' - - - ' - - - ' : - TIMES o fcfc t . t t o a Papaf Mf John B. SharrlU, Editor turf 0791. Tri3l2i:OHXD TWICE iCWEEK.t etl.OO a 1 Fear, inAdrmne: Publiafclfjs the County. voLuins xxiji. Concord, JJ. C, December 19. 1905. Number 51. i : 1 UE lo aii f.:o;:E y ON C0I-T01T. seai,I.IRBI.AmsTjBR M. TkssiiiM in mum Mm A HTBLl" WILDCAT. !! VT"- ". The wrdding la the White House! iw ty bu, - win make the oomim spring fasaoa in i BMiismp '. biw the White Hoom n m in history m wasrixotob, dm. 14 The diflarea- the held m.t WOODflOOBa, rim av.awarK. lutm boobs. ir.H. G1BBO. Teller. 6' 3 IW: VunHaivy -Vail lilt la.,, V, .U V.l.ul OMeorCH. a.maak at AJMmarle, a acitki, - oo.ooo.oo SorplMasdUBdivMedIonm M.O00.DO Deposits 160,00000 MriBMOUNI 418.000.00 0v put sucosss. M Indicated above by B , it ane gratifying, and wt wish to a raoBTtn and oustrltner of onr a as attuA V-r pafranare aa oordlaDv m eaeoaUDuaoo.ot th. earn. Should o a. 4afl to aarv. a lam. nnmbar or aaw Cas io. holalncoaraalTaa ready to aarre yoa la any way aooalataat with aouad banking. MBBOTOBS. i. IBM. W V. T. . Itahart H. Tmu. L. J a, M. J OorL Jno S. Bard, 1 Foil. Site 1 Prompt . THB Liberal Genital Stook, ... Stockholders' BaMHty, Berplua and undivided profit!, 9100,000 100,000 88,000 860,000 Your Business Solicited aroaat.tatenit paid ob time fwrUfleatM, i 'J. at ODBLL, President. T,. V. H. LILLY, Vloa Presldant. " D. B. 0ULTKAB8. Uaabier ' L. D. COLT RAMI. Aatt Oaablar. ' JViThMOUIX iiook-kaepar. JUST RECEIVED Serentj-fiTe bead of Hor3S and Uulos Well-broken and will tell for cash or on time, on eaty ' termi Corl & Undsrcrtli Co. To Eeiore FneUes ud Plsplet IN TEN DAYS, USB The Complexion Biautlfler. DR. J. S. LAFFERTY Oivee ipeoial aUentiaa to dlaeaaea of the Fra and Ear, fitting- Glaaaea and to SuMrio Traatmaat of Ohiotld Diataaea. Oaeom and Skin Diaaaaea treatxd 07 tha Z-Baj. Office room IS, in Mann Balldlnn. 'Phone 181a. j Dl RECTORY. The following lot were disposed of during the month of September bj the Concord Real Estate Com pany, In West Concord : 111 Block "P" No. n,W. M. Conine; No. ia, W. M. Conine; No. 17, J. A. Can non; No, 19, J. A. Cannon; No. 24, M. O. Harris; No. as, Miss Mamie Pfcarr; No. 30, W. G. Kirk; No. jiyW.-P; Harris; No. , M. O. Harris; No. 33, M. O. Harris. , In Block "M" No. 10. J. B. Sherrill; No. 15, Mrs. John M. Craven; No. 16, Uri. John M. Craven. fi In C!ock "N" io. I, H. I. Woodhouse; No. 3. W. R. Johnson; No. 4, John M Cook; No. 5, H. I Woodhouse. In Block "L" tlo. 1 5, J. F. Hurley. h. In Block 1" -to. 1, H. I. Woodhouse, No. 7. H. I. Woodhouse; No. 15, Presby. t'in church; No. 16, Presbyteriar Ct arch; No. 18, H. I. Woodhouse. Ni. 19, D.J. Boat & Co. - In Btodc MH" - !Ja"i3, Baptist church; No. 14, Er iist church; No. 24, G. A. Mu en imer. . '' v) w Cyl Pctrono. f wt oara at for profeaaiooal aer- I a.r aratr rrqaeted to aett J -aaaariy as pondhle, aa I an 1: . M. i,as. M. D.. mm wmm mm mtmmr ' ijwi.i III mm JmUm- m fc W j? 'Tf1 j 1 - Ttape, Fta . Trtoena. It it not eommonly accepted that the wild oat ii to vieions at to attract bums Mod. and this taction has lately fur- mm. It ia 1 Uotad that the I lhd the eat that projet the exorptioi ,. 