Me RD ' TIMES.- Cornea ' Twio Every Wkscd r. the Frio to Only Hfcaraor than Twioe th Circula tion of any Paper erar Published la the County. On Dollar Tear. John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED TWICE .A. WEE $l.O0 a Tear, in Advance. Volume XXIII. Concord, N. C, October 6. 1905. number 28. WE LOAN ON COTTON. t WOODHOU8. President MAETIN BOGKU, Vioe-President W. B. GIBSON, Taller. 0 W. BWINK. Cashier. Concord, H. C Branch Albemarle, H, 0. Capital, ' t 60,000.00 8 orpin and Undivided Profita 80,000.00 Deposit! . . 860,000.00 Total Resource 435,000.00 Our part success, as Indicated above by figures. It quite KmtlfylnK, and we wish to assure oar mends and customers of our ap- Ereelatlon o their patronage and cordially vlte a continuance of the same. Should be pleased to serve a larKe number of new cus tomers, holding ourselves ready to serve you In any way oonststent with sound banking. DIRECTORS. J. W. Cannon. Robert 8. Tonne. L. J. Foil. I Jos. f. Goodman, M. J Corl, Juo. 8. Kflrd, J. M. Morrow, i', u. ins-ram. Sate Prompt THE Liberal Capital Stock, . . . Stockholders' Uability, Surplus and undivided profits, Assets, ... $100,000 100,000 29,000 350,000 Your Business Solicited 4 per sent. Interest paid on time certificates J M. ODBLL, President. W. H. LILLY, Vice President. D. H. OOLTKANK. Oashlei L. D. COLTRANE, Asst Cashier. J. M. UKNOU1X Book-keeper. Lite ; - Fire Health Accident Plate Glass Insurance Surety Bonds at Rock Bottom Prices in the most reliable com " panies, and big bargains in REAL ESTATE SEE JNO. K. PATTERSON, Office no stairs at Fostoflke. !Jo (Printers: We manufacture the very highest grade of Brass Rule, Brass Leads, Brass Leaders, Brass Galleys, Metal Borders, Leads and Slugs, L. S. Metal Leaders, Spaces and Quads, Metal Quoins. Send us a memo, of Just what you require, and let us quote you prices. Ws are not In any trust or combination, and . yon will be agreeably surprised at wbat ws can save yon over regular prices. Old column roles refaced and made good as new, at a very small cost. Highest prices paid lor old type, leads, elec tros, brass, etc. PHILADELPHIA "RIOTERS' SUPPLY Ho. ) (til Street, Philadelphia, Pa - Send for oar new Catalogue. DR. J.S. LAFFERTY Give special attention to diseases of the Eye and Ear, Fitting Glasses and to Electric Treatment of Chronie Diseases. Cancer and Skin Diseases treated by the X-Ray. Office room 15, of Morns Building. 'Phone 131a. Pr sale One beautiful residence lot, about 60x150 feet in Wadsworth Ad dition fronting on Allison street, oppo site D. J. Best & Go's store, $150. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. MONEY The Difference Between living well and living poorly Let Us very small it you buy right. The fellow who knows it all is satisfied. Exam ine" but people who are seeking new ideas are willing to learn. We invite you to call on us and let us show you how to buy Spectacles. There's only one'glass Your Eyes It's Free. that will ht your eye properly and if you don't get that one glass your eye is liable to be injured. We fit each eye with the proper lense and at the proper price. W.0.C0RRELL J eweler end Optician. TAXES. Please read the following law carefully, anu reraemuer mat i am compelled to oue; the same, and every man In the county wll have to conform to the law : Uwi ihuo. Chap. 15, Seo 86 The sheriff or his deputy or tax collector shall attend at the court house or In his office In the county town during the months of September and November the purpose of receiving the taxes; he shall also in like manner attend at least one day during the month of October at some one or more places In each township or wmun m asys' notice Basil De given Dy ad vertisement at three or more places, and In a newspaper If one be published In the county. Seo 3T -When the taxes shall be due and unpaid, the sheriff shall Immediately proceed to collect them as folow. 1st. It the oartv charged have personal property of value equal to me taxes charged anainst mm, me sheriff shall sleze and sell Uie s tine as he Is required to sell other properly under execu tion. 1 shall endeavor to follow strictly the above law Therefore all parties are earnestly re quested to come forward aud settle their taxes and save costs. 1 will be In my offlce during the months of September and November, or you will ilnd a aepuiy tnere xor me purpose oi receiving your taxes. 