THE CONCORD r - Lomes Twice Each Week and Price is Only One Dollar a Year. lHE 1IMES Covers Concord and. Cabarrus Like the Dew. John B. Sherrill, Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK. ak, I ) i : k in Advance. V J Volume XXXIII. CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY II, 1906. Number 90. TIMES. The Best Bank is the one that serves most people well Citizens Bank and Trust Co. r Why a NATIONAL BANK is Best A National Bank is under the supervision of the United States Government. Laws governing National Ranks are very strict. Tliev are required to submit to the government a sworn detailed statement FIVE TIMES a 3 ear. The stockholders are held responsible for DOUBLE the amount of their stock. This is for the benefit of the depositors The capital stock is required to be paid in cash, and must be held intact for the benefit of the depositors. The Rank is required each year to add to its surplus account before declaring dividends. This is for the further security of the depositors. A National Rank cannot loan more than 10 per cent, of its capital to one man or firm. The Concord National Bank Capital $100,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $26,000 No large amount required to start an account. Vinol builds Vn you up ami keeps you up If We SAM JONES WRITES ON A VARIETY Ob' TOPICS. Atlanta .Journal. Brother Excell and myself began evangelistic meetings in Evansville, Indiana, last Sunday in Evans' hall, a splendid auditorium, seating about 2,500 or 3,000. We are holding two services a day with increasing inter est and crowds, and the promise is for a good and great meeting here. In the Associated I'ress telegram from California I ran across the fol lowing paragraph : "Perhaps never in the history of the city has there been so little crime in San Francisco. With the saloons closed, Chinatown, the Barbara coast and other haunts of criminals wiped out, and soldiers and marines on al most every residence district, there have been few crimes of any kind. It is the opinion of the police that most of the criminal element has left the city. The saloons, in all proba bility, will remain closed for two months yet. The absence of liquor is controlled by the board of police commissioners. Some of the city of ficials have intimated that they will not permit the saloons to open and liquor to le sold until the present army of officers in the city is with drawn ana normal conditions are en tire! v restored." Now, if that doesn't put the saloon on the black list and -demonstrate that humanity recognizes it as an outlaw and the principal instigator of lawlessness, then 1 am no judge of conditions. The saloon is the hot bed of anarchy and lawlessness, start ing with the saloon-keeper himself and ending with the victim 01 drink on the gallows, paying the penalty of his crime. In manv places like Evansville they say we cannot con trol the saloon because of the large German element or the large Irish emejit of the foreign element. I am disgusted witn talk like tnat. We have nothing but American citi zens nere. because a naturalized wer nian or Irishman is either an Ameri can or he is a fraud, and if he has not been naturalized he has not part in the allotting of the matter of gov ernment over here. America for Americans, Germany for Germans, Ireland fur Bat, and this Sabbath I3STOL Our delicious Cod Liver prepa ration without oil Better than old-fash'o ed cod liver oil and emulsions to restore health for old people, weak, run down persons, and oftcrsickness, colds coughs, bronchitis and all throat and lung trouble. Try it on our guarantee. Gibson Drag Store. DR. L. N. BURLEYSON Proffers his Profes sional Services Calls promptly attended day or night. Country People! Solicited. Come and eat with us. V. L. NORMAN, Proprietor Hotel Norm anc'y Can't Make That Watch of Yours Go, Vim may just as well give it the baby to play with. Us days of service are surely ended and it is a (juest on with vou now ot buying a new one. You oulit to come here for a new watch for the same reason that prompts you to bring us your repair work lcca use we are in a position to give you the highest grade of satisfaction. As we said, we can eet