"X v Come Twins) Every WMk and tiwPrlM to Only One Dollar iTiu. Jblu B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. .JTOLUME i MAM tgg a s a q VE LOAN ON mi it COTTON. r (SHE) i:0Ji!KflClJiIfi B. I. WOODHOUSB. Ml B TIN BOGER, President. Vioa-Prtsldent, 0. W. BW1NK. W. H. BXBSOir, Cashier. Teller. t Oonoord, N. C BreDch at Albemarle, X. C. Capital, 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit 80,000.00 Deposits 860,000.00 Total Resources 435,000.00 Our paM success, as Indicated above by figures, is quit gratifying, and we wish to assure our friends and customers of our ap- Ereclatlon e thou- patronage and cordial T irlte a oontinnance of the same. Bnould be pleased to serve a large number of new cus tomers, holding ourselves ready to serve you In any way oonslstent with sound banking. DIRECTORS. J. W. Cannon, Robert 8. Young, L. J. Foil, Jos. P. Goodman, M. J. Oorl, J no B. Kflrd, J. M. Morrow, T. 0. Ingram. Sate Prompt Liberal THB 6 t Capital Stook, - - 1100,000 Stockholders' liability, - 100,000 Surplus and undivided profits, 25,000 Assets. 850,000 Your Business Solicited per cent. Interest paid on time certificates, J M. ODBLL, President. W. H. LILLY, Vice President. D. B. COLTHAS8. Cashier. L. D. OOLTKANE, Asst Cashier. J. H. HKNDR1X. iJook-keeper. DR. J. S. LAFFERTY Gives special attention to diseases of the Era and Ear, Fitting Glasses and to Electric Treatment of Chronio Diseases. Cancers and Skin Diseases treated by the X-Ray. Office room 15, in Mopls Building. 'Phone 181a. - DIRECTORY. The following lots were disposed of during the month of September by the Concord Real Estate Com pany, in West Concord : In Block "P" No. n,W. M. Corzine; No. 12, W. M. Corzine; No. 17, J. A. Can non: No, 10, T. A. Cannon; No. 24, M. O. Harris; No. 25, Miss MamieJ Pharr; No. 30, V. O. Kirk; INo. 31, VV. P. Harris; No. 32, M. O. Harris; No. 33, M. O. Harris. In Block "M" Not 10. J. B. Sherrill; No. 15, Mrs. John M. Craven; No. 16, Mrs. John M. Craven. In Block "N" No. 1, H. I. Woodhouse; No. 3, W. R. Johnson; No. 4, John M, Cook; No. 5, H. I. Woodhouse. In Block "L" No. 1 5, J. F. Hurley. In Block "I" - No. 1, II. I. Woodhouse, No. 7, H.I. Woodhouse; No. 15, Presby terian church; No. 16, Presbyterian Church; No. 18, H. I. Woodhouse; No. 19, D.J. Bost& Co, In Block "Ii" No. 13, Baptist church; No. 14, Baptist church; No. 24, G. A. Mis- . enheimcr. s CMICHITCR I CNMlttU EKMYROYAL PILLS ."w Ortarlatal nl Jnl OraalBft. MAFE. a -1 I.BIwa- aa Drsurrlt -V w CHU IIKSTKH' i' NT V tD4 wMtid SJMMIN TtBt. tSMMSj wtlfej Mss ribbta Tali, ma eats. Mrrkea I VJ DMFMH ftflWUltltleMM fjgsel lfltiB ' " At M.. Mn v f ... nrnrnd Mi sat anp ter P cirttrsjUr, TtjgetttsssiwiUst mm "Ktslr rtor l.tdlw,ai umr, y rt lmi-m MeaU. 1 9 TetliMsla. ItlBsT 0 DrMclau. rhtMa 4 kttstl(al Ctk, IU4 iin mmmn raiivaw raw To My Patrons. All mho owe me for professional ser- ricea axe urgently requested to settle with me as early as possible, as I am badly in need of the money. J. B. JEROME. It D . It X THE XXIII. l .j fl..a cs.fi an MONEY JUST RECEIVED -Seventy-five head of Horses and-Mules Well-broken and will sell for cash or on time, on easy terms Gorl & Wadsworth Go. To Remove Freckles and Pimples IN TEN DAYS, USE The Complexion Deautifier. THE NADIN0LA CIRL UADINOUA Is a new discovered guaran 1 ' teed, and money will be refunded In ev ery oass where It falls to remove freckles, pimples, liver-spots, oollar dlsoolorallons, black-beads, disfiguring eruptions, eto. The want coses in W days. Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy and l Jtores the beauty of youth Price 60 ots and Si 00. Bold in each city Dy all leading druggists, or by mall. Mrs. Etta Brown writes : Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 1905. "I hart been using your Nadl nola Egyptian Cream. Boap and Nadlne Face Powder and like them very much. This is the first summer since childhood that I have been without freckles. I am 34 years old, end have better complexion now than when a girl." Prepared only by 1ATI0FAL TOILET CO., Puis, Tenn. Sold In Concord by FETZER DRUS COMPANY, AND LEADING DRUGGISTS. I LIFE IS A BLANK When sight is gone. I Too Late to Grieve t Then. t tion. Now is when you T fan mmp tn 115 for a free I T examination and Pet OUf T I advice about your eye- T 1 signi. There Is danger in delays t ...W. C. CORRELL... NOTICE. fa k