T'HE- COITGCaB" TIMESc .. . 1 Join B.SherrUl, Editor and Owner. PUBLIOIIED TT7ICE -A. . WEEK., 1.00 Fear, a Adrmnce. VOLUME XSIII. CONCOITD, N.C., DECEMBER 12, 1905. NUMBER 4 9. o0 I. f.i if i 8 OE loan ON COTTON. H. L WOODHOUSB, MA KITH BOG MR. President. Vloe-President a W. BWIHK. Cashier. w. h. gibsoit, . Taller. psB.-ap BIX, Coooord, M. Om Branch at Albemarle, a Capital, I 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit 80,000.00 Deposits . 860,000.00 Total Resource! ' . 485,000.00 Our past success, aa Indicated above by figures, is quite gratifying, and we wish to assureour friends and customer ot oar ap- E relation o their patronage and cordially irlte a continuance of tbe tame. Should be pleased to serve a large number ol new cus tomer, holding ourselves reedy to serve you la aay way oonsisteni witn sound Damon 'dirbotors. J. W. Cannon, Robert 8. Toons;, t. J roll. Jos. r. Ooodman, M. J. Oori, Jno B. Bflrd, J. M. Morrow, t, u. Ingram. Safe Prompt Liberal TUB iMi Capital Stook, - " ' $100,000 Stockholders' liability, lOU.UW Sorplna and undivided profits, 85,000 Assets, ... 850,000 Your Easiness Solicited per cent. It tereat paid on time certificates, 3 M. ODBLL, President. W. H LILLY, Vice President D. H. COI.THAKR. Cashier. L. D. COLTBANB, Asst Cashier. J. M. HBSDWX. Book-keeper. DR. J. S. LAFFERTY Q &es special attention to diseases of the E and Ear, Fitting Glasses and to Electric Treatment of Chronio Diseases. Oanoersand Skin Diseases treated by the X-Ray. Office room 15, in Moms . Building. 'Phone 181a. DIRECTORY. 'Z The following lots were disposed of during the month of September by the Concord Real Estate Com pany, in West Concord : In Block "P" .a No. n,W. M. Corzine; No. 12, W. M. Corzine; No. 17, J. A. Can non; No, 19, J. A. Cannon; No. 24, M. O. Harris; No. 25, Miss Mamie Pharr; No. 30, W. G. Kirk; No. 3 i,W. P. Harris; No. 32, M. O. Harris; No33, M. O. Harris. In Block "M" No. 10. J. B. Sherrill; No. 15, Mrs. John M. Craven; No. 16, Mrs. John M. Craven. In Block "N" No. 1, H. I. Woodhouse; No. 3, W. R Johnson; No. 4, John M. Cook; No. 5, H. I. Woodhouse. In Block "L" ' No. 15, J. F. Hurley, In Block "I" No. 1, H. I. Woodhouse, No. 7, H. I. Woodhouse No. 15, Q-esby-terian church; No. 16, Presbyterian .Church; No. 18, H. I. Woodhouse; JNo. 19, D. J. Bost & Co. In Block "H" No. 13, Baptist church; No. 14. Baptist church; No. 24, G. A. Mis- enheiraer. CHICHCBTCft'9 IMQLISII S JL - LMMi mi Irkfw CHKHMTEKS KNOLU lm UK.B Ml WI4 MttUK Wm. mfi taa HsatL. !. TeawJakMlada saaOal ksr To T.ly Patrons. All who owe me for prof esdonal aer. vices are urtrently requested to settle with me as early as possible, aa I a badly in need of the money. J. B. JEROME. It. D.. Nov. 6 Jm, OeorgeTilie, K. 0. S555) homey JUST RECEIV , . Seventy-five head of Horses and- llules Well-broken and will sell for cash or on time, on easy terms Corl & Uadsworth Co. Jo Remove Frectles and Pimples IN TEN DAYS, USE- . The Complexion Beautifjer. THE NADIN0LA GZL ajADINOLA Is a new diaoovered (naran teed, and money will be refunded in ev ery case where It falls to remove freckles. pimples, Uver-apota, collar dlsooloraUuoa, black beads, disfiguring eruptions, etc. The want oases In 20 days. Leaves the skin olear, soft, healthy andrestores the beauty of youth PrloeMots and 1100. Bold In each city by all leading druggists, or by mall. Mrs. Btta Brown writes 1 Hasnyule, Tenn., Sept. IMS. "I have been using your Nadl nola Egyptian Cream, Soap and Nadlne Face Powder and like them very much. This Is the first summer since childhood that I hare been without freckle. I am 04 years old, and ave better eomplexfoa now than when a girt." Prepared only by UTIOFAL TOILET CO., Paris, Tenn. Sold In Anoord by FETZER DRUG COMPANY, AND LEADING DRUGGISTS. (ZS.0D Worth ol C::ds qivbnawXyi Commencing December 1, , and ending night of Decem ber 23, we will give every ' cash customer a ticket for ' every dollar's worth of .... ca-ooiDs .... thev buy from us, entitling them to a chance at the fol- lowing prizes: First Prize, $13.50 in Goods. Second Prize, $7.50 in Goods. Third Prize, $5.00 in Goods. Drawing wnl be conducted same as last year. W. C. CORRELL. NOTICE. T. hMwhv irlv.ii that the annnal assess ment marts bv the Cabarrus Mutual Fire Imimim. (ImnMHi t. ilna anil navable at the Concord National Bank on or before J"S nary let. MOT. See. and Trecsn C I I Bast Uxwh Syran, Taste. Gruud. Da I I ' In time. Fold 07 Crowtta. f V r ' zz i at HICH, BUT OH I M PMB. In. Hetty Srwa Mm B "liana bQ Her Lira ta ChaarUaa