B . .'The. cpRCGift.e times,. m i Only . '" . i . . ft ; ' ' , . - i j i xperTr On Dollar VoAa J3. S her rill, X<or anil Owner. PUBLISHED TWICB A WEEK. fj.00 rj a Ad ruea. Published in gYear. " " ' " 1 ... "' " 1 ' 1 1 ' 11 11 1 1 1 1 i , ,. i tti County. j Yq UMB XXIII. U K ; , CONCORD, N. C.. DECEMBER 8. 19Q5. - . '. NUMBER 44, V - J o o X i-MVMMMMlfni , I HOODOO BM OBTS1H TBOIIBLB. I BVrBCTaOVDItVRANCHISBMKnT JBWHH 1N1CBI APPAL TBI f asgai)ipi.iiM.fe:,. i ... ai, . I , I , (J . WML. 931 cx &.QO O Q WE LOAN ON COTTON. uill JlJ Hfclfl""!' TalilCJ-t fits' . n H. L WOODHOUBB. - President. aw. nriNK. MABTIM BOGBB Vk-PrSldat W. H. OXBBOB, Taller. Oonoord, M. a. Branoh M Albemarle, V. C. Capital, I 00.000.00 Snxpln and Undivided Profits M.OOO.OO Deposit 120,000.00 Total Bcsouom 4SS.000.00 " Our put suoeee., u indtoatod above by ngures, quit graumng, ana we ni i assuraour Iriendsand euatomeraof our ap proolatlon o their patronage and eordlallv Invite a continuance of tbe aame. Should ba pleased to erre a large number of new ens iomere. holding ouraelvea ready to serve you in any way consistent witn aouna oa axing. DIBBOTORS. J. W. Cannon, Robert 8. Voting, L. . Foil. lorn. r. Goodman, M. J. Oort. Joe. . Bflrd, J. M. Morrow. T. 0. Ingram. Safe Prompt THE Liberal Mi Ml Capital Stock, -Stockholders' liability, Surplus sod undivided profits, Assets, $100,000 100,000 35,000 850,000 Your Business Solicited par sent. Interest paid on time oertlftoatea, J M. ODBLL, Praelden, W. H. LILLY. Vice Prealdent D. B. OOLTRAKB. Outlier L. D. COLTKANB. Aut Oaahler. J. M. HBNOUIX. Book-keeper. . DR. J. S. LAFFERTY Oires special Attention to diseases of the Era and Ear, Fitting Glasses and to Electric Treatment of Ohronie Diseases. Cancer and Skin Diseases treated by theX-Bay. Office room 15, in Moms Building. 'Phone 131. DIRECTORY. The following lots were disposed of during the month of September by the Concord Real Estate Com pany, in West Concord : In Block "P" No. ii,W. M. Corzine; No. ia, W. M. Corzine; No. 17, J. A. Can non; No, 19, J. A. Cannon; No. 24, M. O. Harris; No. 35, Miss Mamie Pharr; No. 30, W, G. Kirk; No. 31, W. P. Harris; No. 3a, M. O. Harris; No. 33, M. O. Harris. In Block "M'l No. 10. J. B. Sherrill; No. 15, Mrs. John M. Craven; No. 16, Mrs. John M. Craven. In Block "N" . No. 1, II. I. Woodhouse; No. 3, W. R. Johnson; No. 4, John M. Cook; No. os H. I. Woodhouse. In Block "L" " No. ts,J. F. Hurley. In Block "I" No. 1, II. I. Woodhquae, No. 7, H. I. Woodhouse; No. 15, Presby terian church; No. 16, Presbyterian Church; No. 18, X. I. Woodhouse; No. 19, U. J. Boat & Co. In Block "H" No. 13, Baptist church; No. 14, Baptist church; No. 24, G. A. Mis- enheimer. v . LrH n R Q Y A L PILLO H.teel mm4 0Tf llejilM 1 ettoklH fHlCilt.sTF.KS KNOUsaf lMMM'M lakeeetaft 1 t " j r' Jf mum ftr fMlnhifi. t or li. . ... .r nmt OrumL . tan Ml e.ee tiim aK 1 CtlFtowltailalCf, To Hy Patrons. All who owe me for professional a?r riots an niyently reqaeeted to settle wita me as early as possible, a I at badly in need of the money. J. K. JEBOKB. H. D.. iwTSlBJM iUK U3U O QQfi n f) MONEY JUST RECEIVED SeTcnr-five head of ; Horses and 5ules Well-broken and will sell for cash or on time, on easy terms Corl & Wadsvorth Co. To Remors Freckles and Pimples IN TEN DATS, CSB ITADHTOTlA. The Complexion Beautifier. I jr. THE NA0IN0U ORL MADINOLA Is a new dlsooTerad narao lead, and money will be refunded In ev ery ease where It talla to remove freckle, plmplea, UTer-epota, eollar dlsooloratlona, blaek-heada, dlansurlnc aruptlona, .to. The want oaaea In ft days. Leaves toe skin clear, soft, aaalthy and restores the beauty of youth Price Mots and $100. Bold In each city by all leading druggists, or by mall. lire. Btsa Brown writes Hainvuie, Tenn., Sept. Nut "I have been using your Nadl nola Egyptian cream. Soap and Nadine Faee Powder and like them very much. Tbla