1 win visit the places below for the same purpose on the days stated during the month of October, 1 : Hocky Biver, Townrhlp, No. 1, Monday Oc tober 2. Poplar Tent, Township No. i, Tuesday, Oc tober 8 lieweese. Township No. a. Wednesday. Oc tober 4. Cook's. Township No. 4. Thursday. Octo ber 5. Mt. Gilead. Township No. I. Friday. Octo bers J M. Kau irarfs. Township No. 8. Saturday. October 7. , Ueed Mlsenhelmer'e, Town ship No. 7, Mon day, October 9. Mt. Pleasant. Township No. 8. Tuesday. Oc tober 10. ('.. F. Smith's Township No. 9. Wednesday. Ootolier 11. Bethel. Township No. 10. Thursday. Octo ber 12. Old Field, Township No. 11, Friday, Octo ber 13. Concord. Township No. 12. Saturday. Octo ber 14. JAS. P. HAIt'ila. Sheriff or eanarrus county. Concord, N. C, September 2a, l'JUo. !sg Ip. ia Tii 362 acres lying only five miles from Wadesboro, with 3-room tenant house, barn and stables.- Tillable, 40 acres, aad 322 acres of timber. Land adapted to cotton, corn, wheat and clover. Has 100,000 feet of old field pine suitable for tire wood. Has 50 to 75 acres fine creek bottom lands, and an equal amount of "black haw" land. Creek is well canalled. Within Vt mile of White Store road to be macadamized this year. Will sell at a remarkably low price. No. 219. 70w acres in Buford town ship. Union county, 5 miles from Mon roe one-half mile from Baptist Church and School. Has 20 acres of small woods, and 6 to 10 acres of branch and creek bottom. Has 4-room log house. barn and small cotton house, and a few bearing fruit trees. Tillable 50 acres, and 20 acres timber. Land adaptei0o cotton, corn, oats, etc. Price only $500 cash, or $564, payable $100 cash, bal ance tn 5 years. No. 47. About 87V4 acres in No. 11 township, with one tenant house. Till able 25 acres. Good gold prospects. Land adapted to cotton and grain. Price only tl,5O0. For Sale One of the most desirable cottages in Concord, on Spring street. Pnce only $3,300. J no. K. Pat terson 44 Co. OS- 1! 3 LIjRtS Mf tit ill AIL ti'cl utlS." I , Twatm Goud. On I Bert Cooafh ttTran. In tim. fclti by dnisanwf. 7 MAM JOlAt LttTTEM. Atlanta Journal. Our meetings in Marietta closed Sun dav uigbt and left a glow of good feel iog attesting the fact that they were great moral uplift to Marietta and her pco.le. Marietta is as high grade town as any I know of in our Southland, and ret these infernal things called blind tigers have been a curie to Marietta for a dozsn year. There was, during our meetings, aroused sentiment and an organization which meant down with them and out with them, A citizen ship that approves blind tigers is in' fsmour; a ci'izenthlp that tolerates tbem is cowardly. Tber are lawless, disreputable, low-Bang, and without excuse in any community except as they may be patronized and apologized lor by the dirtiest gang that ever cursed the 'world. Sometimes it is a disreputable nigger running these blind tigers; sometimes a more dli- reputab e white man; sometimes a wo man, and a more demoralizing thing was never permitted to exist in any town in all the world. I have no tolerance for a blind tiger; no respect for the dirty devil that will buy their liquor, and contempt for the dirty wholesale devils that slip it into towns at the bid and call of blind tigers. The wholesale liquor dealers of Atlanta, Macon and Savannah are pushing this battle upon the good peo ple of all our dry, until there will be mutiny by and by. Already there is the rumbling of warfare that means the utter extermination of the tirffio in Qeorgia. There was bugle blast sounded by the Anti-Saloon League of Atlanta this week, and Just aa sure as Russia en croached upon and insulted Japan, and Jspan saw her very existence de pended upon "her defending herself, and the result is now open to all, so a long-suffering people will rise np some of these days, and that not long off, and drive this traffic back to the hell from whenoe it came. A dirty scoun drel that will run a blind tiger will do anything this side of perdition to feed his greed and fill his pockets, and 99 per cent, of the dirty rascals who buy blind tiger liquor will go into court house and swear a lie as black as dam nation about it, . and (he wholesale liquor dealer who will ship whiskey promiscuously into a dry town, not knowing or caring whether it is for a blind tiger or not, if as mean as the rascal that sells it and as unreliable as the scoundrels that buy it, The Aoti saloon League cannot do a better or a more practical thing than to search the records of the internal revenue collector and send to each mayor and council of the dry towns of Georgia the names of every person who has procured govern ment or internal revenue licenses to sell the stuff, and if onr legislature was a tenth as loyal to the women and chil dren of this state as they are to the liquor traffic, they would give ns a statute law in Georgia, as they have other states which makes inter nal revenue license prima