V4 Hlaer la. Baltlmora Bun. Our eteernd contemporary, the New York WorldTbn last Sunday devoted page to an ceo out of Mn Hatty Green wbom it styles "the richest woman la the world." According to thUacoound no one ever lived a mors cheerless life than this rioh woman. Whether she sbaa a hundred millions or a hundred and twenty-five millions, as the esti mates runwshe has at her command everything that money can buy. Yet she is greatly to be pitied, for she li friendless and alons and is apparently oppressed with the sordid cares which sometimes embitter the lives of those who havs scarcely the means to provide food. Man, says the Psalmist, walketh himself in vain shadow and ditqaietetb himself in vain : be heapeth up riches and cannot tell who shall rather them. Mrs.tireen think she knows who will gather the riches she it heaping np. But in thit even she may be mistaken It it said that she it saving and deny' lng herself of all the necessaries of life in order that when she diet her only ton may be the richett man in the world. Tbe ton has now reached middle life. He may live to inherit hit mother's millions and he may not squander them when they are his. But who can tell T la the meantime he lives in Texas, while his mother in her old are it living alone, with nothing to comfort her or give her pleasure except the (jeatelets gathering pf dollars. . A& oordingto the World's account, this rich woman has an office in New York in which the toils daily more hours than the poorest clerk. At night the crosses the Hudson and takes refuge in s mean apartment house, where she lives incognito, having no friends and no social life, wrangling with the grocer over the price of the few purchases of food shs makes. She actually, it is said, washes her own clothing and saves cents more earnestly than an organ grinder. And what it the purpose of this life ot toil, of loneliness, of penury f Simply, it would seem, that her son may be as unhappy as the it. Com pared with tuch a life, the life ot the man with the hoe is beautiful and at tractive. Mrs. Green is living ths life of King Midas. Everything be touched turned to gold, but there was nothing in it for bim. Of Jehoram, King of Judah, the terible sentence was written after his death --that "he departed wunoni oeing aesirea. Hit life was useless, he helped none, and when he died there was not a friend to mourn bit loss, not one tear thed upon hit grave. He departed without being de sired. Mrs. Green's money, according to this account in ths World, and it is to be hoped it is not accurate, gives no one employment, makes no horns happy, lightens no man's burdens. It is loaned to Vail street speculators at a high rate ol interest. A Delighted Aadlenee. Salisbury Son. When the curtain went up for the first act in Bobin Hood at Meroney't theatre Saturday night the number of vacant chairs was all sufficent to dis hearten any entertainer. Not so with the Bobin Hood people. With a vim and sett that bore no hint of listless- nest ths forty members of this troupe presented a comic opera that has never been surpassed in Salisbury, and, for that matter, in but few instances in any ot North Carolina's leading cities. The management of Meroney't theatre has displayed much enterprise in securing this excellent company and at the same time set a high standard which, to be maintained, must be patronised. A Bad Sears. gome day yon will get a bad scare, when you feel a pain in your bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safety lies in Dr. King's New life Pills, a sure onre. for all bowel and stomach diseases, such as headache, biliousness, coativenees, etc A Polk county man's house was burn ed and with it twel hundred dollars in cash was burned. The man who fails to put his money in banks is inviting loss. ' ' Beautifying mVrOoeU that injure the skin and health are dangerous. Bebean tiful witboot comfort by taking Hollia ter't Rocky Mountain Tea. Sunshiny facet follow its use. So cents. Ask your Druggist. Gold can-buy nearly everything in this world, exoept that which wants moat happiner. HoUister's Rocky Mountain Tea is simply liquid electricity. It roes to every part of your body, bringing new blood, strength and new vigor. It makes yon well and keeps you welt 85 cents. Ask lyour Druggist. Haw fork Herald. "Betsy," George Bradley's famous hen known to poultry rais s sll through Ttnnsssee, is dead at the age of 22 years, and has been buried with honors befit ting her carecjayof tseiulnesa. Betsy was one of the brood of chicks hoh"1 00 