CONCORD Tnii Times Covers Concord 'and Cabarrus Like the Dew. .I 'MN H.Shkrrill, Edltorand 'ut.lisluT Volume XXXIII. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK. 1 OO a Vkah, )i VANfcs. 'CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1906. 6 MBER 6. Iff r M L M;irsli .Paul I'. Kt.illin-s V. Y. Morrison C'has Mrl tofiald X. 1.II1H- Y Li:i: C'ROWKI.L, Attorney fc. . -x I . I A. ca-j. C h .... -wt . gfeyiS; ClRlf FON BRAISD' Wliv a NATIONAL AM is Best C National 'Tinted State: nk is tinder io veriunent. Laws gov ei iM National T'lev 'ne required to submit ho the govern men t sworn I. -a led t.ateinent fill' nehi 1 11 li e.iht 1 '1 mi ii ' rs . 'oek. 1 loi'ai -toek is required to be paid in cah, and ,e he d intact for the benefit of the depositors. .nr. is ruiuired each year to add to its surplus ft- aecuiit lul'oiv dfclann dividends. 1 ms is i" further. eia ily of the depositors. A National Hank cnnflot loan more than 10 per cent, o! its capital to one man or firm. The Concord National Bank Capital $100,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $26,000 No large amount required 201! 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 IIM 1 1' I H 1 1 li ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111 1 1 1 II 1 1 'e have our Warcllou i led wit il I an S'.iipstutt, deal. Corn a od 'a Is. are and get u:' prices i .re von 1 u v. be- 5: brine; us your- P.uttcr, f'ogs. -and C biekens rjz Will give vol the bct 2 market ii ice. D0VE-B03T COMPA'Y rMnii:iiifiiuuMiuntiu:imiuiiiiHiiuiiiiE F i- snle--A kjiUmiCkA 4-:n-re farm on P.lllt.tlo creek, in Xo. ( n, within, letjomnor ftirs. ivurv o. Kit. hie ami Oook .v l'oil, with, barn. outt.nillin-H and orchard. 1 rice nly ilOcO. J no. K Patterson & Co. 8 tf W. I. lYmberton Chris. I? Y;'oncr A . J ones Yorke il l. r.uks Oeo. L Pat terson Blue Serge Suits Have no superiors wlu'ii it fiiiius to clothes for rill kinds ol wear. Tliev an" rod, comfortable, .ii:d con vcu iii) t lor day anil evening wear. You can't get thro' tho summer with out one have just received a that crime late. 1'--inlly gdod values, sin- i-irul rtotlMr- frc."' t C(J , pee ill $12.50 and $15 Color aild tit -guarantied. ta-hun Ccijiij, CLOTHIEBS. HSBTl the supervision of Hanks lire very strict. a PIVR TIMhS a year. rcsponsi ble for DOUIil.n This is lor the benefit of to start an account. J I If We Can't Make That ; Watch of Yours Go, T r I t t t You iri.iv just a well jivc it the h i!.v to'plav with. Its (lavs ot s.r k c arc stinly cmlcd a nil it is a iUcst'oii with voti now o4" liuvi:. a new one. Vmi ouht to conic here tor a new watch for the same icasmi that prunipts yon to lirin ns vonr repair work- hecausc vc are in a position to ive yon flic highest graik' of satisfaction.. As wc said, we can t all the service out of a watch that I here is ill it, down to the last tick, il ym will let us look at it occa sionally. And as lor new Watches well just take a few minutes some day tu look over what we have. That's all we ask. t 1 t W. C. CORRELL. 1 HE DOC: UNDKR THE WAGON. GltLhSi IK'S M.'.N TKLLS OF BAkBER 1 UNCTION MUKDEK. Her. i y (;.i:cp .f en Charge a, L lew il-ycir-old Son of rspif, Held in Charlotte Jail j! Murder, Tells Observer -nt His Father And FAur Held Are Guilty of Murder. o; !y 1 . .. ! irnry lilles e, it and so i the " 1 'aro'iina it' it must v i a-ely fop the evi 1 wic' :ie men and f tiie munii r of Ike y S:ir:ri:ty fio-ning. e's u if'e. whose te.-ti- portant a.- j ei him! ; .e, goes u tiie mulatto .,i".it'e.-t",l up to .0 -t r that will 11 t lie ca!i old. 1 ' s correspond- i.l' 'Hi ; Win i.- in t ne c mmu yae the inter-.'nte.