all the service out of a watch that there is in it, down to the last tick, if ou will let us look at it occa sionally. And as lor new Watches well just take a few minutes some day to look over what we have. That's all we ask. t W. C. CORRELL. DIED SUDDENLY OF HEART DISEASE. How frpquontly doe a hfad line .simi lar to tin1 abovo er''t us in the news. patHTS. The ruh. push itnd strunuous uess of the American people ha a str. pii? tendency to Irad up valvular an. I other afflictions o:' t he heart, attended by ir regular action, palpitation, doziness, smothered sensations and other distress ing symptoms. Three of the promunfit inerodients of which Dr. Pierce's liolden Medical Dis covery is made are recommended by some of the leading writers on Matcrui Sfnlira for the cure of just such cases. Gulden Seal root, for instance, is said by the Un,itki States Disi-kssatory, a stand ard authority, "to impart tone and In creased power to the heart's action." Numerous other b-acli authorities rep resent Golden Seal as an unsurpassed tonic for the muscular system in c ueral, and as the heart is almost wlmliy com posed of muscular tissue, it naturally follows that it must be greatly strength ened by this siixTli. general tonic. But probably the most important ingri'dient of " Golden Medical IMsrowry." so far at Its marvelous cures of valvular a ad other affections of the heart are con cerned, is Stone root, or t 'iifwiNoiiKi ( mi.. Prof. Wm. Paine, author of Panm s Epitomy of Medicine, says of it: "I. not ion since, nau a patient wdo was 0 much opprss'" wlili valvular disease of th heart that Ills menus were i.t.nueu to carry lilm uy-stalrs. lie. however, tfradnally recovered under the Intluence of Collins. i:ln (medicinal principle extracted from Stone rootl. and Is now attending to Ids business. Heretofore physicians knew of no remedy for the removal of so 'list resting airi so dan gerous a mainly. With them it was an gui - work, ami it fearfully warni-d the Bilc4el that Heat li was near at hanu. cxji- linsonln unuu-si ion ahly afford relief In uch cases, ami In ino-t Instances effects a cure." Stone root Is also recommended by I)rs. Hale and Elllhk'wood, of Chicago, for valvular and other di-ea-es of the heart. The latter says; "It is a heart tonic of direct and prrnutnent intluence." "(itildmi Medical Discovery." not only cures serious heart affections, nut is n mo-t edicient general tonic ana invior ator. strentftheiiintj the stomach, invig orating the liver, regulating the Novels and curliu: catarrhal a'Jections in all parts of the systitn. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure Constipation. TTTTTTTTYTYYYYYYTYYTYYTTY 4 Castor-Sloan Company As the seasons change proffer new markets, so do we. We Aim to Keep Pace Hot Lunches at nioht, from all hours, live cents day up. The excellent (utility of our 5c Steam Bread does not change like the sea sons. 24 bread checks f 1, Try a loaf and he convinced. City Bakery and Cafe For sale two vacant lots, each 00x120 feet, on west Bide Allison street, near Gibson mill. Jno. K. Patterson & 0 Choice Family ..Groceries.. Staple and Fancy. All kinds of Fruit in season. Country Produce a Specialty. Dry Goods and Shoes Castor-Sloan Company YYYYYYYYYYYl rrr desecration can only be imported from continental Europe by the law less element of that country, and the lawless element ouscht not to be in charge or control of any country and especially in our American cities. I think, however, it is only a sub terfuge on the part of lawless Ameri cans when they talk that sort of talk. When I was in St. Louis twenty years ago they said it was a Catholic city. I said no; a city with more than four thousand saloons and more than a thousand gambling hells, to say nothing of the other na.neless places, that I had too much respect for the Catholic church to say ;t was a Catholic city. I said, "This s the Devil's city." And so it goes t -ery-where. Lawlessness has its er uses and its reasons why it is lawle:t I notice that Sherman's ntarch through Georgia, with troops furnish ed to escort him, has been suddenly stopped on the way. 1 think that was wise. We don't want that now any more than we did want the other Sherman