patronage and cordially ! Invite a continuance of the same. Should be i pleased to serve a large uumber of new cus- tomors. holding ourselves ready to serve you In any way coutdntent with sound banking. DIRECTORS J. W. Cannon, Robert S. Young, L. J. Foil. Jos. r (loodman, M. J . Corl, Jno. 8. EQrd.J. M. Morrow, T. C. Ingram. Safe Prompt THE Liberal Capital Stock, Stockholders' liability, Surplus and undivided profits, Assets, .... $100,000 100,000 .ooo 350,000 Your Business Solicited 4 per cent. Interest paid on time certificates J M. ODELL, President. W. H. LILLY, Vice Presldont. L. I).' COITRANE'. Asst Cashier. I D. R. OOLTKANN. Caahler J.M.HKNDKIX llook-keeper Lite Fire Health Accident Pfate Glass Insurance Surety D J DU llUb I nt Rock Bottom Prices in the most reliable com panies, and big bargains in REAL ESTATE SEE JNO. K. PATTERSON, Office ud stairs at Postoffue. New Offerings ..Real Estate.. 52 acres in No. 4 township, Bnrnhardt mill tract, with house and barn. Price $520. llsU acres in No. 4 township, with one tenant house, crib, smokehouse and orchard. Price $2,000. SO fle'res in No. 4- township, with tenant house and barn. Price $1200 (').") acres in No 5 township, about three miles from Concord. Price $750. One lot on east side of North Crowell street, 70x150 feet, with 5 large room dwelling, well built. Price $1,155. One lot on east side Southern Railroad, with 5-room dwelling, well built. Price $420. Jno. K. Patterson 8c Co., Real Estate Agents, Concord, N. C. We have for sale another excellent cottage on Spring street, with bath room, etc. Price $2,415. See Jno. K. Patterson & Oo. 11 MB in in The Difference I'ctwcen living well ami living poorly is very small it you lmv right. The fellow who knows it all is satisfied, luit people who are Let Us - t - i 0 - XcllTl - VoilT vtll ! seeking new ideas are I willing to learn. We invite you to call on us and let us show you how to buy Spectacles. There's only one glass that will fit your eve properly and if you don't get that one glass your eye is liable to be injured. U Trpo 1 j Co It's Free. We fit each eye with the proper lenc, and at the proper price. W.C.C0RRELL Jeweler end Optician. TAXES. Please read the following law carefully, and remember that I am compelled to obey me same, ami every man In tbe county will uttve to,c')',r"r.m to,.tn law Laws lHdo. Chap. 15. Sec 38-The sheriff or his deputy or tax collector shall attend at the court house or In his office In the county town during the months of September and November for the purpose of receiving the taxen: he Hhall also In like manner attend at least one day during the month of October at some one or more places In each township of which 15 days' notice shall bo given by ad vertisement at three or more places, and in a newspaper If one be published In the county. Sec .'17 -When the taxes shall be due and unpaid, the sheriff shall Immediately proceed to collect them as follows. 1st. If the party charged have personal property of value equal to the taxes charged against him, the sheriff shall sle.e and sell the same as he Is required to sell other property under execu tion. I shall endeavor to follow strictly the above law Therefore all parties are earnestly re quested to come forward and settle thelr taxesand save costs. 1 w ill be in ray office during the months of September and Novemtior. or von will And lei.uiv there for the purpose of receiving your tuxes. I win isitthe places below for the same purpose on the dai s stated during the month of t etobcr, imfi : Rocky River, Townehlp, No. 1, Monday Oc tober2. I'oplar Tent, Township No. 2, Tuesday, Oc tober ;t Dewcese. Township No. 3, Wednesday. Oc tober 4 Cook's, Township No. 4. Thursday, Octo ber 5. Mt Oliead, Township No, 5, Friday, Octo ber i J M. Faggart's, Township No. fi, Saturday. October 7. Reed M Isenhelmer'f , TowDshlp No 7, Mon day, October H Mt. Pleasant. Township No. 8, Tuesday, Oc tober 10. C.K.Smith's, Wednesday, October 11. Itethel, Township No. 10, Thursday, Octo ber li Old Kleld, Township No. 11, Friday, Octo-lierl-J Concord, Township No 12, Saturday, Octo ber 14. JAS. V. HA It IIS. Sheriff of Cabarrus County Concord, N . C , September 22, 1906. DR. J. S. LAFFERTY Gives special attention to diseases of the Eye and Ear, Fitting Glasses and to Electric Treatment of Chronic Diseases. Cancers and Skin Diseases treated by the X-Ray. Office room 15, in Morns Building. 