I I vTwtat Mid TIM John D. Sherrill, Editor mid Owner. Volume XXIII., PUBLISHED WEEK. 2.00 a Feajv in .Ad ranee: concord, n. c. DEEfiraa. 1805. Number 52. THE Cmboi thaCirauU- I tiomefasy I Paper erar I O FubllMdta I guaranty. I 4 Tew. J X L ' 1 1 r S ; Aft LOAN n profit ON COTTON. ,L W0ODBO0B1 . President. MABTIlf. BOG IB, Vloe-Preddent W. H. GIBSON, 0. W iwixc Teller. 03 SD Bl, , IT. C Branch at Albemarle, IT. 0. $ 60,000.00 rptaf and Undivided Profits 80,000.00 DsggavJr 860,000.00 Total lesaaxota 486,000.00 Oar Vast sweatee, as in res, js quite (ratifying a atrtrlefias sna oni lndknted above by i. and we wish to customers of oar ao- a wmm their patronage and cordially f m a aosrtaiuaaoe of the same. Should be ekfcMd to ew re a large number of new ous kasera, Soloing ourselves ready to serve you aa any way consistent wna souna oatning DIBBCTOR8. Jos. f. Goodman, M. J. Oori, J no. 8. KOrd, J M. Borrow, t. u. Ingram, Prompt Liberal THE i'. (Vnttal Stock, f YhoMera' UablUty, lupins and undivided profits, tioo.oco 100.0CO 2S,0C0 850.0C0 Yoat Business Solicited . j sr seat, tterett paid on time eertlltoates, ' J sf. OD1LL, Presldint. Vf. H. LILLT, Vloe President. D. B. OOLTBAsta. OutUlet. L. D. OOLTBANB, Asst Cashier. 1. M. HBHD1UX. Book-keeper. DR. J. S. LAFFERTY wHres special attentton to dleeaset of the Itre and Ear, fitting Glasses and to . liewrto Treatment of Ohionle Diseaaee. wawiTi and Bkin Diaeaaee treatod by aaX-Bay. Offloe room IB, in Home 'noM loia. K DIRECTORY. The following lots were disposed of during the month of September by the Concord Real Estate Com pany, in West Concord t In Block "P" No. ii, W. M. Ccrzine; No. u, W. M. Coraine; No. 17, J. A. Can aan; No, 19, J. A. Cannon; No. 24, if. O. Harris; No. aj, Miss Mamie rhrr;No. $0, W. G. Kirk; No. at, W. P. Harrit; No. 33, M. O. Harris; No. 33, M. O. Harris. In Block "M" No. 10. J. B. Sherrill; No. 15, Ura. Joha M. Craven; No. 16, lira. John M. Craven. InDlock"N" - Na. I,H. I. Woodhouse; No. 3, Xf.R, Johnson; No. 4, John M. Cook; No. 5, H. I. Woodhouse. In Clock "L" No. ts,j. F. Hurley. In Block "i" No. I, H. I. Woodhouse, No. 7, 1 I. Woodhouse; No. 15, Presby t la3t harch; No. 16, Presbyterian Charch; No. 18, H. I. Woodhouse; No. 19, D. J. Host & Co. In Block "li" No. 13, Baptist church; No. 14, Eaptatt church; No. 34, G. A. Mis anhetmrr. MCSTIS'S (NSDSH FILLS - aM fiyl, HMtaJtle kexaa na ad lttstwfffhktm. tka sa4ka -raat ' SJ wSM Mtl 1miS a a. aTWV af rear Dronla. aa eaawJ 4.. am si-s w fffTMiaM TJi . by ra sblelaw Ital r To LZy Pctrono. AaejteosreaMror laeasional sr v a are arteatly requested to eettle r 4D ii mi Lweel tiJI J r " m isMssearty as possible, as I an ly ta aeed of the bmwj-t. J. B. HJtOMX, M, D., Pav.t-aaa. t3worg-viUe,N.O, MONEY JUST RECEIVED Seventy-five head of Horses and Uules Well-broken and will sell for cash or on time, on easy terms Corl & 7adsworth Co. , To RemoYft Frecklesind Pimples IN TEN DAYS, USE The Complexion Beautlfier. THE NADINOLA CIRL NJ4DINOLA Is a new dlsoovered gnaran teed, and money will be refunded in ev ery case where It (alls to remove nreokles, pimples, liver-spots, collar dlsooloratlons, hlAAk.hMafla. if (afla-iirinar irnnHMia mtfi "That want cues In 20 days. Leaves the skin olear, soft, bealtby and restores the beauty of youth Pries Mots and tl 00. Bold In each city by all leading druggists, or by mall. Mrs. Btta Brown wrltrs Hatnyllle, Teen., Sept. lew "I bare been utlnc your Nadl- nols Egyptian Cream, Soap and Nsdlne Faoe Powder and like them very moon. This Is the first summer tlnos childhood that I have been without frecklee. I am M years old, and ays better complexion now than when a girl." Prepared only by HiTIOFAL TOILET CO., Paris, Tens. Sold In Concord by FETZER DRUG COMPANY, AND LEADING DRUGGISTS. !::. m tt mi W 1 GIVEN AWAY I Commencing December 1, and ending