err. HE CONCORD The Times Covers Concord and Cabarrus Like the Dew. ; tom s Twice Eich Week and Price is Only One Dollar John IB. Sherrill, Editor and Publisher PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK. $l.OO a Year, Due in Advance. a Year, J !; Volume XXXIII. CONCORD, IM. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1906. Number 71. - - . ... t Conocnscfc Statement Sbowino ConMtton or tbe at Close of J3ueinc3d CucsJaE, Jebruarg 20, 1900. "Kcaourccs. T.rris and Discounts Furniture nnd Fixtures Cash on hami and due from Hanks Xtabilitice. Capital Sunk Undivided I'rofits Deposits . $90,022 48 4,467.78 - 34 f2' 68 $129,711.94 $30,000.00 1,236.53 98,475 41 $129,711.94 Gross Receipts from all sources since open ing of busim ss $,55; 84 Ooeni i l' and t; x ratinir exienst s 3,319.31 1 II 110'$ AWFUL 21 DEAD AND MANY INJURED AT MERIDIAN. MISS. Storm Cloud Developed Toward the South and at 6 P. M. Swooped Down with' more Than Cyclonic Fury, Striking the Business Centre Squarely and Devasta ting Three or Four whole Squares within Two Minutes. THE CHINESE SITUATION. Atlanta Journal. The Chinese situation is still criti cal. It is reported that the news of the American preparations for trouble has reached the Chinese, and that they don't like a little bit. Na turally, it is calculated to still futher inflame the sentiment against Amer icans. There is also talk to the effect the rulers of China are not at all LETTER FROM TRINIDAD. Mr. R. S. Scarboro Writes Interestingly from the West Indies. Editor Times : No doubt you will be surprised to hear from me, but I cannot resist the temptation to say a few words to the homefolks about this part of the world. Every winter the Atlantic fleet comes south for manoeuvres, and of ten it is necessary to keep the men on board for as much as 40 or 50 days without any shore liberty ex cept on the beach for swimming par ties, and you know that doesn't sat isfy Uncle Sam's men, consequently they run us into those places for a agreed amone themselves as to the Mobile, Ala., March 3. Informa- attitude which should be assumed tion reached Mobile by telephone, towar(s America. A palace quarrel all telegraph wires being down, that between the dowager empress, the a destructive tornado visited Meri- engaging Tizzy-Anne, and her son, dian. Miss., at 6:30 o'clock last eve- the emperor, figures in the thing :i ning, killing 21 white persons and manner. just how it figures j few days recreation, and while in over 100 negroes and damaging prop- must a mystery to Occidental ! the different cities of the West In- erty to the extent of $1,500,000. mm(js The details would probably dies we see many amusing things. There were also scores of seriously j-emind us of a comic opera scene if The battleships Maine, Missouri, injured by being caught in the wreck- we could have them u is our mjs Kearsage and Kentucky dropped an- age of houses. The tornado caught fortune that we cant take pe0pie J chor in the Gulf off the city of Port the city on the southwest ana who wear that sort of cothes traveled to the northeast, expending curiously as they take themseves un- ltselt in two suburbs where many negroes were killed and injured, a ; whole tenement district being wiped out. Two large wholesale stores, sev eral smaller ones, part of the princi- til we get to the blood-shed stage of business. It is to be hoped that there will not le serious trouble in China but the hope is only a conviction. It appears that the Chinese, in directing public pal hotel, the electric lighting plant 3, against Americans, for the - BRWHS CANNON CLOTHING Is made overtime to give service. Tin v ftie not only made and cut in style, but made for durability. K very thing that is used in the construction is of tbe very best material, and you can feel safe in buying. If you will call at our store and let us show you our Clothing, you will under stand why we make so many claims for it. Give trial. and all the small property between the Mobile & Ohio Railroad and the business nart of the city were badly damaged. Twenty men were caught in one restaurant and several were killed. Two stories of the Y. M. C. A. building were wrecked and other buildings suffered in the upper sto ries. The negro tenement district north of the citv was demolished and the debris caught fire, threatening a new danger, but the local depart ment, with the help of hundreds of citizens, overcame this after a hard fight. They were assisted by torren tial rain following the tornado. The known path of the storm was about 600 feet wide and one mile in length. private long distance message re ceived from Meridian at 9:40 p. m.. purpose of furthering the boycott program, over-did the work just a trifle, and that the rulers have raised a little more hades than they bar gained for. If a few missionaries are slaughtered as a result of this inflammation of the anti-foreign sen timent, then the army of 33,000 men which the administration has been getting ready will likely be