'Phone 131a. For sale One beautiful residence lot, about 50x150 feet in Wadsworth Ad dition fronting on Allison street, oppo site D. J. Bost & Co 8 store, $150. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. Notice. My wife, Minnie E. K earns, (formerly Mel ton) Imvlng abandoned me without Just cause, and beltg willing to live with, care for and support her, I do hereby forbid any per sona or corporation to hire, support or har bor the said .Mmnie K H earns, alias Melton unler penalty of Indictment and liability for damages This July 30. lHOo. A. J. KEaKNS -( lUiltS nntKt ALL HSi lA'LS. I 4 n.t (Y.uszh Syrup. Taates Uood. U In timo. Sold by d rucntists. S3 EM BLACK RUST ON COTTON. The State Department of Agriculture haa since December let received nu merous earn pies of diseased cotton bolls showing blackened surface and in many cases having the immature Hot exposed and rotten. These diseased bolle show the presence of the spores or reproductive part of a parasitic fuDgus colleto trichium goesipyum. The fungus seems to be spreading in North Carolina and already does very serious damage. The estimated damage now caused is about one-half the normal y it Id ou the infected areas. The spores or so-called seeds of the fungus live over winter in the diseased bolls and stalks of the preceding crop usually left in the field. The Bpores also undoubtedly live upon the seed stored in barns and cotton gius. When this seed h planted or when uninfected seed is planted upon the infected soil the fungus starts growth along with the seed and grows up through the young plants, eventually coming to the surface of the stalks and forming black patches on 8 talk and boll. Great damage is done to the growing crop by the threads of this fungus choking the sap vessels of the leaf stalks, thereby causing the leaves to fall cff. When young bolls are seriously infected they Btop growth, open and expose the immature lint, which soon rots The only practicable remedy for this disease is to rotate crops so that cotton will not come upon the same land of tener than once in three years Seed cotton should never be taken from the piles at gin houses. The seed Bhould always be carefully Belected from healthy and prolific plants in the field. Such selection, together with a proper rotation, will prevent the Iobs now caused by the disease and will at the same time improve the strain and in crease the yield of the crop. The use of fungicidal sprays is not recom mended. Gerald McCarthy, Biologist. Substitute. A young married woman, who was passing the summer alone on account of her husband having been summoned to Europe on a business matter, had caller one morning, says the Cincinnati Enquirer, who asked if she were not lonely without her husband. "A little lonely," was the qualified answer. "But surely," said the visitor, "you miss your husband very much, now he is away?" The young woman laughed. "Oh. no," she said. "At breakfast and at dinner I just stand his newspa- up in front of his plaie, and half the time I forget he isn't there." Second Choice. A story recently told by Thomas Hunter, president of the New York Normal College, seems to indicate that once in a while a willing wife is spoiled to make an unwilling teacher. A pretty and agreeable young woman who lived in a country village suddenly announced that she was going to take up teaching. 'You! You a school-teacher!" ex claimed the recipient of her confidence. "Why, I'd rather marry a widower with nine children!" "So would I," the young woman re plied, frankly, "but where is the wid ower? ' Startling .Tlortallt y. Statistics show startling mortality front appendicitis and peritonitis. To prevent and cure these awful diseases there is just one reliable remedy, Dr King's New Life Pills. M. Flannery, of 14 Custom House Place, Chicago, says : "They have no equal for Constipation and Biliousness." 