11 taka lL ii aha hJalork ml Albert DmUs, guard eaa balaeaa the Elaekbnnl and Bollinsl ... n .a.a 0--1 the Vara Turpentine Company's eon fcaMoa tt -day romhod thr aoaw stage I fcHyity. At yet thare ha baaa aoo tua9 Wednesday night of opea a-arftvra. A aaatgattoa of Black-1 Uqioatioa give by any of the faUy )kad tr monster eat ia Gillette burn adherents, twetaty or saen satoatL I ... - u.. m l. .v.. - trm I desk, more than a mile tsm the oaDad first upoa Prsstaeat KoaiafaJii.w. . ij.. .m. TkOWhlulounp, and had ho not used nnusual upon two matabsn of the I nm. mm t.b-M. an added charm I PWsenos of mind would most likely PMsideat's tfl4at 'family, FosUrastor ..en tha mI da. I have been torn in meoes, The youn Oensral Oortalyoa and Untary Tafil Tha last weddint in the East Bom I "MB returning to his quarters at II was said that aol a rag of tolled Unea I thmk bl HaUr Onnt and Kr FMtor Uta hour from aa evemog as washed atoneof thete nlfaa, metitM9amMu,JttMmM.l4 Mr. Edward I iwtmstly spent with his parents three wars any skeletons dragged from tha Q. I trtorf. & Zafi, which took rJ0U"diw. nPon reaching 0. P. closet. atti 1A74. Thi. nrohahlr tha swaatof the creek was Utteraliy The dslegatioa was eompoaed of Ooa-1, wpui..ftin. which op to that! bay by the oat, which hild the pan - - - - .1 . 1 a 1. I - . I . .1 - I 1. M J J A .n aauiu mwavKom, joDge arart, 1 gBt 1 taken nlaos ia aha White I wiugw dvjuuu uu inu:u H MaJ. H. L. Ctaant, afr: a J. Harris, 1 siMaa. I mort when advanced upon by Mr. Or. D. H. Abbott, Q. Bass' Bradshaw. I iv. iuMii thai of If las Maria I Dsnnit. The young iyn was armed dilprottbeTar Heei: Q.H.' OotBa-i tji..m.t I only with a clasp knife, and with lit editor of tha Bhflby Anrora.sfcrmerllttllt MoBroa vho WM married in I weapon he waded into the brute, kick Oongraimrj W. H. Bower, W. B.Ttaf-1 ua. jB tha East Boom. I Bf him over first. The oat sprang soptof Merga.tttao:W. P, Biagaa.Dr i Mr.'Samael L. Goaverneur, of Kew qoiokly upon him and suoceeid in A. Staatoa aad Ed L. Beegae, of High York. Oaly the relatives, attendants doing the young man's Sunday cbtbet Point; J. r.-Haauiek, of Shelby; J. Moat indmata friends of the bride considerable damage before his throat D Jonas, of Chatham eouaty: L. OUat - - uwi in thia waddlae. was onL Mr. Dennis bas killed ervenl Wagoner candidate for marshal; a P. I wt tn -1-. . k-. mmm ets ia his time, but says this one Fmsitrof OreastbororMaf.-H O; fSBatl un.k. irt.iL. nu in, I the bireeat he has erer seen. It is .aid aad W. E. Logea, of AaheviOsrT. -L. ti w.rh iha hndaamaida rand Esaery, of Ooaedrd,- j; A laUas, Mla-ftfe- vara all nreseat In state. Qreensboro; Joha M. Wagoaer, of rTarlttitTtBtivitss olaaned tor this aoMt- ' ha aadlkraom were Drillaat and Throogh thetr several spoaMM, l,, . VMk'i time. Messrs. Haokbara,' Ewart, XiUiSaMrfvoi Ml inort by the death agaiast tha' aaaWag -sMst tha three eeerJs aslvso largely lata a 1 had daasoaatratios) aad agaiast the arntifflted bm was auuaed M as aa "000s I Hrrisg u th, Ksal Boom on January brokerage trust," whose chief aad la ar ig42. Jo Mr. William Waller, of Uf. ia to keep m leag nwa -of I in its f nniamsbarg, Va. She was la her of the State chaaraMa .la ' Paderal I - Tht. kriiiu.t affair, attended, as tha records say, by xna reanit or tae wait Hnaaa nam. fareaoa. whieh '-" J narhaea . l 7- m- r- 1 waawet, -wiw meir wivea i a.wasiaaiine rraasoeat gave as- 4 lorilg Ministers near the euraaot that be would" spooler Mr. I Oov,,, H.ndi maeaoura s saaa at asaranai' wiwre iMk ... family aad their relatives " sUty days, without rafareaes to Ibel . Tha nazt raallv brillant weddina in probable eononuaace of the wear at the Eist Boom was that of MIm lf,nr Greeasboro, la whieh Mr. 