facie evidence that the fellow is selling the liquor. " There is but little need of a commu- ity jumping on officials because blind tigers exist, for, after all, everything is up to and up against the people. They can tolerate and foster blind tigers if tbey want to; they can squelch them and exterminate them if they want to, and only the people of a community can do this. A Judge can do much; a twenty-five dollar fine, ot a fifty dollar fine levied on a blind tiger, is a farce, and if I was judge of any judicial circuit and com promised with any dirty blind tiger for fifty-dollar fine, I would not do it but once, and then I would resign in the interest of law and order in my com munity, Judge Jim Brown, I am told, broke up blind timers ia Marietta more than twenty years ago. I beard that he sent one man to the cbaingang three years, and another for a year, and they served out their sentences No man who is guilty of running a blind tiger ought to have less than the limit of the law, both in fine and im prisonment It is no place of the jddgs to hunt them, but once a jury oonvicta a blind tiger, then the judge will omt in as a force in the maintenance of law and order, or he will show himself by a small fine unworthy' of the position which he holds. Sometimes I am almori tempted to go into the present race for governor of this state on this issue alone, and if I didn't demonstrate bQfacU and fig ures, by logic and rhetoric, that Qeor gia has suffered more from the liquor traffic than from all other sources com bined, I will take to the woods as "a candidate limited." South Carolina, county by county, is "spewing" oat dispensaries. County by county the twelve Southern states have closed the saloons until almost three-fourths of U. : aI .11 tU. Qa..I.aM mtmtoM L!L1. .1 1 . I! n J .. A I prouioH iue sale ui liquor, uu. jo, uuau ug uquut oau sur up u. - Dine brimstone in a community than anything I know Now, gentlemen, let's stop this blind tiger business, and the liquor dealers of Atlanta, Maoon, Savannah and other soaking wet Georgia towns must keep their blind tiger liquor or else they will bring on a fight, and when that fight ends the liquor dealers of Georgia will be as completely out of a job as a ne gro politician is on the day of a white primary. Why can't we get the blind tiger tangled ap,with the present gub ernatorial race f We have got mighty nigh everything else mixed up with it. Yours truly, Sam P. Jonks P. 81 haven't drank a drop of whiskey, wine or beer in more than thirty yean. I'm done, boys, I've quit for good. 8. P. J. Big Slaaap Follows Cotlea Bepert, New York, Oct 8 A large amount of selling order had been placed In the cotton market to go into effect if the bureau reuort to-day made the condi- tion 69 or better. Very few of the most sanguine bears had expected a condition better than that percent- age. Consequently the government eitimate of 712 per cent, was a great surprise. The largest firms of spot dealers and the beaviest and most influential opera- tors rallied to the support of the mar- ket. The buying and heavy covering by a heavy short who has been on the bear side for the past two months, and his following practically saved the mar- ket, as the bulls had been caught too heavily overloaded to render much sup- port. The government's report caused enormous selling from the Bouth ana Liverpool, but the market was finally steadied under a continuance of active profit-taking by recent bears and by some of the local and New Orleans bulls later recovering their equilibrium. To-day's low prices show a maximum decline of 125 to 150 points from last month's high level, which is equivalent to between 16 and 17 50 per bale, and are practically the lowest prices reached since early last summer. Pertralt of General Robert K. Lee. Washington Post. The fact that too frequently it tran spires in American history that no sc. curate and authentio portrait of her great men is faithfully preserved has caused a number of the devoted sd- mirers of General B ber. E. Lee to in terest themselves to cause a perfect pic ture of the great General to be made, and to be preserved for all future his tory. This work, after a lapse of forty year, is now under way by the John A Lowell Bank Note Company, of Boston, who are using for this purpose the exact photograph made at General Lee's resi dence in Richmond a few days after the surrender, which picture has always been considered by the Lw family and friends as the most perfect likness ever taken of the General at that period. The work, when finished, will be of the highest art of steel engraving, so that it will thus be preserved for all fa ture time. Similar