-t per.-ua.ion : i ,e white blood doe.- icu appear in the matter, -s i:g i;is belief ;o be harmed. :-!-espoi,dent said what you know .'. 1 who wiis in ; 1 . that ti to i in!! I n. 's vernactdar is till illiteitite. He talks aade to go slowly d be taken. When ihat others went , he declared that he heard the people of hi- household .-ay? who was alonr. He bi'l the story of the fu-s between the old ?yinU liMxn and 1 i!linediam. ".lack was one of Mr. Ike's horses and hit kicked him. Jack taken a board and knocked de boss down and Mr. Ike filled wid him. I'ncle Henry e;ot mad atMr. Ike eau.-e lie wouldn't divide de wheat wid him. I'licie Henry is paw's son m,l told him u l-at (lev had trouble about. I'ticle cut it, and Mi IK nrv wouldn't help . Ike said he shouldn't have anv of it." The bov was then a-ked if he had ever had' trouble with his grand-' father. He said Nease is a very mean fellow - and had beaten him many times. "He is a devil," he de clared, "and ci.'s off maw's hair and paints her eyes wid hot pitch. He puts chloroform to Iter face and has not been, w Ml ner ir a year. iV1L ar.d maw was sleeping in another room whf.n all ov 'em went over to Mr. Ike's, and when Jack come back he said C d d m it he had killed 'em and he was glad and dat ho didn't care if he was hung. I'ey took Mr. IK-'s life and dey ought to be hung. 1 specs to tell (lis when dev has'c-r trial. When is dey gwlne to have it'.'" The little fellow was j told, and remarked that he was hav- i ing a g u t une on me enain KallK where 1 e is being we fed am treated v.. -11. He is allowed to move about with the guards anil really seems hajpy. Coming 1 rout the chain gantr the wife of Ncae was interviewed in the i cell, with the Dillingham woman. The ntmud is a coal black virago I but excessively polite. The way she was known to he amazonian was ' learned incidentally. She told that Jack had once tried to beat her and he couldn't do it. That is evidently true, no man could. The Dillingham woman looked and acted very much more innocently than any one of the :arty going up to see her. She told of the story that she had fussed with the mother the day before. She de viated that this was a story. Mrs. Lyerly and she had never been at outs and she loved them all. The tub episode, she declared to have taken place between Miss Mary Lyerly and Mrs. Lyerly. The young girl, having written to her beau against the wish of the mother and denying it and refusing to help her mother wash, was severely whippe by Mrs. Lyerly. She said the girl had almost plowed the horses t death. The Dillingham woman wa; monstrously entertaining. She ad' mitted that Jack and the old gentle -nan had fallen out about the hors because Jack could not work the on given him and the girls had worker the other to death. Then the conjured Nease Gillespie iaw was called out. leaving off ner story or rsease s cruelty, she was as dumb as a frog in dog days. She wears the pitched eyes and says: "I an Nease ain't spoke two pleasant words in three years. He sho' Gawd vas mean 10 me. uui I (loan no anything about him going over to Mr. Ike's house, for I never has a thing to do with him and don't even live with him. He says he wouldn't .-tay with mo, but he has to. He has been married before and has two or three wives." This is all that could be wrung from her. The boy said she had begged Nease not to go over to Mr. Lyerly 's and she goes squarely back upon him by denying that she said any such thing. Of the two, the boy is far the more intelligent and ap pears to tell the straght tale. Italians Succeed in Cotton Fields. I ill'.