used. Too Busy to Grow. Miinh St. Nicholas. A small office boy, who had worked in the same position for two years on of Spain on the 18th of February, and "Fighting Bob" at once gave orders for liberty parties, something every one was waiting for. Our small boats hit the docks at 11 a. m., just as the boats from the other three ships came up with their load. of hu man freight. You might ask what kind of reception we met with as we landed, so I will do my best to tell you. Lined up along the docks were about 8.000 people of all kinds, shapes and colors Englishmen, Americans, Negroes, Chinamen, Japs and Coolies ; also others too numer ous to mention. The latter is sent here by the English government, just so they can say there is some one living on the island. After seven years they will take them back to India if they do not fall in love with the island in that time. Coolies are dressed all the time ; they never un KEEP DOWN THE ACREAGE. News and Observer. Mr. Harvie Jordan gives many in-' teresting figures to show that, the ! balance of this year's crop should ! bring higher prices and says that if j the small balance held should bring 15 cents, the average for the year would be only 11 1-2 cents certainly not too much for a crop that will not reach 11,000,000 bales. One year ago cotton sold at seven cents a pound in February and advanced to over ten cents in July in the face of a 14,000 000 bale crop. This year the crop is two to three and a half million bales shorter while consumption and spin dles have not decreased. The increase in the crop last year of from seven cents in February to ten cents in July was chiefly due to a reduced acreage. If the acreage is kept down this year, history ought to repeat itself. If the acreage is in creased, the farmers who are hold ing last year's crop for better prices and the farmers who will soon plant a new crop will both suffer. The whole cotton fight waged by the farmers depends upon their abil ity to keep down the acreage. A big acreage and a bumper crop will pre vent fair prices for the crop now on hands or in storage or for the new crop that is to be made. Everything depends upon not making big crop. ..' .:.-v;;v 1 I IBell & Harris! 1 Furniture Co. I If a man's heart is alright, his head is not far out of line. ..Its hvm Mil us a Browns-Cannon Co. H. I. WIKliiHiU HK. C W. WW INK. 1 antiier. M. WU1KK, Virp-Prt. II Ul BOV. 1nr. .Cifotiis Imii h Concord, N. C. and Branch at Alternate. N. C. Capital $ 50,000 00 Surplus & Profits . 39,700 00 Deposits 676,30000 Total Resources 763,000 00 Bcl'r r prepared tlinn ever before to serve you. v e idTili j11 invite m!ivtlu;i!s, turns, anil t porai ions to open :u ounls vw it h us. CI1ECTOR8: J VV. Cannon. Kol.ert S. Young. 1.. J Koil Jos K. (,oo!man M. J Cor! jm. S. hfirtl. J. M. Morrow. I . C Ingram. TTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA 3 Safe Prompt Liberal. 3 THE mm torn wi Capital Slock $i(jn,(o Stuck hoMers ..utility i"o ooo Surplus a -ul I 'niiilrt1 Profits . is c Assets so.uuo YOJR BJSINESS SOLICITED, 4 per ro t.l n ' er. st lit on 1 1 rr , crti r .1 M KDKI.I.. Pr- siilwrt. W. If I I I.Y VI,-.- t r Hi'lrrt. Ii B l II. ' It N K. HHtiler I.. Ii. l 1 R K, xh . I '. BllliT J M. IIKN.lKlX H. ok k per. the devastated district. The work of the rescuers is going bravely on, but owing to all lights being out lanterns and candles are being used and the work is necessarily slow. Many think that 150 bodies are in the weckage. The Union depot is one of the build ing blown away. The telegraph wirs are still down between Meridian, Mobile and other points. Several fires were started as a re sult of the cyclone, but the only one ' of serious consequence was that in one of the compresses. All fires were extinguished by 10 p. m. Died of Complicated Failure. "Very frequently," says a New York lawyer, "there is an element of unconscious humor in the findings of a jury. To my mind, the best I ! ever heard in this connection was the verdict brought in by a coroner's jury in Michigan, who were called upon to pass upon the case of a sud den death of a merchant in Lansing. "The finding was as follows : 'We, the jury, find from the physician's statement that the deceased came to Vhich Shall It BG i ms death from heart failure, super- inaucea oy ousiness ianure, wnicn was caused by speculation failure, which was the result of failure to see far enough ahead.' " St .Cloud QarberShop SPECIALTIES : Hair and Beard Trimming. Hot Baths always ready. Thoroughly Experienced Barbers. We are equipped to meet Metro politan competition at popular prices. Let us trim your hair. CHAS. VV. BROWN, Prop. 4.U li L. ji u mrm m-m,, mm mi . ia...i TTYYYY YYY Y YYYTYYYYVYYYYT COAL and WOOD. Having tried all other rem edies, will you continue to suffer through false pride? Don't Be Foolish Repeated Eye Headaches sap one's vitality and bring about a general nervous break (1 wn. Let Us Eelieve Your Headache "by Remov ing the Cause. Save your Eves and Ner vous energy. Either