g - - the; - cqncqex -tim f 1 Human I thanTwfca I tha Circula tion of aay Paper art? Fabltabadls the County. ES. John B.Shwtfll, Editor aaf Owbxt. m x?tTDLi:arrBip twice ao week. Concord, N. ?., December IB. 190B. $1.00 a Tear, in -Advance. YOLUUE XXIII. o NUMBER SO. I On Dollar I mi) ft n i7ELoHfjr.:o;!EY ON COT-TON. ril'l!':'' r B. L WOODHOCBB. President a W. 8 WINK, MAKTTN BUG IB, rios-PrsstdSBt W H GIBBOW, Taller CABARRUS B E, Concord, X. C Branch M Albemarle, O. Capital, ' .' 80,000.00 SurplutandUndlTidsdProBU 80,000.00 Deposits 860,000.00 Total Resources 485,000.00 Our past success, as Indicated above by BKurea, .8 quite gratiiying, ana ws in i ascureour friends end customers of our ai ureulatlono their Datrooaa-e and cordial In vite a continuance of the eame. Sbooid ba 6 leaned to serve a large number of new oue jmerv holding ourselves ready to serve you In any way consistent witn aouna Damans;. DIRECTORS. J. W. Cannon, Robert S. Young, I. J. (Foil, Jul r. uoodman, n. J. von, J no. a. nnro,v a. Morrow. T. 0. Ingram. Prompt THIS Liberate Safe I1UUUV IIIIMVI1IIL, 1llliils Capital Stock, - $100,000 Stockholders' liability, 100,000 Surplus and undivided profits, 25,000 Assets, 850,000 Your Business Solicited per oent Interest paid on time oertlftcatee, ) M. OTtSLI,, President. ' W. H. LILLY. Vice President. D. B. COLTKANK. Oasoler L. D. COLTRANB, Aaat Cashier. J. U. HKNOUIX liook-keeper. DR. J. S. LAFFERTY Hires special attention to diseases of the Eye and Ear, Fitting Glasses and to Electrio Treatment of Ohronio Diseases. Uwicern and Skin Diseases treated by the X-Ray. . Office room 16, In Morns BaiidinR. 'Phone 131a. DIRECTORY. The following lots were disposed of during the month of September by the Concord Real Estate Com pany, in West Concord : In Block "P" No. n ,W. M; Corzine; No. It, W. M. Corzine; No. 17, J. A. Can , non; No, 19, J. A. Cannon; No. 14, M. O. Harris; No. 25, Miss Mamie Pharr; No. 30, W. G. Kirk; No. 31, W. P. Harris ; No. 3a, M. O, Harris; No. 33, M. O. Harris. In Block "M" No. 10. J. B. Sherrill; No. 15, Mrs. John M. Craven; No. 16, Mrs. John M. Craven. In Block "N" No. 1, H. I. Woodhouse; No. 3, W. R. Johnson; No. 4, John M. Cook; No. s, H. I. Woodhouse. In Block "L" No. 15, J. F. Hurley. In Block' "1" No. 1, H. I. Woodhouse, No. 7, H. I. Woodhouse; No. 15, Presby terian church; No. 16, Presbyterian Church; No. 18, H. I. Woodhouse; No. 19, D.J. Bost & Co. In Block "H" No. 13, Baptist church; No. 14, Baptist church: No. 24, G. A. Mia- rnheiroer. . CBICBhjn.T, CnULIbH 'fitiunt.kiti ...a a am k"UI.ITniJTRL PILUi . -mtat e. Ai'i)tii:Mii. ss silts Mh UraaWtwl m Li1' "KB ul fi.14 mmutt. M MM Ilk rlhl-. 1 ... H V cr-BSfS"ter -lie "Belief IW 1 It ra. Xrw Mmii. J "n" r it., 1. Paiika. ri To Hy Patrons. All who v me for profeairional an vices are urgently requested to settle wun me as lariy as possibla, as I am badly In need of the money. a J. R. JKROITK, K, D., - Kov. 6 3m. Georgeville,N.O. i ' v. JUST RECEIVED Seventv-five head of Horses and Uiti Well-broken and will -ell for cash or on time, on easy terma Corl fi.Uadsworth Go. uaisn urm Uiaauiooraai. , I aaa takm rt AlsbM. ad IflsUt ippi thU wwakajmitahrariarjeskturf tn ma to meet and aslnirU with U peo ple of thas two statat. lurjr mo elev- r, kind and hotpitabl people and : otto, witk tiaiura.tha gmisnat iij which haa oobm to ihaaa aaotioaa in the past law yaara. Ten and flftean eaak aoitoa baa aarely aada taaai indapaBd- tat aad Ua law it and show It. Tha towns an nowise la laani aad bonada aad tha fatSis