'WagWs Qraat, tha belored daoghter of Prest brother -ia law is Involved as one at the 4W Md Mrs. U B. Grant, who was rsvanua offleers. It was aawlmM, , Mav 81. 1874. to Mr. mmtA tUmm K. .A ' I ... r--- - AJferaoa aartoris, son 01 mr. ana an, nH 0 His Holy Spirit to subdue the to turn aa attentive ear to the OoawUj tuu oj ;id Th. J.. a . 1 -" 1 "o I aoae. wuioa nam uruauuvu iuu mu iross ins JUfBtn in ouerig- readers today who well re. ...... :.i . .n taasten ousuoe 01 nis oussnes. this fnmlo. Th. hrfd. . Perhaps the most Important develop- 19 aad the bridegroom 28. About 200 moat of tha day was lb act of PrM-gaets witnessed the eaicmony. ' They deat BooasTslt in tatting down the hart laeladed the officials of tha gnvernment. THE NAD!N9UCL long sustained a rebellion.' "Oo aaothar oooasion- rteauntiog the blessings which had come to the union, h. ..id ! W(i hftim.n Antinnnl h.lh d. i- wr army, nary wy -uo , nor. h,th ,oy Bortal h,nd wayeowai irNaaa. xno nom aooor"; I worked out these great things. They oaa as in manatoa were snpero, ana M4DINOLA SIM teed, and ateney win he raraaead la ev ery eaa what tt tana to nrnorm freekles, plaplea, Uvar-apoSs. dollar dbwoleiasluBa, hlaok-haads, disSeurlnc arapttons, eto. The waist eaeas In a) days. Leaves the skla elear, soft, healthy aad Nstoras the baaolv of youth Price nets and SitS. Bold ta aaeh elty by all leading drueglcts, or by mall. Mm Bua Browa wrlbei Maaavlila, Taaa, S.pt not -I have boaa atlae year Hadl- aola Be yptiaa Cream. Ooap aad Vadlne Faoe Powderaad UkeUMm wry meea. This hi (be Bret lumnw ataee nhlldhood that I aav been wlthoat traofclee. I am M years old,ad ave better eomplezloa aow than whea a f lrt." Prepared only by XATI0F1L TOILET CO., Paris, Tim. Sold In Concord by FETZER DRU CCT.7ANY, AND LEADING DRUGGISTS. U M tl l oiven awayi Commencing Decern ber 1, u and ending night ot Decern ber 23, we will give very ' ' rash customer a ticket fr 0 every dollar's wor.h of ..... C300DS - they buy from us, entitling ' ' them to a chance at the fol- lowing prizes: FintftPrize, $11.50 tn Ooods. Second Prize, $7 50 In Ooods. o Third Prize, $5.00 In . Goods. Diawlu will he eoortocted aaaM a A W. C. CORRELL f NOTICE. Tl hereby siren that the eirol mmmm ml made h, th. Osbarra. h.mal hre InMraaee OnmpM h) m aad Pfrahle i at M Onneord Batloaal Bana oa orb-rt". Jaa- aary Kl. MS JHO. A. PATra-ja. Mot. ea.aadM I that tbt female oat is especially vicious I daring the period ot nursing and the I one ia question was teen to be carrying young. ; Llae.la'e Deveat Spirit Jsmtt G. Blaine was nrofouudly im ot Dommodore Daettur, wno naa. hd I premed with thk religious character of Krs. Decatur, gtveo the newiy weansa Aimhul unooi- u eiemolifi d in pair a brilHsnt ball Jast after the White th- ton 0f hit public documente. Ia BTOaeereeeptloB. ) Bieloe't book this tribute iwouad: MS KUabetn xyir, oaugrjier, 01 Throushrmt the whole nenod of the sirs, dona tyier, was 1 w h somtsnrjy directed the attention I of the nation to dependence on G d It may indeed be doubled whether hs I omitted this to a tingle state paper Ia ' message to Congress, in every proclamation to the people, ht made it V .T "Mrs. Haolsoa, we members ot the 1 r- July. 1863. after tbe T.l0kUM','rith ,brir mifm Bd bauleof Gettystwrg, hetalld upon the people to give thanks because it has pleased Almighty God to barkeu to the aupplieadone and prayers of an afflicted people, aud to vouohaafe signal and affeotiro victories to the army and navy of tnt United States,' and he anked the people 'to render