Kind. "Now, boys," said the schoolmaster during an examination in geography, "what is the axis of the earth f Johnny raised his hand promptly. "Well. Johnny, how would you de scribe it f " "Thesxis ot the earth," said Johnny, proudly, "is an' imaginary line which passes from one pole tj the other, and on which the earth revolves." "Very good," exclaimed the teacher. "Now, could you haDg clothes on that line, Johnny f" 'Yes, sir," was the reply. "Indeed," said the examiner, a little disconcerted, "and what sort of clothes 7" "Imaginary clothes, sir." There et as One. Mr. Woolimon: "Loogy yub, now I Dis ain't right I Ds whole country, fum de Atlantic to de Specific, and fum Alphabet to Omaha, am full o' niggers I dev am a right dienstious nresenti- meat of de entieu popularity, de nig gers is t Well, and yit, sah, out o' all de State in de Union dar ain't a single contaminated one of 'em named after a cullud man I Dat's 'scrimination, sab; sho's yo' bawn it is I ' Mr. 81ewfoot : "Humph I No Sute named after a cullud man f What's de mattah wid Washington nh V It makes no difference how long yon have been sick, if yon are troubled with indigestion, constipation, liver and kid ney trembles, Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will make you well S5 oent, Ask your drn gist. No man can be an infi.lel sbo has some faith in other men. IS WADKSBOBO. . ..... . WM he,din boro whioh resulted in a victory for the opponents of open saloons and stills by a m j irity of 6. Another local option election was held Tuesday, at which the following vote was cast 'For saloons, 160; against saloons, 107 majority for saloons, 52 "For stills, 137; sgainst stills, 125 majority for stills, 12." . The above is from the last week issue of the Wades boro Messenger and Intelligencer. It is a great cause for rejoicing. The sturdy manbool of the good old county has asserted itself and freedom sits again upon the mountain heights. The preacbm, the women and other fanatics have been put to rout. . Everybody who belie vs in the natural rights of man should give whoop and go to Wadesboro and take a drink. Narrow mindedness and pro vincialitm have been cast off by this cotmopolitan town, and it is now the 0Dr pi, between Wilmington a i Asheville where free-born Saxons, cher i,hi0g all the ancestral hatred for op pression and tyranny, can waic up to the counter and drink out of the same that has been used by a free Lig I -er , snort time before. Sound (he houj timbrel o'er this benighted section for liberty again reigns in Wadesboro ADd oni, , m0re policemen will be neoessary to restrain her. Watch the goot pltM n new life and vigor Bnd reoover from (he blight that the wiKn ot tne fgntics has entailed, Watch the thousands of horny-handed .on, of the soil who will trade wheie they can buy drink, rush from the phariieeical towns around and buy their goodg from the town where the bird of m,ert, nM again squatted. Not only will the sons of liberty in that town have somewhere to go and take a freeman's drink when they feel like it, but their sons will also. The beys and youth m ay not now sit at home or suck their fin gers at the starvation parties as they were compelled to do under the rule of the oppressors, for now they may gather nightly in the nice warm bars and take a social game of cards and a drop of something to cheer the heart. Not only shall there be places where good liquors (no rot-gut dispensary stuff) can be mixed by a slick, fat white man with a greasy, fat black man to help him, and serve out to all who can raise the price, but right bandy in the town will be the established rum mills to make the pure and unadulterated stuff that a man can drink and epjoy loDger without being killed than any other animal. Think of the pretty new still houses with tweet-scented hogs living sumptuously on mash I Think of the nice hogs that can be raised I And all that fine bacon lost under the reign of the fanatical But the fanatics are routed and liberty reigns. Liberty and drunkards t Liberty and more ragged and hungry oh li ar en i Liberty and more hageard women with black bruised eyes 1 Liberty and more bands for the chain gang I.ltiertv and more blood money 1 Liher;y and desolation, one and lnseparab't I Hamlet and Hiffman and Rocking bam bavt lost their glory, but Wades- boro his found hers. She has not voted a graded school, but she has voted in the rum shops and the hell kettles I Ho New Trial for Tons Dewey. Baleioh, Oct. 3. The Supreme Court to-day handed down its opinion in the case of Thomas W. Dewey, the defaulting cashier of the Merchants' and Farmers' Bank, of Newborn, deny ing motion for a new trial. Dewey was cashier of the bank and was more familiar with the books, bich were relied on to show his changes and false entries therein and his embezzlements. He and his able counsel had full access to them in per forming his defense, and in was further in evidence that he fled the State and was absent many months and that, while so absent, he wrote a letter seek ing to compromise matters and escape criminal punishment in which he fully admitted his guilt. This letter was a part of the record. It will be recalled that in the trial one of counsel for the ata said that Dewey in this letter thought to make the Almighty a part in etcaping punishment for one's crime. lassaia ana laalg- ellon Cutea. 