or both of which can tret lv i;illinr us. have a laie supply good pine anil oak wood cut as you wish, and sold in hiiv tpiantity. Iest soft coal lor stdves ant rates4 Egg and Nut sizes Pennsylvania. Anthracite, (jive us your orders for fuel and get what you want. J. L. Peck & Son, 'PHONE 11)7. We have for sale auother excellent oottage on, Spring street, with bath room eto. Price $2,416. See Jno. K Pftttenon A Oo. t t I W. C. CORRELL. j 2HB9HB8CflBBHaS0BBBaHS 9 Pnnrtnfii Praccinn Pliih I YOU I vuiibui u i UNint) vh'Ui We I It r ail as your ran lur i."u mm per nit hi th. We call tor and deli v- I er your dollies, Concord Pressing Club. I I 1 Agents Mrs Hester's Cleaning and Hi Happy Thought. The polite reporter was in a di lemma the other morning when he was told to write up a wedding of two popular young people. The facts were all right, but When it came to put the usual heading, or caption, hesitated and asked for further instruction. The persons married were Carrie Dunn and Ed- ward Brown. This was his qustion: "What heading shall I put over this wedding? Either way I 'putt some body gets done. It is either Dunn- Brown or Brown-Dunn.' " "Oh, that's easy," replied the man at the next desk. "Head it, 'Well Done, Brown.' "' For any kind of work. All the latest finishes. We have prices and styles to suit every one Our a salary of $3 a week, finally plucked , dress. In fact, they have never been greatest pleasure is a pieaseu . up enough courage to ask for an in- dressed - they only get tangled up customer. Bring or send us your j in cmli nrrnr, f ,wv, Woiu. picture to enlarge; no danger of: I I filr 111 VV till t ?l, ... iit. Ulaivsuiav A VIVtll. H CKl IV- ,1 1 J 1 1 "How much more would you like , ing down the street of the city early - ntefd. Our orices are as to have?" inquired his employer. , in the morning you will see some of iQ s can et eood WOrk "Well," answered the lad, "I i them washing their face in a small j for Call and see sam Dies. i Finest gTade Crayons. 16x20 $1.75. Pastel $2.50. Sepia $2 says that the fire was then raging in (Jon,t think 2 more a week wouid De stream which runs down on each side too much." , of the streets. Well, you seem to me a rather It seems I can't get oft" the Coolie small boy to be earning $5 a week," j question, because they interest me. remarked his employer. "I suppose I do. I know I'm small for mv age," the boy explained. but to tell the truth, since I've been nere l naven t nan time to grow." ural Circulation Best. A correspondent of Printers' Ink asserts: Good rural circulation of any pub lication daily or otherwise, is, in my opinion, ot a greater average value , and emon eroVes. also ler capita man city or suDuroan cir- COCoanut groves and culation. This is a fact not generally admitted or recognized but it grows stronger every year. If this is found to be true, eventually it would dem onstrate the lact that the average ar.incr nf int., tua n.v strength of purchasing power of the groundS( which j must confess country comes from the stratum of ' nnvth:n of th( v:a t nQVO population or caste which makes and pvpr u . onnnrtlin:tv tn Hp r w w surely has all around him that a hu- met some that had as many as two dozen silver bracelets on their arms. ! They had rings on every finger, not excepting the thumb ; the nose also had rings. In fact, every- part ofi them was decorated with some kind ' of ornament. j Here one can see women coaling j ships, driving carts and doing many ! things which people in America j would not think of doing. j I visited some of the nicest orange coca farms, groves and bread truit trees. Bananas and lemons are also plentiful. Our party wandered on out through many such places as I have been Kirs. Ida Harbaugh Successor to J. T. Cook. Studio over Marsh's Drug Store. insures its prosperity the farmer. I am, of course, speaking in aver ages, ot importance to advertisers. man could wish for. I will not at tempt to describe it more than to Tiie or me. be has all the fruits and all the it's a significant fact that the strong- flowers of a South America climate, est animal of its size, the gorilla, also But as we wandered further away has the largest longs. Powerful luDgs ; from the city of 55,000. inhabitants, means powerful creatures. How to keep we came upon a dead line which, on the breathiDg organs right should be closer investigation, proved to be a man's chiefest study. Like thousands ; hospital, where nothing is treated ui, ' v, --i - - , but leprosy. Here all patients are taken. Some have no fingers, some no arms, no feet ; some have their face most all eaten off, but they don't Lippard& Barrier General Family Grocers and Country Produce... We suply the best families in Concord Do we supply you ? Always a complete stock of finest Canned Goods and Delicacies. We aim to please tbe most exacting. Lippard & Barrier Plain and Fancy Grocers. W. Lee Ezzelle, j DENTIST. ! Prepared to do all class of Dental Work in the noit approTo manner. Satwfactioa