- Km k Ark., IMsiniti'li. Colonel John M. Cracie, one of the largest growers of cotton in Arkan sas, in response to inquiries made the statement that more than ten thousand acres of cotton already planted has been left to waste in the section of country lying near the Arkansas rhar between Little Rock and south of the river. Continuing, Colonel tiracie exDlain- oil that the labor situation, always a grave one. is at this time most im portant. He has reported to the government that labor throughout rl'IIK'U -i h,n.- . . I . . . inn i.-.i-i i s nu.-ii i n (Mi.) -ll u pvr j cent, short. One reason is the negroes are leav- r,t)iP cei t.ul - .liam Hfaual , in tne sawmill anil rauroao camps, and they do not care to stay on the farm and make the crop. Colonel Cracie has three planta tions, one of which he is devoting to an e.ierimont with Italian labor. He speaks in the very highest terms of them, and says they are not the class one meets in the streets. He savs thev are a home-loving people. intent upon doing their work in the way best pleasing to the planter, and .once shown they give no further trouble. He is well pleased with them and says the farms adjoining, cultivated by negroes, are at least twentv-five ner cent, behind. The Italians spend no time at the i stores, do not visit saloons and desire i to live in communities, will not mix with the negro, and are devout churchmen. Colonel Gracie says that if they stick to the work a few vears here they will be enabled to purchase lityle farms of their own and be inderiendent. N-il lll Cumragtt' Life ' While returning from the Grand Army Encampment at Washington City a comrade from Elgin, 111., was taken with cholera morbus aud was in a crit ical condition," says Mr. J. E. Hough land, of Eldon, Iowa. "I gave him Chambfrluin's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Kemedy anil believe saved his life. 1 have been engaged for ten years in im migration work and conducted many parties to the south and west. I always carry this remedy and have used it suc cessfully on uiauy occasions." Sold by M L. Marsh aiid D. D. Johnson, Con cord, and A. W. Moose, Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Ceonre H. Brown received notice Saturday that his bond as collector of internal revenue for this district has- been approved and he was instructed to take charge i the othce next Monday, the 16th. Mr. P.rown :.s arranging his private business and exoects to leave for Asheville the 'last of the week to take charge of the office. My Live 1 OO Ver. The chances for living a full century are excellent in the case of Mrs, Jennie Duncan, of Haynesville, Me., now 70 vears old. She writes: "Electric Bit ters cured me of Chronic Dyspepsia of 20 vears standing, and made me feel as well and strong as a young girl." Elec trie Pit tors cure Stomach and Liver dis eases, H'.ood 'disorders, General Debility and bodily weakuoss. Sold on a gnar autee at all drug stores. Price only 50c. When an "Anti-Gossip Society" is formed in a neighborhood it is a sure sign that the women are afraid some newcomer will find out more about them than they will about her. Ituwel Complaint In Children. During the summer months children aro subject to disorders of the bowels which should receive careful attention as soon as the first unnatural looseness of the bowels appears. The best medi cine, in use for bowel complaint iB Cham berlain's Oolic, Cholera and Dianhoea Remedy as it promptly controls any un natural looseness of the bowels. For sale by M. L Marsh and D. D. Johnson, Concord and A W. Moose, Mt. Pleas aut. DEPKW'S HEART BREAKING Grief Over Criticism Said to he Dcin Its Work. N'-w York h.