Is tbe Hist summer ilnoe onlldbood that I have been without freckle. I am M years old. and ave better complexion now than wbea a girl." Prepared only by IlTIQJiL TOILET CO., Puis, Tenn. Sold In Concord by FETZER DRUG COMPANY, AND LEADING DRUGGISTS. I.S.II0 M . t! U : GIVEN AWAY 1. Commencing December 1, , and ending night of Decem ber 23, we will give every ticket for . i every dollar's worth ot "GOODS .... they boy from ns, entitling them to a cnance at xne ioi- e lowing prizes : First Prize, $ia.so In I fionds. Second Prize, $7.50 In Goods. ' Third Prize, $5.00 in Goods. Drawing will be conducted asms as , , 1 .u r W. C. CO RRELL I NOTICE 0 l nanny imo o. " men made by tne uaoetra Inearaaoe Uompaov la due and per1 tbe Concord Matlooal Bank on "Si'"" too. Vm I I Coek BJTO, In ttm. Pol BJTOp. TeMeeOoo. iot4 oy arvwww. 1 II hw n j Watek-eaaa mile wltk Mnrdereel leles rails se Keep Blaa fraaa JJall. Baielgh Correapondenee. Armed with the esse ol a Waterbary watch tjed with the blood of two murdered men, a negro hoodoo, who possewes 1 a mjiterioui oommnoion with haunt ia lonely cemeteries at tha nee small hoar of tha night, swindled fl poor negroes Oyjit of $14.40 oa the promise of reveaunr to tbm nidaen tTMiarer. . " ' 7 The trial of J. L. Foster, alia A. B Jackson, tha hoodoo, in th Police Court this morning disclosed B super stition that passe comprehension. The prisoner even tried hi "witcher"'npon tbaoourt. Whan wiiaeas sitai witw accused him and told how ne spriokled blood upon their doors, mad money grow in the ground, worked other won' den, and took their money, but gave nstbiDg in return, Jackson saw that the meshes of the law wer woven about him and he fell upon the floor loath' omely ill. Hi violent fit of nausea, H was soon found, ws produced by swallowing great quids of tcbaooo. lb game did not work and Jackson is now in Jail in default ot a 1100 bond ia two oases for false pretenoa. The main victim of the hoo-doo wi Henry Jones, a benevolent old "uncle, who hobbled into court on a stick and looked like he might have passed bis 96th birthday. "Unole" Henry tkook hi crooked (tick at th prisoner and vowed time and again "You fooled me." "You got my money, yon know you did." Jackson, it was testified, visited Uncle" Henry' cabin and confided to him a great secret. Hoo-doo Jackson had this mytteriou instru ment (an old watch case) filled with the blood of two slain men, and this instru ment would tell where treasure were buried or make money grow out of th ground. Mysteriously Jackson crept around th old man's garden patch and curious gurgling cam from th watch. The witches in th blood bad ipokeu, great wealth wa surely conoaaled be neath the very spot Jackson itood. Now if Uncle" Henry would pay 11 80 and three other would contribute a like sum, then these riches should be their. But "Unole Henry said he did not want to go in partnership with any "niggers" and, aino h had managed to save a little money to carry him through the winter, he would pay th 17 20 himself and hay all th wealth hid in hi garden. , Jackson brought a piok and shore! to th spot and the excited Unole" Henry wa told to go in hi house and stay there real quiet for two hour; blood wa a pattered on hi door and he dared not coma out, while ghost and haunts were helping Jackson to dig up the treasure. When "Uncle" Henry, wearied of hi virgil, emerged jack so had vanished. The new hoo-doo game wa worked on four negroes living near the Sea board freight depot. They paid 1.80 eaob, a total of $7 20, in th expecta tion of finding the ground in a certain pot of the Qienwood property literally sprinkled with coin. f Jackson took th money they gave bim, Mattered it over th earth, tram pled it under foot, waved hi magic in strument and sent the terrified negro bom while he ran over to tha ceme tery for a conference with spirit of th departed. ' i Water