also show that soaathiag la dotag la tha good old IfUd thatUarakpntty ganaral ao ataawotfthalgnttsoltha last gov. aramant report of 10,143,000 ba TUsatnoh I do not uanasbat that the govaraaiant rwport has aver bean over tha'factt'and ngnniof taw past prod no OOaaadtf tBOMngajaranaat atrga ly aadar thaaotaal eMp of 190808, thea oo h geiar to U eaaM baton May 1, 1906. That aambar of balaa Juai aia'taaoaah aad Driest wiU sttrwlysena apwardjas wa aaed sson oottoa than the world aaroanda. AtaaaailUaal erop oaght to bring 15 eeats from tha 1st of r-bnavroa to tba cleat of this To Roots Freckles ufl Plsples IN TBN DTS, USB The Complexion Eeauiiar. VS. ITS NAC9M9U CL fJaDINOLA H a new dlseovared foaraa Uad, and moaey will be MTuaoed tm wr- arToaat where tt falls to lawi freeMse, plwvlaa, Uvar-spots, collar dltooloraltana, blaek beadi, dlsagurma; eruptions, eta The want eaaea m as days. Leaves the skJa elear, toft, hoalthy and rmtwai the beaatv of youth PrtoeiOou and S100. 8oM la aach ctty by all leadlnc drarirwta. er by mall. Mrs. Itaa Brown wrltiwi Maatvule, Teaa, Sept. Itos. "I have beea uamt your Bedl- aols KtTPtlaa Cream, Soap aad Vadlae Face Powder and like them very amoh. This a the Srss summer 11000 ehUdhood that I have beea without freckles. I am M yean old, and sva better oomplexloa now thaa when a girl." Prepared onlr by KITIOFAL TOILET CO., Ftrii, Tea. Bold In Concord by FETZER KTJS CCT7ANY, AND LEADING DKUGOI8T8. M M i tilt GIVEN AWAVI Commencing December 1, and ending night of Decern' ber 23, we will give every cash customer a ticket for eTery dollar'a worth of .... GOODS .... ther bnr from ns. entitling; them to a chance at the fol- lowing prizes: First Prize, $13.50 In 4 Ooods. Second Prize, $7.50 In Qoods. - Third Prize, $5.00 In I Ooods. Drawlni win be conducted last rear. W. C. CORRELL. t t ' ISTOTIOE. Is hereby ghta that the annual aaiMi men made by the CBDarms aniaii rm Inauraaeo uompanv w am aara it. mm toe Onnoord Rational Bant oa orbr. Jaa- aarylrt. Hot nor. 1. TbbaIWadbBv7mfl4ttaadfam id tha tags aad ahortt wlU scrap aad foaM, tjot Ualaratar will gat lha priea if hawaHt. But Whoa the farntar ftas ta hold Us eottoa it harts banks aad stsrsbsaitfaM sraia, Thafawiaar who halds his eottoa won't borrow or taadardapotit and it takes all thraa of thoaa things to saaka banking pay aad baiiasss' bota. - Bat tha baakar aad boalaatt maabava had their day ; now a Uttle fun- aad(goad look is duo tba fafBMr aad I aat la favor of thess hav ing it. Tha aottosa MO is oa top ooot soon aad I am giad to tat it I have read with interest President Booatvalt'i ntaartgt to songsMt. It goodraadiag. It wa duwp, loag aad saney and too' talks oat in matting. believe tha ptopls an with tha president aad they an for tha same thine ba it far, aad agaiastCne things ha is against. If that ba tree, thaa yon may aspect oongrsss to do Mme baalnew "befart tba idat of aptlL" Mot to tbataaataif it blooka tha kafislatioa thoprstidantda- Tha asaats bat ban tba banal ground for attbOa that "died a bormln" aad tha naata to ia a poor lighting ahapt at tbia tti Two of its aaatbsrs santtnoed to tha naaitect'ary, and the two New York tart so discredited that they an de nounced by prats aad people at graft- art wad looters, aaa., aad bow aaaay may ba proven uaworthy of pub lic eoaudewiw tUs deponent tayathnot. Tha trath u the psoplt an ia bo eondl ttoa to ha trifled with. Tha seaatorlwHh- the bnthian of tha associated JHO. K. PATTBKOOW, asaeadTn I L 11 atetcowiSmK la una Solder 1 r rtimiLmttm. who shall aadsator to bkwk'jutt aad witt legialatioa on tht Unta mapped oat tha,praaldaat ia going to ran amuck, aad wfli find at tha and of this prassat ofcaagrass a d tea tailor hit ret- ignatiaa wbao bagett horn that will Una him op with tha UeOardys and KoOalk, ate. Tht Sfinatt aaa defy pnblis opiaion, bnt woa aato tha gsag that defies tht people. Let Philadelphia tell them some- tbmg. 