-p .: ' . Hidden in among t',e hi: I- ..f West chester county, not far from briar cliff nnmor, in a pleasant country home dedicated t res! f,;. !.. and calm, Chauncey M en, the canker of his mind, his hear-: .- - trick :ng out i r.crw rrief roke utterly shatter In the feeble- o! 1 n.:: i ".nrnng hun Muancla e:;!ers few sing tigure i-ot h m c m .ittee l'oum, m- unmade self lazil v (in t he nr. .a i this house of the 'otn would recognize the :nu whose eloijuent coin.- 1, vention hall and cmr more than once'"" make 1 . I 1 legislators ami p. o'iraris sha)e and direction to plat id gave i ms am i The embodiment of all that wa jovial anil kmdty timi good the man whoso Ijfe .p,0(J uni b well attuned to all in.t wa- niea and wholesome in the c. er .lav r. ine of existence, has entered the I C I I i nt- lis- mai to;iu oi (loii tu , despair. ton and The doctors uK, diagiio.-od his ca.-e set it down as one of nerv '.: pros tration, an ad-emhrae'rg tenn vhich covers iik p... complex f,.: pathological c!avs::'..-at;..!i. The.- ;.d vised rest and absolute quiet and the steeping of all the si t.-e.- ir.n. fur-i. fulness so deei that the ..i tin. busy world and the should not mf nnge e ne si est manner on the c their patient. They bund I t; n now as doc e as a el t. heart of the er;. 1 top vreet 'are wooded stiiln , i of a green hill, sunkissod and s scented, and left him tnere in of trained nurses. The tired brain relaxed undo 1 i . .. . r . , oviioiiicir, e uuiet oi tne en son -! and the healing silence of t! and hills, but the p had the heart, an 1 it v. itherei A. t 1 loucn, and m. mm-v t .1 i-t distances came ba m exorable to haunt to with what had bet u frienus of the Sena: in v. to picture to hum tin- gl..t ; days, wh.en h dui i Uen t'n llllilM man of all, but for a'l tin' - tne 1 ! would not t;ie i at. Fed on high regard and prai customed to the grea'e-' re-pei consideration, a verv slave to larity and the sp. tu pre. iai: i . . .i i - ' !s piH'fs.Uie .I.,,- i y e;ef y Vrrrrn Ttrn' rr:r upon every p; ii.te upon his C' H'.nei '. .oi . a i l I' I V chit :ir ;he ance scat dal-. M : --. I XV.e and heip'.'s-: -jKvt.i; -r. prey to desp.- 'ic!. -u :: t 1 sent to' lb iai rdr Mt.r-'. i1 treated for nei .u. r p' r To-day she has . vah.ed her e. iiianindi -,- ,. -', ' I ie olor is begin. i - ' to heeks. but '.. : : ..:..:,.! bv the Sent. tor still s'.t - - g . ". renvn watching the sunset and ing other days. The doctor- have t urn read the papers, but in their efforts the echo ,.f a: . : 1 1 1 -nr. f his participation m th scandals still rings m r.i xlest I I ill in- Oftfii lurry l In- A.o-I Inn- l l.t.ui. Wlicn Maxim, the famous gun mvn- 1 tor, placed lus gnu l) "lore a commno'e of judges, he stated i'- carrying t'Owi r to be much below what he f-it urc tin- : gun would aecouiplish: Ta- r. of , the trial was thereft r.. a gr.-at saron-ie, j instead of dit-apiioiiit merit. It i- the , same with the manufa -rr.ri r- of t'luun- ; berlain's folic, Choi, ra aa.l 1 htirrlu ea i Remedy. They do no' pnlili'-ly boast of ; all this remedy will accomplish, bat pre- . for to let tde users iikik" tiv ;i'. incuts w ill posl- -', pain- in lias nev.