night oi Decem ber 23, we will give every cash customer a ticket for e . S A i every aoyar s worm 01 GOOIDS they buy frmn us, entitling mem to a unaucc ui mc iui Uiwing prizes : First Prize, $12.50 in Goods. Second Prize, $7.50 in OoodSw Third Prize, $5.00 in Goods. Drawing will be conducted same as last year. W. C. CO RRELL, NOTICE. ment made by the Cebtrrae Mutual Fire Iniuranoe Companv Is due and payable at the Concord National Bens on orbfore i Jan uary 1st, UOt J NO. . PATT"''"". Not. I. BecandTreas. L . si k xnuii rrun. rmp. T4- Good. n lima), noiq py orpirsnwi. ill mLa v 1 sSVBt.l, KHOWN rnu leathered Here, Tleere an srr usury is. Dixey has nary of tv vaudeville ventrLloqaltt who had a talk ing dog. Ona evsnlng the ventrilo quist, decidedly on . kia appara, iarad into a light-lush eats, followed by tha dog. Whan tea waitar for hii order, tha vsatrUoqulet tot-Bad to tha dog with tha qnary : "Wall, Jack, what an yon going to haver I goats m taka a raut baa( sand wich," apparently aoiwarad tha ani mal. Tha waitar gated at tha dog for aa Instant, and then hurried to tha proprietor. "Bay," ha cried wildly, "thars'se dog over there that oan talk." Tha proprietor daahad over to tha table. "This waitar says your dog oan talk," ha amid. "Is it so "Certainly," aaswwred tha ventrllo- quirt. ."Can you talk, Jackf" ui course I can talk," replied lbs dog, That animal would make a fortuaa in tiz months." laid tha DroDrietar "I'll aire you a hundred dollan for him." "Oh, please don't tell ma," plaadad tha dog. "I'm afraid I oan't help it, old fsl I km " amlrl (ha wanMlwinial Tnai11 be wall taksu care of hart, aad beridts II need the money." ibe proprietor dltappeared for a minute aad returned with a roll of bills, whioh he placed lathe ventriloqulst'i band. The ventriloquist roes from ths table and walked toward the door. Ths dog was held in the strong grasp of ths proprietor's hands. "Did you really stll mat" inquired the dog, as ths ventriloquist opened ths door. "Yet, Jack, I sold you for a hundred dollars." e "Well, last for that," answered the animal," I'll never say another word." Mark Twain, was tha man being ItDoken abeuL "Ever hear of bis triok with a book clerk, when he was a publisher f" ttk- sd one. "You know the trade gives a die- count on purchases to publishers, an thors, frisnds of ths proprietor, aad all that. Ons day Twain saw a book la a stors window and he wanted it Bs entered. How much it that bootf" he asked the clerk. "Well, teid be, when he received an answer, as I'm a friend of your pro prietor, I expect ths usual dlsooaot. "The clerk told him he oould have it as a a 1 I 1 an i . T - a vt. . I -ao, sato wain, - ezpecs toe publisher's discount.' "Ths clerk said this also would be granted. " 'And the author's disosunt,' wa on the humorist. "Again ths clerk wat aoqulsstent. "Twain rattled off the sevsral fb counts 10 WU10U as autBOr, frisod aad publisher, to say nothing of ss tarsi other things, ho was eatMed. aad finished by saying: 'And now, what it the prlos I am to pay for the book r 'The clerk figured. "Nothing, air,1 he said finally. 'I find our firm owes you eighteen oents.' " Osorgs Ads, in the early days of his career, before his "Fables ia Blnag" bad brought him tame, oalled one morning in Chicago upon a Sunday editor, on a mission from a theatrical manager. 