with his soldiers marching through Georgia. There are some things we like, some we do not. Father Sherman is welcome in Geor gia and we extend to him the right hand of friendship, but we want him to say as little about the march through Georgia in the sixties as he can reconcile to his religious belief and duties. Some memories are not as precious to us as the memories of a pleasant dream. They are more like a nightmare. I note that Indiana is booming N ice President Fairbanks as a candi date to succeed Mr. Roosevelt. He is the leading citizen of Indiana, but if Fairbanks is nominated by the Re publican party and Bryan is nomina ted by the Democratic party, that will not be any race at all. Bryan will get under the wire before Fair hanks gets half way around the track. Fairbanks has the longest legs, but he will find the ground slippery and the track muddy. The way is not going to be paved for the Republican party this time like it has been for the last few years. Mc Call is dead; McCurdy is in Europe; Perkins seem to re at the mercy of Jerome, and it seems like Jerome is going to have mercy extended. I tell you when the boodle fund is cut out, the Democrats will have a show. If Mr. Roosevelt runs again, of course he will leat anybody, but he says, and I believe him, that he will not run again. Then next to him Bryan is the most popular man on this continent. Bryan's peerless character, his splendid brain power Hnddvs t.-oble manhood put him a. the forefront. I never voted for BryaM in my life, but I am a Bryan man now against everything on tne pike. I see Governor Hoch, of Kansas, has been in a kissing scrape and he is in trouble. It seems that things were reversed with him. The girls kissed Hobson and the sisters kissed Carnegie, but it seems that Hoch was the kisser in this case. The average woman ought to confine her kisses to husband, father and brother. The average man ought to limit his kisses to wife, mother and daughter. Further than that may come of evil. To say the least of it, newspaj.ers have a big to-do about it and when ever a fellow gets to kissing promis cuously, he is going to get his name and his reputation in the papers and the world will have as much fun as the poor victim has trouble. I notice that prices are slumping in Wall street about this time. Of course there is no reason for this outside of the tussle between the bulls and the bears. Any railroad stocks or bonds in this countrv are worth as much to-day as they were a month ago. Wall street may indi cate the value of stocks and bonds ut their intrinsic value is deter mined bv the net earnings of the roads. The railroads are all doing well. The country is doing well along all commercial lines, and whether the bulls or bears shall be victors, the great businessinterest of this countrv does not care. Yours truly, Sam P. Jones. BONDS FOR PUBLIC ROADS. Many of the counties throughout the State have issued bonds for the construction of macadam and other good roads. The result has been that these counties have been more thoroughly developed and become much , more prosperous than those counties which have been contented with poor roads. The issuing of bonds by a county will mean but a very small increase in taxes, which as the years go on, will be more than counterbalanced by the large increase in the value of land and of other taxable property. It is a fair and equitable arrangement that future generations should pay for a portion of the improvements of our public roads, as they derive as great a benefit as the present generation. Too many have an idea that to bond their county will mean a very large increase in their taxes without their deriving any material benefit from the expenditure, not realizing that the increase in the value of Jproperty, and the decrease in the cost of maintenance of the roads and wear and tear on horses, wagons, harness is so much money saved. Are you interested in good roads? If so, call meetings in various sections of your county to discuss this important question and also the advisability of bonding your county for the purpose of raising sufficient money to ma cadamize the principal roads of your county. The members of the North Caro