tt lhal Badly', We,l son waa norn, nearly tweniy-inree years ago. By Mm date of the young man's birth the family established her age. Betty was oooationallr permitted fb indulge her motherly initiontt, upon which occasions she invariab brought into the world from a dosen to fifteen of the finest idicki that ever scratched gravel. - . - When not engaged in motherly dn ties Betsy sometimes worked overtime and laid two eggs a day. - A year after year parsed without any appreciable difference in Betay's stren nosity, she became the wonder of the country and the barnyard Jewel of the Bradley family. - It is estimated that during that Umt this industrious hen has laid 4,760 eggs and hatched 570 chickens. At the age of 19 Betsy suddenly changed her habits and seemed seised with a distinct aversion for roosters, The finest cooks of the walk in farmer Bradley's barnyard had no charm for Betsy. She spurned them all. Dur ing the last three years of her life Betsy did not lay an egg or hatch a chiok, Over her grave Mr. Bradley will erect a headstone inscribed as follows: ' "Here lies laying Betsy. Born in 1883; died in 1905. , She did many fowl deed for those .she loved. Peace to her bones let them lay. May she lay again some other day," If the 4,750 eggs that Batsy laid dur iog her nineteen years ot faithful service were sold in the market at their present price they would realist 1908 50. It bar 570 chickens brought an average price of 20 eenta they would represent market value of sm. On this basis Betsy earned $1,079 50 For her owner before she retired from votive duty and commenced . to take life easy. 4 Sensible trbool Board la aa Ceaniy. Stateevtue Landmark. Up in Ashe county tbe other day B. E. Faw took a deck of cards from one of his pupils, Davs Bower, 16 years old, and burned them. He then attempted to chastise Bower for bringing the cards to school, but the boy resisted and at tacked the teacher with a stick. But the teacher was somewhat on bis mus cle himself, for he took the stick away from the boy and whaled him good. The school committee it related to Bower and the doors of ths school houss were locked against the teacher. He appealed to the oounty board which sustained the teacher. Evidently tbe sentiment which permits youngsters to do entirely as they please at school and elsewhere hain't invaded Ashe county to any considerable extent. - Dylsm of Vaanlae is, in its torments, like dying of con sumption. The progress of consumption, from the beginning to the very end, is a long torture, both to victim and friends. "When I had consumption in its first stage," writes Win. Myers, of Oearfoss, Md., "after trying different medicines and a good doctor, in vain, I at last took Dr. King's New Discovery, which quick-, ly and perfectly cored me." Prompt re lief and sore cure for coughs, cold, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Positively pre vents pneumonia. Guaranteed at all drag stores. PflDs SOo and $1.00 a bottle. Trial bottle free. At a meeting of the regents of Barium Springs Orphanage held in Charlotte Wednesday a donation to the institu tion of $1,500 was announced. Thit it part of ths gift of $5,000 by Mr. W, W. ruQer to the Synod of North Carolina. Tbe money is now in the hands of the orphanage treasurer, Mr. P. M. Brown, of Charlotte. Klsw ot AU Cengh Medietas. Mr E. G. Oaae, a mail carrier of Can ton Center, Conn., who has been in the U -8 Service for about sixteen years, says: "We have tried many oongh medicines for croap, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy it king of all and one to be relied Upon every time. We also find it the best remedy for coax ha and colds, giving oertain results And leaving no bad after effects." For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson, ConoordJ T?e Tbe cutV'k for the sucotea ol the Jamettnwa Exposition in 1907 wss im proved by two incidents Tuesday. The president, in his messags to Congress, asked that further said be extended it, and the French government accepted an invitation to nd a squadron to to take part in the naval celebration. ll always taf. to learn, even from our enemies seldom sale to instruct, even our friends. HIS IBB ay bong RESULT. Lectarer-a lllaetratloa DldaH Have . tne KSTeet Ha Intended. San Antonio Bipress. I Hudson Tuttle, tbe Ohio lecturer, made an address recently wherein he described Uhe pitfalls of thes lecture U f - platform, "Oue pitfall," Mr. Tuttle laid, unwise choioe of examples and proofs. "A temperance lecturer wished to prove to his andienoe ths