v. .mh .hat th .nnnel ment made bv the Cebsims Mutual Fire Insurance Oompeov Is due and parable at toe unnoora aauonai nana on ror.'", " n.r. 1., ma jnii. K. PATTBIiSON. Nov. 1. Sec. and Treea. .'if ii kAULDU III t 1 V j Gri ft wrarts Ci. L "MaW mi M MTV 7k I 1 Best ottirta Srrnp, Tan. OnuL UsS I I In Urea ttold bj dniCTl.M. f I S-i sr an joafta lettcr. Atlanta Journal This is tbe fourteenth day tines oar meeting begaa. in Musio Hall in Cin cinnati. The crowds hare grown; the interest has broadened and intensified until now the meetings bave taken on all the phases of a genuine revival. I am preaching in the morning at Scott Street Church, in Covington, Kj., and at night in Musio Hall. I have never preaohed to more attentive audiences nor seemingly with better results. We have now engaged the Music Hall until the 23d of November. Am sorry that the meetings must close then, because tbe Musio Hall is engaged after that date. Mr. Eicell is leading the musio and Mrs. Pyron li at the grand piano, Mr. Eicell is at his beat. The waves and tones ind (wells of musio in that great buiding is one of the features of the meeting. Mr. Excell is a better leader today than ever before. He singi more with the spirit and with the understanding, and tbe people ling the "Ulory song" sometimes, ana almost lift the roof from the building. I with the world could hear the musio of these meetings. The pastors are lined up in prayer and effort with the work, and it it good to be here. Wife joined me here last Tuesday. It it a joy to her to be here. She was in our great meetingi here twenty yean ago. We all miss Bithop Joyce, who wat then the leader of the local forces in those meetings. Hit charming per sonality and hit enthutiaatio spirit lent much force to theae meetings. I am sorry that he could not remain and be with na in these meetings, but he went to heaven about three months ago. I meet hundreds of the converts of the former meeting; they atill abide in faith. It is a joy to meet them. Still we are all young men then; we are growing gray now. Twenty years makes a mighty difference ia a community at well as in a person. In company with wife and daughters, I visited the House of Refuge yester day afternoon by special invitation of Mr. William Magley, chairman of the board of control of that inttitution. It it a benevolence of thit city. There are five hundred children there, be tween the ages of five and aixteen years. It )t the bett regulated and beat discip lined and the beat run institution I think I have ever visited. I taw dis cipline at its beat there. It is an Indus trial as well as a literary school. It is emphatically a house of refuge, a place for children who have no parents, or have what is worse, worthless father and mother. It is place alto for chil dren who have fathers and mothers, but who are uncontrollable. It it a place for children who have committed mle- demeanora. There are three hundred who have committed misdemeanors. There are three hundred and thirty six boyt and one hundred and sixty-five girls. They are taught handy work of all kinds, in all klnda of wooda; they have a ahoe factory there and manu facture their own ahoea; they have bakery and they are taught in that line; they have a printing press and do at fine work as I ever saw. They do all their own tailoring, and the building from garret to cellar it the very quint esence of cleanliness. The tupertn- tendent remarked that when you got children away from dirt you got them awsy from the devil. He had all the children come into the chapel, and we apent two hours in there. The first thing was all the children aang with great power "America," my country, 'tis of thee, for they are taught patriot ism aa well aa musio. The next thing waa a piece by the brass band, and those little boyt played that band till tbey would almost rival Souaa'a band. They aang as gloriously as you ever ever heard children sing. They quoted the Bible like an old deacon; they spoke and furnished to ua one of the moal en joyable entertainments from atari to finish that I have ever witnessed. Tbey go through with the calisthenics like machinery and a little puny child is soon brought np to vigor and health, and I thought and believed, as I left that great building that those children there bad better discipline and better trainirjg perhaps than 90 per cent, of those in the