homage to the Divine Majesty and to invoke the it flu- Lite Fire Health Accident Plate Glass Insurance Surety Bonds at Roc Bottom Prices in the r jost reliable com. panie, and big bargains in REAL ESTATE SEE JNO. K. PATTERSON,! Office no stairs at Postoffite. AS! IflU ' TTVERY trock farmer III I ' c know) that Potash is indispensable for pro ducing good-paying truck crops. A liberal quantity of Potash, along with ample amounts of phosphoric acid and nitrogen, is vitar to successful truck growing. J Books are now open for subscriptions to stock In the 35th SERIES Concord Perpetual ttgui ka Mi Call on Secretary and Treasurer at Cabarrus savings Bank and subscribe. ROBT. S. YOUNG, President. H. I. WOODHOUSE, Sec. and Treas. GREAIOENTRAL C. H. St D. Fere Marquette C. C. &L. Best Route from the South via Cincinnati to Price I Cent i THE SUN (Baltimore, Hd.) Maw Bella r.r 1 Cat, aad Cam b. Had f Bvery C.aatry neater, Ageai r Mawaher at That Price. Detroit icago Decatur, III. Dayton Springfield retosky Close connections at . DETROIT tor all Mlohlgan and Canadian poinu. CHI' AOO for Milwaukee, St. Paul, aad all puwu id Aorxn-wen. SRInqfibLl) tor all polOts west. for full Information. Sleeping Car Reserva tions, etc , adarcat, F J. PARMALEE, Tray. Passenger Agent, ATLANTA, GA. All mbaorltMn In ntHtrint nf Cnliimhl. Vlndnla. North and South Cmlln. P.nn- sylTwIa, Delaware and throughout the Uni ted State, can get The Sun by mall at 1 oent a copy. THB SCrt AT ORB CENT Ia the Ckeapeat Hlch-Claa Paper la Ute Called S la tea. The Bunt special correspondent! through the Pblllpplnm, Porto Rico, Track Farming," an interesting book dealing with practical track raising and vain, able to ererr truck farmer, will be sent to farmers on request, free of any cost or obligation. Address. OBRMAN KALI WORKS, NewYerk-M Naeeaa StraH. er Atlaata. Oa.-tSJ 3m. Bpad Strat.' Indianapolis i oledo Grand Raoids 9,! Vai,aa Stasea. aa weU as In Europe, Cuba and In every otber part of the world! 1o (Printers: We manufacture the very highest grade of Brass Rule. Brass Leads, Brass Leaders. LSrass ualle vs. Metal v.?rr oer "7 of the week. . ' ' I ISr mall tn. ilatl Ho-told hs ncBtS of the organisaticm Mr. Blaekbura to lay writing ceases of hit tnit will be done. It wew at the lug gesuom of tha FmaVatal that tha date gatioa thea ealled npoa HaateamOaair taaa Oortalyom. After the aeries of oowfeteaoet, the dans gathered at the Hotel Ooohraa, where OoBgreesmaa 1 Blaekbura ' bat asaad for aa tifnotal i tug tha day's aevetopaseats. -Thai etateueot given oat by Mr. Kara: bora selosae much anssraass towardt Ouairmaa Boliint sad iadita tae Uongreemea n kwkiag lorjatita tnmbte by terluag to ear BBtauwaas etaueet under which ha oatered upoa an agreemeat to ouiitrut tha marshal- snip. Mr. Blaokbura said: "The coofer- uca with tha rieaidftnuvae ewtarfy -aU.laCvorjr'. air. Waouer will aa ap pointed marshal withia the next tiny days. tae oca iakreet, the eaprstatua of members of the deleganoa aad hd wid not tolerate aay fooushaeaa oa the part of thoat who ptofem to be BapabHoaat. who eoauibute What they eaa tu.ard Damooralio snooasi."' It Was leany eboea to tha Praaidxat thai 90 per uent. f in aVpablieeae ia Horta line miv again,! ln rvteoHoa) uf a.' ia au.