'I have brought yoa thl mane-1 script' he began, but the editor, look- ing up at the taO, timid youth, later- raptsd: e "Just throw the manuscript In the T0BI1 waste-baiket, please," he said, "rail Her faoe expanded in a broad grin, very busy just now, and haven't time (showing a wonderful expanse of molars to uo 11 myteii." Mr. Ade obeyed calmly. He re-1 SUmed: ' "I have oome from Theatre and the manuscript I have Just thrown in the watteabeaket is your aoaue faros I of ths 'Erring Son,' which the manager I atki me to return to yoa with thanks, Hs euggsstttthat you ssU it to aa aa- dertaker, to bs read at fuuarals." Then Mr. Ade smiled gently aad withdrew. Congressman Perkins was la tha of Ace of a friend, a jnitioe of ths psaos, when a couple came In to be married After the ceremony ths Justios seoepesd a modest fee, and banded the bride aa umbrella as the went out. "Mr. Perkins looked on grasly, aad asked : "Do you always do that, Charles?" "Do what T Marry them f Oh, yea.' "No; I mean bestow a present upon ths bride." "A present T Why, wasn't that her ambrellar" gasped the lattice. "No; it wss mine," replied the con gressman sadly. Vat ITATB. iBdustrlal tlews. , . North Carolina was tha birthplace of tha firat ohild bora of English parents ob North Amerioen continent and tor day after mora than three centuries North Carolina baa the mo it homo rat eaoot the moat wholly Amerioan pop. aladoa of any State in tha Union. every war that has oome into the his tory of our oountry North Carolina hu furnished her quota mora than her quota, of brave and devoted soldi ars in erery field of peaoeful endeavor North Carolina has borne a distinguish ad and useful part. And looking back orar tha past North Carolina's tons and daughter have erery reason to proud of the record of their dear old mother State. But after all. tha nast is neat and it is the fa tore which loofe big and im portant before the men and women who ii t w wwu aomevw. Tha poadbilitea an great, the time it ripe, tha country is expectant, and the call to a broader, a more progressive a mora enlightened oititensbip it being sounded by those who hare looked deep and long into publio affairs. la tha first plaee, we mutt put away muat bury all little patty, teasel est, JeaJoaaVts and remember only that what is for the good of ont it for ths good of all that we are aaoh and every one of "J bnd hj mmon Inheritance; aad a common destiny wave ana important issues are now oonfrontiog at, new and complex quee tioaa are every day rising up and de manding a careful consideration and broad-minded patriotic solution. Animosities that arose from tim aad conditions which are now happily things of the past, art fast dying a nat ural death, and in their itead it arising a spirit of frank toleranoe of difference of opinon and a closer and more cordial feeling of inter-dependence with a tin ears aestrs ror more hearty, co-operation upon all pnbltc questions. Through out the length and breadth of the State new avenues of human activity are opening to reoeieve the man who would do thing; new industries are fringing up, new and hitherto unknown pro it being made. If all of this Is true, and who can deny that it is, he lovea his State would be a part of the motive power which it forcing and mutt oontinue to foroa Naith Carolina to the forefront of human prowess and human suooess, must remember that other peo ple may differ witn him and ttill be at honest and sinoere as he and that the points of difference whioh divide are so much less important than the Saultituds of common aims, common sadtTaimdonft And Intaai-ttait which bind m - n ,--. OM oommon wealth, that we should bear and borbear i.v .k... -,uui a and ona altogether put ear shoulders to the wheal and say to ourtelvet, to another and to the world that North Carolina it the pride and glory of nearly two million North Caroli mans who are determined upon one oMect to make North Carolina the greatest, most prosperous and most eon ten ted and happy among the sister hood of States. Ksnr lie Wu a NertherOer. Vew Tork World. It is the bus torn la a number of the whiii.i at aaw lui uaaaiuOT, ivaugu dowawitflhufs trays sad batkeU of fried aaiokea. to meet each train and attempt to diaposs of their edibles. A geatleman, tired of the lameness of the buffet-car menu, hailed one of the dark skinned