deadly power of whiskey. ' " - "Accordingly, he caused a drop ot water to.be magnified snd thrown upon a magic-lantern screen. The picture was a terrible one. Worms bigger than pythons, crabs bigger than elephants, spiders the size of a ship, fought to tether in the drop ol water like fiends in the infernal regions. "The lecturer cow caused a drop of whiskey to be added to the water. " 'Watch, friends, he said ; 'watch the whiskey's effect.' "The effect wss msrvelout-the' liquor killed all those ferocious horrors in stautly. Their vast claws and tentacles and feelers stiffened all became peoe ful and still. "An old lady in the front row whis pered hoarsely in her husband's ear : Wall. Jsbfi : tbst settles me. I'll never drink water again 'thout put tin whiskey to it.' DjtagBasya atlas ratal. Philadelphia, Pa., Deo. 8. Unable to keep away from her baby brother and playmate, who was sick with diph theria, four-year-old Cecelia Thompson in spite of the warniugt uf parents and doctors, visited him secretly in the night, and contracted the dread disease. Both children are now lying dead in their parents' home at Nineteenth and Callawhill streets. Little Joseph Thompson, tbe darling of hil tisters'l heart, was taken tick two weeks ago and Cecelia was told that the mutt not see bim. All day Ions she would wsit for word to come that she might see her brother, but none came. Unable to sleep in the aighl she got out of her bed and went to the silent sick chamber. Going ovei to the cradle of the dviog child she bent over and kissed him many times. In a few days the, too, was taken sick and her death followed her brothers'!. The DIOrnre Between a Cultivated and Uncultivated Voice. MarthvlUe Borne. Somebody aekt ut if we oan tell tbe difference between a "cultivatedvoice" in sieging one that is not "cultivated Certainly we can readily distinguish the difference. We could almost tell the difference if we had nothing but an ar tificial ear to listen with. When a con gregation Joint in and einfcs a piece of mutio in a clear and distinct voice, to that you can catch all the words repeat ed and get ths sentiment expressed in verse that's singing. When you hear a trembling, warbling, vibiating, chok log, screaming aggregation of noises withont being able to understand a single word that it being repeated that's "cultivated voice." It'i a mighty deaf man that can't tell the difference. Cow Stirs Battler's Wrath. Haselton Cor. Philadelphia Record. A cow which John Tukes, of Butler valley, waa driving to pasture, stepped on the tail of a rattlesnake, and the enraged reptile turned on Tukes, who Bed to the barn. Tbe snake chased him to the door, which Tukes closed. Tukes wss held prisoner half an hour before the make ceased its rattling and went away. . Water Care for Conetlpatlon. Half a pint of hot water taken half an hour before breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular. Harsh cathartics should be avoided. When a purgative is needed, take Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tablets They are mild and gentle in their action. For Sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson, Concord, and A. W. Moose, Mt. Pleasant. The estate of Mrs Rachel B. Holton, a prominent Charlotte woman, who died there reef oil y st the see of 90, is valued at $150,000 and includes tome of tbe best real estate in the city. The will leaves ths entire property to tbe four children, Mrs. Rachel Garret, Mire Pattie Holton and Messrs. Charles and Eddie Holton. ' deaf thinking, decisive action, vim and vigor of body and mind, the sparkle of life, comes to all who use HoUister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 85 cents Tea or Tablets. Ask your Druggist. The purest lives I have known have not been those carefully screened from the world, but which, coming np in it, have kept themselves unspotted. The wee teat and truest havu grown and ripened under conditions, yon would say, most hostile, tut which have been wrought into the meant of a grandly elevated faith and life. J. F. W. Ware. Books are now open for subscriptions to : stock in the ...... 