& a u ih.rd.K'ruteie . nigo-r w oeriU "Osn ua tea Fi iJhui am bd ute wteaee uf tea twuple. lu rvturn tu tae ssu4et ct the marsaaiship, I aimply deeire to say that bVuhnteiUMc hasn't any mimes j. a very wiiliog falniner I have ia yn'mWn ttae ttatnaeet whieu W idDd by him in Jane met, whereby 1 was tu name the mamoal aad M aa qoeattoas one w-ku of taia etatemeut I anil give it tu thr preet. Tae doM f Juggling aad d. "able-dealing ia p-liuo peat aad, so far as I ana euao rwxi. tha ptoplt of the State efcafl kaow ta truth. The man b oocwates the p- ttiloa of chairasea of a g eat party' of a State, who to Bar targe. Blmetq as to make a false or mlfrtiaa; asatameat to the press, hi aot sattuad to the eoafl deae of aay part ef saw anas', ;isa These differences might as waB be est- The Eepuhncaas ef 5oru Carottaa are ew titled to fawdWUe-f aad -woa-a ar. nanut ptMStaou i tea aaaall frw the enairBjan af great pefy to deal in, aad if ha kt aol bag eaaw .a to toil the trata asdi Mr ri- ttls well reatembsred that tha President as4 Krs. Qraat aad the brothers of the bride aeooespaaied the newly wedded patt to Few York to set them set tall for home." This was the last wed ding la the Stat room. But tha last waddiag ia tba White House wet that of President Cleveland aad Kits rraaead Foltom,' who grew te be ewe of the most beloved mistresses of the White Haass. They were mar ried la tha Blue Boom of the mansion asi June t, 1886. ' There was but a mail company to witaees the cre- moay, the bride having - coma dews from New York with her mother for tha are thearradous gifts of the Moet High God, who, ' while dealing' with ut in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless, remembered mercy.' " ' TtehvW Mix a p. ttagaslnsotFua. A subscriber to tho telephone ex- ebange asked to be placed in comma uiOBtioa 1 with his doctor. Theu the following conversation, occurred : Bcrbtcriber Doctor, my wife com plaint of a severe pag at the back of her neck aad occaMoaal nausea. Djctor She must have malaria. ' SabecrlberWhat ia the best to be done? At thli mrtm.nl tha rlnrlr at the This was the ninth marrisg. under!. a . . . hUe? Wh,Ch hM heltCT mistake to a mechanical engineer, who the greaser number of oar prvwide.nV WM Mi1wrinc inquiriei 0f a mill Cmly the members of Mr Cleveland t M hi m what the hoib.pd CaMaet, with their wives and a very hfftr ( sw pmtcawl fneadsof the bride and . th. iaia Uaed Ih im'tegroom Mtenaea. it was s nrtt i (0 , considerable thick time a rrasuent aae Been marnea in the White House. Wassw Cdra r. rcwMlpattea. Half a plat of hot water token half an hoar before teaaJkfaat will asually keep tha bowele ragalar. Hanh eatjiarnra aaoald be avoided. When a panrative is aedTtakt TJbberlani's Stomach aad Ltver Tableta They are mild aad aveUteU their action. Tor Sals bjrV T Marah aad D. D. Johneon, Oonoord, aad A. W. Moosa,' Mt. Pleasant, v. avepoot tha mark than to hit the grounflo front of the target. day yoa wiM get a bad scare, whea yoa feel a pala la year bowels, aad fear appeadiottu. Safety hea in Dr. atiaw's Kew life Pills, a tore eare. fee all bswal and etomach dlaeaees, snob u etc Ton eanaot repair a houet by sick- lag at the Book lfOBatala Tea is BBKr Baald stsotrietty. It jrom to every partefyarbod, bringing new baood. aad aew viaor. It makea yoa wall awd keeps yoa well. H XBdSB, - - nets. Let her cool during the night, and ia tha morning before firing up take a hsmmer andSboupd her vigor ously. Then get a garden bote with strong pressure from the main and totVf play freely on the part affected." Strange to aay, the doctor never taw hta patient again. Borders, Leads and Slugs, L, Metal Leaders, Spaces and yuads, Metal Quoins. Send as a memo, of