lina Geological Survey will, as far as possible, meet your committees and deliver addresses in your coun ties regarding the Value of public roads ; the best methods of con structing same and the issuing of bonds. The Geological Survey will also assist in the construction of the the first mile of macadam by fur nishing an engineer to give instruc tions and sujerintend the work. TARE TIME TO EAT WEDDING SUPERSTITIONS. Married in January's hoar and rime, good things will come if you wait your time. Married in February's sleety weather, life you'll tread in tune to gether. Married when March winds shrill and roar, your home will lie on a foreign shore. Married 'neath April's changeful skies a checkered path before you lies. Married when bees o'er May blossoms flit, strangers around your board will sit. Married in month of roses-June life will be one long honeymoon. Married in July, with flowers ablaze, bitter-sweet mem'ries in after days. Married in August's heat and drowse, lover and friend in your chosen spouse. Married in golden September's glow, smooth and serene your life will go. Married when leaves in October thin, toil and hardship for you begin. Married in veils of November mist. Fortune your wedding ring has kissed. Married in days of December cheer, Love's star shines brighter from year to year, says Home Chat. zmriimmimiiiimmnmiimiiiimiiiiiM line Most Cm We have our Warehouse filled with Flour, Shipstuff, Meal, Corn and Oats. Be sure and get our prices be fore you buy. Bring us your Butter, Epgs, and Chickens. Will give you the best market price. I DOVE-BOST COMPA'Y m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ri n 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u xri li ti man 11 ri 1 j 1 1 is Administrator's Notice. Having (inaliDtMl as a-lnilnis-tralor nl M. K Castor, deivasecl, late of Cabarrus County, N. C tins is to notify all persons liavinir Halms ;u;ainM the estate of said ileceased toexliltut them to Uie iiiinersi;;iieil on or liefore tt.e tli (lav of Airil l'V7. or noti'-e will lie pleaded in nar of tlieir re covery. All persons mdi lited to said estate will please make immediate payment This April .will. l'AXi. K. I.. Mcro.VNI.L, Administrator. By L. T. H.irtsell, Attorney. Concord Pressing Club. We act ,'is your valet for $1.00 per month. We call lor and deliv er your clothes. Concord Pressing Club. Agents Mrs. Hester's Cleaning and Dycinjr Works, Charlotte. Hurry at MhIn 1VI1I Send You to (.ibnon Drug; Store for Mloua Stoinaeh TMbletd. "Eat in. haste and repent at leisure" Is an old saying brought up to date. Hurry at breakfast means a bad start for the day, and if you hurrj also at the other meals, you will poon suffer with los of apnetie, sleeplessness, nervous ness, furred tongue, ppeck9 before the eycs headaches, back-allies, weakness and debility, indirection, or other ills that are caused by an abused stomach. Herein Concord as in iho'-sands of other places over the country, hurry at meals increases the drnpgist's business Not a day passes that Gibson Drug Store do not sell s. veral packages of Mi-o-na stomach tablets to to those who have ruined their digestion by not tak ing time to eat. Of course indigestion has many other causes, but wnatever tne cause, tne reuiedy is the same, Mt-o-na. It cures any acidity there may be, increases the flow of the gastric juices, and actually eives strength and tone to the whole digestive sjtem, ao that you can soon eat anything at any tini" without fear of indigestion Gibson Drug Store has seen so many cures made by M1-0 na that they sell it und-r an absolute guaiantee that it will be successful in everv case where it is used in accordance with directions, that is, one tablet be fore each meal, ard will refund the money to anyone whom it does not help A large box of Mi-o-na tablets c sts but 50 cents if it cures ; nothing if it fails. Could Not Trust Him. After a wordy argument in which neither scored, two Irishmen decided to fight it out. It was agreed, says the "Washington Post." that when either said "I've enough" the fight should cease. After they had been at it about ten minutes one of them fell, and immediately yelled, "Enough! I've enough !" But his