-r by M. L. 1 i.corJ, and What ttiey do claim, is that v tivelv cure diarrhoea, desert the stomar-li and bowels and been known to fail. I'm -a! Marsh and D. D, John-on, Ci A. W. Moose, Mt. I'leasant. Saturday alio'.;! tho time the easthouiul train on the Seal man! passed Rockinirham, Hannibal Lake, colored, shot his wife, who died from the effects of the wnind ten minutes later. Lake then made his escape. I - A ModtTli MiMi-li'. "Truly mira'nlons seem. rl the recov ery of Mrs. Mol'ue Holt, of this place, " writes J. O. R. Hooper, Woodfoid,' Tenn., "rthe was so wasted by roughing up puss from her lungs Doctors de clared her cud so near that b r family hail watched by her bedside f rty-"i-lit hours ; when, at my urgent r iniest, Lr. King'R New Discovery was given h-r, with the astoniriliing rcs iit that im provement began, and continued untii she finally completely recovered, and is a healthy woman to djy.'' (iaaran teed euro tor coughs and colds. 5oc and $1.00 at All Druggists, trial Dome free. $150,000 Spent in Improvements. THE NEW KIMBALL LOUGEK 8c ZLMMEK, Proprietors. Thoroughly modern and desirable. Largest and best Sam ple Rooms in the South. Situated in the Heart of Atlanta, Qa. AMI-1'LAX GETTING ACQUAINTED AT HOME. A voting fellow who had got int the of s)K?nding all his evening. ttway from home was brought to lib sense in the following way : One afternoon his father came b him and asked him if he had any en gagement for the evening. " The young man had not. " v ell. 1 M like to have you go somc- here with me." I he voumr man himself tell hnt f. i L V 1 I lull .li ri i rlit, I said. Where shall i meet you : "li" suggested the Columbia Hotel at half-past seven ; and I was there. V henjie apjieared, he said he wanted me to call with him on a In.K- iin knew quite well when un.g man.' he exolainni) I was a . "Vl went out and started straight ior n. mc She is staying at our home," he ( I thougot it strange that he -.tout, have made the appointment ior the Columbia under those cir e.imstances. 1 said nothing. "e!l, we went in, and I was intro duced with all due formality to mv ni' .tin r and sister. "I he situation struck measfunnv siieu to iaugn, but the laugh away. None of the three even sinned. M v moth pr nrii Victor cViitl- mm! with me and mv mother d remembered me n b,n- 1 v. hadn't seen much of mo luteK- 1 ii- n invited me to be seated. "C wa.-n't a bit funny then, al though I sat down, and she told me or two anecdotes of mv bovhood, ' Cm h we all laughed for a" little. Im-nwe four played games for a v- hue. When I finally retired, 1 was i'; :ted to call again, I went up stairs ieittng pretty small, and doing a n ' d deal of thinking. "And then '."' asked his companion. ' i hen I made up my mind that my met her was an entertaining wo man, and my sister a bright girl." ' I'm going to call again. I enjoy - ! :r c mipany and intend to cultivate p.. :r acqu.aintance. " ( e ar ad ernor Clenn has offered a re I of sTo fur the capture of John cy. colored, who shot and killed n Miller, also colored, in Char te two or three weeks ago. AA1AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA .. ii I. W o Hint B.X1KK, r ' - I s K , VV H .OIJliiV Z isranniKniin-- H" 1T(V1. It I 4 ; t t t t C v N. and g-v:1- a'-. A'tsmf's, N C. Capital $ 50,000 00 Surplus & Profits.. 36,700 00 Deposits 676,300.00 Total Resouroos 763,000.00 i ;s.i. . ! t 5mm evt-T l.tfore to set vo , .... . C ; : v pi. ,u- tirm, ; . .j. j...t .i'. II open :k couuls Mlh us. CIRfcCTORS: 1 ',' . -1 -i. .ti . FAbert S Yuuhr, I. T. I- , ' ,s 1-. ( .... ..I m m. M . J. Cm 1. j no, S. ! :.: : ! M M..i n - a , T. C. Ingram. A 4 A 4 A 4 T TT T VTT TTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTT Country People Solicited. Come and eat with us. V. Lr. NORMAN, rroprictor Hotel Normandy Concord Pressing Club. Wc act as your valet for $1.00 per inon 'i. Wc call tor and deliv er our clothes. Concord Pressing Club. Age its Mrs. Hester's Cleaning and I Acini: Works. Charlotte. W. Lee Ezzelle, DENTIST. F;e;mc 1 I t ! i a'.' classes qi Dental Work in the ni'ie, ,ipre eJ ncciiier. S .1 .1 u 1 1. .11 i:wtr,eiteeil. () C'ai reii s jewelry store. DR. L.N. BURLEYSON Proffers bis Profes sional Services Calls promptly attended day or night. EURO-PLAN The Store Satisfies . ..!.