25c at all Drueeists a onae ana Dnaegroom trom "up A 1 1 m State" went into the Savoy Hotel a day or two ago and asked for a room. They were assigned to one on the top floor. "Is that very high up?" asked the bridegroom. "It's on the top floor, but it's a fine" the clerk began. "Gimme something on the first floor up," interrupted the bridegroom. "If there should be a fire or anything I want to git Nellie out. I had a hard 'nough time gittin' that woman to take chances on losin' her this soon." Cured of Lime Back After 16 Years of Suffering. "1 had been troubled with lame back for fifteen years and I found a complete recovery in the use of Chamberlain's Pain Balm," says John G. Bisher, Gil- lam, Ind. This liniment is also without an equal for sprains and bruises. It is for sale by 31 L. Marsh and D. D. Tohn son. Diggby I don't know how you can afford to loaf bo much of the time. Higgins I can afford it because I only get 75 cents a day when I work. Diggsby But that is just the reason why you should get in more days. Higgins Ob, I don't know. When I don't work I don't lose much. Seef IIIIIROER WILL OCT. Falrbrother's Everything. Of course there is the exception to all the rules, but the proposition that mur der will out comes about aa near being true as any of the old saws twed by the world. And it outs sometimes in the most unexpected way. Probably the strangest out was the other day in Cam den, New Jersey, where a man named Carl Zarbee went to the sheriff and sur rendered to him, telling mm that be wanted to be hanged. He said that he had killed a man in Virginia named Jeffreys, and he had Btood it long enough. Inquiry elicited the fact that Zarbee' s story was trueK and he will be tried and perhaps hie wish will be granted. Of course there are several reasons why the man surrendered but the great reason seenu to be that if you im brue your hands in the blood of a brother you are apt to come into camp. The many instances of jrecord prove this statement and that U why the world has accepted as truism the statement that murder will out. .Tien in Bondx. Charlotte Observer. There is a distinct element of pathos in the walking from under The Observ er's roof-tree of some of the men who turned their backs upon it Monday afternoon. Some of them have been with it for years; Bome were genuinely attached to it and it to them. It has striven to be just to them, and they were secure and contented in their positions. The most of them have fam ilies, some own their homes here and others are paying for homes. All of them were making good money, were treated considerately and were happy in their work, but strangers, men whom they have never seen and may never tee, who have no interest in them nor thought of their families had de creed that, under certain circumstances they should strike, and though there was no reason why they should have done so, though they were satisfied with both their pay and their hours, they obeyed went, did! the o former friends, without one mi- ent's notice. It is pitiful, but BU"h f periences are ikely to fa'l into th-n of any me who sign away their liberties. Cargo ot Wild Animal Hade It Lively for Crew, New York, Sept. 29. A badly lace rated crew arrived here to-day on the steamer Indramayo, guarding a cargo of wild animals from Chinese and Ja panese ports. Six leopards and two big snakes caused most oi the injuries which were inflicted by the the animals during an exciting voyage. Besideb these animals the Indramayo started out with an elephant, Bix monkeys of a large and savage species, and some smaller animals. The leopards from teir cages suc ceeded in lacerating the arms and legs of si i sailors, who attempted to feed them on the rolling, pitching ship. In the Bed sea, one of the snakes, which weighed 200 pounds and was 23 feet long, escaped from his cage and crawled out upon the deck about dawn. During most of the forenoon the entire crew fought and rolled about, the deck in a struggle to get the snake back into his cage, xhey naaiiy succeeaea. Four days ago the t elephant died from complications resulting from sea sickness, and the animal's body was thrown ovr rboard. Good Reason. Representative Adamson, of Georgia, says that when he was judge of bis county court a fellow was before him charged, with having stolen a pair of pantaloons they call them "britches" in Georgia, There were Beveral wit nesses, but the evidence was rather meager, and the accused was acquitted. He was told that he could go, but he remained in his seat. His lawyer, to whose successful defense he owed his liberty, hinted to him that he was free to depart, but he didn't budg. "I don't want to go," said the fellow. "Let the witnesses go first." "Why?" "Why, sir, I've got on the 'britches' I stole." Strikes Rlddet? Rorka Wbf i your ship of health strikes the hiddfj rocks of Consumption, Pneu monia, etc., you are lost if you don't get help from Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. J. W. McKinnon, of Talladega Springs, Ala., writes : "Ihad been very ill with Pneumonia, under the care of two doctors, but ; was getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gave re lief, and one bottle cured me." Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds. Guaranteed at all Druggists, price 50o and $1 .00. Trial bottle free. People who stir up strife generally tumble into it when it is fairly boiling over. HOT THIS TEAR. Atlanta Journal. One C. W. McAra, who is president f the Master Cotton Spinners' Associa tion of Great Britain, says that eight cents a pound is enough for cotton. Not this year, Mr. McAra. We respectfully submit that the pro ducer is the proper person to say what price he will take for his product. An that just now, he is in a pretty good condition to say it and make what he says go. Of course, it is something of a blow to the English mills to be finally forced to realize that the planter wants more than five or six cents and is in a condi tion to get it. But then We have ourselves to consider, as well as the English spinners. And if the English spinners can't stand it, we Buggeat that they move their mills over to this Bide of the water, where the item of transportation will not cost so much that they get nearer the field. Our southern spinners aronot k:ckiog about the price of cotton. The English spinners will have to "come arjross" in one way or the other either come across with a good price, or come across the water, literally. Well Parried. "What passed between yourself and the complainant?" inquired the magis trate in a county court. "I think, sor," replied the worthy Mr. O'Brien, "a half-dozen bricks and a lump of paving-stone." In "Irish Life and Humour" Mr. WillUm Harvey gives another anecdote of the Irishman's readiness in the court of law. "Now, Pat," said a magistrate to an old offender, "what brought you here again ?" "Two policemin, Bor," was the la conic reply. "Drunk, 1 "Suppose?" queried the magistrate. "les, sor, Baia rat, "both av thim." Speaking to Future Aeea. The British Museum authorities have decided to make a collection of ; Sonographic records preserving the voices of great living orators, aingers and actors, and the instrumental ren derings of famous musicians. The master records will be of nickel, from which molds will be taken. But for the sake of posterity the records will be very sparingly used during the lifetime of those whose voices are recorded. A similar undertaking is on foot in Italy. magine, if there had been phonographs when Demosthenes denounced Philip, when Cicero prosecuted Yerres, when Mirabeau addressed the French revolu tionists, and when Webster answered Hayne ! A Remedy Wltbout av Peer. 'I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used for stomach trouble," says J. P. Klote, of Edina, Mo. For any disorder of the stomach, biliousness or constipation, these Tablets are without a peer. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. There are too many marching round Jericho on 8unday and mending its walls all the week. It makes no difference how long you have been sick, if you are troubled with indigestion, constipation, liver and kid ney troubles, Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will make you well 35 cent", Ask your druggist. B61YS A BUCK'S RANGE. Imagine being able to get a genuine Buck's Range the Range hat has been satisfying pleasing the people for 58 years, for 10c. a day ! Art Squares and Rugs lead by long odds over Carpets. We have rich, bright patterns and color schemes, Floral and Oriental. Come as early as you can and see them. INSIDE l!N POIt TI ATION. Concord lime Reader rtianre for Profit Kveryone Ought to ;ranp Tola Opportunity. To have even a simple case of in digestion is to have "inside informa tion" of Buffering that warng of serious trouble in the future, unices the diges tive system iB strengthened. It you cannot eat and digest three e;ood, square and satisfying meals each day without discomfort, your stomach needs Mi-o-na tablets. They are not a a mere temporary relief, but are com posed of valuable medicinal agents which strengthen the digestive organs, and cure and prevent sto nach troubles. When there are pains or distress after eatine, head aches, belching of ga.6ee, a sour taste