opponent kept on pound-! ing him until a mart who was watch ing them said : I "Why don't you let him up? He says he s got enough. I know he says so," said the victor, between punches, "but he's such a liar you can't believe a word e says." He Knew Whereof he Spoke. "Now the season of the ereen ap ple has arrived," said the teacher, and - "Yessum." shouted Tommvquick- Iv. "You should not interrupt me. Tommv, but how did vou kn r,""t He Had Another Girl. In a small town in Pennsylvania there lives a woman preacher. One Sunday afternoon she heard a timid knock at the parsonage door. She answered it herself, and found a bashful young Crerman standing on the step. He was a stranger, but the minister greeted him pleasantly, and asked him what he wished. "Dey say der minister lifed in dis house, hey "ies, sir. "Yess? veil, I want to git mar net. "All right ; I can marry you." W hereupon the German jammec his hat on his head, turned and flee down the walk. "You gits no chance mid me!" he called back. I haf got me a gir already! Three Things. Three things to lave: Courage gentleness, affection. Three things to admire: Intellect, dignity, and gracefulness. Three things to hate Cruelty, arrogance and ingratitude Three things to delight in: Beauty frankness, and freedom. Three things to avoid: Idleness, loquacity and flippant jesting. Three to culti vate: Good books, good friends and good humor. Three things to contend for: Honor, country, and friends. Three things to govern Temper, tongue and conduct. Two things to think of: Death and eter nity. lhere is a lot more fun running Sanctity sense. no substitute for Sale of Valuable Lands. As commissioner. .1: pointed nv tne Smii enor 'ourt of Catarrws ( unty, in tlie Spin.,! I'n eeedint-'. entitled A. 1 W ilson and v.i!r. an otners. pla.iitms and against 01 Mlsenliemu r and other. 1 sell to tlie Inchest ludder. at pulilic sale, at Hie ivmrt house do,. r in Concord at 12 o'cUn-k. 111.. ol .lime till. 1;ik.. Peine Hi rtrst M'uul.i ol June, tin- following tracts i lands : First tract I.. ii'i; on the line of ( almrrus an Kowitti c. unities, known as the Sapp lands, con ;uniim 107 acres. Second tract Adjoining the S:vndy Sinilh Pokih Sloop lands and others, lieint; the part cut otT of the eastern (wirtion ol the Spnujue land containing' ai res. Thrd tract h.r.own as the ILtniel link land adj"iiiiNi the nbinn schoolhouse lot and others ontalllillL: arres. Fourth iract Known as Ihe IliVman tract adjoi:nni; the lands of Fink and Sliiim and oth ers. containing :W .kti j Hie metes ud imimus ot all these various tracts of lails are swcitically set forth 111 Hi Record ol the division of tlie lands of Mary A Shliin. rtwsirded in ol. 4 of Records of Ord and Decrees, at;e 4 IT. 4 IS. of Caharrus ii'ity. to which record reference is heretiv made for the bcundaries of said lands. terms ot sale Qe-third cash, balance six months credit with interest from date, and titl reserved till all tSe purchase money is paid. r the purchaser can pay cash Uhiii the confirnia Hon ot tne sale and lake title. These lands are verv valuable for farming and especially valuable for the tiinbvr on them. . j. mu. u.ujir.Kt , jr.. ( ouimissloiier. April L"0-4t. It. "I've ma am. had inside information. The ess. fatalist deserves to be friend- A smile is appropriate summer and winter wear. for both DR. H. C. HERRING, Dentist, is now over the store of White-Moi : son-Klowe Company CONCORD N. C. DR. W. C. HOUSTON, DENTIST. Ortice Ler lohnson's Drue Store. Residence Thoiie 1 1. ( ifficr Ph ne 42. l. T. HAR1SELL, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, Concord. N. C. Prompt attention given to all business. OfTu. e 1 Moms building, opposite the couii huuse. DRS. LILLY & WALKER offer their nrr Sessional services to the itizens of Coruonl and surrounding country . L-ii.s prompt ly attended day ur night. W. J. MONTGOMERY. J LEE C BOWS LL. MONTGOMERY & CROWELL Attorneys and CouneWr at Law, CONCORD, N. C. As partners w ill practice !aw in Cabarrus, Stanly and adjoining counties, in the Super r and Su prenie Cuuns of the Slate and 111 the Federa Courts. Uthce in court houie. Parties desiring to lend money can 'ea e it with us or place it in Concord