Care tar fleawtlpaMeau i Half a pint of hot water taken half an hoar before breakfast will usually . keep the bowels regular. Harsh oatharties should be avoided. When a purgative is needed, take Cham bar lain' Stomach and Liver Tablet They are mild and gentle ia their action. For Sale by K L. Marsh and D. D Johnson, Oosecra, and A. W. Moose, Mt. Pleasant, as Doctor (to Pat ' wife, after examin ing Fat, who had been run down by an auto) Madam, I tear your husband is dead. Pat (feebly) No, I aint dead yet." Fat' wife Hoah Pat, th gentleman knows better than you. ' BeSeeres Aswat It. It is no secret, that for Onto, Boms, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Sore EyeaftBoils, eto., nothing is so effective as Bncklen's Arnica Salve.- "It didn't take long to core a bad tore I had, and it is all O. K. for sote eyes, " writes D L. Oregorypf Hope, Tex. woaiau urug bkkw. The Charlotte 5ews learn that there ill be no opposition to th nomination of Judge Webb and Solicitor Clajkson who wer appointed by Governor Ay cock. - There is a species of treason in carry ing water on both shoulder in a love affair. I rJlmnta to another of th fair Women lake fright over a lover com- It Baa BtaAe ah Nere a Better aadi Hare CaatsBtsel Lakarer. Atanta Journal. Vecretary of Stat Grime readily gave hi view on tbfeffeol ot the amend meat in North Carolina when request ed to do so for th information of th people of Georgia. He said: "Th constitutional amendment of 1900 hat been an unmixed bleating to North Carolina. It is th greatest leg' iaiativ measure in our history and it good effect hare been felt by both race. Under it the intense feeling and race hatred engendered by fusion and ' negro nil bare given plaee to friendliness and harmony. "It ha been an undisguised benefit to th negro; he ia treated even more liberally than before it passage; it has lifted him above the plan of an igno rant tool of designing politician and he now know that ha must rely upon hit individual merit for adytneement he is assured Justice and equality be fore the law and ha every opportunity for hit industrial betterment. Freed to tome extent from the evil influence of political master, th ne gro is a mora contented laborer and is no longer a menace to our institutions. Our civilisation it safe and whit tu premscy is secured for all time. "The Democratic party is entrenched for a feneration. Stat politic and good government are assured. A feel ing of peace and security prevada th Stat for tha first time sinoe th war and our people are now free to work out a glorious destiny. "Our educational growth in the past five year ha not been equaled by any State in the union and such ample op portunities are now offered that every white boy coming of age after 1908 should be ready to enjoy th elective franchiie. A an educator the amend. ment it an unqualified success, tut-pass ing a compulsory education law. Th industrial development of the put few year ha been marvelous and unprecedented in our history. "Property is tecurt and confidence everywhere abound. An illustration of thit it thown by the great amount of capital being invested in the State strikingly thown by the growth of cor poration. In the six year of fusion rule from January 1, 189S, to January 1, 1901, eight hundred and twelve (812) corpora tion were chartered; from January 1, 1901, to November 21, 1905, two thou sand, four hundred and seventy (2,470) corporation were chartered. "No white man can now be disfran chised unless he does it himself by his own negligence or crime. The negro is oat of politic and boas ism; it ia now impossible, for every white man i free to vote as he please and for those measure which in hi Judgment mean moat tor th welfare of North Carolina. "Upon the suffrage amendment rests largely the future progress, prosperity and htppinest of our people. J. Bbyab Qbimes. " . ' . A