'aad Xteparor Kiaholn' azptri' aaat may ba' worth nmatbiag totham. Tha people an tba biggest thing la this world; sad they art now a unit ia their demaadtalragetrtalB Haas, aad woa ba to. the wjnator who lafuatt to gin tham the reUaf aad tha lavs they Thtfris'ooe' Hm I woaM not want to ba a senator if I was aot with tba people. I toil yon, geotleaaen, when the peo- pUrUhwbiadapoUtieUa heaaeomes oa Ota tpot, aad the people are la btblad tbem tow for who IsM If aay pelican donbti that feet let him ask Utorgt Uoz, of anofnaan. or Governor Herriok, of Ohio, or the ataehlne poUtloiant of Mlaaotni. If r. Booatvelt's matttge it fall of fasts aad argomannu He hat a jray all his own of getting at things and do ing things, lliarai fair ted waatt alairdeaL' lahtoieoomaneadSafonslD gat tnam tbjeagh be 11 have to wree He with priwotpaJlUet aad pewett aad weakaata in high plates, If la an leg- itlatioa for a fair deal, wiadoat, Jottiot and tqrrity shall psvaJl nafther the pa pie or the wjoTparationt will be hart v7naetver thall toe annsttowardt oor- poratkmt will tooaer or hUar hart the cot potations. I know what railroads ban dona for tha united mates. The dtist of New York, Philidalpbia, Obiea go, Bt. Lonla,;ao., would aavar ban rsanhed a SW of the prestige aad aba bat for the amak Haas entering aad retltottagfnmUeaa. Bight it light "had wrongs ao staa," it safe adage. That then an two sitemaU proposition gon without say ing. Tba probletas betweea the. great rtilrotdt tolfllhwpaople can nevtr be Han tha statesmen win Bad work that will demand iaUligaaoe.and patriotism aamixed with pttaioa or prfjadiee. protptroo people will mtke prosperous railroads, aad prot parous . railroads cin Kosnerity to the people. This ota be aeen wherever yon ton yonreywia the gnat country. The issue batwsta the people and railroads caa aanc be settled until it it tattled right. Caa never be nermanently fixed until it's End right. That then it aa almost universal cal' for a paw deal aad a fair deal one hat bnt 0 unstop bit sen to learn aad be it said thai a new deal mat to not a Mr deal it no better thaa an unfair old deal. Give us t fair deal, gentlemen. No hoaeet man wanaj anytbioi else, aad tha wants of the dishonest maa ought not to ban hearing ia the new deal. II tail talk aad action along the linat of reform aad daaa VoUtics ia bat what I ban beta calling for 29 years, all over this country. Nottuog new in an this to me. It's like this talk about new thought and advanced theology nothing new under the tan, gentlemen. Who can think t thought thai is note thoutand years old I ThaM may be new invent! oae, and discoveries, bat how could then be a discovery of a thing that did not exist Before the fallow discovered it ff New thought simply means a rehash of old thought. - There is aothing sew under the sua, good or bad. The North Oeorcia conference did its work aad had its sensations. I am glad Of. Bradly was cleared. Sorry any body was convicted. I am loathe to believe evil of a minister, especially onj who hat for more than a quarter of eentaary stood in oar pulpits and preached the gospel. 