..TIMES, HE. - John B. ShtTTill, Llitor 2TOLUMS XXIII. a "t I I I - ., J P ' .urrmmii nmanm I 1 1 1 ,, -.iiiiiib initiiTr 1 . ua jom Ebttu. V7E L0&N ON COTTON. B. t WOODH0U8B, President. 0 W. IWfNK. MARTIN BOG BR, - Vloe-President W. H. OIBSOIT, Taller Ll,l IIUW asisillsi Conoord, M . a. Branch at Albanian. 0. Capital, I 80,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit! 80,000.00 Deposit 60,000.00 Total Reeonroea 486,000.00 Oar pes euoeess, u Indicated above by Banna, it quit (ratifying, and w wish to unnour friends and customers of oar ap- C reflation o their patronage and oordlallT Tit a continuance of tb him. Bbould be leased to serve a large number of new coa lman, boldlm ourselvea read v to aerre you In any way oonatatent with found banking. DIBIOTOBS. J. W. Cannon, Bobert 8. Toong, L. J. Foil. Jo, t. Goodman, M. J. Oori, J no 8. Mru, 1. U. Morrow, X. a Ingram. Safe Prompt ' THB LiberAl n on bo, Capital Stock, - . - 1100,000 Btookholden' liability, 100,000 anr.ln .n1 undivided nroflta. 25.000 Asaeta, .... 860,000 Your Business Solicited ever cent, literest paid on time certificate J M. ODH.L,-Frdnt. " W. H. LILLY, Vic President. L. D. OOLTBANB, Aest Caahler. J, M. HeVHDttlA.. Mooa-aeeper. Utev Fire ; 'Health, Accident Plate Glass Insurance Surety V Bonds at RocV Bottom Prices in the nost reliable com panies, and big bargains REAL ESTATE : " , SEE JHO. K. PATTERSON Office no stairs at Postoffite. Qfo (Printers : -We manufacture the ... very highest grade of Brass Rule. Brass Leads, Brass Brass Gallevs, Metal Borders, Leads and Slugs, L. S. Metal Leaders, spaces arm Quads, Metal yuoins. Send us a memo, of Joe what you require, Jm m nlintA VftU D 11 CM. We are not In any trust or combination, and too wUl be agreeably surpnseu " nan aave vou over regular price. Old column rule retaeed and made good a new. at a Tery small com. Highest price paid for old type, lead, elec tros, orase, . nHILAOELPHIrj RIOTERS' SUPPLY Ho. ttb Street, Philadelphia, Pa Send for our new Catalogue. DR. J. & LAFFERTYek O.ve special attention w mawee w Eye and Ear, Fitting Glasse ana ro,s besatiral building lots on uagt ue KlArtrio Treatment of Chronic DiaeswwJ not street at a bargain. Jno. K. Pat- .1 dh. rHaeaaea treated by I taun Jtr On Oumi and Skin Di-eatee. treated by tbeX-Ray. Office room 16, in Morn Building. 'Phone 131a. IT e hare for tale another excellent I onttmim rat Rnrina? street, with bath room, etc. Price $3,416. See Jno. K. Patterson Oo mud OwneA MONEY DIRECTORY. The following lots were disposed of during the month of September by the Concord Keal fcstate Com pany, in West Concord : In Block "P" No. n,W. M. Corzine: No. 12, W. M. Corzine; No. 17, T. A. Can- non; No, 19, J. A. Cannon; No. 24, M. O. Harris; JNo. 25, Miss Mamie PharnNo. 30,; W. G. Kirk; No. 31, W. P. Harris; No. 32, M. O. Hams; No. 33, M. O. liarns. In Block "M" No. 10. T. B. Sherrill; No. 15, Mrs. John M. Craven; No. 16, airs, jonn ai. graven. In Block "N" No. 1. H. I. Woodhouse; No. 3, W. R. tohnson; No. 4, John M. Cook; No. 5, II. I. Woodhouse. In Block "L" No. 15, J. F. Hurley. In .Block !" No. 1, H. I. Woodhouse, No. 7, H. I. Woodhouse; No. 1?, rresby terian church; No. 16, Presbyterian Church; No. 18, H. I. Woodhouse; No. 19, U.J. Bost& Co. In Block "H" No. luBaptist church; No. 14, Baptist church; No. 24, G. A. Mis- enneimer. 1 Out for Business From Now until November 15th we will give FREE with every order for 50 Visiting Cards and Plate a - Two-Quire Box ' 'of Paper embossed, with two or three-letter Monogram from any of our 10 different styles of stock Dies with two packages of envelopes to match, style of plate to be selected from sample sheet 400 to 415 and 409 to 424 inclusive. Remember this offer only holds god until 15th. W. C. CORRELL. w For Sale. A splendid rarm 01 wren, m .u.,iic. east of Concord on Mount .Pleasant road, at a bargain, win en hj iwu, m. tracts if we can find purchasers to bur all U land, l nere are mt .i ir, ,r,,..,.. -50 te 70 bushels eorn per acre. Hplendld meadow acre baa hn offered lor part 01 me noiuin land. Oood six room dwelling and a splendid larVe frame barn. , Also li acres of level land on China Grove road 4 miles north of Concordat M00. This Is a oar-gam' i. . ... .... . - A Farm Bargain. 