Had Bean. Some day you will get a bad scare, when yon feel a pain in your bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safety lie in Dr. King' New Life Pills, a lore cure, for all bowel and stomach diseases, such a headache, biliousness, eostiveness, eto. Guaranteed at all drug store, only 8 So. Try them. In every man there is a disposition to do th grand wher women are con cerned. He who overcome other it strong, but he who overcomes himself it might ier. He who know other ia clever, but ha who know himself is enlightened. To see oneaelf is to be clear ot sight Mighty is he who conquer himself. fipP; M 19! Books are now open for subscriptions to stock in the . . .... CSthSEETCS Concord Perpetual Call on Secretary and Treasurer at Cabarrus Savings Bank and subscribe. ROBT. S. YOUNG, President. H. I. WOODHOUSE, Sec. and Treas. Pari Dispatch. AU France stand aghast at th terri ble massacre of lemMa Russia, and in spite of the fact that the overthhrow of th present regime in that country would probably mean a loss of several million of franc to th French people you hear everywhere, even among those who hav invested all their savings in Buisi securities, nothing but word of condemnation ot the Taar't goverment, which ha don little or nothing to pre vent the theding of Jewish blood. It i one of Jh most beautiful traits in the oharaoter of th French people that, thrifty and saving though they are, money ia after all a secondary con sideration, which i perhaps more than can be (aid about th oitixen of other great republic. Money for the relief of the suffering Jew in Russia is pouring in, but there are a good many philanthropists her who declare that money will be of no avail, at it will ultimately become booty for the assassins, and that th only remedy is to assist th whole Jewish population in Bussia to leave the coun try wher they are object of such in tense hatred. A Butsian of high standing in this city ha endorsed this opinion, and while strongly condemning the massa cres, and far from condoning th mur derers, has tried to explain to the French people the hatred of th Bus- sian against th Jew. "While it is true," be says, "that lb Buiaian autocratic government hat alwai considered the Jews an undesira ble element because of their mental su periority over the ignorant moujik, it should be remembered that tbe massa cre hav el way l been committed by the lower classes and without the in ttigation of the clergy or the officials, at it ia often said. Th lower classes hat the Jew because of their thy- lockian method toward them. Th Buttian Jaw ha the antipathy of bis race aginat bodily labor. "He never till th toil nor make hit living by th sweat of hi brow. He is nearly always either a merchant or a money-lender on a small or large soale. As a merchant he is always unscru pulous and very often dishonest, but it l a a money-lender that he usually arouse hatred. The Russian hat in hi character many of the trait of the child. He it caieleas with money, whether he pos sesses little or much, light living and extravagant. When the Jew comet to him and offer to lend him money h aooept it, thinking little of th rat of interest or of the day of payment He give as security anything demanded, and when the term of th loan expire and he cannot pay he cannot under stand that th lender ha any right to take possession of th security given. "The Jew Insist on having hi pound of fletb, and in taking it he often teal hi own doom. For all parties con cerned it would be a great bleating if Zionism would induce every Jew in Russia to leave tha empire." Such are the view of an educated and liberal Buttian, who deplore th slaughter of Jew a much as anybody, and there are many men here aoquinted rwith condition in Bussia who agree with him. HANKERS ARQOHABACTEB. Mrs. W. B. teltoB la Atlanta Journal. When President Cleveland was first