1 fear then was lack of something at the north Qeorgia eonfwenoe, oail it a fair deal or dne contioerauon, or execuuve aniav neas, or what yon pi ease ; call it what you' nltate. I know tht Methodist ehnmh at Hartwell, Oa., It outraged and teals deeply aggrieved at the way things went with their former pastor, They believe him innocent and sorely ia that case they wen la1 batter poti- doa to know and ludee thaa any out I am to glad that there will be a fiaal Judgement of all men and then, shall we have all matters cleared np and tba Uvea of all men made ban. We shall know then who's who and what's what. Ia the Arkansas oooferenoa last week they had a picnic, or rathsr a picking and a kicklnc. When conferences of minister! cannot get along without the devil atkiaa a hand, thea it's oat of plan to Jump oa conventions of politi- cUns J I am glad I ain't in it. I shall spend next week in North OaroUna, and be in Atlanta the 17tb ehnrohes. Yonts, SaM P. JOMBS P. 8. I am looking forward to Christmas with all the expectancy of a ten-year old boy. J. P. J- Water Care tor cwwetlpailea. Half a pint of hot water taken half an hour before breakfast will usually keep tha bowela regular. Harsh oaihartios should be avoided. When a purgative It aeeded, take Chamberlain ' Stomach and Liver Tablets They art mild aadl ..i .j m o 1 i lit genus ia tnear bohou. oa oe uj ja Tj. Xanh and D. D. Johnson, Oonoord, and A. W. Moose, XI. Pleasant. The man who haa virtus attends she spirit of the-eompaot: tha without virtue attends only to hiywn IB rough rraios or tihaaeaerlaln's mamaay. , There ia JS other medklne mana. factored tU bat received f)o much praise and to many expressions of grat itude at Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It to effective, and prompt relief follows Ua ate. Grateful parents everywhere do not hesitate to testify to its merits for tba benefit of others. It to a certain cure forpoop and will prevent the attack if giien at the first appearance of disease. It to especially adapted Cltuitrtn at it to pleasant to take and couLwi&s nothing injurious. Mr. E. A. Humphreys, a well known resident and dark in tba (.tore of Mr. B. Lock, of Alice, Cape Colony, South Africa, says "I have used Chamberlainta Oongh Remedy to ward off croup ana colds in my family. I found it to be very satis factory and it gives me pleasure to re commend it."" For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson. Concord, and A. W. Moose, Mt. Pleasant. Set about difficult things while they are tail easy; do treat things while tbey art stiU small. Dylaw or Famine to, in its torments, like dying of con sumption, fbe progress of consumption. from the beginning to the very end, is a long tort ore, botbto victim and friends. When I had consumption in its nrat tese, writee Win. Myers, oi uearross, Md., "after trying different medicines and a good doctor, in vain, I at tost took Dr. King's NewDtooovery, which quick ly and perfeotly cured me." Prompt it lief and sure cursfor coughs, oold, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Positively pre vents pneumonia. Guaranteed at all drug stores. Price 60c and 1 .00 a bottle. Trial bottle free. Take precautious before tht evil ap pears; regulate things before disorder begint. W. M. Sherman, of Gushing, Me., was shot in the back, hourly, day and niht, for full three months ; by the shooting, tearing and racking pains of Kidney In fl animation. He writbs : "I used three bottles of Electrio Bitters, and know that they have permanently cured me, for I feel like a new man, I recommend this great