35th SERIES Concord Perpetual ' B.ilg d hi k'l Call on Secretary and Treasurer at Cabarrus Savincs Bank and subscribe. ROBT. S. YOUNG, -President. H. I. WOODHOUSE, , Sec. and Treas. Price I Cent ! THE SUN (Baltimore, Md.) Now Bella for 1 Cent, and Can be Had or Bvery Country Dealer, Agent or Newaboy at That Price. All subscribers in District nf nnlnmhla Virginia. North and South Carolina. Penn sylvania, Delaware and throughout the Uni ted States can get The 8un by mall at 1 oent a copy. TBI SCR AT OUR CENT la the Cheapeat Illch-Olaae Paper la the United state. The Hun's sneclal oorrflnnnnrienta tfimii.h. out the United States, as well aa In Europe, Uilna, Japan, the Philippines, Porto Bico, Cuba ami In everv otber part of tbe world. uja&n it, i,u. anMtKws newspaper tnat oan urn printed. Its WaaMnirton and Mew Vnrk tinman. are among the best In the United States and give The Sun's readere the earliest Informa tion upon all Important event. In tbe legis lative and flnancial centers of the country. TBE FABITIEH'S PA FEB. The Sun's market renorta and mmmnn.ltl columns are complete and reliable and put ui.iMiuBi,ui,iiint;uNii anu me Dioaer in touch with tbe markets of Ualtlmnra. Nor folk, Charleston, New York, Chicago. Phlla- uaijiiia iuu .u uiiuer important points in tbe United States and all otber countries. All of which the reader gets tor one cent. THE WOMAN'S PAPER. Tbe Sun Is the beat tvna nf a nn. morally and lntelleatuallv. In aririitinn tn the news ot the day, it publishes the best iwrom mat can oe presentea, sucn as rash lon articles and miscellaneous writings from men and women of note and prominence, it It an educator of tbe hlxbest character, constantly stimulating to noble Ideals In In dividual and national life. The Hub Is published on Sunday aa well aa every other day of the week. Uy man the Daily Hun t a year, Including the Bundav Sun. B4. Th. hhi). Ann .inA $1 a year. Address A, 8. ABBLL COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, Baltimore, Md. PARKER'S wwa-ir afrlivinni CfMnaskt and beautifi the hafe, Ifomotoa a luxuriant trrowth. vi ? to Bertortj Omy Cure acaip ismmii h!r falling. For rent six room dwelling on South Till Ifin flf.rAAfc A lan ft iVm UnB- Fairview. jno. K Patterson & Oo. WriliDrjDerkj: ' jfm "Shal1 " wL lA It Be? Your Christinas gift to "him" or to "her" or to "them?" Don't worry and wonddr and plan at home i what to give each friend riore ideas can be obtained from 0NE visit g here than from weeks of Ouf stock is so displayed that it will be sug- gestive to just to visit Whyfiot Furniture Craven Furniture and ftww6aiwwi nn v - r. e I iv M.JS. i irucit iarmer ' I know (or ought to know) that Potash is indispensable for pro ducing good-paying truck crops, i 0 A liberal quantity of Potash, along with ample amounts of phosphoric acid and nitrogen, is vital to successful truck growing. . "Truck Farming," an interesting book dealing with practical truck raising and valu able to every truck farmer, will be sent to farmers on request, free of any cost or obligation. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS, New Yerk-o Na.ua Street, er Atlanta, Q..-Z2X Se. Bread Mreet, Four Prizes To be given away, about January ist by D.JJM1M. the hustling merchants. The amount of the prizes will be about $20.00 distributed as follows : 1st prize A silk dress. 2nd prize A pair of Woolen Blankets. 3rd prize Parlor Lamp. 4th prize Pair Lace Curtains. We want to bay all the country produce that is brought to Concord, and in order to do this we are going to give a ticket to every person from whom we buy pro duce. One ticket to be given away for every dozen of eggs purchased by us, and also one ticket lor every chicken bought by as. And for every $1.00 worth of eoods purchased from us for tbe cash we will give 5 tickets. The last offer applies only to the retail trade. At the close of the contest the four persons holding tne largest number or tickets will receive the prizes as above stated. D. J. BOST & C01XFY. TAXES! TAXES!! TAXES!!! I am In recelDt of a letter this isornlnr from the State Treasurer, demanding that I col lect the tax. Now, you all know that I can't settle with the State and school nntuyou settle wltb me. To be able to meet tbe de mands of the law required of me I must have by the thirty-first of this month tw.000. and I havent aa yet got one-third of that amount. Now, I hope you will come to my relief and pay your tax at once or suffer the penalty of the law, which la not my fault, for I am bere ready to receive. This la all the warning I expect to give and you may expect to abide oy tne consequences. ttespeoiruuy, JAB. F. UAUBIS, Sheriff. Dec , 1906. US We have for sale another exoellent oottage on Spring street, with bath room, eto. Price $3,415. See Jno. K. Patterson ft Oo. you will remember. planning at home. w Mil i the store. Come often. for a Christmas gift? Bros. Undertaking Co. i

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