just what yon require, I and let us quote you prima. We are not In any trust or combination, and I you will be agreeably surprised at what we can save yon over regular prices. Old oolumn rules refaced and made good as I new. at a very small cost. Highest prices paid for old type, leads, eleo-1 tros, brass, eto. makes It the greatest newspaper that can be Its Washington and Kew York bureaus ar. among me oest in tne united states and giv. me sun's readers tbe earliest Informs uon upon an important .vents In th. leg latlve and financial eeuters of the country , THB FABATKH't PAPBB. The Sun's market ranorts and nnmniAmiiii columns are complete and reliable and put .uo ,m inc. , ui, uwnuuu, aou uie oroser in touch with tha markAta nf RslttmnM. Nnr. folk, Charleston, New York, Chicago. Phila delphia and all other Important point In iu. uniwu oietee ana su otaer oountnes. su o wuicn tn reader gels for one cent. TUB WOMAN'S PAPER. Tne Hun n the beat tvne of a newsnanar morally and lntallectuaUr. In addition to tne news nr the day. It publishes tha best vararn sua. can D. nreaeniaa. mntn mm r..h- ion articles and miscellaneous writings from men and women of note and prominence. Ills an educator ot tbe blithest obanntar. uuuBb.au) Bviiuuia.ing to nooie laeais in in dividual and national life. 'me eun la published on Sunday as well as uay ui I a UallT tb. Sdndav Hun. mi. SI a year. Aoiireas Sun S3 a year, Inoludlng in. nunuay sun alone. . & ABBLL COMPANY. Publisher and Proprietors, Baltlmore.'Md. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM SUul sWntitaai Ik. f -S -wu.uwsa a, iuwui WTO Will. HTr Falla to Brtor Or Haif, to its Youthful Colon I Cures scalp disesea ft hlr tallinw. PHILADELPHIA I RINTERS SUPPLY No. m tth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Send for our new Catalogue. To Preent a Cold JLny Day take a Ramon's pill at Srat lnrliMHnnMH.a Four Prizes To be given away, about January ist by uimmm the hustling merchants. The amount of the prizes will be aDout Jpzu.uu distributed as follows : 1st prize A silk dress. 2nd prize A pair of Woolen Blankets. 3rd prize Parlor Lamp. 4th prize Pair Lace Curtains. We want to boy all the country produce that is brought to Concord, and in order to do this we are going to give a ticket to every person from whom we buy pro duce. One ticket to be given away for every dozen of eggs purchased by us, and also one ticket for every chicken bought by as. And for every $1.00 worth of goods purchased from us for the cash we will enve 5 tickets. The hut offer applies only to the retail trade. At the close of the contest tbe four persons holding the largest number of tickets will receive the prizes as above stated. D. J. B0ST & COZIF'Y. TAXES I TAXES!! TAXES!!! Tam In recelut of.lAtt.rthhiniwnln. fmm the state Treasurer, demanding that I vi- lect tb. tax. Now, you all know that I eanJW Be.Li W1.U ui. nsai. ana annnni until vnn settle with me. To be able to meat th. iw manda of tb law required of me Vwrnufnare by the thirty-first of this month Ho.OttJ. and I havent as yet got one-tblrd ot that amount. Now, 1 hope vou will come to my relief and pay vour tax at onee or suffer the penalty of ui. iaw, wnicn ia not my u, ror i am nere s is aU the warnlnir I expect to give and you may expect to abide ready to receive. Tbl by the oonsequenoes. Dec, S, 1906, ReBDectfulll JA8.F. HAit&lS, I inert fl. 12-9 For sale a farm of 153 acres in No. 9 township with two-story, eurht-room house, double barn