tonic medicine to all sufferers from kidney trouble." It't just as sure to relieve and cure malaria and all stom- aoh and liver complaints, general debil ity and female weaknesses. Guaran teed by all druggists ; Price 60 oents. It't hard to ttreer a straight course when yon keep your conicieoce in your pants pocket. Klot at All Coax meOlelnee. Mr. E. G. Case, a mail carrier oi Can ton Center, Conn , who haj been in the U. B Servioe for about sixteen years, says: "We have tried many oougn medicines for croup, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to king of all and one to be relied upon every time. We also find it the beat remedy for coughs and colds, giving certain results and leaving no bad after effects." For tale by M, L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson, . Concord, and A. W. Moose, Mt Pleasant. Many a man thinks he to patient with pain when he ia only perverse in eating pickles. ' Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is simply liquid electricity. It goes to every part of your body, bringing new blood, strength and new vigor. It makes you well and keeps you well. 86 oents, Ask your DruggtH. I r IS ERY truck farmer kn9vs (or ought to know) that Potash indispensable for pro ducing good-payinp; truck crops. A hbdtal quantity of Potash, along with flmple amounts of phefcphoric acid and nitrogen, is vital to successful truck growing. "Truck Farming," an interesting book dealing with practical truck raising and valu able to every truck farmer, will be sent to farmers on request, free of any cost or obligation. Address, OCR MAN KAU WOBKB. Ntw York-OJ Naaaaa Strait, er '". Oa.-lIX 4. Breed Street! MEV'S VERMIFUGE It tti um rood, oM-fasn-lotwm ntadiclfM that haa saved tha livt of llttla children for tha aaat 60 years ItlsaBcd Icltie snada to cure. It has aver been known to fall. If your child Is sick get a bot tle of fuey'S vcrhifuqc k f IRE TONIC FOI CHILDKU 4 Da aot talc, a aubitltuta. ff sWSo . your drufffflst . It, sand twenty-five cents la Iocs not keep ataaps to za. c a. Jj-'JH-U v Baltimore, ma. ,, aat a bottle will be Milled yoa. Four Prizes To be given away, about January 1st by the ttustlincr merchants. The amount of tfie prizes will be about $20.00 distributed as follows : " 1st prize A silk dress. 2nd prize A pair of Woolen Blankets. 3rd prize Parlor Lamp. 4th prize Pair Lace Curtains. We want to buv all the country orodnce that is brought to Concord, and m orders to do this we are Koine to rive a ticket' to everuierson from whom we buy pro- J dace. One ticket to be riTen own lor- ! every dozen ot eggs purchased by us'j ouu ibu wiic iii-acL tor every cnicacm bought by us. And for every $1.0O worth of goods ourchased from na for the cash we will give 5 tickets. The last, offer applies only to the retail trade. At; the close of the contest the four nersonst holding the largest numlAr of tickets' win receive tne prizes as above atated. D. J. BOST & C0UPT. Executor's Sale. I will aeU at tiie Court Honte door, in Con- oora, . t;., on nonnay, janury mq, iwjo, to. rollowlna; tMocka and Bonds belonging toibe atate or Monro. Meicnor, viz: 12 Bharee, Henrietta Cotton Mill Stock. 12 Bharee, Cabarrus Cotton Mill Stock. J Shares, Caaoon Cotton Mill Htock ft Bharee. Olbaoo Cotton Mill Htock. 13 Shares, Olbaoo Cotton Mill 1'ruferred U Shares. Pattaraon Cotton Mill. at China Oroya. Stock. in fluva. HmW (Vitann Mill, at Rallehnrr. atoek . . . OB! Bharee, wiseaaset cotton nn Koek. 12 Shares, Vorse r.mlture Co. Htnck. 