National I'.ank lor us, and wew il! lend il on good real est.ite security free of charge to the depositor. We make thorough examination cf tr.'e to lands oflered as security for luajis. Moigages ferec loseJ without expense to owners of same. Henry it. Adams. TluiS. J. Jerome. Frank Arrnfieid. Toia I1. Maness. iiizh tacit, L:ziii I Attorneys and Gounslors at Law, CONCORD, N . C Practice in all the State and W S J Courts Prompt atteulion gien to collections and general, law Practice. Persons interested in the settle ment of estates, administrators, executors, and guardians are especially invited to call on us, as we represent jne of the largest bonding com panies in America: in (act we will go any kind ot a bond cheaper than any one else. Parties desiring to lend monev can leave it with us or deposit it in tlie Concord National Hank, and we will lend it on approed security tree oi charge to the lender. Continued and painstaking attention wlll be given, at a reasonable prue. to all legal business. Office in new' Morris Building oppoite Court House. CANNON MANUFACTURING CO. Notice Is hereby given Unit at a meeting of the CI annou Manufacturing loin- Corporation 1 lit'ld in its office on the llith Dint-tors ot the natiy day of April, 108. the following resolutions wen- adobled by a majority ot,all the directors, ln-wit : Kcsolved. That In Ihe tuilinnf-ai of this Board. it is advisable and most tor the benefit of the stockholders of the Cnnon Manufacturing Com pany that tiio following amendmeut, and chauir1. ud alterations should be made, to-wit: loci-ease the authorized capital of the corixira tioi Irom S'JOO.OOO to SI.OOOOOO and also the paid-in capital stock of the corporation fmm f jOO.ouota l&io.OOCI, and that this corporation, the Cannon Manufacturing Co.. the bonie office, shall be in Concord Cabarrus county, North Carolina, with the rt)ht and privilege of build ing and operating a mid at any place in the State. Also the right to have branch office or n''ni ur unv nlhpp nluiu, ( r rkl'.t.,.t in tliu Stutu- and to that end it Is ordered that a meeting of the stockholders be held on the 19tti day of May, 1906, at the office of the Cabarrus Savings litnk in the ( ity of Concord, to take action on this resolution: and further that the Secretary forthwith give notice of said meeting and of the adoption of this resolution, with a notice of its adoption. In Thr Concord Timks, a newspa per published in the City of Concord, for at least four weeks, once a week successively, and by mailing a written or printed copy of the same to each and every stockholder of said corporation in the United States. J, V. CANNON", Jr , Sec Ap. 30 it. W. Lee Ezzelle, DENTIST. Prepared to do all classes ol Dental Work in tfle most approved manner. austaction guaranteed. Office over Correll's jewelry store. Would You Be STRONG ? If so, use Fay&e's Hew Discovery For the stomach, liver and kid neys. For sale by Fetzer Dru Co. SIDEBOARD TALK. Si.Ic-UanU aiv ,,,,( iM1i;..(.m..1 to talk, but inoney "sure do." and wc have made it talk in a Sideboard Deal to our eii-toiiier' advantam . - . r.V ' ?: Solid Car Quartered Oak Sideboards louolit on ;) I'hivcI sale. All Furniture lias advanced. Si. ltd m lards as Imi as this lasts ean and will he n, at a Discount of Ten per cent, from last year's prices... a: P.- - w If you need a Sidel n ia rd all you have to do " . is to look the line over, 'and hear'' prices, "4,' and you will luv. ". . Sideboarxs that would cost you at i present prices $35.00 for only $27.50. $27.50 Sideboards, now - $22.50 $22.50 Sideboards, for - $17.50 V- and so on down the line. The store that satisfies is in it on Sideboards. AYY niHU window, put up and guaranteed to fit, for only $3.00 .-.. . . . . . :. . I THEE ! DAYVAULT COMPANY CASH STOIRIE r t m 9 3 t t ? Cash Counts and the people are beginning to find it out. We have but little to say in this issue except Guano Talk. Ws Bought 250 Tons sf Guano to M for Cash Oil?, and propose to sell it to the farmers at a price that will give you some thing to think about. The Dayvault Company lj Five Hundred Bushels of Seed Irish Potatoes, at prices never before heard of in Concord. into debt than crawling out.