in the mouth, dizziness, heart burn, "pecks before the eyes, furred tongue, sleeplessness, nervousness, or back ache, the stomach needs the help of Mi-o-na. Every reader of The Timks should grasp the opportunity offered by Gibson Drug Store to try Mi-o-na at their risk. Just one little tablet out of a 5 cents box of this remedy before each meal J for a few days, and you will soon have a strong stomach and perfect health. Ask Gibson Drug Store to show you tbe guarantee under which they sell Mi o-na. This valuable remedy coets you nothing unless it restores health. The Last Call. As attorneys for L. M Monhelmer, Trustee, D. 1'. Dayvault Sl Ilro., Bankrupts, we havs absolute control of all notes and accounte due said estate, with Instructions to collect or reduce the same to Judgment Cottou Is ten cents and there Is no valid reasons why every man should not come in and settle at once. If It Is an honest debt we want It, and you will feel better after having paia ud Mr C. A. Pitts will call upon you In a few days, and we trust you w ill settle with him. If you have any counterclaim set off call upon us and we will gladly trlve you any credit you are entitled to. Respectfully. AUAM3, ARMFIELO. JEROME & MAN ESS pt 19, 1905. LOW RATES TO THE Pacific Coast Also Homeseekcr and and exctir tion rates to COLORADO, KAN SAS, and the WEST and NORTHWEST. Before deciding on route write to the CHICAGO & ALTON. Best Connections. Matchless Equipment. Dustless Road way. Perfect Service. " THE ONL Y WA Y" For rates, time tables and full particulars, audress. F. L. CHASE, Southeastern Passenger Agent Atlanta, Oa Has Stood The rove s Tasteless Chill Tome No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. Always Remember the Full Name 1 axative Cures a Cold in One . jjrtnrt rtSSIOKAL CARDS. DR. H? C. HERRING. Dentist, Is now on the ground floor o Building. the Lltaker CONCORD. N. O. Or. w. C. Houston SQrn 5&rJ Dentist, CONCORD, W. O. Is prepared to do all kinds of dental work 1n rhe most approved manner. Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Residence 'Phone 11 Office 'Phone 42. L. T. HARTSELL, Attorney-at-Law, CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA. Prompt attention (riven to all business. Office in Morris building, opposite the court house. DRS. LILLY & WALKER, offer their professional services to the cltl lens of Concord and surrounding country Calls promptly attended day or nljdit. W J. MONTOOMXBT. . LBK CROW ELI- MOHTGOMERY & CROWELL, Attorneys and Connselors-at-Law, CONCORD, N. 0. As partners, will practice law In Cabarrus. Stanly and adjoining counties. In the 8uje- rlor and Supreme Courts ol the State and In i tho ti oral I'nn rla DrHoa in niirt tw-tnaa Parties desirlni? to lend money can leave It with us or place It In Concord National Hank for us, and we will lend It on good real es tate security free of charge to the deKsltcr. We make thorough examination of title to lands offered as security for loans. Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners of same. Henry B. Adams Thos. J. Jerome. Frank Armfleld. Tola 1). Maness. Mais, Jerome, Ar&Seli I Ua&ess, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, CONCORD, N. C. Practice in all the State and II. 8. Courts. Prompt attention glyen to collections and general law practice. Persons Interested In the settlement of estates, administrators, executors, and guardians are especially In vited to call on us, as we represent one of the largest bonding companies iu America; In fact we will go any kind of a bond cheaper than any one else. Parties desiring to lend money can leave It with us or deposit it in Concord National Bank, and we will lend It ou approved secu rity free of charge to the lender. Continued and painstaking attention will be given, at a reasonable price, to all lega business. Office In new Morris Building opposite 11 WilFUGE Is tbe same fronj, oM-fash-loneJ meJic ine thaf ha savaej the h,s nf little (hilJren f'T 1 !i e J-3M 6o years. It is n mt'J K i tu' m i Je tu ci;rc It 'las never h-'en knwn to f.ill. If our iliilj is su k i;et a bot tle of FREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Do not take a substitute. "If vour druiM does not keep It, sen J enty-ti ve cents in stamps to jn. ct? s. ZTTLnnr IlalUniorei Nd. anJ a botle will te mailed you Test 2! Years Ru lRJa li rii romo Auimne Day, Grip in Two. on Box. 25c.