11 Bharaa. Vorka Purnlture Col. Preferred N Stock. 113 Shares. V. C Railroad stock. . IT Shares, Commeralal National Bank Stock S Bharaa, First National Bank, charlotte, Btock. Shares, Mercnants and Farmers Bank, lotte. Sotck. Ail the above Stocks are 1 100 00 per share. Two 8. O. Paoinc Ballroad Boads S per oeat,, due la lvlt-SSOO.OO. Interest April and aJraeher. Pour N. 0. Stats Bonds 4 per oentn due BtH-tlOO.OO each. Oae M. C. Btate Bond 4 per oent., due 1919 Two Town ot Oonoord Bonds 6 per oent., duo Mtt-tfiO9.00. Interest January and July. Seven A. T. 4 O. K K. Bonds-due In 11S. Six par oent., two 00 each Interest April and October. The above 8 tooks and Bonds are sold in the settlement and distribution ot the estate of Monroe Meichor. deceased. Bale at IS o'clock. Jo. A. Babrhardt, Dee. S, N0I. Kx ecu tor. FROFESStOKAL CARDS. DR. a C. HERRING. DnrnsT, Is aow over the store of the White Muerleoo Flowe Company. oosrooavs. sr. e. DR. W. C. HOUSTON Surgeon Etl OOSOOBD.BT. O. . I prepared to do all kinds ot dental work la the most approved manner. Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Residence 'Phone 11. Offloe 'Phone tt. L. T. HARTSELL. Ittorney-it-l, ooxtcomD, aroKTB oAmouvA. Prompt attention given to an boslneas. OtBoe in Morris building, opposite too eonrt bouse. DRS. LILLY & WALKER, offer their professional seivlues to the eSss sens or uoncora ana surroauaaji Calls promptly attended day or oi W I. MOHTOOMBBI. I. I0ITGOXERT A CROTELL, lttoneys tnd CouMlors-it-Lii, eoKooBO, a. a. As partners, will praettee law to Oabarrns, Stanly and adjoining counties, in tbe Supe rior and Suixemo Courts of tbe State and la the Federal Courts. Offloe In court house. Parties deetoaa; to lend money can leave tt with aa or plaoe ft In Conoord National Bank (or ua, aad we will lend It on good real es tate aeeauiey fro. of charge to the depositor. We aaat. tnorouah examination of title an lan1s offered aa security for loans. Mortgagee foreclose J without expense to owners of same a) Bonry B Adams. Titos. J. Jeronto. ank Armfleld. Tola D. Msnsss. Brains and impudence are a combi nation bard to defeat A Bnt eenre. Some day yoa will get a badecare, whan yoa rati a pain la year bowels, tad tent apaenSioitU. Bafety net la Dr. King's New life FUs, r tare cure. for all bowel and stomach diseases, such as headache, Mnoatneta, oostheuess, etc He who knows whea he hat enough! will not be put to ehama. He who knows when to stop will come to no Beaatlfytnf xwtthods that injure the sMnMdhsnlUartdntifferous. Bebeaa tzfol withont oosnlort try taUni; Hollis ter's Bosky XoantaiB Tea. Snaahinv faces foQow Its ase. S5 oents. AtkyoS Drsant An artful dodger ia often entitled to aoreredit than the strenuous hitter. Oltar thinking, deciaivs action, vim aad vigts: of body and mind, the sparkle of Ufa, eoaee to all who use Hollister's Booky Mountain Tea. 85 cents Tea or Tablets. Ask you rroTfis. A good example it the best ssrmon. Beware of tha flatterer; he always hat aa object ia view. love wisely, but are not loved aay too watt. most for 0v.r Maty Venn, Mrs. Win? owl Sooranro Srnur has been faro- r so yean bw millions of moth an for t etr children while teething, with pen act soeoese. it soothes tne child, sort- ens the soma allays all pain; cures wind colle,ana Is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. it will relieve tne poor uctie auirerer imme diately. Bold by Druggists In every part of tha world. Twenty-Ore cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. winalow'a Soothing syrnn, ana saxo no oaoer una. Lite rfre HeJth Accident Plate Glass Insurance Surety Bonds at Rocr Bottom Prices . in the nost reliable com panies, and big bargains REAL ESTATE OT7T ' h. PATTERSGN, Office no stairt Postoflke. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Ml DnutlfltW tha InnlT. hixruriand srmwth BTwjr Tmim to Strtor Orary nw-saasr mt tie) s DBUUUI VOlOr. j Cm i nealp dweaavti balr faiiusaV JZ-J jod ILflD at laiats II LOiS! Books are now open for subscriptions to stock in the , 35th SERIES Concord. Perpetual Hawaii Lea Mi Call on Secretary and Treasurer at Cabarrus Savings Bank and subscribe. loties oi Sals of T1H5 La:!, e By virtue or a power vested in me by a cer tain mortgage deed executed to T D. Maaess trustee, by was. D. Bock for purchase money and duly recorded in the office ot Resistor of Deeds of Cabarrus county. North Carolina, In nook number III of deeds, pages K, and HO. I will, on Monday, tliettth day o' January, 1908. at 13 o'clock M.. sell for cash to the hluh- est bidder, at the court house door in Con cord, North Carolina, the following described aract or lano, lying and being in said couuty and State above mentioned : Heine- lot No. I at toe William Morrison di vision. Beginning at a stone in Boat's line by s rd oak and black um, and runs s 51 V e OX cnalns to a stake in a Held; thence n mx o at, 40 chains to a atone by a pine. D. J. Mor rison's oorner; taenoemtiSJi w 85a" chains to the beginning, containing ilJi' acres. Being saaso tract of land oonveyed to said Wm. D. Boek by deed of W. T. Jerome aod H. M. Shlanon the 1st day of Jnne, IMS. Sold to satisfy tee provisions of said mort gage deed. r D. MANBB8, Trustee. fhie the Tth day of December. W0I. Adams, Armneld, Jerome A Manesa, Attor-neya ROBT. S. YOUNG, President. H. I. WOODHOUSE, Sec, and T reas This Means Y ou. I am preparing a Directory for Mm -protection of merchants, who do a credit b-usinees-The Directory will be placed In tho Sands of all the merchants of this City and Haste, at the eallest date possible. In this T Mreetorv will be plaoed the names of all the, parties that owe an acooont, so that wlaaaaparty makes application for credit the W'lerchant, at a moment's notice, oan see If Mie party wanting tbe credit appears In tbia Inrmtory, and If so. he can get no eredlt- Thla Is a long-felt need tor the protaotlon of merchants, and will be a gnt help to them and hurt no one that pays bs honest debts. ' This lllreetory win make Its about January 1, 10116, and unless yoa wish to find your name in bold type to tne entno, you will call and settle that little aooo ant due the firm of D. P. Day vault A Brou. bankrupts. .a. dams. Yon can settle with me- or wlta Armfleld, Jerome A Manees, Attorney. .This MKaNS YOU, for every ona that fsvlle Uf par will be made known to ail merOante, and when a man bas his name 111 this LH rectory no mercnant wiu allow mm credit Deo.t-tf. NOTICE! 'We want every man and Women In tbe United States Interested In tbe cure of Opium, W blskey or otber drug habits, either for themselveaor friends, to have one of Dr. Woolley's Books on these dis eases. Write Dr. B. M. W ooUey, Atlanta, Oa., BoxcSST, and one will be sent yon free. Afeif, Jeroofl, lifeli t Xue ittoraejs tod CoaueUon it lis, CONCORD, N. C. Fractlce in all the State and IT. 8. Courts. Prompt attention given to collections and general law practice. Persons Interested In Che settlement of estates, admlnlstratora. executors, and guardians are especially In vited to call on us, as we represent one of tbe largest bonding