elected to the presidency h ws unmar ried and hit sister chaperoned the white house for him until he wa married to handsome France Folsom some months later. Mrs. Cleveland was understood to be a person of mature age, had been a teacher and wa possessed of mature Judgment? Everything she said or did wa faith, fully reported and whatever ah said or did wa prudent and sagacious. Soma reporter who frequented the white bouse asked her opinion on dress and manners and th was credited with saying: "Manner ar not character, but thuy are the drees of character." A a rule manner are a good index to character, bat not always. I have heard of young ladies who were tweet and attractive to the boy, especially to the beau, who made a business of 'fan ning out" homatolk on the shortest notice Their pert answer and general indifferenclp the pleasure of mamma and thfi rest of the family betrayed the real manner of these young ladies. Mr.nnert are therefor sometimes Kke "Sunday clothes," put oa foAutaid us and laid and ia th home circle with such indifferent persons. The person who is nniformly a gen tleman or lady has the real character which goes with good manner and th boorat horn 1 certainly barren of good manners, otherwise good behavior. The quality of th character it always better o beery ed in th home circle. A hot- band who 1 attentir to his wife om thiiig like ke tried to b in their court ing day ha developed substantial good character in wedded life, bat anforta natcly tha majority item to think it unnecessary to conceal any of their feeling or refrain from any sharp words after they come into possession of this parson who is pledged to honor, lore and obey for better and for won (most generally worse) to th and of thsir live. Sharp eyed little one in th house hold tea how mamma is treated. Some time they become very partisan in their mother' behalf. Again they ape papa with latonuhing exactness and when they, too, enter th rank of matrimony they do likewise. Manners are th drees ol character when real manner are involved. Th manner which are donned for com pany, like Sunday clothe, and an pulled off for other behavior of ei day wear will not ttand hard usage and are therefore not a good sample of charter. Some woman say nio thing la a way that bring a feeling of pride at well at atiifaction. - Lite Fire Health Accident Plate Glass Insurance Surety Bonds at Roclr Bottom Prices in the Most reliable com panies, and big bargains REAL ESTATE SEE JNO. K. PATTERSON. Office ud stairs at Postoffite. acxKXKXakJGck. 1 Prosperity, like charity should first make itself felt in the home. Is your home happier this year than it was last ? Is it more comfortable better furnished ? If not, you havn't lived up to your opportunities your privileges. We help to make tbe home happy by furnishing it, without the necessity of a sacrifice. No matter how humble your, circumstances, you can have a comfortable home if you want it. Make Thanksgiving day truly happy by mak ing your home happy. It can be done through us at small cost. Never before have we had so great a stock of Furniture and House Furnishings to make your selections from. Craven Bros. Furniture and 6fi)lftwftWira :' ..Mr.iwjdteiij,E::.5i2i 7 I will have the biggest sale of City Lots ever held in the State of North Carolina, on the Heiltg addition to SALISBURY one of the best towns in the State, with music by the best band in the State, With a nice free lunch on the grounds. With free carriages from the square and Central Hotel. The sale will be conducted Jby Mr. J. W. Ferguson, of Atlanta, the best auctioneer in any State. 1 VeryRespectfulIy, R. A. WHEELER, High Point, N.C. Prosperity Progress Plenty. A great year. Surely the "best ever." Thanksgiving Day will surely me'an something this time. Good things every where and more coming. Undertaking Corf- I ' Ser. 6-3a. OsorfeTille, N. a