homes of onr country, That is a strong position taken by science that it takes fifty thousand years for bituminous coal to mature, ready for domestic nse. I suppose it takes one hundred thousand years to mature anthracite coal in Pennsylvania. I can get around most anything else better than I can that coal proposition, and that makes me want to see Noah. Maybe a little conversation with Adam, on that aubject wonld be be better. The truth it the boys have all quit killing bears and snakes, and gone to playing mumble-peg. Yours truly, - ' Bam P. Jos a. It is awful hard to believe all the things you want your children to. PUBLISHED CONCORD, N. C. fob white nmn only. Aa Okie TawB Will Nat Harbor a Heajrt) Over Night. The Independent. . In.8yraouae, Ohio, on the Ohio river, town of about 2.000 inhabi Unit, no negro ia permitted to live, not even to stay over night under any consideration. Thia ia an absolute rule in this year 1905, and it has existed for several generations. The enforcement of thia unwritten law is in the banda of the boys from 12 to 20 yean of age, while the attempt of a negro to become a resident of the town ia relisted by the residents en masse. When a negro is seen in town during the day he it generally told of these traditions, if he ia so ignorant aa not to know of them already, and is warned to leave before sundown. It he fails to take heed he is surrounded at about the time that darkneaa begins, and it addressed by the leaders of the gang in about thia language : ' "No nigger ia allowed to atay in thia town over night. Get out of here now, and get out quick." He aeea from 25 to 60 boyt around jtbim talking in subdued voioes and wait ing to see whether he obeys. If he hesitates little atonet begin to reach him from unseen quarter!, and aoon perauade bim to begin his hegira. He it not allowed to walk, but it told to 'v'ge on hit little dog trot." Tbe com' mand is alwaya effective, for it ia backed by atonet in the ready hands of boys none too friendly. So long aa be keepa np a good gait the crowd, which follows jutt at his heels and which keepa growing until it sometimes numbers 75 to 100 boys, it good-natured and contents itself with yelling, laughing and hurling gibes at its victim. But let him stop hia "trot" for one moment, from any cause what ever, and the atonet immediately take effect aa their chief persuader. That they follow him to the farthest limits of the town, where they send bim on, while they return to the city with triumph and tell their fathers all about the function how fast the victim ran, how scared he waa, how he pleaded and promised that he would go and never return if they would only leave him alone. Then the fathers tell how they used to do the same thing, and thus the heroes of two wart apend the rest of the evening by the old campfire, recouping their several campaigns. The cause of thit extraordinary race prejudice ia hard to discern. The ma jority of the inhabitants are not from the South, but, strange to say, are of New England atock. Since the town was founded, about 1815,' not a single negro family bat lived in it. About the year 1855 two negroes were employed as domestics by a family in the extreme lower end of the town, practically in the country, but they did not stay long. Since the Civil War two attempts bave been made by negro families to settle in the town, but both families were summarily driven out. Caacht la the Act. A minister walking along a brook one Sunday observed a boy fishing. After seeing him catch several fish he approached the boy and said: "My boy, don't you know it is not right to be fishing on Sunday; and, be sides, it ia very cruel to insert that sharp hook into that poor beetle." The Boy Oh, say, mister, dat ain't no beetle; dat'a only an imitation bug." Minister Oh, I thought it was a real bug. Boy (Lifting a string of fish out of the brook) 80 did these auckera. . Herb W. E4nsrti InJareA. Herb W. Edwards, of Des Moines, Iowa, got a fall on a icy walk last win ter, spraining his wrist and broking his knees. "The next day," he says, "they were so sore and stiff I was afraid I wonld have to stay in bed, bnt I nibbed them well with Chamberlain's 9ain Balm, and after a few applications all soreness had disappeared." For sale by M. L farsh and D.D. Johnson. A Scotch minister had forgotten to bring hia manuscript to the church and and on going into the pulpit gave his congregation thia explanation: "I am very sorry, my frienda, to have to tell yon that I have minlaid my manuscript. I must, therefore, thia morning just say what the Lord baa put in my moath, but I trust I shall come thia afternoon better pro vided." A CTree pi ag Death. Blood poison creeps np towards the heart, causing death. J. E. g teams, Belle Plaine, Minn., writes that a friend dreadfully injured hia hand, which swelled up like blood poisoning. Bnok len's Arnica Salve drew oat the poison, healed the wound, and saved his life. Bett in the world for barns and sores. 