'Last year I had a very severe attack of indigestion. I conld not sleep at night and suffered most excruciating pains for three hoars after each meal. I was trou bled this way for about three months when I nsed Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets,nd received imme diate relief," says John Dixon, Tolla- more. Ontario, Canada. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. Mr. Roosevelt is now going to sppeal to tbe Bouth for votes. They were about the only one be missed last election. I THB TBI cm THB What New Yorkers Think of tke South1 Apples. People can better be convinced of conditions, if they are brought into touch with the material results growing out of them. The Land and Industrial Department if the Southern Railway, raalizing this, has been exhibiting for several weeks at Farrs in the Northern and Western Slates a collection of products from the territory traversed by its lines. These exhibits have attracted marked attention, and have been the means of informing thousands of peo ple of the opportunities offered by the South to the farmer, stock-raiser, man ufacturer, etc. Printed matter descrip tive of landostnd business openings of all kinds along the Southern Railway has been distributed from these exhibits among people earnestly seeking infor mation concerning the resources of the South and the advantages offered AmoEg the various products displayed were some fine specimens of apples, the superiority of wbioh is shown by the the following: New York State Fair, Syracuse, N. Y. In recognition of the fact that the apples exhibited by Mr. J. E. Hall, of Waynesville, N. C, and The Stuart Orchard Company, Stuart, Va., in the Southern Railway exhibit arrived too late to enter for award, we wish to ex press the opinion that these apples are the finest specimens exhibited at the New York State Fair, and had they been properly entered, would have re ceived highest award, H. 8. Wiley, Albert Wood, September 14th, 1905. To appreciate the force of the above, it should be borne in mind that the re gion surrounding Syracuse is one of the oldest and most important apple pro ducing lections in the United States. Liberty Is Sweet. Statesville Landmark. The editor! of the Charlotte papeis are ss happy as schoolboys. While their papers still show the effects of the printers' strike they are coming out daily and constanly presenting an im proved appearance. But the great joy of the Charlotte newspaper men is not alone because they have whipped in the strike it's because ' they hare won freedom. ' For years they have been dominated by the union until tbiy could scarcely call their souls their own. The tyranny became undearable, they threw it eff and now they are enjoying the liberty of running their business in their own way, free from the dictation of any union. Hereafter Chatlotte of fices will be open shops. Both union and non-union men can get work if they want it, but the union will control these offices no more. A Joke on the Doctor. Harper's Weekly. A Baltimore pbynician sayi that cently he boarded a Charlotte street car that was sadly ov rcrowded. He soon obscivcd a big German sprawled over an area sufficient to seat two persons lesst, while just in front of blm stood a poor nan woman bangicg to a strap. IndigtiRtit st tLis exhibition of selfishness on the part of the German, the phybician tapped bim on the shoul der, ssvinc: See here! W by don t you move a little, so that this tired woman may have a seal?'' For a moment the German looked dz d. Then a broad smile spread over his countenance as be acswtred: "Ssy, dot's a j ike on youtU right! Dors my vift I ' A Daredevil Hide ofton ends in a sad accident. To heal accidental injuries, nee Backlen's Ar nica Salve. "A deep wonnd in my foot, from an accident " writes Theodoie Schuele. of Columbus, O., "caused me great pain. Physicians were helpless. bnt Backlen's Arnica Salve quickly healed it." Soothes and heals bnaus like magic. 