Hsbes, who waddled toward him with her basket in which laid tempting portions of chicken. The traveler selected a "drumiUck" and was despatching it with great gusto, "rsay.lauatie, this certainly is a fine eklokea. Where did you get itr land WacusaJds as she reblied: i rajekon youse frum de Norf. ain't (won. aahr Yes." rsnllsd the traveler la a sur- prised tone; "but what hat that got to fa with ltf" "Wall. I wu fust a-lhlnkia' that no body bat a Northern re'man would ever . wnthsrn Bigger where she got her ol keus." English Bee tor (to parithioner) Good morning, Thompson; I hear you have a son aad heir? Parishioner Yea, tir; our household aow represents the United Kingdom of Oreat Briain. Beotor H jw sot Parishioner Why, you see, I am Baalish, my wife's Irish, the nurse is Sooteh, aad the baby walls. A Bear. Some day yoa will get a bad scare, when yoa feet a pain In your bowels, tad fear appendicitis. Safety lies in Dr. King's New life Pills, a tore cure, for all bowel and stomach diseaeea, such as heaoache, biliousness, oostiveneas, etc JaTLT An ordinary wart is a local over growth or hypertrophy of the papillary Iityar of the skia. It may te covered oa the top with the epithelial layer, whiou gives tl a etqnootn surface ; or the epithelium may fall away and leave the separate Strings showing at the point of the wart, like so many brown or black seeds whence the name of aad wart. Warts of this kind occur most com monly on the hands of children. They are caused usually by the irritation of the many sorts of dirt into which the youngsters' hands are so constantly plunged. It seems probable that warts are slightly contagious, and that they may bs spread through a scboolful of ohildren by direct contract. Sometimes warts are quite broad and flat, of a smooth surface and yellowish in color. Suoh occur frequently about tha faoe and occasionally also on handle the Another formxf flat wart may oome on the back in the aeed. It it broad irregular in outline, with uneven . "seedy" surface, and somajimes covered wun greasy toeies. Warts vary a good deal in color, Home are indistinguishable in color from the surrounding skin, while others are pinkish, yellowish, brown, or even quite black. The dark color may be dus to the deposit of pigment in the body of the wart ; but it ia more often especially in children, simply dirt which has been worked down betwee we "seeds." Booking them in warm oap-iuds and scrubbing with the nail brush will usually restore the natural oolor. Some warts are, however, deeply pigmented, constituting true molct. These are more oommon the skin of the cheat, abdomej and back. A wart ia usually a trivial thing, but Its its removal is neverthlest advisable. prominence above the sorfaoe exposes it constantly to slight injuries which may keep it ia a painful condition ; never an ornament, and may be most unsightly ; and finally, in persons getting along in years, it may take on new growth and develop into a turner. in Tjnuarea warts oome and go without apparent reason, and treat ment is often unnecessary ; but if they persist for a long time, or when tfcey corns on the adult skin, it is better to get rid of them. Sometimes soaking warm sea-water for ten minutes two or three times a day will cause the warts to disapyeu.' This can beetried nrit, and If 11 fails an aDDlication of salicylic? add in colli dion or touching the wart with a drop of glicial acetio acid on the end of a match will suffice, Graff eenereae. New Tort World. A cheap-jack butcher brought his oart to a standstill in a "Hell's Kitch n street, a miserable old woman eyed closely the heap of bones and griitle which the butcher referred to as steaks and chops. She was evidently very poor Indeed, as she hesitated to pay a nickel for a scaleful of "selected bits." " 'Ere, 'ave 'em for three coppers," growled the butcher. "Too much," said the woman. " 'Awjj 'em for two pennies." The woman ttill hesitated. There was a look of pity, mixed with disgust, n the butcher't face as he yelled: "SU11 too much? 