50 acre, on Ml. Pleasant and Gold TT; 11 A A milA. nrwth ftf Vt PlAfliunt new 4-room cottage, splendid barn, mnknhnnafl. srain honse. lie wflll and ii t.wd Will saw ?K nnn foAt nf lomber. Ha 900 joaag DeannK iruit treea. wul aeu roroniy i,uuu a Dig bargain for somebody. JNO. K. ATTERSOy ft CO W anted Twenty-five peron who will buy lot in West Concord and otuia nouses on mem Baa rvai me uuusa o toe xonng-tiartaeu Alius io. m oord Real Estate Co. ' 81 S C lustS wntiTltrtLill!,l f I 1 Bast Cough hynjp. Tanas Oood. Cat I I I 1 In lime. Hold br drogglut. I I C - J3 1 Geo. W. Pec. Jit i Decenary to take out s licence in Maine, the lame in Wiaootuin, to boot gamp, and my perton who ex pect even to ihoot cat on a Dac fenoe, fortiBei himself with licenie, for fear he will be arretted, for caU are alwsy in leaaon, - averywhere, and Wi'consin cat bunten bad better aee that they bare a license. The other Jay woman in Maine took out a licence a a hunter, and eomteroation -iisdtb male bunten, and they will act go to the wood until abe hat shot hrrelf. In fact the State Gan.e War den telegraphed the newt to all part o the State that a woman bad taken out a license, and requested the hunteh to keep out of the wood until ihe had got through shooting. There are women who can shoot faiily well, at the trap, but when they show up at the bird hooting tournament the men instinct ively get behind 'something while the woman ii on deck with a gun. They know there is no particular danger, ex oept in front of the gun, but a woman who a shotgun is always turning around at a critical time, with her gun cocked, to ask sombody if her hat it on straight, to men who are not heavily insured, had rather get behind tome thing when Hanner toes the mark. joung lawyer who i a great sport with the thotgun wat telling two or three years ago about teaching bit young wife to ihoot, to the could go with him on hit hunting trips, and a man who used to hear him talk about the fun he would have when the got to the could ihoot, met him the other day, taking his gun into gun store, to bave it got ready for the opening day of the tea ton, and said to bim: Hello, going bunting, are you r suppose your wife it going along. J remember you- told me a couple of yeart ago yon had bought her a sixteen gauge thotgun. I suppose the can ihoot all around you, eh f" . Yet, the hag thot all around me, and hit me a couple of timet," laid the young lawyer, "but the it not going with me. I lhall tneak oft alone, on pretense of having a case in court at St. Paul." "What's ihe matter 7 Don't the like huntins ? I thought the wat carried away with the sport." "Say, old man," taid the young law ver. looking solemn, "now tail must be in stnet confidence, mind yon. My wife would be dangerous with a gun, it she was out in the middle of a forty' acre field, alone. She hat no more idea of tbe danger of a thotgun than the would of a broom. . The first thing taugbt her wat to always point the gun away from herself. She wat the deareat thing in .he world to me, and I didn't want her to ihoot herself, but by Jinkt, the points it at me, and everybody that is in tight, aad laughs about it, and never teem to think there ii any dan ger. The firat time we went ont thoot ing chicken ihe fired into the flock and killed one, or scared it to death, and the dropped the gun and ran after the bird, stepped on the trigger and the other barrel went off, shooting the heel off my shoe, and filling one of the horses with birdshot, and tbe team ran away. It cost me sixty dollar for the wagon. Then the claimed every bird I shot for a week. She bat no idea of distance, and will ihoot at a bird a far at she can see it. I left her one day in the field, and started off to have a quiet life, and I scared up a bird, and tbe plugged at it, with me between her and the bird, and the filled my canvas coat tail with No. 8 shot, and when I yelled to her tbe fired the other barrel and I had to lay down behind a log or the wjuld bave been firing yet. 1 tried to t xld her, when I dared get near her, about being careless, and the laughed, lxiked so sweet that I Just looked at her and admired her, until I found her gun wa loaded and at foil cock, and pointed at my head, with her dear little finger on the trigger. I bad to quit hunting with her or she would have been a widow before this. ' I do not want to hurt ber feeling by telling her I am afraid of her, but I suffer from nervous prostration when she bat the gun in her hand, and ao I tell ber the shootiog it no good, or it it too hot, or too cold, and I leavt' my gun at tbe gun ttore, and when I want to go hunt ing I sneak off, and the thinks I am attending to business. Ojrea, she will find it cut. aome day, and fan heart- broken at myasSeoeiviog hir. I figure J it fUtter tor me to have a heartbroken wife than for her to bay a headlei a husband." Many children inherit constitution weak and feeble, other dne to childhood troubles. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will positively core children and make them strong. 85c, Tea or Tablet. Ask your druggist or dealer. Cremation can be watched by public at 11.00 a head in Italy. the PUBUdjgED TWICE Concord, N.-'c. November Atlanta Journal. From Michigan to South Georgia I have perambulated in the put ten day t ; from fruit and flawtra, potatoes and long staple cotton, from the land of fish aria oelery to the region of plnet ana and, and, to aave my life, I cannot tell which it the choice country, aad which offers greatest inducement to the man who maket an honett living. To the man who want to make a living by dit- honesty, I would advise him to go eaat; to a man who want to make a living with the leaat work, I would advise him to go weat; bat to the man who it willing to work and wait, I know no better country than our southland. I touched teveral point in South Georgia tbit week. I went through aome of the new eounlita and they art organising with vim and projecting big thingt enthusiastically and these new counties will come to the front and take their places and feel at home among the old counties in a very short while. Ifiavabeen watching tbe fight be tween Dr. Broughton and Tom Dixon T have heard all of ut life about the devil and Tom Walker.but Dr. Brough ton says it it the devil and Tom Dixon now. Broughton and Tom Dixon are both Baptists; they are my friends; but when it comet to a faithful ChrisUan minister, there are none more faithful than Dr. Broughton. Tom Dixon hat changed front whether he bat changed rear or not, I donl know no more believe that the theatre a a place of grace will help man on to God than I believe that tbe bar room is a temperance organisation and runin the interest of temperance. Some peo ple may go to the theatre some few good people have been in Jil; St. Paul got in three timet, and Bils and a few other of like character. The force of circumstance haomethiogtodo with all matter in tbit life. I am lure Pre ident Roosevelt's visit south will do more to heal old wounds and bring about good feeling than the play of "The Clansman." And when yoi put such playt at that up at a great moral force and compare it in usefulness along moral lines with the church, they may look a much alike at cat, but oatt vary in variety the prettiest cat I ever taw tmelled worst, and would make you ordorifeorous for daya to come if you got tangled up with him. If a man like sensation, ltt him wit ness "The Clansman ;" if he wants, sal vation, let bim stay by Dr. Broughton, If a man want hit hair to raise on his head,- letbim witness "Tb Clansman; if he want hit soul lifted, let him hear Dr. Broughton. I think more of my toul than I do of my hair, and Just in that proportion I id with Dr. Brough ton in thia controversy rather than Tom Dixon. I notice that Dr. Bradley bas been before a Methodist grand Jury, and Ihey failed to find a true bill (gainst him for heresy, and it it proposed now to bring him before the court, true bill or no true bill. Dr. Bradley msy not be sound in theology a torn count sound ness, but he is a mighty sound fellow, and a pastor of a mighty sound old Methodist church. It he preaches heresy, hia "church i too ignorant to have found it out, or els they love him too well to tell on him. In either event,' I am in favor ot hi ao quital. I'd rather a man was orthodox life and heterodox in preaching, than to be heterodox in hit preaching. "The world do move." I believe in primitive Christian belief, alio in progressive theology. The Apostle' creed wat never thought of until the apostltl had all been in heaven hundreds of years. It may be in a hundred year more that theologian of Dr. Bradley's school will be trying some other fellow for heterodoxy who it father advanced than they are At last, it i not faith in creed, 'it i faith in persot; it is not fol lowing certain line of theology, but it is following the croc. No man doubt Dr. Bradley' piety, hi sinoeily, his integrity, land if pitty, sir eerily and integrity do not make np largely the essentials in a Christian minister'! life, then on what pattern would you build him! Dr. Bradley will leave Trinity Cbnrch with the love and prayer and lympatby ef one of the