25c at all drug stores. TWICE WEEK. November 28. 1905. AN OCEANIC RAILROAD. Baltimore Bun. Mr. H. M. Flagler, who has been very largely concerned in the develop ment of Florida, is about to construct a railway 128 miles long, from HomejJ stead to Key Weat, crosting from the mainland to Key Weat over 100 miles of islands and sea. From Miami to Homestead 28 miles have been com pie ted, the whole distance covered by pojeot being 154 miles. The work it remarkable for ita "oceanic" character, a large part of it being over portions of the Atlantic on the western aide of Flori- Lda. There will be five and three-quar ter milea of concrete viaduct, sayt the Manufacturers' Record. 81 feet above aea level. One viaduct, 10,500 feet long will connect Long Key with Conch Key; another, 7,300 feet long, will orosa the knight Key channel; a third, 7,800 feet long, will croaa Moaer Key channel, and a fourth, 4,950 feet long, will croaa Bahia Honda Key channel. finest vaiducts are to ba of reinforced con ore te in 50 foot apana. Three draw. bridgea will aggregate 410 feet. Some 65 milea of the distance will be over the ialanda, or "keya," that lie between Homestead and Key West. At the last-mentioned island there will be am' pie terminal faculties, looking to trade with Cuba and Panama. Aa the keya traversed are very fertile, the railway will develop in them a large fruit and vegetation industry. The railway ter minating at Key Weat will be the short est line, it is held, not only to Havana, but to tbe Ptcifio via tbe Panama ca nal. From 118 000,000 to 120 000,000 has been invested by Mr Flagler in hia various hotel, canal and railway enter prises in Florida, the route here describ ed being the most recent of hia many venture. Just Resentment. The pretty girl with the auburn hair had refused him. "I never dreamed, Mr. Bmykina," ahe aaid, "that your attentions to me were anything more than those of a friend." "Oh you dirVt!'' growled the young man. "luu thought 1 baa been com ing regularly once a week during the last lix month! merely for the pleasure of teeing you eat a 50-cent box of can dy, did you?" "Sit Cloeer Pleaee The two girls were having tun with othera on theinway home on a Madi son street car, the other evening after finishing their work in the department store. "My tteady," aaid the one who answered to the name of Mary, "talks shop too muoh to auit me. I think I'll turn him off and get another." I like my fellow to talk shop," aaid the young woman addressed as as Liiiie. "What for?" said Miss Mary. "Well, he'a a street car oonductor, you know, and he'a always saying: 'Sit cloter, please." The question of white help for the hotels is being extensively discussed by the State papers, and the Chronicle's articles on the aubject are referred to with approbation. The Wilmington Star, concluding a lengthy review, well says that "in the hotela and hornet of the State there it a class of work that opens opportunities to the native North Carolina girls. Eliminating the laun dry work and some other clssses of hotel service, there are plenty of places that can ba filled by home girls, and the work is quite as congenial and even lighter than clerking in stores, with ita long hours of close confinement, con tinuoua standing upon the feet, and no end of walking behind counters." White service ia coming. Charlotte Chronicle. Both the New York Central and Fitteburg & Lake Erie systems are try ing an experiment which will mark an advance step in railroad development if they prove entirely successful. The former ia conducting testa at ita shops in Weat Albany with a new method of firing locomotives. The coal is ground into powder and then, by means of compressed air, blown into the fireoox and is comsumed so completely that there