companies in America; In fact we will go any kind ot a bond cheaper than any one else. Parties desiring to lend money oan leave It with us or deposit it In Conoord National Bank, and we will lend It on approved secu rity tree of charge to the lender. Continued and painstaking attention will be given, at a reasonable price, to all legs business. Office In new Morris Building opposite Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as tbe administrator of D. M. Line, deceased, all Dei-eons ovln. .af.1 estate are hereby notified that they must make Immediate payment or suit will be brought. And all persons baying claims against said eBtate must present them to tbe undersigned, duly authenticated, on or ba- AW fore the 4th day of November, 1808, or tbis mjeSr tlce will be pleaded In bar ot their recnweTyT J. L. D. BAHRINGBU. AduUutttrator. By Lh T. Hartsell, Attorney. November 8, 1UU6. TAXES! TAXES!! TAXES!!! I am in receipt of a letter this morntn. fmm the State Treasurer, demanding tbat I col lect tne tax. Now, you all know that I cant settle with the State and school until you settle with me. To be able to meet tbe de mands of the lew required of me I must bavo by the thirty-first of this month to.000. and I haven't as yet got one-third of tbat amount. now, 1 pope you win come to my relief and pay your tax at once or surfer the penalty of the law. which la not mv tault. for I am her. ready to receive. This Is all thd warning I expect to give and you may expect to abide oy tne oonsequenoes. Kespectruuy, jas. r. HAKB13, BUenn. Dee. 0, 1905. ,..- kdier -itofJDerkx wJwwewweKi' Vary truly yours, C.A.DRT. Statement. OPFICB OP RntGXBTBR OF DMKOSa Cabarrus County. Pursuant to the proTlsiona of Section ?U of the Code, the following statementshowtna Item and nature of all confutation audited try toe Board of commissioners of Cabarrus Covnty to the members thereof, severnllv. from December 1st. 1004. to November 80th, 190S, both indwlve, is submitted to the public : C L. ERW1N, CHAIRMAK. For 8S days aa Conuniasiotier at fit per day ...... 9M0O- rur uays aa tahiiiiiiiu, m per MJ I rW Shall !!jNltBe? Your Christmas gift to "him" or to "her" or to "them?" . Don't worry and wonddr and plan at home what to give eacfl friend you will remember. Total. t C. O. C1LLON. a oo I wUMf For IT days as Commissioner at tt any. , un-"". mM . SO1 ror miues trareie. aPSwenTS pay mile.. Is oe Tots' S50 50 J. A. HAHX. daya as Commissioner at t2 per a s uu mme at f per day. . . s 00 For Jl day. ror one nay a rommm at f per day... ror 90S miles traveled at 5 cents par mile.. Is 00 Total.. J. W. CRESS I Commissioner! ..Sj ot tt per For days day I. fln For days as committee at 2 perday. ... 4W For ISO miiea traveled at S cents per , too A Total .T. tee oo For IS days as Commissioner at tt per day asm For 4 da-s as committee at S2 per day... 9 OO me., i. ou 'or i miles traveled at a cents per mil itJUH . . 110 There were no unverified accounts allnwni nnr any allowance made by the Board except as above staled. I hereby certify that the above h a true an nual statement as prescribed by tbe statute. n. a. jun.iiio.'i, Register of Deeds, lore ideas can be obtained from ONE visit j here than from weeks of planning at home; Our stock is so displayed that it will be sug- i gestive to Just to visit the store. Come often. Why not Furniture for a Chrlstmaj gift? Craven Bros. i Furniture and Undertaking Co. I Kt-Ofllcio Clerk Board Count, Commiasloners. t- S WaWirwaa i -1

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