best Methodist churche in all the South. Can as much be said of aome who are more orthodox than be? I find on my travel through Georgia that there is a gubernatorial race now well underway in ourstate. HokeSmitb is in the lead at thia time; Clark Howell may be a dose accond; D.ck Buseell about a furlong behind; Colonel Smith prancing fcr a (tart around Ihe track. There is no hope of either of Iheee mi n winning the race of one-tenth they aay .bout each other is true. They aay all things are fair in politic, war and love, but I bave settled down to tbe convic tion that it i never fair to misrepre ' A. .WEEK. lO. 1905. sent, it It never fair to misconstrue, it i never fair to impugn bad motive, tt u never fair to charge anything on any body that it not true. I have been much interested in the lettert of Colonel J. M? Smith refuting the charge and insinuations of immor ality aginst him. I nevur found a man who knew that any charge against him true, and it it time to call a bait. As Mr. Bootevelt said: "When you call a man a rascal who it not a rascal, you put all the rascals in the state to shout ing. Never charge a man with being a rascal nnlras you know it it true." In all my life I have tried to conform to tbit rnle, and if ever, by word or by deed, I have insituated a charge against any man that wat not true, I have alwayt beau glad to make tbe amende honora ble. An honest man can take no other course. I have talked lately with neigh' bora of Colonel Smith, and tbey spoke in high terms of him, especially touch ing bis moral life. I rather a thousand timet praise a good man for his good deeds than denounce a bad mtn for bis bad deeds. I regret forever if I have any time seemingly cast reflections on a man who was not guilty, whose life wat clean. Those who talk should show up or shut up along any linea that touch the character of their fellowman; but if a fellow ft a rascal, call him one; if he it a liar, lay io; if be is a gentle man, say to; if be il an honest msn, say to call thing! by their right name. "Be ture you are right, and then go ahead." In any event I lay I will have as good a governor as anybody in Georgia, I don't care which man is elected. There are aome things about Hoke Smith that I admire; there are some thing! about Clark Howell that I esteem ; there are some things about Mr. Ruscell that are captivating; there are aome things about Colonel Smith that are praiseworthy and commendable; there are some things about J6e Hilt Hall that are very good indeed but I rather they were running than myself. Bob Taylor told me a few daya ago that if he could run for tflice all tbe time he thought he would go to heaven; he said a man's enemies will keep him straight if be will keep running, . and every time he make a bubble tbey will tell it on bim. Your truly, Sam V. Jones A Creeping Death. Blood poison creep np toward the heart, causing death. J. E. Stearns, Belle Plaine, Minn., write that a friend dreadfully injured hi hand, which welled np like blood poisonirig. Bock ten' Arnica Salve drew out the poison, healt d the wound, and saved his life. Beat in the world for burns and aire. 25c at all drag store. Always Remember the Full Name I axative B,S2Si Cune Cures a Cold in One Day, Grip in Two. Has Stood The Test 2 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Care-No-Pay. Dressro Best selected stock of Furniture ani House . You are welcome at our store whether yeu find gtetjfltjatjtjaae New York City M'Clellan, crat,4i elected mayor by between 8,000 and 4,000 plurality. Jerome, indipend ent, with Republican endorsement, wins, by about 8,000 over Jame W Osborne, Democrat. W. B. Hearst, Municipal Owernsbip mayoralty candi date, charges fraud and declares he will contest M'Crellan' election. Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. A landtlde buried the disreputable Repub lican machine under an adverse majori ty of 00,000 to 70,000, City Party sweeping the city. There were fewer disturbance than bad. been expected. Berry, Democrat, with independent en dorsement, carriet the State for Treas urer. Marlaod The defeat of the Foe dis franchisement amerdment by 20,000 is indicated, and election of Republican candidate for State comptroller. Legis ature is in doubt. Ohio Fight on Gov. Herrick result ed in a Democratic landslide, the plu rality beii g estimated as high as 60,000. Demrcrats carried Cincinatti as well as Cleviland. "Boss" Cox announce his retirement. , Virginia The Democratic plurality