is practically no refuse. The Pittsburg A Lake Erie ia testing an au tomatic ayatem for ventilating passen ger cars, which, if successful, will result in the adoption of the device for all the passenger equipment of the line. Mrs. Newbryde I got some hams here last month that my husband liked very much, Have you any more of the same kind? The grocer Yet'm. dot about a dozen left from the same pig. Mrs. Newbryde Oh, that's nice! Give me six of them. Men who take paina to be faithful to the faahiona are not likely to be fash ioned to the faithful, BEES HATCH Alt'CK BOOB. Minneapolis Tribune There ia a Minneapolis man who claims ft have been nearly at quick to discover a new way to hatch 4"jt as Hendy Decker, of Borne, OhlbV who has hatched a brood of chickena by the use of a bee hive. Cadit Berwith, of Upton avenue north, baa been experimenting on that line for tome time and first tried hia luck with turtle egga, which came out nicely. It seema that two years ago, while Mr. Berwith waa taking out some honey, he was struck with the peculiar moist warmth of the hive in the lower portions. Now, moist air is a fine thing for hatching and some weeka later, having secured some turtle egga while at Minuetonka, he placed them in the lower compatment of the hive and hatched a half doxsn of them. Thia year he made the experiment with aome Pekin duck egga, and out of ten egga placed in the hive he se cured cine healthy ducks, that are now cavorting about the yard aa lively aa can be. The experiment has alto ahown another thing, and that ia that there ia very little in the insistent claim that egga in the course of hatching must be turned twice every day. It ia impossible to do so in the bee hive hatohediea, yet tbey appear to hatch at well as if handled daily. Mr. Decker hatched eighteen out of twenty chicken rggt and Mr. Berwith nine out of ten duck egga. Mr. Decker used a cushion under and around tne eggs and cotton cloths between their tops and the reat of the hive. Mr. Ber with used moss below and ' a layer of cotton batting over the tops of the egga, which waa taken off on the last day, aa the egga were picked. Ternae Race With Beath. 'Death was fast appioachlng," writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tampa, Fla., describing bis fearful race with death, as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed me of aleep and of all interest in life. I had tried many different doctors and several med icines, bnt got no benefit, until I began to nse Electrio Bitters. So wonderful was their effect, that in three days I felt like a new man, and to-day I am cared of all my troubles." Guaranteed at all drug stores ; price SOo. Q o oc;:c::c;::occccccccccccccco 1.00 a Fear, yra I1 Jlf Prosperity - - ! Prow ! 111 Pb' 3 Prosperity, like charity should first make itself f felt in the home. Is your home happier this year than it was last ? Is it more comfortable better furnished ? If not, you havn't lived your privileges. We help to make tbe it, without the necessity of a sacrifice. No matter how humble your circumstances, you can have a comfortable home if you want it. Make Thanksgiving day truly happy by mak ing your home happy. It can be done through us at small cost. Never before have we had so great a stock of Furniture and House Furnishings to make your selections from. Craven Bros. Furniture and IN offering this large number of manufacturing sites of about 1800 . feet front on main line of Southern Railway, and a large number of beau tiful residence lots in Salisbury, I am not asking you to buy Great Wem sternce Mining Stock or any such in vestment. I am going to sell you something that is the real thing sure enough, and ask you to put your money into something that the winds can't blow away, the fires can't burn, no one can steal and which is bound to rapidly increase in value. In other words, a chance to make plenty of money and be absolutely safe. Exact date and manner of sale will be made known in a lew days. Very Respectfully, - R. A. WHEELER, High Point, N.C r BMmoM than Twlow thai Ciroal- ttonofany Fipwmr Published In Uu County. a -Advance. Number 42. A great year. . Surely the "best ever." Thanksgiving Day will surely mean something this time. Good things every where and more com ing. up to your opportunities- f home happy by furnishing Undertaking Go.'jp Not. ft 3m. Ocorgerille, N. a