'Ere, 'ang it, I'll turn me back while vou swirje em." ' Stertlisailon ana Pollllea. Harper's Basar. Wall, do I remember arriving one summer in the country in New Jersey, and while the baby screamed for food I was patiently making a perfectly scien tific investigation of the only milk to be had in the place. "But have the oowt been registered?" I thought to ask Just aa the baby wat about to begin, snatching- away the bottle before it was everlastingly too late. "BegisteredT Oh, thunder!" groaned ths mere father, who would feed his child any kind of unverified milk Just to stop its crying. "Registered? What next?" ... Whereupon the sympathetic farmer put In: "Begittered? Why, bleat you, Missus, every one of them oowt it old enough to vote; and living to near Philadelphia, of courts, tbey have been registered in half a doxea precincts." Water Care ffer Camaalaatlaa. Half a pint of hot water taken half an hour before breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular. Harsh cathartics should be avoided. When a purgatir e it needed, take Cbamberlain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets '.They are mild and gentle in their action. For Sale by If. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson, Concord, and A. W. Moose, Mt. Pleasant. A penny saved spoils the broth. Charlotte Observer. Because the language necessary to describe them it not fit to be printed, this paper cannot undertake to convey to its readers any adequate idea of the atrocities to which the Jewt in Russia, men, woaaan and children, have been subjected; These dfere preceded and attended by rebellion against ths government in the very streets of St, Petersburg, by mutiny of soldiers and sailors. Ths empire is in a blaxe of revolution and the arm of the civil law is paralyzed. Conditions, instead of growing better, become worse, evi denced by the St. Petersburg dispatcher of Sundty't date, which tell that the government has adopted yet more iternly repressive measures for lup pressing the insurrection for it it not less than this by carrying fire and rrordSJIhroughout the domain and hunting down tutpecti like wild beaeti. The history of the to-called civilized country afford e a parallel for oocditiont in Basaia, present and immediately put. - They may bs laid to offer an illustration of cauie and tffct. Be ginning do further back than with the itory of Russia't dealing with Poland, itt history bat ben a ognsistent one of tyranny and repression and itt rule a long record of poverty, tears and blood, Its setts have an existence compared with which that of the cooliet of China ia ideal, and nowhere it to be found a counterpart for Jti Siberia. Itt whols govern mental ayeteu it not only atro ciously wrong but desperately wioked, and no writer has blasted it with fiercer lightning than Toittol, who has been oalled the greateetcititn of the empire, Of couse those who believe in a God and in His Justice know that there muat ba sn end tome time to a system which has fostered wrongs and out rages the recitals of which have shocked humanity. At timet it looks at if the beginning of the end is to be marked by the crumbling of the last remnant of the imperial power, whioh would, of course, merely preceuo anarchy, out of which might fin grow, through yet mere crime and bloodshed, peace and Justice, A strong hand like that of Napoleon might finally seiza the runt of power, dropped from the nerveless fingers of Czar, rescue them from the grasp of the mob, and ultimately save the mob from itself. The HUlvllle Ltlerar Hoclrly. A tlanta Constitution, The meeting was called to order Mj r Jones, the historian, in the