is about 20,000, showing a reduction, and the republicans gain about nine members of the Legislature. Massachusetts Guild, Republican, carries State for Governor by 29,438 plurality, and Draper, for Lieutenant Governor, by only 8,942. Kentucky Democrats will have a good msjority in the Legislature elea ting Senator Blackhurn't successor, The Demooratio ticket in Louisville is elected with the possible exception of the minor places. Rhode Island Republican elect Geo H, Utter, for Governor, and gain in the Legislature. Chicago Clean iweey by Republi cans. Terrific Race With Death. "Death was fast appioaching," writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tampa Fla., describing his fearfal race with death, as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all interest in life. I had tried many different doctors and several med icines, but got no benefit, until I began to use Electric Bitters. So wonderful was their effect, that in three day I felt like a new man, and to-day I am cured of all my troubles." Guaranteed at all drug stores ; price 60o. Oae million dollars a year in stoms is ctoltn from the South , African dia mond mines. Over 10,000 people read our Penny Column every issue. Why don't you put your ad. there on Box. c 50 cent. Demo- 111 if If you want to please a woman, give her a pretty dresfing table there's nothing she'll appreciate more. We believe you will enjoy just seeing our stock,' and the fairness of of our prices is sure to appeal to you. $1,00 a TtMr, in A&YUHC9. Number 38. DR. H. C. HERRING. DENTIST, Is noi r over the store of the Whlte-Morrlaon-now Company. OOaTOOaUD. K. O. Dr. W. c. Houston SUgtOO hrrS Dmtlst. OOSTOOBS, . O. Is prepared to do all kinds ot dental work In we moss approvea mannar. umca over jonnaona urn kg store. Office 'Phone IS. Bealdeno 'Phone 11. m . T. HARTSELL, lttornej-tt-Laf, COM OOXD, XSJOXTH OAIOLIITA. Pmmna attention riven to all buslifess. Office in Morris building, opposite tbe court bouse. DRS. LILLY & WALKER, offer their professional services to the eltl ae na of Concord and surrounding coantry. Calls promptly attended day or night. W I. afOaTTOOMBBI. I. UI0BOW1I OITGOIEBT ft CROWELL, Attorneys and Comiselors-at-Ln, CO 1 OORD, W. O. As Dartners. will practice law In Cabarrus, Stanlv and adjoining counties. In the Supe rior and Supreme Courts of the State and In the federal Courts. Offloe In court house. Parties desiring to lena money cau leave i with us or Dlace It In Concord National Bank tor us, and we will lend It on good real es tate security free of charge to the depositor. we make tnorougn examination ui uav w lands offered as security for loans. Mortgagee roreoiosea wiiuout ujnuw u owners ox same. Henry B Adams. Thoa. J. Jerome. Frank Armfleld. Tola D. Man ess. iiuMj Jeroie, Arafeld I Kmess, Attorney, and Counsellor it Ut, CONCORD, N. C PranMna In all the State and TJ. 8. Courts. Prompt attention given to collections and general law practice, far sons mtereaieu in ie settlement of estates, administrators, executors, and guardians are especially in vited to call on ua, as we represent one of the largest bonding companies In America; In fact we will go any kind of a bond oheapar than any one else. rarties aesinng o ibuu biuwt " It with us or deposit It in Concord National Bank, and we will lena it on eppruveu. bwu rlty free of oharge to the lender. Continued and painstaking attention will be given, at a reasonable price, to au legs hualneaa. ontoe In new Morris Building opposite To RimoYe Freckles and Pimples IN TEN DAYS, USE The Complexion Beautifier. N ADINOLA Is a new discovered guaran teed, and money will be refunded In ev ery case where It falls to remove freckles. Dimples, Uver-tpots, collar dlscoloratlons, black -beads, disfiguring eruptions, etc. Tbe worst oases In SO days. Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy, and restores the beauty of youth. - Price SO ots and tl.OO. Sold In each city by all leading druggists, or by mall. Mrs. Ktta Brown writes: Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 8, 1909. "I have been using your Nadt nol Egyptian Cream, Boap and Naalne Face Powder and like them very much. This la the first summer since childhood that 1 have been without freckles. I am 34 years old, and have better complexion now than when a girl." Prepared only by I1TI0H1L TOILET CO., Paris, Tenn. Sold In Concord by FETZER DRUG COMPANY, AND LEADING DRUGGISTS. Furnishings you buy or not. will THE NADIN0LA GIRL 11