2oc at all druggists'. On Monday, October 9th, the South ern Railway ill change the Asheville and Norfolk deeping car, as it is nown, which now runs from Asheville through to Norfolk to tbe Charkt.e and Norfolk slatper. This car will make tbe above Indicated run lcavirg Charlotte on train No. 12 at 7 p. m., and returning on train No. 33. Pilgbllal Nua'erlng Believed, Suffering frightfully from the viru lent prisons of undigested food, O. G. Grayson, of Lnla, Miss., took Dr. King's New Life Pills, "with the result," he wtitee, "that I was cured." All stomach and bowel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. 25c at all druggists'. Guaranteed. When religion is only worse than nothing. thing it is Weakness cannot wait. OVTHRBN PROnrjCTS AT NORTH KRtl PA IBS. "CUT'lJOUT says the doctor to many of his lady patients, beaus fhJ doesn't know of any medicinal treatment that will rxioitively curd woniior ovarian troubles, except the surgeon's kniftf. That such a medicine exists, however, has bean proved by the wonderful cilres orformed on diseaatn. women 11 uiuuoaiTtA vi taocs vy WINE p OF IT CURES WOMB It has saved the lives of thousands of WejaJr, sfdl women, and has rescued thousands of other, from melancholy lifetime of chronic invalidism. v It will am you, If you will only give it a chance. afcTry Jtju " Sold at'every drug store in $i.oo bottle.' ' WRITE US A LETTER Pot aside all timidity and write us freely and frankly. In strictest eonfl dsnos, telling us all yoor symptoms and troubles. We will send free advlee (la plain, sealed envelops), how to Cure then. Address: Ladiss' Advisory Dspt., Ths Chattsuiooi Medicine Co, Oaattaaooga, Tsno Auction Sale of Lots! -1 West Concord Near the Brown Hfg. Company'!. Mill. Saturday Afternoon, October 7 beginning promptly at 3 o'clock, I will sell at auction, 200 or more ...FINE BUILDING LOTS... These lots are in a desirable location, and in a healthy place to live, or will make splendid investments. A number of them lie on the Charlotte road. Two Lots to be Given, Away Free! Every person who buys a lot will be given a numbered ticket on which he will write his name and drop in box, and the person holding the ticket corresponding to the number which before the sale will be placed in a sealed envelope in the box, will get a lot rniici j ne tirawing win De aosoiuteiy lair, ana no one can pos sibly know who will get the free lot until the drawing is made. Also every white person attending the sale, whether he buy9 a lot or not, will have a chance at getting ONE FREETlOT. Every one will be allowed to put a numbered ticket in the box with his name jr " on it, and the person drawing therefrom a number corresponding ie me numucr in ine seaiea envelope win De given allot AJp v 11 LUTELY FREE. This contest is open to all. l( TT I Terms of sale will be made satisfactory. T,nts can Xl II II at private sale at any time by applying to nl O R. A. BROWN or K mm j ' ' i- H Honest Stores and i; K Most AH Good bt tiggists-; A guaranteed cure for Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Nerve and Blood Useasea, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, Neuralgia, Rteumatism, La Grippe, Heart Disease, Indigestion, Malaria, Chills and Fever, Nervousness and General Debilitv. Itddcka Con sumption and is very pood for all Female Complains. IF YOU ARE SICK no matter what's wrong you neej Checkers. Bny a large dollar package or fill out the Coupon below, and we will send yon a sample bottle free. The acceptance of this offer places you under no obligation. Wo wish simply to convince the sick to let Checkers itoelf show the sufferer what it can do. Then you can judge by results whether we have told you the truth. This offer should convince yon that Checkers will cure. We would certainly not give a sample bottle free if we doubted the) results. You want pleasant results, you want to be well and keep well. Be fair enough Ap accept oar offer to-day. Let ns shovou at our expense what tmn marvelous medicine can do for you.' 5? i Cot Osst Thin Conpon for this offer may not appear strain. Fill out the bunks and mail it to Checkers Medicine Co. , W iiuWu-Salem, N. CJL My disease Is I have never tried Checkers, but if you will supply me a buttle free I will take iw Give fuhireiae CARB.UD DioEAbtr. 1 GAVE UP SUProRTEftr' -I wors s soppprter to. faef yews, to kes op mj womb, wLlclj IimI crowoMSTerr&as me'liejaw would helo mt. 1 swffar-r ViiwrTitndaould bwdlr wk. JLfMrft Vow I u taking my flfciTiWSsik Ueiingt m fonQMlr.uid eu ( s i&j i ilf day at ttm I atroasjlr t0sn4 CwUut u erecj a. airing woiuftssw" 2sT - E. P. WHITE write piainiy. - I

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