-.. cr.i-i2.-ii r.t.2. mum c c "She can look out, but you can't look in" trade MABK I PATCNTCD PORCH SHADES Asks y to "Ii Vi a lool PUD Jnst the thing everybody needs. Aie yuii wot t ied and worn out about our kitchen work?1 Get one of our "Perfection" IUiic Flame Oil StovQS. Costs next to nothing to run. No smoke, just strike a match and let Ik r o0, a ik! it you haven't a Monitor Smoothino Iron you should get one. 1 se the same match and iron on until vou feel like taking a rest in a Yudor Chair Hammock in your cozy corner on tne trout porch, made by the ol Yudor Shades. - Everything in' the Furniture Lino at prices in keeping: If mi D Ulh Where are You to The Mecklenburg BECAUSE Its w.'h is ii-el , ondei I ul r . : 1 1 ner s i ms. k id i u rhcimia Usui . on! Its sol. lid;.!!', i i .iR-ra t ed in . : ( . cons u m pt . i taken ) its i n ;' Ilvdri t lie ecl lis, cxl d 1'. lis large. ;,:t v and corndi us.; Us pict u l cf ( ni Its bcautiti'l 1 1 r i v c w . i s , ii,: laud. wo: uuh Its will l the best I dlers an. cl ildren. i ts v.'im r. l -' e 1 ". l 1 1 . s . i ' . port . of splcm id 1 T ! ies t ; . i . I ! i ling . 1 1 )ii.i. ' IW ' ' Tra p-Shoi : ing . I I s S' icial I a: u i v . i e ! of the highest i 1 e-.- A which is dia wit lr. "M the r: incut and a ns; . icra t ie pi ' 'i'' out the count r , vet t he Ii 1 1 ligh ts oil! AldiKKSS, Miri'i pviinu: BAL Sl'RINCS .mi: 1 L I.cavine Atlanla o er i tie S Through I'l khMAN l-iawim ind the Leave Atlanta Arrive Mem Ins Arrive Kansas City Ixn vc Kansas City. Arrive Colorado Springs Arri vc I ten ver ii v 1 - 1 -o ,n 1 . 1 1: Ra il wa !"ri-i.. I'. ise.. i;., Koek Island Km. k 1 sla nd Connection en route with Through Ki per to henvcr. Dining Car Serrkc from Bii niingliam. Low Round Trip Rates-to California April 24 to May 4 inclusive, and from June L'Tith to July Gth inclusive. Write for desci i; c i literal are and let ns plan your trip. S. UPARROTT, Dist. Passenijer Agent, No. (I Nor.h Fi vor Street Atlanta, Ga. . .. nT:im i5 That at those combination use ..j.'.i.i.'.i..iiiHI Spend Your Vacation? IS THE PLACE FOR YOU. WHY ? makes it nkln to one big It is the "Southern Society's ie and service is strictly first- l.onik, Mrcei. 1 lie seison sf lUOG promises to sur p.iss all previous records, both ln cumber and personnel of its guests. l.jiLte bookings have already been made "I prominent leople who will lake up their summer residence at The Mecklenburg. It is the most accessible all-year- ii high-class neaitn ana neasure i l in the South. I ijcgra ,h a U( 1 Long Distance Tele- time m Kite lis New Si icd ule of trains will af- totd additional laeilities for reaching l hi M eeklenburg. w Trains will be operated ltwen h itress Junction and Chase City, and Chase City and Richmond. At Jef n ess lunetion connection is made witli mid day trains from Norfolk a ad I hinvillc ; also irom all points in I isu rn Carolina and Virginia. A I'ostal will bring full information, also handsome booklet, diagram, rates, etc. COMPANY, Chase City, Virginia. Railwnv cverv morning you can secure Mcejicr to Colorado Springs, via Birmingham 7:00 a. m. today. H:05 p. m. today. 9:4-0 n. ni. tomorrow. 1.1 :20 a. m. tomoJrowi S:15 a. m. next day. 8:30 a. m. next day. land W3 :i -r--r -fcr-f". II IE ""I I 11 II In I last sched ule i.

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