roarantaad. Oite avar Cor orraU's jewelry store. Williams, O , has learned how to do this. She writes : ' Tnree bottles of Dr King's New Discovery stopped my cough of two years and cured me of what my friends thought consumption." Guar -i seem to suner mucn. ineynavetne anteed by all druggists. Price 50c and . best treatment by skilled doctors and $10 oo Trial bottle free. nurses. Nevertheless, they can't --";"- hope to recover. They only make Keep the little ones healthy and happy the of ife in this small block Their tender, sensitive bodies require , , . . uMii Sm never hoping to get out into the Rocky Mountain Tea will kepp them strong and well 35 cents, tea or tablets Aat mnr Hrnonst. nr rWier what is known as Pitch Lake. Here is a lake of pitch that the amount What engaged people like about taken out has no effect on the sup not seeing each other for ten hours ply. It matters not how many ship; is all the letters they can write each loads they take out it fills up again j world again. On a few miles further we find FRED. BECK, ., Choice Meats... Fresh Every Day. I cater to the most particular peo ple in Concord and please them. Let me sell to vou. DR. L N. BURLEYSON Proffers his Profes sional Services Calls promptly attended day or night. other in that time. Five Years in your city ought to prove tV vou that the BEST PHOTOS are made by O. V. Foust Opposite Court House Concrd, N. C. Your CHILD and the Croup Danger The Danger Loses all Its Terrors When Yon Have This Marvelous Remedy at Your Band Anyniht your little one may waken with the croup. lcath clutches tightly on the tender throat. Anil vou are helpless. Be prepared. Keep a bottle of Gowan's Pneumonia Cure in your room. A mo ment's brisk rubbing on the throat and chest, and you have the croup under control. In'a few moments the healing liquids have driven the cold out; the child is cured, as suddenly as croup comes. COWAN'S PNEUMONIA CURE is an external, safe, harmless, sure cure. Ask for Gowan's Pneumonia Cure at any drugstore. Kegular sire, $1.0O. Croup size, 25c. Sent by mail, if desired. Cowan Medical Co.', Durham, N. C. Read a Father's Letter "Yoar remedy is truly a God send to human ity. We have used it in our family for the past year, and ouly last night our baby had an at tack of croup. We at once applied Gowan's Pneumonia Cure, and in fifteen minuteaour child was fast asleep, and this morning is quite welL We do not feel safe without the Cure in the house, and we recommend all people to pet it ana usa It promptly. J. D. Gcntse, Saadford, N. C." i in a short while. It being warm at the bottom it slowly fills up. The ; quantity never diminishes. I can look out west and see the coast of Venezuela, but I don't know , anything more about what is going on over there than a man ten thou sand miles away. We have only had two mails since the 17th of January, and the chances are that we won't get mail again be ; fore February 25th. By that time we expect to reach Guantanamo, Cuba. - We are going from one port 1 to another so much that our mail can't catch us and those people here , seem to get most of their news by cable from the United States. R. S. Scarboro, Musician U. S. S. Missouri. Port of Spain, Trinidad, British ; West Indies, Feb. 12, 1906. J. J. GOOK MT. PLEASANT, N. C. Beginning the first of March and con tinuing about six weeks you should come to my gallery in Mt. Pleasant and have your photographs and enlarged pictures made. Your work finished dur ing my stay, and satisfaction guaran teed. Respectfully, Feb 13 lm. I.J.COOK. Last Notice. Just thirty days from to-day you will pay cost on all taxes that are not paid. Now pay your tax and don't ask me to remit cost, as I have taken all the blame so, far, and alter this date you must pay for it. Respectfully, JAS. F. HAHUIS, Sh'ff. Feb. 20, 1906 Stock-Taking Over. BE II 4- it if! -V m in? Thanks to our thousands of friends anil customers L'- r. : in town and country for the splendid trade given us during the past year. All we can ask is that you will keep up the pace for l'.KK We are in a position to do v V greater tilings in the future than in the past. We have lengthened our cords, strengthened our stakes and are av . ita going after business with a rush. m J If you don't want to buy you would & better not give us a chance, for fig if you do the business is ours. : m .".I- 1 BELL & HARRIS FURNITURE CO m : :-v THaalal j DAYVAULT COMPANY 1 CASH STORE. We are through with our semi-annual inven tory, and are very much enoouraged with our past six months' business. Cash will count. Any sane man knows that a cash dollar will buy more than a credit dollar. We find a good many Winter Goods that we are going to move. We will cut our entire line of Clothing to the quick. Our entire line must be reduced by MARCH ist. 5uch aline of Sho es was never offered at the prices we are offering. The Dayvault Company l. S. We have just received Two Cars of Flour One Car of Mill Feed One Car of Standard Tobacco One Car of Salt