and necessary out buildings, good pasture, good orchard, .w,M(vi'.aXrw . rcu i-?n S? ? eiong 40 acres of timber, eto. Only 7 miles MUia'S''ll''"d,,,' south of Oonoord, JnoK.PatteVson&Oo. Missouri Pacific Rail w'y AND Iron Mountain Route! Homo Seekers Ex cursions to Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, In dian Territory, New and Old Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado, Nov. 7th and 21st, Dec. 5th and!9tb. Rate Chattanooga to Fort Worth and re turn t'SS 10 uiher rates in proportion from 1 other oolnts In the Southeast I wiuaira sell tickets to uregon, waaning-1 ton and British Columbia November Tth and I ant. with jeturn limit of 21 days from date of I sale, at very low rate n rite me lor lull information. I. H. REHLANDER, Travelling Passenger Agent, Chattanooga, Tenn. ief ritw0DcsU Bo Bla t.perty. Baa Itaactseo Chroalcl. '"One Of my neighbors came in to see me tbe other day in a great state of in dignation," said Chief Clerk Fred Hill, of the Occidental Hotel. "He claimed that mv do had bitten one of bit cbil dren, I Joer'talked to him and showed how impossible it was for mv deg to have bitten one of bit kids, and be re tired satisfied. I must bests fine defl beter T Not at all; I limply told bim that there were foar reasons why it was impossible for my dog to haw rt pled tha sags of his offspring. First, that my dog nevor went outside of the gate; sec ondly, that my dog had no teeth; thirdly, that my dog never, nnder any cenaidaration, would eat meat in any form, aad lastly, that I didnt own a dog. Tba first three did not seem to satisfy him; but ho 'simply couldn't holdout agaJnt the last one, which rr .mmd m- .... mA wv-1 juat gem to show what strength there is what a happy old world this would to -Ot if rightly Portland, Oregon, Exposition. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL LOS ANGELES, CAL. Very Lot Round Trip Rates via Illinois Central R. H. CHOICE OF ROUTES Two trains daily, Atlanta to St. Lou is in connection with W. & A. B. B. The only through morning sleeping car Ati vnta to St. Louis. m For full information, dates of saTe- rates, tickets and descriptive circulars, Address, F. D. MILLER, Iray. Pane. Agt. 17 Pryor St.. Atlanta, Oa. HOLIDAY BXCCBSIOIt BATBS. Round trip rata, one and one-third tare, plus 85 cents. Territory All points south of the Ohio and Potomac rivers and east of tbe MlRsiseslppl. Dates of sale, December S3, S3. St, Si, Wth and 81st, and January 1st, 1908. Limit ol tickets, January Wh. IMS. Same rate to teachers, no pupils attending college Tickets sold December 17th to sttb. Limit January jtn. nm, un nreeentation and surrender of certificates signed bv superin tendents, principal or preMdenta ticket may d oougnt to many points outside ot the above uvritory. For schedules and other Information writ. J. C. Com., D. P. A , I ChattanooRaV Tenn. . H. 1". XaTTlMBR, T. P. A., KnoxylUe, Tenn. 1AIL i - ! .rW Shall It Be? si. Your Christmas gift to "him" or to "her" or to "them?" HamH m. MMH, mm A tl. ..A f I fun s. nun t aiiu wuuuur aiiu uiaii at iiunic -ft what to give each friend you will remember. lore Ideas can be obtained from ONE visit here than from weeks of planning at home; Our stock is so displayed that it will be sug- t gestive to just to visit the store. Come often. Why not Furniture for a Christmas gift ? Craven Bros. Furniture and Undertaking Co. f Car. w-ftaa, aeorfarule, M. O. h- should

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