cbsir, and Colonel Brown, tbe novelist, under the table. Minutes of tbe previous meeting wr re read in full, but were not half as full as the secretary. The town poet attempted to read a poem three yaidt long, but wat checked by refreshments being served in the middle of it, after which he wat too full for utterance. One new genius was admitted to membership on bit statement that he bad once been knocked down with a oopy of Byron and that poetry had been running in his head ever since. The society ordered the lynching of the critic who bad handled Major Jones' "History" to roughly, but note wat read from him explaining that he had gone to Kalamsioo for hit health. At 11 p. m. Tennyson and 'possum were discussed with Literary runcn after which ttfc meeting adjourned itself, tbe members teeing each other safely home. Among ths visitors at an art exhibi Lion were two old ladies from the ooun They were examining with great interest a bas-relief of a young Ureek shepherd, beneath which were in scribed the words : "Executed in terra cotta." 1 wonder where Terra Cotta ia," ventured ths elder of the two, turning her companion. "Well, now, I ought to know," hesi tated tbe other, "but I can't seem to place it just now.' 'Ah, well," rejoined the first speaker, they passed on, "it must ba a dread ful place if they execute harml at young boyt like that there." Ulnar ot All Conga Medicines. Mr E. O. Case, a mail ciSier of Can ton Center, Conn , vaTJ has been in the U. S Service for about sixteen years, says: "We have tried many cough mediciuea for croup,' but Chamberlain's dough Remedy it king of all and one to be relied npon every time. We also find it the best remedy for congmAnd colds, giving certaui results and leaving no bad after effect!' " For tale by 9 L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson, Concord, and A. W. Moose, Mt. Pleasant. The difference v between Christianity and churchanity it usually discovered when it la too late. torn VERMIFUGE Is the same good, old -fashioned medicine that hai aaved tha Uvea of llttlt, children for the pait 60 years. Itlianed fclna made to cure. It has never been known to fall. If your child is tick get a bot tle of FREY'C VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Do not talc a substitute). If your druggist does not kep It, Mnd twtnty-fiva cuts la tanps to 3D. eft s. XPZi.zrS' Baltimore, Sid. end a bottle will be nailed yoa. Executor's Sale. I will sell at tha (v.,,. i . ii ihii" ""nrletui Cotton Mill stock. lEiS' Cjb" Cotton Mill stock: i S!,"!!' annon Cotton Mill Stock 18 Sbaree. Gibson Cotton Mill Stock stock. aiiu i-reierrea lfi 8harM. PattaMn. rui.H. ... ,. . . 1. Boarea. binann i v . . , ,. .. Qrov.stV --wu ,., ac unin 10 SalaVTM. KAalAr sV.t-H win Stock w-trwu ami, a oaiuoary, Sbaree, York. Furniture cS.? f&ferr! 13 Shares, W. 0. Railroad Stock. Stock. vuariuse, 2 ?'S.B'o0 1100 00 per abare. Octofier" "iverew April ano m N" 0 8tte Bond 4 Per oent, due 1010- Twfl Town of flnnAml - . ,. due lOel-ISOO 00. IntereetJanuaiand JnlS' seren A. T. 4 O. K B. Bonds-due In uia. six per oent.. S.1C0 no auh I.,,.. .. .. October. Tbe above Sknnta ami nnn a . aM i .... settlement and distribution ot tbe estate of u i . .. Wl ueceaaea. kww . jua u U100K. T.a a lone 'KO- A BABUHARDT. new. e, iw. Bxeoutor. Portland, Oregon, Exposition. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOS ANGELES, CAL. Very Low Round Trip Rates via S3 Illinois Central R. R. CHOICE OF ROUTES Two trains daily. Atlanta to St. Lou is in connection with W. 8c A. R. R. The only through morninst tleening car Atlanta to St. Louis. For full information, dates of sale- rates, ticket! and descriptive circulars, Aaaxess, F. D. MILLER. Trav. Pass. Art. 17 Pry or St., Atlakta, Oa. NOTICE! "We -want every man and women In tbe United States Interested In the enre ot Opium. Whisker or otber drag habits. eltber for themselves or friends, to have one of Dr. Wool ley's books on these dis eases. Write Dr. B. U. W oolley, Atlanta, Oa., Box 287, and one will be sent yoa free. BUCK'S Stoves I Ranges Simply cant wear out A merry Christmas and happy New Year to all. The Admitted The Greatest Ftiel Savers. The handsomest Ranges that has white to oven doors Craven i Furniture and Undertaking Co. PR0FE5SI0KML CARS. DR. E C. HERRING. DE1TTIST, Is now over she store ot tbe White-Korrieoa-Flowe Companj. OOJTOOB9. m. o. Dr. w. C. Houston -Mown DaSst' ooaoonn, a. c Is prepared to do all kinds ot dental work la tbeamoat approved manner. Office, over Jrthnann'a nraa. HtAM. Residence 'Phone 11. dfflee Itiona it. L. T. HARTSELL. iltorney-at-Lii, aoxrcoiD, xtoxth OAmoz.zvA. Promnt attention aiTam sa an ' Offloe in Morris building, opposite tbe odurt bouse. DRS. LILLY & WALKER, offer their professional servloes to tbe eld Kens of Concord and surrounding country. Calls promptly attended day or night. w s. MorrraoMiBT. j. uraoaowwi I0ITG0IEBI 4 CROWELL, Attorneys antVXoonselors-at-LiY. OOXOOBD, W. 0. As partners, will practice law In Cabarrus, Stanly and adjoining counties, In tbe Supe rior and Supreme Court of tbe State and In the Federal Courts. Offloe In court bouse. Parties desiring to lend money can leave tt wltb us or place ft In Concord National Bank for us. and we will lend It on arnod retail aa. tate security free Of charge to the depositor. We make thorough examination of title to landa offered aa security for loans. Mortgagee aiorecloeed without expense to owners of same Henry R Adams. Frank Arm field. Tola D. Maness. Tnos. J. Jerome. Han. Jsroice, Armfield I tarn, . attorneys and Counsellors it Lit, CONCORD, N. C. Practice In all the State and IT. 8. flnnrta. Prompt attention given to collections and lenerai law practice. rersons lnterestea in ihe settlement of eetatee. administrators. executors, and guardians are especially In vited to call on ua, as we represent one of tbe largest bonding companies tn America; In fact we will go any kind ot a bond ebeaper tnan any one else. Parties desiring to lend money ean leave It wltb us or deposit it In Concord National Bank, and we will lend It on approved secu rity free of charge to the lender. Continued and painstaking attention will be given, at a reasonable price, to all lega bustneaa. Office in new Morris Building opposite Administrator's Notice. Raving aualined aa tbe administrator of D. H. Line, deceased, all persona owing said estate are hereby notified that tbey must make Immediate payment or suit will be brongbt. And all persons having claims against said estate must present them to tbe undersigned, duly authenticated, on or be fore the 4th day of November, lout, or this no tice wUl be pleaded in bar of their recovery. j. Li. li. uaukinuku, Aamuustrator. By It. T. Hansen, Attorney. November 3, 1MJ6. TAXES! TAXES!! TAXES!!! T am In receipt of a letter this morning from the Htate Treasurer, demanding that I col lect the tax. Now. you all know that I cant settle with the State and school until you aettle with me. To oe auie to meet tne ae manda of the law required of me I must bave by tbe thirty-first of this month fin.OUO. and I haven't as yet got one-third of that amount. now, l nope you wiu come to my reuei anu pay vour tax at once or suffer the penalty of the law, .which la not my fault, for I am here read v to receive. This la aU tba warning I expect to give and you may expect to abide oy tne consequences. nespectruny. J AO, jr. nautus, ouenrx. Bee. , 1906. 13-1 do for mother's Christ mas? There's nothing: win piease ner more, or t bring: her more lasting: satisfaction. Best Bakers Guaranteed made. The onlyjine enamel lining: and racks. Bros. luck's

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